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Journey into time - 14th Century A. D HAMPI 14th Century Capital City - Vijayanagar Empire oe Where stones tell history in silence... HAMPI RUINS Mustard Ganesh: Also known as the Sasivikalu Ganesha. 9 foot high single stone statue of the Hindu god of wit and wisdom. Son of Shiva & Parvati Peanut Ganesh: Known as Kadalai Kalu Ganesha. 18 feet high single stone structure The Ganesh of Royalty Beautiful view of Hampi Market and adjoining areas. Hamakut hill: Beautiful view of Virupaksha temple and the northern sector of Hampi Overseas the river Tungabhadra Hemakutam Temple: Typical example of Jain architecture. Also known as “Tricota” temple or temple with 3 sanctum. Dedicated to Hindu religion. Virupaksha Temple: It has a 50m high gopuram or tower ornamented with exotic figures Parts of the temple is from 6" century. Renovated in 1510 by Krishna Deva Raya. This shrine is still in use. It houses an elephant. Virupaksha market: 32m wide & 728m long, it is the longest street laid out during the Vijayanagara period. Once lined by beautiful houses and shop selling gold and precious stones. It is today the hub ofall activities in Hampi and is lined with small shops selling souvenirs. Also called the Chariot Street. Narshima: Single stone statue ofhalfman-halflionincarnationof Vishnu. Seated under a canopy of 7-headed snake, is 22ft high. Linga: 11 feet linga, the emblem of Shiva stands permanently in 4 feet water feed by an ancient channel. Also called Jalakanteshwara. Noblemen's Palace: Recently discovered foundation. The size and design of these suggest quarter for aristocrats and high-ranking officials Underground Temple: Temple dedicated to happy Shiva or Prasanna Virupaksha is below ground level. Lotus Mahal: Shaped like a lotus flower from top, this two-story structure has beautiful arc ways set in geometric regularity. It was an air cooled summer palace of the queen. Elephant Stable: Housed 11 royal elephants in separate compartments are beautiful example of Hindu Muslim style of architecture. Hazara Rama Temple: Outer and closer wall of this early 15" century temple has 5 rows of carved frenzies. Episodes of the epic Ramayana are depicted. This Richly carved temple also contains one of the rarest depiction of Vishnu as Buddha. Sculptors paradise. Mahanavami Dibba: The foundation of a lion story wooden structure from which the royalty viewed Hampi with pomp, colour and revelry during the Mahanadu festival. This platform has beautiful carvings. Pushkarni: A stepped drinking water tank made of green stone. Water is supplied to it through a stone aqueduct. Queens Bath: Open to the sky the lotus headed fountains spouted perfumed water into the pool and was used by the ladies of Royalty., Example of Muslim Architecture. Vithala Temple: 56 superbly sculptured single stoned solid pillars that emit different musical tones. Richly carved temple dedicated to Vishnu. A World heritage monument. Stoned Chariot: This famous structure is located inside the Vithala Temple compound. It is a magnificent piece of engineering and is dedicated to Garuda, THE RISE AND FALL OF HAMPI Hampi, the 14” century capital of one of the greatest empires of the world lies in the Deccan heartland, in the state of Karnataka or Karu'nadu (meaning elevated land). The ruins of Hampi of the 14" Century lies scattered in about 26 sq. km area, amidst giant boulders and vegetation. Protected by the tempestuous river Tungabhadra in the north and rocky granite ridges on the other three side e ruins silently narrate the story of grandeur splendor and fabulous wealth. The splendid remains of palaces and gateways of the broken city tells a tale of man's infinite talent and power of creativity together with his capacity for senseless destruction. The genesis of the place known today as Hampi dates back to the age of the Hindu epic Ramayana when it was the site of Kishkinda, a monkey kingdom. Between 9" and 10" century this area was known as Vijaypur and later in 1150 AD as Viiaynagar under the king Vijayadhawaja. Vijayanagara, the capital of the mighty Vijayanagara Empire was founded in 1336 AD by two Hindu brothers Hakka and Bukka under the able guidance of a Brahmin priest Madhva Vidyaranya. The empire that lasted for over two hundred years rose to dizzy heights culminating into the golden era of South Indian history. The Empire that extended from river Krishna to Cape Comorin included the modern state of Orrisa was ruled from a capital stretched over 165 sq. miles, the central portion of which is called Hampi today. The Vijayanagara Empire also annexed the state of Goa as early as 1380 under Madhavacharya, a minister of king Harihara. The most well know and powerful ruler of this empire was Krishna Deva Raya (1423-May 1446 