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. .:7-DAY

The meal plan located on the

following pages was created and
approved by Jillion Michaels.


The first week of this diet is the only time your food regimen will be extreme. I'm
having you do this to detoxify your body from food and other unhealthy aspects of
your daily consumption and literally "kickstart" your metabolism. Ultimately, the goal
is to transition you into a more balanced way of healthy eating, but in the first week
motivation is key and this diet will help you achieve dramatic results fast! By the end
of one week, you could drop up to a jean size.
If you currently drink soda or alcohol, STOP. These two things will destroy your weight
loss efforts . When it comes to soda, whether it 's sugar or diet, the chemicals and the
calories are terrible for your metabolism, and alcohol is enemy number one. Alcohol
not only promotes fat storage, but it dramatically cripples your will power. When else
are you going to find yourself at an all night diner at 2om, eating a burger and fries?
Also, wean yourself off of white flour and sugar. These ingredients are found in highly
processed foods with minimal nutritional content and they both inhibit your body's
ability to burn fat, not only from their calorie content, but the way they inhibit your
metabolism biochemically.


For the next 7 days you 'll be eating 3 meals and 1 snack each day (snack should
follow lunch). Space these meals out in 4-hour intervals. Your total daily calorie intake
will be restricted. My intention here is to help you kickstart weight loss. This is not a
" forever" way of eating. Calorie intake increases after the first week.
The good news is, even on the 7-Day Kickstart plan you won't feel deprived.
The meals and snacks are so delicious and satisfying!

This Kickstart plan was formulated to allow for your own personal taste and
preferences, while getting you the most rapid results possible! Because of this,
the meal plan contains NO fruit, flour, grains, sugar and only 1 serving of
low-fat dairy per day. There are 3 breakfast, 3 lunch, 3 snack and 3 dinner meals
to choose from. If a meal or snack does not appeal to you , simply mix and match
a breakfast for a breakfast, or a snack for a snack. Do not swap meals between
"meal types," meaning do not swap a breakfast for a lunch or dinner, etc. as the
calorie quantities are adjusted accurately per food category. Choose (in this order)
1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 snack and 1 dinner per day. Please note that there is 1 dairy
breakfast (the Greek yogurt) and 1 dairy snack (the pecan yogurt) - be sure to only
choose a maximum of 1 of these daily.

You may use this Kickstart plan one time, in 90 days.

After completing this 7-Day plan, you should transition to the
Fat Burning Meal Plan which provides a greater variety of food.

4- J

7 Day KltKstart

Before heading to th e groc e ry store, check your refrigerator, freezer and pantry;
you w ill find that you already have many of the below items :
Canadian style low-sodium nitrate-free bacon,
2 slices (about 1 oz)
Chicken breasts (boneless, skinless), 1 pound
Eggs, 8
Ground white meat turkey breast (99% fat free), 1 pou nd
Smoked salmon (thinly sliced, diced), 5 oz
Steak (filet mignon, flank steak or sirloin), 1 4 oz
Tilapia fish filet or other white flaky fish such as cod
or flounder, 1 5-7 oz
Water packed tuna 3 oz
Wild salmon steaks, 4 6 oz
Plain nonfat Greek style yogurt, 2 cups
Arugula or other mixed lettuce salad greens
(clean and dry), 4-6 cups or about 3-7 oz
Avocado (ripe/soft), 1 ;.
Baby carrots, 2 'h cups (or about 15 oz)
Baby spinach leaves (clean and dry),
6 cups (or about 6 1/J oz)
Bell pepper (sliced), 2 red , 1 yellow
Broccoli (chopped), 1 cup (or about 3 ;. oz)
Brussels sprouts (cleaned and halved),
2-3 cups (or about 6 ;. - 9 1/3 oz)
Carrots (chopped), 1 cup (or about 4 '12 oz)
Celery, 3 stalks
Chives (chopped), 1 tbsp
Cucumber, 1 medium
Garlic, 2 cloves
Lemons, 2-3
Lima beans (fresh or frozen), 1 1/ 2 cups
Lime, 1 (optional)
Plum tomatoes, 2
Red onion (sliced paper thin), '12
Tomatoes, 3
White onion (chopped), 3 cups (or a bout 17 oz)
Zucchini (sliced), 4 cups (or about 17 '12 oz)

