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CHAPTER 1_ Basic Concepts in Strength of Materials LL 10 LIS ANSWERS IN Texr, Lie Weame gy = 1B00Ky 9.81 Aa/s* * 17 6B Agen/s*«12748 HM We /2.74N LID Tore we eames Youahy931an]/s*B4,20kN ~~ ncn Frowt wien: Fy =)(0.venl39.29a)? 285 he _ EACH Rene wien. Fe =()(0.4oN 39.20h0) = 1-70k0). £18 Loaoine* TOTAL FLRLE/AREA Tora. FoRce be00kg-9.i m/s? =66.74N AREA © ($.0m (3.500) * 17.500 ~ Lotome = 6674%) 5 = 3.81 kiln 2 3D 8Pa LI Foace = Wr> anys 25 ky-98 mh = 29H K= spema scare = 4500N/me F/ae 4L= Fo. 2Y5N | _ atmo. K 9500 W ime OASYS an = SYS X10 A= SATan08 W127 Al = 17900 d/ 0,229 8 L6/N © 3980L8 Fe = 2.85 Ai) * 1850N« 0,22Y8L6/n */265 LB MITA HIION £0, 2YBLE/ 1 = 26Y6L8 Loaome * 38h. = BB xI0H x O22 =m, 225 F = 245K +0.2298 6/0 = S51 Lb Ae 4s ¥ 5 i ete Le Ste o£, SSUb A? SET can 7 Se £26 Akt £29 136 mms tie ZIRE es v B2.2 Fr/s® BS4 Stue s. yn = 2, F2BOOLE Beery P= 1200 Ory, 6.895 Rfo fos) = 827¥ hye. Oo = 2/ boo pulré.$IS kfo-/er = 199000 Ma 2/19 Mle Su 14000 054 x 6.995 Rt JP% * $b, 500 ble © Y6-50fa. Su® Wb000pe1 x 6.895 Lie/ Ae = S24 000Kfe = SEM fe M= /7S0 KEV, 2NKAD Jom _ Nt iat? Fagen SOM w= 183 tole AW dn? x CN pam = 9999 pnpgt tere) = 9092 aan = 0.08 m1 ZS.400m/ iN * 2.03 000 3298 sives Dinewsons: IB INK 254 mimfina YS nan 72.100 * 25:4 amm JIN = BOSa0an Agca = (1am = 32¥iy* Area = UStaman) = Z09%/05 na Yotume =V © AREA KHeGHT V= 324m?» /21 = 3868 4? V=USFrY« LOFT E225 FF3 V= (209K mm) * 305 smn © 6,32 KBeommn? V= (A452 # 0.30500 © 0.863200 ?= 32% ton? A=70= 1l.sisw\/¥> 0.2001 Ax O:200 wl Z25¥enm). 129man® 7N —: 1-32 o= fx Row. Reow Rib = 2-1 Myr = 107 Mlle old Ae £38 oof = Zoxwn F669 yyy © LEAN Aa 30)ewnan’ On f> iaib, 2 597 pat oan 5010. A Fo tage = Besoenk. 2 Loao ow SHece = Wang = /Btoky- 9.81» = 1BOS0H W/2 = 025 W ow EACH SE Zety #07 QOS N) (lean) Cy (sien) ? C2 HER 1 C= Cv/aim30"= %25.V ahew ‘| FC 90287 = L., OF Fa A rpg = Heats asm ole soo [o¥2, =P, Tous : CRF Fey = Bek 1-43 =f. 29500 Lg ce: se = A” “sme = 403 A8 EH osf= 350N = opm 4 Camas “SB 2Mes ys dar sang Yookky -9.81m]s* = W1-24N a Ab = AB Ain 35° Be) Aby = Ab con 3° pe Re BC y= BC ain ss* Bo, = BC Cons? EF, 70 = Abe ~ BCx 0 = AGM IS?—6CARSS* AB= 6c A455 = A488 Anas BF) 20 = AG, +80, -YA24N = Ab ca35*t BC CSS - 42 02 (4928 BC) Cra3s* + BC CaSS* VAD AN Waki = BL 1/70 0.571] = L943 Be ew HDA Iy3 = 23.6340 A> 1.428 BC = 33,7SRN : Sreess NRW ABL Gyn AE = B2Sx0'y * 8A “Trem yy ELLA A a Be , 2363203 Sreess w Pid Bet Ge =F TOomody BIS2 Mw 5 Sreecs m Woo BD: Op pe BP = MACK, | & (3).) nboe £46 F =0.01092 im bn*= (Q.01092Xo.v0Not0)(3000)* Fe 236950 A= Wibarm) f= Zo mm & = £2 23695 _ yoy oR Zot mare ~ LBL ee £42 A=Go mam)*= Gooanem® Fee nat g=(10 -Yora)av=/nhv G> Git» 13020» «167 Hfoe revs 00 anon 8 LEME te Foe bc: = 40 -vo = JOAN = Fe 3 Ge FS EL we 28M tae Tensiv FOR CDt Fiy< ohn a Se MON - He TEWS 100 IE eens: 05 Ae 1les3= Himm™ C-0 5 As WAVY = 20) amm™~ FOR AG: Fig -%6S -R.32 44,95 2-s2hd 3 Cig © Gib LIS. _ 357 mem conte. 4 Vlas ~ —See Ae FoR BOt Fy = 9.65 -12.32 = ~2/.97 40 5, = Fee setae SVU Me comer. FoRco: Fig=-% 65 RY Fo = Feo - =V-65 KE © =460MNte conee, Ax 20/mm® LHe rls90)*-t.60'Vy= 0.999 on™ (Ih Pare-Ave, AB) FoR ts Cig Bix 1506 © 5129 ps3 renspy 0-799 we PoRAB: Fup 2500 +2000 Cra30') = /6 35014 =f ; Tha > Btn L638. «ro un At penn ALSO, EM #0 2800( YS) ~ hy. C39 Benross 2280 Tensaw I-57, Your & f02/0.SkN AB a1 Be 0.sk0) bed dont A O Ad arn30° = S25 AW bn Ao = A.ShW 200 7 6 AEB = Ao Cos 2°* 9.09 Ay #66 Iseska Sore 9.09 xn'W Ab,8C! Gy" %e * Gana “2 Tenstow Bot Gos LO5K0w ,. fo ORE = 11.5 Mh, Fens A0,ed' A =(30)*-(2oS” = Soom * 3 Gio” Ceo = LOSE LOA 21,01. Conresssaw L523, Etty 20 Cocoly tiecodl/2) ~ke Cit) Rr = 10000 L€ Bite =0= /2.000(6) #60002)-£,0 8) Baw B000L6 Ae AL? Ao a Jka Boos Ry = AB ane = AbLOL) AB = Ry /o.2= 8000/0.1 = /000 18 Come A= AB cxa0= /0000(0-6)= 6060L8 EWS. Boro be =Ab™ Gotoee. BE Ain ® 16000 ~AG 4.0 =O Be = Abin ~6000 _ $0010l0.8) “000 . 2e00 18 fous, ane ~ oe BC® AG Coo + BE cose = /0000(06) + 2500.0) = BC= 290046 Cont. BC# ce coe 7 cr = bc /cos@ = 2500/06" J2snie Con. . CE * 12000-CF Ain® = /2o00-/2 rolo4) = 200018 ¢ ce ce CFs 200 Le ove . & ho = Ge = 6000/9948 “bop eat Jee */ocente Ter = 7500/0.968 7798 pk bo =0 Toe * 250/oyey "S165 pH Fee = 20W/o.yry 5 32 pot Tye = ~Mor/2.y2 2 ~4/3L per Ope = ~7500/2.vr% ~3099 pr RSV EMD * —S/p Spat AgeAs or nensses : (Rep, As, At) AO, De, EF — 260,981) * 0,968 BD, BE CE OYE AG, BC, OF ~ 2042/2248 n? Mere! Coneeession mengers mur BE CHR eKED Fok CoLrumn BuckL WG Se = £3 : ese tn Ete =0= C2SH40)~ ABS) LSE A= mlosesy/¥=0,200w* Os Yam 1260066 /o,.209 w* = 63.000 pat LSE pe Bss\(A¥0) + 2b veVlosyCt)] = 44 m® oz fye (Seo00 Ly gp?) 2H 99/ poi LSE 4 = (G0\10)~C60)/5) tr YO)' Y= 3557 oe s ® a 180 Mha DiRECY SHEAR - SINGLE SHEAR Ase CrtnoYI¥) mon 3 anon ® Pe age Me SKOW gy yn ® L4G MM | -5% LSB ap, cys sslivs\~Alus) Fox IV. Ass BOM = 2.07 ann Pe age "Yr a mnr= 25.1 tle Pay Amy Stace ‘Sache =LEL From peo ve: Fa23695 As=alirlayW] = 157mm™ Dovece sHear T= Flags 23S Yo aus 15101 le f-60 As" G.0V35)*/™ Pe F/As* Geoorsh nem YI C8. LBL As = (alas) + 20 onVG.0) = 495.9 mm* Pe FUAg* 32.610 N 19752 ama *® Lf Mle bh be AVE E OTM JN As> (20466) + lose +2Co.72D1 O19 “ Ase bier om T = Flas? $500008//1yyy*=3932y 07 the £62 pene 7 Fee Tla= Jim , wi : Bommpc am I hay R As= bt © G0 22)= 220 men™ zis Pe Pam SOU mad * B8.Nhtfe Lb Ax Tez dem.em/y,, R08 Ase bt closare22s)© h1eswe ? * Phe Soto b fy asy»* Tn pt LE LM devtur suena; Aer ALMLONAT= 0.393 0 ® Te Cy 20000 16/y,395 ys? 50 9809s ColLae sient coum Fkom Counscron Bop Ag= dt = Tlosslous?s)* asisvia~ Be ase 2000 by coy y $3.8 500 5) LE smo: 800680) 8, £0) A ° * je 3, = 800018 ~ 8” By few? 09316 e As=2Cmlos75Yy) =0,22/ Ww 7 Gus 1? Way * OSIELBYy 20) yy» = _BESVORS. LE Ag= Goy2)" Heome™ /-68 Te Flay > POX? W/ytyaam>* 103 Mla As= (N10) = 4800 ma* Te Fg BB2KMOW/ y 95 pig? * LB Mle LA Ase woe= i682 30160 TS Fffy = 22.3 410W J 397.6 mun > 23.9 Allte AB Age 20 rU2N/Y] = 226.20 Two Rivers-SNGLE Shere T= F fag = 22 K1ON fore 2 anon® "IE Mehe. LDL Age el rtry Hy] = 4324 anm™ THe Riret~ Webee SHEAR Te Flags 0-200'W /yse.y ana = 22,550 lte CHAPTER 2__— Design Properties of Materials OMLY THOSE FRIBLEMS REQUIENIG NUMEKICAL DATA AEE SiON. 2 Sw* WAsi [OU mM) ; Sy* Chet (YH mtry, 25H Bove, Bectose % evonaarion 75%, 17 15 overne. (APR b-/'1) 21S 10% Hh: 36% erowaara - GREATER. DuerLITY 1040 HR 25% srovsarion Gee, A) 276 Aisi MY OOT 700! Him Sue rue AtLey STE WIth oY CAkbon, Quevcnen W on, TEmPe Ar nor, (APP A-//) ZY YES. Sy= 172 kal @ OoTW00 5y* 129 44 @ OOF 900 BY wreatontiod 5, x/so4o @ Ooracc, (APA AI) 2 EF apn te, Spat f2mee) FoR ALL CAkBou Ato ALLoy S7ees. Bl wr BEY ame yet tare C223 Les rortnoasynt = H.$eg FEB reRce (WT) Zo Woevivan eens tener» FEN 29 = a STEEL ¥ 4909110 nae? ASS = ite, tet rat ‘A 3 (Arna-r- “ * bie naae WT ang © 2I1kg, 9.8 an]s = 36 198 kgm ]g* = F980 Ew MmAGwesn wovre becAuSE IT HAS A Lowe E, Gud ISGR } 6; = Ga; Tis snevee, (PAA-15) 222. Areovor Aummum wint Sisto Avo mAbnesivm. Near Teeamee To Tb remPeR. g2r Sa sy Ee vewsiry (Ava. A-I6) bo6i-0 |B Rsi = Bs Loxe'Psi 0.00 L8/ nw bobt-ry 28K WKS) ” bobl-rs YsKsi Yoxsi —* : SL ge = Yous! 5 Sac? tos! (Apa A-I1) oh Benone 057 L4svési 3 TEvsiew O%* 8500S; Cont, (000 tsi CAMA. To GANv , 365 Si Pet Pen dicular To Gah 5 ” SHEAR 13° OF 1 Are, a-19 ooo rv 1000 #si (Section 2-10) 10 2-44 Graphite fibers. 2-45 S-glass, quartz fibers, tungsten fibers coated with silicon carbide. 2-51 2-52 Material Graphite/Epoxy (High Strength) ‘AramidiEpoxy Composite Boron/Epoxy Composite Graphite/Epoxy (Ultra-hi_ mod) Glass/Epoxy Composite Titanium Ti-6Al-4V AISI 5160 OQT 700 Stee! Aluminum 7075-16 Aluminum 6061-T6 AISI 1020 HR Stee! Material Graphite/Epoxy (Ultra-hi_ mod) Boron/Epoxy Composite Graphite/Epoxy (High Strength) AramidiEpoxy Composite AISI 1020 HR Steel AISI 5160 OQT 700 Steel Titanium Ti-6A-4V Aluminum 6061-16 Aluminum 7075-16 Glass/Epoxy Composite Vm = 1 - VF = 1.0 - 0.60 = 0.40 See Equation (21). Specific strength (in) 4,86x108 4,00x106 3.60x106 2.76x106 1.87106 1.00x106 0.929x108 0.822106 0.459x108 0.194x108 Specific modulus (in) 8.28x108 4.00x108 3.45x108 2.20x108 1.06x108 1,06x108 1.03x108 1.02x108 0.99x108 0.66x108 See Equations (2-1)), (2-19, (213), (2) Ratio AISI 25.0 20.6 18.5 14.2 9.63 5.15 4.78 4.23 2.36 1.00 Ratio AISI 7.81 3.77 3.25 2.07 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.96 0.93 0.62 to 1020 1020 Mt 2-63 Given: 2-64 0.50; Fibers are high strength carbon-PAN; Matrix is Epoxy See Table 2'for data. Vm = 1- = 10 - 0.50 = 0.50 Use Equation (2-49: suc = Sut V¢+ om Vm Strain at which fibers would fail: ef = suf /Ef = (820x 103 psij/(40x108 psi) ef = 0.0205 Stress in matrix at this strain: om' = Em & = (0.56x108 psi)(0.0205) = 11 480 psi Then: Suc = (820x 103 psi)(0.50) + (11 480 psi)(0.50) = 415x103 psi Modulus of elasticity: Ec = Er Vt + Em vm = (40x108)(0.5) + (0.56x108)(0.50) Ec = 20.3x108 psi Specific weight: yc = yf VF + ym Vm = (0.065)(0.50) + (0.047)(0.50) Ye = 0.056 Ib/in? Given: Vf = 0.50; Fibers are high modulus carbon; Matrix is Epoxy See Table 2-/Stor data. Vm = 1- Ve= 10 - 0.50 = 050 Use Equation (2-19): suc = suf VF + om' Vm Strain at which fibers would fail: ef = suf /Ef = (825x 103 psi)/(100x105 psi) ef = 0.00325 Stress in matrix at this strain: om = Em € = (0.56108 psi)(0.00325) = 1820 psi Then: suc = (825x 103 psij(0.50) + (1820 psi)(0.50) = 163x103 psi Modulus of elasticity: Ee = Er VF + Em vm = (100x108)(0.5) + (0.56x108)(0.50) Ec = 50.3x106 psi Specific weight: ¥c = yf VF + ym Vm = (0.078)(0.50) + (0.047)(0.50) ye = 0.0625 Ib/in3 Given: Vf = 0.50; Fibers are aramid; Matrix is Epoxy See Table 2-1Sfor data. Vm = 1- VF= 10 - 0.50 = 0.50 Use Equation (2): suc = suf V+ om' Vm Strain at which fibers would fail: et = suf /Ef = (500x 103 psiy/(19x106 psi) ef = 0.0263 Stress in matrix at this strain: om = Em € = (0.56x108 psi)(0.0263) = 14 740 psi Then: suc = (500x 109 psi)(0.50) + (14 740 psij(0.50) = 257x103 psi Modulus of elasticity: Ec = Er Vt + Em vm = (19x108)(0.5) + (0.56x108)(0.50) Ec = 9.78x108 psi weight: ye = wf VF + ym vm = (0.052)(0.50) + (0.047)(0.50) Ye = 0.0495 Ibiin3 Speci 4a Solutions to Problems 2-66 to 2-67: Some data approximated from Figure P2-66. Most accurate values are for Ultimate strength (b.)and % elongation (f). Elastic limit (d.) estimated between proportional it (¢.) and yield strength (a.) ‘Modulus of elasticity (e.) computed from (A stress / A strain). Data are approximated Materials found from Appendixes A-13 through A-17 matching s,, S,, % Elongation, and E 2.86 a. 5,=73ksi- Offset 2-67 a. 5)=173ksi Yield point b. 5,=83ksi b. 5y= 187 ksi ©, 5)=60ks ©.) 162 ksi d. 5y=67 ksi d. 84 168 ksi e. E=10.0x10° psi e. E=29.0x10° psi 1. 11% Elongation {. 15% Elongation g. Ductile 9. Ductile he Aluminum h. Stee! 1. 7075-T6 1. AISI 4140 OaT 900 268 a. 5= 62ksi Offset 2.69 a, s= 49ksi- Yield point b. 5,=75ksi b. 5)=65ksi ° ksi ©. 5) = 48 ksi d. 5q= 56 ksi 4.545 48 ksi @. E= 16.7x10° psi e. E= 26.5x10° psi f. 15% Elongation f. 36% Elongation 9. Ductile 9. Ductile h. Copper Alloy h. Steet 1. 654400 Bronze-hard 1. Alsi 1020 cD 2:70 a. Nos,-Brittle 274 a, 5,=53ksi- Offset b. y= b. 5, = 59 ksi © 6. Sp= 31 ksi a d. 54542 ksi e. °. 2.0x10° psi f. 0.5% Elongation £. 5.0% Elongation 9. Brittle g. Bordertine Brittle/Ductile h. Cast iron h. Zine |. ASTM A48 Grade 60 1. Cast ZA-12 272 a. 273 a, 5= 19ksi- Offset b. b. y= 40 ksi « c. 5)= 14 ksi 4 d. 8q= 17 ksi ©. E=26x10° psi e. E= 6x10" psi f. 21% Elongation f. 5% Elongation 9. Ductile 4g. Borderline Brittle/Ductile h. Structural Stee! h. Magnesium 1. ASTM A36 1. ASTM AZ 63A-T6 13 274 276 rFengaos rFengao se 16.5x10° psi 8% Elongation Ductile Titanium 6AL4av y= 80 ksi- Offset 90 ksi 5p = 62 ksi Su = 71 ksi 26x10" psi 15% Elongation Duetite Stainless Stee! AISI 430 full hard 215 217 -Fensange rvenesese se 5, = 40 ksi- Offset y= 45 ksi p= 30 ksi 5a = 35 ksi E= 10.0x10° psi 17% Elongation Ductile Aluminum 6061-76 = 80 ksi - Offset Sy = 95 ksi 5) = 55 ksi a= 68 ksi E = 26x10" psi 2.0% Elongation Brittle, but does yield Malleable Iron ‘ASTM A220 Grade 80002 4 CHAPTER 3 Design of Members Under © Fe L501 “ae ay oe% Fay 208 Mile 05 = 5/2 Rewd_Sy> 2G = 26/08 ta) *Woata Atunmum 20-TY Has Sy= 290M (Arrenpry A-l6) 32 = ye 200% Ww , ope Su, Ze ToiTidienn © 86: 76AL* Tg" Su/g ROOD Sue 8 OG" BL b6,2Pa)= S33 thee Ma's Goo Ducmuty AISI LYE AANEALED HAS Sus 600M Or | 26% Etevsarow, (A-/) 33 oe Ge /700 “Gh yoru)? © W180 FSi * OB SH /g Rean Su* 8G = 86/0750)* BEOOOPS/' Mus Gov0 Duemuny AUS WOT B00 HAS 54* 87h 332% erowcaron (A-1Y) 324 o> 10S is agco. af Htassamy = 67m 04 = a 0.605, (ANSC) Reoo Sy* i/o, to */b72A+i/y, y= 27900 pr ASTI ASL STeverUAL STEEL HAS Sy=36000R/ (A-/) BE or he SB F90 psi 700 Hibs Gurnee (ALF) An Fa 26 W0.d GRACE DOVGLAS FIA HAS Onem® 500% (A-/4) » 1 use Wo.d Geme Seve fie! Bun? 5156 ReOo Aeenm L- + $2008 ony ye ys0 248 oe XY e 7 < SIS 6/44) Of Two 2nY, 32 72 Us Are, b¥00Le 10% 3 Ar Fra iy, © OSB mon Reon 0° VTATa eV FOO.S830 Yq = 008204 SPECIPY Yew (0.8 w) 08 1.001. DA. Torh mass = 115 + 6850* 2Sooky ; 1825 Ay evence srehy. Fe amg = BIS ky 4 anls>« HEWN Reoo As_L_.. s san? ane) 5 ia 263 anan® = (0X8, Ren we 263 aes'/G oma 2 32.B0n0n SUEIEY ur = 35-0 cme s le \S 340 Zu. Ik k B : Force on Same =/YAy-G.8in/s* =1800N £ 02s H/sj0e CyPAy# 9026 H/o 2 4S13 MN o C¥ Cy/an 20 © 13 00 { » | @=FoRCE 1 Roo re # Reo As S- IWN 2125 we NOY Oi mn Reon 0: [TAT = Cine) © L264 amen Sfecry D=M.0 man os $2 WMO LE 2 7393 6) = fx Reco sreevam (SéC.2-10) Reso Rate sreewam> 4l/393)= $570 05; SPECIFY 6000 AS/ RATED STLENETH Loo on EACH RLOCk = 29 S00 66/3 = 9833.18 os P . 9833 6 *Tragme * 90368! LE ComPaESS to4d 1 PERPEWDICULAE 10 ERAN ,No SUmmOLE Wide LIS TaD. IF PARALLEL TD GeMN: NO. 1 Sov7H.Puie ~Cyy* B50ASi (A-19) N02 HEMACK Gig BO008i No.2 DOIGLAS FIR= Gy = 10.00 3) Fitton, + Rae SIREN 2e,peree Slama. (Sec. 2-10) Reon Ar P_, 15020'N . 290 y8’ mun 10? Ea Leen. = 2.902652 OY Rear D= VATA = 602 anon § Spaciey Donen WA Sus Y88 Mla = O-= AS P= OA @a-") A= 12 DIY = 9-56 am™ pe Ae vy +3156 anan*= Mu 7208N = LbTAM A= Gomm)*= 1b00mons Freon 169M 2 bam 19) Tasou.2 552M Wenn (22 HEMLOCK) Pe ovns bs Ware \ib00mun*)*= 2.70. 6aWN Po oa» G52n net ¥ /bo0a0e')* 8.63ki— HGAAN Oy * Ovb0 Sy = 0.600 S0sa/)= Books! = 2/4 (AISC) Ate) syesoesi Reon As Ma pete FOB ne TOY 120 <0.1Sm Zi Reoo O° VAT a 21 V (01837 = 8.4/2 Sdeciey 0° Vim CO439S) OR O.S00m bk-0<0.I5%0.) 16 BLE Afe.esM 90+ 2, ECvoosy] = Y.4/ 02 oO Uae $2000 L8 . Mesh" aa = Susy N= ~Z2e-= 80 000 65) opi E28. 212 FOR Stock Lonorna-Doerng METALS Gje5"Sj2 Ge bDmeap, «1305002 — (A-17) Re00 Av nn Seay 2 ¥ 982 man's BH = B628)= 28 la ROD Be [ATE = (GIR7E * 22.2. moms SPECIFY _B22Edowin $= 50.0. SB G* tufe= Goro Rigs jororsi = Hy (A-20) Reon #=$— 2. 20.10 Ui =b:20) Cur) ROOD wr ® Afyrg = O-V ON, 20 y 2 0s ESOM SPECIFY urs 0.600 14 HM ana EA AALGON 40) ~CeaN15) 41 C40 = 3551 mm™ oe aw. Fa sO3 ed emaneg Fok OveThg METALS! Jj= S¥/2 REO'D. F,> 2 (190) © Bbomha Possiave meratst AUS) 1o¥0 WR, 6y 244 ate (At) M131 4110 haviemeo, Sy ° WY tha, (AH) C5100 BRINE, Sy 2393 nee. (AIS) Awwamnun 201 -Te, S¢= WWM (A1B) Als to CD, 3 294 ma (A-11) Eo See Phot. 1-48: Cine * 4.0 compecternu 3" 0.6 Sy2 O.6(2¥8nA= NIM Guise) A-/6) Ok Fok Comenessire Sreess Coun Botkews SHev.o Be CHECKED. 2:2) 7 mmeneee AD - See Pees InSb. Ge S*/a 5 Re0'0 Sux 80-2 BCs0I= ¥00 MPa. ALUM 2OV-TY, 56° 927 Whe; 20% Erous. (AMR) AZZ 9 = 0.941 wi; 40.605) *0,60/ P4000)" 2/ b00FS Fauve. * G5 A +1600 Le/w*) agi) « 20 39.0 Le ba Elastic Deformation in Tension and Compression Members 2a3 7 BODES; we toxntesi 5 L*6.06r ssa sere 7200 oe . j Crew eT Ge 200618 DOF) SY Axl0.9S 12.29, OF Tae Baa = /0.0mea. 0) 68 5 5nd E §25000 loum™ Se FL. Goad sme) 77) C2 Bone N Fou) 3) PHEDALIC § Sasi re. OL) ; = 75B0 Mtn 2580 Ainon™ 2 ONES) ey yas-, EA" Gsto\) ae 2BS” Do= 2.9m 5 DI* 2% -2(0,095)* 2.280 5 E¢ L0.6x08 25/ Ae al DUE = 065m a . MX esas esiNowssnt) se Fo dp Eecakagyat ae orga BEY o3esres! aK; 57 =¥2000p%: = LST em 1) WEren IT © DensITY oF Atuenin — Old cla {ur pewsiry ) DENSITY 0F Measaes ive ~ 0.086 00/1 2) Exar A kan Loto AND mensuee DeFoananen, E Fea Arran - 1001055) E FOR MAGNESIUM 6,5 x10*¢3h a) as) nian He sre? Srasiere: 09> Whe sei. Regd. Aw £.. 2500. 2 mw Ba Fa Wares” See =? Rev. 0= 1 V47r *f WAN = 8,92 070% DECoRMATIA: E* 209 54. > 207 000 m/a*207000 H Ima” > = {B500rY 630 anon) np~ ae Garena tacoma” P18 0 = FP Re’) D*1 TAI * Lb3anm _ Governs 4) A110 0% 200 STE 13 Abt SMe THM HIS! HOHE, TiewePoae! Deertmarme baveews. & IS SAE. REOd. DE 1.63 nan C) Auer, Go6/= rei Sréewines cg eSge> Beals « 385 np Read. AF [da * FON pare wife? © 90.3 2em™ Reob. b= VATE = 1: amon DEFoemATINS £69 6ea= 69000 MAK =69000 MW Javm™ Fi % = Rea, Ae Eb —» GREY. = 266.s,0mm™ Goveent Renn DATATF=/8. Yamin Cour. wexr pase) 16 22 lcownaveo) mass = volsorsiry » A xk DEWSITY Sree! mass = 68.8. mm*)sram) Chorgl) fo jr atady Atvors mass = (266.3)(6%\2770)/j= 0.V6S dy Be gla galas la ethan aot Be aa olen Foasren. EBL OD Ti 6M 9Ys B+ 1 Gti 1000 Mee “11100bN eam, S/= TV 5+ hin hee oVnpeee) = 085 )anm | om alte 4) Ane So! BOT 400 s7e2t.. Pen 200 000 N Harm 57:9 HB 0 5+ f= BEBE = VB me 320 7 SE Reo Ae Fon Beem = 6200s lee LInY £9 Alda 5> FL, Gs0 car(norrryy/er) -. Fe Fear lanler) co..07 0 Husnitanet 50 fo Dien = AcaVon, x00 A/a KNOT Lombtessiat 5, » fm RYO) . 5 Br Geet = o0mnys Srass 08 ~"Y/a~ UY aauae > 11 Yeas: Sty Pee nay crest Retente Lap! 05" fe 5 S,,2 BCYMSI) = MS KSI MSI 1M OOF 100, S=MES) SE Lowes Seema 5, Bier oer aX. Sreess 1M TOP SECON a WOT ED) ~ 90033 | Assy me STATIC LOAD Luo Seen! 5, Fel. De ppon0 yy | on fm BSCE» 2/e000s! Sout) (50) OB Spf alElisi)= OES ree Seems FotSemds 5, Fats g Yasue 2 egayyey| Ge Pon nego rm Areenvix A-/4. RE! She Shir $1* 0.02 w SE Ae mR ODA a rrlaas e201 = 02384 Feith. Lovosen)Goxid.edw'laza a) 36070 232i i8 ae SUEY, aay sa 13-100 051 Toe Nike. a" Sow Hsee0es/ 9 = 562501 =" BBY Aemlo-0F We rlons’ S88 V* OAR oa las Ban to/e. Wee = 1290) "OA" 51/2 35525 43008) Arumntin 300%- HIE HAs Sy > 2700049) EL. = Pavovslt tr oN cele) O° Ge" = Cpeatcal gab eT OLSE LA 17 235 a= LOC YF (o0* 987) 653 mt fy fh, 4.2 x0) HOM). 0 O16 an an SEA” G8 ono enw VSinnt) Leben. - 18.2 KN os fe BEN o 279 Hla ZBL pe rows rlosis\ p< ovo a? oa Fa {beets « 1 500 psi 52LL - Wbow c@ysasrri(s2mfer FA Bown * ahi 0.U0¥N*) EL A=(20mmS= 900mm; E21 GPa “UY 000 Myr act ha = M0 + 80-40" /SDAN revisiont| Chan” ZO GOM «167 04. = OvT82 ie Be = HO-40 = OLN rensnd Sy" 1070Mee ~ OK fe 2 WORM Ténstea = Sh8 ris Gok y fick 4 Keak 1D Coetien) & ares nid a5 “Urvenh9o1 fit Fr” 0.3650nem + Onl Hane + 0.268 tm 2 OGOV Anan 238 “fie £0000 68K 10.0 1! . . 2s nMnLaias PTs ELMO se rasan Atucrhver? & 10.0 x00 Psi Feo. 28 Mo, Fac I 6S ~UeS2 = 21-97 HN (coup) 5 L ge = 100 Anam dee fiat sa5 7201 zo (eon) § Lay = /20anan Vee Res hit (Cont) § Lay = 12 Fa 2 wl.50 . au? A Bele Ok Fon STonc Loar) = Fae loe , Fac Lee, Feotes EAne acess eae Sno ee ae ake srud Goo), C94 90N20). 2960 Mfanan® )Wonet) — 2960K¥Y) (2960)(2o/) Sap 2-0-4 an om ~ 11 am ~ 1146 amon MA mon SHORTER QO B40 Op = yes 055,09 uP" (27368 | Ler C9 >Yoe =SO9IpS} USE § = 6000 Psi RAnD: then B= 41K0'¢si (Sec 2-10) = 1(B)'/v = $0.21m™s Aes 602m (are AD); Ep = 29x08 9s) A 005 Aye® 6.02 ts ee S=S 4S, » Seaiaea late Foon BAN) 2 reer °F gst sot) “Vaaen8) (B02) $= 0,009G uy + 0.0378 = O.G42 IN ¢ 072 S100 2 fo E5/ 5) £5y ? 602 pon Asrrt APG 2M EL, (2018) Coser . SS 8) 8 EF" Ypnmtiadn | Coaoaterany ~ 276 Me, Asano = s1lowey/t = 000322 1® OT Fe ROG, oy 924 pys= 37300 05/5 Close rOSy* YY opt} 8) oe fe WY oy ray jy = 62 ZOOS The axtecet me Ve iciare SRENEM OF THE WHEE, JT SHOVLD BREAK, 22 ola ZEMemocarn ne = 55S t fb. sua daeencau SE Seat C pea i? OSE 3213 = Oteww'A = GS0ce/m)(/2.25 101) = 613116 Ee (erm Vo2sr pula) 5G «fact alan Maoh OLS, 344 As (200*-130°)= 7 500.0m™ Fe oA 2(-200N Laem 1 2500-mo 3540's, DMM 2 FL = Zoo nlmm) (18000) a * C185 000 wom Lh mam ARON = 130K = 201 man slasune mass or Aare u Seate) Fe SCA, edarnY unr nlavn Zara) ce (3600 Anam oa NY 6 ryan = 183 Mlr. (2055 9n05/) A WY = IZ IEN/ A.B mfg® © 132.05 */me = HAAG SL on sunm (faus 53)18 + FY/e = Honda \inanene) ~ 0.fy6mer Thermal Deformation and Thermal Stress ALL Searaeye bonnet soer\/t0') liner nasobyy BLE S= wetaer= M310 FAM A seomm\C7ILY® L0dk amor EM oeealacr= G07 ret i3in*CU 2) 169m. Hie! sa, Se aclaer? U.310 S62 Samm MLO = bloom BEL a) $2 ol elaer= Un3nsi*eN625 mmM 65%) = OVS 9 ann BY OE Klatd= 207110 PAY 318°C)" 231m BSL $= Klee born! ee Mier WEN A/er)= 0, THUS 48 THE TOTAL WIOTH. ENN ENO CoVLD BE OY Jy, BSB DeLe Com Exrana BYA TORR 0 0.SDIN wrnour Sréess. Reod. at= f= 280i 2 OD 288 * Buona Nor Maary 106 Exs ty rot orgie 76% REMAINING BE? MDE~ DLE © 30M °F o= Exar) = BBX) C600 FGI A) * 693 08) BSL Ae= Mm 'F~optee BOF fax lat) = Bouse Nierin\eo'P) 0.500 ESE S# T1ss.300)~ 1655.10) = 0.277 am Cemmme metronronent) Boe 3". 22 kame ae ae (BPX OFE ‘SSlob mee) ” treet) tde = Jor 2/8 234.8°C BSG FOR FAST #aAT OF Cookie, RINGS ResranED erie US DIAMETER GETS TO 5S. 200 2AM. § © 55-300-SS: 200" O/db0004 ate 8 Ret OE FNP EE Zoomed © 72" Ber f, Bee BAF T-/0nLC= 1226 Aodimaa at» 1276-20026 'C FE KE) (093 x0 AA) (16,910 C07, OEE Mle Seapss ALE) = 0,510" M4 200mm 75" 61 man Ses = Abt) = GOAK0*%-V 45mm MM ISO = 251 anor Be Kulat) =(6,cx0 Your wV(190%)=0.593 40 INI, EXORUSLON OF 0..0 man IS UM RESTEAN DD: v 2 fe 0/0 aman = 4 Reo’ at" Beate Wamad 57°C Bre ty tat = Zoe bIT 9 ISIE Avo. Bt Jot 3519'S = 34.1% ~ Beste T= Ek be =(9SK POM IS.2 AN CMI = 3807 MO ELC O Ed ar = (207K AYU3K6* CN C= ZN le Behl $1 (o.50r~10.500 =0.0059 UweesTannen bt" £, Ou & at 139 KO" OF YC 0 S00 1H 366 °F Lar ty rot, = 25426.62 IGF 400. bt > Yoo~I/.6 © 2884 °F ~ LEST RAnED = Eater) = Const (si M130 x08 PY ZK. 4") © 37 S00 PS) FoR 606/-71V, Sa = 3500005) , Bae. aL. ALSO, BEchuse ALIS 1H COMYRESS aw JT MIAY BULe OE, ZG 5p « nemeryos.onn' eN s0.00Nlera-65)'# “0.2997 1H, Sri = keto) = (5,340 920.0 mM W2 F)= 0.0234 0 5p ~Sei © 0.2103" aa cia8Larereaen bn 0° G72 0,00876 tem = ospadey. AQ EE fe delae) 16,3006 Neser) unter MOE-CIIVE SOLSTN 2261 MH 54 O.Sdamm*= Bb00s0m = 5s tha Sr Aete Ae) + ae Le Ae) At (Ares reXete) At= a asks thala ON ADC N2.boom) + (20.51 C M1 -G00m) OC* 235°C 5 22 ert ate 2or7IT = 2735'C EE Avveo oe Eo vt = 018100 a Mibouwt NGS OEM dhe. Faun. = 404 1 = _15¢ Mla. 2S. when Henreo mike wove PRAX, = gE foxat en s ” ar ax ARYORIRTED 13 °C testi tet = 2% r/2.3% = 32.3 'C Members Made from Two Wiaterials As® 150"~ 130°> Stoommm™; fe faecal . Fes = Ga0n'n)Gz46n) «, dees Phebe * Gear Xion ta WiFinam STARS Le G5 Oe Es/ee * CUM \(207 Colao He gy * LOG Meee 3468 As= .74u* (APRAAY; Ac GoniY'= 25074? SS Ese Bo rwS es) y Ee = 4.7 esi (Ser 7-0) LET O¢ * Og = 1500 PSi; THEN Of € Os *2/ 600 pS; Fe Ge [acest Act.] sr thao ea) oF = /gea0re J Metk Of» Oc Of, «oli, )- ASFA 3-69 SS eer G > 1S 00PS | O5* % = 190 YY, = 9180s 0K & Asie Aeke , ees Fined 2 the26.36As tAc fe Be ‘4. 2t)' be a 200.5) * B® (b-/) BAe eb Db) Ae *b-*= b*-26 tH E = 636[2b-1) + bee +1 = b7470.776-£.38 E_ , 500.000. 333.32=47+/0.775 -51 38 oe 4S00 b?*+h.77£ 338.7 =0 BY ovADeaATIC EoW., b= 13.8101 EB Ase Ane2 mere sb 85am” oA 2 Phas D 405 ie AsEat haa — (Sees 20760) BESS xt KONG CA) Te > ORs Cafey » 19'S tthe Py 2 (UES te. ZL, waane = 2265 9st 22.22 10M Ase Ws? $52 te /22 276m. ; bv Cee Ot Ea 27 LL %/E/ Mer. Te ptyy® P72 0% fy 2 S00 ptf, OK PE ze of. 2 Pe Asks thebe BME tAcEs 5 es teed 7 22 nto? WEIS man” Aen Bisa rea * pesea Mteots oe Yuin? (1203/7 * 6.200 * Mee BA, ZZ 1) fomoore Ponce R60'0. 1 DEFLECT ALUH:hO0 O12¢m A= SEA a lose eee ap 15 sme’) 77,2941 2) Aonimevte Loho AvABLE: Fa = 3500-7720 272. 76k0 2) Bott memees DEFLECT THe SAWS Amt yoo Pr Sete Bh Be tu) © “aa rz, WV anai Ae Pe he ate ee cons TEA 6m Sen Yolo: Ae #5581 a? Casita” Ls 3600 a0m™ D ber fae hm 272.7hw Aetia~a Gr) Pat Wass 2.92505 2 272.7bkw Pe = W248. Fa ® 272,16 ~UbtE @ /60 78H 5) 70 rie Lota on Aiuat fag * At 6A* TAYE 160.28 + 237 20 6) S7tessest Bw Mex thel = 31.2dtlee IS” 3600. Oe Ben DERM «Esa of 223 1 mre wor moves 125 am 10 ove Ten (2) Tite FORCE CRETE Chuses THE TUBE 10 Snoerew Ao Tie Bolts 1 GET Lewsct. Sm ths =25enan; Mio Lucls 3) THE comPeessne FoRCE IW Tre THE EQUALS Me TENSnE FORCE A THE Burs Pa.~Ps (on aus Foe Goo) D Aa=Flist-129°) =2U ano” Ase dVe= 3H ane t i 3) pn tae “ Pett Bo 125mm Ps (430) oem +f _ spas phi ule NEA) * G0rK0 TR) Pol 2.4ox8 + £92 061-809. 3200 =Lee A= By hl Fa 6) Sraessest Oe > ft, Lvao0n 8 eae 7 Lela Cae = Lt « LYON ae Rac” 20 aamne LE te 3-7 ge Phe = £50000 L0Yezentesi) SO AsEs + AcBe. MYER sides) +I RD As 443in* § Ae=WDY/Y YAS © 708.9047 OS! G8 -be/e0* (2008 V29/22)= 3437 P91 M0 TE: E52 2980 Psi FoR SrductvMar STEEL Ee = 2.7 X10 FSi FOR CONCRETE WITH § 22000 por RAED 320 bs; Get sec. 270) 39S N42 Saunton PmE- Teasumer® FV MCO 5 EF WGA YAY POST, A= 1.96 IO Aran, b= 4 2b om E es Paya = wv oz Fnac = nue! EAM 4 7K? Any 12 5b0, A ae “12.56 Rw g- FL, Waston\ 42500) , Gay EA CK Mw \C7WKI ar) 7 S= 7st kam DEL cm Qe B,8 Zoe Ly) = 2250 mm (ee ] Crna? 205%. Atum bobI-T4, Sy= H0nln. 4) TEme.AT WHICH BAR TIUcHES PLATE [225 bo laa $24, S0amm= bl lotr om ag= 2 2:Sdomm AL ben tM Z250m—) tia th tat> 2049S = US" WesTRAIN AIMS Teme, 4) Avomonm at,= 265%- Us!C= 940'C KECAAINED. oe Eb bt)= 910 AN or u00 eV ya0t) = 145 10S Pe = 145m > Sy Manet over YeL0-banne Conriesind @) tA 20%. b1= 2.400 mm. Aten 20 1Y , L2*2.405m Ss Liki 2405-2400 = 0.00500 = 500m =ALOA x 0.005 00 * At, = S 2 (6006m ky go me, G30 1008 2-)C2-Yoom), 22 = by pats Lot Wb = 06°C = 956.0% @) Neeense 30°C, E> 10.b'¢ +30>140.6 °C ResrRauen. oe Ea kL = 3 K10 Pa )C23.0x15*E-M50'c) = 50M KI Fas SMMC Convasessies @) Sy = 290MPR Fea 20/9-T, SAbE AG AINET YRLDING, BUT BURLING SHOULO Ba CHELKED, 3278S, y= 0.50mi > REPEATED Attia, Tesi bono. SPECIFY mar, Feamssiele LOA, W¥e 0OT 1300. = 262 Gfx W) Leroemarion: ¢2 FL , Tien f= SEA AE ROR marron z 200 2m am Fry ay = GeS00nbS 207Kt0 7M ) 6009, Lon ~ re “Dye = B8.7K1ON = 88.7 A ® sracsss oye Sy = Ol May = 101.8MC. = FA Foav= Oa A= (10/8 A/mm bcm) = 61 doo =6) STRESS Govenns THEDESIEN. £ pax =b/0kW am FIGURE 03-79, ComOTE TOTAL ELON SATION yo | 5 D 52 Fits -GoxPnY 30mm) Ea EA [B10 Vimo) ae. (Be fe S = OU mm ele mp £736 C= 73 Kt O goo Fale GOW g ieipam Le pi rae Fax Gin) (40) 2 758107 Nome GO b= 22. nD yyy Fy mba. EAs Gina 29) S rere? Fs +82 +83 = 0/34) mm Citece STRESS WI Dt OF= 100 Mta.—Ceose 1 5 MT SAFE 2 Force ANALYSIS! n= bBohy. Wem F= B80 Ag. 9.8lm/s>= 667/N = Doma when Feace Are. SIME Laws Ac. BC Foo oF C. ge San dS eps Fo* Acs S6UNCSINIS . 