AD) This fairy tale city was devoid ofall its strength and splendor in 1565 AD when the then ruler Rama Raya was defeated and killed by a confederation of Muslim 3 neeeeeee THE RISE AND FALL OF HAMPI kings. The capital was ransacked and reduced to shambles within 6 months by the victorious Mohamedans who left it desolate resembling a Ghost City. The state of Goa lost its prominence after the fall of this empire as the then tulers, the Portuguese, lost interest in this territory because of the fall in spice and horse trade. Today a world heritage site, archeologist trying to unveil the unknown secrets are patiently working upon this remote yet beautiful place and treasures as they excavate to unearth beautifully preserved monuments. T Day One Day Two Day Three 07.50 Train departure: | 05.30: Wake up calls to be given | 05.00: wake up calls to be given from Vasco-da-Gama, 15.10 Train arrival: at | 06.00: Breakfast will be served | 05.00 to 05.30: Time to pack bags Hospet in the Hotel at Manasa restaurant 15.20 Hotel 06.30: Drive to Hampi for 05.30: Breakfast will be served Priyadarshani guided tourin in the Hotel at Manasa restaurant Shopping, rest and early dinner 13.00: Return to hotel for lunch 15.00: Drive back to Hampi for | 6.00: Depart to the Railway ‘more touring at Hampi. Climb to | Station for the train that departs at Matanga Hill (advised to camry a | 06.30: (Indian meals available on lot of water) train) 18.45: Return to Hotel 13.45: Arrive at Goa Early, dinner and sleep Transfer to the respective hotels in an hour, Note:- Tour schedule is liable to change without prior notice Contact your Melo Tours escort. 5 A WORD FROM YOUR HOTELIER AT HOSPET. Dear Esteemed Guest, Welcome to the City of Hospet, your gateway to the Magnificent ruins at Hampi. We trust that your stay in India this far has been a pleasant one. My team at Priyadarshini shall ensure that your stay with us is made as comfortable and pleasant an experience as possible and to this end we have, compiled a few directions for you to follow. In the interest of conserving energy, we have installed solar heaters, and to further conserve, we have formulated the following times for hot water for a bath ora wash... Evening of the first day of your stay: 1630 to 1730 hours. Every morning.. 0530 to 1000 hours. . Second evening of yourstay: 1830 to 1930 hours. Manasa The Restaurant: will serve you your breakfast every morning. ‘The restaurant is an open air ‘al fresco’ dining experience. The restaurant serves Continental, Indian and Chinese snacks and meals. A well stocked bar anda range of seasonal fruit juices ensures that your throat is never parched. We are at your service through out the day and urge you to use our service director for any needs you may have Alternatively you can call me or any of, my staff for any queries you may have. Iwish youa pleasant stay and happy memories of Hospet and Hampi. Y. Srinivas Rao Director. HINDUISM Hinduism evolved from the times of the early Aryan settlers. These people migrated from central Asia to settle in the North Western part of India in about 1200 B.C. These nomads were primarily nature worshippers who went up to the Ganges River valley to form an Empire by uniting different tribes. It was during that period that the Vedas (Holy literature on Hinduism) were first composed. This period was called the Vedic age. Hinduism is not a doctrinaire religion, and no all-powerful body exists to pronounce dogma. It is claimed that Hinduism is more a philosophy than a religion and is impossible to define. Hindus are eclectic, tolerant and wide- ranging in their beliefs. The Hindu religion primarily has the trinity of primary Gods comprising of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer and reproducer. Brahma although depicted in some Temples has only just a few Temples dedicated to him. This is due to the belief that his job as a creator is complete and has to the belief that his job as a creator is complete and has receded to the background. He sits on a Lotus Flower, which indicates purity. His consort is Goddess Saraswati; the Goddess of learning who rides a peacock and carries a Vina (musical instrument). Vishnu the preserver is in human form, depicted with four arms holding a chakra (quote), a conch shell, a club and a lotus flower. He lives in the ocean on a seven- headed coiled snake. In order to preserve life he appeared to the Earthly abode in nine different incarnations. The tenth and last is yet to appear on ‘Judgement Day’. His incarnation as Rama or Ramachandra is depicted in the worlds oldest epic ‘Ramayana’, the story of Rama while his incarnation as Krishna, a blue man holding a flute is depicted in the worlds longest poem 'Mahabharata’. Vishnu's 9” incarnation is as Buddha and it joins Buddism with Hinduism. Vishnu in his original form rides a Bird-Garuda (Half Eagle and half man). 