6 - J hanBodyRevolt>t


Balsamic vinegar, about 1-2 tbsp
Low-fat vinaigrette dressing, 1 tbsp
Low-fat ranch dressing, 1 tbsp
Olive oil, 9 1/J tbsp (about 4 2/J oz)
Basil (fresh or dried), leaf
Dried oregano, 2 tsp
Dried rosemary, '12 tsp
Ground black pepper, about 2 tsp
Ground cinnamon, 1-2 tsp
Herbs of choice for steak (optional)
Sea Salt, about 4 pinches
Vanilla extract, 1 dash
Chopped pecans, 1 tbsp
Roasted unsalted slivered almonds, 3 tbsp
All-natural almond butter, 1 '12 tbsp
Black bean and corn salsa from jar, 1/3 cup
Black Greek olives (roughly chopped), 4
Capers, 1 tbsp
Chopped or diced tomatoes,
1 28 oz carton
Hummus, ;. cup
Low-sodium vegetable broth
(in a carton if possible) , 32 oz
Non-stick cooking spray (optional)


As you withdraw from alcohol and sugar, and eating too many calories,
headaches and low energy are common side effects. Be sure to drink plenty
of water to stay hydrated . Eat only three meals a day .. . Breakfast, Lunch , Dinner
and one Snack at consistent intervals in order to maintain steady blood sugar
levels (Snack should follow lunch) .
Have a game plan in place for when you are tempted . These are called
recovery behaviors. Whether it 's getting on my message boards, calling a friend
for support, doing a little bonus cardio, or nurturing yourself in ways that are life
affirming , like a massage- as long as you've got a plan you are setting yourself
up for success.
Although tracking your progress is important, don't weigh yourself too frequently.
Your weight can naturally fluctuate a few pounds every day so a daily weigh-in,
especially at the start of the program , can be discouraging. Stick to a once
weekly weigh -in and make sure it 's the same scale and the same time of day.
Plan out meals a day or two ahead of time. Staying organized by grocery
shopping and preparing meals in advance is a surefire way to make these
7 days fty by.
Create a support team. Enlist a family member, or a close friend (a buddy) ,
to help you stick to the plan . Look for personal cheerleaders who want to help
you succeed . Don ' t surround yourself with people who don't exercise or eat
foods you crave. That's the last thing you need!
Stay focused on your goals! Always remember your WHY. Why did you start this
journey in the first place? Let those reasons drive you . Remember that looking
and feeling great is way better than any item of food could possibly taste. Know
that you're capable of losing weight for good and realizing your full potential in
weight loss- and every other aspect of your life!

Results may vary. Exercise and proper diet are

necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss.

7-Day Kickstart - 7

ORGANIC DAIRY: should be fat-free or low-fat (3 grams of fat or less per serving). Examples include:

organic skim or 1% milk, organic low-fat or nonfat yogurt, organic low-fat or nonfat cheese/cottage
cheese. (During the 7-Day Kickstart it is best to limit low-fat dairy to 1 serving per day.)
ORGANIC MEAT: should be lean cuts of meat such as: skinless chicken and turkey breasts (avoid

dark meat poultry), lean cuts of beef such as filet mignon, flank steak and sirloin , lean cuts of pork,
such as pork tenderloin and lean center cut pork chops .
SEAFOOD: fatty fishes, such as salmon and mackerel should be included with frequency.

Omega 3's stabilize leptin levels and help your body metabolize glucose (sugar). Good dietary
sources of Omega-3 fatty acids include: fatty fishes such as salmon , halibut, snapper and nuts such
as walnuts, Brazil nuts and almonds. Shellfish is also great in moderation. All seafood options
are healthy, just be sure to choose wild/organic varieties when possible.
Lots of ZINC, SELENIUM and IODINE rich foods to boost your thyroid. Zinc also helps boost leptin levels
(regulates metabolism). Foods rich in zinc include lean cuts of beef, lamb and turkey, shrimp,
low-fat yogurt, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds.
VITAMIN C to inhibit cortisol (regulates blood sugar and blood pressure). Foods rich in Vitamin C
include: red bell peppers, oranges, cantaloupe and cooked broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