2960N he SiN IS o/s Bo= SUN 5N70" 2 b490K — a Sreesss Rov Agta =Az= 11 (év0mn) fy = 50.27. ma* GE 8g es PN gy me = 129 MPA nee Ape FIOM 95 page = Pha Pte AsSime STAN Lokyt Sata Lit. ANY STE Sao = BMY Se = BK OFA a aA 22 10mm yey ap % M8980 £22 Denon) ccs = 2.1m Rika VeancaL DISTANEE Fron coUNk TA tay ss* BL, 5 80> Cot Gane 8) BDz L970 Graw)U/4-898-m) (tem) Ly (2974010, s021m~) me ° > Sac= 5.69 £0? m = 5 bP amaa Spc = BC Lz _ Ue¥90N)L12.20m) om) eA (eannty, s)( <0. mm) am ™ Soc Zblmm Q? 3-81 Force Away s/s. a= t20Ag. Wan y= ($200 by NI61 mJg)= V1 200n: Ye2AM Vetroa TRIAWEE IS A RIGHT TRIANGLE Foo of & AB Be “Ae = 0 608251° Wa) Aas 25° 33,75RN Sreess? D=/0,0mm, Ax "OMG = 78.5¥mm* AB, 33:25. xWH ae A Fastmne = 174-9 Mea Assume cTAN Lite, O7= /, REO'D Sy= 20> ZOV2VINMG) = BSI ER. SPECIFY 1st WYO 110d, V2 903 Mew ae yne SPS cece DEFIAMATIING OT ne Sgg= GOL Sge= CNL Y. 06° EA EA 942 biayy OSS LL 4 OY cy5 2502 IDM inal 25x1PN)C7.32 0m) aa 35° * or andiy)a)(78,5ime) baer \u $62 0.0/5 2m = 18:2 rman Sa: - EEE, Gb nO ML sesterm) boon ® EA” (terete law )CTAS man) [Lee bmg age = OHO] s ~ Gee = 0.018200 = 15:2 Ame 4 28 ANs1 b¥0 Co, Sy = Brksi. Ler 070.9 Sy=73.0H5/= Hy Le200 Nt ge MD, TLOSISA™ poo /y2 E=20xh' Psi = ZoxiPesi 5 EE 2 oe 2 OR8 RN 20) - oo RNS a BoKn>k37 Seam» Ye 2 b009nf, |, 12 O1D02V Wy, = E P= 0 A288 x13 Len) 0.200109) = 14260 LG =F DISTANCE BETH EEN GARE Manis = 2,90, 1 18 = 2. OOV4 IW PROBLEMS 83-90 foLton KrmILAA SOLUN OW PRICEDRE, Resotrs 50 mA POO FeLcowiNG PAGE 3-91 NYLON 66 PLASTIC. Tensite STRENGTH =Su= 83 PO LEF © = O15 Su= 0.5083 MOEVE HLS Mle Le S0mm. Az tine (2.5m /haum) = 200200~ E> 2900 oMee> 2700 .M/ am” fe rst oH 2 LUE mb) So0nm) — y 2900 mea Stemi 62 = 05 1/0 gy t OOMNT ann we Fe Oa=(Us Mp, x) 2oome)* 83004-6304 ->F DISTANCE BETEEN ERAGE MARKS= somants = 0.018¢ man > § 50. Ubrame PRoGLEMS 92-99 FOLENS MMAR Soon PREEDUE, RESOLTS SUMMARIZED on FOLto NG PAGE. Moret DATA Feom THe 218 FoR PROBLEMS 96-49 REQUIRE CONMERSIONS AS SHOWN IH Low ER TABLE ON FALL ene PAGE, at ‘SOLUTIONS TO PROBLE 8270 3-90 Motale Tongih Prob. Materiat 8, 09's, E LA Elong. betw. gage Strain Force No. (ksi) _(ksi) (ksi) __(in)__(in’)_(in)_marks (in) _(invin) __(Ib) 3-82 [AISI 1040 CD 8273.8 30000 2.000 0.200 0.0048 2.0049 0.00246 14760] 3-83 [Alsi 5160 GT 700 238 214 30000 2.000 0.200 0.01428 2.0143 0.00714 42840} 3-84 {Alsi 501 OQT 1000 135 122 29000 2.000 0.200 0.00838 2.0084 0.00419 24300} 3-85 }C17200 Ber. Copper. hard) 145 131 19000 2.000 0.200 0.01374 2.0137 0.00687 26100} 3-86 | Magnesium AZ63A-T6 19 17.1 6500 2.000 0.200 0.00526 2.0053 0.00263 3420} 3-87 |Zine ZA 12 47 42.3 12000 2.000 0.200 0.00705 2.0071 0.00353 8460] 3-68 /Steol ASTM AS72.Gr65 | 65 58.5 29000 2.000 0.200 0.00403 2.0040 0.00202 11709] 3-89 JADI Grade 4 185 140 24000 2.000 0.200 0.01163 2.0116 0.00581 27900) 3-90 [Aluminum 5154-38, 39_35.1__10200_2.000_0.200_0.00688__2.0069 0.00344 7029] ‘SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS 3-91 to 3-101 Plastics and Composites Tength Prob.| Material 5, 05's, E L A__ Elong. betw.gage Strain Force No. MPa_MPa__MPa__(mm)_(mm®)_(mm)_marks (mm)(mmimm) (KN) 3-91 [Nylon 66, dry” 83 41.5 2900 50.0 200 0.71852 50.716 0.01431 8.30 3-92 |ABS, high impact” 34 17 1720 50.0 200 0.49419 50.494 0.00988 3.40 3-93 |Acetal copolymer’ 55 275 2830 50.0 200 0.48587 50.486 0.00972 5.50 3-94 [Polyurethane elastomer” | 34 17 690 50.0 200 1.23188 51.232 0.02464 3.40 3-95 |Phenolic” 45 226 7580 50.0 200 0.14842 50.148 0.00297 4.50 3-96 |Glass/epoxy composite” | 786 393 27580 50.0 200 0.71250 50.713 0.01425 786 3-97 |Aramidvepoxy composite” | 1378 690 75845 50.0 200 0.45455 50.455 0.00909 137.9 |Graphite/epoxy, High s,* | 1917 958 135832 50.0 200 0.35279 50.353 0.00708 1917 [Graphitelepoxy, High E” | 1103_552_330960_50.0__200_ 0.08333 50.083 __0.00167_110.3 From Appendix A20 [From Table 2-13, Chapter 2 Problems 3-06 to 3-09; Data units. Prob Material Sopeeeerpeee crea No. ksi__MPa__ksi__MPa 3-96 |Glass/epoxy composite | 14 786 4000 27580 3-97 |Aramidlepoxy composite | 200 1379 11000 75845 3-98 |Graphite/epoxy, High 8, 19700 135832} 3.99 |Graphite/epoxy, High E 48000_330960] Stress Concentrations for Direct Axial Stresses D> Yoommam » dg ", A230. ) Fe Hed F60601 dy * ps UY 5 RL dg= % fas = 0.086; Ke "23 ALE A 22 Sor? Home a 78> 110. Cen? FH TOIT some” BM Ce ; Crna Ke Tarn? @) 3-01 Do1s0m, dg=l2Em, A©0/2in, Fe 1030018 Ydy” 1S YRS 420; PLdg °01%/12570,09L, Ke 240 A ALZ-¢ 0 140 Fh e foz0nce inn? —F 2 0 300LE sh 3 Snag? Ke Gig * 2.900392 Me Ay URIH 8398 3) } Onag= Ke Gaen * 2-40(8 BLK D200 dy 0350 2 coven F= 125018 use APA AB2-| Dy” O10 362114; Phy = Sp ss2 Outs Ke? 205° wag GA 219006 jlnate >(205 1/2940) =26 83505) Cin HG Tioasty 99078 jae? Ke ie? (9SI02I) 3 9 =1.0anen, dg ® Btrmm , A=h20mm, E> SSN YS ACO RED bg? “Va225 j Uy? Ye 2005} Ke 206; Chom? Terag/y SS00N : won” FT ayHy mar = ~ - 2 22Y Mea Won” Cary mae OUI Mb | Case” ke Trym = 2 S094) = 22 Bot H=2,50/M, A=2R20M, A= 02220025, F 217,500 L6 USE ACCA-AR-3 Wh? 2 ay 21145 Th 2 PG 9 9 2 0.6595 Onn = Yen E04 d01N Le 196 Tun? LD 50068 ae » wom? Taam * VER6OSS 5 anne = Ke Onan “le YG 861)* 38 9180.05) BLOS = 60 mum, h = SS mm ,b = faaman, N= Go 73:0 aman, > ISMW, USE ACP AIA-Z Alh= Yos= 1.09; Wh Tos 0.056; KeUIS; Cina? Yer ae peace * Cv0n® Ge¥ wat = MCN bbe; Cage “Ke Opn TNIBEA) 34 Nhe 3-6 fe 25 pimaa, h = 22 Aum , t= 3 Oman, fe = Go 2S pnt, Pe 6B00N Use AACA 22-3 = "agl= “4; we 230.0, Kel; Omea® Leh 6800, a 7 a Suan” BFR — = W350 lass Onac® Ke ten? U8IIMS * 1X Mla. SAT H=0,800n ; h=0,50i 5A Mn = 8Y 50 > 162; *Zs Ciiom = L806 on GM eSOw® 9% = 010m, €= 042 IN, F = 180018, Usb ACE AAT Wh 50? 620; KEAU26 5 Com = th Ke Caan W(3000)" 52.8 008°, = 30 o00¢si Daman, b® 40 Anon, FI10> 4255 y= Sy= eur} Ker 165% Cnea™ nay 2 Bema 2 Coen” Te Ceayaa™ oe soc * 302M Fa DHA, d=L951N, A=025in, F=1BK= 18 00066, USEAPPAI2-2_ Ya ?Yprs® 13; Ud = Yas ° 0.143; Kya bbb; Siam? Yad VY =_ 1800 , Ae E 2 le Hh Citen™ ea oeeae? (PISCE); Cray Ke Gian? UbN 950) 33.127 03) D2038n, b2032m, Rom, F=375i8 USE ACE Ada-. Ya > 08/y 59° 19; Als 2° hse 0.063; Me PLY Cyan? Sa dy G63 05) ; Onan? Gren291 M1669 = 8906 P57 BAU D=/o.tmm , b= 8.0 mam, A= 0-S0Amim, F* 1600 h, USE APE ARID Ug > Yar 1:255 Uy > Ty 20,063; Ke? 2095 Siren? Sard Jy Joon ate _ ad. 5 Cinae Me Oram 2,00) (31-89 = 63e 7H Fe Flavin BBO &; Omar Me 22.09 (3 Onom * | FUR ur 2.50, E~ oon, d= 1A, F*/4200 18 Ys ACE A22-¥ Youre 17Ip.50 > 0,705 Ke=a0S) Sran® Sw-dye 72. 504; 1030 Asi riou™ Cee ayy VT F28 081 5 Crane Ke Great 2 SI73D = 92 cur = bormm, 6° B.0bamamy d= YAnan, FH =6EAN, USE DEC ADR-¥, CRVEA Sur= “Yeo2 0675 Ke® 055 Oren” Flora) e ES 0b. Ona? Ke Civ m = B05) (406)* BB2 Cw 2H, Lu-=/bomm, t=2.S0/may d= 8,0000m, F=D250N Use ACEA-Y, CURIE A Yar Ypn* 0.4; Ke* 2.20 5 Sia” YGor-a)e» 72250 Oe- aXe Cinan? ke Oran® Ad UF) 98 MPa. SUS ur = 0,601, EF 0.0881N, d= 025N, F 24256 vse AlAaa-Y, CuRYeA la = "Dh bo = 0417; Ke ® 2:22; Cat Tube VEO cis dares} Chea Ona Kt Orion ~ RAINS 122) > B4240 €: D= 50 many d=20 mm, F=120AN= (290004 USE AGE, ADA~ 5, CuRvEA S/o > 24/s0> 0.403 Ke * $05 Ovens Farniy «200M = Ey, /o (so. 3 Key? 6205 On Arey Roy Eee Fax KE Come (0) 6/1) = 306 Mee BML D> Ruvom d =0.75w, FHdRSO0B., Use ARP AI-S, Cave A 0 = 9 "ares * 0.295; keg = 495; Cxoa® yeu = P2SOLE = 7442 96) AQP 7V anv rmax® Ke Onom > (25) (2162)? 3402005)” 8a 63m, d= 635N, F= 280016, LSE ACE.A2A-S , cuave A 3-18 p= Yo Fo, 63 = 0.550 j key 7 6-95; Gry TO PE > 8982s; Ke Onen= 6.95) (8 982) = 62 725 ¢5) Char D=famm d= 7250nm F2 ISON USE ACE A22-S, cvave A I=? "Via > 0,607; ke = 8.005 ho = soe Veo. jhe 5 Ciem? Rae = aro 66,3 ea Omar = Ke Crom > B.00)(66.3) = 53/ Alo coos Fe 25 #N LET Cmax? C5 = py THEN NFM ona Hoe? Y= "As= 0,40; Ke>S0 Att = 25000" _ Sam = PEM = 50,93 Mr , Blasi = SOISMC 5 Cmax Ke Gy Sec _16IY MhOw N= EX elt nbn ws Snveo ofp. NT ees oooe 98, Low SHwie Be 8 Fon ROPERS Leap. FULET! Diy = *Iyq 2125; Yay = Yao = 0,10} e229 Mee AB-2, = 79, ble; Onan? Garam C2794) = No 01 5 000N, REPEATED, MS) 4/40 COT 1100S Tet, Sur 101 fe. ae BIE Ging Oe MOY C.0)(9.9)* 255 Me acho o Sinn FER ~ fa. LN Aes. — ee AL vin BE B Reve. 04D We fare MAES. 7.42 Low sete Foe Reeenreo ¢. $0, Yn fs 0483 D> Qmaansy 3 banc = 0-S0amamn, a> Yor L953 Omax= Ke Cnon® 195 200M ma LIS] Oman Ke Ontun® 195 IEMs 62.1 nln USE Ave, Aaa. & BBL Po 36kue 3 6000u, USE AML AAR-2., De OS aman, d= 2mm, 3.000 Yar 8Yyc= 1135 Uh = Vas 0.0%; Ke IS; Cian ATID 326006 Cine, Ke Gen? SFOS Gana LEI Mn. SAS me! O- bend 01a; Yo =" Yp0 = 0.80; Kerb.) AR Ada-S pe eer eae Oman Ke Oy” bol Gisgy* lay = BM Fucer (sre?! Ler ke=h70; 0 & 2.77 F= Ke t/a; Rea’ Ae ke a WOE 9,219 wre Hy 9k = BoE S/F (EG) . 0,520 SeeceY THEM Digs 1% 6 p= 189 Ale Keeh? =p “14x 0.17 0.17 d = 0.17 00.528) 20.090iN SPECIFY Jad Fe 8:25AM Revenre?, CASER-SPRLIFY MATERIA. Chm = Ke Ons ® ke ake B25EM Tay Hiren 7a) MOO AUN: ifyy = 400 am = O18 5 Mage Mor halsbeotés Onmaxe Kee Onan Lb 5(21.7W04) = 25: Bara LET Onn= Og = F4/g, Read 5a= 808>IC35.9mta)= 206 Ala SCECLEY ALUMI bo6I-T » Sa= Wena, 12 Yoetma. ~ OR ANY S Teel, Then A. 33 21as PUG oRe P25" AIS! WHORT M00. Sax Boom ra. 04> F+/y Revenrec lina, Ont KE FLA» Fries 08M fog On = 1004 Fo. t = AL, boi LUpote SECTIVN! A=Gomm)( gram) =bopum yee AM AI2-J. Ypye UmYy pp Eh bO» LEThID Fase 08-2, Moonsmm\ dom) _ 3554 ke 196 ae ATOM? APP, ARe~4! CURVE « ae = baum d= 6mm, Le & a4 05 ke B15. A= qd) b> Ge Noe) 60 oom” Faces = 224, (100Nanw bom) _ 14674 2 £, he DS se Fatal 3/26 Ke a SPECIFY MATERIAL. De KFA. og= Sfp Stock ArHore: Ate A2z-5 cutycA. te= '%,=0,%0 4g5e0 iemend = R2am™ Ghoss AEA 5 = 54 2 ker 2 RK 150 126Ki Ler Opny = Og = Fe = HEF hegy Su SS SSS Revd. Sa= /070 MPR re AT ENCE! ppp 422-2. Ya2 "Yy m= 0.007. % 210. A= Wd Yy = WM) 2 964 np? Ca Read. su= 12 KOE poe prcsaexntw) = a Z = 1246 a Sh tae sary PLA Sréess ar Pitter Gavenvs? Snag = SVB aN TH BUD Docrnt ry USL W140 OOT 900. Sn=l284MEx} 15% eronenni By. Yge lob? Bearing Stress BE ny Wests - ov sam ARATE? hy? t43in* (000. A-1) 6 > Fig 2600060 yy y= 5B69 051 2) srea rare on coucecte: Ayla)e MWm™ % > ay 2 26000 Lofyy >= 181 ts) ©) comceers’ pet on toncerte roormet Ayla) oS2¥n™ 5 * ay = 26000 LOfy sy yr 60.2.5; ©) Conceare Foonms ow sont y=(36)"> 12960 o> Mag» U8 pag yy 20,4 067 Q) Piee on FLooa: A,=Fl2.32 2.067) Lois” > Faye B0187 0, 12 Zeros; (APP-An2) 8) 2.39510 Dit-Rowsls PlAre 2378 Blots. 93 o> > an 28 239 yy ® Sa00s/ a4 3-124 4) Boer #eAe On WASHER AS? Ayge “Azo (Ser neat) As * 0:866(0.25)= 7lserY'/Y = 0.23910 C52 Migs WEL 9, 22907 = 1610 Osh 5) waster ow wooo: bye El As7s*-0,582") 22320” O14 “ay ~ SCY, r2.9 40? = Bib est SEE Dama reo prow. [641 Fo B000La, b= 2.250, heDSISin, %? My 200Y 25)(0.396/2) iw? * £8963 Pi DATA Fkoa Fiten. /-05! F=20 00048, Fl 2/65 ©) Pin/rvse 8g? Op (0-J) -(0-50)1.26-0.818)% 0.1815 tw? Ox Bye 20000 te ge a = 106 200Asi (veRY mal) ©) COLLAR ype? Age Flo Se Fln2s* ons) 0.626 i> af 20000 Oh Gy = 7000 2A ISOPSS 2 heen 16.7704 Ay 2208" 2 (RIE) « 360 sre ™ 2 03> Ta,= FOR OW 6 nang? = fo. aEBE Fem Fie. £17) 2) OW Men PART: Ay= 2d, =QNI2I5)*360.0nan* C= yw Manto, | gd = 28.3 Mh 2) om ovrer Paarss Ay= 4d 6, *UINLN I= ¥80.amm™ 2 Tag OV OY says LEBEN F 16. P3139: = 0X04 ECM 943. sam? Tg MIS gg? = BIE, 3-13 Wye 90h morn 5 ISAM to rut LesS3 22 5AV on EAH LOG 4) Srea Pune: Ope 22.510 V S225 O.omad* (E0322) FOR AML S7ELS Toe 90.9 Sy *OM(29 WA) = 2230 OL 5) TOP OF coweRe7E t Aye at Co.rom\% 0.080.0m™(ruo LES) = ¥sxOW > LENO - 0,563 m1Em Gowrinveo) 36 3-135 Govnmuee) kowcecres 2000 05) =t0Ks/¢ $805 gs? 18.79 ait fe! GA8e3-6) B= 0.3) Kf Ap, = $31 Cn 4a YO Toe = 9. 06 fae Dk ) Sot oF S4SKOW _ n.She BESS OW Contner GahveL Zy=380hM. 0% (AoE 3-1) BLE ow sovr Roce ouseduhte =16018 1 Im (rAsce 3-7) Redo. A=_p PEE 2033s st $09.0 BL R= y-13)(oosde)= 66-8)o0s 30.0) 750) #33.) pies EBE kaw (M-13) thcansannoys ince E* res) ZBI 8) Re (36-13)(0.03K S00) 8.00)" 27-la kis D Rae Mb MeMYy sca gor _20.6.n008 Leno aw etch Foor = F =/0000/¥ = 2500.0 Aye lStm? (Tage A-9 2x2%%) Re ee a 22 tb ; ae My 2549 5) oy Sb esi Re fee Yous = 2500/ 409-6250 Use Squnde pare Sloe YA, Yb ous* = 2.50 hy 4 AlltowAare REACTION = Ro. Rom €Q. 3-23, Rae 6y-13) (0.03) L) Sy* 36Ksf b= 2 (200mm Chom /2S8¥ nm) AIS ie Ls (somone 1m] 25:¥aam) © SA te, Y OniTs. Rae G6) (0.03 WessasVisgi)= 642 ees Ree 6h2 Kits) (4.498 ku {ene 285.4) OR- USING EQ 3-24 FoR SE UNITS ale 24> 220022 YO0aIn , Le L0H Sy" Wamen Ra= Gx8-40 )(.ox/0*)C400Nlis0) = 20 AW 36 Ze oe aa” Mbt 28 5M) 4ices* V2EM/te6 A= 1YtIN Oe = U2EAL 1 iw = 4998 poi * 2B conckere Feoa. 8. = Fovp~ - Gye a24 6 Pr/a, BUT Qfa ya Ob § Because Atfm, 774. Fo= 125i Cbd = 0,68 (3000) = 20% pot = PY, pean ho» Yoh, Abmn= AEM, syd jn F314 ye “ Teiancura Aten: A= £0) YD IN Ne Wan (a0 To Bo 110m OF CAHIEG: ELM Age O0)C1.0 = 26.25N*, Fy et Me » hg = FE y20h = Fr thyyr)( 26250") = /19) LF aecow ase YS FAM Stu 0 POE» Ag=BII4iN*s Oba> 0.08% OM Lanke Ftooe. O%ja= 068 CYov0 pei) = 2720 p04 Fan® Oa An= (220M) (80 Hiw*) = 868% Me = Fy Ato hBee 3-e Date esi Pee 2-MS Tia = 2700 pei= “Yay Fy = (0633 Ml) = 86,320 0 kee =o REQ”. Age FU/gz, = besso 4 A UIIN™ zo Ba TRY SQuAkE MATE: Ay= bt 60 = TAbma = VLD in = 563M L. 01 SOUAME PLATE: Dou Use b Direct Shear Stress EME re ase Manta bert G+ 600008; Reo a” Gye sara ee Grose fas rOesateYy = YIM fe Pe Eas © Yornond Frucoo * 0, 381M. Teds" Vata -2ntonnd™. 19 ky cay LBD Re ar MY FRO Phos, ISA? Fe 23 G95 3 P= Ms10nee. On Aik Ler Te Ge & © ist1ihe $Rean 5, * 87 «B09 «1200 00 Possiare Stem. t AISI¥LYO OGT 1004.6 = I162/1restth crave, E250, As=Groled= nl20W(8) ano" S03 men Pe Sus 7 0.82 Sue OWB2C{Ybuea)? Bera. = BIN Jane Redo. Fe TAs 3 ht, « SU. 00e0 2 IB ERY EEL Te Say © UbSimth~ Gaver m1 Ate. ADD Reon, P= MAs= MSP, , SOBs ahn EZ Pe Sus F090 Su = O.00(831MA) 298 Coe Co PPE Reb'o, FE TAs 20BM , . SiSanm'e LDV, ZEB PeSiuyF 0.82 Sm * 082 bem” 509M Reo'ds FE MAg* SOON | S03an0n*= 256 AN a as BASH FET Ag } LET PF Sas 2 0,82 Smt OB UII Ag = Biasmm) 4 2t@mD Goma] = YIbam™ F = (380, mm 1% amin) 2/95 RN ERE Fe TAs t Ler T Sug [ksi (ren Ate 19) As* 4/9 mi? (Ste Peo. 1-62) F = (15 000 Le/ Wh19¥i0?) * 18.300 16 ZC Age Bsin)e0m)* 1.SiN~ Te Ey 1800186 7/75; As pagans 17 65! (Uaséee) ABXIIUM MLWIMLE SHA STRESS LISTECIN TABLE Aig IS 9SESL, 2D Fe Pash Lar TeSuz¥ 0,025u° 082(4 7000289219 SE8/ BE = Phas 9sMote ar )(I5 in 0.15 W) = 2.650 £6 BUR Ler Ts Sas & 0.82 (3a) 2082 263 ono tsi) = US b60 057 F* Pilg = Qls holds) (25-0105) n © 169 B00 Lb EBD her 1 Say 0.8250 © 0826/85 ones!) = /57 oes! FTA, =(151 200 to /ys\( 25 -0.105). ne 195008 B-lbo C34000 Bersss Ler Fe Sue = 0,9. 70000 03) = 62 000 A} FETA, le0m re/u 2S -b0S)n* = 49,600 £6 1b Aum, SISY-H32 LeT 1 Sus * 182 0000S! Fe 1-As =(1s2 000 ete N25-0.08)0= 9 70016 38 22 1, pm Fe! 24, 20° coat0 HFi0. 307), +h ai010) “br cares) OM 165.5 22.09 A=nBkn 25 Fil Resuraut F ow Pow. Reefbernadr Gent Ko(anenay'es-126)"] Rew 7kn Ram 3. DESIEW Sem Srass TE Bf ot L000 ela 2 SMa y . = 17K anny Ms * 4 Revo Ay ae axe Lop Du fT WEEE — jo, & Red De AE WEEE ojo. onan 3L43 AY ot ab £7450 °2050)-B, (0.8) 4 st 5, Werskot A A My *0y-F 20,625 kt iF fe abit er amity SE "Yeoo= Stay. tw. 1" BAin® © 25; Pd toe sy ees 7 aeed AsYas ty zsh Tin Of 0 PSA «19 09, c= B=Sushy ie >. As = = 32.95; i * z 2 Bats keh Aen HEARN, «2th frat Te pe Rea. Oy «VW = Y2lraape. L380 LUE BMI 0! Reo'd, Ax» SYSLEN 6 1G m™a Ide” Lo Mes 2 REOD. De = De = 2A Tr >RUHYy = 17 01m 2LY Foacer ow Joma rovwo Fkom Poste /-5t, Jor At & A= aSAY © bine vowr 8: F, + 110.5" + 909% 13.940 = our D he 285: BVI 286306 ReOD, Agr LE LOEHON yy oe ny” B63 AT AD D*V4Ar In Ra amo Fee ours A mee Reon, Ase Eg LRP py j ayy te 86.3 M Lamm DNYAT a? 3 mm Fok Jonts 6 Awd, 34 SLE 0 53 emro'a¥be8m EMy =0™ Ze0(Ve8) Fe (6) Fis Uvis 2M, 90 =280(52.8)~Ry (6) hy 2 2H0d Le SHene Sreess O01 ANE rz Rw = 20s 26275 i Ate A, As 2(mlosY7y” 75 iy Dovbue SHEAR TIA © Saas, Alun, 3003-HIL. Sas =83nle A= pt, t=hvomare _ P= wa) r2cay ral reo] w2[20r) +78 = 358 mm SB) (plo) = Sor man™ Fa Sms A= B38 fa gr) S02) = 41 CAN deraert y= Syi 2 GOKS! 72 eds 2500051 Age 20% = rove Fhe = » Read. fs = Gye SOB = ober e 10/2 Rec, Ov fis » [2 lbotse = azo6ns Steuiry go.2841. EIB Fsoe OF on Boirt Poy T= pel eno 763 16 Tonove = F -ehons* 23348, 98un, F 4 is Bees USWA = 2,65 xp * Lom 3- Ibe Le 3-401 Com Pure FORCE REONLED To CUCM OVS THE SHAPE Mh) Fravae F3-9 TEKS FETAL Ler le Sus AISI 1020 Cd, Sy* 7EMSt. Sus = 0825 = 0.8207D* 6.5K! A= SHEAR Aten = FPerin erens WiKNESS =g2 620" 0.0850 P= hothorzo0+VH* +090 ¢ 1032 = b,I0 iN Axa pit= b.10\ 0.089 6,569 ss F Sap Ae brs 107 Jo. 5690) = 38 00 lh =F 3-/70 FETA R=Sas A. 606-74, Sas * 2¢kS) MEANT C OM 02 Vine) +3005) € 101-5Ye = 8. Ob nts apie zor Bb iw © Fe Sus: A= EY xP MI) 0.860 )= 212 60 Wb=F Atv. 2003-7418 FHT A Sys Aa Suse lOMNPae « Aap, € = 20mm Peo 30+ bo + eo G0” # Sarr IO” = 19k mm « A=527.9mom~ P= Sus h= 10 Myr (527. Imm?) = 58.068 =F 4o ST A= Sas. Ast 1010 60. S4* 669 Mle. Sas= 8254= SV le. As pbat™ hbormm. p= 5d + 30+ tot IT L2e = /S1Y.2m AED A mm hbo m)= 242 man®, FESVW. 29 emma HAN me FE TA= Sass Ats) 1080 ORT Gov, San™ 1234 Mla Sus = 0,82 $= 0.82 U22¢NF2) = foszsilo. Asp t. £= d,f0mm, P= bot AVIS *H1s* +224 10 (4) = 132 aman 137 mem) 0,80 am) = 109.6 aim. Flor ome Myf ima) F= 11,9 AN = TAF Sus Alum SISV-H3B. Sins = 198 Be PE, LF 2.000% « Poyreog® LURBYE U0) = 356 mm Pusioe = Irs) +20 2099 + 2009} = 97,744 Tora p= bo tts = S03.Jmm A= p-t= (5021X 2.0) =/™ Fo Suat= 1220, )/1o06mm)= 1I6.28H DATA FRom fRob, 3-174 Flasr $ret p= Pansipe™ ¥7lam. Ae peUt2IN 20)? 24.2 2am Bia Sap A= O93 Wf (2902 mo) = SL BAM RFs 242 STEP! 2 hoursme = 256.00 . Ar =(356N2.0)= Hmm ~ Fy = Sas Ar = 093%, Y 712 mm) = 132.9 KM = Fe Ke FRom APR Anz2-4 Coave B3 Yuy-?4Y, oo” D423 KE2BI Sham” Gite. a lyesas eadXeterv?) .. 203218 2.83 3-180, FIG. P3-180 Rivereo Planes. ASSvme STANCE COO £0 61-7 & PLATES: Sy A YORS /Sa= VERS] [PV ELONERIO 2OW-TH RIVETS: Sus BBKS! , Sy= V2KES ®) SHOAe Of kivers Ty = Frify = 386i = 9,c0K8'= Sas As = 20 MOSWOY) = 9.392u1~ Two Caots FECT oS P= TaAs = (FRM, YO. 793107 m 3730 Lb 4) Tensue steer oN HATE Og = y= Wy = /3.345) o- Ya. A= Bom-2las)] W96M = 6,25 n> F= Oy A= [1333344 Yam > soon a (2273 lor) soon a ©) Benama Arewers/toves On = 5 Ops 0 OY O58 = OLS C ¥0K3}) = 26 KS) On PLATE Ag -HD) (6) =O,50M37N2) = 0.4375 1M Pls Jeers (an F= Opa Aer Esco, )( 0.3250) = 9750 Lb rz SHEAR STRESS GIVERMS ! Faptoe? 2730 LL Dare Fkom Ploelén 3-180 | WE FIGUeE 3-181 2) _Swene of Riverss Ta= Ps00defyy>= l/de Ae= BOP CORD) = 0,8U3 00> Fe TAs > stole) (03030) = YB ML 4) Tense Sreess my C1078: 05-13 332 es; = F/A A 13.0 - 360.328) IC0375) = 0,703 1® Fe 04-A =612,339 UY) 9, 203:69* 9325 Me O) Beta e ! Cia® 26 ovo te/m™ ov pare Abe 31 23 =3[0,32H0329J = 0,422 ms? F = Ong+, [26 000,» 0.72.) = 969 Mb Suen sritess GOVERNS? Fryecous= BM 48 3-2 DATA Feom Peete 3-130 Q) Sheva of Rivets! Ta= %5t0 LM) y= Sas As = 4L (0370/4) = 04/8 in® P= Ta Ase Fos00Mp yn onlaue)= NIL 8) Ten syow OW AATE: Oy2/3333Mi, = Sa A = (3.0 — 260,329) ] 375 = OBYYIN® P= Oy A> (2337 MY,.)( 0.99 u) = I 250M. ©) Benge Ar RWers ? “ON CLA TES! O54 = O65 C401S/)= 2615) Ag = 200.25) £0.293)(2) = 0,375 1N* Fee Ors Av = Cb000lbiyn) (037800) * 9750M- ON RMVETSS Opy = 0, 65€¥2061) 2I7,BSI Abe 26613206,375) = 0,24 Fy =(27300 th /y2)( 0.28/10?) =262BM SHEN OF RIVETS GOVERN? Fineeos= WWM RECEATO FORCE: e LAUs tiy9 OOF NO Ten sia it INK AL Of = Og = (VP EYy = 18.3755) Os kek 2 p= Oa Aver = OR27 Mf 05-02X0D 10> Aner ie 2-60 APP 422-4, cveveti Y= 7D 50,50 » Ke = 2,60 Frevon = 6626 bb PAISL INL Or t100 Shen Steass 7 ON? Tye “Wes VFL = /apeKess Te: Fats de =, Bor eTa ns = (anf) (2m) = 203M BEARING STRESS AT PINS Tig = 0.90 Sy 70.40NQ2K5)) = QUIEES A v= Casi arsia)= 0.9395m* Oe- Vays F=O5g Ae (7 3e0ty, Noosoenr)= G1G03M- TEMS/0N IN LIK GOVERM * Fagg ons = 66.26 LL 44 wa Forces W MEMES: AB= 2465 Ler) Ac= t9Es5te ©) 6 = 137518 (7), BB= oor BCT) , cee 6501.8 E) , Co= 0le (), DE= K/LB). SurPouasr Forces: Ay= /syucs b, ky* 26406 ty Br= jos —~ Marine! Aste AS6 STRUCTIAM STR, 5, Assure sTATIC Lono. Oj = YQzlGKss EDD MEA! Any = Vay Soume Lovee Ticote Memeo F@) _oafes) Aa td bam 2 rym AB Les 78 0137 BN MB Be WIS 18 a.076Y = +L Ib 32 Vets 7) 1200/8 0.066? 25829 YeHb bE qa 78 0.0534 ALrTERWAN VE DES/Ews * Sovaee hoo: A=b*; ban = VA Rovwe £00: A= 26> Daye = PCA — Heaven Roo Let Any & TENSILE STs AlGA OF THacnp Fim Ale A3, CoAaseé WhERS Foe TmHAEHOED £oo, AITACH: TO CLES Ras DEEN PIN FER cLev/s”, FIA SAFE SHER SESS. Ar Bi Pin JoInT ATTACHED TA FRAME AVAL PRovi0€ ROULER OM GN THAT BEARS Ont FRAME ATC Ane Et Phovive An Apoiad te CLEAS FROM Wee TO ATTACH LoAds- MSTE! COMPRESS OM MET BERS USF BE DESIENG? Wilt Coven BUCKLING ANY S18. St ChAT Ee FS foeces mn men eens! Ab=VE8IN (F) BE=0 BE Rv wor) Ca 10IaNEr) D> M00W (Tr) Dee zt3uMic) ck BN) FE= sane) bo- 289M ) Bee 7ulr) EF = 2300n E) Sveroer Poaces? Ay= Hon * , Ax* V6O3 Wt, Dy YY RBM PESIONS COULD bE S11 AL To PRO BcEm 3- 184 Fokces Ane GEVENALLS Smee. Sma WIRES MAY Bf VSEO Foe S10 MEMCERS. ComPRerscoy MEMBERS MIS BE DESUENED For. Buckie . See CHAErER //. 45 Ht . BS Force anacy 5/5: wa USING FOO oF EWNaE SraueTueE! Et =0=G4aha)lA¥m) ~By (9) By= BWOY, = 6e.0hv t EFy20 = 34,0 469.0~ Cy ey 2 loz kv ABIS A Two -€ 0kcE MEmCa ABy=BY= 2B.ORM = AB CoS2 18 sr Rvcrver Si eygrlg ~Z3.2hw TEM Son Bre AB Sy 25'S 22.2ho FORE tv Ane. Px Oe > Abr 27.2 AW tn or v ZA,r0= By-Ce Cy = Bx 227.2 kev hu Foace ow ec Vx tb) “ert joe EN F8D be Boom: Zag =0 = Goer) (h36m)- Aey L425) _ Ab y= EVO 1g 129540 DE= AE gy 2g = Nobkel ToHs tor shake i ee pec B°= for.rhe ys 02 Atx—Fe lta ae Fea Aber ork Me =0 = (34.0 Ho 1372) ~ Fy lps) y= OWPY, ye 2 RISKS Foaceaw Pn F=f Fy ty 3 Font+ Bas = Phe Pi At Ay= Aty tAby= Uo. 8)c0s 622° H(72, 20s 2.8" 4. Ay = (95+ £8.0= Wogan 4 Axe Abr-AER= TEE SiN 28a lem 72 NEW HO.BRM Ax = 2718-1001 = TY. bad — SUMMARY OF RESULTS: 272 28N ae QO) Forces iW wees t A&= 110.8RM; Me ©) SHEAGNE FoRce IN EACH PIN? PAL Eyed Pea"? Ina” «13th OME! fp TRUM, Mevenare Src. a= 54/72» SPected MSL Ws OAT Fas. 54> 28 IN fm, IEowE, HMiBH STREWE IM E608 DUCTIEITY Og = CaN atl. TE Mba = LON Namen LET 07 = Owax* F/a » Ten Reon n= oy fuser aw eee 2 D3 mm = 104 Reale d= Praag GaiviaaV, = SPECIFY _D= Vonnea -PREFEKAGO BASIL SIZE. AOR For AB? aa 222K0FIN 2 ggg mms 170 fy ee LIDV KS on™ Reob p= eae Cb BL krma Y= 29. Soman SEcIrFY D= 20. 0mm - pesos Bat SE oS) Destan OF PIS! Aue Aus TOBE LM DOBLE SHEOR UsiIe A CLEWS -Tv Pe Cormnecnon. [Fe Fre.2-17) FRom TABLE 3-85 Ty= Sysfz= Sty SPECIEY Aist Yio CBT 908. Sy=NI2MC2,/SAowE. Tae FY r= NISC 2 99S Ale. = 995M Layrg > Ler Ta Toune® "Jaz « Tiel Rows Ase Sry PAT . 5 Ene BEMEY 2 15454 rm Fn = IVAN» Read. As= To 983 wad PM D Ace 2A = 2272. econ a katy Prom =f ABBY 79,29 m. Steciby D2 Semen Pin ES Fo Webh, Asx E @ MEO § p32 mm a Fs Drm =[@9Ypy = - fee) = 25:60ma 5 De LBrmon PIS C1 FF 1S CAN. Ase fess 1062 00m LE! 3 Doun= JEBED < Z6,4,mm. SPELIPY DELED IO es AL 993 Pun = WS) _ = = 26.6 .mm. Stociey Pe=28.0anm LIND: F= B404W, foe 24K = 243.4 mn qm3 bam = [ZED gma Stectb 4 D= tenon Cuerr pace Foe gence sreess] 3-186 (conrrnver) REARING STeess ON INS! [See Fue tt Fat Obstent oF Jour) = F_._f_ 4 > tz be F- De AMZ Yi Reed, 4, =_F. OAe bd ~ OFbSy Ea. P22 Fra STEEL, Sy* 193 ma. ~ Aust W409 OAT For Fee ANS MATER FoR mans Phirs must 8& ATLEAST AS STRONG. Phd > O.90CHIZMER)= 10741 Fae =107U yy > FINA’ D=30,0mm. Fe 1344 Lying 7 PEA = Gomme 0M afmm) THe REQ'O Thickness 1S QUITE Simm. TIS WIRHEY they war ACT M Dimeustins Fret Ao be Mec muen LARKER FIR Onieh Sreess CN Ornws. PINS FL, Ae EE ge pale B22 8mm «Fez lB kU &; - Masi i 7 ee C8 mr HW v/amm™) Weus 18 AtSo VWenv Smate. tus F Awo € Ave Sttenne Lowi FolC8, So kew'v E15 SiMAR- = Bebe mom PN MRE! /F Boom oe Coumn a2e mae Rot 7 PATOUAL WIT Laer sew am (Sven as Srevervam crea), BCR ME& STRESS CALCULATIIWS fiuST BE REDONE. PID! F=3Y.oka+ D= omm B Yak H ty, s —e 0 CMU AWH, am) = 198 mm Saar 48 CHAPTER 4 Torsional Shear Stress and Torsional Deflection Tee = Gaonm\fomm) iiss = [bite FCO) mF 2D (ost 0%)=eas!-26e tL (oot 0) Beast. 2st): sae ‘anand Te Fe = {seo (35/2) ane en = 69.9 11h a Tes bsmismrshdy . . = FTAA Van nt LOM es Diz Oo-20™ L7S8- 260,28" 450m ae Eon. Bhas* 150 0, 42 py Toe + (ssc ceada2c Adie O40 rw? aL 360s! ESs00 26-m\C) 0.929 1* Lo BBP Monts _ 7 fr ATi had Ze = OE An To Ee= Ottgatyl pene), Waar TROVE cman py EB Eo ToL = Buttons. ” “Pred JS 823 ata Se BLM 22) aml 27320? man Fp. (03 aellommn), ders « TB. 3 Me SE KIO" sha Te Secale @3c00) 6.00 « 3938 Lam 2s = Te. artis rT angele ie sat EUG Esi Tan Shs EE pirnest aie 4s 19 I i Je Sy 7 Faort reoeverr 4-7, = 3938 tam, % © BY/7 PSf CLI mL O72 oe amo? 2 toe = Tey 20.¥22 Fok PhoPana K@YS&AT, Ke *2.0 pe kele ts 2 -OV 39388 ANO.I2 1Y, = B13 psi a.fe2 ut poe TT estan 13 MoT SAFE. 7 63000 C1 Sh) i ELE 2 25 bn Ar FiLeTs Afys OVS 16 20.0665 My PF, 10 hb; USS Ar reyseat: Aad Tour HT, CoV 215080 7 laasvUi ae SI OH pusce wine set aces Sh, RED. SY 2 20065790) © 62 Fea FF)? MY 1a NOT [Boo ~ ‘Sy b3cei; RK ws, Ar mucert fs 00 Yn? Yh sy 2138 5 fe “hSB 2) tage KF. UE coernd Te SF TaN 8 EL & Ar nous: rea? leg = 2.57 wt -£- 2M. Tine PE = Hest ad Taney /826Y 2307 Fron Aer AthS HY Oy iye O11 8 5 THEW din, IUALZN) 9,360 0 t= WLP ge © 1 600'-60") /32 = 2281 bent ae dercttent too heen = 6S cit Te (ama 2 a fake & ‘ok awa me Sretey nevut! £00. S¥=2Q2)(frar) Sy= VOSS) = 2627, C06/-7é HAS Sy 2761 re. 492 Sorws d= 170%82 = 76 32)V 2 te! = b/36x0 om? = SDM er 25 nen) yA = 7a Be = Gop aesbeceng) Abe GES tte FH Bey 617 4in mel toes Ms potiad. 1nnss = ioeNosts) = Ak De.» FE etn! eth y metoshy Hotious t FL (30) = 362.318 aman CDN). eels 58s] mba. (69 Nts Tene) oF Gaul peediod = aorrt had [1-49 mes Ornn} n= BP) Ge (Ti) = 326 bg [Seco 15 2.98 res Htanes] —~B red. ee Bae ten en 24601 on? - og t 3 2 foal ary 01226 D4 Reed os 4 Beet iae Loman Dom 428i = at Te bs0cecas\/ay=/969L8-N VT. Ltn Be EEG ee pas: AE T= 6300007 fio = WY Lan Reob. By Lm ste” 2 eT = hu = 0.0263 0797 DV Reo. DAkeeln WataaiO * S12 IN Te Fat» Bove lent) = 1940 L113 262 0.6524 Wl heehee) Te Var WYO LEM] p, gery jy8 = 2207 Csi = CY ere Yu) ™ 1oao aang Tobe Lt: V20 fr-I buen P* Fie = SEDs usnte. Pe Yxoe 360081 779g {py pf “4B ESI = Sag 2/4 Re@D Sy = a7 8 (396t) #67 Wo lst Pssiece Sree: Ais 10% W/@TMNd0 , Sy=80kSi, 24% erone. ol kK 20 Le Pas uray TeSys = Sify 34 [01% 2120 10m, S77 Bes, P aman =, 18 TRO fe YT mente ge = Nits. T* 63000Casw\/7¢-=2./ 4106 tem Te te Beg Gel a sasors/ . tan’ Lew ese (Oele Reod, Bp E— a2{Ae Lt Ms torn? ff (eka) Ber Di 20.8 Des Divs avenena" Beef OL 2MmON. reso . a nsy og a 7 Y ony. To = 1s: REODr fo.055 *) Gos LEM 18 OL> 0.9 to = 12.09 1N_ ReoD 20% Yoow*= Yet peta edn = Lastew, WE, ANDi As, tru’ Win” ALsDhae “Aw? Yes XRaPYK oLLE = . v Te Pete + dau. Te saVae”, fit 196 Wm de molle= nledtlae= (272m! - &: 7-0 crv) bs Te Tis Cppenl ages) fa Ho nea eal OnE featre Gppael sel aos Hadar) eeThw fe sealgsoen) lemony G3 leona UIUSY TR loam pe Ge $9 Fe atte 62.05 10 nad! anys p» Tks Az srttend facomece) (thon), BF (26tWlaVars ion” m8 tbe HAS gu Th Your arr) Hae SF" Uisxit law rosin “Pry ~2LbL Rho te (8:3 066) 2 +G.0 vee irare/ iio pea.) = 0103900 do Fo Hee an le = 01 YeutaneYn REDD, D> VILIOIRS Tir = Lot rw ba \g lg ws ra iS I li . . feetee\teeen) SiS? (208) ) O° Ort 00" Coentate) mr + pages Speman pa = 18 108 mn £ Se2 CAM fy “207 Sonam! O= 00697 + 009 = 2.025b0no 4.23 06.3 o-(/00 966 17 Ate Jay ten) = Os HT RAO y Reon f= Zhe Eta Maen 15.30 Read. DYER =LYomee re Ei = Gosmall tree). 96m Me N° he = Bi Rigs ii Lowe Coveo USE STéadEeR ALUMINYM OR LONGER BAR THT ete 250u. hype eat SOM HY MST mm t= rlsife = OFS ammY g-Ze be ENO am Wee. carteve (i598) F° E8061) = 382 ament & = 10.068 « Tire/ib 066? O-84ERAO a bess nny tex net (ser aoa), ym? a Tesbaned Teg TOV AB Nm a Lien GOY 289 Nano) - aes, ea Amen denen) = 16 dla = St. W20be 0° shee Soetpay S22 go mtas/sp 2 Maan gmt Fae * Ty = 500A = 5004/0" Mim STH 10a lS00Nim 2120 vm = Boatn> Gouin) L 1 tmat)® WUE ane OAc * 0.0636 + 0.0934 =2,0974 810 (n50 PG) Fron guocsc ane O*(G.2 vee X (rate (in 02s) = 0,038 BAO = a), Revo 9 Fe Reha Brisa He fom get Redp D> 32 FSi = 93.9 om ano re Ae roan, THEE = Ushowes Mas 621i. $B pe fe Heuball «saat Best ssf 2,208K0 aaa! 252000) 10 Gin ee erp eee ey = Epeleceinnl bet Ss agetttte, ° a (80x09 lo? NZ. 2084 0's THE + Sgt azn Spe Td Iles YL = edltmen hie Las Ott § Uys Yas 235 ke has Faun AO Ate] Ts Then BSP pm ED, Ho (87a 13S ee 102 Wena ls Ta h- OO Ee Mam Rom Mig = HWY, = 12.566-mm? Ae Sy = 0.180 5 y= Vao2hIS $e * 1.29 peon be AED Efe OT m\i28) jim r “eh ZF CC mser® LEO tle Fok PRosvons 1-36 Dawa 4-39 13° $f, oS m8. bia Qk Me Well « 2 psrsi T™ The /20 § Attn T “la Meel/ke 1-36 ee TOY = 339.3 sad? Fg 00673 2s ha 00 § fhe =1.09 (Ad rie oe 2b Deen, aut vase Riittr End: Be = Tepe = $04.2. am? a= Wie = 0.063 5 y= Yh ~180 3 eml53 G7) p= (B36. Hewat (B04, 2. aman?) BBD ntO' Wiper = 93.9 Nom Gtoove Be = WlirDwy {py = 0.339 10 Laer ecwres “y= POY), 25 = 0100673 Yb 2” Shao b2SAGELO Se Ricnr Geceres M2 = ving mbt ieee ape 183 (eee 6) = ans afnNlo.n9 00) Lepr Glows CS T a = 370 Lew 5 1-38 Genus 2p0 1L25YI 2 3668:mm? Age Me oso: Uy = hs 420 tke ehke G-2t-6) Tr 14 BeL tte = Bibi leant M3068 me Vi 66 = LUI rroren = LBS EAST! Be (20x 150 aan? Wee py = 0095 § Ya" Ths =150$ Ke 2199 (Anta-?) T= ORbX/SUAI7)= O13 8 a mm 2593 HOLE 295 1571 amon? tps tre = 072005 keg 3,8 (A-B-5C) TBM ISM 38 = EVO Nimes = HS Wat CRIA wt. Leer prere 2p Mhest/on 0.363 w® Aicer= tye OY, 2 5 = 0.508 Thm 2 hast ht kerage,, Ke YSEA eh bO TH Tie 56 fw!) = 2902 LEYN C4emncal orwed mers Seventy S7Ravece Note concerning Problems 4-40 to 4-57: Torsion of Noncircular sections These problems involve the analysis of torsional shear stress and torsional deformation of load-carrying members having noncircular cross sections. Data for the factors J and Z, are computed from the equations in Figure 4-27. 