Traditional Roles During WWI and WWII Women Took

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Women stay at home and look after the kids.

Traditional roles Men go out to work and earn a living

During WWI and WWII women took on men's roles. In 1900 only 15% of married women went out to work.
Other countries gave women equal rights
Women were allowed to be local councillors in 1892 and proved they could make a positive impact.
Why attitudes have changed
Suffragette movement showed that women were not 2nd class citizens.
Developments in the 1950s and 60s led to the need for more women to work and gain a 2nd income
Women were shown to be equally capable of working and started to be educated to a higher level.
Sexism discriminating against people because of their gender
Changing attitudes to the role of men and women

1882 Women's Property Act - women can keep their property separate from their husbands
1928 Electoral Reform Act - Women allowed equal voting rights.
Changing roles
1970 Equal Pay Act - women had to be paid the same as men for doing the same job.
1975 Sex Discrimination Act - illegal to discriminate on the basis of gender (or of gender related issues eg pregnancy)
More women working than before
Men doing more around the house and helping with the family
Women are getting educated, having a career and then having a family later. Roles today
Women are getting married in their early 30s, rather than in their late teens or early 20s as at the start of the 20th century.
Women seen to be in positions of high responsibility (CEOs, Chief Execs, Prime Minister etc.)

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