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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources:
Canada, McDonald's. "What Is in the Sauce That Is in the Big Mac?" Web. 23 July 2012.
October 2 2014. >Http://</i>
This video helps show how tradable the Big Mac is. We use this in our website to show
why McDonalds is so famous today.

"From the Archives: Ray Kroc." SUCCESS. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.
This website gives us information not just about Ray Kroc, but about McDonalds too. It
also shows us quotes Ray Kroc said during his climb toward success.

Fried, Stephen. "The Original Ray Kroc." Web. 29 March 2010. October 2 2014.</i>.
This article is very useful because it shows how Ray Kroc dealt with the fast food
industry. We used it in our website to show more of Rays influence in todays food.

Grimwade, John, and Haisam Hussein. "What's for Dinner? National Geographic: 88 and 89.
Print. October 2 2014.
This magazine about fast food helps explain how much the fast food industry has grown.
We use this in our website to show the evolution of fast food.

James, Randy. A Brief History of McDonalds Abroad. Web. 28 October 2009. November 11,

This website was useful for our website because it explained how McDonalds
expanded throughout the world. It gave country names and important dates of when the
fast food restaurant spread to each country.

Jarosz, Andy. Tour Dust Blog. Web. 17 February 2011. November 8, 2014.
This website was used for the list of countries where McDonalds is not located. This
was useful because it gave extra information on where and where McDonalds did not

"The Marketing Genius behind McDonalds Franchise Success." Franchise Direct. Web. 2 Oct.
This website shows me how successful Ray Kroc really was. It also talks about how Jim
Delligatti helped out in the McDonalds business.

"Kroc, Ray." Leading American Businesses. 2003. Retrieved October 01, 2014 from - See more
When looking at this site, you can find a lot of information on Ray Kroc and his life. It
also talks about his determination to get what he wanted.

Liana, Nguyen. How The Fast Food Revolution Established Obesity as a Primary


MCDONALDS. Web. 1 October 2014.
This study shows us the effects that fast food has had on children all across the globe.
McDonalds especially has contributed to obesity and this website shows us how
McDonalds is a leader in not just good things but in bad things like Child Obesity.

Our History. Web. 1 Oct. 2014.

This is the official McDonalds website with authentic information. This website has
many important facts and a very detailed timeline of everything that happened in
McDonalds history.

"Ray Kroc's Original McDonald's Flooded After Chicago Rains (VIDEO)." The


Post. Web. 19 April 2013. October 2 2014. Http://

This video shows the flood at McDonalds that help us prove. We use this to show that
even when things got hard, McDonalds pulled through.

Quintanilla, Carl. Birth Of McDonalds. Big Mac: Inside the McDonalds empire. CNBC
News, 2007. October 2, 2014.
This video explains how Ray Kroc became the owner of McDonalds and his fight in
order to succeed. This helped our website because in is portrayed as a timeline and shows
what happened and when it occurred.

Quintanilla, Carl. Calories and Controversy. Big Mac: Inside the McDonalds empire. CNBC
News, 2007. October 2, 2014.
This video explains how McDonalds is an unhealthy restaurant and how there are
people are becoming obese from it. This helped our website because it let us show
the effect their food had had on people and how it can change their diets.

Quintanilla, Carl. One Store, One Owner. Big Mac: Inside the McDonalds empire. CNBC
News, 2007. October 2, 2014.
This video explains how McDonalds was first established, who created it, how what
happened to it in the end. This helped us with our website by representing the beginning
and the creation of McDonalds.

Quintanilla, Carl. McDonalds Next Frontier. Big Mac: Inside the McDonalds empire. CNBC
News, 2007. October 2, 2014.
This video shows what McDonalds has accomplished now, due to its many
struggles in the past, and how it has succeeded. This will support our website
because shows McDonalds now and the legacy Ray Kroc has left on us.

Ronald McDonald Through The Years. USA TODAY. Gannett, 24 Apr. 2014. Web. 1


Ronald McDonald has had a big impact on the growth and success of McDonald. This is
why we used the pictures on this website to give a visual representation of the
reputational growth of Ronald with the growth of McDonalds.

"Sample Material." Ray Kroc and the Fast Food Industry. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.
This article talks about Ray Krocs early life leading all the way up to when he first
opened up McDonalds. It also showed us that even though he failed sometimes, he kept
working hard, and eventually succeeded.

Scandalios, Alex. "Celebrity Interview: Ray Kroc, Founder of McDonald's

Winners Within Us Magazine." Celebrity Interview: Ray Kroc, Founder of
McDonald's | Winners Within Us Magazine. Web. 1 Oct. 2014.
When looking through this interview, we found many things that intrigued us. This
Showed us a different side of Ray Kroc and what his thoughts were going into the crazy
business of fast food.

Schlosser, Eric, and Charles Wilson. Chew on This: Everything You Don't Want to Know about
Fast Food. Boston [Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. October 2 2014.
This book talks about what it took to make McDonalds into the business it is today. It
also gives us information not just about Ray Kroc but about the people who helped make
it into the growing business it is today.