85 kK ERE RE kK “a T=T1 a8 er 2eboy tlm Uttara) = 8.2K Mem B2 Yom 2,3 01208 a? * 0/2089 C20) = /66Y anon? FAI a= 010 C200" 22.58 X07 mee On Fee Boal dn learns ay = aaeatho W.1s 066) 2 y= 01208 a3 © 0,208Lh2S P= ONE > T7200 (a0 alates) = 3097 LBW Tots a! » adit dsm 9.3 Wd e- Gop ces = lesz on) Fee pile a) = ella tre bese oes Pee Y Sod GodCz29)* 20° Fy e287) © eer eGyy = OFS: TH 72, = Osmratni Mp2 )= 995 L608 +=Galnaa [$ ~02 B8()- Ge) nwa! 0m Fh heirs * a0t2 exo. (2.060) t= 0.02/24! ~o.n (zot= 12.580 amt © about vee rraro/it8 098.) = 00140 eho p T=. .. Cosivsere)( Zee toe! iano! ayy, oD man BIE Mom 2 0.050 a= 0.050630)" = /350ma* Pe . Wr 1.9 Ae E 7350 ame LOLI Crevine. phert &p= mois 1120V 16 = Lose? re L- RRs «send, Sitner wine Putt h=Asv-oeraobuan sre bo Eno. 8i6in Ny © 8, 595-2 ONY € C= 2069 (nrerreno-Plin +27) Fo= Cah? =G069*= 716: v® Te Yog OEM yay, 49 21189.6) l= men2sd ze = 0.9208.u!" 3 C= 124 (wneernsmed -Fie 4-27) Jem CinNe A2H ORS)" 0.727 wt 0° Fr B= tirana ESN eater oats > 000S¢L bhp = 01209 0 Sa% toa cincucar Pac tpt Yok SHAEr Witt FLAT $0 he h2s/a> 0,628 t Ms ORY 575 66 IG = 0.88 ter Oh? = 0,539(087S P= 0,562 Ww Tig BDL x Foe BBL w 190.65) Le er mn bem LBL a= 0.966 poe Wh =0.9M ww Free Ye-27 BY ITE CRUPTIOA Teale 0.96 (anry=a.56bn" = Fe = BRED ory = 10026 Rho 1 enter nim eines Gro = “pave 1 g,obrg = o.ov2 kao 0.29/06.) 2s 0.208 a= O208(89 06.5 mam’ jou 4-27) t= om al= oui (te 597.6 mat. TE Sps> 01559 = 0,510) = SIE 01F a Te Tet Whom Yisrsiron!) SS UOKMY om 2 514 Him ont 2 yernY ea Ie) = O4S2 Aho. fe (26.3066) : oss 4st O= 3.0 Dew (pene/agoea) © ODE2YRAD. | Use E= Les” 0237/0 pe Oty Cbt)* — 222 MAMI RID. ys iyt 7are-2e) C4 #10733) ae nest. = Gosia sans M208 = 79 10 wn Bree (a-ey(geeye 200.223)(3.2 673767) = 66/301 % PoE Ulppiag : Cott TELLS ree ‘sre AS! Svar, Sy © 36000051 Tam oye Hgetle Mor 5aee = 2GSB 327? (5.9) y 52 GEIB 22-0714 T2 06S = G.0SYVUSIMIVEE0T) _ 144 B60 Le-18 St Guo ysis. 4256 22 2(0:273) (3.967 E.767) = 10/2 IN® To Vays (880° poo. = 13.00 P51 NOT SHEE. 7 Bp MQlg2D (TD? © 1355010 t Bee A990? LS Tete ee nat AE COMED. yy gynit) 92.95 AEN SEAE wt e ad 00648 Be Vern 00297 8° Tb = nore) Gor Eig anit /s) F_, a.06%6 2 Fr, 2.0618 p40 Or 2.0227. 2, Tr” 0.0589 Loe oe ar ee Perm T= Pin m= WS Dee 257m « ZT het, Jon = 120.9 Ach) s vn Aor | Boe Te Lg L2EKN? Mimds 2 10Z8.NIm a 7204 Asd/s Ine Te, Lo3anNm _, Lim _ psy _ ping, einer Tl?S mm Vg 0m in 2 Smoom Pale, 15 = Sysfy = Sifoy s ler NAR Ta Sys LET Ty = a= SV Read Sy¥2 WTa) = YC/23mMPad= 4I3 Ml POSS/BLE S722: ALS/ 10V0 CD, Sy = S65 Mla 4-60 Lerenny Fort Let n=Y, 14° Silen-Si/ “Taax REOD Sy= 8 Tenax = 8012300) = PBEM PossvOLe STERL Ass ¥I40 OOT 900. Sy= W9I3M Co (5% ELasbArnw. Cobe LbCrIITy. LE sHoce Loavne Reed 5 ber N= 6, Ta Sippy = Stfia.= mae 2. Titan = 12232000) = 14-80 Co. Posss4le STeGL: A151 4146 DOT 700, Sy= [462 Mm 12% ELONGATION, A MmGomae STeENETmH, SAnseAcroRY Ducnury. P= 12.0h0 STEAMY. = 11 Songer. Sy = BOKS/ T* 63 000(P)//m = 2 63 000/2y sy = B57 WL Tmax= Tee REov ep=L . 657 nr16 Tine Ler Tmax = 2 00329147 HE ee 20 00 Le/ 0 Sy = BAS 4 = 2BKSi > Z00to Wg 0: aE YH ORRUAT aa Baa 0.551 1m 5 SPEIFYD 4-63 010 P=20.0HE STEADY. m= 2YSD ABM. Sy2/0l KE T= 62000CP)/m = bI0000UYg yey = 36S WB Pmax* Yap. REQD Zp T_ , 26S wes £6. = 0.014510 7-22 Trin, 25280 Wfiy? Ler Trans Tye iy = Peles, 7 EES. 25ko/ = 252065) Dam = Fe oe Le = ot 1100 SCELIEL SIN st Do * loom 5 D4 * ba nmme) ALLOY STER Tien * 200 Mer = a 2 THT 2p, Zp = = TOS ys Pr tovmm\ jg 196350 tam? Te PB e* C0 Maan?) 14350 m= I.I2IK10 Women 2 LD, B42 x imme _ Taocans” Zo = TF Kiam = 23 Mme © 270M Loe = 2 Dotmps! _ th 100' 60°F a 99 gay ann? sc ae ogee c/a cece ASE FIND AN be OF list FoR SHAFT IE FRB. S-tY. T= 3.927 KN? W-anm a Sol Seemenr: S= Bie keonenn) = 9,812 KL mm® 2 LL, Bien A mm\Soimm) @- Ss 0.0150 red. 88 @F COMPA fmm IB17 0 mood G = 80G Fa= GOnw7 Wy fm? © CroF mo) Hebbel SEGMENTS 4. bat 60°) mol = 8.595 1b mm! tt, @ 427x300) = O.0/72 Aad a Bonn BSVERIP) = B0xn ay ‘om pos Ops Os HOy> 0.0/5 0F0, 0/1 0322 Lad (1.9508) bb Fillo T IN EACH PAT bE SHRET. M? 1750 Aur LRA, Lomin 193 a Pr Gos. s 2, Tas Be LBW OS © By ag ay, m 783 Nod /e our fe 20 x10 Boxe”. Tee Se BAP = Lots Nims Tg= £828 es : oF 783 eee ae pap em Tas> Ty = W-BSWm™ — Tye@ E> 9.6 Wem Tar Ai d= D3, Lies ane, LET ANNE RING To RIGHT OF Aer; Ke=3.0 Ta Thavkt/y, = BIBS WMI) Wom 2 1 sayy» - Nesgonte a TOSI 7m Youn = SE ae VERY HGH TAT BEAGMG TO RléWT oF PuLey’ Sreeven Sener. D=tomm P= n= u505 Yy= OFW*Y, = OOS 5 Ke=1b0 Pe Tae kify = (B95)169 (0) _ sea me ot TOUDY 4 a Comrmuen wext PAGE) 6 (Con r1N0Ed) T To LEFT OF B? RETAMING RING GROVES DEY ~™ arGaoove Ke. BBM 50) (1000) — yey ay Te Ta 7° lM, far Kevsear Ar Bi D= bSimm, Ker 0.0 rar kevsenr T= Tae = L049 Nim T= The Ke _ WAAAY 224 nts 27 RUS, T Te RIGHT oF BAT SHOULOG ELLET! 2=/Samm yDi=Zommn Difo= 2Yis= h335 p42 % Pmmp.,, = 0,033, Keb IS re Tae te COULNL 71000) __ 288.mpa. 27 WIS YG — T AT RLGHT BEARING Ar SH0vwOm. Free! BAIS emim , PC 0mm ZEB Ma SAmE Conoinws As ar PuLedt TAT C Ar RETAINING RING GROOVE! Ke=3,0 § Dg =/y.oman = Tae hee 2 rea Tee te COANRIIW fo ay ee WLI OT ecm Rare ar Step Runa key SEAT! patsmm, kth 60 = Tec Ke (094M: 607 06 r= Tack Garth M00 265 Hin ze TUS YE a SUMMARY SEVERAL STRECSES ARE QUITE Hit. LARBR SHAET DIAMETERS RECOMMENDED. FIND P14 EREH PAaT OF SHAFT. Uva, tat Jat» iy Seer Saket. LEE» an tat, Tye Le ORO H OLE © hg yy yg tm ~ 2 Libs 1090. rm Taad ned ]g IVE Nm, Mirom — 9446 x10 omen ~ Tae Lac B24 ums — 7 an 5 mw Tio rads = OEM 1 Alaa, Ab KOM mor Tas*TA= AEE XIE mm Tee = Te = 196 XA itm Con rv Nexr Page) Go 4:62 Ceorsnrmven) TA A Af kevséar? D*20.0mms Ky= 2.0 -PRALE KEYSER Te Tat be LEEK Ni mm LO. 2M My iy *| CHM la 2e T (to mnd//e mt le Tay Tear SWanon 1 £16" OFA! D=2o.0mms Wye eso 3 24%, = 0.08 5 ke> 62 Tas kt be KVL) = 7) ppg Ze 1 eo) ye rs Thar RiGut or BEMmnG SEAT! D=Zommj Gs fees Ae '%, = aos; ker 478 42 Tas he 2 MEK VA28) © 55-9 pay, ar aw lI 46 7 TAT RETAINING RIN G re LEFT OF B? D* Y.0om ike pe Theke CMV) mane pee ne eee ae AU Wei Iag 7 BEL ste TAT Key sCMr ATB: ke=Zo, D= Yomm = las ke fe end rare 75° ae v Ze, Fe 28Y ra % AT STE To Rane a6 BI D=Yomm, Y= 2 =pa5 Ware th ~ ©Yyy = 00255 Kem has % = Fac KO, OPb 10" )C18S) ~ yy 7 m¢4. ze LYS S16 oo TAT STE Flom 50 Joe Dit! poia.emm , Zi Yey= 1.07 Ah = "Yop = 0.0835 Kez 1,82 Tye The tee, LHADUUID «19 9 pe, Ze Wh BNA Ta AT LEFT Of BEAANG! 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Mee y= sed ~ S00H ~B00u = SEH 112 ls otm) -CoriNl.bsm) -Boow Ng 2a) | 5 MEY Horm 2 inssow we | es ‘00 nif am R*1YSEN 84 Fieve F355 We bbooW/m)\lb.0m) * 2600" eal oss ee V= 199 ~ 80-3b00-/Boo =~72 50” a 250K 00pm Fy +19 = 950\(4) 8006) -/800l 1 ~3 60002) al | en M= 2400 Neon ee Y22u Dhan Chom) = 2AM 2 Frevee ose. Es OO LS td fmol o,2.00)= 030k psaer] AAW), Ma ~2,12hi am \ I), roe - 126-0307 090 buy N= -249 #3.65(08)~ 1.2603) ~ 0,301) =125(0.D an yo” Me ~ OAM I Wy = Gs BAIN hem) = V8bw jf 2 BIN) Bos ” SAUL Frame sat the 86 ~%8-Bo > treo iy r) Te 8.0622) — 4.9/1) —B.0C0.5)" 8, 2A aia ae) tae RB ae LEM Fléyse S26, USE Klapr tagr Fon FbD. hes wr Cosh oSholaN ire) = 00327 hat ever Ar cur w= o37740 Lt. 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As = ECbIMVE: CN 2 BIBL LB Er Mip= Math = 12180 + E301 = 1B YBYLLG AT he RaW PTY Ve=STON} Mibrac Faom B-~Cs 76 = TIEN IN OPS Ma 7 EACTION AOMENT My and Mj > (1020 4px Orem lof») HET) bs VIB. Ae NMOS 2I% Dahan [aun] © 2X08) =427.5 Non A (STOMOYS I= 256.5 Mem M Mg = MG PA AALE VIR FD2BR IANS nm =256, 5 Meas Oe hem) Jawen -82l0 Va C34N) 300 16104/2 y= J00L2 600 ~306 = 30020008 = Az. “Whe Seeley), = 25 Le Brym 6001 00" fig = Veo) Vey 32 800leryy the (CO7) na” 2°98fp a5” RLY DMigce © Bb. Y6~2419 = 9B = Ar Verc(O, 26) Vee ® YIB/o, 26 INI2AN Wiley = F282 Bb Vb > 3,88 Velo S Veo= ~28Ya3 ~-22- 1040 BP ye B28 = Vor COs Yoam y= OV Yoe 23?:8Y oy =B2Nhd Var 9292 fat 1a” IRDA AI? = S008 Y Yeu? ¥242 “Fa = Vou ~Var? Pil ~C Ren Ve= 8210KM Yaw l3ond pokey Kite 230 ~C-20) = Sbhw as Yac= Yy * $2. Align =30ei 7 Ven = 30/5 Fa Rae 6.6940 | Voy? (25-6 6-619 © 19 Fe* VouVeu® IS=C10 Ro? Vo™ oan 0 S= 10 2 CAnrieven~ 3 conleen riaree lol os spot | Mas ~ 700 Hem = Ricacrron Monnet Ar A Od BP es= —Si0 C700) = 200M 0 =H, (afar) ° 200 Mra. = Soni v8, 2 son)= Yoonon™ Ve (Orem) Vax "Vea = 500 -fo00 =-Stonk Ye Vegs 1000-500 = Soon ¥ soon) a PPS ¥ OB) ET W200 06-65 /3 py = SYO0 08. Va =-SY0608 (S¥m ie V R60 SYa0Le IW E.ORT ts = S700 08 a e0. : — Bae Va = Svaore | ae =Va= SH M6200 laa aE (to tb é Ee ed Fe= 67600 w= YL) | an} ew “Feon r “iinta {a0 Ler A tyytt—E, Bey 286 MBA = Veli! Rys06.2 Le SBOE LEN. S14 BHac = 86ts 8-7179.0=12/6.0=As-hdElm) Vee 855.2: v Gey le SiN Anne = 7/28 eR = Ait Eel = 13.52. Le. ° 3582 LANES n= 2028 LB Ax? THR ~Ay = 2028 ~2028= Yoo cau AL=E(Va~13S.2MI1S= 7 S¥a = 104 = S100 W108 Yas SWoorro. pscg le Peay ant 4 senna V Daoes BSSi2-/2522 =IoLem ISA6 a = VBE von rvtescel [ene] A 15m am bein 4 Continuous Beams ~ Theorem of Three Moments, USE EO. 5-6 With Me= M20 OF ela +05 ~ S006) /2 = ~6y Mg = ~6t/ y= tober aly > 8068) Syl) -16 FREE arte ge ual bee he Bechuse of Syamoney .nfy "Toad Ree S065) ~ 2¢30)= ooky 36 20(=1) wire Mp OF Aime (8rd) +0 ~EBE® coms) D(a) 32My= “38000 My = -Iton/s.— ~04/ lb-ft Noret me ik rire moment Ar THe miscer surroer, Subsea Wh 8251) wees Anwsres To Maren E76, PS-I24, For. Reaerws: Eitgad » W068) 40) ~ JOM fee kan (ooo 103/)/g 3mlh “Ex Boos. pc bx 1 + ee Fih,202 Beds) -tole)-/001 fee suse. csmsfsadree @ ‘¢ SO 5 S qa, Fes eee Bou vse 665-4)) wnt an Meo bh f { Caz: OF atte Caro) +0 = = S062 G".3) IN, 9-2 sete y © Bee = ~bsou 5 A= -161000/a-= DY M fe ' Zplemo> 8606S) +0000 “RyC8) “SOM J. oy Ate UML hy Cec AWE oF synmeTey . ce Ree boot Biota 2Lit7i)= SBSB Mek Re a i by @ tage §-lab wa OSE EQ S-4) VINE My "Ay 0 OF AM Cb4HH) = BLED (762 9°) =WGah ~ Les? 2 ($8.7: 2h ORM Ne = fey denivon. Enewom GOCHO + 6YCO)~2nh~Kalhs) # Dys-ate dain ham 6S RN — fae SERA EMteno= CYlN 20 ~foC46) f Pe Kos Bashy “ fem +R ~StS-165 2135 bul, % €Q-(13-6) wit mempeo or aM eLBadoreE CI (ach p') ~200b2Y = ¥eulY me = “¥bI/o¥ 7101 Alien snesoe 25¢led 7.24 PACD) ” “artnsen baad B12 890d & EMe.0* 2YCO8) 7,24 holt) ce, Feetsel Rex 254 8.90 ~00 = 341d) ft a Os 5-128 €0( 56) Wane Mhyno mee GomdadCoen{ $2) asm OF nets = LOO w~ Ho the» (-190445)/y22 =33,75, Baloo 2hgrow $2060 -31.28-#AG0) Be Hen ats AS Siig =o Moel228)- 33,98 ALD £ i box 123,75 bod Ree 300-18.95 23:25 © VS AN Susur hg 0 oF 2nelsndeon RI) AS = BEEBE A) Hee as te/or = RV Rave, oe Frl.208 es eaten ea" EMe20% Woe) -Lesy Bathe BEL NShed Ren 20432146 ~/S8 -23 = BAA (end pe 4 8Q(5*7) wm Myxo Megs ~2aChd)2 ~30hmne ngocay= ott) 066 (9.299 ar amelemaocay= E615 243) ~00EP hay) Werte 40 = ~104.% Meo ¥07-06490Y/pa = 26,7 Rit e . cae “ta03) pte rolesy-267 -2e09 Bn2 371 ko Kf. Kez borne rte dhys31y a1 BE! 48 CHAPTER 6 Centroids and Moments of Inertia of Areas Notes concerning the format of solutions for Chapter 6 problems: Problem solutions for the moments of inertia of the shapes shown in Figures P¢-1 through P6-48 are shown in the tabular format recommended in Section 6-6, + Calculations were completed using a spreadsheet. + The requested result includes the vertical ¥ distance to the centroidal axis from the reference axis and the moment of inertia / of the composite shape relative to the horizontal centroidal axis. + Inmost problems, the reference axis for computing the location of the horizontal centroidal axis was taken as the base of the section. Exceptions are noted on the top or bottom lines of the solution. For example, in Figure P6-17 the reference axis is at the axis of symmetry at the mid-height of the shape, found by inspection. + The left-most column of the solution gives a brief description of the part of the composite shape being analyzed. + For some shapes, internal parts removed from the outer shape are shown to be negative. + For composite shapes having parts that are commercially available structural shapes, pipes, or tubes, or wood beams, reference should be made to the Appendix tables for pertinent data. ad FIGURE P6-1 Pant vertical 2.Horizontal Total area = FIGURE P6-2 Part 1-Total 6x3 2.Void 536 Tot FIGURE P6-3 Part 1-Total 6x8 2.Noid 46 Tota are FIGURE P6-4 Pant +-Vertcal 2-Horizontal Total are Ye FIGURE P6-5 Part 1-Vertcal 2.Horiz-bot ‘S-Hori-t0p Total ares Units: area 0.5000 03125 0.8125 0.6835 Units: area 48.00 30.00 18.00 400 unite: oa 48.00 24.00 24.00 4.00 Units: aoa +5000 4375 9375 182.50 Units: aoa 250 100 200 550 35.00 lnches NOTE: Roterence axis is base of the shape y ay ke a adie 1.0000 05000 0.16670 0.9965 0.0866 0.1250 0.0391 0.00163 0.5384 0.0908 ‘Sum Ay= 0.8391 Total! = Inches NOTE: 6x8 rectangle with 5x6 rectangle removed y ay te 6 Ae 400 19200 256.00 0.00 © 0.00 400 12000 © 9000 0.00000 ‘Sum ay= 72.00 Total! in NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape Inches NOTE: 6x8 rectangle with 4x6 rectangle removed y ay te 6 As 400 19200 256.00 0.00 © 0.00 400 96.00 © 7200-00000 Sum Ay= 98.00, Total |= in NOTE: Reference axs is base of the shape mm NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape y ay ke a Awe 100 5.000E+05 1.667E+07 52.50 1.98E+07 213 9.207405 22796405 60.00 1.59E+07 ‘Sum Aye 1.430406 Total mm NOTE: Reference axis base of the shape Y ay te a aoe 30.9 7.S00E+03 5.208408 5.00 6.256103. 25 25006402 20906+02 32.50 1.06E+05 575 1.150E+08 4170E+02 22.50 1.01E+05 Sum Ay> 1.9256+04 Total |= leraara 0.2283 o.092e 0.3156 leraate 26.00 90.00 166.00 leraare 26.00 72.00 184.00 oraaa 3.046407 1.60607 4.646407 lornara S.a3E+04 1.086+05 1.02+05 2.886105, ins inn mma rome 97 FIGURE P6-6 Unit: Pant area t-ver-20X30 600 2Hor20X10 200, Total area= 800 1250 FIGURE P6-7 Units: Pant area 1-ver5x40 200 2Horiz-bot 78 S-Horiztop 75 Total area= 350 Ye 20.00 FIGURE P6-8 Unis: Part wea ver 5x40 200 2Ver-5x40 200 3-Hor-30x5 450 Total area= 850 20,00 FIGURE P6-9 Units: Pant ‘fvoa 1-ver. 5x30 150 2.Horz-bot 200 3-Horitop 200 Total area= 550 20.00 FIGURE P6-10 Units: Part area 1-ver-5x50 250 2.Hori-bot 140 S.Horia-top 140 Total area 530 20.00 mmm NOTE: Both verical rectangles (10x30) combined y ay Ie dag lesan 18 9.000E+03 4.500E+04 250 3.75E103 4.00+08 5 1.000E+03 15676103 7.50 1.12E+08 1.206404 ‘Sum Ay= 1.000E+04 Total l= 6.176404 mm NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape mm NOTE: Ente vertical stom; 2 horz. flanges each x15. y ny te 6 Ad tosaane 20.9 4.000E+03 2.667E+04 0.00 E00 2.67E+04 25 1875E+02 1.562E+02 17.60 2.30E+04 291E+04 975 2a12E+03 1.562402 17.50 2.308404 2.31E+04 Sum Ay» 7.006403 Total 7.29E+08 mm NOTE: Reference axis is base of he shape mmm NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape y ay le dade tornaee 200 4.000E+03 2.667104 0.00 E00. 2.676 +04 20.0 4.000E+03 26676104 0.00 0E+00 2.67E+04 200 3.000E+03 3.125102 0.00 OE+00 a. 12E+02 ‘Sum Ay 1.1006+08 Total i= 5.986404 fmm NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape y ay te 3 Adz tava 20.0 3.000403 1.125E+04 0.00000. 1.126404 25 5.000402 4.167E+02 17.60 6.126404 G.I7EHO4 875 7.500E+03 4.167E102 17.50 6.12E+04 6.17E+04 ‘Sum Ay= 1.106408 Total 1.35E105 mm NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape y ay ec q Ago teradte 30.0 7.500603 5.208104 0.00 E00 S21EVO4 25 3500E+02 2917E+02 27.50 1.066405 1.06E+05, 575 B.050E+03 2.917E+02 27.50 1.06E+05 1.06E405 ‘Sum Ay= 1.590E+08 Total 2.646405 mmr mma mma IW FIGURE P6-11 Units: Part ‘acca 450 150 S-Hor-5325 125 Total area= 725 Ye 211 FIGURE P6-12. Units: Pant ‘area tver-t6x15 256 2-Hor 4X50 200 Total area 456, Ye 1239 FIGURE P6-13 Units: Part ‘ea 1-Hor-5x10 50 2.Ver 5X55 28 3-Hor-5320 100 4.Ver-5x30 150 SHorSx5 25 “otal area 600 FIGURE P6-14 Units: Pan area ‘Bot plat 0.5200 2Bot flanges 0.1200 5-2 Ver webs 0.3000 sHoriztop 02 Total area= 1.08 Y= 06330 FIGURE P6-15 Units: Part area ‘Bot lange 0.1000 2.2 Verticals 0.4800 3.Mid-Horiz, on Total aes 0.68 Y= 1.0876 mmm NOTE: Both vert combined 10x45; horiz. flanges combined 5x20 y ay ke a Ade toe 225 1.012604 7.594E+04 0.69 -2.14E+02. 7.626404 25 375002 3.125402 1931 S.59E¥04 5.62E+04 425 5312E+03 2.004602 70.89 5.35E¥04 5.90+08 ‘Sum Ay= 1.581E+06 Totalt= —1.88E+08 mma mm NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape mmm NOTE: All verticals massed together y ay te 6 Ad towne 8 2.080403 SABIE‘ 4.39 4.926403 1.04E¥04 18 3.800E#03 2667E+02 5.61 6.003 B.STENOS Sum ay= 5.548E403, Total |= 1.70E+04 mm mm NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape mm NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape y ay ke ee) 25 1.250402 1.045E+02 20.83 _2.7E+04 2.18E+08 275 7.562E+03 6992E+04 4.17 4776403 741E404 27S 27S0E03 2.0836+02 4.17 1.746403 1.946403 150 2250603 1.125E+04 8.93. 1.04E+04 2.17EHO4 525 1.312503 5.208601 20.17 2.19E+08 219EHO4 Sum Ay= 1.A00E+08 Total != Inches NOTE: Reference axis is base ofthe shape y ay ke a Awe 0.1000 0.0520 0.00173 0.4330 0.0875 0.2500 0.0300 «0.0001 0.2830 0,096 0.9500 0.2850 0.05625 0.4169 0.0522 185 0.1980 0.0001. 1.1170 0.1497 Sum Ay= 0.5850 Total | hn Inches NOTE: Reference aus is base ofthe shape y ay te ro) 0.0500 0.0050 0.00008 1.0176 0.1036, 1.2000 05760 0.23080 0.1823 0.0084 1.4500 0.1450 0,0000883 0.3823 0.0148 Sum Ay 0.7260 Total = 141E+05 mma looaave 0.0982 0.0097 0.1086 0.1498 0.3672 ina loraara 0.1036 0.2388 0.0147 0.3872 ie 4 FIGURE P6-16 Units: Part ‘Rectangle 2Semicrcle Total area Ye ‘hea 1.1260 0.2209 1.34589 o.g992 FIGURE P6-17 Units: Par ‘Rectangle 2Semic-bot 2-Semic-top Total area = ¥. ea 11400 1414 114 azar 0.09 FIGURE P6-18 Unis Pant ‘Rectangle 2-Rect rem. 3Trangle Total area = Ye oa 1200 -400 300 1100 2n27 FIGURE P6-19 Unis: Part toto. 5x14 2Ner-.62.5 32 TreTe.s 4Tr-rom SHole-rem Total area ve ‘Area 0.700 1.500 0910 0.460 0.049 3 0.9905 FIGURE P6-20 unis: Pant 4-2 Vert rect 2.2 Triangles 3Top-ax24 ‘Total area = Ye area 4.2000 0.5100 0.7200 2.4300 1.2798 Inches: y 0.7600 1.8590 Sum Ay= y 00 077 1077 ‘sum Ay= y 200 200 467 ‘Sum Ay= Inches: 1.0000 1.1993 1.9500 Sum Ay= NOTE: Reference axs is base ofthe shape ay ke a awe 0.8438 0.21094 0.1491 0.0250 0.3865 0.002148 0.7598 0.1275 12102 Total | = NOTE: Reference axis taken at +125 ay ke q nae 0E+00 3.4306+07 0.00 OF +00 1.S2E+05 9.072640 107.72 1.046407 152E+05 9.072E+04 107.72 1.64E+07 E400. Toral | = NOTE: Reference axs is base of the shape Ay te d aa 2AQDECO 1.8005 7.27 6.35504 “B.ODE+03 1.335408 7.27 -2.1E104 1.40E+04 G.67E+03 19.39 1.13E¥05 000604 Total NOTE: Reterence axis is base ofthe shape ay te oA 0.1750 0.0148 0.681 0.3242 1.8750 0.7813 0.319 0.1531 08493 0.0854 0.008 0.0000 03711 0.0218 0.124 0.0071 -0.1080 0.0002 1.269 -0.0701 2.4202 Total NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape ay ca go ade 1.2000 0.4000 0.2798 0.0940 0.5780 © 0.0819 0.1485 0.0109 1.9320 0.0084 0.5701 o.z34t 3.1100 Total |= loradte 0.2360 0.1297 0.3857 oraan2 3.436407 1.056+07 1.65607 6.736407 levaana 2.206405 3AE104 1.206105 .086+05 eran 0.3388 0.9383 0.0854 0.0287 0.9793 1.2606 lorase2 0.4940 0.0928 0.2395 0.8263 ine mma mm ine ia 100 FIGURE P6-21 Units: Inches NOTE: Reference axis is base ofthe shape Pan +-¥en rect 2801 fange ‘8.Top flange Total ¥. wea y ay CG @ Ag tad 82500 42500 95.0625 20.7060 © 0.0000 20.7060, 5.2500 0.7500 «39375 0.984835 64.3125. 05.2069 5.2500 7.7500 40.6875 0.0044 3.5 64.3125 65.2009 18,7500 Sum Ay= 79.6875 Total 1= 151.3906 4.2500 in FIGURE P6-22 Units: Inches NOTE: 7.25x7 rectangle with 4.25%5.5 rectangle removed ins Pot Wea oy ny ¢ Ade tewnare Veto 7257 5075-380 «1778320723000 0.00 207.28 2-42615.5 re 2338 350-8181 $8920.00 «000 50.82 Tote area= 2788 SumAy= 95381 Total != 148.30 inne Y= 850 in MOTE: Reforence ax is base ofthe shape FIGURE P6-23 Unis: loches NOTE: 26x4.5 rectangle wih 2138.5 rectangle removed Pon Mea ny © Aare toraare f-Tot 26x65 10800 225 -243.00 «182.28 «000m (182.5 221188 rem -7350 225 -16598 «7503000 © 000-7503 Total area 3450 Sumaye 77.63 Totai= 107.22 ine Y= 225 In NOTE: Reference axis is base ofthe shape FIGURE P6-24 Unis: inches NOTE: Retorenco axis is base of the shapo Pan Mea y ay Cs a As toenare 1-2 Veriesls 9875563 H0.B 955.08 213. tad 508.98 2Top ange «1888. 12.00««202.5D 3.48 4.25 30480 0797 Totatarea= 5063 Sum Ay 982.94 Total = 816.33 inva Ye 778 in FIGURE P6-25 Units: Inches _NOTE: Beam depth = 13.7 injRef axis=centroid7.35 in rom bot Part ‘wea _y ay Te do Ae Ie At Twiads 1260 0.00 0.00 42800 0.00 —0.00 428.00 Zbotpiate 4007.10 28.40 0.0833. 71020166 = 201.72 Bop plate 4.00 7.10 28.40 0.0833 71020166 201.72 Total area= 20.60 Sum Ay= 0.00 Totall= 831.45 int Y= 0.00 Inches FIGURE P6-26 Units: Inches _NOTE: Reference avs is base ofthe shape Part Area Ay Ie a Ad eae TSt2x50 14.600 6.000 87.600 303.00 81s 53.48 356.48 201225 7.360 11.713 86.091 445__—3.800_ 106.13 110.58, Total area= 21.950 SumAy= 173.691 Totall= 467.01 in® Ye 7.913 Inches NOTE: Web for C is 0.387 thick; Y-Y axis down 0.674 from top NOTE: For Channel; y= 12.0 + 0.387 - 0.674 = 11.713 in (o/ FIGURE P6-27 Unis: Inches NOTE: Reference axis is base ofthe shape Part wea y ay te ‘ Age tetas Wti2x14.292 1218 600729231733. 1402879 —_841.08 350 1225 42.88 007 485 azar gag 1865 Sumay= 118.79 Total |= 423.55 inne = 740 in FIGURE P6-28 Units: Inches NOTE: Depth of C12 is120; Ret. axis at centroid:y=6.60 from bot Pant wea oy n ic d Ad2toenare 1-Two 612 1407 0.00 000 319520 0.00 © 000 a19.82 2.Bot pi 500 625 -91.25 0.108 6.259591 195.42 3-Top plate 500 6259125 0.104 6.259581 H05.42 Total area= 19.07 Sum Ay= 0.00 Totali= 710.38 inv Ye 0.00 in FIGURE P6-29 Units: Inches _ NOTE: Overall depth=7.0 in; Ref axis=centroid: 3.5 in from bot Part Area y Ay 5 d Ad’ + Ad" Vert plate 300 0.000 ‘0.00 300 0.060 0.000 3.000 2-Bot angles (2) 274 -2.968 6.49 0.9520 2.368 15.364 16.316 3 Top angles (2) 2.74 2.368 6.49 0.9520 2.368 18.364 16.316 4-Top plate 225 3.250 731 0.0469 3.250 23.766 23.813 5-Bot plate 225-3250 7.31 0.0469 3.250 _23.766 23.813, Total area= 12.980 SumAy= 0.00 Totall= 89.258 in* Y= 0.00 Inches NOTE: For Angle; y = 3.60 - 0.50 - 0.632 = 2.638 in FIGURE P6-30 Units: Inches_ NOTE: Overall depth = 6.0 in; Ref axis=centroid: 3.0 in from bot Part Area ay te mma Ad vert plates @ 3.000 0.000 0.000 S000 1000 0.000 5.000 2-bot channel 1.760 -2545 44790300 2.545 11.3096 11.6906 34op channel 1.760 2645 4.479030 2.545 11.3096 __11.6906 Total area= 6.520 SumAy= 0.000 Total |= 32.3991 in® Y= 0.00 Inches FIGURE P6-31__Units: Inches _ NOTE: Ref axis=centroid: 3.0 in from center of either pipe Part ‘Area y Ay fe @ Ag L¥Ad ‘Vert plate 2.050 0.000 0.000 —2B777 8.600 —t.000 2872 2botpipe «0.799 -3.000 «2.397 0.3099 3.000 7.1910 7.5009 3toppipe 0.799 3.000 __—2.397__—-0.3099—-3.000_7.1910 7.5009 Total area= 3.648 Sum Ay= 0.000 Total = 17.8736 in Y= 0.00 Inches NOTE: Length of plate = 6.00 - pipe dia = 6.00 - 1.90 = 4.10 in FIGURE P6-32 Units: Inches _ NOTE: Reference axis=centroid= 12 in rom CL. of pipes Part Area y ay te d ad Lt Ad ‘Top pipes (@) 44560 12.0000 63.4720 6.0340 12.00 64165 64770 2-Bot pipes (2) 4.4560 _-12.0000__-63.4720 6.0340 _12.00 641.65 64770 Total area= 8.9120 Sum Ay= 0.0000 Totall= 1295.40 in 0.0000 Inches loa FIGURE P6-33 Units: Inches _NOTE: Ref axis al base of shape Part ‘Area y Ay. te a Ad’ i+ Ad! TBase plate 2.600 0.105 0.313 00180 2593 76.800 16.813 2Angles(2) 3.380 1470 4.969 © 5.5000 1.247 5.2582 10.7582 Stop plate __6,000_4.500_27.000___0.1250__ 1.783 19.0689 __19.1939 Total area= 11.880 Sum Ay= 32.281 Total!= 46.7646 in 2.747 Inches FIGURE P6-34 __Units: Inches_ NOTE: Reference axis=centroid= 3.00 in rom bottom Part Ara y Ay le d ad LtAr ‘Channel 3.630 0.000 0.000 17.300 0.000 0.000 17-300 2-Channel__2.830 __0.000___0.000_17.300__0.000__0.000 47.300 Total area= 6.660 Sum Ay= 0.000 Totall= 34.600 in 0.0000 Inches FIGURE P6-35__Units: Inches_ NOTE: Ref axis at base of shape Part ‘Area y Ay te d Ae Let Ad TAngles @) 1.868 0.586 1.108 0.6920 —5.033 7730 BAR 2Bot channel 2640 0.478 1.262,» 0.6240 «2.131 11.9931 12.6171 Vert webs (2) 4.500 3.000 13.500 13.6000 0.301 0686s «14.1866 Top channel 2,640 _5.522 14.578 __0.6240__2.913 22.3959 23.0199 Total area= 11.668 Sum Ay= 30.446 Totall= 58.2452 in’ 2.609 Inches FIGURE P6-36 Units: inches _ NOTE: Reference axis is bases of shape Part Ara y Ay le d AG rAd TWExis 4430-2995 18.268 30.100 —Oead 1.827 30.927 Angles (2) 1.888__ 0.846 1.597 069215074287 4979 Total area= 6.318 SumAy= 14.865 Totall= 35.906 in® Y= 2.3628 Inches FIGURE P6-37 __Units: Inches_NOTE: Reference axis is bases of shape Part Area y Ay le d Re eAF TBot ube 2.440 2000 4.880 4490 1.500 6.490 9.980 2Toptube 2.440 _§.000___12200 1.480 1.500 5.490 6.970 Total area= 4.880 Sum Ay= 17.080 Totali= 16.950 in Y= 3.5000 Inches FIGURE P6-38 __Units: Inches _ NOTE: Ref axis at base of shape Part Area y Ay i d ae Load FOx6x112—8.740 3.000 29.220 a8 3000 0.051 01028 48.328 2anaxil4 2.440 14853875 1.4800 1.484 «5.3736 «(6.8536 33r2x14 __1.970 4535 __—8.934__—1.1100__—1.586 4.9552 «6.0652 Total area= 14.150 Sum Ay= 41.729 Total 61.2442 in® Y= 2949 Inches NOTE: Use design wall thickness for 6x6xt/2; ty = 0.466 in 108 FIGURE P6-39 nits: Inches __ NOTE: Ref axis at base of shape Part ‘Area y Ay a d Ae oad TBot channel 1.690 0.457.727 0.3120 2.004 T3ATT 13.723 26x2x14 3.370 3.184 = 10.730 13.1000 0.177 0.1058 13.2058 3-Toop channel 1.590 6.641 __10.559_—0.3120__-3.280_17.1037_—_—17.4157 Total area= 6.550 SumAy= 22.016 Totall= 44.3442 in Y= 3.361 Inches FIGURE P6-40___Units: Inches _ NOTE: Reference axis is bases of shape Part ‘Area y Ay te a Ae Ad Bot channel 7.881 0.730 1.373 980 0321 0.703 Ti73 2Topkbeam 1.726 1.400 ___ 2.416 0.680__0.349 0.211 0.891 Total area= 3.607 SumAy= 3.790 Totall= 2.064 in® 4.0508 Inches FIGURE P6-41___Units:,Inches_ NOTE: Reference axis is bases of shape Part ‘Area y ay le d Ae Ad TWid30 8.790 6.150 64.059 “338.000 2.022 36.98 273.083 2-C6x13___3.830 12.814 __49.078 1.050 4.642 82.614 83.564 Total area= 12.620 SumAy= 103.136 Totall= 357.517 in Y= 8.1724 Inches NOTE: depth of W-beam = 12.3 in FIGURE P6-42___Units: Inches _ NOTE: Ref axis=centroid of W-shape Part ‘Area y Ay te a Ae it Ad Twaxis 3830 0.000 0.000 77.3000 0.000 0.000 77.300 2bottube 2.440 3.080 7.515 = 1.4800 3.080 23.1468 24.6268 Stop tube 2.440 3.080___7.515 1.4800 __3.080__23.1468__24.6268 Totalarea= 8.710 SumAy= 0.000 Totall= 60.6536 in®™ 0.00 Inches NOTE: depth of W-beam = 4.16 in FIGURE P6-43 Units: Inches _NOTE: Ref axis is bottom of shape. Part ‘Area y. Ay te a Ad i+ Ad” FWi2ed 6.790 6.180 84.059 3380 2047 “36.628 274.838 2-Laxaxi/4 1690 13.520 22.849 2750 5.323 47.8871 50.6371 SLAX3X14 1,690 __13.520___22.849 2.750 5.323 47.8871__50.6371 Total area= 12.170 Sum Ay= 99.756 Totall= 376.1020 in® Y= 820 Inches NOTE: depth of W-beam = 12.3 in FIGURE P6-44 Units: Inches_NOTE: Ref axis=centroid of tube Part Area y Ay te d AG Lead Toaxid 3370 0.000 0.000 13.1000 0.000 0.000 13.100 Zbotpiate 1.000 -3.250 © -3.250 0.0208 © 3.250 10.5625 10.5833. 