The Burning Summary CH 8 Felipe Bento-Revised

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The Burning summary Ch.

Maeve traveled to Oxford and went to the police department to meet with DCI Gallarnd.
Maeves goal was to investigate the death of Rebecca. For that she wanted to talk to Gallarnd.
She wanted to know if there was a relationship between Rebecca and Adam.
After seeing a photo of Adam, Maeve remembered Gil because the two were alike and
then realized that Rebecca liked the men like a Gil. Gallarnd talked about Adam, said he had a
lifestyle that entailed dating many women and transmitting sexual diseases for them. He had no
respect for women, and never wore a condom so women no longer wanted to date him.
Gil invited Louise to meet for dinner together. When Louise was choosing clothes dinner,
she chose clothes that reminded Rebecca for impress Gil. She tried to be like her to call the
attention of Gil.

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