Lots of AMINO ACIDS to increase serotonin (regulates feelings of well-being) and lower cortisol.
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein , so protein rich foods should be included with
frequency. These foods include: lean cuts of poultry and beef. fish and seafood and low-fat dairy.
Get SELENIUM (antioxidant) , MAGNESIUM (essential nutrition and stabilizer) and CHROMIUM
PICCOLINATE (prevents weight gain) to boost DHEA (performance enhancing) production.
Foods rich in selenium include: fish (specifically snapper, cod , halibut, salmon) , nuts and seeds
(specifically Brazil nuts and sunflower seeds) and mushrooms. Foods rich in magnesium include:
pumpkin seeds, black beans, navy beans, spinach and salmon. Foods rich in chromium include
onion, lettuce and tomato.
Take lots of VITAMIN E to help boost DHEA. Vitamin E supplements can be used, or foods high in
Vitamin E: sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and swiss chard.
VITAMIN B helps boost testosterone. Foods that are high in Vitamin B include: lean beef, tuna, turkey

breast, oats, legumes/beans and avocados.

NIACIN and ALLICIN rich foods also boost testosterone. Foods rich in niacin include chicken breast,
tuna, sa lmon and mushrooms, while garlic is known for its allicin content.
FLAVANOLS keep testosterone from being converted to estrogen. Foods rich in these flavanols

include a pples, black olives and green tea .

8 -


should NEVER be included as part of your weight loss:

Raw Cruciferous Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and kale)
Pine Nuts or Pignoli Nuts
Bamboo Shoots
The above foods may have Goitrogenic effects. Goitrogens are substances that suppress the
function of the thyroid gland by interfering with iodine uptake, which can, as a result, cause
an enlargement of the thyroid.

No More than 400mg of Caffeine a Day ( 1 cup of coffee
may have between 100-200 mg of caffeine)
These ingredients should NEVER be included as
part of your weight loss:
MSG (mono sodium glutamate)
HFCS (high fructose corn syrup)
Artificial Sweeteners (such as Equal,
aspartame, Splenda~ Sweet'N Low)
Artificial Colors
Artificial Flavor
Nitrates, Nitrites (such as processed
hot dogs, bacon, lunch meat and sausages)
No Heavily Processed Chemical Food

7-Day Kickstart - 9


Use the below meal schedule as either a menu or guideline for planning your
mix-and-match strategy:
Greek Yogurt

Salmon Salad
Hummus & Veggies

Poached Eggs
Chef Salad
Yogurt Crunch
Til apia
Spinach Lox, Eggs & Onions

Chicken/Veggie Soup
Turkey Burgers


Greek Yogurt
Chicken/Veggie Soup
Hummus & Veggies
Til apia
Spinach Lox, Eggs & Onions

Chef Salad
Turkey Burgers

Poached Eggs
Chef Salad
Yogurt Crunch


Poached Eggs
Salmon Salad
Hummus & Veggies

You may use this Kickstart plan one time, in 90 days.

After completing this 7-Day plan, you should transition to the
Fat Burning Meal Plan which provides a greater variety of food.

10 - .. hanBodyRevoh.tao .com

Starting this plan is your first step towards losing weight for good!
In just 7 short days you' II be well on your way to getting the body
you've always wanted.

Spinach LEO (lox, eggs and onions)

1 tbsp olive oil
51arge eggs

'! . tsp black pepper

5 oz smoked salmon . thinly
sliced , diced

'!. of a red onion, sliced paper thin

1 cup fresh baby spinach leaves.
cleaned and dry
1 tbsp chives. chopped

Heat oil in a medium non-stick skillet over

medium heat. Combine eggs and pepper
in a medium bowl. stir well with a whisk. Pour
eggs into skillet and cook 30 seconds or until
mixture begins to thicken. stirring slowly with
a wooden spoon .
Stir in salmon and onions. cook 1 additional
minute. Then stir in spinach and cook 2
additional minutes until spinach wilts and
eggs are cooked . Serve with a sprinkle of
chopped chives.
Nutrition information per serving of Spinach LEO:
Calories: 224 kcal 1 Fat: 13 g 1 Saturated Fat: 3 g
Carbohydrates: 4 g 1 Fiber: 1 g I Protein : 19 g

14 -

Sodium: 1070 mg

Greek Yogurt with Cinnamon and Almonds (dairy)

1 cup plain, nonfat Greek style yogurt
1-2 tsp ground cinnamon

Stir all ingredients into a cereal bowl

and enjoy.