3topplate 1.000 3.250 3.250 0.0208__3.250 10.5625 __ 10.5833 Total area= 5.370 Sum Ay= 0.000 Totall= 34.2667 in 0.00 Inches 1o4 FIGURE P6-45 Units: inches _NOTE: Ref axis is bottom of shape Part Area y Ay le a Ag Lae T-Coxd 1473.56 4.000 14.1047 37.40.0238 SD 4.052 2.C8x4.147 3.526 4.000 14.104 3740 1.023 3.692 41,092 3:08x4.147-Top 3.526 _7.070__24.929 3.250 2.047 14.70 18.020 Total area= 10.578 SumAy= 53.137 Totall= 100.205 in® Y= 5.023 Inches FIGURE P6-46 Units: Inches _ NOTE: Ref axis at base of shape Part Area y Ay Te d Ae La he TATRKT plate 9.000 0.250 3.250 0.1878 1.887 31.036 31.203 23/4x10 plate 7.500 5.600 41.250 «62.500 3393 86.344 «148.844, S18x4x/2 5.800 1.954 7.853 6750 0.753 3.289 10.039 4Lerdxt2 6.800 1.354 7.853 6.750__0.753 3.289 10.039 Total area= 28.100 SumAy= 59.206 Total 200.144 in? Y= 2.107 Inches FIGURE P6-47 Units: mm NOTE: Reference axis is bottom of the shape Part Area, A; yi Ay: fe q, Ajd;? 1 +Ad? 1-Flanges(2) 72.000 1.500 108.0 54.0 13.4 12434.2 12488.2 2.Vert. webs(2) 150,000 12.500 1875.0 78125 2.1 687.9 85004 3-Semicircle(*) 157.080 29.240 4503.0 11200 146 334766 34596.6 4Semicircle() — -76.970 27.968 -2152.7 -268.9 13.3 -13669.7 -13998.6 Total area= 302.110 mm? Sum Ay 4423.3 mm® Total/, = 41646.6 mm* Y= 14.641 mm Deena Units: Inches NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape Part Area, A; y Ay: is qd Aid)? 1, +Ad? 4-Rect. (2) 1.250 0625 0.781 0.163 0.381 0.191 0.353 2-Semicircle 0.884 1.568 1.385 0.035 0.552 0.270 0.305 Total area= 2.134 in? Sum Ay 2.467 in? Total], = 0.659 in* Y= 1.016 in [05 SOLUTIONS FOR PROBLEMS 7-49 THROUGH 7.66 Each problem requires the computation of the radius of gyration x = (1x/A)"102 with respoct to the horizontal centroidal axis. Data for I and A aro taken from the solution for the given figure number. “0.3672 int 0.3572 int 0.3657 ind 151.4 ins 148.3 ins 107.2 ins 816.3 in's 831.45 int 1.06 in’'2 0.68 in'2 1,35 in’'2 14227 mm*2| 18.75 in'2 27.38 in'2 34.50 int'2 50.63 int'2 Ob LUTIONS FOR PROBLEMS 6-67 THROUGH 6-81 Each problem requires computation of the radius of gyration: r, = VAY0.S with respect to the vertical Y-Y centroidal axis Data for A are taken from the solutions for /, for the given figure number. All sections have a vertical axis of symmetry and they can be broken into parts that all have their centroidal axis on the axis of symmetry. ‘Therefore, the total / is the algebraic sum of the / values for all parts. 112,000 2.606405 | 1.12E+07 1.14E+07 3333 524 3.05E+04 0.00775 0.0605 F06E+06 1.547 12.266 36.18 187.11 2701.13 2482.88 “1, is forthe large outside rectangle; 1 is for the internal rectangle and is negative For Problems 6-69M, 6-70M, and 6-72M: | in mm‘, A in mm? r in mm. For all other problems: / in in’, in in’, rin inches oy SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS 6-21M TO 6-464" METRIC VERSIONS OF FIGURES P6-21 TO P6-46 FIGURE P6.21M___Units: mm __NOTE: Reference avs ie base of the shape Part ‘area y ‘Ay Te cl AE (Sz Bot 2d 39821964058 OTOEWOS 89S BTOENOT 2. T2EVOT 2Web-26 5320 © 108574560 BERENS © 00.0000. BBEXDS 3Top 24 _3982_197_666254 _4070E105 89 __—2.679E+07_272Ev07 TTotal area= 12084 Sum Ay= 1205072 6.31E+07 ma Y= 108 mm Used 2x4= 38 mm x89 mm; 26: FIGURE P6.22M Unis: mm __NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape Part res y ‘Ay 1 ql Be Perc ‘Outside eck, 32762 “B00 Z8ISEVIS SBAREVT 0.00 O00ET00 8. 648E+07 2inside rect. 15120 89.0 -1.346E+08 -2470E+07 0.00 0.0006+00 -2.470E+07 3 0 0.0 __0.000E+00_0.000E+00 0.09 _0.000E+00 0.00000 Total area= 17632 Sum Ay= 1.569E+06 Total t= 6.18E+07 mm Y= 89.00 mm Used 1x8 = 19 mm x 184 mm: 296 = 88 mm x 140 mm Outside rectangle - Inside rectangle FIGURE P6.23M___Units: mm _NOTE: Reference axis ie base ofthe shape. Part rea y ‘Ay le o a TAF TOutside eck 69764 572 SBB2EVOE 7 BTIEVO? 0.00 000EV00 7. 6TTEOT 2inside rect. ~47528 572 -2T1BEWOB -3197E+07 0.00 0.000E+00 <3. 137E+07 Es ° 0.0 _0,000E+00_0.000E+00 0.00 0,000 +00_0.000E+00 Total area = 22268 Sum Ay= 1.273E+05 Total t= 447E+07 —anm Y= 57.20 mm Used 2x4 = 38 mm x 89 mm; 12324 ‘Outside rectangle - Inside rectangle 12.7 mm x610 mm FIGURE P6.24M Units: mm _NOTE: Reference avs is base ofthe shape. Part ‘Area y ‘Ay Te fl ae Tear TWerieals (@) 2170674303 TOBEVOS T4B2EVOR 54.00 ESSN D1 TSETOS 2Topfange 10868 905.0 3315E+08 1.208E+05 108.00 1.26808 1.2816+08 3 0 0.0 __0.000E+00_0.000E+00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 Tolalarea= 32604 Sum Ay= 64296405 Total = 3.40E+08 mam” ‘Y= 197.00 mm Used 2x12 = 38 mm x286 mm FIGURE P6-25M ___Units: mm _NOTE: Beam depth = 348 mm{Ref axis = centroid:186 mm from bot Part ‘Area y ‘Ay te o Ad ie Aci eee TWeeq4 8130.00" 0.00 “78008 0.00 ——a.00 7. 7a0E=08 2botpiate «2400-185 446400 2.880E+04 186 8.203E+07 8 300E+07 S:topplate _2400_186_446400_2.880E104 186 __8.303E107_8.306E+07 "Total area= 12030 Sum Ay= 0.00 Total = 3.44608 mam? Y= 0.00 Inches FIGURE P6-26 __Unitsi mm _NOTE: Reference axis s base of the shape: Depth of § = 305 mm Part Ares. Y. Ay Ie d Ad Tea Ad TSS0DxTA 9420 Y52.500T4S7EV08 T2G0EV0B 48.615 — D290EVOT 1 48308 2630037 _4740_297.790_1.411E+08 _1.850E+05 96615 _4.425E+07 46106107 Total area= 14160 Sum Ay= 2.648E+06 Total l= 1.94608 mm? Y= 20112 mm NOTE: Web for C is 8.83 mm thick; ¥-Y axis down 17.4 mm from top. NOTE: For Channel y = 305+9.83-17.1 = 297.73 mm 108 FIGURE P6.27M Units: mm__ NOTE: Reference axis is base of the shape: Depth of § = 05 mm. Patt hea. Ay te d Ad head TROSZSOOAT—7e4t 7575 T.TOGETOS TSQOEVOS $4,253 —O-TBOETOS 7. a12E108 2A2K180 Plate _2160_311.0__6718E105_2592E+04 124.267 _3.936E+07_3.338€107 Total atea= 10001 Sum Ay= 1.86806 Total = 1.75E+08 mm" Y= 106.73 mm FIGURE P6-28M __Units: mm _NOTE: Channel dept=305 mm ff axis = centroid164.5 mm from bot Part “Area y ‘Ay te d Ad i+ Ad FOa0ExI2.37 (2) 9080 1000.0“ 350EF0E 9.00.00 7 33008 2bot plate 3000-1585 -475500 S.600E+04 158.5 7.537E+07 7 S40E+07 S-top plate ___3000_188.5__475500__3.600E104 158.5 _7.S37E¥07_7.S40E+07 Total area= 15080 SumAy= 0.00 Total l= 2.846408 mm" ‘Y= 0.00 Inches NOTE: Top and Bottom plates are 12 mm x 250 mm Figure P6.29m _Units: mm _ NOTE: Reference axis = centroid = 87 mm from bottom, Pan Area Ay k d AG LAP T Wart plate 180000 0.00 _SS7SEWIG 0.0 0 0G0ETOOS.375E+08 2Botangles (2) 1768 «589104135 3.960E¥05 58.9 G.134E¥05 6.530E+08, 3-Top angles (2) 1768 58.9 “104135 S.BOE*OS 589 1SE+06 6.530E+05 4-Top plate 1320 81.0 106820 1.584E+04 © 810 «B.OBIELOS BETES S:Bot plate 4320_-81.0 _-106920_1.584E+04__ 810 _a.G61E+06 _8.676E106 Tolalarea= 7976 0.00 Total l= 3.38E+07 mm Y= 0.00 NOTE: For Angle: y= 67-12. 16.1 = 58.9 mm from centroid FIGURE P6.30M Unis: my NOTE: Overall depth = 150 mm: Ref axis=controid, 75 mm from bot Part Aa y. Ay te é Aa + Ad Tver plates @) 3600 0.00 G00 3. 375E+08 0.000 000 B375E+08 Byotchannel 1140-634 72276 «1.250405 63.4 4.582E+06 4 707E05. Stop channel__1140_634 _72276 1.250605 63.4 __4.582E+08 _4707E+08. Total area= 5880 SumAy= 0.00 Total!=1.28E+07 mm" Ye 0.00 mm FIGURE P6-31M___Units: mm _NOTE: Ref axis=centroid: 75 mm from center of either pipe Part Aa ‘Ay Ie é Ag Lag ‘Teri plate 7220.88 0.000.000 7053E 08 0.00 0,000E¥00 1 053E +05 2botpipe 515.00 -75.00 38685 1.200E+05 75.00 2901E+05 3:030E+05 Sop pipe _515.80__75.00_38685_1.290E+05 75.00 _2.901E+08_3.030E106 Tolal srea= 2252.48 Sum Ay= 0.000 Total = _7.116+06 mam? Y= 0.00 mm NOTE: Web length: 150 mm - pipe OD = 180 mm - 48.26 = 101.74 mm FIGURE P6-32M __Unitsi mm _NOTE: Referenoe axis=centroid= 300 mm from Ct of pipes Part ‘Area Y, Ay 1 d Ad 1+ AP Top pipes (@) 2876 300 BBPBEVOE ZT SIOEWS 300 2 SBBETOSZBTAE TOT 2Botpioes (2) 2876 _-300_-8.628E+05 2.520E+05 300 __2.588E¥08 _2614E+08 Total area= 6752 SumAy= 0.0000 Total != 6.236+08 mm" ve 0.00 mm 09 FIGURE P633M Units: mm __ NOTE: Ret axis at base of shape; Overall height = 120 mm Part ea. Ay. ke é ‘Aer 1+ Ag "Base plate 1500 3.0 a0 a B00E0S — 65.071 GB ASTEVOSBSSGESOS 2Angles(2) 2180 37.0 80880 -2.280E+08 31.071 2.105E*08 4,395E+05, Sop plato _3600_1140 __410400_4.320E+04 45,929 _7.504E+06 7.637E105 Tolalarea= 7280 SumAy= 495660 Total = 4.84E+07 mn Y= 68071 mm FIGURE P6.34M Units: mm _NOTE: Reference axis 76mm from bottom Part Area Ay Te Ag be Fehannel 2470 ‘0.00 7-2H0E OE 0.00 0.00 7-200 +06 2Ghannel 2470 0.00 7.200108 __ 0.00 0.00_7.2006+06 ‘Total area= 4040 0.00 Totall=1.44E+07 ma Y= 0.00 NOTE: Depth of channel = 152 mm FIGURE P6-35M___Units: mm __NOTE: Ref axis at base of shape _ Part Area y Ay He @ ae aad Tangles @) 1218 148 T6148 2 BBOESOS 50.407 3. T0GEVOS ET aUBEWOE 2Bot channel 1700121 ~——20870-2.600E+05 53.201 4.828E406 5.088E+08 3.Vert webs (2) 3000 75.0 225000 5.625E"08 9.609 2770105 §.902E+08 4:Top channel__1700_137.9_ 234430 __2.600E¥05_72.500 _8.998E¥05 9.19808 Total area= 7618 SumAy= 408148, Total l= 2.36E+07 —mm™ Y= 65391 mm FIGURE P636M ___Units: mm __NOTE: Reference axi is bases of shape: Overall height = 152 mm Part fea. AY. Ie 4 AGr igo ad TWISO2ZS 2860 76.000 217360 T2100? 182787. BTBEWOS 1 286EO7 2-Angles (2) 1218 __21.600_26187_2.880E+05 38.222 1.796405 _2.067E106 TTolalarea= 4078 243547 Total 1s 4.49E+07 mm Ye 60.722 NOTE: y for angles = 14.9 + 6.60 = 21.50 mm t= 6.60 mm FIGURE P6-37M Units: mm _NOTE: Reference axis is bases of shape Part Hea ‘Ay ke d He cd TBot tube 1570 51.00 80070“. BTOEWOS 38.25 —-22eTEWS —4.167E0S 2Top tube _1870_127.50__ 200175 __6.160E+05 38.25 _2.207E+06 _2.913E106 Total area= 3140 SumAy= 280248 Total! = 7.08E+06 mm Y= 8925 mm FIGURE P6-39M___Units: mm _ NOTE: Ref axis at base of shape Part ‘Area ¥ Ay Ie a Re ae F-Oulside tide 6280.76.00 477280 ZOT0EWOT 1.268 TOTIEWA DOTTEVOT 2Botinner tube 1570 37.30 58561 G.1BDEHIS 97.431 2200E106 2.816E+05 3-Top innertube__1271_11470_145784__ 4.620605 39.989 __2.030E+06_2.492E+08 Total area= 9121 SumAy= 681625 Total t= 2.842E+07 mm 74731 mm NOTE: Use design wal thickness for HSS 152x152x12.7: 1, = 11.8 mm FIGURE P639M___Units: mm __NOTE: Ref axle atbase of shape . Part Area y ‘Ay ke @ Bea Bot channel 1020 17.60 178320 —T'300EV05 7A 560 5 SIGEVOS 5 679E05 2452x51x8.4 21708067 1750539 S.A50E+08 4.489 4.374E+04 4046408 ScToop channel _1020_168.27__171635.4 1.306405 _83.111_7.046E+05_7.176E+08 “Total area = 4210 Total 1= 1.83607 “ma 85.16 110 FIGURE P6-40M Units: mm _NOTE: Reference axis is bases of shape Part ‘Ares, ¥ Ay te d aa Tae Bot channel 421478500 22455 A OGOEVOS —827B —B-S20EV04 A OTEWOS 2-Topi-beam__1114 __35.800__30881__2.830E¥05 9.022 _9.067E+04_3.737E+05 Total area = 2328 Sum Ay= 62340 Total 1=&.65E+05 mm Y= 26.78 mm FIGURE P6-41M___Units: mm _NOTE: Reference axis is bases of shape Part ‘Area y Ay le 4 i TAF EWST0«aS 5670 786.000 884520 SBTOEWOT S132 7ASUEVOT —1.140E 08 2.0150x19.3__2470_325.100__ 802907 __4.370E+05 117.788 _3.427E+07_3.471EW07 Total area = 8140 1687517 Total = 1.49E+08 main” Y= 207.31 NOTE: depth of W-beam = 312 mm FIGURE 642M Units: mm __ NOTE: Ret axls=centroid of W-shape Par Rea AY re 4 BE ae TwigoxTas 24700000 0A 700ES05 0.0 0.000E+00 4.700606 2hottude «1570 78S © -128245 GB 160E+05 785 .B75ES0S 1.029E+07 Stop tube_1570_785_ 123245 6.160E#05__785 _9.675E+06_1.029E+07 Total area= 5610 Sumay= 0.000 Total l= 253E+07 mm Y= 0.00 mm NOTE: depth of W-beam = 106 mm FIGURE P6-49M Units: mm _NOTE: Ref ais is bottom of shape Part wea. Ay te 4 Ae Tae TWSTOR4a'S “667015684520 SOTOEVOT Si a3T 1 ERUEVOT 1.144608 2Lacxil4 1090343379870 1.140E408 135.089 1.989E+07 2.103407 SAAXaX14 _1090_343_973870_1.140E+08 135.069 _1.989E+07_2.103E107 Total area= 7850 Sum Ay= 1632260 Total l= 1.56E+08 mm" Y= 20793. mm NOTE: depth of W-beam = 312 mm FIGURE P6-44M___Units: mm _ NOTE: Ret axie=centroid of tube Part Ae Ay be ¢ Ig te Ag TisaGnG4 2170 TOGO —0.000 5 450E+08 — 0.000 0 DOOETOO 5 aB0EOE 2botpiate «600-82 40200 7.200403 82 4.034EF0B 4.042E+08 Stop plate_600_62_49200__7.200E+03__82 __-4.034E+08_4.042E+05, Total area= 8370 SumAy= 0.000 Total! = 1.356407 mm? Y= 0.00 mm Note: Plates are 12 mm x 50 mm FIGURE P645M __Units: mm _NOTE: Ret axis is bottom of shape Part Ares y Ay Ie d LZ TO20R6.17 2275 TOTS BB01Z ET SOEVOT 96.967 1 BSAENOS 7. TVSEFOT 2.0203x6.17 2275-1015 «28001251 560E+07 25.067 1534E408 17136107 3-0203x6.17-Top 2275 _ 170.4 _408135.0_1.350E+06 91,953 __6.136E +08 _7.486E+00, Tolalarea= 6825 Sum Ay= 8698600 Total l= AA8E+07 man Ye 12747 mm FIGURE P6-46___Units: mm _ NOTE: Ref avis at base of shape Part ‘rea, Ay. ie d ae aad TTzxABO plate S400 6.032400 BAB0E+O4 AEDT —TDGGEVOT 1.262807 2-20%250 plate 5000 137.0 @85000 2604E+07 82.779 3.426E+07 6 030E+07 S4208K10%127 3740 337126088 2 BIE 20521 1.875E+08 4.385E+06 412034024127 3740 _33.7___126038_2.810E 06 20.621 _1.675E106 4.38506, Tolalarea= 17880 Sum Ay= 969476 Total 1 8.17E+07 mm Y= 5422 mm CHAPTER? Stress Due to Bending ANALYSIS OF BENDING STRESSES SESE EEE oe mele basin) bso) erie ml) i fut = $8 Ae D= CW 67.500 met canter = rledfey = 195% mon! oe tt, = (Bonin) Cima) JP mim > 152.8bre T8SY mont aH ee 7-3 @) T= bhYas orsinsty = onal oe be seed adloors) = ao baopal &) re ee . eae o (sae iM esd) = = 1240 goat 0.0527 on Le 1S (2S)Ya= 12.6334 5 C# 28S = B.S. in» on ats. = VS S00 Min ee 4 80gei 9263 T= M=sokpt 5 S21) in? = Gn 20000 HE Bae on Gn Bowel T< GE = eso oak 1-6 Meson; 5238.) im? oe fn Go eek BD, Bes 19 900 pu 1 = Atom, 04 %133/5 T= 02) Oe 20.78 mj Coe Ow Bean 1S iw NEGATIVE BEwo/G. e TEM NE ek. ~ (ees )C0.78i) 6882 gui s oe = 108 aot Cont, ~ Borron We = HSS, = hore BL)CHTAD 5 2 40 gut 2 10d ood -8 Eg. Hn HSH «13960 pal + BAC ae 4 SNEWS hloom = PG 00Nm «8,851 Meo / =e BRB rs Moyet 5 e 6.50 dn = ME B33 x0 dn (6.505: , oot pee = 572 gui (399M0a) 140 5230.67 in? x 5639200", (anon Yo 223.9610 mnt ons Gs.a ere) 7M sPmm 2 WEX/05 mm? Ya) “felt z > eq. SUM 309.43! f ots aia fyb rem sony At O™ 13K pri E al 5 S=7ofa2, p=/a5: Tr BR centre n/s LB Reo'D S= Mes BON —y pam = Sa RS N/mm frm pe Paz Citiomed fir = Fm qua Sabhie = b(3b 6 = BYE = 158? be ore Ara mm PS ~ Adal aman beg Se thn WS Lele c 2636 mm? 3b= 36.3208 bial am So = YPM Sm 4 Cy © 225 IAS = TS ome = Mo BS COON Nl 153,5 0-0) y wine. Soure ca ed YbY X70 Fann! pata Foe AIST 420 HR , Sq F381 We Gy> Sa, = 33/ Map 2 [65 Ml Sues. £& OK DAE De 26640 mon! § dy = = BS dant oe Ming A25 wes) 3500) a igus = 262M 66 KF ann Ler Oe Oy = Su/g Req'd San OS —a016108) = 24 Mea Couto use 606) ~T6, Su= 5/0 Mylan 3/2 WEtouaA rT»? fey ' M . 2908-3 Re Ss" = 68 ey new tf OSE _Em Seu Yo Pe, = 0326257 leoWoll.-29noulc. Wosl- va Me ° m6 BEL gat. 19 Pe0etge ik w gg aid i Fa 80 000 fj," & — 7 VSEA Wa0KG, Seid cy, mgt 2 BS Te W7ai¥; C24 sips asin oy ne = HE. omits) (a0selni) ee = Me e so | os sa] ! | (b 4 Feom. ween 19 ptlernlvm Atcownace Rowows steets » 625 pai 0K a Ht o 8/9 T= 3003-2 Crveai/a] 48, 83 int 3 C= hpin, ontee 20 By YOB3 ind ie 6 A o rp pon mpAery v — RE®O IED Sy" 12.0 * BES) = 10620 FSi ° ! a FoR 606/-TY Su" 35 0000S; ~OK_ Sa gt Cazook __8-20 SS] Box Smt eT = WB am Gee YS-aheeaamet MAX STASSS AT TOP = AS ram) (Br Beni een o> Fe Wig wendiaracn) iam = 29.700, bone) ReQ’d Sys are 2630.7 0M)= Pm ac Sy= HSC BU La 1110 mad} Cy > F2Romom oo ate WSebron\CLBitpenen) gp tmon « Ha Aloe = LTEWN omomt apm REQ!) Syrdo = 284 MPa a0iyry Bas Sy 2290 Pas 44 = peg se fle HSM Wom = foams ME 3 01th? ieee ©) Rong | S = n07/3r oafiscom fre L2B mom, . ve fe ma, = B449P mom a mag (b) sevags | S= bY% uty ZN OYE Cas} = Habre Lab Ae b> 8495 anon ©) Rect hedb; = bat sab), Ae. a6, b= 3576 Rican = a h= ¥b= 150 omen Aabh= S605 mm” ster pS ONKD oma KY) x10. S 20100 8 SUSO N27) S= [ASKS pnd [sere] A= 3260 mam > LiGHresT "1, 30" as i T + TT | ‘1So0h enc | | T Mya 13500 Bin 'p Saft, (3s00k Rea'n Sofia eee USE 3 wu Senyo Pre , Se hive GB 5/Y = Ye 00 peify = N500AS/ M> WBcoLe ive 70 Len Reov. S = M/oy° 1200 LMM y saree fy) = SRY IN? Use Ere 6190/4 ok Bx2KM : EAC WiIRS 156 L8/er Ler 05> 5¥/y = Yoos0tsijy = 1200008/ Agob. Se Yas 6220/4, = 67% wie bL8 40% 226 ay 5y/y = 50 000 Psify = 1280 PS Res. s= Yoz~ 7?°Yasay = 538m? > W890 2: Oa Si/y= 36000 Ps//y = 9000 Pi EL Yep 5 2 141 wi pon Past ho Surragie CHAtuen 1:26 SY "36 Kei ~The LeOD. Se 7.47 nw ¥C Pess')-21) GN Sento PLPE A SSB) Me HEAVIER THAW OTHER STeee DESToAS 2 == destin Feoteem -Murnbie Siumuns passiece ~ Wr <8 zr Fok atom EL K4.030,, USE ALUM 2OIY-Th, SY > BORE, Aloud Use 0€ 5262700, 2. Fem £16 POLS T0351 ws C2 hatte fe 2 133200 Some Sms SE 20.268 wi? onthe Breer, 523976) aang OFP Reov of = ¥o-220 9oPsi vy” Severm fossraca Crees tApr.A-2 (rap *' EMAANE: W Yl; PoLyesrer. fl w7 HIGH MWS Gr eLASTRITY ee eae Goon evecranan Moretres (rhece 2~12.) Musr Cheer Exreanasierry. Anne = harm (66e reve. 5234) sz Lt ann, Want = 150 0commy SARK? Sa Tso med” oot sage. "ar A205) 29.7633 - : 9. A688) S296 iS 5 ose Whee, Se v9 ind) W229 AIG 273% FRM PRB. PSHBE 5 Mage= EW a= Su/e = 6¢9mp,/a = OI tee Sette ASH Wm . S43 mmm TOs. ow BI lemma 0 = YRS7r = S/n? 7-33. Specify the lightest wide-flange beam. ASTM A992 structural steel. Sy = 50 ksi Design stress: 6, 0.66 s, = (0.66)(60 000 psi) = 33 000 psi From Figure P5-3: Mipy, = (48.7 Kf1)(1000 Ib/K)(12 inv) = 648 400 tb-in Required section modulus: S = M/crg = (648 400 Ib-in)/(33 000 Ib/in*) = 16.6 in? ‘Specify: W12x16 steel beam from Appendix A-7(US); S = 17.1 in® 7-34 Specify the lightest wide-fiange beam. ASTM A992 structural steel. Sy = 345 MPa Design stress: oy = 0.66 s, = (0.66)(345 MPa) = 227.7 MPa = 227.7 Nimm? From Figure P5-7: Ming * (74.5 kN-m)(1000 N/KN)(1000 mm/m) = 74.5x10° N-mm Required section modulus: $ = M/og = (71.5x10® N-mm)/(227.7 Nim?) = 3.14x10° mm? Specify: W360x39 steel beam from Appendix A-7(SI); US designation: W14x26 S= 5.79x10° mm® Problems 7-35 to 7-42 are similar to 7-33 and 7-34 above with the same design stress. Maximum ‘bending moment varies with the beam loading shown in the indicated figures from Chapter 5 Problems 7-43 to 7-62 use the same set of beam loadings as 7-33 and 7-34 but the objective is to specify the lightest American Standard S-beam. The required section modulus is the same. Problems 7-83 to 7-62 use the same set of beam loadings as 7-33 and 7-42 but the material is ASTM A572 Grade 60 with s = 60 ksi (414 MPa). Then, Design stress: 04 0.68 s, = (0.68)(60 000 psi) = 39 600 psi (273 MPa) The objective is to specify the lightest wide flange beam. ‘The results for these three ets of problems are summarized below. I TASTM A5762 Gr. 60_ ‘ASTW AGO2; 5, = 50 ksi (345 MPa) Sy = 60 ksi (414 MPa) Prob] Fig. | Mma | Read. | Lightest [Prob] Lightest [Prob] Req, tightest No. | No. | Ss W-beam | No.| $-beam_| No. Ss W-beam 7-33 |P5-3 16.6 in W12x16 |7-43/ $10x25.4|7-63) 13.8 in® W12x16 7-34 |P5-7 14x10° mm®| W360x39 | 7-44 | $250x37.8| 7-64) 2.62x10° mm* | W310x23.8| 7-35 |P5-8_|43.2 KN-m| 1.89x10° mm?|w310x23.8] 7-45 | $200x27.4]7-55| 1.58x10® mm* | W250x17.9 7-36 |P5-11 60.0K4t | 24.8in? | w14x26 | 7-46, $10x25.4|7-56| 18.2in? | W8x21 7-37 |P5-16 |170 kN-m |7.47x10 mm*| W460x60 | 7-47 | $380x64 |7-57| 6.23x10° mm* | W310x44.5 7-38 [P5-36|10.0 K-ft_| 3.64 in® Wex10 |7-48| 5x10 {7-58} 3.03in° | Wex10 7-39 |P5-40 |40.0 K-ft 14.5 in? | Wiaxie |7-49| sex23 [7-59] 12.1 in? | wiaxie 7-40 |P5-52 |148 K-ft §3.8in* | W18x40 |7-50) $15x42.9 |7-60| 44.8 in® W18x40 7-41 |P5-63 |1450 N-m |6.37x10° mm®) w200x15 |7-51| S80x8.5 |7-61| 5.31x10° mm®| w200x15 7-42 |P5-64|30.01-ft | 10.9in? | wioxi2 [7-52| sexte.4 |7-62) 9.08 in? | wioxi2 Me 2-63 Samos gr /000Fs7 Port tenemheaue Reb. Salt. xx Uses -PMii/par) reer oa B50 t6Jnv® oases jes. USE 2412 wove BeAr Ge uM 7-64 = a2 M50 0s) fae z 2s E ‘A222 ehy=B0.866 Er 2 385507 FeS.c6m=6 Vv OL UE. Leer Via ler Xtbbin oss gs: 4d 0 eG a3 Pre ok Prscocuke SANE AS 764 5 OGxUSFSi WITH 228 veer, meméae, OF 778 6h Cn Win 268 ver. mentor: PecHb.bns Le y77,3 yt = C875 Yor {b-2t ’ 16 OCS Ting” 78 PS of Feoceouse Sane AS 1-64 w imi Dovgie-wi0M WEE. WITH 2: 23h veRneas nemeeas: Ve esusnms led wh 2 1875 WANs), 519) -s] o TRG 92 ost Ok tal DEStaW PROBLEM ~ MULTIOALE SHUTIONS PISSIO LE axerr 268. WW Tig ANODLE OF 1 DECK, EACH FOOT OF JOST LewéTH CARWES A /o 0 W106 PART dE THE Once. LoKe, Are 10016, Uewilrm) LET 2 133 Le/er Ore Oe Tape 88H SPECIFY NO.2 Hentoce: Oj» USD Psi ees: Read, 5 ft» lysegaled ct | a Po Use 248; S=/3.n) v TA (ws Jous7s ARE 12. Fr wonas BEAMS Ar E083 ur 13 us Pre Vouk 0048 AT 15 & Meare 2%0 18-6 (28800LBm) Reod Se. LB B00LB-W. s5°Bebow? “fh BBO. 250 8 USE_ZKIR ESP ba: Ny 1-70 Keo S= Mb 2 a67eerrVrmfer) aa isetarm Oe use 2K} jours: 06 n> doisrs Ake /2 Fr lowks CeAKs ASer FRom Gaen END! w= /33L6/ere Varker boo td Ar Supper: Maes te00 wairr (/P¥e0 68H) REDD. S= ft, Mpa Ba “Tsote ins Ve 2x8 $ Set iw? (a on he 27731 YA feo 5°" 775008 mn Sz2yet m® Couro Wet 221 $= 3hb n> 90; 5= 30.20? () ol owl run) | DEStGN PRoBLEM 1-73, Tey _2kb pare Gonos Wink 3.0 FT SPA Hemioce? Gj=HS0L4/w® SHE Ss bie = Gs0.59°/e~2.06m? [acm | We bos, CHGOw™ te s, Ep A 8 Sia Be ar = uSt6/sy 2 229LE/A ance. a. Babee gest ees a Ton Sls = 008i Ok Mase as usr (use Crtern O€Furcriow Arve Stent — a se Beans: Tom coro=bout ary (Yi asaae Wy; = Kook “ein EACH beam CARES Yo0L0/0FT=9OLA/er Rétio, Se He lupstmeniiile, MT Bean tonome bS=.6SiN? - Use Yak Beni S= 12651 ime 0 Note: MARY 0 THea Desiens AE AaSs/BLE Anio PATIAL. Cov vsé 2¥8 3S BAY NF 0) Las t.rr| i (a 19 144 oj Usb Psi FRom PROG. -73. ASSue® Deck. BOARDS CARRY Ye. OF VorAL. LeAd wiriew Norse Srers owt with ONE Noor. oe Bn DOLLA a poses} Toe Hie raw (a Assume swe BEAMS CAREY PULL L940 a TP HoRGa WALES TOWARD Ode Si¥a. ton Shur BeTween Fedde AND i ° BAK; Assume YPr sreand. wad onde RempceeNe tO coats Gowcuuoys Arrows pestaéo a ‘covet Been BW wovLD_wiT_ BE SAPE FOR nokse TO CAUSE TIS Were dev: AStvne 1.2 Sowmlete Pal@— Ga1boo a On Usree: aa Roo Sx Sue LO? vse sore Benn: Se 2AM Ste Wego: Asta Aye. ce so robb a at sm =f 4s7so.e Vawser) ae 3500 ae/we (to Se om wn 1.3260 Use! WENEE 3 $2 73) 14? wk Camere’ oy (ON ; 2208 Tw 7-11 Wea y= BSKy OBI ms 22H whe = B62 ow EMH ROPE POR 0.3 Hernoces Og» V3 fe, ards 52 novie=miasin ee dae SE ae — i os. iA go eae an al | ce Ares Semin a2enitoat = Md = L190%1? Nim “| one auton sis Wish 1 Are! S=nlahe =Nissileen? (ft, vee we hb2te OS Tae pee vais ~ 150A ~ an Ags 218 00m Anex= bYootiim AT rae en Pifoee Weettimdts, Cie [it er Hye e « ong szoreest Moe leeeo.e Zi =]200 05} Fee wad So Pine ~wusAre E17 Fron 76-613 xH6. L=DSanms a2 FoR NViow 6/61 Spe Bete. rn B= S6/2= 10S A = s2xitann iw" Es Lest, ten! Many = ae ‘Mianon = wr O18 Mipaa® Behe 5 XN Home) = 436 TE Beaman 2 Aon! ED hese Peng tLe 13S xe man's Co Ltd Mnpe = 2: 26-40Xor240m) = 450 Hom on Ae = Bmwe\ nan) wae = 66.70% fee eear ee (Re0. Fest. sreeviin = 20231647) = 200HA Couto 0s€ 7 NYLON Why POLY! Aine” 7-81 Feat POS t £22. CoxiS mon C235 de wn bin tm orgie Mam yront tes Mpy= BL 2 84, zouitne’. y yoy ¥ BO iat gem ee = Ftuaws, =a He tame) «1 Tae ee Waar Haw Me aie LOIN A os + ° 1Q/ 8 FRom PEALE Lm bIs\ ma, ce oa Me, = B12 RY Staton). = Tetadion on? = 59.3 liam” = 53 Moe Ne Sh 2 hate yy, o staan 128 783 Fem Pb-Lot Teo.8263 wt C= he w Manga BE, Use, wesw! Ce Tae, Mpae® 236T LBM = wire GeeBl) Wane = Wlees . UZ3REW) 67610) wr = Helnas. Upp eRewA) . 676U Fh PLAS 122 0.3592 "302332 3 Leber snk = be a= Sr/e= 2100008: 125 10500081 © nw fr Maw = LT. , Loscota o392t eal ie tam = LD DUS 23S = 2a ten = ask Gee 7-79) = Sita _ 2B. 4 a= Sf GLE = 20 2a FRom Petts T= 0.3622 ws ee UN6I 00 2G 2 44g SLO. 95595} Mnte= BE a RLS SEAN «ry 396m ¥, ci ave |e ne pe BOLE Jon 4 Ppa WL, lp li 7-26 = Har secren Fem Poly wrmer wueRr RATE 4. Tid fad | reas? 1 Tp Tos [aorr Fennec (24.6% 2) 2:20 Z wees 24/5%./ 12 ys. Zap Fianke (1240.1) EASY | Sg 5 Ys WY. sv 70.251 Simmareeac-r £OUuErT Seer : 7 bs.20 Ly LRU 1200305 ony iy H 2 Br “we = ” Mare a DRLL, IPH «1798 ¢0uN Wnae = Ae IBELM a61@ Ee Girne B68 ae? bus => Prver P6-19 : Le L206"; Cabs 20m é On = Safe~ YK Mg »1SKSi = 7500 Yn = BE Pipes ce = Détate Wie Oe Ee Te ee ttatt 98 a ee Fron Peto 1 220.0263 0; C= Aw t os Seg MUO, 6 Beet Manes BE» E82648, BBM. 1409 ea.0 ars Die, NIRA co AR = AEE 00 Ln 13a BEAMS WITH Sritest CoNCENTRATIONS AND VARYING Chess SECTIONS BY oe ltks. 5 ty M5 ALLOWABLE Mowewt AT JOT ber ae oe Ketel {Seasralrdstn oe) a Le Mex BS qleecoorsinrV2 Ata) . wie castyang ML 088 ne ‘ D/d2 "Mfg =/,125) o Mn> B00 Bunlierfrm ae Hh hoo Ler tte» ~¥900470K =-22 72. ey A= LUS/w 2380 RF ar sur AT D At wae: $23.25 Poe Yu fre 12-440 700% TX kM 4.0 Nraone er) te ye Seren T= 18 3006S) IF Hd SIAIEMANT ky EXISTS AT WALL. 1-90 N=0 AT AE Powe 6 in cermeate Ss y |—f 1 : Se MLL = 69Y6 me (lem 7 Fee creer” CN) | 3 FOR Dit Se Dip = Messy 0036410? Foe 0, ¢ S= 10, ~ 0.0982. 1m For Ost S* P(0.49Az™ a.otlsy mw? ATS! Ke=2.0(xepsem) an) oe He LEGO same; 400: Vax “Taye 01002 Yy=!Y ay? 106 Ken mp afsecee (éReove) o-=(A38Y 138%; Loaise® Y2s000Si ATES Mae 08/6 = oct! Lp = 0b er/yp a end eae pve Len Gre) aby £2 U1o22: 7 0 p50 SBOE. we pesr £3 Ar reseed e+ 20 Se biVe> 7520/6 = 05007 = =n D8 9 «Bono tsi = ial ATH BI Dne0,18=d ms pera Bitar MOMENEION ED) = crergss Fa hS VE low BNo35) LOH AL Ba!A? fo O°3 300 65) ATO, :+ Mont Fa 2ew esr 2 wae oo: F226? ési le! 0 eooesi (ran 7-93) Arb: Yoye "3H 5 90,892 Fa kebar _ 1pyevon(2on 2 G02 uP ASENTSY “Meaty. AB 21 = 1506631 SA By 1 -= St #51 = Pim Arby! T= zsai Hi figun) as 5 SS dur? b25f, 9g* 0162S Ke 2/27 prime | Ar rncein,c he 6. G2IVEN 30) __ pq = 336m4,| SOD WEE 1-43) PEERS -Z20G a. iat V ae) Ve | age Me], rZ0He a) Evo hes ~Zom. Yodssni Foootss Zste 72m, 2¥opibm Bota’ b) Hoe By 17m. 3400 680 1530 st Hee Bs Hm, 2800 5600/40 zm oo é Yo 2822. ios B2 im 2200 WH Yo 3 330 “or Heb, Bam 1609 320 8 9 oa ° EE ins elsr ren r=gscouVersmm)= K/L komm AT AA? Sebhth = KltsY 1 © 67mm? Oa Ys = U1 250 00-m00V 166 and 2 96.8m6e At B-B! Sle = 2/es = 0.48 > Ke Bho = ke ba. IONM M2229) O™ ena VES = eta) EL le [a4 AT BB N= Soe 06 Kho) on futiolevases) (2s*—15 76) Ler o¢ 09 = 4/9 $2@b, Sus 80" 8443) 21951 Possibee Sre4 ASS ¥/YO0BT 900) $4 2/26 Ala iS te ecuite . Arcs S# YAY, = AYE, « 2200.00 a a AEBIS= 20001, wo 3200 ane? F ial el = Uy 0.251 ye "OhyesD~herbe OF = Sux 664 x886alr = Mey | = aS. 2 Maa TySn BLE S00 «195 4 9Morn aM, = Mg?s APC! ry BBE go joe 9 =/@ Pt Peg 2 o + MIDE FS oR YO Un = 20h, tWpehsp: ke 22 eS B3:6N (3eor00a) 7 Ge Saat 15: S21 6% ISF Ftp [15 = LBM. H4.3.0br. Maae= 7-02 Ler olsrame Fees A To B 6G Qos Then Mg= Farler o> o& g> Kette, 4206) Fa (para Faon Pko® 7-100) Sa” 4200 ast 0; = kite. GDA. _F Se 700 eee La eee S269 a * 0? Gy mm ‘0 Kets 2 Me Kage Me, 6 Mey a IDE, 200.0 Se a HD Kee Bi So SE Teo nian. Ar Bt S= 32t0 2man32 fy =0.251Mp = 15 jy oh8E thea hogan As WO CHAWéE IN Lion TAAVALUE OF L8 Z5Z3N. He alot Sp ecause minimum Srhess OccRs AT 8, ANOLE Cam bo DénLeVArC. TOF =83.6 Mla =, ff 5 Coda F°L5/3 a masienued FRM PRG 7-108. THEY Me™ /S0F = 3.7K N'rn Mr =O C222! Bur JF 20.8, Ke 740 CAMA Aal-#) Jouve Foe dt 5 2 (urd Ftch me ur 3. ar bors pin) ke) d= fe Age t fF 3.6/2) 4 deQelcan’-li3senP)ke]® BY ITEEA TONE JP ky 105d = 93.35 Bor Yar * 0472 toe Leh VD Ke 230d? W-3 it Yur 2 0.57 KAY Kes h20,d 232.85 Yow = 063 y Ke mn2F Ke © 120.8 2302 mens Yur 20.82, Ke= 22 Ok Cnacnnim HE SS 196 Mye2Ply Mz 20Ly Por eBorttriap Moz NPP Soth% Sp 8021/1100! see FM 1M ED Ler o 204 =Su/a Ave Pussiscg Chosen REOD Sy =BO-= B(MEBM AR)? 6 MEASBIS/ M97 Bor 400, SA*7T A 1108 DATA FRom 1-106 EXCEPTS AT BEY = py 2 O12 Ke ThIS | Oe LES 8 tae Libsionles ATC Mya Ny «© 0,063 he 2.0006 = 83.30% APD! A= Mag = 2.092 — ke 2.272 8 = Y./ MP Pe Yow, Ke Ano S$ FRom Phot 7-106 = Sify = U70Mb y= Hb mtr. = Le S tye = Sifgn one Mtn = Bll: My Ares ie i =/97¥0N mon 320 La = J 7oavmm 13 Sa lg laf = 24Zoam TCS p1,,, #LAN UD) « bey Wim = 20 Lr. a Lee Sir * BBxa0m ATO! Mors = LLOLPD 139620 Wm PUY +1) hy Ble. 2 A882 _ 19 © 206. Samm. lab zB AO BE yy DIO, Mnw~ P3 ee ee Bs Mung = Marri] = Witty a 12,8 tba = Kath § keMos pein blo BY, Ltr amen Ly 1 Aa mene 20s aR Nn LE Mees ZN eovernme VAtve G26,8) (768) 68 = S7IV38W mm = 20 Lr Fon = Ll = SPB. a6 Bex law > fing, = TM ue toe 7 Fea AEE nay 2 WEA TIRD) reese 2 120.242 Aman = P (tit/¥o) 2. oe 376 Ag 2040/7 Pea xd200 ee m% ‘34/3 | S2/_| } is} 479) o dats) He. 36 | ta 2.6 0,200 | oP o.s0 [yo | 5333 1 13.8 0.210 | 20b= 060 lo Ls 2s. Tolle ae a Oxfas hy=2040.2% rex =| = Hye Ws Nonn= Ys 2 2005; S244, PEG 052/90 Mae P/ ps ZEN Zos2N ALi 2OVYN—Grveerne Yave win Mates. P77 24) Pino 2280N PL 1900 mawenien Geconsiere ld? SS Dx Sf = M3 etl w VW.1 tila ; P=1 2080 = 1200N Beveo ard Reais OF PRo6s. 1) Ano U72 hp IS CAIDUN Ar A1006E AmALY = 2001Y Hamm) = 1 ooh re Reon Sofa Meesedenea = NSSamM th Ye €. AVS. = ETB eet) Te 29 mm ALXSReanms m= bo ps 60C/2aN)* Tee Nimo Reon $= tes 0 127 p4m? bg =Mbmn Foe emera” Sides 3 hx hnrombs Ler_A2e Bano hy 22 ami Fok Cod VENIEUT DIVEWSANS ACHECE OF STRESS AS IW TA Silos OC Oa Fok Mt SecrWS, aye = 22% 2 peorapet jot BEB, N™ ho00 sept F fen So th = 8.0k? “ a 15000 Yo YO) = bh & Be WDA osk™ ha (TRE EBT aay Fb ol il BAC, N20 coo gt s Soll. B00). 