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Bleeders and sand trap

Why bleeders are required.
When there is cold related defects we generally
increase the pouring temperature to counter this but it
can cause other defects in different section such as
To over come this bleeders are required . It is the
option to counter such cold related defects.


Cummins Confidential

 Refers to molten metal oozing out of a casting.
 To bleed the cold metal outside the casting
 To take care of cold related defects such as blow
holes and cold lap.
 It should be opposite to the runner bar.
 It reduce the yield of the casting.


Cummins Confidential



It eliminates Cold
related defects such as
blow holes and cold lap
It does not require
increasing pouring
Extracts the cold metal
from localized region.


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It reduces yield.
Casting could get
damage if not
removed properly

Sand trap/slag trap

Sand particles which are lighter than metal, floats on
the surface of the molten metal while metal flows in the
runner . To prevent it from entering into the casting
cavity sand/slag trap is used.
Density comparison:
Grey cast iron 7200kg/m3
Aluminum 2700kg/m3
Sand 1500kg/m3
Note: Due to above characteristic of sand we are able
to use sand/slag trap.


Cummins Confidential

Sand trap/slag trap

 It is used to trap the sand so that it could not enter
into the mold cavity.
 It also serves the purpose of slag trap, so it is called
slag trap.
 Slag/sand trap reduces the yield.
 But now a days ceramic filters is replacing sand/slag
 since it reduces the yield it is being used in old days
only some foundry is currently using this.


Cummins Confidential

 In old days when ceramic filters are not

easily/readily/cheaply available trap was in practice.
 But in now a days ceramic filters are easily available.
 Ceramic filters is replacing the sand/slag trap.


Cummins Confidential

Runner in drag
When runner is in drag casting should be in cope.
Trapped slag/sand



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Runner in cope
When runner is in cope casting should be in drag for efficient sand/slag trap.
Trapped slag/sand



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