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Human Body Systems Amazing Facts!

By: Lyna Huynh

The Skeletal System!

The longest bone in the human body is
the thigh bone, called the femur.
The skeleton of a newborn baby has
approximately 300 different
components, which are a mixture of
bones and cartilage.
About 3,000 years ago, ancient
Egyptians developed the first
functioned prosthesis: an artificial big
The only jointless bone in our bodies is
the hyoid bone in the throat.
The area of our body with he most
bones is the hand, fingers, and wrist
where there are 54 bones.

The Muscular System!

Muscles make up about 40% of total
body weight.
To take one step is using 200 muscles.
Our tongue is the strongest muscle in
our body since it has 8 muscles.
Smiling takes 17 muscles, while
frowning takes 43 muscles.
There are muscles in the root of your
hair that give you goose bumps.

The Digestive System!

Two main functions: converts food into
nutrients that your body needs and gets rid of
the waste your body doesn't need.
Digestive system needs help from the mouth,
stomach, intestines, liver, and gallbladder
The digestive system is home to more cancers
and causes more cancer mortalities than any
other organ system in the body.
There are two types of digestion which are
mechanical and chemical.
The digestive system don't use gravity to digest,
they use muscles in your body that push the
food through the digestive system.

The Cardiovascular System!

Your heart can keep beating even if it is
separated from the body because it has its
own electrical impulse.
Your heart beats more when you're scared
or excited.
An average heart pumps about 450 gallons
of blood everyday.
The end of a relationship really can "break
your heart" condition is commonly known
as "broken heart syndrome"
A woman's heart typically beats faster than
a man's. The heart of an average man beats
approximately 70 times/min. While a
woman beats approximately 78 times/min.

The Lymphatic System!

Unlike blood, which the circulatory system
allows the flow through the body in a
continuous loop, the lymph fluid super
Lymph fluid drains back into the blood via the
body's main vein.
The right lymphatic duct measures only about
1.25 centimeters in length, while the thoracic
duct may measure as long as 45 cm.
Bone marrow produces both red + white blood
cells including the lymphocytes.
Vascular surgeons, dermatologists, oncologists,
physiatrists also get involved in treatment or
various lymphatic ailments.

The Nervous System!

Nerves in our body can be vulnerable to
both physical and mental damages
through diseases. Damage to nerves can
cause pain, loss of feelings, or loss of
Each brain cells can hold as much
information as an encyclopedia value,
more or less.
The nerve system can transmit signals at
speeds of 100m/s.
There are 13,500,000 neurons in human
spinal cord.
The spinal includes approximately 220
individual ligaments.


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