76 yy 23 os ~" 75000 rn he [ors =. 8.00 Im. = 2000 TMS OH O,66 57 = 0.66 (806 a's Vege OS Ret Sain? 1ho3 bin? USE W Wergir= Ce erYre USE Win with Coven MA De® S3-BIN®, DECME4.BTn iW Cwen. OL. 2 Tye TgtZA D5 1021/5, 185 = 19, 88.1 Fino Atco AL FOR 10412 Mg= 04 $ Manag TOM y owed IN 29 VIS. PT | a4 750008 Kerr =Ay| pale, p= 25 aii ® 16202. 1037 ISTET, SOECI LY K=25F 1, PRS UT || wore Cover W100 Le 7-0 EOF Ben, [ieeiaaiee WIT: OF PLATES! = 2 fAt=2: Bar) SWE LES Wroe worn =hrieyyCne) YY Les An rorac wre ENG = 185606 A, wun savinas = 192 ~7056 2 6.4 LE nee owmrsrret Fie P-2bi T= Yew! 1 C@2p0m Amu . BE = (SYN HEN 5 LY x10LNLiPrIadd UIE. KEP eal yy are BA. BLURB RT. BUDE taK ler FOR 512X803 5* 508 1073 Myay= GE =C310YS29) AZO 100, LE ar Bt = BCL YET. & Seer, 2B Kor FlexveAu_Cewred e= LA . 7, 2 30070" aul We Saat 99 Tas 2 x10 a LS 39-2 =36 mms he J6~Y = 72mm St ¥en e= B62) TONIN IY QU Ar O-2 = LSM Fiun LEFT Pace of wes. = /2.Sanm Flan most oF WER be tat fe o! | nm h-200-on wh80nsc~ soto astnib> 2/18 eet | hm 100 5 Yh 0290 § Chr o.¥e nlofet C= 0.46 A =0, YEAR) ® OBES en TET O1t On te = 365-106 50.805 Pham LEFT PACE Tal es |ecee cele) 0207-940 | -s00 | 7.900 | [A406 Onenions 1937 [sais [957 i 1H Lakees. /2s\ 975 | $625 \ns7s | 300 | 400 A? 80-32 Nam § 6% 20-48 = 12Sanant bX 80-3 Y2anm Ya= Uy 2 0.61 3 Sh = By] 20.24 thew Th 035 C= 035 h* 035077) =22.00004 C'= C- he 220-150 225.5 FRom Leer PME ws | %_|% _\e |e 0.248 | 0.623 | .38 | 40, ot O2V6 0617 | 37 1290 | 28.2.mat oz | 61 | 0n35| 27.0 265207 3-123 (a4 FS Re BB 2 d5-a= 23mm QS AT QR. = Yb man FRoof enteh aS" cae x2 0/268 wv! Creer Aprevow' OVERALL Dim Ensius 2.0010, DEPTH =D 00 mh mor 2B h= Dot? deo-o18* L890 ba B-£ = su 82= 09350. rb] Ca bE 2easlaerion . “Yin 7 ¥C0286) 200 34S bn Te 42 25452 300mm t C220~2:52/2S man tb =YS-E 2 YOM Y= 0058 t Y= 133 8 THEN Sh %OI3 BY EXTENATION LE OMSK = 043030) © 12.9 00m BEAMS MADE Fhe Ailisority Pic MATERIALS So eee Eee 121 Fam PES? £20,352 mis Cys Mosh $ Ce h3320 2 L=6SFrs In FOE Tedd OM OorTOM iy, GE Sapte oth i555 6,9 POR Come: On 10°” Mypage BE, Wee , 036241 _ veg TO PBI EEE FRon OIF Maas wl? /8 — Minn a Btn OSIshe, Sige = OGistgul- v9y.6/y 7128 om Tension AT Perrott Maye BL, (19000 Vorsn) TT at 2 IE TES saps Loy Come On TWP: Amar = oooYo, 351) I Linn Vaoe ie Nig eee se ecco Wome Tee SEES. 6,70 w/e LL From Po-6:t 2% bier x0 Yama ¥ Cas 12.5- mm; C2]; Fam cy Tense Ar : = ab Gg: M00 A pa = ck ME 5 ay Conterssial AT TOPE Mugg =-EE- D0 Yodes7 ta) SY ede 30) £2.99 x10 Mane WLIY bee g-81) tininws ve Warne © Haga f Lepese Lessa) 99 130 Faton Ph-b +L=6167 010mm! RS o0em Ly =2Sane y Cg? IIS mm 4 COnPRESSIO AT TOPE Mage SE I San : ees Mout Bf feet SHC EW nen = Lir1r We YALE aa Ar Bortum: y, yo RE-= (Crd SSK Suan op Sb mee = LOM 55:3 6x10 rea; G =.= Z0ana9 “ma20.0mm> Lainie Yave Te a fo tha BE Leglesseul «2.6810 Wm x ‘pohemi yn) as Wa” Tf 12.00 man Jel32. Fhom PE-G. 8 £2 485K aman"; Ca Co Zoe Conttessrant AT TOP Ls Limi Mune * Beat , Zea tiger done) 2418 Ka) Ce” nat (20. nag» Lopes = YO x00 yim) - = SIS 72b0 am ST Fito PE- Kt Lorneynilanm! § Cys Ya treSinne’ Cy 22S an Cx-Asrn Ae, 6101 Coyntahn BIBMLA « Bau! Gage Ee Bendy ah, oem pas F oH Coma err ns SE tie peacainel de = Mote = 1SYRIO® He amar — P Tent 41 BOT Hyg SeE-e MELA) Merte= 2.10400 oom -Lininne vate = ord? Foon = Mea Bhai = BORON wom ayy yy, 220818 # ZL AM, Tia SS fun POS BL: 2hesirent, gids Fass.omes es ASrm A220, 200022 ces 29h » By =/LYarta o> fhn Up M8 HA. oe ft Pots haem = € Come Ar TOPE Mane GE = WE nltondnat) Se eet (roma) amcor Pann 439200 Haman ‘ woe Fett Borns diane Belin BL. Letsuad) wn Pans bes x10 Aman -Uninae vase «Ng » Stimae . BU-25100' san) M tla» Anne 05M BO asi 6M Bayhy, Tora (990 * art (69 AY Vitom)e 838k easky Le [i S12 Z.6610 Some 5 Coe es anm 5 C8* 35 aman (ten PC-S Utuoe Don) Contes At 7005 mae LE. WeaNesied) 219 wm fe os Tea, AP BoTTOW: Myc BEE. LEED se 1.4 rem oo = BA BUAY ROY Netrin a See pias Gb at Lame = 28B 2H Tora Loans urt= (9.69 4N/m\ttem)= I bIAN 136 Fie» 7p = BRIA ry » 82.9 tte & Bae = 5 oy = DIAM, = bert. J rea [ahy= bat Z Ve A15 am =Co5 TEMSION AT BOTTOM‘ pfiyyy s G0 Eo, 82-701, ly snn' On A Oe Fn ELM amen CONTE At PoP Mya = BEL = CANIS 5 379,.850'V 00m 62s Mane © 2.47 ’ Pane = Anas Usdiitimm yg ify eh a 20 24ml mm iny A 7-131 | aa UNCRENSE DEPT BF RIBS To Danan ym | D2 95:8 tmnt | Tense AT BOTT: ply eases) — | | 222.5 n heh | Mente = 303,2.x0 Wana ys Wa er zen | 7 Tied 72 22.2,S.00mim * Cb5C325-W/02.Smm 6) ML] Leth COMER.AT RE: tne Ioan Prag = Made, 3031 Mra O°" Tm 7 2Yeoanm ZEB pesien Patem~ AUTRE SouTONS Fes OLE 2/26 AW 13a TIZY ASTA AYE GrST IRow, Su 276 Nim - BRITE O52 Saf, = 2Ibmloey, « Yt.omlr Acre Opiyy = AL = 24 XW) (30m) - 66.9 nt PB s Tl SDanmd7/ 22 UNSAFE 1-140 FRom FUG TAS? /Iapy 2 YS900 LBM. OF= Sal 3 REPEATEO LoMD Ark. bobs-T Sin = YE 006PS/. Dn? YEOPIZg = S625 955 oe. head 5= Yes YPooLtmy, |) = Bséin? S@eciey L1-* 1,692 Atummim £- BEN SHBCE. S= 8.501N* Fino MAK, 57635, Fornts Bor 0 POSSIBLE SECTS AT Bi b= Yomam , Mg? 150 000 Homma SIE: Wy: Y%yy 02.00 Cys 197 Page Bbfyy 2 07S CFUT 52 dt thtowm)’. 6703 mm OD a Ji 2 MaKe . (60000 Hm SI?. yp pul ad es Fie an — 4 AED ae Lome $y" Foom0 Hunn (nor) Ghoove! Diy, = B0fy = 133 j L208 Aly 2 8Yjy 20.10 )00 RIB Seta, = Mbawmal pe = 212.06 mm = Lek, 600 cNmmV203) «56 a mp4, 3p 21 206 mm 2 eee 160000 Sak one] 2. SWAT D=2t.0mm+ Appr 203 Wom 5 S= TO} 2 WR0mY» «2657 anm™ 2H. 20Shim 10% Mes” estomm? om = Say. booty, ae Sup booelry «7520 Wea As / lof WAT 1200. Sn7 boMPa- BECAUSE Opnx > Fj - UNSAFE Ub Mere 133 1743 woe 9e ASTM AIG SY 7500006, STANL Lone i Ase! O59 0,665 2 0.66 (Stops) =3 3000 5," were te by Pnae = apr y Woeity x mg 22x! 7 2 Maicerr a Wootly «py 22am Nannies eid Reoo S= Mame _ 220x008 18.0 y [Pee C 3308 /;a* wo —— S mn 2 O67 pot ° ey Steury wiaxto'; S= ba4m? xl CHECK SaEne sreess 1 WEB, CORK MERA BRACING AN0 DErtecrny | en, TINY 1-NS BUT MsTm AST GOs 4 Lo Sy = OS 000 p35 7 OG = 0.66 = 0,66C6SO00FSID= 42.900 H/ Real $= Maa 2 2204 oa 2400 18 ha Sreciey wilasyos 5: SUB sn? ERY INE . No BENEFIT, BUT CHOICES ARE Limites IN THs Book, SEE AEC MANUAL Fon LARGER SELECT, Cost/is May BE HisHer. ALs6 Cheek Wes SHEne , DEFLECTION, AND LATERAL BRACING REAWREMEWTS FRIM ALS SPECIFICATIWS. LMS A371 ASv0 Gewer : Sy = Dei = WS impart AUSC! 05> 0; bb 5 =086(3¥5A A) = 206 mea. Mmaxz -/2d6 hae AT B. Reon $= Moan 20h RU» EW JOP OF” 220W/pn® KM oa Sam = $33 8109 mand she Yo | Convers 9 mi (he 6 Sz, 5083. x00" tory way 23257 1 Fin A597 Seeciey EMER! SE SiBes. n 10 BOL HOY Ya 1 5= tn? \sresrintndt” any: S= Vborlinnwnty , ? Baan $= be INNO ELS 72.2 £677 je Bom Were 7 ee, Mb AsrnASn-C% Sy= V6RS/ Caz th]ye WS fy = 500 Osi kea'e s= Liaw - s4hooo tem = 12.2610? ou M500 .6/n* ty ~ | 3100 SPeciny Bin SMeoue to sree Yue te 080 S= 168) IN? 7 reo | ” Gon rrooes THT astm a sort Sax2 $845! 032 yn Upon rKsy 2 Reovs= IMmAK. SYooteu ene oe 7250 .8/N* Sram = 245 n> ne | ; Re Srey Bx2+'N crea ruse Uss) vol | S= 750 me wo We 2 /5:6 Loser ” Gerd, 2178 Mnm= 26F AT SUPPORT F AsTm Ava ince 60! Sauce SEES ( Pom [A Sine® 170KS6 PP a 2 Say , 236 One= > Vy > P800008y = (3750051 ” ki Oje = SHY 2 170000 iy = Y25000s! Toe ToP isin Tensiow! OF = MC ae * > x0 i Vimace 2d Eg ba r0tapw 16.1010") Vr eye3a5| ce 7-750 4 ire Maax= 12 685 Le4n = Gln MF) reas F, tomar - eRe BS tha 3963 16 Te= 13.06 ne Chas wae Fon arrenisen Cantectsrous Oe Mee = 237872 .8-m > marne M, Ode E _ (yes) (18.16) ee Oe Pe DESK FADBLEM. MANY POSSIOLE SOLUTIOWS » ty ONE Destan: MAKE sHArE Aru C-bEAM | THed T= Wry ~ 200%, = Seo” + ee ol 1 29 x 0 ta Ses Se" = ypc7 1m Fak Com Tessar AT Ne Awo Compectcry ‘Ar bo7T0" £52 OS) £O%, Arne; o> 22. leooors (36) ar sia ao nse SBomnt 78.62 sa! re SHAPE MALE OPNNZED BY MAKING THO EAU © LAKE THAN Ber FeAtn€ TD TALE ALVASTAKE OF Oye 77 Ge+ SEE EXAMPLE PRoéLEm 1-H, Tem tennoe Setumov ead. [38 7150 14st T1s2. AsTm AG92; Sv =Sv000#i Fa = 0166 (sv @00)= 33.000 #5) RE0'9 S> mar. 20% SW LBM 2 6 yyy a 33000 LG iny* SPELIEY WER S=7.8l1n? Ge) 4 Citece beam Fee COMPRCIME S, Wes Seine, AND LATERAL Sueroar Rew REP. TOTM. Wr = /0L8_y JE, PON, Bx ig , ORS f FP Faw 7 ee ones M Ny) 79 Gir (_rs080 SHAPE IS IDENTICAL To Gon) ov THaArIN PRoecem E-YY, 040.6603 Gooets}) = 23 760Ys; Dee 3K 9504 oe tote g me Certe= 3,50 Bre 105 65 = fe = V9 3,59 2I99 18> Bm Ue ee Saee - % GHLAY FYBE WEDENS 12.2 IPT y 100mg IT = yz ie, PLATES! Vol. WW 10 FT “en 200 Cos) w2)/241] = 2b WT = 2H 103 x 6.283 C0/a¥* 699-18 2 STALE 1 MOM LEE wg, eb TOT we = 10h? 4 St.6= [59348 PUGH Henviat Dias BRM. DESIG PROBLEM — MANY Fasssale SOLUTIONS. CoMS/PER USING A SMALLER, LIGHTER SECTION RiGir Poenow of THe Beary WHEAE “115 mM Sa Aleene THEN ENMAdsE HE SECTIOW NEAR Rt To EW Abee I 6 WIT STO Teh LocALly Mee PlAres C0020 BEAD DED 1b mE The Ard BoTrom AS PROBLEM 2-18) Bor VSIA AS A BASE. CHAPTER 8 Shearing Stresses in Beams GENERAL SteaR Forsola a Sh Fo vg = eu tesutren) sire Lica, yy YT Inet maat Yeon rege 00900) 33.3 2006 3 te O=AeG = Cho0X500 5032.58 ones® 7 Ze Baxi <1. 1711t mom? lel Pkoasms 8! @= Garfihl'ys) = 4539 195mm? —fioatems 8° Too PY PHYO. Sv00U/5391) 2 Ze” finwmnvaay Ate ee EE re bsrirasrtr = $263 Ws 0» (3.62sM sie * 9.0610? TVW . Y2s0016)14.86 7) _ ( Fe" Wa ee Vas) ~ Lae ee 8-2 Le OSM inrsY Mr = Ys Wi: O>(5:62SV NID = S537 WI T# LO » Goocel 3) = 62057 or as Le 17 o'fey = 10 2007s oa ys ys Ape 110g * 11507 = 982 mam™ q O22 0 .2/2/30)= 10.6.mem Ms Ap ig = O82 Y 1018) = LO Yor mans 7= LE» (4S) Liens 9-5 Ze" Barats) 2 Mee Hee 7-8 cs ial ee = 102 980% me! O° AL) 02020 4544 mm? = Bw ¢ 10 SSP = 2.0 ta. SL r= rleotfer «otis wt OrGrle/aMarrted) = 0.666077 qe QVCO b60) pestaa) ee ae Le mpoaYfey «oan! + @-Gr(oesy'/aMLoateloss)] >onioen? 2 VO . (BN 0,0208) Pe Fe Gorse ti) 7 RIEL. re 2 EZ, 20306 wt ¥ 20.90 Fisy P7-16. Le @= G.25No.90V0.HS) = 0,304 nF Vo, [S00'/000) ; * a. To Tet age N any 7 LBL OSe, it 137 SL z= Ken prom Pé-2. O= Aig, thas? 3118) * (BSI=2SE = YO, a Tre figs ESL Ey= Jatin Peon Po-3 tbe Zbiam 220m Qe Aa t Az ge? YN2) +458) 30.0 m4 Te WY F010) . atVao) 7 $230 SS Lx = 4.642100 Blom PEY ee O* Ay = (2S Yis05U76.25)= LTA mm? pe a a d(29004Nprad) 4 b¢ £10 mmo WOE mm) SATE. Peise.s ij La® 613 xioamn" Rot PET] aoe BrAvgy +a pe = Go lesst47s) + Bie (ia) Q= %23x05om? po LUBY n23nnF) ty. ef t7350Meoy Abate 8/3 fe Lx =3.08 x08 anon! reer PholB, t= loanin a “ne (eee )tat) 4119 '(8.63) = B/86mm™ pe 8166) Bown Yay MR. s Ty= 2.86 108 anm! Feet P65 Angi *Aaye (20 YsWn Hos V(22.5) Q= 5500 mam? = GIS) Ss00) _ T° Fe lensVa) = 2 Dale SS Le 6.167 x10" anon! Foe Pog > Aygr= OnsX20l75 12) 3063 atom? T= (ASt N)(3063 se) _ [e161 x om MaDe LO, av EAD y.2.5236 x10" ma! Pram PB. OA Arye ft i @={ANSY20) (20 1) ooNesNUs28) OF 2094 mm? Ya. foson) Us (5:5 K' MOTE Trane en eaatfecay aa e168 Wheat Os [siieabane ena 30,3672 Ww" Atom PE a Aim tAey® Q=C2H MENA I2)+ OME?) ae & ‘Mn = 0.270 ow 5 xt pS pe P20 M020) / Pao " ‘ausereVovaay LUBA. = LA Tye 0.3502 a" FR REIS Om Ayaye + Aa yp ADNAN Losey) Hou MoXore) a &= 4.2159 wn? , = (795M 02/54) . Us ENGI) roan) 7232 esi F asa0a : == Tx=6.06 mm! FR P 6-33. RA Aad x2 Note Kis3 Wistla \elosay(tr0) Haan i his an ro 2500Ver1) eet 7 eqeM ay Lee tel. ¥ cm PRoblens rey ys BEE Giew Te Posin ve. ze SL eripay Du 5 Fe tdYar » S36W" 20> LOAM) =2.299 07 = (OVS:3611.50) ui 2.297 este EEL 023.5 shrtsrms Ze.s is Ya = 0987 Wh G(2. 54H )O9 iu? V= (70)(0,98133 0/58 = 245 Lo = £50 SAE MDS 1H 1L* BW 2 O= CoS0K" AMA) = 2373107 V= (DYs78)LUS) /23-73 = 765.06 LM p= masm: henson: Le Nastia lr =3/6 trols WAV G)a/6, = (7013.4 25) /316 = 29L8 139 BAS t2smshensmt re RoW! O=bSWAY"A) 2/82 Ww? Va Gord/20v 95)/)S7 =_S098 Le ELE pens sh= 95m Dens lsifr = 8224+ OE YSNISAN IA) = 129,707 V= Zo e2.N 1s /29,7 = S016 BEE Ie isny in" Fave PEA) B= Ay ay HAr apr $B ISV ISEB) HOS WS) B.S) @= 2has iF V=(Q0N SINS 2y05 = EEL LB. 2828 p= 1903" Rom Po. O= Aug th ge ENasyle.78) 275) + bIsNI2SH 3.128) @* 28.33 mw? V=(70V/¥6.3 3.0)/20,22 = 109916 B22 Ty =/0r.2m" Feom 262% OF Apt hope QrlertssWh7sMeIsfe)+ Cs NatVa0) 0+ 28.59 > V= (7011(07.21(3.0)/29.59 = 78766 D2 816310" FRO P6-2Y. O2Apig* O75 YE.0N275A) = 90,0914 * V =(7019/6.3)120)/ to01= 1908 Le. xan! rtom PER + Vo Svotet Teds secron| Ar @ le | rw ao ab ra ain wa te mE 222 Syespy yt Fam pé-S Ye swtas T2Y re Seered a t WD STRESS urate a eran ais 5 bt [ie eae [evo] a 7 43S. a ++ £-£ [40 2 B27| ¢ ro £0 o EIXG ¢] slates] * Bo 770 SS wx: 224280" = Ay ap, thr. L8.0)(.53( 6.59) # &32V0.305)(3.18) Q> 24.03 ww? =, 43 $00 341,03 . ee 28) (0.308) SE west team? His 3a Lite ts + it, EC 301 | 969, roe [841 [30.04 | 0308 | 740 za (0.308 | 7170 3 0 | 27:94 | #.000 426 | 6.000 ~0 | 8.000 Ounce ren Gort of Seewon hu) 4 (40 fe iss Is WHY XI t FOR Wee SHEA Forman: t= 0.305 Ins A/K 7 0 «Vi. 33m i Ta® ah > Stiga HOLT LL Gate on pasruss HAGE Part P08 39! Tyee? C122 E81 Te =, Ste °° Uqaa = 992 SEL pastiset Atommm L-BeaHt Te2S060n4 Q= Aug, tA rales G00 03503625) H3.65%0.23)(1825) = 8.226007 2 Vt jsSD0L8Y0.226 147) _ . T= YB = (amoceneateat) «so ts Aus As df ts & @ € ro 1.262815 870 1825 8226 23 OB ex £_19F 3805 hid 2.325 8.1.23 1976 4 B 5.260 2 BLE 1IT » q Jd gas a7 ‘és e368 Wee Sitehe | 4 Se Aeummiuer TB Kb1Y or Frege 283; . eH 0.230 ¢ k= Boom he ‘ jse90 WEB SHEAR FoKenAA ee eV, RA, Can tastier e || Tis B32 Bs? Tirfy = 23: Chota lage ¢ : Tone O90 Ages t lL 27378965! | 1p" 06¥0C 30000) Fee /2, Dyn - BbOKM LEM 5) on ts a 2 = 2105 303)? OG" SEE PROG S-) An E391 OG 0.065420. 66 (200% tac ® BC SXOLE I} REDD S SEY fa) S=M9 ia w= AFD . Georw1B - «, TOE eK 487 Ov9) © = Ta off Sy= OMX S008: i SR Vega YASK = YY $0018 Set 64 92. Sew W7ILK LoL BIN; O9* So.cVeoose 33 200p3/ LITEM re Bun w—rSpecier Wibey FRoe PRos. S Mraax * Hexgr Read. cm at FRom PROB 5-54 Vy gy2 162.9 RN = 182. 44108 Mmae ® 282 Lim x10 fy 10 tnt fy, 2 228 X10 man Rea. s = Veg + Og eOLCSy) = Ob 6OGYSMEA= 22967 Mai A G92 Fm WH6O x 222.7 Wan? WIZK OS aman? ; DECTHE YS pan j Bor 8, 00mm rats 1e a /PH VGISV= 18 B sta. Ok CM LEED 0 on = BAS Epon Peoe. 5-51 Var O04 LBS Mu ax® 2528 LOIN Ca,,13, S=0. 237600, A “2v_ 2 Ceovee) . A Lerng? Fon Piva 3-4 FA SSILE § May™ 6228 LOU is ify = Wonrsly, eager PS! 2 Tye OSA, w 5000 65) Sew" lw SoA Zapatero ofa ese Noravisitnh) 540 —ol “He (os 782. y. ae ar T= B35 03) Save. Eyota Nag Snener To Be ts~Iepsi leeer, semu) Kean A», « Mente, amie» a ; et: eee Beran: eee ens alt F000 So Sho She wagon Phot Peo S-53° Vnag=2990W 5 Beer Senet 4, ade (axe) = 501 San ot hoon ne “& Milita coed! we tm Benn Se 14a SL Fry Aine 8202.L 21703 WP sco3s0M § 520,307. See A180 Het. Vane =P dtmpes Prirr = Iphaua § T9008) § Gamy= H.00 Pst Pe HE 8 Yam lay FEE (BNE EDs 126504 «Pans MS ke, p. AL, Wopt ne Om Gin HPS p- AE n Yoo, sores BLE ym rhea PSB Uggy=23¢bb/e2/MoWN 2 229% 12.44 EQNB36/ 2 £2 0,29H OStom dm)" bo8brame? euaynlesMe2EA aR - s al ber Te ee Pie e alan B79 Fen PROB PSB tM yay 4RDANI 3 E22 X (2.41 L9%8.36/! Se 22.67 bstgase? 5 391 Y9S anm™ ‘i 2 YB.2 2 Wl ome 7, on Bn Siete ian sa ED parm tons went =GnerrMiter)= 901s Wowa "I= Yi0L8 BY Got vine ; : 24 = 2070, gw} ~ GB ESI 3 152 FOR) de Chath BENING! Maye wt Vax BLS aceectamindel? z0810 ot, I7ZBO LEW ' orgtn epee J31S 68)! G7 2 Jowes) UisAEE = Fiore Foe PS-10 t Vaay@/SO0L8 Mag = WO LE-16 @) Senet ao BY 5 . te Bhs ee gp tunes. (b) Beso? gz MO. . 00d ton i OOS Lave ao EDEL ©) Bn oS s/s + Kean Sy BTIY, ox SUV pg 26990 ts) 04 = Ys 8 Reoo Sy" 3c4 = 167%)= 202063 pyY sree BS pom pve PSG EV EMSTH Lye BIT Him sree: pa 3h UE 2267 mba. 2 £2267 Mt. @) bevones Ean be ~ oo hn diets labeled a5 yb © Ty = 0. 2 . 3 Ta~ OSSuf 8 Keon Sy 30 = 20220 5/3, a SOW-TY Hy 1S on I23etlm. anger. omens FRoee PRB. PS Voy YSOM 8 Myye 122050 O3= Sify = 21647, = Conma Ys t Reoo S= A, UR srwimen rie eo Oa * “69H men? = 20M bh! Reap hes GC 2sW ee) = 35-4 70m pags Tedt . Alia wp Syme 2A” GANGS rem LSA OSS 6602 SAFE VERY HIGH N. N= 2559 Oa = 51/2 5 REO” sya 30> 7-321: 53 14% BY Fee Pees PE-YB 1 Yont ROOM £ MyP3IOB No 2 ) = v2 OES, Se 00 1 2 SN pam TRL l= Ta OESL Se ) go Mh, SUS IVY I - 59,0 nl* 09> Ek; Os TSG GE = Shot a Z: C) FoR smene : eon Sy = 37s 81I7)™ Id Mem FOR BEwONGt REDD Sy = YO~= (SED =236Ma AISI MZOHe SY = 331 MPa ESE chon rs PSV MyzIS We LYON Revo $= Lea besten(wamle) = /¥2¢mmilenioP/se D=[32$)'s, 07, 2 A202 410mm eg S]'2= (22030) 2s em tA 20% =I 2 We YIU 2 Lanes. os 3 Prvmmsy ~ S28. 88 pewpa: ys 24. Lona Utd) 92.508 B22 ty 2 ossy oor 2S G00) 2 Yoooesi x ZY é ry ea ban G5 = 54, = Y90%f, = 8000 i= Ys a Revo $ Mtn SOO sy6iy3 y, Aenonny eg mSare pee — bed Te 2Uys Ud Yor s= 37aB/ ox LSB. a5 25¢/y M009 0/2000 i;75 2 155g abiebts) t P= T8018 Var = * 400 U8 My, =O fy Pers 9-57) 1REOD 5 * Yas 81% 2V/a Lim me" 3) pre (b) 3.00 2i00 0.917, anon a SS! enone Fron Ar Jonre gsVO/E FROM Fils Pel? T= 03692 IN; VeO.S3200 OmAgGf =(2.b0}0.20\1533~0,0)" 0,225 107 Ge lect N(o. 225m Vg 309 x! 736LB/N. OM HOM AF LEARY, AREA OF Give @losmY2ND.IM)ELthiar=Az Te Bu, time = S26 Ps/ Fiton Phab. 6-263 67.0 nits, Fat ain, 80 in Dehape O35) 5 Asx Fear Si ¥Brn) © SVP WY, 3 45/ RE@'o Foe GLUE ont Pkoet favo P6-33.¢ Le teow fant Oa2 Syfy = Bl 0/y » SrS0¢8/ ea Ty © OS Sify = 262505) Yor amen eae mefc an Wea = 90 330 Len we ees Ex a, i = SCI 330 (00 = s0,28/m SHeOe AF Mev Tb ALIS. red feactaae 25) + 20.59/02) = 27 1N3 + OF 2025) ~01 0H Salen reir igen cpegatian |S) U2? eS IS08 9 wn 2), 20, 2H)» 90,516) Tom Sats Flo dr werost geVO , YagT _ Vaid aera Ga aataasye Looe Le Are 2V/t2 2(7580//28 = 13) sal RMETEE SeSpacinb = HOW § Fig 2lbc0\=/t00L8 = S99 Ban Bete Gate w a0 carn 428 pa FE Gace tree) 270418 GB BV -O Ie vate ae BVA @ UUM ran 2h Loy (2 SEBEBE Sey Fion Pro P&-2Y + Lm Xe.30n" 2 22150 Benoa: = Me IT (= BE. (650M) = 69 69661 775 “oe 4 pee see ee eater 8-62, * Sseumeny fo Gx 650%5: Pe Tas Do¢si aie eee = 9009 in T= YO; vere. 703142030) 2 -. ry aeoF 2/903 8 = al/2 wee 26s) = Bhdualn MLE! 5. bam 3 ft 26a Hib fat wee Be Bee =H ry St = G339(816,3) te c i SHMASNIEIS-BIS-OIS) seen wide 240). Lo.stale (rmler)= (atueler. Liens Fie e583, M6 : ” EL Frey prea Pot! 1 Delsndals Pat2on srr ENDING Sm pefe 5 Og =1450P5} ln lin © BEng UPL y 5654 ta. oy a Po Mn HOS L0m .y2746 Lm * * 720m oA SHER? TeVOlret V= %Lt/e; 1229505) om Ly Avestan, WA Geb MM ih) No ab ehosin® Ve Bre , GS VAVINAD) 5 wLs pez, Bre g MGee ona £ 2 peer =/79ree we At pees wea? 2 LO 6, PCBSNASIG.S) ‘ $7 he Pon AEM robes P c0fm 75° Aes ay = Ta As s00K8, Asya’, provtaly = /200 a O.0608 Graeg 2275 18 Bee t ye, a SE repo nl: OxbsWsNts”(0215iH ae he HD 2 BOYS) «36.404 S= Fu, (ole , a ¥ Seseani He ESS pepasutsaonetorsnsyiron? GE VOles (ee W101 yg =beBta/n FI BRS S= Fs fe 205 ggg 2 36 SEE po r0n 2s aoledNosX20)~ 20m? $2 Ole = SVAN /p72* 121i 2% o Fumune 06-23 67 SS ye pshu essen $V= 2. ViMtShu= 125004 Valeo aaesyee 6.0 FRoM PRG PC-25 2.05 83) Ww ¥2 PE 7350 81.5 118.000 7108 28.4049 210 woreys, B= VO/r =G9sW Hee IN ps) = /31SteLH S= Fa. EN2«pye, $1345 tedn * -4--x IY IN FlQuRe PE-25 Too Mina /ysveny® 24/20 From Pye Po-2b 1 Z= 4670 04 ae Mya 22% 93001? z gees Mea yan.09) = CTRL yy s+ Ee 200m ae Frere P6-26 2. Mp 869 WIE SS! 6= 0,390, A=IAIIN, ASTHMA, Fy =50 OPS TE M. 36 600M “ = SESS) Sare 7} G30 eine “SEES! are Ta = O40 Sy = 0,40 500x605) = 20000 Si OK 8°20 wids¥01 LF b.3/Sin, ho12-G0UN » ASTMAGI2 , Sy SO0B057 HY, 35660k : Tet? Gam” ELLE Sate Ty d40Sy~ 0.¥0(50000 si) = 20000 F5¥ ox B= — wiyx26: De azssm, A= /3.40n. ASTM AGI, 57°50 600 si 2 Vo, 10 Ovnte~ - . Tv th Ge 2) ssadin® = 282 PY SAFE Ty= 2000065; (reo& 9-70) BIA 61 x4,692 Aluminum: £2 0,20 h=é.001n re Be feemede. = 997006! sae Nt bOb/-76, 57 = $0 000 03) 1 Ty= oy? ery O255y Ta= 6.25)(7000rsi) = fo 00005; ae. 873 eee : ee A= 2.8I6n ) ASIAN, Tg 20000087 2 in 1° 2 eG elo SPOS IAE 2899 0s) Save Cis a) SPA HSS bxe4W. L= 18.1101, OE 0U3I in DEG VIE 2k QA, A TAL a= 22.76 M 0.25 0-EY HEI}. 200 Ay FEET = 4798 +1347 = 3192 IN> a cof pe VR G7s0u aie Ww) ayy f Sate EO OST NOG ea) ESE Ast, bao Tio Fox themes = 5009s: 0x a aes 225° 2x8 woov BEN! A=lagi*« Nez Soum tue, Ta= 0st pe BL. BFK). gg) psf a Bh te. P 8-24 i Q= 26,5400 Féin 1008 04, y= S02 2108 @ . Qs04N28.59ye) _ , ro He > Goenepaull = te7 0! care Mo. 2 DovGsAas GR, T= 95 Psi oe AF 8-79 pss Baxi x Q = Aya tage = 2 O29 3- 26 LBM) +. olo23003:6 81) B50, by O23 IN -DESIEN Vai , Ge 3.307 + 1810 = 571/72 INF x : re “ae C2005? ¥62300 SAFE ul Ces abe) He ~ Asrn Asm, ob.6 rm ASO, GAs Tae Ayn = 46 60075//2 (2) * 11 600 @5/ Ok Syb6oo0es) 878 FRom PRoscen 6-¥2, T= 6058 cat, t= 0.280 (w9s/3) = Airy, FAL, *aA4s z Ay Aw T ake B68 Wa Ele 4. —-—— * 2.673 | ca ee {408 2.673 _ { wh 3B 24/0 3.080 7515 {i rl 32410 3.080 75/5 z B= (0, b/0Nn> Te YO. bBcoAN pond _ ; 1 ta EE BS a badzw 1426 PS) SAE AT AXIS X-X Ty= SY,ayy © $0 OWFH/y(_) > JL SOOFSI Fon Asrn AAV -WHKIS Lom x 819 Cm 6136 Atvailom Cama Ly = 6.33 0%, bg = O9N as i Y Q Foe Lowen PAKS OF FLAN Ges aie u Q= Any 2a QMNC2NG)= 20007 Ih eso re YO UY3ou 252210) _ 4,9 ge; eon ee te 6.32/NNEOM IN) —~“Zafe Sy = YOp0oPsi = Say = 10262, = Loos} OK 8-80 parnoe PROG. B-78- SHEAR Flows ¢= YO T= 6055 ant, V= Book zt @= Ay For owe W122 rUee o~ Beg 08)in = 2.515 C8 00LNIISH™ _ 293 y Vo t- a 7 6055-70" nes ~~ BB) Fig. PBL: T= 072 Wt ca Q=Ay Fea ne Paver toys = Os0Nen (Dinyerke ge — HOXF = i qe Mes Coemnlaton), EE To,& ne on 24m Fra= Trt x2NMeS =Z70 Me Max, SPACING SmutF 56/4, = 200LY) 9 y py = 2.0 in maernvn SPECIFY S= 22S IN WB CHAPTER 9 De 3 2x10)! y= ~ LK Geos) = 0/ mem 0 Trax Galena Sanna EF Bar HlOly Lan IMP ry rey ee Ya 7 ¥2KAT mm! 4-2, B= 696000 = E9KD Ninn 5 Y meee oy Powerware Ao ~ROlmm gE wh 03 cen 93, a Azs4ep 5 = PL? 300 2M)" S03 mn. 4” Tqaee * 792 Ca OVENIN) ait 4 PA? ~30000 320)" ORS “Er 78 (207X108: 199 0) re roVey= laf = 19 195mm 3 008 (700). = SHO a0 O SataaxPNCAID ZS pep: one = Path, ~se00(725) 5) =-sA, fr tone pe seh a ee eT as ae pr cernaes = ZF (Btn 43) wee = Seam . sera nen Gon es0%¢z9] GG CaaI AE IND OCI Dh ye) t wash tre asad: Lonoine 1n PSY. Pr /00bell; = Féin $0 2/68 im § ERI0L0 Spat tg = SPAY Ge -ya) = ooo” (yi) tts) Arwones! gx =2AE Gt va) see jo OnAST dine mbants__Gepey-V007] fr caveat y= SES Gt-¥a) = ee ee ~ O38 de AB-O D2 03/054 ahs? -es0¢xey WF get ” GecranaORIS AZH-@G) 2 L59-69% 5 C= 14 pai wv . (yas. 2ypsingy aso = oft Kaalft= 20m ants = DSkvamlae” __ = -ava¥ in BV EL 53y Coxo¥ls69) At3.Gh x2 2.560 ChinJery=IeIn, wre eae = eee y= EU are) BME ind rratnfen) a aa pouch LoAoiNG IN Figuae PS-I2. Emap an! ¢ Aes-9) 5 @24Oim $42 Moin Pa 150004. -. ae zt Awol = we Osea ipthd) x vin GA. 121 te nth azz; i ~As000 (24)* as ae felon) SGroantitzsay (240079) = 22206709, ¥Yone FX 0.7 (b> 0,577 B= bIM Pann oy = tht Bal? Gow) eee = 01093 sim (vewhto), 9-4 m = eee SS fe Boxa\CO0073) atl ABQ) ape Fhe aeo'o T= PU 204 BEY Yeliaxi\~an) ze mat; a osferr/}?= en 648 cman tA nme seed ee B.b3K0 Samm rant Le Pete Repo Sa > 80-7 M)= ASB ite Choy sree) 0078 in» > BEEK mY 2 ow Mane, =H peg ce =2LI_ -ositiia)? __ gp gensstet a LC . yey Y, Benoeor) aa be, a ; res pay faces), Zoos = bot] Is0 ws rosie sia 39 in? ase vane os seul crear nen Not rer” Seta NAD En om Ee AIMEE GY - 937 pal Mane? 13018 had . 3(365) 29, Pree A19 TT? y+ SBS) = Bap Indeterminate Beams CAse A2S ie); P23SRN; b= 40m D karl) p = lye) 28000N1 =24, 06341 “ly ge Ro Case = Gp) a000a/ = 1093 89s Ve She ge PL = Ip Crain) = -2é2aiten a> Far'Pl = Torl3c0m\lv0)* 2/ B1swom *) 2208. 26sSem\CU)? 20717 Ge |” Ar loaos A Wear 000: Ter” 7bar | et a AP 05 Are OTL O97 Chom) = 1788 m a aPeF _ basa00)l40)?. t Ys =2e9s¢., We force " rer eRe Ler rpms = Ysso2 * 5, = 0-001 m Sleciey sree Rana EF = 207 20 Pe 20934 Wem 2093¢Hm? Read. To °F rine ay oe $102 vi = y 9.102 110 on, Os we Sen te K Gaiman? @2L82 pnd SPECIFY Won HS T= L2BXL0 mm! SHHLBEM me? Lig EST GR ween: re 7. ni CHeck sreexs: 2a 1 ¥j Oe 26 250M, Joh eee OS gb RI rent jw = 20M nat ~ 208 01 Ler 7* 0,86Sr3 Reon $r>Fo.gg2 Ee @ 30H Doe SPECIFY Asrm AVL, Sy=3YS te. Sammany Renenist Ry 224.06 ki, Ro= ARN Vinan= Vaz artob Rl ar. Mage? 2b, 2¢kiiom Arh, Reo. = 9.102 10m! (2187.1) To Lit Dart To Hibs» Seeciry Liavresr Sree bean: WARN , T= Jobin S= 28)N7 [sd 920. CASE Azs (hb); P23SRN, l= 40m, A= Som po ’ La = FON = US PE Gc.5?) = BShe) (2S) (3¢p0h-257) 224.590 a 2 C¥a)> a ze) Be = Pet bra)= PANN (ac 420)= 6.¥ese ~~ ee a 7 fab = “25 ANG512.9, 2 Ma= KPa by p1) = ~ESANOSAS) 74») == bb Anim aoe b= See Pare = FEASTS) = Ma = “-bra)= 2S r2t¥.a) = 161k Bee ape ttl = Zag OO Casrotns) = Lerche Dervecrion ors | = 2Patar 2 ne w Yee = =PRA E5ute -w*(3e-a)) aw Mensuteo PROM C-VAGIAGLE DISTANCE v ee Reoucs 70 exveattie oF SHE Foam: — (),| 2 04 A? ana 6H Mec ® Stata eis + a USE P* 25 000M, DisTAnte ES 1K) am» dono E 25000 /50Y 057 Mee Fs pay IND LCDI) 26,66 = REY O20] = A 6-naesir +0207] aa zz Mec = ee Uor.20 az0sar] USING GARPING CALCULATE; Fumer 1S A INIA Av 17= 1.952 ™m Flor 6. VALVE §& FUNCT DIRE JE 5 2 =o Mma = EE SPECIFY We00ns ASM PROB I-A Ligh mEST OR 6 3X/0_ Le H28xs01 mal © 0/0 Wem? G03) enone rat * =~ “6 O10 Wem —__., = $:08man toes 107 £10" n* C1 280 man) Om A, 26.66 thm, Wu, Worm = 293 Moor Te = 208 Moe 5" ULE RF an? al Fon arr AVN , Sy 25 Mbox; 05046572227 la Ok Ar Longs 3 2Y pe = s2smm Isa BSH, L= 4.0, Q=2LSdm Som Case 2S Ch); bela = 40-25 =f 2). sche) 4.59%) =, Ke: 6L7-4)> ra | G05) =18.264N -Vo0 Ree ona Grn)> sad” bs r2t0] = 16.24 ae Veo au 2? n= ES2 Gr)= seeGasvar) esr) = -22.5b.tahom = 2 2Sbteton fa = Lah mh 20) = EU Uy c4200)2 293d Derumene.) Fean A 11 Bf P23s 00H; DISTANCES 1H a. = PRS heey tna” Tages OC) Ore atllen)=2ctwlred> so & Co Lraliereral= bsasdts4s1s ol a Cz 001 iN 3¢59- 45199] Beedle “pera en, i = 26S L Mos -Fe28x) FE Kes J “ne * santa M2AX sine A 6 AAORHK CALCRATUR Furieren 16 A MiMiowis AT KD am FROM A. THED tify IS? = ~AIBY Mone a 1 628 ar xen iyg = ALE SPECIFY W2004/" ASIN Flos 419, 9-20 Lib hTEsT OWA XI Le L28 KN ant =BLTBY Arve DoS WA, - PO 8/9 mn Met Ta7 xl mH 2B IT ted) an a Sa, Markit , Wm yy OO ee EAD Fae? ar LI0 athe Asra Adar sy soxsiessmtn (KEE, 05 = 227M fo. 158 2z. CASE ARE E)! ur = YooR eh, L= 0g Wears Goodt/p nog = Sbook Rae Ye w= 2500M. =V4 3s ka* Vew= 21008 =Ve Ma = tries w= ~d.J25(seoed(V%.0)=-9800 eft Me* 0.0703 NL= 0.0703L600NN0) = SSN Melt Pour & 1S Toe ftom A (Fue eno) von} Xe= Salvo) B.IS4E a beruccne! un ATC ATX? 0.579L=0.579CM0)= Blt 3500 = 2 WL? 26800KXy EY” y, eo” Fecex” Taser eo = 83.06) LEP Mone = =23.261 ths n Ler tone © Yate» HALE gHbrm CP a Reve, 2m 78t0ee : wheal zs! VV [zone bp Y-a¥erm) 10 om WOx0 Sram eames La presT, 5=7.8/ m7 = 6306 Ly x fe, ArUAL yang? GEE Pa Oe aussi STRESS! 10 9800-f, nm (nm SBR, Bet rosa esi Cand use AST ANI; B= 0 b6( Svbei)= 33.065) CASE A2SG)! ure 50 Mn yL~16.00m Weare = Foe/n1.010)* 800H- SkETEM site Ra> Yaw scot 5 Ra= Yaw = 3004 ro 42. TAZ “0.25 WL -0.125(B00NIES X= Fol= WetAd= non Dervecnw? A107 0.5192 0.519 Lnl= 9.264 10 2 wet Booth)? /2U2. Ve Yon Tyger” jester EL Destin Cove RESULT A MOLnmE SoLUn OW. Is4 4-26 CASEA2STd) 5 P= 350M ,1=/0.8n, be=2DIN. Ryo w3le, LIAO _, i. ae ae Berd) = eLSM vown 5 3oc\_ 220]. Ree (ir 2%)e aso [rr 22: Je HLS ave Dy? Pa]y= O5WAML = 499.5 hrin Mg * ~Pas= —25002.5)= GISLb im = Pu? fax as yee & | pe ae exo Ss" oP Case A-2s(C): P=ascku; L=¥.0rm ° Rat he= a2 Fy 2 10S RN fT Was tie> Me = Pe GE eouX 10%). 