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Greg Kreisman

Recent Solo Work

Black and Red abstracts. Chinese paper, Chinese ink, polymer medium. Traditional
Chinese landscapes are hinted at through ink and polymer medium. The repetition of
paper squares and lines of Chinese ink imply a conceptual tension between layers of
history overlaying a grid of obsessive modern growth and modernization.
White Abstract. Large white Chinese paper, Acrylic medium and Black Chinese ink.
Traditional Chinese landscapes are hinted at through the interaction of ink and acrylic,
gently guided by the brush and surface tension between elements. The image is a result
of blending of eastern and western style to find a new topology of harmony.

City Logic

City Logic, Acrylic, Chinese paper, Polymer Medium. City logic is a perspective on
Beijing life and modernity. Beneath a grid of culture and scholarship (the traditional
Chinese Character paper) are the primary colors of modernity, set in a puzzle-like,
logical form. Figures move freely on top of this backdrop, while we watch from some
vantage point above.
Yesterday's Logic

Yesterday's Logic, Acrylic, Chinese paper, Polymer Medium. Yesterday's Logic is a

perspective on Beijing life and modernity, beneath a grid of culture and scholarship (the
traditional Chinese Character paper) are the primary colors of modernity, set in a puzzle-
like logical form. Figures play cards and seem to effortlessly relax while Modern Beijing
life speeds by. We, again, watch from some vantage point above.
Chimpanzee Attack triptych

Pulled from headline news, Chimp Attack explores environmentalism through the
sensational Chimpanzee attacks of recent years. The triptych is composed of metal
sheets riveted to steel frames The images are created through high voltage arc welds.
These metal sheets are commonplace elements of temporary structures around Beijing
building sites. The work ultimately explores man's place in nature. Are we steward's of
nature and the environment or are we a yet to be another branch of the evolutionary
tree broken by competition and natural selection?

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