3 tbsp roasted, unsalted slivered almonds


Per serving of Greek Yogurt:
Calories: 236 kcal I Fat: 10 g I Saturated Fat: 1 g I Sodium: 85 mg
Carbohydrates: 13 g I Fiber: 2 g I Protein: 24 g









Poached Chicken and A Bowl of Vegetable Soup

3 tbsp olive oil

1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts

1 cup chopped white onion

2-3 strips lemon zest, removed with a peeler

1 tsp dried oregano

1 fresh or dried basil leaf

2 cloves garlic
4 cups zucchini, sliced
1 cup carrots, chopped
14 oz tomatoes, fresh diced or
pre-diced (carton)
32 oz low-sodium vegetable broth
(in a carton if possible)
1 '12 cups fresh or frozen lima beans
4 cups baby spinach leaves, cleaned
and dry
Heat oil in a Dutch oven over mediumhigh heat. Add onion to pan ; saute 3
minutes or until softened. Add oregano and
garlic; saute 1 minute. Stir in zucchini and
carrots; saute 5 minutes or until vegetables
are tender.

Place the chicken in a shallow pot with

a tight fitting lid. Fill the pan with water to
cover the chicken by about 1'12 inches.
Add the lemon zest and bay leaf, and set
the pan over medium heat. Bring the water
to a simmer, then reduce the heat so the
water barely bubbles, partially cover, and
cook until the meat is firm and releases
clear juices when pierced with a fork,
about 10 minutes .


Remove the chicken from the water and

transfer it to a towel-lined plate to drain.
Serve warm or let cool completely. Store in
a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator
for up to 4 days.

Stir in tomatoes , broth and lima beans;

bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and
simmer 20 minutes. Stir in spinach and cook
until wilted.


Nutrition information per serving of Vegetable Soup and Poached Chicken:
Calories: 409 kcal I Fat: 12 g I Saturated Fat: 0 g I Sodium: 625 mg
Carbohydrates: 39 g I Fiber: 12 g I Protein: 37 g

7-Day K1ckstart -17


Chef Salad
1 hardboiled egg. peeled and sliced
into quarters
3 oz water packed tuna

1 sliced red pepper

1 cup chopped steamed broccoli

'12 cup chopped tomatoes

Arrange lettuce and vegetables on a large

salad plate. placing the 4 quarters of egg
along the rim of the plate. Toss salad with
ranch dressing and then top with tuna.
Season with salt and pepper.

2 cups mixed lettuce greens

1-2 tbsp low-fat ranch dressing


Per serving of Chef Salad:
Calories: 378 kcal 1 Fat: 13 g I Saturated Fat: 3 g I Sodium: 620 mg
Carbohydrates: 32 g I Fiber: 10 g I Protein: 35 g

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Grilled Salmon Citrus Salad

2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp lemon or lime juice
4 6-oz wild salmon steaks
8 cups mixed greens
2 tomatoes, quartered
1 yellow or orange bell pepper, cleaned
and sliced

Grill or broil salmon until desired degree of

doneness is achieved. Meanwhile, arrange
salad greens, tomatoes, bell pepper and
cucumber on 4 large salad plates. Whisk
together the olive oil and lemon/lime juice
and toss salad with the citrus dressing . Top
each salad with a salmon filet and enjoy.



1 medium cucumber, peeled and

thinly sliced


Nutrition information per serving of Grilled Salmon Citrus Salad:
Calories: 368 kcal I Fat: 17 g I Saturated Fat: 3 g I Sodium: 120 mg
Carbohydrates: 13 g I Fiber: 5 g I Protein: 40 g

7-Day Kickstart - 19

20 -

Hummus and Vegetable Plate

'!. cup hummus

Arrange the sliced pepper and baby carrots
on a plate, <;lip into hummus and enjoy.

8 baby carrots
1 red bell pepper, cleaned and sliced


Per serving of Hummus and Vegetables:
Calories: 164 kcal I Fat: 6 g I Saturated Fat: 1 g
Carbohydrates: 22 g I Fiber: 8 g I Protein: 6 g

Sodium: 290 mg


~ Pecan Vanilla Yogurt Crunch (dairy)





1 cup plain , nonfat Greek style yogurt

Dash of vanilla extract

Stir all ingredients into a cereal bowl

and enjoy.