75mKm E&I . = PL? = 35 o00l to)" _ eT ke yeaa ee eee meer WEEP Nom? eo er a, (tae) CASEA-2510: P235RN, L* 4.0m, &= hsvem, b= 40 -a- Tans Lomoie 15 The (URAOR /MAGE OF THAT IN J-27 NoTATIW OF CASE A-25) REQUILES a7b. THEN CALCUAT OWS ALE The SAME. Kn2 23926N , Re» OWN Mp= ~20508Mim Mg" 15381 Noon Me= IR 305 Wom 2 2 yg 2 LORD am the” Mo EL Xr*Agaaan Feo 2 10D Ise \ Case A255)! P=35bH Raz FS 6 ars)» 2500” eo far FF 6 Se EO” Ge2.orns) «Won hee £2 Gara). 2500B9Gersrat)a2306N tom , 22.25%, b= bas hoon Pak B00 AN) =, hon La gaye Rae 2 har? 2(3sr0aan™lss)’ : Pax 202; ce =25 0002.99). 20:508hm Os mes Lab : DEFLECTION Geena as: hy Ahenn = te™ 362 Garb)”, “| 1 35008) (2-59 °C1-5)™ Ber (sasd iS)" 42 Bet AN) _ a r95 pean hm fare “Zag ns 7 liad CASE A251)? ur = 100s /pe sL= ofc 2390 ysis] Saas -20.208 We ark = Gooth/ee\/%o ft)" 50 Mt can Ra nhe> “Wh = 2600 Ens Pas hen “WGj.> “Stell, wbs93 tek yy [teh Me = MiAy = 2267M pt = BEFLeCrION as °} 2 Wed skeen? -Yoon tq? "thom" 3efer INGE EL Less | Case 4-2sly)i w= 50M fps 2-760 m wet» boit/w\im)* 800l- [SHETCH Stare) To 9-28 156 9-30 CASE A-2A): r= Yooth/yr L= 20 pr W =4r b= Goost/peN 744) = 2800M an 1340. aren FWq= 320%, = posmdl Ian, Ro= L2SW »/25¢ e003 3500 ML v Ups hfs SC0800y,~ 1150 e Plo= He 0an3 we =0,0705 (266i) =137 ale pe Mex RE WL ~~ ASOD "HALE (hg) ° DEFLECT AAS | MAK AT W/=OY2ITL Fiton A ote, WP OVDIstaK)* L905 $C Be aaste Dane =n too 785 5" 785 Er CASE AIST: a= S0L/n, = 8.1m waut= Goli/aOin)= Yahonercr send — (SEETEM Sine Ena Sit = Uap c 150M Be Va? Ve. aa ee (Rat h2sh=/isCho = S00Le Ve= My» SY, 206 My Me > 020703 Wee 0.s703 Yala) *225ub Ma = 0025 wi =-s. 22° Urals) = = 100 Hee DEPLECTIO MAL At Hi" 0Y21SL Fort A 08 C. Ky OM 2186 Bb m)* Br3 7 BIN ah S0CB W95El EET dna Case AE)! we Mot) tt 5 b> S600 Wat = 1069 Le he= Ro® MW © OW (PL) ” Hr? Le + Rar Re= iw dMoliew)= 2653 Me Me 0.08 WL 0.084 ONY. 7K)? 69 lef ee Me 20,425 We= 0.025URINI67 $4) ~2/8 tn he DEFLEcToN Fonmuias WaT AV An Mae IS? 2 Fz 9-34 lace A254) 1 w= Sol y L*S39T IM, War l= 2669 le. Kp? Bo=0.Y We 106.7 ed Magan 73% L1G = 06 02S LO. 52S (LIS 733) ~ BScbelbrne CASE AasGp) * 45 $00U pes L> 3.590, Wout Hood ener Ra her 0.300» 550L ho = hit w= 1eo0le 0.928 Ww > 1260. 102-0107! WL= Mpay Hr tte = oon 2h =378Me ft Me “OL 2a oy Hama” 0.03cy N= BM ft y nin tmaraasesin beh el fae cae Von, a te Pd oe o om 0 «a | op Sl ea 158 78 ve, 25 ser me me Case AG) tur £0 Mom, L= hom We wh = 200 Ro = M13 w= 228.6 Lee Be*0,.926= Jb Lg= Mp= 0.100 Wi BS68 Min Me? 00 772WL EL Tb Mri Men ~ 0. 009WL= - S712 Mem Ma? Min * 0.02611 29.10 Mm SEETEM Simat ro 13-16 Amar? 651 l= Mo Ving = 121.4 MM = Va ba = 706M Va Rann 124 Ma =-121y + 2286 > Wor Ve 2 072-W2 PB ME Ve = PLB HRSG OBL Ve = 9208-1 2 ~107;2.K- #V0 107.2 1208.6 + /14M Ve =nit-i =e Me 188 [re ere pete 9-27 Avedes€) a= -6 8038 /er wars ~SB22 Wer | Ve Er yt na tes 32 fe ‘do tia Ai Aréaesthy le Wier 76rF p= ee 159 wy sect Go V3:8) = kok RaxPo~ odW™ 22.40 RyeRes biew= Aad “| Ave A254) [2 Ave a2st4) Ware site: g z 3 q Bbawrk 26m Bem se 2218 RgrOG Tee SMS Terie, Renzo EP Rast) IS Aceseste), Cee Pa al Ces ye 2016 «he = Ln | ol thin wtetle a” 9S etty =e Goon) + Lasesoon © LIS K/o “ty? cf nee €r way Fh Oe +8) fates Ge ) as Ainaxe Merwe = 1926 1 Wer AT 1 0.0281 0m FAOAC. Go Rom CAC] “a6emg> le Tareaayce)] 0 Lnpars tiny — out Fee Lancy Mina” ee Ee ty, Pron (A2s-<)) Bi 46 = ¥ S Rewkave Vaaves lol ‘The objective is to compare the results of the beam foadina and support conditions for five different beams in problems 9-22, 9-28, 9-90, 9-32, and 9-34. Details were reported earlier in this solutions manual for each’ problem. Note that each beam design has a total length of 14.0 ft and carries a uniformly distributed toad of 400 Ioit resuting in a total load of $600 Ib. Changing the manner of support or adding additional supports affects the shearing force, V, the bending moment, M, and the maximum defection, y, for a given E/ value for the beam material and shape. Vertical shear stress and bending stress are directly propostional to the values of V and M respective Therefore, a reduction in either value will result in a reduction in stress or will allow the Use of a smaller of lighter section for the beam. Comparisons are shown as ratios of V, M, ‘and y/E! to those values for the fist design, a supported cantilever. The otter designs are a fixed-end beam and continuous beams on 3, 4, and 5 supports. Prob. Vmax WV = Mmax = MMM ymax ylyt 922 3500 b 1.00 9800 Ib in 1.00 -88061/E1 1.00 9-28 2800 b 0.80 8533 Ib in 0.867 -40017/E1 0.482 9-30 1750 b 0.50 2450 I'in 0.250 -S191/EI 0.0625 932 1120 0.32 871 Ib in 0.089 NIA . 9:34 850 Ib 0.24 825 bin 0.054 NIA : Note that maximum shearing force, bending moment, and deflection all decrease for ‘successive designs. Deflection formulas are not available (NA) in this book for the last {wo designs. But it stands to reason that deflection would be reduced by adding additional supponts and reducing the span between adjacent supports. The comparison llusrates the advantages of using fixed ends for beams and of using more supports for a given load, thus ‘reducing the etfective span between adjacent suppors. Fabrication problems and costs ‘must aiso be considered when selecting a method of supporting load on a beam. 9-48 a4 ‘This problem has the same objective as 947. Refer to that problem for a discussion of the objectives and the results. Data listed here are for different beam loadings (w = 50 ‘fin; total beam length = 16.0 in) but the support conditions are the same as in 987+ Problem — Vex WV Mmax = MIM1 ymax yy 9.23 500 tb 1.00 1600 ib in 4.00 -17742/E1 1.00 9.29 400 tb 0.80 1087 tb in 0.667 -8539/E1 0.482 931 250 ib 0.50 400 ib in 0.250 © -1107/E1 0.0625 933 480 i 0.32 142 Ib in 0.089 NIA . 9.35 121 > 024 86 bin 0.054 NIA : Ape. Az C4) 4-5 Avp,Ars(hY 4-51 apt ars(L) | ME TEPZ aa | pa her 2aer a . Live y | sok | @ ot ; Iba 282 comenaison 0€ 9-49, 9-50, 9-1 we (1068 OEE 8 Pots, eer eee. = 288IN Pelee AN ssepion sans’ (99) Aa See fs py I > call, Coley! -32a' [SC] sym * FREE = MRED. IBM oe, «oss ge, we is 19-51] DeFLecrw EQVATIN NIT AVALABLES LESS MAW Ay, i SommAryt SHEARING ECE Va ypy= VOLE * Viruge™ $08 = 0.625 Vat e518 =O Vo. MOCIENT : Mags, B6YOLS- Tg Aye RIbOLE TH 0,25 H4, tMe2 IGELOFT 20,089. Deters #2 IM er 3 yy= S730 fer = OMS IP 6x IC BOUM. ‘a RELATIVE Vawe +6} My Wa 4 12 ° MaMa Vay VA Base [9-44 Caso) Lass] BEAM SLE Fore. 2 Sovmenn Puts? %= 200s; : a5 4l000 est ae RECTANGLE ¥ Tayye23V/2A 3 S*ERY6 9-14] Vorax=AY0t8 tf 2 BE BHO) « 34,06 ny? @ Aan” Bette = Saves Anas @iross-e ram ler)= sew tam 2 a Ys Sonu ® Lies PED LBM 6 03.9.0? gue BeAr BOD ee coerce E°697 ml Se(etin Aeb3 3/0" Bs) Yow = W020 3 As 5B 1.310 Mowe 2feors.rlaafprls2s%s on Sam © fbn 2829. 6259 * Ye BoA REDD a E> Md al, 8280.70 Gsd Yner= S108) Aan 320. f2,3000* Monee * 80 Lever Cam/ery Vb ee wth Mlb 920 yj? BI Sam ™ ay" Joo 222M? 2 ORR 9 4. p.970 Actua Desvcenens) (9-491 ap» BME RAS. 2 O97 Weagge GBM Ete. «0.9890. (9-50) ayy «-GAZeHAt vp fs 2 -2.58 a CLanGe) lence er pswo}Uias” seat be te woiter Ae porwecron. 3 As25.var FOR Meare? Yreo= 2FF IMLer Ig, » ©.B00r0 03 Superposition ~ Statically Determinate Beams. HSS comane A230) Ano A23b) stew aan L200 Ho We ttet fos aptbaeetoe ley ren ta Pfatopes a o> 401 tos F103 e e 4775 tb. lath” » b 2psi,angsy Wena (rem ré-u] @ ra er Ce -) (0rtsxhno¥) 2 EE> 1283 K0” exta(aexa mane? BP ema GondCs0Pt12)™. 0,703 mm ter SERIE - 0.903 fey = Eb (Ln 2°) = SON hh)" 0.72 Yon PS) at yor > = LODO EY oS A945 ')m “Odom @- 1310) covend) ~F: = 600(15) nC jo “has toate reg sae Ea te HOI) = 057mm 7 pe 7 orelbe = -1091 mm. men net “yc neesai @ 1230), fas = SEER Hm 62 Gina becca ave moae = ecavinse) lip 8 SD 4 50) 103% mon exPared _ /teot a on ave Zend ~ serv Soh aik ns TOTAL. DEFLECTIONS ~ a= Ma, tes FHY63 = -hAU anon Vines -1s0% t) = ~0.3U orem Ate Ne trp, +e LBS, No Host Ay + Af SUSE S mm to Ee 136 pu x10 Uf” BAN nm Ex = GH NERS) hA3EN09 Hmm Exxrd= (ed OX0YCL9 =BYBSHO™ Hoon” = @ rap, oe From Pe-2] a ale (302-97) @ 4 Catron ”Heson") =~ Bn 0 Gey EU DANY 5 @ ext? = Yeon ‘ e thie aepeaney = em A3-(b) 1. © Ractbte, S00 300)"(2H) = ~8,)82. mn Yon. Bere 3E.vtSx00" a Pb: yt go Le—P ne Tora. DerLee IWS Ala = Apo tey0n — 8004 mm 6/8. Mo Mer pea — MBA man = 10000 mm BU be 165 15S Lomoms IN FIGURE PS-7. F/evect W/8-5S Sreee Beam: Witor82 Torae Aid 25) 25) esting USE SUPER eesiTI0A toners fer i seAitraer $9.9, WAN Lone ony Ar 5, <2EAEee 9.9m 2 jew a CASE A234) L= 99 000m 00 ®@ > 8700 mim, b= 1260 7mm Tso toh Lomas ATC nwo E CASE At) * L=4%omar @Z) = 3700 An @ saw usto omy Ar F. 0.2 8700, 5=/200-mAn CASE ARAB) 1 L=9%0mm Poi OF MAX(AUM DEFLECTION 1S MOT OBV/wWS BECAVIE BACH CASE Phopuces A MAxirwel DEFLECINWAT |\PRoover of EX A DIFFERENT POINT. DeriEcran | APPenas IN hee EovAnas, AT C, 0, avo & Rew Compureo For | ee 20140N Jmec® EACH Lokona, HEN SummED, THe | T-brom', WIE ont MAxiaun DEP LECTIN Fan case I ar £23 2010B mad Oceves Berweens C awe 0 AT HE POINT CArcED Hy 4226 amon Far P| EL= 760 aman DEP Lecce Cant TED THEE ALSO. SUMMARY oF Reson rt: Zo ye=-3802mm I gp Mp 2-32.76 mm Ber -3.2Smom 29H BS pom BY Suree tos/mids Ce = -F.049 mae M07 ~9.5/6 mom ADPALENT RAKINUM DEFLECM A! AT He =~ 8.620 mm MDOLE DF Basan Arb. CH= FAG ane 166 FSC. App 424) Anw ADH) erin ose - rorac @ mxi=ern tomo {em 4 rw ex-CouoILroer)=20a.x008 tee8 M2 =O Gita) -8)=- 00953 @t«. inf EQ.x0Y a De ae ® Pe @yey> Le 98? ~o00085.2 Te8" See” Sexapea) “ oan Pa a= ester, FEO Binr-0 = -00097.-. POM DErLecTW Yo= Ya + Hyg, = 0.0085 — 0/0085 =_=O1OI¥0 dn Mem ert Yon = “OOS 0/0097 = WORE 2 jin. es roll, 20660, 2068. 9.55310F mn oe Pe00n ere laoreet Pains IL 2.59305 an¥] u hT6 x0" ‘any Azy-@) punts ented = OMlmm ft ‘AA coor Fareed BEBE Lime-s J | L_ Mea ~O10 Ima Toh. OsFLEerIOW Yo> Hey, tHe ~ 0.797 ~ 0.092. = ~O1 BEF gH = WGP GC TION mV ceSELY - PeereeMWh Te = 307 6Fa = 0-969 amr xo a O64 v Ent. "Tete =a ey nm 9-54 i, ~8 66 meng Soe “0869, REDS R we — 3.997 mm 45-600 (67 lg PEC y= ~ PP sw 0? UEP-sw /a} Royo rae wee Mowe LEMYey~ eosvifey = O60. int werorae Loapearts (2 unlor\Lemd* Wet a fee age. =% ee wa qe er Bian Azi-(0) we =e? agsee yer * SGsxniilonned “ Tore mye rane 0.0102 003%" O18 lows FRom FG PET, L299 00mm Ypen = 27S 003 LET Mpagh ~ZD Sanam FRor PROBLEM 9-55 5 Apygy? 951 bamen FOR A W/8-SS Bean WI TBI" DEFLECTIW JMVELSELY PROF TIWAL THE. Lares = 890 10> LES ¥ pias Des 3081 Secs /: WIBXYO-LIGHTEST —_wi¥en 060 meme 02 Wh X60 -LEAST DEPTH Ud 2S5UK 8Y meTeLe ResuLr Coviy Have B6EW Fovwn BY USING Sutentos Tt APOLOACH OUTLINED /N PRoGLEr? 9-55 Wwint I reennw As Ad UNKN BWA), THEN SET payy= Se Avo nm SOLWeE Fok Lyn Fok My e275 Ann. roller re Te Bf We art= RC1o= ¥6o.8 # 7 psu 1) ~ Wo? [1 =sti00V8)_- Bap a e-swia} MELLO) C0008) x vse a CYR 2 CRE neta) 0c CS KALwA (by 2090 2!) (Lusnresr) 8 Superposition — Statically Indeterminate Beams #63 fas. f 9-36 apa= (seid) THbee A-23 ae ane ane 5008 = 6aena? 739P €= ° 24h, sRaCsuy ¢ grin ster $20 shat, 4 ser¢atlea) Me eye. 72 827K 00" + 6527 x09) =O ¥” Ban Her7E0'/e,t27:0b= LON (aH) 4 Ba» Hoo hod THe Ra shee Sohn bie, guage Rese tI? Garg) Gi rr wD . Aine PE, seysnl gay tor typ. = asad ex + RechavveYox 2d hg = 20.4 grat « (B:Seht Re Tien by* B6~ fis @ 225 RA” Mae 3600A)~13.5C.N = B.l parry (nents) Kaa -P9-28 reo for? LE 030-02 We ean (30216)~r20)x segzee! (4 vie 18 Cary od woe he. tod ef = Balai. assy wife © . ser Caev@ad TI myer ory ae alana #3, preatteVes ot 28 ol be Rew Sani Ay aoyrpt = LSE =Re Tm bam 1200-463 2997 Mb RA Mae Pete) -ReCi)* ave 9s3tg0" 3 YC fe @. Pe me) ns Z| “© Cou | 169 Boors — Beouw pu £16. PG=66 Sunmerosined | Hy Hp. 2e er Bs Gs saya!) (cae) Oe a Na nase eo taggin! ° ta ZB (ase @) @ Poet 4a.® Ke ny) rsx Re weer er THew fe Mei ther FO ® o! ~enseed Lense co a Rem hassxe! Varin 8 Sad, ws Bechuse of Syamerey3 bar le=37/ Lb pp OU tL £16,P9-67 oPe (satya) = Lepesoatt Yes Fex oud. cetooaemd ts a? «Seer * SHY 0 et P? eum? ae Veo" ier nar EE TIED Yes tyes Hes PO 230) @p | 4s suasc 2 gels g rr er 7 ssapuatesioed C 0 Et SBSY IE wh Then Rave 21073 MH 4-67 Baw — goous /#0 FlG Uae P9628 Tim bow 1 lot fe occa I tterens ta 2 “app? “peur. igi oS fen Bee = a ee e satel, ew aria") THEN es esi. ‘9a, 20 agg ~ Gtareo, est Seezail) 6 o PS758 ¥ ovenan? . fe panne Teche, Etlgwe > 8069) + RAH ~ = fas Cit) Roe? Roe SRA sin geo= Bot bi) +AU) ~1B5C36) RACH) Ryn SH SRY 469 Fi. P 9-69 Wear blo Rill N3601) © 190A pote eeeaua, susstul,. (het) mar Eta GA Geceehi 3509-200) coped, for SSL XI fpy Cher-oat @ oy | 2 opese teccousl Missal azo) & Hat ete, Met Oe Leone edsssred, 0 eR ee 06 bo ah ay | Baw Goku eine ~ 76 bv l27.pbn obs a Maw Golegt WYCS) ~ Re OO™ JN born 166 recat / | e) Loos anne ela ate eefual, (124-103) a L3Qa}2 P28 tyeng~3) pou B89B4N or Caavenny aon ® BRC 5035 ~ a eames 6 tho Signet he 2 sn en Cer oy (i2V-fod "yo. vit tayo =D cen gsi sats 0° a. elf 60), er fw ANg- Ra Pave boo rYo0~ M413 Yoo9 MRA Mge [Reotsyx 8000+ Yo00(s) ~1991C1) aaah ne . (foe a ee: ot *e sacar (00 | | Bp @ areer | uever | arger Poe | fo o | ee CD A104 o +} —+-—— > (er, 84%) [74 Design Problems — Stress and Deflection Limits 2529), Are, A-L2. tune) Yate AND Many Occve AT Secon SverIaT 60 trk = 0,649 Mo0eaterzen)® 12H 4 BA Bens UssWAe LELES 2 Tren” ES) 04 Morne? D187 a L* 2 a1 0L ASP YAO PUB LGPL A PMT REIS.bLED o> nw BAGH 220968) * Ouys®l000F! 0k. $92 q 2 OAD pmome Ras ro Adee vayew Etyaasiew 4 1 -3a7sl Youn? 332802 OS Yrage amen : Fieo= Mate dey? LE eae Oar wie aye Wo* B20, ren LOG He ime a* 3°), 2020. aE Gis + in) Bote NO MASA DPF eaece etwas vestans. QS w% rer6h. Qnas So Hane THALING FOACE. ZB pyucrirve vesting Mssstte: 086 Ua AO Mae Phan Pest, 20. SPaCiPY MATERINL DESIBN S7LEES, DES/BW PACT R, SHAPE OF Chess secrem; Dinewsiuss BEChISE BENeNS MraeiT 1S EQUAL FOR, 60m Desléus, Lom MAY he THE Same. BIT CNECK Si1Ehee 9-14 2H ALE A2E4Q G jo Rae Fwasz.28 Aw a Rewgwe 6S kul My FONRSWL = —p,125¢ SLIM biss) SL My 2-929 bitoae ay 7 Me 2 06003 WED RN jms Mt berm) 4 “024 173 Successive Integration Method crebiYas 1o'/an ov0er int oi . ha i lee 1° : Macs ~A9IC v 4 () ‘ate Jbyrt20 ¢ _ oe Anda) +e, ft BSR X $2.0600 ey ETE ygs § 150AdK= 32SH*4C, i (ery ETE ex! Slasox raroa)ele= OSH 18001070104, ear fone" ts Sele EP apa, = SC6ASA™ an rt +69) BOS AT t AA AGH HCH Bounoney CevdsTIns Dat a=oetygro @ atxX=/o, Creg> ETOz Dotx= 4, Fryger0 @ ot hao, EFYyg = EP Yt. Sugsrimng + © OF OF0tCs “C250 Q@ Er pine OF “AOESLEY Ho MalIO +S. $Y QD 39S Loy 404 = ~Lastio)¢ do eel) + Cyne = hoo @ past? see, +f = -po0.36n r0e000e"+ 0c 107 0G; ~/003. ty = 6,667 x10 W @ Awe @ Serve rae G Ano Cy M TOMS OF Ca, Oya Cat rane’ tye bea =nn7Kn soesinre wre D role tal] 1004 C1878) = 6667405 POG, HHUO® —rbee 16a +h707 XE 6.667 0 Cp. ado 0/75 ~AdIS x0% = 727 sto ~C Cpe CatlKe s wha Texel eousS® OnE = Cy 2074041603. #CY 20 9-76 Comrameo Sol FINAL COUATIONS EE} ,= 395X"-a7s0 EF Oe = ~EASX™ #20000 % —hk7500 EE agg = SH =A7500% Je = “ROL IA +10 doo -1a 75011333 000 TAK aye occues witeRE SES =O Ser FFG, coe 375A 27500 x2 Yarsm/ arr = 8.565 MACY = Ee a Jasto,ss} a7 456) =-156 997 gS OA nm CED may. 156997 = - 0.0099 6. TSE enNass AND. eb at an ed —— MLO 2m) oe FoR Srea. z= 6% i! wiiss: “| | oe M= 20%-200 xe = Ibox-ae) de> sox*-ac0x +04 i, y who, e300, =O ext fannie caaomemtes dy] two, 2950 #4 Ca=D i" a THEN we 313332? 7008 («#9) ab xt ft ow ELM ayg? 3330) - 00002 ~6667 1p? Rd = bE rs soo, 12889 = o,yz7 x Seta pe SON don Cwecet ost. Bookrr Coulee «295 es) oy Ber Hike PR Ab SrRveKUMC STEEL. Chace 0-2 et 9-77 S75 9-78 £8 Ve yaney|T™ Aste Al a Worn ip cse tana! tom el Me 2x tyxHEL we aby fe, A™O Ona HY #C) Puts exo eneaen 2 aay or. : abiro ,8FO°0 jo CeO a xy = fered Shy 130} 98? a ab Xho mo °. eday= Me HY —1 = 050 kind x0, ae Pe ere Garis) 30830 “mm) inn oy. a4 Corel o* Yee US MPa ~on. Gen) r — n Stsnes VHX +60 we ee Monson N= Sudee wat box +6 ab KeDy 2 —YOO Kf o's CHD y. lee M2 RAF E0X ~ 700 of Exe = Snace BR patie 4° atxes, €r6"0.! Crise oe xg 2fereden 2 4 wrt -aoer ne? AIO, By 20 Cs at arene PL tree naan WEL? (ke) toe septa Gente pa ns220 Crees O-+ Low 27273 A) 2b Ve-yx +6 = SVdg= -8x* 6a te AbkKe 0, MEV 6 CE he ~an 6x — exer Jaden Bly gieXhO x20 axona sr C2 °0 epee Pion oh 6 xno eby=0 7. ores wexr £065) any ee tom 282 connmwen atX= hom, EE Gabe = HE FUR =AABT bom? FOR arage= Sidon Reb rm shterene? a edb ed ie es —beel anboe! 2x0 an Ye remlins. eo 59 sano Coecas 72 BE « Cope tyes) Beem « 22,8 pi 06 roe Sem. op o ie \ Wes. -oxtss: Vec= 60 Mas =Stnsdae -asx* esx 1? y Meee (Nace = boX re abxe 118% 0» boty) +2 Savste C2 =2/D tMec® b0xX-a¥o 4 bre, -Stmade=-EAwrarsatic, — Wn) 0 Ere pe» (Mecolt BOK” 'oH Hp, Ea ag2 fee agdee (Eats Ce rrox re EX gee [6204 oby > 1077-180X OXF Bovwoaey corres DOM, EZ BO at I, ETH ge70 QOGLEFT MD Dat Ar3, EF4ge ETL Sussrrvnng + @ [es=0] @ 0% wena ls 3G Hey BG tey © 8/0 @ 02 PAM CMIN + 3e, cys ~18.16fs ofa FSG] ® ~CB)6> #235 (a) 26a5 © 3003)"-300) tea 1 con-cmin ET] Ceowrmieo ear ange) FF ivi SQuATiOs exeyg=-(CA, 50 ge = B0A*- BOA HIVES eens Comte wasn | EG 4, EF agg = OX? =1200 VUES SAB IS l Soe PAIS A260 RS SHAPE on OG FRET toy ‘Conve on OCCURS WHERE EEO “0 OR Ar RIGMTEND OF OVERHWG, Cand ETong fr SVEN Fars USE SoLveis gree 0 Abas 09/7 Mi —n0gs 7 we 250 a0 Mops Pe aS ISNT r| ons 30 AF Aha an Roots Fo EtQ4g! w Ino Hz AS A= L351 m 2293 am * EVALUATE Lay AT A= 14a, Ha2 9300, AND T=th0.0r. [ed soy, = “tt 020) + 4247084) -aesectan= 20.0 Nem? , Ceram), gayq2 —aorscenll 4147 Caas) ane (ass) = 40 18 Am Gerqel,y = 0ceP ec e165 “$287 = ~2375em? te 1p pe ARH? i s., poo’ 5 aa aes ee secede? canoer T= MES Ki mel RAOUL AY, Yo B27 6h POSSIBLE BEAM DESIEWSE METRIC Pipe 78 STD L 12 in, Scoyo Pit: L= 003099 wt 2. 3x6 cunnnse:ty=0.300m" TR | dso x 8.9 5. LK2x Wy Hoteow Sren TvBE? Le 0,747 jn" re HSS S1KS/ RCA Checes + Vs OK FoR Ate oesrans, 4. Mechanica Tu BING! 2.0 NOP KO131jm WAL TR OBWINE METRIC! 50,8 pnt OD KS Yanan UAL; = LYS ans WY SELECT ALuMWUN E-BsHet ;2ye/RbePee See ees Gm Bn baat inn Finer = Hy 10S pan OF Ra aim “em use 2/78 % 8.650, LDTIK/? mami? SANE AS L7XS.B60 2107 KOS san? paneer = Myg = DEX Maem OX *© Bor ar xo t,he Med = BQN) te Cs he-32880 | Mie = OX +8 | Mey = =2AX EC BUT AT X= 20,20 (ede os 22024) #6 Ww 1 tens <22X 799 #7 0 supe (en) EL 010% Siygcde™ XE EEO gem See dem YOOX Hg Teco > SMcode ATHY X C3 erected — Fy pg eSerengshe> (WAP rex ty eT aiges feseycele> U3 tox eax tee Ex ep = Sere, dee '/3) A sak tesK He Bonney Gorrie OD Atx0, EF yy 0 atrayerweTy, Galtaly CM Ey Dat xono, CL efeo20 QAO, Bry yg ER he OMNI, Ertl ys “sussrmmng © 0=y @ Szigeo® Ws)erts satay der Cy Aly Hg = F866 Cowrmuco_Wexr ene) ral 9-92 —= @ eee, = Honk elon te, C= 2/60 O(i4/aye108 +0116 +4 = _fystesP enon YOO Hs AVG 04s Cs = O06: D Very tna) $62 UY 47H) Hy C03 = abe E © Wien pray +4dea per a(Painai rasan” r1acs + 2G + Og ~N3es-Galh2d Save Symveraweouiey qe st “yee cas “hile 52 O33 C35 ~33,76 4 = & 535 oe 2 NAH S6 Cl qyg™ Were HSER ELC qe = YA>FOX-Hilb Tage olsx tun bate, 2F Frees UA HIK 3876 | BD y.5 = "sy raan 33 200 t045) SereTOges02 YA™HK-1aule > APax~3.0F wr BH +f P=¥C3aD = IEE = hole —VAL10 Cou The Fis oceans br a holm eran]. = GYarcna ey cra raviloa) $1.13 ~ 66S hod 6061S Ral in AITLND, “Si Yare™ eas 2 atl rea 37 An 130 Mas> ~20% Mec= 20x60 Mep® ~0xt80 Ape = 2x-286 ED gE IK™ HCY a lye ERO /ox HOR HC BXOep2 ~SXFAOKTCS exe Gun) o| LO yg = Mex 20mr 4Cy ergy (UIP sees a tg | erae(BRaetraxees Gand [78 - ergigs= Ca)? Hm teaxter Cinht -ar Exapve= (Ya) a -atteyy te Bounohey WO CEN TIVITY CiwDITIOS DA AY 5 EXaygrd @®D UAS 4, ETO yg> EXO ge @ axe ¥, ET ese =D @ OtK= 8, EF bee > ET Seo O akk= ia, EPH e920 GB atxoe, Eby,» ETH @ Ht, ETH 620 @ AtX= 1A, EF y= CLO bg CONSTINTS OF INTEGRATION Flot SitUMWE sus SoU 0 DTHeV GD C1 306.68_ es = 1003-35 = 626.66 Cg = 10 C5 * - 333.35 72 H2e Cy 130665 Cy ° -798 (conrmsea vesr rsge) 18] 9-83 cownavED FINAL BOVATIONS ETO py A t06 TE Byg°- (OMA iE Bl ype" (yx? - 20x aExry¥0 Srgep= (Pa)a 107 SBA tHe eye 2 OA) Hex tab - 7810 Bxeec> Mont eon thae.b6 Ex0c0™ ~SX*+BOK~133,5F BIO pg = ox 220K 1/86 Set ery, a0 = WK Hon tags A VeK t barb Xo WE NET VGED . 9 +h (a1) le w [68H] & LavTaD INT ae MAC a br XO ox? bufiton Be He Ym Elke Akx0d5 EX4ag a -0lFkMan? aay Wee, ak X= btn 5 EL yg mt/ TO Rom? MA Cobeng ALEXEY 3 EL Ayg 240 bie? ee anxit/m® W560%37 Srext Peat LE LOLKe mem! Aer ANCSEY 8 = 5.79x/05mmS 1051 Wm? (1 meS fm ee $80.00 TRAN L020 ko akn= 68% m3 y= 78.08. oe 2+ E070, atxro; af Caece BENING sreEss 0 = YS, Mae B0AUim av 103, = Bohm 18M Wm 2138 mo. BK mat RN” An ASTM AITL STRSCTRAL STEEL Sy°3YS ee 04= 0.66 57> 0.660395) > 228 mr OL 18 snp Moh Yow Zoku Momenr? Man “X a,af tm Mec © 2.2% ~0-6f Maa tapos str Yannans Mow = 38X48 v PB 20, Syate™ ~005 070, @, 4 Exe genflady> MX 69% tea, EBB c02\Meg hy “OAK #06 C4 é > ET0,¢*Sityg d= WSAHOX HCY ™ BL ng Set eqhee OUT IGA CS EXifacs Set@nedlt = D36EH%03247CK 104 ee EL open "SET ey de® ~0.30F YEH HSAICY a] ans Ek pre 2 SBTC ped OSI RIK HX TCR yw oARY CONOITIIMS. Oo) Dae % 02 EF fag QE! 02, EFOy4ETOge. @etxeur, eFyee~o @ etm OF, ET0e.> C1Bep Bat Amh2,ELyep 20 O He h2, ELO¢0 > Loe QMotuehr, ETara=0 @ ok Ke OY, EIrgye = ETfeo Cousmuts Rim simucradzous SevuTuw oF (D 7HReGH@® C1> 04906 es ~0,0968 Oj ONSBE go ~Or02 86 Cy = -0u6/3 7 = 010208 cys B294E ap= 1316 (courmven near Page) 183 F-8t CONTINUED FINAL EQUATIONS Ebyg> ~0.5X° ¢:1096 Exo” “OMG 't 90K “009 68 Exe ge2 114° ~0.bYT +0156 EE ala, 03661 -0.32X vO/SIpC OO ERG cy © ~O94? + 09621-016/3| EE Me™ “OSA HOVEX™ OMI TOBOB Exe pe = ASH VE +3.297b \ET aye? OSAP Wa t2294 “13616 SET GLO cp™O © VIA 10,964 ~DUEIE =f 66H 40019 TR xe fos & [ioKb AKON. 0,535 $0,325 = 08STm covgthe 2 aE eo DePLectzed AT A= 0:8571 am jw SEGMELT CO EE vee * 0-3 (0.8818)? +3, VCOLRE) = 0.18/OEED 44.0208 = 0,a¥6LkN-m? AT x=0 _ we 0/85 C0) 40, 4G) ~ 0.0968 = ~0:0160A elm? ere ATx= baa ro _/ = — Oe non? Fra % SY AVM) of 3 20SEL8) NI 62: Fons FO ralngy PeOdSOmm 5 5 = 20720" Mmm a Sek Hob xB an Baad ofanionn (rr x08 WW /mmd) aid 3mm) emt 69pm Ie rover be rz] Ye [ees ate omer LYanat cweeut o-> tb Coz drvrem VR ]e ard | aYalne) eres 59/506 mom? 190 Moment-Area Method 9-85 he 2 1 tebe regal 2ow U6 Eee" a om jm eto tte Rea leaves ay Exesountgg atten" EE* 2oxe710.0* On 2S: Nyt fhe 2Suc8m ». or ROM ea? id Leas AiXey thrten tenolda2e8 On + G)G.r506 Nad bss) Lea dv pe nt, AS BB" tey BS sane 88" 2.01825 faq = AzXer ee NMNIBD e ea = 0.006200 Yor BO" Cay” BOOS Lod 9:86 Same ner Ass-as 7 ES DD" bey G2- 00a feeo.ourn SF. 1sK54 toa» Aor Foy aw wlosiaoxWayl2.662) bon = 0.0032 wt fo do" Con” 00//-0.0032. ie bt Yo= 0:00781n. 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AIHA SIESAA ms 39S ama “ay 1% o ‘ = | mw) 190 2026 ” iim) HSS SUKSTXEY 30,7U RE £231 X10 Spam Zazx§ SQrvert Leb. 741 Zab aw sewed” Jot inno eB uvtmt x ler xa far Ya-nsdion!)* EX = YX Nim™ fay: MERGES St2207 422 ,9) 9.09167 )* 2204067 As= £(oelsitani?) =200067 A= & O9N4.09 10572 h82x05? Epv= Ay ta Tatts yt A= OM 1018 0,2672 1Y62 0m Far = O4FOY = 0180.0 Yap * OF 0180/2672 0,933 04 Yaw = 0.26704 THEM typ =1b63 x07 00 ten A %e,lsitaxa Vo.262) tip = S210 Ye? C0" beg bes Aion Yo2 SBI Im = 1X8 Sree V360%39 Es ho2zKio8 ana? MYA LEZ Lobes i Vaso) td mw mn Ze porxp tnt Exe hers mt) 112 16 bn") ET 21130 Wem? B4000N me naga Byy! EEF Tihs PT eo Bbw 895K tr Fr ABISKA Flavac 9-83 SAaYos *ALI%s FOr M9 25806" AzAr As® § (1 d8sn0X4) =3.29407 Yar = 1-333. Wen 8.0 -1333" 6,667.00 Tied bgp = 35-110 Im AA ate ee too AA's 53.1110 Jn tao Ary the Ban tha Yea Kae® 400-1533 €2.6610% Inn = 40041333 ©S33300 Ha 7 2.06-1393 °C Po THEM byy= 10/14 1 9-44 Fon 0 mo ep Ty TOs ois” Ex, ConaVed=hebnil e6-m Ie “pe 0/8. EL, = Box \LEi)=5: 66K Sern™ 300 fe. Me, tote a pasyiyi! Bar EE NERS Haat He, Me 2 Io owt ” norte eo Flt CER” Sterne oun Hp, 200. 53,44 . ph Begs oan own, wexr Page) 18] 9-94 == Conmuer Atk Uda awd = 2,50? p> bis9x0)(y) > 6.63 650° Aa? b(oanx8 Wd)=1- 29K? 21 = PANG = 20001 Ret FL = S000 By 7 Vaw 5 TIN Tha = 0.005w0 + 0.005/8 +0,00240 TAB? Hfo* 00/138 Ww Sas °Y6 ‘esate Aw 9 x ewe yeaos | 200) vA ol () 12000 (eam) 48a 4800 °%F o e © e For 40 Ano ec: #198 % i= 7,80 wt ‘ ex, = bore Nz= 234080" Lo wt 22(,rAd*] tf s2ln BS Nar] | Ez yessw £ 2m EL, Gor Nrx)=/2770' Le De, Hoos xs 230,080 Mp. ¥asw Za “janxa Me, hose. 7 Bra arpa = WH OKN A baa” Me 2 Ait + bee. TASK Are £ C 25M V2) = 246 2? Ar® (a76xwt)(36) > [357 a0 As E(Sb4 ue Y36)= LOS 1057 M+ @5)(29)= 16.0 ws Aas 24718 = ¥2.01N By + 24+ C4)36) = 18.00 tre 4h 7 0084" + 04564 + 0.0987 a> OS ms, oss wt a ~ ot 7) 1970 For aet.Fj= 2%" Wiexss, de aasve2s d= ht 8S Eye restleeeal | Na i Zp ate 90 mT Lee "0.08330" =} zyeBv042 [nceadialery) Care rt. x= Mé7wt £2, =b0 0 NI)2 4-74 x0" ega® ET, = Gono Li) =2. 674/0"2044* Hy, Goondir)tert EE,” 7010 orm Bef maw Me. fasoolird ct Elz 267K ee Ar= $8596 x6 WB) = 08629407 Aye GowaxnW72)=970x07 Az = 5 (30.6316 9)(72)=1103 x0? = SN Kew" a tpn hhy tactey tates o eA AE tye 70102764 01235 O10SBRO2KIN 9-97 = 200 yt20 FOR tO Ano ER 2 2ABKNZE)83, 02.24% A For eve wt te 5 Z52 11,9 1n* Foe be Ano 08: oat Ey S92 in" (exp ataeneiJ=%0.6 10a 0 “a: rey ELn 2497-6 0% t2d0™ « [ £13 2351 x08 taua* ° Me _ Bhooisun yt Er 99,6108 caa PRO fo, 2/600 ty! ( W600 Eke” Hyg ae8™ V26X0% 0 ato 3400 Me, $3600 0? Mn Ele ing at” 16010 Gin) Me, Boo ELs gsica® € oe Cours wexr mage) Jo fol 2» | 20 [ole = 94/240" id] 9-97 Con nny. 2238 Yor WAR 75.0% ay Af oF e 2 Byes ta_| se | to | tam a> Sea ¢ rent anky | ez U2 OMB Hee 06 DIAGENYS Denna 075.714 “O03 SB 1m = 0.00 Iam * IK ice Site Areliii2 0*N27)= 2541 x0 Aa Ud 8,26 105 )0) = H826 10> Ast E (2681 M00) 0/3 41 00 Ay = 2Q38H x0 Wa) 2416 x07 tre * Ae = AA HALT ASS Ay ns 95-13-58 = Uhm Me 18 +5 23.0 Ay = 18 134)(1) = 24.6670 ay = 35M) = om Tas 7g * O10SS+ 0.0111 40,0033+ 0.0257 Mes A14S6 IM. Se 0 lab) FOR AD tuo ec Lp2 O28 Va “18.820 bo Fok 08 mo Be: 4 2 296X112) = 108210 fu L5;*P A um Mira m4) = 1m LTDx2 V3110Wien* Molex, = hebi0 Om Mefery = 5:10 am Mefer. =U? X10 %m4 Me/eLy 213218 ag Mefery = U9 0 43228010 { Ay=7S 7x0? Ass 2.050? 5 Ag= (cera tan Ady Tes +A. fisrs Tg.s0 | 0399 Len £2,010 1 O.COI8IH.0% =BA93 pn Bathe AE. oaitts $2 = ,0st¥m TE Tike phas rT “ Cut Ake + Aten + Ase + (poze pany hte el tytn tases +heXee Tem 2 O.03Y + 0.0189 + 0.0090 40.0070 910057 *0.823/ ten= 0/0 Soy 19a CHAPTER 10 Combined Stresses Combined Normal Stresses HEL pshsoravyond=M0v0 Len A YI Se hoor 23048 = Bie Pot, ~ Hoye ee j 2 a Be Hee, A « 00 " So-2 FyxPsw3e'shrokw — M™Fy Roam hoz aA abomee ztm, N Aateh# bh 02)(78) = BSdg0m* Pre VN F23th0 Se bh%e= BS mm* Unve Fees SO°Z IVAN wy Octoes on TOP OF Betas AT Wht Fi Fi MM Lege cael Se iSleeat teaser" SL2 tee. eB Ren * wie ws sens Ax talus: F-6euoL0 A Riya FSi e3as7e8 ti AY fo! omer ove To Fyt M* Fi'Stin My 2eb06100 eal ins MEW! oy» Fig 2 3p Wr BAG -4 ayy Spe man) frm c= Be oe LL nx bo00i8- Summ = 3/2 080m 5 nen Bieter. peeve psi revsnn seu; Conte. An BE lonoue ts sane As Lbs exec a Aes Lr has fee a x 2.00610 £E/80 AME Oye fe 4 Be Mtn Eg BE SE = BOD ET ACM! GF ag 2 A 995-11 731 ~ 2228 * ~LSAUESL LE mae liacwiirseam © 18125 Vmms 52 1%» MD 66.69 0mm os st. a LOBED 20 Me BREN, - LBbSler =~ 3/25 anitesdisits LBD. Fay = Fer l2hify = 604 tay = bSfeya Orb2S Fen? Fan= Fev 2 0480 2 9¢hy aud 0625 9 ® Faych2an= 1.2 Bm ALS wernt Ae zsomr, Ore TEL mAh Sb, ~ 220i A= 229000 BPP TDoHe mm? S220, oe ta gor = 3 vl. Se 12090 ame COMPRESS to On TOP OF BEAM 198 ee M1004 Bogwan = 12 Boonen s he 5 (0%1) =F l2 *10') *BH:bmm* 85 Ff EES gb wa? a8 Ati At os ofA n cae Figs “ ae 1 soo L509 11. === BD. OF TOP PART oF CLAane A }—3 1 yorrtansanaiste cnroe zal. r mee sre BA eZ DESUN STRESS y= S46 so L0H ppp, I ALA gw £. "5 besten OE | 3 fa GOS ~ ? = 7082. a Lar oy 0 */00htn = ~O.2408F cont, , z= L320 arse hones # HEN An Stannt are 5 Ft Bet p PILED py p rentue Ler oe= Q “hott 3 OMI F Fl00/o1972. = 534V Linimnné UMue OF USM JP Sy 1S EQUAL IN Terkel AdD COMPRES 5100+ MATE THAT Sing 7 Say Akcone OAT Alloys. LE Aste 1220 45008 542 WB MB., Sues 1és0100s. A Td—e= W8y = NR met Oye=B ys Viale imal M*=FC4IMLY S302 F iy Ce FHS | 8 ay Ft 26 Ohh F f er bi Corte i fy — Bees ae One nites a Wenn Asda F2 UY ong = S109V 2 Gp¢6 mt AEB foe fy ge “he GREWAL « panty seas amtm F 2 W2/o07¢ = HESN Limimne Vive BL row mrex2 rHesnoe0 Revi Srtess Anen=/s2-mem™ Cape As. Conerre Seen autiies Basco W Dany Se Bie BEEN 226 mnt oe ke tL 200 + BO) G09 mts rensin POR Be SI, § SyeQo= A(72D=/1V8 tha VSE AWS1 WHO OBT 200, Sy =/V62 Wie. ~ONE PswELe Clee 174 LE yx reso S890H mom Mg = Fy (398)® 2B LS Hanon See ba, LOU? 327 mets Aarbhe Onin ~ sa gust, Wie mon*s fg2bh=2s0-ma0™ Assume Sus Sue ~ TEN GOVER«S DES/b A FACTOR Gye SS2 MM DEBE apo ip ie HE 9 $BEE 0 1108 00m 13125. rat a-ferde 8 a BBE: b9.Ite - Bihari swe Reverie 1S Az harm? Secon Tite jain” leennane 360. ‘orf s2vg2ers, | # em) [= AT B-Borrem ee SF Mm, Ylon Stevo | Oe ee HE BE ably S000 LL p50 rote A02120 amit Zesiysiltmand :SeBe 216 Lonos aman = 000g -9.8/om/s*2F8/0N 4tyn0 2 Fn lis) Br (06) By=26/eoW = Bn-An Ay= Gv “Cy 26/60~ 9810"/6359N Henk & —m Leer st ona? my fe oF pay ab» Zé/b0 OE SI Hte Bie LLLS. ayy to Ler ov 8 Gow 1174). rigs iom\F)= (000 00m) F Dy= Bn Leo zeae fan ite Spas. ee on es debe Fe (38/0/52 201M tm eH; wie OG ObSy= 0:6 G6 000)* 2/600 t51 go he A Mie ran an ete FoR BEnOnh ony! $= Ho BED 6 1330? FoR AMAL TEnSpoH Am Low Stoo. a” nh Yay xy (rw) —oe A= 2058) 23.860? No ob ol 28m 3 2S00N Ee hegw TL tly=26h.obr= 6.00 w¥, C4777 L08m; Cer y, amy =, + sa - ~ |28e t] ng) ELE 4 LOE, = 0,016 F = asec ’ pe “m0 10" 10G=2.92 0 Argorcans O= Bs AG. $oey 28800168) 19 02 psf Argedecars S0q | Lalit 143 (98 10-17 Fan fevetert PS“. tm=/20N-m & PaBOON Aum Teton ot pa, ak oF he fe ee et Tt money BY a> t TO3= Cathe! Cad kMb § LET OVEN PN lnm 42 0? 