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Valentines Day Celebration- Friday February 13, 2015

WHAT TO WEAR: Your child is invited to wear red, pink, purple, or white to help us as we
celebrate friendship and love, no uniforms are required that day.

VALENTINES CARDS: The children will also be exchanging their Valentine cards as part of our
celebration. If your child wishes to participate, here are a few friendly tips:
1. We have 28 friends in our class please include everyone.
2. Please have your child only sign his/her name on the Valentine card.
3. Please DO NOT address the cards with specific names. If your child would like to address their
valentine cards as an added activity, simply have them write: To my friend.
4. Due to severe and life threatening allergies PLEASE DO NOT ATTACH ANY FOOD ITEMS to the
cards (including candy). All food items that are sent in will be returned home with your child, we
are unable to distribute food to the students.

SPECIAL SNACKS: If you wish, you may want to pack a Valentine treat with red, white, pink or
purple foods. We will be graphing our snack and lunch options that day to see how many foods of
each colour our class consumed. Some ideas include: strawberries, apples, jell-o, red peppers,
tomatoes, watermelon, flavoured yoghurt, or spaghetti and meatballs.
Happy Valentines Day!

Lorem Ipsum

Cover It!
Work together to find out
how many sheets of
newspaper it takes to
cover the kitchen (or

Making Math Meaningful

This month we will be comparing and measuring
mass, capacity, temperature and area. Some
activities to help support your childs learning at
home are:

bedroom, hallway) floor.

You might also
investigate how many
sheets of writing paper
(or post-it notes) it takes
to cover the area of the
kitchen table top (or an
area rug, counter top)
and then compare

How much does it hold?

which areas is larger and

Give your child empty plastic containers to

which is smaller.

explore capacity while playing in the sink or

bathtub. Ask:

I think it will take 10

-Which of these two containers do you think

sheets of paper to

holds more water? How can you find out?

cover our kitchen

table. Lets find

-Can you find two

containers that hold the

The water is

same amount of water?

overflowing, so this

How do you know?

container holds
more than that

Popcorn Words
The following is a list of words that will pop up frequently
during our upcoming literacy activities as we write a
variety of sentences, letters, notes, cards, postcards and
address envelopes.

Religious Education


This month we prepare for Lent

and celebrate our families.


Virtue of the Month


November- JUSTICE

The virtue award for the month


of November was awarded to

Loukas S.




December- HOPE


The virtue award for the month

of December was awarded to


Reports go home Tuesday February 3.
Please keep the copy of the report at home for your records.
Please sign and return the second page in the provided
Thank you for your assistance.

Nicholas P.
The virtue award for the month
of January was awarded to
Isabella P.
February- WISDOM
This month we celebrate
wisdom. We will do things
without having to be asked and
we will use our gifts of Wisdom
in everything we do.

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