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The Asia Leadership Center

The Asia Leadership Center aims to be the worlds premier leadership program by delivering a variety of
interactive, theoretical, and practical leadership initiatives. Ultimately, it will inform and nurture visionary
leaders working toward a progressively developed and peacefully sustained society.

The Asia Leadership Center is committed to the development of leadership knowledge, skills, and
attitudes in order to build the character of public, private, civil, academic, female, and youth leaders. We
provide leaders with the tools needed to act responsibly in the interest of society. The ALCs work is
informed by our valued network of eminent leaders, practitioners, and academics and is guided by local,
national, and international needs for inspirational and effective leaders to transform all of Asia.

Core Values
The Asia Leadership Center believes that every human being has the right to live with dignity and
integrity in order to achieve full human potential. The Asia Leadership Center works to ensure the
existence of a diverse conglomerate of responsible youth, female, academic, civil, public and private
leaders. To this end:
Inclusiveness: ALC believes in inclusiveness and promoting acceptance irrespective of
ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender, and economic status. All citizens have the right to reach
their maximum potential.
Responsibility: ALC promotes social responsibility and good governance among leaders from
all levels of developed and sustained society.
Participation: ALC believes in a rights-based approach to development, leadership as a
participatory process, and direct advocacy with action as the most effective means to
leadership development.
Partnership: ALC recognizes a network of members with a unified voice increases the potency
of its actions and leads to the networks expansion.
Commitment: ALC recognizes the dynamic nature of leadership. It is committed to the
development of leadership styles, monitoring the growth process, and proactively offering policy

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