9000, ~ 6L120000) © 0 8 THEN e226 atin, Feo PS~IB.£ M2311 6rd 2 P©2DL8 Axi. Comte, ee - of. On Bn hm A wk bee, aha a® Pa. bet 8 TA Pa thMO t LET Ce 600005) Comet, ~ 6000074 2800.4 6(3WA=0 & Threw A20,22010 BELL Fem PS-79 bane 42100 Wie Pe 200 ALiAe TEPSIon1 FR DA1t Ora" Paki 20 2 Y2a?-/200066192200\20 3 0.» 1% Ione L020" Foes P5-€0:: = S201. t Px Yosee Aha Tewsow Foe 10-11! 0-8? ~Pa.~ 61920 ! b0000?--Yisa.~ 0520108 Be2b,832N, Combined Normal and Shear Stresses 10-21 . : SSSA MWY = 25D 2 pe THN /A» 12Se.a0n® ORE BRON 2 tte Ta -2 SE OE a 8M, Tax fey iad Sy ae $398" Urb Mle A= M22sV y= 398n? t Bye @2Ve 224m oe p= Bietee gses re Fe Selsetsnee) Tom 2 fe L) + 3995" J0/9 est 32. ts : PB anti hy onstiet Bye reKsel da = tesrin? se 2. Sipe Lee f fl on OBL ay9395/ 170 Z ESOBLb My 195945) Tis YEE to 250803) Wh ree 12m pre tA isan! dpe Wa OF = SRI 5003 tsi 1 Pe Ew OMY 6 197/05) Tome [EBEY*+ 07 = Bredosk 2 For 31m Pives A=2.228w 9G 10 OF x BEC we aus esis PoE» SB: Hy 9596} Tyne = VUZE) y99S* © Y89 Os /, 1026 = 7 Hori NG PM pwler) =/9oLern $ malZorsNIserU wiper) SI6MOLOM Te = JT 777 = W920 * + 3600" > Ye Lain ae DVS ANAS «979502 Beh oe weeargies Coed 2 Te, Yielend re feo Helen. 20920 05) Ler Tae Siw te Siw Lb 2096 uusace. (96 122 yee surert T# 300» Yot/20)* Me YP © UD Nan= SIX Hmm Te =f t= 699.108 ama 1 Ree TE V2 Sebo = Te GAVP ROS bere Pe See Salem Seale 28 ToTAL Dowdwaro LoAo= 2oo+200+300 +60 =. Mx(i00168)(3 6/0) = Ve B00 L&W AT SYPAAT WET TROVE = 00690) +304 (20) ~ 200120) “2600 20) = /8000 Lem /¥ Ten] TFA mi bim™ + Yeee0” = S02 L8H Reoo tere Bas 62910" Use Yin SeHYo Fee Rotating Shafts — Combined Torsional Shear and Bendling Stresses 0-24 a oe es 8 SFO DOM 735 mm? ole Zp ire , ? ee eum Stam TE, > Sadia WS Bee eeo Wie 59/474, Trax = eT re ie ass 792 ule . $30 5 BO? May, ps 2¥ maf rn FP, a5esutt mn? Escoo aes 248. WS apa. Pr Oe gy inte. 0 | Tourn (BE) a2" = 1788 am 4 (om) \ ° aL ro bsee0 lt), 200025). parecer Aner & ian acim RBs IUSLEN 2p ae oust, = ours? re fe. Ses, s ob, Bee LEE 2 (671) = 537 Mie BEM HD [lov OF Combined Axial Tension and Direct Shear Stresses MPS) 8-32. uve Reads Dns osb¥in+ Acs ooivon™ WM mieenos: P= Ag = bsoetéin'}(o0Mbn') =2/0L8 FOR Pa? As =Ay © 4 DaYy 2 1 (OY = o02/ INE T* Page 21, E990 0551 Fifay> M20/oyyuy® S621 Si Tova = ENT SPR Stel" = 2898 Ash "OR My-20 Unc Theo : Dano tAc® 0.43/810~ Pe O-At= (sew M0181) * 177 26 FOR Dm * 0,250iNt AyPAs = 11028) '/y » 049 Lin > = Paws 1? /rayys ©. 12 Fithe= Shreyas 2/8 786057 Tonee #¥(ZY tt = (822) "+ 157807 = 16879 es) 221 ron FHBLNE Teh? Dy O.Ne int Ae> aoobslin® P= GAg= 15b00 (osten= 99.2 18 FOR Dy* Oli2mihy@As® lou) Yy = otorasae o> aye WAL poops 100691811 Te Vas=Yuoes* DISS Tame (9289+ 500": 779 ¢51' 1038 SS FoR IM 12 MREAD! Dz hoot Ae=h073i0® Pe whe = 15000 (nn) = H09SL8 FOR Ont AgaAs= 1U2S)*/y = ht2dine o* Why 2 1809S, 299 = 181/581 T= g= 229 2037 63) Tova = SLAY + 2037" = e367 007 WA Fon 1642: Dm =e. am t hex Istana? P= hes 020M fame \isttum > 19610N FOR Dn =/éomm$ An=As= WAY Ly = 20100m™ > ays 19BY0N rey ruen™™ 1371s Te Fife BOOMS, o> 398m, VF) Tame YE) + 1 (BI 6 59% OS Hthe 13 We ron MYERS! Dy 4 Boman 2 Ae = 19 73a0m™ P® © Aes (201mm) ves mm) = NI9KEN FORA = Y8mm AywAs= WO W= 18/0200 > a cLOA Rat a7 ha EEOC RE Goaen eg te Ans peat = ite 7° fs Jabame | Rae Tas ® YB2Y% 1.2" = 68: 90100 198 Combined Bending and Vertical Shear Stresses ea seme S=Ar Bs Ve2750 Le t me 82S00LE ». Tne oleae a FoR Bem chess Secon ¢ ea Azbh= GYO=?.0W™ y $2 bhYs = QUE /b2 12.00? bo) 2 L™ bhp 2 BGP Jr = 36,00 0* | a AT OS Pe r= M/s A 82500, = B2s00 Le, , o PSE 68950s/ bern) Tay UE) 72 Be 058087 AT bt Sane As (0) ATG! £20! T8Tuay? Yea br = 2lzm). Z Tans > SGP PSG ATS! go M. 2.500) (2.0) ; AES! ora Mt, Brp0\l20).. Yse3 8) yy ve, Baso atiaN28) «197457 T™ Fh = Ge0X2-0) me Ly ame = BEY 1 = 00 AEE! or Lie esveN!) = 2292 F3) 2 V8 B750¥20/20l20) , ots T° Te p73 2 ses: lew Touma = 2222 F 4 306% L186 eh DAL ppm 10-4: Yo 22s0LB: m= B2800LE-/ FoR Aum £6x692% A349 00 S* 3svin?! T= 255070 Ara. ab? P20,0~"s Te BLOM. 9706 25 ES010% Tome = Ta = 4883 ti ALS: 00 2 Trias YO Q= MasNiaalzsis) + b21)(2.6SLd2s) Om R9sr% 0.237 = 469209 H692) fA = Yo es) = To ye , Gasalgenty = g0z¢si Fe * peso "FF @= 5,955 +62 NoasNL2120 #3999 u* Tan YEP HT = [EL w2r3 * = gerreri Aves : otha) = Fa Tore Gite glad as seas rt re ben Gia eaeh ain ai oar = fear 27/205) S98 toa Npasiogs)=4.20100 (7 rit Loren beset LOM, see so4) Fon enn Seenn Pesrennes AL Mere 06 BENG s mb AE a Ano bt = Bn $210 0 3739 p31 ste #0! Tax Ga 1875 05 AL Et FO! 120! Fatyto ctey AEA! on ts Mp2) o 2500 051 tial foo T=08 Tame™ Te = 1250 5) ALB! ore hts $B0U2 22 05 1750 # tamgt Fa 625 051 Ar Sunrones A Ano! V=30ul8 1m%o to-s0 ALO AWD? F™ Ot Tuc AP Ct T= 3v/24> 363000)/eKR) 7 ra Ard! 7 Tag > Bh = Govelenigees 29 le 208 ¢s: AEE! To tiyg> HOw See Needs 955 pe) Ds 953 787 ALD =/5y_ Fhom At V= 150018 2 me 3370LeM ATA Mek! 740 § Om Linn BID « 2013 05) ify Ex M00 est ALC? oso: 7+ Be suse S/IBCEL “Foray 4rd o-= Mee duplae. 17808) 7 fEeor MSA! TeV vines). (25) “Tw re ipa Gea es Mites! ATE ps Mer, 375 N00; = 936e01 = Fate Tote YEE) saa" = 40ers) Pe Ue, GsooNeatnonte ; f 2 sar. E> Gee eee Noncircular Sections - Combined Normal and Torsional Shear Strosses. wet Room Fie 4-214 = 0/20aa*=or208 (2s¥=32Samm? os we AS tot W tee. = 25inlast Os fo ZELOM » Jo mtee Tame = YE) rt = YER) easy = Behar ow a fob3y* a === From F16.4-294 Q. pa Se at Py Hermon Ls S2S00 Num. tors Lan $25000 3 yy, 7° “Tot PUMA O Bay Ee Tame = y+ 96 = 25-3 Ale. 00 LHe pom e16M-21: "0,050.02 = 0.050(809 = 6250-mar” Le 228 000Hmen.. eo fe LEQ r PE OOM (ey te 4 fps Meme «foe " aria figs) + = case vs pa JP SOAS: Gin Bbw Biel ses7esi= Ta P= oA ab eer tala Yess dD %o667 8 Trane Bie 938305) amb ~2-00/5 E2023 om 9 Foam p14 H-212 92 28a BRE =2OIX2 UDA MD) 3.560108 refs C0 NOM) «3/95 96) 3560/N? Tan “VE Tere Ee). $39 BRS t3h= FE = mow N° Tha? Hes oO ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND PRACTICE PROBLEMS M48 us 4 Tens 1 TOP Feo bro Se * 15S mm oe GH, (Wr Bttynyrsen)| y | lI 45 Bhamm —— [2Banmmt e t OF 2B F/T = SWIM ore AW Mie : at. Confeessive! BOTTOM From 6 roa oe * 48) ~ 2 ST pargnmnyl Yaromr) m= IBNE A met a GEN mr) 7 _ aon 228 aman? LG B4V ensues a Ara abe 0235 Nem \ 2, Simon) ee GH yy, t bon ftaesshe > Borrorn Dam O72 2 Mr, ~ (2023949 _ 109 Mra a ) 6 Wg 2 Abe ea 69.0659) 8089 Hem J = 18,B(20)= /220.1-mm/) pe 20239 Hamm J L028 Tensan: Borrom per we oe ESM. 1818 Wma) YS), Gea? pltaieme MIS) 595M aaa S13 ho $ Conrkesswe? ToP T= 9BIR Hm Sm oe er, — lez. (29 = Ninf os 33.6 mam” Me Tw t wis ie i ! ee aes eer Say B3asnn* Bimal 22 ~h09 + 822,5= BUA La alae) eames fr fp 250mm_ —| Comteessives TOF a ) O-= BEL — RIAN 29 - WBS MMSN = WV 6 Neonon 25,0 723 Piyp= 120258) = 19 250 Nm, OF 158 MA Myr ty» 23396 pom J BSR 2x3 nN Sren TUEMG, 52.01 2, AZ 21M ms 1, 21615, 6 WIE 0 1s) > 9234 LoD 122 C64 wilISvt) = 12683 6.09 Ax19t LoAo = 164/28 V TEMSto) WET BEWOINE Mo haw = Hem Myer= 12 683-92 = 3449 Lew Phooutes TEMS ATA, Comte. Are Ge Gus} an) zwar” “Zoims 693 + 16 Oe = 693 ~1116.= 00305) Com fee ssion 253 Loao = r234.0.4M Po Wekw a oo ye) 6 6 n ok Comm) | 3 74750 <9 = 0 =34.08NV1Bormm) ~AEyt/¥25 mon) Aby= 129540 Fyn or Y2as-8t.0~ Fy 5 Fy = 9skw Mew Me Yfyy © e98KW; =. BAe! Atx= At cos 0= [rns ni Yeow 12:8" =100.,2 bet Ar Et Flac ccare wm Cen tan Hae Mee. ADI, CURVE 6 .-BEWDING. Ope WM kee Ke Mar I 4 Yue 3 py 30.2 02 7he 210 Dikecr comrecssrons oc - L2AEx G20) wr2hw) Ke=3.70 For Cave Cos NZD iad” hal AK TS 5.0 456 4 | \ lear [bots Yoo Psi TEW stow Stomal Manne Sesnrs, Eite*0 = Plite) ~b C0) By=2ti0 kellr)= 6hh0 hy70 = Cyto bo Cr= 240 Taw = 8 /p y Bx = Bylot Bin U8 U7 LAN } Ge= 6x Abe By/cwa™ “Yas rer* Bdkd . = (12780400 1mm Main) Posen Lovet (wd) “Coat 30 NE) aim Ru// SSA abe. Bihohie, Tewsien-70?; Comte, barren LO = Dee. ee Mice Comamaries OF 0% Aur Oz 1S PROMEMANC BECAUSE Dh, OCEURS Hem Tp 00 Borin OF SECTION WHEE Cernyy OURS VERE Cou TELINE Weg H0L€, nay TENS 18 ATE TD LEFT bine O05? PIME. ano Nb Cite bits STRESS © Cian COPE. 1S TORIGHT OF E UIT AYRE BE TWEED 216M Pa Ano LL ERY = Aer» ON Lower. PART OF TWE CaO35 SECTIOAA (eertase) Qos 40-53 (covnnver) Mémban APC - LoA0s Fitart FbD OF KALE Steuer ne At tat Loan! AE 2 72.96% 08.02 WISH Conte. LF W095 BIS = LO2MM CPEs A v Greely ten) 9 __750 a fonn : IF or oe |. om 1 Benoa srees ATF (came secriow Peoreanes As ar E) (ke=h0) G= 2 Kec 7500 AN) _ OS000torkiamr M100 A00m\ /0064 Der G7 DE C0020 Mes domnat ew Sie Boambee. Tense ov RMT Sos CNA OL EFT. ComPeessioi Went F vst 0110.95 i ABOVEF. Le> 3-70 FIA Yr 70.36 Fete. - U0.kiN3-20) 10H 2-233,6Nlx Nene Mole “Aner os-36\025)mm* ke ee Combo 0, Ano 02 1S PaselemAniec As AT & On Member DEF. Cee = Brease Ertecr or Ke 15 Loins Pe WEAR MIE, Oz 1S LieerY TO OE Pate tess NEOR buTs1DESULFACES Gilent Og 15 Arie Vay, Assume o¢2 =A. «Ei eehiMl eon lhe) 43, ;mta. NEM ovrsi0e ERE Aver 00-39) mm) — ABoue Fe Erorrii sow /ke) 259,83 mx Berowif: 400-20) (25) mar* Lombsneo SMES ~ TEnsStuns ~ BELOW F- Fora Op = F568 Mew ~ SB = 2112 MPa OM Rib SIE Cintreteo_c TRESS ~C0m PRESS Jov ~ABSVE Fi Oz = ~ 208 Mla ~ 63-6 Wale. ON LEFT S/OE. aot LO=S4 Shaer : Powen= 3054? m= 320K T= £3 00630540) bsty pene Jee eon [aes resuere ous : , see 3248/0 ia a Fw B & hax ¥5% 8 Yeoresoce | - 450 5250 a | law) | MAXI Adon BMG AMO TOR Sis) Occun Ene B, Vie EQUINE TROVE mETHVO, EO (0-A)- ity SESS OCCUNS AT S7z0 +h feos 1 OFA. SHAT 7 Ba= MO, heen” 449507 4 a an Gos YP 0.03 ; 2 PES 125 5 higg =U beng = len) + ley = ft t3250)"* G77 Coed = [2 260 com Tag = TE. L2Z6B UI = 67 65y 2s) ee LF in? Ler W243 Tye thy= y LEO'D Sy = BT py = = OUCPE IYI? FUG SES! EILEEN Sreciey Als 10/0 OQT 60 S¥=5S2KS) 2K erowkaTiow O77 STeas Cone BE USED WITH SyP>V2ESS Arp Goon Duernury. gos 10-55 Fino sTRESS om QEMENTS mm Ano NM, P= YSN Foace P hers 18 mam te RIGWT OF Camrn UNE AND Bon ABOUE Ce. arnt PY eS o£ Oe = n.g0y mh Tet t10N AQAL STRESS = Dame Benone Mor ett! 1, = (15H) 8 prm)= 3606 Mmm Se hes GoM Za 243 mm? é é Mi. Bhvovmm = 43771fe TENS AT. s 2613 amo Or ponm = 9-804 + L377 = 218M Pee TENSION AT rut A AXIAL SESS = 0,809 Mle AS AT A, (TEWS100) BEwome Pliner 1122 OS0NMjimm)= 6/00N amas S= Ag. “GaNee = 1867 mmm? Om = LIE = Sloe Mma = 4339 nha Combeessiow Ar S 1867 ama? Dirorm, = 4-804 W339 = -B,S3S Mba Comtnessieu MM. ELEMENT Aa 15 OM NEUTRAL AXIS Fun Benorn & AbbuTY-AXr5 + ELEMENT, IS Os BIEVTRAL AXES Fat Rewoins About 2AXLS Q06 Combined Stresses — Mohr’s Circle NOTE: The complete solutions for problems 10-56 ~ 10-105 require the construction of the complete Mohr's circle and the drawing of the principal stress element and the maximum shear stress element. Listed below are the significant numerical results. Following the list are representative examples of the complete solutions. Note that the problems fall into groups of similar forms as described below. A. Problems 10-66 to 10-59: The x-axis on the Mohr's circle lies in the first quadrant. Problems 10-60 to 10-63: The x-axis on the Mohr’s circle lies in the second quadrant. Problems 40-64 to 10-67: The x-axis on the Mohr's circle lies in the third quadrant. Problems 10-68 to 10-71: The x-axis on the Mohr's circle lies in the fourth quadrant. Problems 10-72 to 10-79: The x-axis on the Mohr's circle could lie in the any quadrant. Problems 10-80 to 10-83: The x-axis on the Mohr's circle lies along the original X-axis and the principal stresses are the same as the normal stresses on the given element. B. Problems 10-84 to 10-95: The Mohr's circle from the given data results in both principal stresses having the same sign. For this class of problems, the supplementary circle is drawn using the procedures discussed in Section 10-11 of the text. The results include three principal stresses where a; > o2 > os. Also, the maximum shear stress is found from the radius of the circle containing 6; and og and is equal to c,/2 or os/2 whichever has the greatest magnitude. Angles of rotation of the resulting elements are not requested, G. Problems 10-96 to 10-105: The Mohr’s circles from earlier problems are used to find the stress condition on the element at some specified angle of rotation. The listed results include the two normal stresses and the shear stress on the specified element, ‘Combined Uniaxial Normal and Shear Stresses: Problems 10-106 to 10-109: These use the same data as Problems 10-72 to 10-75 and each has a given uniaxial normal stress, o, and a shear stress, ty. For this special case, Equation 10-2 can be used to compute the maximum shear stress directly, The solution method is similar to that used in Problems 10-21 to 10-28 V (627 ¥ ty? (Equation 10-2) Tmax aor CHAPTER 10 — PROBLEMS 10-56 TO 10-83 to de 8 gy jose 915.4 HP “115.4 NPA 10.7 cw 215.4 Ha 24.4 cou 10-87 255.2MPa = -55.2 MPa 7.5 cw 155.2 MPa 37.5 cow tos 110.0 HPs -40.0HPa 26.6.cH 75.0 MPa 10.4 cow oso 202.1 We -42.1HPa 27.5 cw 122.1 Ha 17.8 cow oso 20,5 ks} -8.54KsI 19.9 cow 14,0 Kel 44.9 cow 1061 42.8 KSI 29.8 KSI 14.9 cow 96.3 KSI BLS KSI 57.7 ecu 1062 79,7 kel -9.7°KSI 91.7 cow 44.7 KSI. 95.0 KSI 76,7 ecw 1053 96,5 ksi 54.6 Ket cow 45.6 ksi -9.0 ksi 88.0 cow 40.66 677.8 KPa 977.6 KPa 77.8 cew 827.6 KPa 1055 137.0 kPa -587.8 KPé cew 362.8 KPa 1066 327.0 KPa 1202.0 KPa 40.9 ecw 764.5 KPa ow 10-67 79.9 KPa 354.9 KPa 74.8 ecw 217.4 KPa 40.2 cw 40463 $70.0 psi -2070.0 psi 71.3 cw 1320.0 psi 26.3 cw 10-69 1676.1 psi ~6676.1 psi 81.7 cw 4176.1 psi ow 10-70 4190.0 psi -8180.0 psi 71.6 cw 4400.0 psi pst 26.6 cw 40-71 8800.7 psi 150.7 psi 89.5 cw 4975.7 psi 4225.0 psi 44.5 cw 4072 960.2 HPa -100.2 MPa 4073 1927.1 KPa 877.1 KPa cow 290.2 MPa 130.0 MPa 72.8 ecw cw 1102.1 KPa 728.0 KPa 20.6 cow 1076 23.9 hel 1.9 kat cu 12.9 11,0 ksh 2.1 cow 1075 7971.2 psi 1221.2 pst 21.4 ecw 4876.2 ps! 9975.0 psi 66.4 eeu 1076 4.4 KSI 324 KEL 209 ew 18.4 Ket 14.0 ksi 24,7 cw 1077 527.6NPa-87.61HPa 67.8 cw 307.6 MPa 220.0 HPa 22.8 cw 10-72 921.0 MPa 61.0 MPa 64.4 ccw 191.0 HPa 190.0 HPa 48.6 cw 40-79 344.5 KPa -1904.5 KPa 28.0 cow 1124.5 KPa -780.0 KP: cw 1080 225.0 HPa-85.0HPa 0.0 155,0.NPa70.0'NPa 45.0 ecw 1081 6250.0 psi -875.0 psi 0.0 3562.8 psi 2497.5 psi 45.0 cow 1082 775.0 kPa -145.0 kPa 0.0 «40,0 kPa 918.0 kPa 45.0 cow 1083 90.8 KSI 13-4 KSI 0.0 28D Ks 12.6 ket 45.0 cow PROB. 10-5 DETMLED Secu Given: G=300Mlu O77 “0 tes OBIS M Mem; OF Obatdr. 5 2 b= 28°) b/8.9° Cus FROn% 26" 68.2"; B'=34/%cew Aton ENS 1 PRIWCiNe Sree” Cay Beet 5 lee 54 “ F bay KE j Iya Wee! Rha 634"t Bo I ccus FRom # 28'=/s39¢2 B'S Ibi cew Flom 1 PROB 10-WS DETALED Seeundel GWEN $ Oi ~SIOKPR 3 O7 = 10K Pan? Gye Ih cee Ops 1308 Klee? Oz > S878 Mm 3 aye 362-Bbh 28 = 68°16" BY cew Fein Hats 2 Bead oy ‘cw FRom BUS ge Y “0s H4 og ox Tey Ci fs 201 CHAPTER 10 ~ PROBLEMS 10-84 TO 10-95 Probe 4 92 3 Snax 1084 920.1 Pa 71.9NPa 0.0 MPa 164.0 MPa 1085 268.0HPa 196.0 NPa 00 MPa 192.0 HPa 109s 214.5 ¥Pa 75.5 NPa 0.0 MPa 107.2 HPa 1087 161.1HPa 40.9 HPa 00 MPa 80.5 HPa 1008 35.0 ksi 10,0 ksi OO Ks 17.5 Ks 1080 4L.B ket 2.2 Kei OD Kat 20.9 st 4090 55.6 ksi 144 KSI OO Ks} 27.8 st qoor 62.9 ks1 19 KS) OD Ki 31.5 Ks 1092 00 KPa 207.9 kPa -847.1 KPa 493.5 KPa 1093 0.0 KPa 37.5 kPa 397.5 KPa 168.8 KPa 1094 0.0 pal -295.7 psi 1804.3 psi 902.1 psi 1005 0.0 ps! 2167.6 psi -6892.4 psi 3414.2 psi CHAPTER 10 ~ PROBLEMS 10-96 TO 10-105 Prob. % on % No. 4099 190.7 MPa «69.3 MPa 213.2 HPa cw 1057 269.9 HPa 67,9 1HPa 199.2 MPa cow 1008 -37.9 MPa 197.9 MPa 81.6 HPa cow 1099 19d Kel “Sd Rs) 84.0 KSI cew 10400 946 KS) 216 KSI 4949 Ri cw 40401 900.0 KPa -180,0 KPa 958.0 kPa co 40102 -2010.3 psi $10.9 392.6 psi cw 10-103 © -765.5 pst -234.5 psi 4672.5 psi cw 10-106 6369.5 psl 84.5 psi 1421.2 psi cw 10-108 094.8 kPa 585.2 KPa 1088.9 KPa ccw CHAPTER BLE! 406 TO 10-109 10-406 smn = Vota)" > Genel = Vago) + (190)" = 230.2. Pa 0407 Using a simitar sox = 1102 KPa, fochnique: 10-108 12.0kst 40-109 4596 psi aio ER: WO De7TALED Suu GWEN: Gy aYesvsst s By 23290080 Tiny? 2600 ti cw . p= W180 psi t OE STB PS TpayZ got 2d= 132° 2 B= 78 °Cw Fen X-AUS 20'= 53,28 b' GIVEN} Oj=150 Mbo.! O72 Boner. Shy = 30 ttle Cos Primary MVHE'S CRELE GIVES OF= While, O42 68.9C oS Bectese Gor nave me S Shen, SECOUARY CIRLLE 1S DENN WIT 0520. Thad Tome = Tify = BS ele, R08 10-%G DeThLED Sovunee, Pores BASIC NES CURCLE FRM PROB 10-55 For A =30° Cow FR 2-08 = 26420 *U8 + b0=818" Ta loot R 00s = 130.9066. Oy * 100~ R eos ye b43erte Ta Rom 4= 2i.200ho. B al FRofer to Section 10-12 for method. input data in’ shaded elements. Aluminum 6061-T6_ Results: Max Principal Strain 1902 x10° mim ‘Min Principal Strain 6 x10 m/m Angle -28.2 degrees {From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis] Max Principal Stress 147 Mpa Min Principal Stress 49.1 Mpa Max Shear Strain 1897 radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 49.2 MPa [in plane of initial element] "only when Max and Min Principal Stresses have the same sign*** [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] Strain from Gage 1 1480 x10" mim ‘Strain from Gage 2-465 x10° mim Strain from Gage 3.428 x10° m/m Results: Max Principal Strain 1494 x10° m/m ‘Min Principal Strain -112 x10° m/m Angle B — -5.4 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis] Max Principal Stress. 113 Mpa Min Principal Stress 29.5 MPa Max Shear Strain 1607 radians [Dimensionless] ‘Max Shear Stress 41.7 MPa [in plane of initial element] **Only when Max and Min principal stresses have the same sign*** [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] [True Max Shear Stress_56.4 MPa ao [SPREADSHEET FOR COMPUTING PRINCIPAL STRAINS AND STRESSES ROM STRAIN GAGE ROSETTE OUTPUT DATA 10-12 for method. it data niente) ‘Aluminum 7075-16. [Material Properties SI Metric Units" Modulus of Elasticity] ONS 10-22 to 10-24] ‘Max Principal Strain 1104 x10® m/m ‘Min Principal Strain 300 x10° mm Angle B -36.4 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis) Max Principal Stress 99.2 Mpa Principal Stress 60.7 Mpa Max Shear Strain 714 x 10° radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 19.3 MPa_[in plane of initial element] Only when Max and Min Principal Stresses have the same sign™" [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] [True Max Shear Stress 49.6 MPa Equations 10-25 to 10-27] ‘Strain from Gage 1 Strain from Gage 2 Strain from Gage 3 Results: ‘Max Principal Strain 892 x10° mim Min Principal Strain 375 x10° mim Angle B -18.9 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis] Max Principal Stress 81.7 Mpa Min Principal Stress 53.9 MPa Max Shear Strain 516 x 10° radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 13.9 MPa_[in plane of initial element) /-"Only when Max and Min principal stresses have the same sign” [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] [True Max Shear Stress _40.8 MPa alg FROM STRAIN GAGE ROSETTE OUTPUT DATA ae ‘to Section 10-12 for method. ‘ata in shaded elements acco of Elasticity 207.0 x 10°Pa Poisson's Ratio - 0.29 Strain from Gage 2737 x10* mim ‘Strain from Gage 3. Results: Max Principal Strain 816 x10% m/m Min Principal Strain -717 x10° mim Angle B 31.9 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis} Max Principal Stress 137.5 Mpa Min Principal Stress -108.6 Mpa Max Shear Strain 1534 radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 123.0 MPa_ [in plane of initial element] “only when Max and Min Principal Stresses have the same sign*™* [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] True Max Shear Stress 68.7 MPa Strain from Gage 1 Strain from Gage 2” Strain from Gage 3“: -200 x10° mim Results: Max Principal Strain 882 x10° mim Min Principal Strain -324 x10° m/m Angle B 39.7 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis] ‘Max Principal Stress 178.0 Mpa Min Principal Stress -15.5 MPa Max Shear Strain 1206 radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 96.8 MPa_[in plane of initial element] “Only when Max and Min principal stresses have the same sign™** [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] [True Max Shear Stress _ 89.0 MPa aH [SPREADSHEET FOR COMPUTING PRINCIPAL STRAINS AND STRESSES FROM STRAIN GAGE ROSETTE OUTPUT DATA [Refer to Section 10-12 for method. linput data iA shaded elements AISI 4140 OQT 000 steel faterial Properties __ Si Metric Units ‘Modulus of Elasticity 207.0 x 10° Pa Poisson's Ratio | 0.29 ‘Strain from Gage 2-631 x10* mim Strain from Gage 3. 552 x10° mim Results: Max Principal Strain 2121 xt0® mim ‘Min Principal Strain -844 x10 m/m Angle B -41.1 degrees [From the axis of gage 4 to the nearer principal axis} Max Principal Stress 437.1 Mpa Min Principal Stress -6.5 Mpa Max Shear Strain 2764 radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stross 221.8 MPa_[In plane of initia element] /---Only when Max and Min Principal Stresses have the same sign*** [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] Strain from Gage 1 925 x10" mim ‘Strain from Gage 2-631 x10° mim ‘Strain from Gage 3652 x10° mim Results: ‘Max Principal Strain 1220 x10° m/m Min Principal Strain -656 x10° mim Angle 23.4 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis} Max Principal Stress 232.7 Mpa Min Principal Stress -68.3 MPa Max Shear Strain 1876 radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 150.5 MPa_[in plane of initial element] “Only when Max and Min principal stresses have the same sign** [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] [true Max Shear Stress_116.4 MPa a6 er 14500 hard [Material Properties _ U.S. Customary Unt System, Strain from Gage 1 Strain from Gage 2 Strain from Gage 3 Results: Max Principal Strain 1006 x10° in/in Min Principal Strain -294 x10° infin Angle B 36.6 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis] Max Principal Stress 17335 psi Min Principal Stress 731 Max Shear Strain 1299 radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 8302 psi_[in plane of initial element) “only when Max and Min Principal Stresses have the same sign [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] ‘Strain from Gage 1 169 x10 infin Strain from Gage 2-266 x10° infin Strain from Gage 3.543 x10° infin Results: Max Principal Strain 616 x10° in/in Min Principal Strain -319 x10° invin Angle B -43.8 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis} Max Principal Stress 9748 psi Min Principal Stress -2204 psi Max Shear Strain 935 radians _[Dimensiontess} Max Shear Stress 5976 psi_[in plane of initial element] “Only when Max and Min principal stresses have the same sign*** [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] [True Max Shear Stress 4874 psi alo FROM STRAIN GAGE ROSETTE OUTPUT DATA. input data in shaded elements. “Titanium TH6AP4V, aged [Material Properties ___U.S. Customary Uni! System ‘Modulus of Elasticity” 165 x 10° psi 03 ‘Strain from Gage 1" 775 x10 Strain from Gage 2. 369 x10° in/in Strain from Gage 3-818 x10° infin Results: Max Principal Strain 793 x10 infin Min Principal Strain -336 x10° infin Angle B 7.2 degrees [From the axis of gage 4 to the nearer principal axis) ‘Max Principal Stress 12548 psi Min Principal Stress -1776 psi Max Shear Strain 1129 radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 7162 psi [in plane of initial element] “only when Max and Min Principal Stresses have the same sign*=" [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] rue Max Shear Stress__6274 psi Rosette Data [Uses Equations 10-25 to 10-27] Strain from Gage 1 Strain from Gage 2 Strain from Gage 3. -318 x10° in/in Results: Max Principal Strain 913 x10° inin Min Principal Strain -363 x10° infin Angle B 19.2 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis) ‘Max Principal Stress 14587 psi Min Principal Stress -1607 psi Max Shear Strain 1276 radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 8097 psi_{in plane of initial element] “Only when Max and Min Principal Stresses have the same sign** [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] [True Max Shear Stress_ 7294 psi alt r to Section 10-12 for method. ‘data in shaded « tions 10-22 f0 10-24] ‘Strain from Gage 1 Strain from Gage 2 10° infin Strain from Gage 3 Results: ‘Max Principal Strain 816 x10° infin Min Principal Strain -717 x10° infin Angle B 31.9 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis] Max Principal Stress 16117 psi Min Principal Stress -12863 psi Max Shear Strain 1534 radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress. 14490 psi_[in plane of intial element] “only when Max and Min Principal Stresses have the same sign*** [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] rue Max Shear Stress__ 8059 psi [Delta [0, 60,120 degree] R equations 10-25 to 10-27] Strain from Gage 1 i Strain from Gage 2 ‘Max Principal Strain 882 x10° invin ‘Min Principal Strain -324 x10° infin Angle B 39.7 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis] Max Principal Stress 20559 psi Min Principal Stress -2236 psi ‘Max Shear Strain 1206 radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 11397 psi_{in plane of initial element] +--Only when Max and Min Principal Stresses have the same sign*™* [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] [True Max Shear Stress _ 10260 psi Que [SPREADSHEET FOR COMPUTING PRINCIPAL STRAINS AND STRESSES FROM STRAIN GAGE ROSETTE OUTPUT DATA Stainless Steel, AISI 501 OAT 1000 ‘Strain from Gage 2 x10° infin Strain from Gage 3 x10 infin Results: Max Principal Strain 2688 x10° in/in ‘Min Principal Strain -263 x10 in/in Angle B -38.7 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis} Max Principal Stress 83147 psi Min Principal Stress 17317 psi Max Shear Strain 2951 x 10° radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 32915 psi_ [in plane of intial element] only when Max and Min Principal Stresses have the same sign*™* [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] [True Max Shear Stress _41574 psi ‘Strain from Gage 1 Strain from Gage 2) ‘Strain from Gage 3 Results: Max Principal Strain 1761 x10° infin Min Principal Strain -296 x10° infin Angle -19.5 degrees [From the axis of gage 1 to the nearer principal axis} ‘Max Principal Stress 53289 psi Min Principal Stress 7390 psi ‘Max Shear Strain 2058 x 10° radians [Dimensionless] Max Shear Stress 22949 psi {in plane of initial element} Only when Max and Min Principal Stresses have the same sign" [Assuming stress = 0 perpendicular to plane of initial element] rue Max Shear Stross _26644 psi aa CHAPTER 11 Columns Leh lFI6!