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Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to express my desire to serve as internee at COLE POLYTECHNIQUE FDRALE DE

I am currently studying in my 7th semester of Electrical (Electronics) Engineering in Comsats
Institute of Information & Technology, Abbottabad. It had been my life long desired to go to
different countries and discover their people and their culture and promote mine too.
I found no better chance than this to full-fill my desire. I will be looking forward for a kind chance by you
to provide my services.
I belong to the most-effected province, by terrorism, of Pakistan and that is Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa. I
want to avail this chance and want to go out and show the world that we are peace lovers, we support
education and not terrorism, we too are hard workers and not as portrayed to the outside world. I
belong to the city, where recently innocent children lost their precious lives while getting education, I
am talking about Peshawar. I want to prove the world that we are not afraid of such cowardly attacks, I
belong to the nation that loves peace not only for itself but for entire mankind.
I will work with full dedication and true hard-work. Looking forward to avail this opportunity.
Thanks & Regards,
Muhammad Adnan Khan Durrani

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