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Interview Transcript

Interviewee: Dehan Zhao. Interviewer: Heidi Li. Translaor: Dr. Ming Li

1. How did your childhood benefit from Mao?

Chairman Mao led the fights against the so called "big three barriers" which were
Imperialism, Bureaucratic capitalism, and Feudalism. Chinese people became the owner
of China. People in that era believed Chairman Mao saved all their lives and brought
them happy life
2. How did Mao affect present day lives?
Chairman Mao saved the Chinese people from wars, starvation, illiteracy and poverty.
People in that era believed Mao brought everything for them.
3. How was China impacted by the Cultural Revolution?
The culture revolution was a big mistake made by Chairman Mao. This campaign pushed
China back for over 20 years in every aspects (economy, science, education, etc).
However, this mistake did not shadow his contribution to the modern China.
4. How did your point of view change with Mao overtime?
In 1950s, 60s and 70s, Chinese worshiped Chairman Mao as a god. This led to back cult
of personality and nobody questioned him. Now people realized Chairman is not a God
but a regular person with normal people's characteristics. He made mistakes, but he is
still one of the greatest characters in history.
5. Was Chairman Mao a superb leader or not? Why?
Chairman Mao is the greatest leader in China history regardless his mistakes. He
changed the China entirely from weak nation to one of the most powerful nations in the
6. How did China continue to thrive (and in what aspects) after Mao died?
Post Mao, China led by Deng, Xiaoping has been reformed primarily in economy. China
became fast developed and one of the most significant economy units in the world.

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