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Waukee Community School District

Maple Grove Elementary

1455 98th Street
West Des Moines, IA 50266
(515) 987-3363 - phone
(515) 987-3903 - fax

Doug Barry
Kim Anderson
Asst. Principal

February 21, 2014

To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing on behalf of Ms. Kelli Hales, who served as a student teacher at Maple Grove
Elementary this winter in our K-5 PE program. It was our pleasure to host her during her eightweek experience with our students and staff.
Through informal observations, a formal observation and conversation with her cooperating
teacher, we feel Kelli has a bright future ahead of her. As a new teacher to this profession, it
was noted that Kelli was very creative, built a good rapport with her students and was
confident in her instruction and classroom management. During my observation of her, Kelli
maintained student engagement and had established a positive student-teacher rapport quickly
in order to enhance student learning.
It can be a challenge to be a student teacher or new teacher in Waukee, but Kelli happily dove
in to the professional development opportunities, meetings, and duties that are required of our
teachers. She looked for learning opportunities and jumped at chances to challenge herself
while she was with us at Maple Grove. During my four years in Waukee, I would identify Kelli
as one of the most self-motivated, active and engaged student teachers we have had here.
We believe Ms. Hales has a great future ahead of her in this profession and believe she would
be an asset to any school district, building and classroom. Please feel free to contact me with
any questions.
Thank you,

Doug Barry, Principal

The Waukee Community School Districts Mission:

Dedicated to optimizing individual learning and potential for success in a global community.

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