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Mahatma Gandhi: A Legacy

Pranavi Sayyaparaju
Senior Division

Process Paper
After learning of this years National History Day theme, leadership and legacy, I
immediately thought of Mahatma Gandhi. In the past, I have done a few projects on Gandhi and
I knew that he fit the theme wonderfully. He had achieved several accomplishments in his
lifetime and I wanted to know more about them and how they affected others in the world today.
In the early stages of the project, I began by researching the web for basic information on
Gandhi such as his early life and his accomplishments. As I found more information, I started to

develop questions and my research became more detailed. I began to investigate his influences,
methods, strikes, and his legacy. To find more information I went to my school library and
checked out a biography that helped answer several of my questions. Online, I found a way to
contact an expert on Gandhi, Professor Nagler. Mr. Nagler was kind enough to answer any
questions I had and also helped me understand Gandhis ideals.
I began by registering for a webpage through the NHD website. After I created the basis
of the page I gradually added tabs (early life, thesis, accomplishments, etc.) with information,
usually a short summary, on each sub-topic. As I added information to the tabs, I also added
pictures that helped portray the ideas and topics of the tabs. I also included several quotes from
my sources to help support the information on the tabs.
My project relates to the theme in several ways. The project focuses on Mahatma Gandhi,
a great leader with several achievements, who also had a lasting impact on his followers.
Mahatma Gandhi perfectly falls under this years theme of leadership and legacy; he had several
supporters who followed his non-violent methods and a legacy through Martin Luther King jr.
King used Gandhis peaceful methods to help him successfully achieve equality for African

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