1 tbsp chopped pecans

Per serving of Yogurt Crunch:
Calories: 164 kcal I Fat: 5 g 1 Saturated Fat: 0 g I Sodium: 85 mg
Carbohydrates: 10 g I Fiber: 1 g I Protein: 21 g

J1lhanBody eve ..1t1on coM

Almond Stuffed Celery Stalks

2 cleaned celery stalks
1 '12 tbsp all-natural almond butter

Spread the almond butter into each of the
cleaned celery stalks.


Per serving of Almond Stuffed Celery:
Calories: 236 kcal I Fat: 13 g I Saturated Fat: 1 g 1 Sodium: 150 mg
Carbohydrates: 10 g I Fiber: 4 g 1 Protein: 6 g


7-Day Kickstart - 23

24 -

Peppercorn Steak on a Bed of Wilted

Spinach Served with a Tomato Salad
1 4-oz steak: filet mignon. flank
steak or sirloin

Season steak with freshly ground pepper

and any other herbs of choice. Broil or grill
steak. on each side. until desired degree
of doneness is achieved. Serve steak over
baby spinach leaves. Meanwhile, make a
tomato salad in a medium salad bowl by
tossing together the chopped tomatoes.
onion, olives. olive oil and vinegar.

Fresh ground pepper

1 cup baby spinach leaves, cleaned
and dry
1 plum tomato. cut into 8ths
4 black Greek olives. roughly chopped




;.. of a red onion. sliced paper thin

2 tsp olive oil
1-2 tsp balsamic vinegar


Per serving of Steak Dinner:
Calories: 399 kca l I Fat: 23 g I Saturated Fat: 4 g
Carbohydrates: 13 g I Fiber: 3 g 1 Protein: 35 g

Sodium: 400 mg

7-Day Kickstart - 25

~ Southwest Turkey Burgers with


Oven Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Carrots

1 pound ground white meat turkey breast
(99% fat free)

/J cup black bean and corn salsa, from jar

1 egg
1 tomato, sliced
1 avocado, sliced
2-3 cups Brussels sprouts, cleaned
and halved
2 cups baby carrots
2 tbsp olive oil

In a medium bowl. combine the turkey,

salsa and egg. Mix well and then form
into 4 patties. Place on a broiler pan and
broil on each side for 5-6 minutes, or until
cooked throughout. Serve with a few slices
of tomato and avocado. Meanwhile, place
halved Brussels sprouts and baby carrots
onto a cookie sheet. Toss with olive oil and a
shake or two of sea salt and black pepper.
Roast in the oven at 400 degrees for 20-25
minutes, or until soft and cooked through.


Nutrition information per serving of Turkey Burger Dinner:
Calories: 363 kcal I Fat: 17 g I Saturated Fat: 2.5 g I Sodium: 230 mg
Carbohydrates: 23 g I Fiber: 9 g I Protein: 35 g

26 -

Rosemary Citrus Tilapia with a Baby Spinach Salad

1 5-7 oz tilapia fish filet or other white
flaky fish such as cod or flounder
2 tsp olive oil
1-2 tbsp fresh lemon juice

Y2 tsp dried rosemary

1 tbsp capers
2 cups arugula or other salad green,
cleaned and dry

Place the fish filet into an oven-proof baking

dish. Top with olive oil, lemon, rosemary
and capers . Sprinkle with a dash of salt and
pepper, if desired. Bake in a 400 degree
oven for 10-15 minutes, or until fish is cooked
throughout and flakes easily with a fork.
Meanwhile, toss together salad greens,
tomato and vinaigrette dressing. Serve with
fresh lemon wedges.




1 chopped tomato
1 tbsp low-fat vinaigrette dressing
Per serving of Tilopia and Spinach Salad:
Calories: 379 kca l I Fat: 17 g I Saturated Fat: 3.5 g 1 Sodium: 460 mg
Carbohydrates: 14 g 1 Fi ber: 2 g 1 Protein: 47 g

7-Day Kickstart - 27


l iv e



Always consult a physician before beginning any exercise program.

2012 Empowered Media. LLC . All Rights Reserved. Jillion Michaels Body Revolution is

a trademark of Empowered Media . LLC.

GAIAM is a registered trademark and the "Flower of Life" logo design mark and LIVE LEARN GROW are trademarks of Gaiam. Inc .
or its subsidiaries. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited and a violation of applicable laws.
Manufactured and distributed by Gaiam Americas, Inc. Louisville, CO 80027-2452. PRINTED IN THE USA


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