7 Shiva the destroyer and reproducer, in Human form is depicted as a yogi God with four hands wearing a Tiger skin, holding a trident, a noose or a firm and wearing a necklace of human skulls and a snake. Shiva meaning auspicious also has a third eye known as the destructive eye. He is normally depicted as a Linga, which represents reproductivity. But many Brahmins or priests claim it to be the head of Shiva and consider the concept of the Linga being a reproductive act as an anti Hindu idea. The bottom part of the Linga always faces North (direction). The Linga is traditionally bathed with fresh milk, bilva leaves and wild flowers during prayers. His consort is the Goddess Parvati. Parvati also worshiped in many forms as Durga, Kali etc. is the Goddess of strength and the Mother of all. As Durga, she is depicted, as a Goddess with ten hands riding a Tiger while in her more dangerous form is worshiped as Kali, with a protruding tongue and a horrifying face. Shiva and Parvati have two children -Kartikkaya, the God of war and the Elephant headed belly God Ganesh, the best loved of all Gods. Ganesh is normally seen carrying a stick used to control Elephants, a weapon used by Angels to take away life, a broken tusk and a sweet in his fourth hand. He rides a large rat and has a snake either around his waist or as the sacred rope around his shoulder. Shiva and Parvati have two children - Kartikkaya, the God of war and the Elephant headed belly God Ganesh, the best loved of all Gods. Ganesh is normally seen carrying a stick used to control Elephants, a weapon used by Angles to take away life, a broken tusk and a sweet in his fourth hand. He sees HINDUISM rides a large rat and has a snake either around his waist or as the sacred rope around his shoulder. The Swastika emblem associated with Hinduism represents good fortune and is also important to Buddhists and Jains and is considered as the original symbol of the Aryans. When the top bar faces the right it symbolizes the day and when it faces the left it's the night. Hindu religion considers Man as a part of Nature made up of natural elements i.e. the soil, water, air and fire. So cremation is virtually universal with Hindus. Cows are also considered to be sacred as they are the providers of milk to human infants and are given the same status ofa Mother. i) HAMPI - The Story ! Hampi, the 14" Century capital city of the Vijayanagara Empire lies in the deccan heartland, in the state of Karnataka. The ruins spread over an area of more than 26sq kms protected by the river Tungabhadra in the north and by rocky granite ridges on the other three sides. The ruins silently narrate the story of grandeur splendor and fabulous wealth. The splendid remains of palaces and gateways of the broken city tells a tale of man's infinite talent and power of creativity together with his capacity for senseless destruction. Hampi In The Ramayana The genesis of the place known today as Hampi dates back to the age of the Hindu epic Ramayana when it was the site of Kishkinda, a monkey kingdom. The Rise Of The Vijayanagara Empire The city of Hampi is said to have been founded in 1336 by two brothers Hukka & Bukka. This once powerful “City of Victory” Vijayanagara was praised by historians, Nuniz and Paes as greater than Rome, with palaces plated with jeweled gold the 'best provided city in the gold’. The Fall Of Hampi January 1565 “Never perhaps in the history of the world has such havoc been wrought, and wrought suddenly, on so splendid a city, teeming with a wealthy and industrious population in the full plentitude of prosperity one day, and on the next seized, pillaged, and reduced to ruins, amid scenes of savage massacre and horrors beggaring description”. TODAY! AnArchaeologists Haven Today a World Heritage Site (UNESCO), an archeologist haven stands proud. It is an unforgettable experience. In its dust lie secrets which are now being excavated. So, come and be a witness to the unraveling of history. TOUR INFORMATION Duration: 2 Nights & 3 D a Day of Operation: Tuesday & me Accommodation: Twin Sharing Rooms (Basic) Weather: Warm Days Bring Along Good Walking Shoes, Cap, Light Clothing, Insect repellent, Loads of film, Torch, and Rs.250/- as entrance fees. Journey by Train: Approx.09 Hours Price: On twin sharing basis will include, the following a) Accommodation’ Train Tkts (return) 2™class non A/c’ Transportation, Guides Services, Bed & Breakfast Monument fees & Meals- not Inclusive At Hampi archaeologist’s still work on... Come - be a witness to the unraveling of history ad MELO TOURS 1 ‘TRAVEL AGENTS & TOUR OPERATORS Weddi ma ‘Event Designers Est. Sep 1994 s 4 ‘ TE . ° rye wat

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