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es13 pp. 7-17 January

Tuesday, January 15
Whatever things are of serious concern, . . . continue considering these things.Phil. 4:8.
We live in a world that is experiencing some of the most difficult and tragic times in human history.
For people who do not have a sound spiritual foundation, coping with these critical times hard to deal
with can be nearly impossible. (2 Tim. 3:1-5) Only their own fortitude gets them through each day
with limited success. In an effort to avoid taking life too seriously, many turn to the constant flow of
amusements of the entertainment world. Needless to say, this world places undue importance on
love of pleasure. (2 Tim. 3:4) Its emphasis on having a good time can be a threat to our spirituality.
(Prov. 21:17) Thus, for good reason the apostle Pauls letters to Timothy and Titus also include
counsel regarding the subject of seriousness. Applying that counsel will help us to counteract the
worlds frivolous view of life.1 Tim. 2:1, 2; Titus 2:2-8. w11 4/15 1:1, 3

ss13 pp. 1-4 Theocratic Ministry School Schedule for 2013

Jan. 14 Bible reading: Matthew 7-11
No. 1: Matthew 10:24-42
No. 2: Be Discerning, and Avoid Following Unrealities (1 Sam. 12:21; Prov. 23:4, 5)
No. 3: What Are Proper Matters About Which to Pray? (rs p. 294 4p. 295 3)

w12 11/15 pp. 1-2 Table of Contents

JANUARY 14-20, 2013
What Does Jehovahs Forgiveness Mean for You?
PAGE 21 SONGS: 67, 91

1/13/2013 7:20:05 PM

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