Stop Corporate Abuse- Corporate Accountability international. Corporate

Accountability International. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.
McDonalds used many resources for its food supply. The potato farms and cow

Farms are explained in the article, and we have gotten much use from this.

Super Size Me. Paramount Home Entertainment, 2004. Film. October 2 2014.
The movie Super Size Me takes us through an interesting journey
about how unhealthy fast food really is, especially with McDonalds. We used
this movie because it gave me an inside look to how bad McDonalds
is for your health.

"The Secret to 30 Years of Success at McDonald's." Shannon. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.

This article shows us a different view point of McDonalds by showing us how it
succeeded. It tells us that before it could take off, it had to fail.

Secondary Sources:
We used this picture to have another visual of Ray Kroc. It is displayed on the leadership
page for Ray Kroc.
We used this picture to show the first McDonalds. It shows the how McDonalds
presentation is different now than how it used it.
We used this for a slideshow to show the differences for the original McDonalds to
McDonalds today.
We used this website for our biography page to show the life style of Ray Kroc.
We used this website for more information of Ray Kroc for the biography page.
Carmicheal, Evan. "Ray Kroc Documentary." Web 21 July 2012. October 2 2014.

This documentary helps explain how Ray Kroc was an inspirational person. We use it in
our website give another reason why he is so legendary. December 2, 2014

This website helped us get information on obesity. It helped us create a new tab with
more information.
We used this website for more information on Ray Kroc. We also used it for various
We used this website for various information on Ray Kroc to put onto our website
for more facts.
We used this website for more information of Ray Kroc to put on our website. ml
We used this website for the many pictures it has. We also used it to gather more
information on McDonalds.
We used this website for a picture. The picture is used for a now and then slideshow.
We used this website for various information on Ray Kroc.

Ganzel, Bill. "Fast Food During the 1950's and 60's." The Ganzel Group, Web. 1 Jan.
2007. October 2 2014.
This website shares information about the history of McDonalds. We use it in our more
knowledge on the background of McDonalds.
This website was used for numerous pictures for various slideshows. It
was also used on multiple pages on the website.
This website is used for a now and then slide show on McDonalds. We used a picture
from this website.

History Of The Big Mac. CheeseBurgernet RSS. 18 Sept. 2010. Web. 1 Oct. 2014
In 1967, the first Big Mac was made by Jim Delligatti. The Big Mac was a huge part in
the reputation and success for McDonalds. This website article gives vital information.
We used this website for a picture. The picture is used for a now and then slideshow.
This website is used for a now and then slide show on McDonalds. We used a picture
from this website.

This website is used for a now and then slide show on McDonalds. We used a picture
from this website.

Kroc, Ray. Brainy quotes, 2001. 1

Sep. 2014.
This quote shows something that Ray Kroc would of said in an interview and it is a good
thing for people to follow. This will help our website because it shows how confident Ray
Kroc was in his own skin.
We used this website for information and pictures. We also used it for our timeline.
December 2 2014
This website helped us gain more information on obesity. It allowed us to get helpful and
reliable facts.

McDonalds. Im Loving it. http:/ McDonalds,

2010-2014. 1 Sept. 2014.
This picture shows the slogan that McDonalds created Im loving it. It also gives a
visual of the symbol McDonalds has which the two Golden Arches.

We used this website for a picture. The picture is used for a now and then slideshow.
We used this website for information on Hamburger University, a college Ray Kroc
started for his business.
We used this website to help us with our timeline.
We used this website for a picture. The picture is used for a now and then slideshow.
This website was used for pictures and more leader and legacy facts on Ray Kroc.

"Ray Kroc." Entrepreneur. Web. 1 Oct. 2014.,9171,989785,00.html
In this article I found an accessible amount of information of Ray Krocs past life leading
up to the discovery of McDonalds. It also talks about how he really was an entrepreneur.

"Ray Kroc." The Famous People. Web. 1 Oct. 2014.

This website gives us an inside look into his life. It also shows us other sources that are

available to use if needed and a timeline.

Ray Kroc Quotes. Rugu. 18 Apr. 2013. Web. Oct. 2014
This website shows many different pictures of Ray Kroc. The main reason I used this is
because the pictures have quotes by Kroc on them, and I believe that what you said can
change a whole lot of people.

"Raymond Albert Kroc." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 01 Oct. 2014
This biography of Raymond Kroc is helpful to our website because it summarizes his life.
We use it in our website on the history tab to explain the evolver of McDonalds.
We used this website for a picture. The picture is used for a now and then slideshow.
This website was used for information on the Ronald McDonald House to help us with
our legacy tab.

This website was used for different pictures for slideshows. Also used
for different information and visuals.
We used this website for a picture. The picture is used for a now and then slideshow.
This website is used for a now and then slide show on McDonalds. We used a picture
from this website.
This website was used for pictures and information on different pages. It will be used to
give better visuals as well.
TIME Magazine -- U.S. Edition -- September 16, 2013 Vol. 182...,9171,989785,00.html
This website shows us different facts about Ray Kroc that nobody knew about. It
also gave us more information on how McDonalds business took off.
We used this website for a picture. The picture is used for a now and then slideshow.

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