-5) fee faa) - [bo 1 FoR Sy "3H mbm, Com H0.2 Line Civswe "ee even £0. bry)iAq Dyn Ply «Sm * Prax fee = 2D ln Maton Jm™ , 26, = aes is ine BELA EE ba fy = COVERY foxjp)= 201 Co=Mo. 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Bl OK For aust “wy Oar 1300: Sy=¥iiita i Ce = RStAs BREE mm Fe Be toman s btn CL) » 50.7 cg -Simr con Pea? bamtNrranch f- ‘pin a" Je ts2ke "3s Pa» Let, Leth FOR W=3* Pa, fe. ‘edn. : FOR MIS? 1620 HR 3 Sy=YBRSi 3 Cet I0S Ae Goa LEW s grees 2 be LES 2 Hens Love the MeDeass uP Pegs HEA, zon 0,503) je fee BY Fe ep psy RE MP yg 88 a Scmvo Pee: A= 0187 w tA= LOIS IN*E Purenfamunn -k208 Gen Ob Mier eee) = 17) + foe N61 1040 He, Sy "Moe! = Cc =/05 “Love 2.787 2 EA = DUBKn G02). Pea: fey ay MWY 66 2 L EACH Conum cAraeies 5000108 H= Zeb. 4 =< LUiee . 2.18 AARGIL E22 Lace ce eesranmr Ar To? on coLunsls MAKE THEM FREE. Mah foe rineo-rece: £8. ab\ibervieiule) 2 448, cee VIB -VeRY bona . ro Pea = (EA, = my PLSBULE * Phen.” 50008 -FhRUE NO 12S tnfy = 0:36) 5 Aalasay® AS63n> Cowmws Aa FIXCO~FREE 3 le =L/1=8Y Ly = BY Jose) 233 -Lowg AtummNun bOb/-78 3 Sy Woeopel 5 Ce 70 SUA 1 (10x00)0-563) eae” aye EACH Comal CARRIES /S00LE N= lp = Megs 10 ~Low AAs LEE Assen Fi1eo- Prte0 BIOS iggy Hen OSI Len bso inasmiinoiter . Ee x 1577 20 a 2/2 & AiS1 ¥0 WY Hoo; Sy*80KSi iA ten, wGnra eon) « Peas TE i)* 257525 1b Nw Let SESE o 5.16 ok rans p peoasded cinsenvarive Becnese Pit MAY Pealive Some TRestannT AGAINST BUCKLING WITH Res eet FOVERTICO ANS. T7115 LE/A W900 be SHALLERS Peq Ane N Wino #6 LARGER: HAE Asso A Loslh Corum t BOM -§ then GSNinas er Vaile) nein Reon ze fle. Haycerseo re 2210)" 2,53, te TD" Tl20 x0hee/nt) a Pr =f As pba angers esto ten BE xt LEM. Ler €2 29n10'15i POR SrRUCTUAAL STegL 1 Sy “B6SL COBO (igome ca tat tf, p AoE EBINBAE Ds a wh Fe pane ew se 3uScntos L8RM11 alg Re DIY tke Be Peres "Stfonezog t Ce=W0Pe06 ie?) Lous Foxe EGBAMEID «oor Pam i al. LLB, pe on -26ihe asst nt Sy*36as; ~Ce2/320 Tee Ty 20 rAat}e2 [123 rsyvto: er ©2734 A p136 tt Lay £54 5/39 Lows 7 2029 1 N26) fol Ripe pre aa LL AUS# tore Has Sy=Flntas Cool A= He Mame a Prien -rixeos Le=01bS (20)= 188 ave | Leo W883 42,2— Siar SUteLAY) «eo me®Vesnnlg Na 2 Fan iy (ish) trons eee) 7 ke Ler Ws3t Rw Re DAM HIS kN LBS, bob Sy=HSMla Co WICIONESEB yy Be OLIN 29x08 Psi WI2KS, AZ IDIiNy Dy Roan ley=\Eq 270% ASTHA9924 Sy? 5d 0006S, OBMZ2SENA SET ~ 74,5 SR KSRe USE ERIE (% 7 Sce= {0.658 | Sy 34406 ¢si a6 N6PbE Si-t909 winy wg sends Wo} NOE 40 Noe ol-190g"wmy wg o1nbs wSl Noss Od Nezez 91-1909 "wny ug azenbg woz ~NooeZ Ja NZ9JE — at-}909"Wnly uJ) © arenbg wi J6z’ NL6s2 CE Negez @-t909 why ug —auenbg_ gz’ ~NODEZ 30 "a reuoen = azis_— ss odeys_ 7 peo] sequiew $7 = peo} uo soe) UBS ‘Auuo stoquiout uojsseiduoo yo Bunsr suBjsep ajqissod Aueyy “Aue eyep ajdusexg ‘suaquIaW Uojssesdwog Jo UBISeg + SisKfeuy ssmuL Ly-L | Wo!qord 0863 osv WLsY 7/IXCXZ aqmieas uoZL Utyly = 3a qi 0s6s LOsv MSY P/IXZxZ sqmlens woz aszse O39 ay e198 LOSW WASY P/LXCxZ Ha qi oses. BOSY WLSY PILXeXE 90 a os6s. bOSY WLSY b/LXZxZ 08 ON "ad rusey = 8zis_— des 7 peo7 | JoquieH $°Z = peo} uo 103985 UBISeq Aquo sioquia uojssaiduioo jo BuRst ‘sufjsap ajqissod Auewy “Ajuo Byep eduiexa, ‘siequley uo}sseidwog jo ubjsaq + sisfjeuy ssnay OF} waldold ai vs9 SEV WLSY MOL/L ened Udy 0s9 3D ios GeV WIS W916 JeINoID UsZ OSL GO. a eszz SEY NLSY YIOL/SL JIN Woy asz6t Ov ‘a reuaew ezis_— des 7 peo] dequiow O'¢ = peo} Uo Jo}oes uBiseq ‘Auuo siaquiow uorsso:duoo Jo Bunsr suBisap ajqissod Aueyy ‘Aluo eyep ajdurexg, srequiow uo}ssezdwiog Jo uBIseq + uy sani] GEL welqord (viuxexe) 2am y'gxezxe2 SSH <1 wigs uosuyor iez © ve wwzez ,wugus, ZF edD00Z eAN ere wwOssZ COL WuOseZ — gE-}) NIGL s91M]_—=sELL. AZZ yEL wmg™L ww oso, 92 edd00z edWarE wuoSeZ OO", WU OGoZ — Le-1) q1i290z uosuuor 1929 € 96 WLLL ,Uyyz 92 IdgoIEZ IE WFO S90 UIZEDs SELL aieize sng gS98} Fb UIESLO ;ulLeL 92 Id90zez IGE USE, Ow YZE — SEHF GI0eL; uosuuCr EOFES € 68 UILSLO jWZeL szb HdgoReZ foe Meo O80 MZEs = ELE qozes w9N3-«OSzAZ«E «bhL UILSLO ,Z8L gz Isdaogez IXGE UIZeOL go MIZesL — CETL ed uby *®d ON OS v °9 3 ‘s a) * 7 ON "Old SL) OL G1) SWITGOUd 40 SLINSTY JO ANVINNS - SISATYNY NIWN109 Rab 44-42 The support cables for the sling act at 30° to the horizontal and exert a direct axial compressive force on the spreader as shown below. Assume central loading of a straight column. The horizontal (axial) component of the cable force is 15 588 Ib. Aye By* None A> 6 = Toos/ size * [Bose Ax = Bx" 1300008 (0530) /5 588 U8 Design decision: Use a hollow steel tube made from ASTM A501 structural steel. The column buckling analysis spreadsheet (Figure 14-9) was used to determine that the lightest size with adequate capacity is a 3x3x1/4 hollow steel tube. Other results are summarized below. L 96 in; r= 41.11 in; SR= 86.5; A= 2.44 in’; sy = 36 000 psi; E= 29x10° psi; C, = 126; Use W = 2.6 (design decision); Column is short; Use Johnson formula; P,, = 67180 Ib; P, = 26872 Ib, 14-43 The analysis is similar to Problem 11-42. With the angle of 15°, the axial force on the tube is 33 588 Ib. The spreader now must be a HSS 4x4x1/4 steel tube: with A = 3.37 in’; r= 1.52 in; SR = 63.2; Short column; From the Johnson formula, P., = 106 103 Ib; P, = 42441 Ib. Crooked Columns For Problems 11-44 to 11-49 loading data were taken from earlier problems as listed in the problem statements. The amount of initial crookedness is given. The Crooked Column Analysis spreadsheet (Figure 11-15) was used to determine the critical buckling load and the allowable load for a design factor of 3.0. The spreadsheet solves Equation 11-19. Results are summarized in the table on the following page. Eccentrically-Loaded Columns For Problems 11-80 to 11-58, data from the problem statements were entered into the Eccentric ‘Column Analysis spreadsheet (Figure 14-16). Where the problem asks for the maximum stress and deflection, the design factor NV = 1.0 was entered at the lower left column. For design problems, the requested design factor (typically N= 3.0) was entered. Results are summarized in the table on the following page. Problem 11-59 Straight and crooked column analysis required for the 2-in schedule 40 steel pipe, 156 in long. The spreadsheets in Figures 11.9 (Straight columns) and 11-16 (crooked columns) were used to determine the following results. a) Straight pipe: SR = 198; C. = 126; Long column; P.. = 7831 Ib; Pa = 2610 Ib. b) Crooked pipe: a = 1.25 in; Cs in Eqn. 11-19 = -21 766; C2 = 3.36x10"; Euler buckling load = 7831 Ib; P, = 1676 Ib. 154 0'06 = “5 11005 006 LOM OOF IST Asoeds ‘t= N 40) jevoTEUI o4p 40 (154 6'ya) ypBUELS pjork pe1nbos oun SenI6 StL Ulgee'o IGE GeeyL Zizzs € Ze WIETO ,wWecL Le Sdooge O'S WOT OOF WZL GO aroHt = N 0 40308} uBjsep peuinsse ue 404 uusnjoo exp Uy SSeS WuMIKEUU Ot? SI SILL gee doles eezyL GezrL 1 Ze WILETO ,WEzL LHe Sdoo|de XO'S OZ, OOF WIZL WLOSO BPS -wes ssid oy) 03 jojesed pue sey o1e spue 41 s0jes 8g pinoM “spue pouurd pouunssy “¥/LXPx8 eqns joo}s e1eNbs ug000 SAPSPEZLOL EOL € OF wIseZ ups LOL ISdgOREZ WHO'S WOODY COL WOO wWosO ECs “ayes sj 284 ogm Joos 3507481] Puls 0} pouByseper sj doid “s UeA)B UeLp 10}Bes6 5] “s pba esneDeq aJes Jou Sj UB}SET U geo Is¥eo1 EOL SEZ} fF COZ WISE WLEE LOL fdo0REZ OOS WO'Or OOF UID WOSO es1h sf ‘spbey ‘yeq sseus N US 4 v °9 2 4s "1 » 1 2 "gold 40} yue20s Jo onyen ‘Ayayes ayenjena 0} pasn ¢ = N JO OnIEA ‘sishreuy uuNjoo pepeo? Aijeo1qussI3 gg-1) 0} ES-b) SWIEIGOId MESHO'O Bd B89 LISHL LISLE + OZ UYIZLOO ,N1E900 BI sd 90382 HOOP WSL FL USZvL YWOE'O ZS WW g'SZ BAIN 142 9EZI'L 9 + 80) ww gg'6z wu ger! 1 Bd LOZ ed IEE WU OOZE ui ooze WL OS} 1S UlZE0'O SdOShE AZSL'L LZSEL + Ob UteeO zWEOSL 26 Sd g030) SXOIZ WOT OOF Wot UOs'0 OS uf ssons yea «ssens NUS 4 vo 8 ‘s TOW 7 2 “Gold 140} JUBDES 40 ON/EA "UUUNIOD U} SERS LUNLIXELE PUY O} 0°} 0} feNbe 38S }Z-b} “Udy UI N JO enyeA 89-Lb OF OS-b> SWATSOUd 4O SLINSAY JO ANWWINNS - SISATWNY NIWN109 Gaq0VO7 ATTIVORLN3D93 NA SZ = *dJ0} N Puy 0} payesoy <— NIOSLOL+S16S QbrzZIe- NACL) BQO) PEL WWE, ,WWO/SL Sz, edD00Z dW SPZ WWOSSZ OO) UNUOSEZ WWOZE Gir}t ai GOS gO+BEz'z SeEEs- aoszez ¢ b920 U6) ott sdeozez SSE UIT OOL So'O NIZE! UIST GEvLS 8O+ave'9 081Z6- ee 0 «Nigez LOL deoRez S409 ulozL «o8O «OSE uISZO 23 NIZZL OlBIG'L 6Z@19/- NAZES € GAL WWE WwEPy TOL EdD 69 EdW 9/2 WUOOEZ OO) wWudoEZ WW O'PL op! NI90Z 6OZIGZ Z96OPI- NAIL € 909 WHEE WWODE C6 EdD OZ BdWESP WWOLZ OO} wUOIZ WWOS) St NULLS 9OR6'Z ZIEVS- NIGO'ST € OF WWOO'S WW HIE LIE EdD LOZ PAN TEE wWHCDs OOF wUODe WU OO'y wri ‘att aS v9 4 fs ‘TM 7 e-gold 6i-bL Uonenby SF} 9} P-L SW3TEOUd 4O SLINSIY 4O AUVWINNS - SISATYNY NWNT09 GIONS dat fgold 40} Pesn 61-L} voueNbs waVadle oy Pesn pF) UoHENbS, ‘peyoors 5 edd eug UeyM a) 995 02 GF 0492 WoL} SeSeez2ep peo] ofqeMo}/E OL 9) LOALEE SOLIZ- eee € 96 UIZE/'O ,UISLO'L Szb wdQ0REe HHO USI COL WSs WiseL cess oe - Heed BBL UIZBL'O -MSZO'L 82+ BdeoREZ HIO'E “IES COL esi 0 PDI 'd tg '2 “d oN US Fl v °9 a As "7 ” 7 e qoig ‘edid payooso arp 40} 51 sisAjeue puoses oy, “edid 3yBIENs e 40} $1 sisheue rsiy 4 “sLIEd-omy Sey GS-11 Weqorg “eueyeUs YEAS oy Jo UnBuUE.RS pJo1A jemoe oy} URY; Ssoj 5} nBUE.TS pro{A pexmnbes oY: eSNEDEY oje8 Sj UBjsep oY, ww tyZ Bd GRE SOZT Zisy'b & COL WET. Wyle I'9 EdD 00 ed Ie WUOSL OL WWOs, OZ sol) “peo Bunsuy ey s} S141 “G1 y9L AjuO s} Sixe Sys Inoge BuIpyoNG 40 peo; eqemoye oY, : : = € Lye UlpStHO wos‘ ZOL 490301 IOOY UIOOY OOF UIOOH 0 “= N 40} PRO] efqeMmoyye oujuLie}9p 0} pesn S} eeyspeesds syshjeue UUIN|OD ‘poydde Ayesues sj peo) ey Jeip Buyuinsse pexoeyo Mou S} 4eq o4p JO SsoUNfoILp O43 Znoge BuIpFoNg qzs-| | “mojog S/SAfEUe 1p) 88S LLON S11! 1e2pUD sem Sumesp O17 Jo euerd exp uy BuIpeoy 4p Jeu BumUNsse ouop SEM SisAjeUe OU, ‘18d 0000p uen6 oyp UeYn sso} ewle20q jBue.3s pjerh pesnbes oip jun eoyspeesds oyp Buysn \z-,, uonenby Bunesey Aq puno} ‘qi $29 SI exe @Seyt 404 peo] ey, UeeTO WILE eeelL LZISL € ¥26 UWEEHO ,WOdsO TOL Bd goo, MIOOF WOR OOF WOOP UIEZL ELSI) | 0072 = 9 'ean} 8=IS Z/bXPKY SSH 18d 000'9p WaNB exp UeWG Sse] eweDeq unbuens pjo14 pesnbes etp nun jeoyspeosds oun Buysn o2-p} uopenby Bujesey Aq punoy ‘qj £92'6) S} exep Sey 40} PEO] OY “S20 RIO'S Brio, OUSTL € StL UHL MZ0'9 Zt SdoomEZ IOS FOOL O80 WeZL UOTE 911 UI ZLy'b =9 ‘jeuueLO Jeeig ExSO “NPI eBUEY ayy Jo aIPPIUI at PUE SIXe JepIO}UED oly Wows @ouE;SIP Ips! AyJoLZUEDI0 OY. “unBuans pjeiA uen6 eip seybsy soup $°z 40A0 S] yrBuenS PjetA pasmnbey “¢ = N JO enjeA peursep & Bursn eyes Jou sj uBysep eyy WiZezTO INOS PORYL «= Lze, © ZZ WLEVO WOT GL deoREZ HOE WIZLL OOL WIZE UZ9PO SoHE A “sphoy ‘yea seems N US 4 Vo a ‘s “1 » 7 2 "qold "M04 JUB905 Jo onjey ‘Aya}es eyenyeno oy pasn ¢ = N JO eneA (penuguog) sisfyeuy uumjog pepeoy Ajjesiquesag 89-1} 0) ¢3-15 stte|qod aad CHAPTER 12 Pressure Vessels lac sh 4 Go0~10¥)/2 = 8.0/0 Ler D= mean Dib, ~ Qe rd4)/x= (00 1A) */92eme Ofte = 1/9. 2 BY —THN-WALED StpeeE a= pd = (raf) iame . rsp, ye Y (Bim) BE. Dm=De-t 2/0 500-12= 10988 a4 Am Dore LOIBB.eme 2 Bpy>eRY THN Whee 3 Als ¢ 1040 Hit € V2 aman Oo Sx WAM. = Jossip? Tate Ge Po MGT YOR om MESA) 5 0.47 t = 4 Ta Dn YBRmee rn BB Dy=Roomor ~ ASSUNE Td WALLS FRE i bt WW, Y= lo} la. y= St» Mndtte = 26% It Om Dn. PCPe-t)_ Hd ve ve confit 7 Girone apne) 1:70 ame USE E°5:00 prom is GOL Pa) Vlg gn SIRE me x # 239-VeRtY mun wacl Ry “== Grae mils sane fa ee. fesvars Yates) nteranmns Yeo? Yen 8-H BOBS mee) re Denss7/ x Vue OF Stices Volume = 0,52360D% 1°)? b= (20003 d= D-2e TPE d= Lov 204A mm) "YD am V = 015236 (720d 190) 2M YH" ana Alums d=1200-22Y1)> WIéme V+ as23¢ (2007 1760253941" mmm MASS oF T= Wacky y 21 nom pex a ae Yolen MASS oF Acums 2970K S39KO anim LVF *: an fpr De = 2.78053 Da = 101000 > 3 Dont Got ds) = 2.2050 BPO 6S 5 Dnfte = 10385/0,365° = AIS CTH) onthe bsopsilossse)_ aaa = BY pel 230 OED e LEAKE Sm) — SYoyy, EE bye di t= 9093.5282500mt Unf Sp 2 22.9 ru 2e 203-5amm La? ASSUAE THIN WML EEL SIME yyy yg, £2. v be L0__ hhe2mAaV 300mm) _ 26." Fas wh) 7 LoOaIe Po Do -t> 400-18 = 29821 mfen2BY oy = 164- Yoav rH 2a" 2s) ene - a Pa eDetn 20-125 9 236 Samm 2 Or fem US py yom 116 Thick USE EQ. Foa Oy Faen TABLE I2-l. TRY k= 19.0200m Pa= Do 2t2 250-2UV)= 222 mam; A= Mt mot, "(ap orem. 2 Ll8 4a) &s.rMedrss m*) a2 Poe ra”) Me) BPA Tse gypty IB Moe Ok 0A Oy> 1-3 1 te. BUT Semendar Low, Fo €° f.0 man; Di =22Y nam, A> {Lawn b=/25 tam = 139-.0Mlox OR USE EH/2.0 Ann LED Dy 00-0 *450-2,20 22a t yea W2U, 1, = 207 rH Lm. (250x100, = Oe Fe GE GG 23m ea Na the Bomt 3%, F613 ttn FEO i SS Aiea rn wher Gye Wyn Yo3ma. a Dy > Det 7 cnet? fe xiooth 2s 79 SSA S206. LS 38S 2)“ 135 2803 OAT9 W908 30095 20.0 (00d ‘U60IS 02S 0.28" Zs 375 0 Yi DE. 2533 a te 293 SRM 16S Es € 363.4 zr (63.63. 4 4S S55 731 St SSS 627.36 1S € FSIS SUS. 23S 363% Is 3284.33. Who SES. 22682. OY E23. So 2 Mores s to Da, Se*20.0 A00ED Fo Sth wt Wir Ae siteaty ONSted Between 24k Ava TAN Wau cvumoens Rasurs So. 1M LESS Tine 025% EGE Fee Mil -WMLiED THOR. yg FOR Du fe >00, ERRog is Lacs g Tht ho%e Bae. + Ream Wekenses RANDY g FOR Dale <0. 5 " faa apaee be ° 5 LB & tn as fo 3S Ona/e aad LB2B Do=Yo0Ime t Ob 232500 + Dow 3620S eran ¢ /e 9 969 Trek B= 32S, 162 Pafe = 200 ment a2 Wifes 1b2Smon Ge PAB t20) nw logan BAP 0b . LAL Sane tam AS L283! regent) 8 AS ara L225, Seweone Yo PE’ Net A~i2 t Ime(Dori Ya Hote On m/e Mey Dm On See ti tw See Go tn) te «337 6k 96 Th 3 B28 0.2Me 1520 Tite Wy tse SE Pe S74 206 HO Ys SCL DU ¥ 4.263. a Be TY 8 6 a 1 U2 33 8B Sh 2520 AN NG Vie 75S HS Polo 2, 2.22/ ost L642 zh. 2.672.203 le SSIS 258 20.58 5 bSYS 420 22.68 B 4.3503 0322 2577 10 10.385" 36S UIT 22 234% 406 5040 4 t— »8r0 3/00 417988 S62 3008 PROBLEMS 12-26 TO 12-35: ‘These problems are design problems so there may be more than one possible acceptable result. The approach taken in the following spreadsheets is to maintain the inner radius, a, at the stated minimum in the problem and then to adjust the outside radius, 6, so that the maximum stress achieves the desired design factor. Attention was paid to whether the resulting design produced a thin-walled or thick-walled vessel. The spreadsheets are similar to that shown in Figure 12-7 in the text, augmented to enable the computation of the design stress and the volume of material in the cylinder or sphere. Both cylinders and spheres can be analyzed with the spreadsheet and the unused part of the sheet has been crossed out, eaving only the desired data. Problems 12-26 through 12-30 call for a design stress of s,/8 as the primary parameter. Secondarily, they call for computing the design factor based on yield strength if the maximum pressure ‘was double the original design pressure. This approach reflects that the design pressure may be ‘experienced many thousands of times in the life of the vessel and that fatigue of the material may be a failure mode. The higher pressure is considered a burst pressure test pressure that will be experienced only once or a few times in the life of the vessel. ars PROBLEMS 12-26 TO 12-28 and 12.30: ‘These problems have the same design objectives with regard to the operating pressure and the length and inside diameter of a cylindrical pressure vessel. The material for the vessel is different for each problem. Following the given solution for Problem 12-30, a summary of the results for all four problems is given, comparing the wall thickness, volume of material in the cylinder, and the weight or of the cylindrical portion, not counting any end pieces or closures. This should give the student and the reader a feel for how material selection affects the final product design. STRESSES IN THICK-WALLED CYLINDERS AND SPHERES Data Required: Problem Number. 12-26 Pressure 450 psi Wall thickness 0.25 in Inside radius 3.000 in | Meandiameter=D,, = 6.25 in Outside radius =b=R = 3,250 in Ratio: Dm/t = 25.0 If Ratio < 20, Vessel is thick a | Thin-wall oyinder |__5625)psi 2812.5 psi “Analysis of a Max Tangential Stress = 6634 psi Volume of cylinder = 73.63 Max Longitudinal Stress = 2592 psi Weight of cylinder = 7.363 tb Max Radial Stress= __-450 psi [Alum: 0.10 thin’) Uimate strength = 45000 psi [Thinavalled Suis = [~3625)psi ‘Actual N for su= 8.00 Yield strength = 40000 psi ‘Sy/4= 10000 psi Actual Nforsy= 7.14 N for p = 900 psi=_ 3.556 Data Required: Pressure =p Inside radius = a = R, = Outside radius Problem Number. 12-27 Wall thickness == 0.065 in Mean diameter = Dm, = 6.065 in Ratio: D,/t = 450 psi 3.000 in 3,065 in : ; MataciaStoss-=--450-psi- Analysis of a Cylinder’ Thin-waill cylinder] ‘Max Tangential Stress = 20907 pst Max Longitudinal Stress = 10273 psi Max Radial Stress = ‘Volume of cylinder = 16.58 in Weight of oylinder= 2.972 Ib {[Titanium: 0.16 tbfin’] Yield strength 38750 psi Actual N for sy= 7.38 N for p = 900 psi= 3.691 a3b ‘STRESSES IN THICK-WALLED CYLINDERS AND SPHERES Data Required: Problem Number 12-26 Pressure =p= 450 psi Wall thickness == 0.052 in Inside radius=a=R;= 3,000 in| Mean diameter =D, Outside radius =b=R, = 3,052 in a Thin-wall cylinder] psi 73093 psi 26188 psi 12869 psi 14.63 in 4.187 Ib Volume of cylinder Weight of cylinder [St Stl: 0.264 Ib/in’y Yield strength Syl4 = 785000 psi 46250 psi STRESSES IN THICK-WALLED CYLINDERS AND SPHERES: Data Required: Problem Number. 12-30 Pressure =p= 450 psi Wall thickness = f= 0.039 in Inside radius =a=R;= 3,000 in | Meandiameter=D, = 6.039 Outside radius =b = R= 3,0391 in Ratio: Dy ft = Tate par “Analysis of a Cylinder. GraphitelEpoxy composite | Thin-wall oyinder ‘Wax Tangential Stress = 34763 pst Volume of eyinder= 11.13 nm” | 34762)psi ‘Max Longitudinal Stress = 17182 psi Weight of cylinder = 0.634 lb [17376 psi Max Radial Stres: -450 psi_[Composite: 0.057 lovin’) Untimate strength = 276000 pst [thin-walled | ‘Sule = [34750psi Actual N for su =~ 8.00 Yield strength = “185000 psi Syi4= 46250 pst SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF PROBLEMS 12-26 - 12-28 AND 12-30. [Ratio of weights based i 12-26 [Aluminum 6067-76 0:250in | 7363 1b 11.61 69 12.27 [Titanium TL6AI-aV 12-28 [Stainless steel 17-4PH H900 0.068 in 0.082 in 0.039 in 2.972 Ib 4.167 Ib 0.634 Ib 4. 657 1.00 2a PROBLEMS 12-31 TO 12-33: ‘These problems have the same design objectives with regard to the operating pressure, design factor, and inside diameter of a spherical pressure vessel. The material for the vessel is different for each problem. Following the given solution for Problem 12-33, a summary of the results for all three problems is given, comparing the wall thickness, volume of material in the sphere, and the weight or of the sphere. This should give the student and the reader a feel for how material selection affects the final product design, STRESSES IN THICK-WALLED CYLINDERS AND SPHERES. Data Requir Problem Number. 12-31 Wall thickness = ¢ 9.000 in 9.4750 in Outside radius =b = R= ‘Analysis of a Sphere Max Tangential Stress = 28472 psi Max Radial Stress = -3000 psi Z5167|psi 736000 psi 33750 psi Problem Number. 12-32 Wall thickness = = 0,984 in Inside radius = a=R,= 9,000 in Outside radius = b = Ry = ‘Max Tangential Stress Max Radial Stress = Volume of sphere Weight of sphere 1115 in 111.5 tb Actual N for su = Yield strength = 73000 psi ‘Syl4= 18250 psi Actual N for sy N for p = 6000 psi av STRESSES IN THICK-WALLED CYLINDERS AND SPHERES Zi Problem Number. 12-33 ‘Wall thickness Inside radius = = Mean diameter = Dm, Outside radius =b=Ro= 9. Ratio: Dp /t = 0.49 in 18.49 in Analysis of a Sphere Max Tangential Stres psi Uitimate strength = 170000 pst Sul6 = [28333] psi Yield strength = “155000 psi ‘Syl4= 38750 psi PROBLEMS 12-26 TO 12-33: Summary of Results UMIMARY OF RESULTS OF PROBLEMS 12-31 - 12-33 Prob. No. Material 151501 OAT 1000 St Steet 12-32 |Aluminum 7075-16 12.33 [Titanium THGALAV. 142.6 1b 114.5 ib 84.23 0.984 in 0.490 in abd ‘STRESSES IN THICK-WALLED CYLINDERS AND SPHERES ‘Data Required: Problem Number. 12-34 = Pp Wall thickness = ¢ = Rie Mean diameter = Dy, = “Analysis of a Cylinder Wax Tangential Stress = 38.70 MPa Max Longitudinal Stress = 17.25 MPa Max Radial Stress = __-4.20 MPa. Thinwalroyinder 38.59 MPa 1929 MPa Weight of cylinder Alurninum density Ultimate strength 310 MPa Su = [3E75|MPa ‘Actual N for su= Yield stength = 278 MPa Syi4= 69.00 MPa Actual N for sy = Nfor p = 8400 MPa = Data Required: Problem Number. 12-35 Pressure 300 psi Wall thickness 0.301 in Inside radius = a= Ry = 12,000 in Outside radius =b =R. = 12,301 in SOTO Ses Frcraprs| ght-of sf as ‘Steel density = 0.283 Ibn Max Tangential Stress = 12112 psi Max Longitudinal Stress = 5906 psi 6055.1 psi Max Radial Stress = Ultimate strength Sug Yield strength syl4 -300 p a40 CHAPTER13 Connections LAO Fier PI3B-103,2 Lr ego Ri ter ss AS6 STE Bye Fb aST 2 SBKsI River CAéncrr teueievaerw 20 “BERRING ON A36! Oba? L2 o? CL a Aye a octdha (moe = OVOMA 294379 LB O28 O50 LR FEMSAMS Feu? OZ, At Ola® 0.60 Sy 06036 O00) *2/ 6000s; Aetlur-2@ ]€=[3, 00-2002) 9.3952 p, 927 510? Fex® 06 660 b wp MO I18r?) * 202 5046 LiritnG Looe < Fs=/¥o0t8 13-1) FG IB-1 BYE 3 WEAN Che ons Sree RIVETS FROA 13-108)? B57 bRbKE , Opy.* 2160005) (N34 SREY SHEN) £5 > (F¥0 Ub )(3 Kieers) = J62008 BEaenG: Fy fe: TENSION * Fe Ohe. Ab 6960016 faX2) (0.1925) 052008" 1468 Le * Oto. he Br 600 6/pr)(8- HotP7ry wS2SV/N™ Fe? 4144 Lb 13-10c) FUG: 12-0 C09 2 YWe-Is Chabo0s Sree. Rivers; A STEEL Heres For 13°16). Ojg> 694651, O50? Wbests Toerane SHEN Fs BSCE. EB foyer) (2 brver sed? 216018 (posers rene) LLM. Fa" Oba My =000026/ 8) ON O187S\ O75) 4 for 978816, Cin New bt 600648 -2CB1ISINIZIS) 0 2/2636 TENSeOn > Fee EL came as 18-10ey+ Fs ZI6OLB Lint ad! (3-20) yer, [3-2 Cad; 4 Varin Rivers - Sra neEES Sr, 95006 Jpe, per A131 430 SThnEss SF. Fetaress Sp> 80/531, SHEAR! Fe = Q5OLYpyreN(4) =28.00 8 BEARING! F,= Oba Ab Obn> bd Sun le 209 0E1)* 10 8 leo! = 1080 08 Osh Ab = AMON) WH OLEISA. SO)IN*= B75 p00? Fy (08 00066 fy2)(0.3ISn*) = ¥OSOOLE Tension? Fe= Oeo.Ae OE = cb Sy = Ob) BO00 BA * 4B 0b PS Ae = (ho -200.1b23. Caso) sa? = J. 12570? Fe= (10 ov0ap NX), #25)” 890 000.8 FIG 13-20b). 6 Ten Rivet s~sthinesS STR, ESOL yer Aise 13.0 rtares | Ogu? /0B 0008) , Oa? V8006 rs1 CF Cote 13-200) Medes Fi = b50GferyerNhberver M2d> TB00le Lieut Pavee SHEAR BOACING | FEO; Ab =$o8o0 164, \lEN o1st 0.8 yn* for sneree £ = Cea he [Yeoove oun) 430.190) No Soin? fe= BE7S) 8 fiw Su =Ioresh Gite, Fra. 13-200)5 Y Yo tn Rivers ~sTamntess SPER y TILE / Riper Aise Wo Cenres: On 168800 051; Ob 1000S! CFR 13-2062) Sth, Fe = fis0r6/ey wr \liewers2)> 260018 (boise Sema) BEARING! Fy= Ooo, Are =COB000L Gr? IO1BISH OS* YOS00 LE TENSION Fe Deg. Ae li eosi far ater Do. Sdoi- $1 o0sle 8700818 FIGS 20% 2. Vein Rivers —sritintess S7etL, 1700 Le/RivET AUS 159 COTES: gg. = WAN 60. Oni? {Oe 1 BO Lif? 7 FiROm 12-204) 208 vex (2 R12) “estoLs(o eee SHA) Fn? Ooo Ae 00600444200, 25)MO.S) n= 1B 900046 6800 66 =F ata LBB Fre, 13-10) ASTM A 07 SEO BOLTS A= Yemsorh. PLATES SAS TP ALI2 HSLAS Sy=S0Ks/ , Sa= TOKE) Spaz N25.n* 1270s / = BY fee} Oba = 016 Sy = 0, 650K =FaKsf Boers? T= IRkS! Cars ThacbOs IN SHEA Ceprsé) SHEMB Fee Te As “G2 000tOfy 2 2D O 2M Yy= HOB LE BENGE! Eu= SroAv= G1 000194, » V2Nd.2 Masa 0s 15956 06 Tensroot t Fe? O¢0he Poceer gf, VW/3,6-26p.26-0.069\Cp,370 in» Fe? 2670816 (Hue DIA. = BAe] 3 LEB F612 114) 12 Yichy Cours “Se (06. 12-210) Fon Damn, SWEAL' Es Te Ne 2200016/,,2) (2) OD Ay \ Na FBY C8 = 010s BY 000 Lipp NBO INOS 29: = (2 UIE. Bo Pe = 80 C0064, .\B.0- HOt OMEN 0,275) 20 25.2% Le BQ, Ful ele! A Yorn Corrs ~Dove1E sWene-~ SEE Pea. 1-02.) SNERE! Fs Tas > 120001664 QQ) lrrl0.109 DV w= 1B2SL8 Sha. BH 00018/p-) OMAN? N0SISNAP = My BUR Le Ore. Ac= Bocvot gf C40 ~ 2016750. 63) (325) ¢0™ IBA yg, 12-8601)! SANE AS 13-360), Fe 132518 BAO) py¢ 13-2)! 4 Hein ours yAsrn A325 sree, Ta330Ksi AST ASIY Att 07S fee! Sy JOdws) gan = hss] gat h 25m" 1 2UY= 122KS) Oi O16 SY © Ob L/00KI) = 6 0K SL SHEAR! Fe = TMs (30.000 LR jyr CM i100, 70M BEALE! Fee = Opal y= G3200 aby \CPCOMOISMO SI 0 043 C5) FIG, 13-206): 6 Hr Gortt ,Dovbee SHEA, SEP Coe BME S52 TAs: 2ff0 008 py) eN2>aT Cosa) /v yn? fs= 6903 lB BEAGING? Fi, = Oho Aa= G2 008 08%,2 C6015 S100 /E SLR, TEMSION! Fe = OF uf =(60 008 £64 (4,0 ~3 (0,15610.862) (Os)n? ABLMOY 7G, 20): 4 Yarn BOUTS, Doubt e Sena, SEE FEO SHEAR! Fy = Tals = Go o00t.e/ pe MANET (O85 Yen? bb27 26 Con’ Ne = 32 000 06/2 UN 0.18 0,5 n= 495008 TEaMS TON F eustest Fe= Oem he = Dowty Xo LONI A Sra = Se =o 920L6 5 = 6627148 SESS Fh, 3-204)! 2 W-7H Boers, DovBLE SRE AG, SEE PeOB.12-Y G.) SHENG * Fe Te-hs =(Bo000 t6yr\ OM lnm E8908 BE nti + Fy = Ope Ab “C122 000L6/ 422) 029MB, SDA = 3300006. Tews. © be‘ he Eo 00002) 4.0~2 (0.25 10D (4,5 yi = Litur= Fy= S890 8 SE FG. PI-5 peeseoee, b= 7-43 =k scoleN ron) = 3/2 000 L6.1N LOAOS SHAE BY CaMMEXTIDUS ON Tied SIDES OF COLES EACH 510E* 325016 , M=1Sb OOO LOM ~ SK BOLTS Arsrea A325 Re=325006/6 = SY210/G0rT + Tae 20Ks) EG@IM D> £620) + 16a LIN Foe oP Fee Riguy Box: Race Pa Dey = Gsbo0e.e. M25 99.59) ¢ US56 000X206) _ ppeu.8) 436764 Res TCSP GD) = 1020616 REOD. A= Rey Jpg = $0 20616 Joe, asest nage = OSYOINR= TD Vy Dinu d Typ = [TLOIOMS . 9 6 cm ry COMaaT SPECIEY FM = B.ISOIN BOLTS CHECK BEARING ON Yam AZ6 SrEEt ATE: Su" SBKS/ Digg = Me InZ te UL 5F000)= 69 680 L6/e0* Our fe, J0togre Abe” BAS O.FIS 3 A* 2 3628818 6 Oh, O&K ay FIGEIS-6 POSSIBLE Soe ureod — BreParido®= Boba Py=PeaaIe® AUSRN Mafasame las datravea} I-Astet ASAS Bors ~ Te.* 30.0 ksi = 201 M Pom OW bor @ G poke. 1,093.40) 2— te fe Ge dd She 1895 au ¢ da ta Forces ove 7 omevTs SR HD = 6650) 6100)" + BLie0)"= ASS 000-000 © Rx® GES = Bastaboen((eomen).. 13, 37h) 0— SS SOA Riy~ DHE ng a MAS Ament /arnsa V° Soptea oe etn = M3vhs f hy offhoes e230 4(h 878 ran3i)*) = 12.550) Ree'p. A= Ke 94. amm= 7 OHy =/0-F. Bolt , B= 120mm ats B=] FUG, 13-109 a pe Py Lt = Gromit Xe omNauase) 22d wep s. 00 Sriehes P= Gaal MYO SXS600M 2) 32-NO.3ISDAY Soll WELOS Gousha JOT SRENETH 3-Q@ FIG, PB-2(c> Ps Tatton (atooe le 2Xarylo-wNoasorsy=29 700 bbe wares. ow sreser ¢=b»SXs0o00 hls) o sieNyss)* bo 000 Me TRE Serums SHAWN Beco Foe PobcEms 13%, 13-10, hv [3-1/ ARS JSvST SAmts OF MAY POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS » THE GONeRAL OUFIGULATION 409 MUNBE OF FASTENERS Showed IN FG. 13-4 ART USED, BLT ONES Cond GEUSED. D Torte Loso = 180M y =UE00 by) (9.51.mpo2)= 117 150 N HsoreseTs. Lomo/sotecer =/1U90 fy 26 284W_DeveLe SHeme. RB on) Sect RIVETS, BY: BOF TEE, t= /0.banan, ABL Sree ne YOM n. Opa? be? Spx Weld 9) = FEO. = Ftd Maa Ghd la td Gone Be TEn Sto? OF. Fo= Otatle 5 Ae? lr 20)2t= 0-363) MOE = 2,9 369 BBV =UYBE Mma )(J2l- 48) = 1813 4b Lam > 3610818139 22.0% mm SbELIEY CA EME OF STRACS 367 RAN. 3 = a TEMG. 35MIN am? FEM ana UOI CK <1 zo | 20 | 20 | Zo fads ao ABE See rig I3-1, PoRee dos oinre3b7B9 W (moe 12-9) al Z see eS ereeh AST AB2S, 14. 207000 n. Spy, fs. 3e7ean = =°Y, , Ta Beran /71.7mm>r09ae Aener © Ab = WY, Yanan eM, Ber Bea * ah rn Yy Lroece sene - z Pnin® TA. PLOUE) = 4,53 mum | Ste REI EY 8 BOLT CHE CH TEWS/ 008 OH) STEDCS Oba > IY Encn (Clad 9) oe Ff, Ae =lb0 - 208213) = (wr-2D lot = 3 btoomm Ope 26988. - O° ape 9S, OM < 148. 5M 28. Chetek BEMeING OU STEAES Ogg> Y8IMCR (PA0B13-9) Es 3bIBON : earth Ob Re BCR ZN aI praer” FEI Mba OE Gay Lf or si | La ehEree red Pao our AEM See rIG.I3¢1. WELven teint Foece ou sunt = 36788 Fees 12-4) Pr Aste Ase s ren ~ a, Ta2 (24 Mer. Lee) pe En 26298" Aw LeQa ; t= 0.707 Ww p& SIZE ™ 5:60 non Ovecieieo) = 25350 Marre REOD LE Fy po 36280 aaa C2 Mag YE 35 prim) Liam = 83.93 fmm = 20. Qn = E84) = H1-9baman SCEUFY O= YS ae at

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