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Backup and Restore


Test & Measurement

Backup and Restore 01

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1 Introduction............................................................................................ 5
2 Backup and Restore Concept............................................................... 6

Initial Deployment......................................................................................................... 6


Configuration Change and Minor Software Updates................................................. 7


Major Software Release Update...................................................................................7

3 Creating a Backup and Restore Device............................................... 8


Before You Install Backup and Restore...................................................................... 8


Preparing a Snapshot HDD.............................................................................................8


Preparing a New USB HDD............................................................................................ 9


Installing the Backup and Restore tool.....................................................................15


Updating the Backup and Restore tool..................................................................... 16

4 Using the Backup and Restore Device.............................................. 17


Requirements.............................................................................................................. 17


USB Ports..................................................................................................................... 17


Creating a Reference Image....................................................................................... 18


Reference Image Location......................................................................................... 21


Restoring from a Reference Image............................................................................23


Determining the Slot Number for CSMs, MPMs, and PCMs.................................... 25

5 CSM, PCM, and MPM Factory Images................................................ 28


Configuring a PCM or MPM after a Factory Image Restoration..............................28


Adding a New Device.................................................................................................. 30


Installing Software Updates....................................................................................... 31


Manual Backup and Restore 01

SwissQual... Diversity

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity


1 Introduction
The following sections describe how to use the Clonezilla-based Backup and Restore
tool with your Diversity system. This tool creates a reference image file of the contents
of the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or Solid State Drive (SSD) in SwissQual CSMs, PCMs,
MPMs, laptops, Tablet PCs, and Land Units (LU). This file can restore an HDD or SDD
to a clean and configured state before you add a new device or install a software
update. You can also use the image to quickly restore your system to a working state
after a failure or other mishaps in the field.
Each Diversity system ships with an external bootable USB Backup and Restore (BR)
HDD that might contain the Backup and Restore tool. The HDD also contains a welltested SwissQual factory image with the latest Diversity software and operating system
configuration. This image provides a fast and easy method to upgrade your existing
Diversity systems to the latest software.

Manual Backup and Restore 01

SwissQual... Diversity

Backup and Restore Concept

Initial Deployment

2 Backup and Restore Concept

The main objective of the Diversity backup and restore concept is to maintain a Reference Image of a clean and well-tested system configuration. You can use this image to
quickly return a system to a known state after a failure during the course of regular
The concept describes the following scenarios:

Initial Deployment

Configuration change and minor software updates

Major Software Release Update

Add and





New software
patch, Diversity
update, or


Fig. 2-1: Backup and restore concept

2.1 Initial Deployment

SwissQual systems ship with a pre-installed factory reference image. During the commissioning and testing phase your system is configured to meet your specific requirements. Usually, a SwissQual project manager is present to support you in this activity.

Manual Backup and Restore 01

SwissQual... Diversity

Backup and Restore Concept

Configuration Change and Minor Software Updates

Initial deployment involves the following steps:

1. Configure the system to your specific requirements.
2. Thoroughly test the system and ensure that the configuration meets your specific
3. Create a reference image of each system component that has a distinct configuration.

2.2 Configuration Change and Minor Software Updates

Before you change the configuration of your Diversity system or install a minor software update, use a reference image to restore your system to a known configuration
state. This method eliminates the risk of changing a configuration that might have been
corrupted during the course of daily operation.
Typical use cases for this procedure include adding or removing measurement devices
and installing a SwissQual software maintenance release or Windows updates and
A configuration change involves the following steps:
1. Restore the hard drive of each relevant component with the reference image from
the BR device.
2. Change the configuration of your system, including the installation of Windows drivers for new devices.
3. Thoroughly test the system and ensure that the configuration meets your specific
4. Create a reference image of each system component that has a distinct configuration.

2.3 Major Software Release Update

SwissQual releases a new factory image with each major software release, for example, 13.0. To obtain the factory images of a new release, contact our support center.
Please consult the Customer Support Center.pdf document for the best method
to contact us.

Manual Backup and Restore 01

SwissQual... Diversity

Creating a Backup and Restore Device

Before You Install Backup and Restore

3 Creating a Backup and Restore Device

This section describes how to create a Backup and Restore device (BR device) from a
new USB external HDD or from an existing BR device with the older Snapshot BR utility.

Snapshot reference images do not work with the Clonezilla-based Backup and
Restore tool.
Before you upgrade to Backup and Restore, use Snapshot to restore the latest reference image to your system. After the upgrade, use Backup and Restore to create a reference image from the HDD or SDD that you restored with Snapshot.

3.1 Before You Install Backup and Restore

This section describes how to prepare an existing Snapshot BR device or a new USD
HDD for use with the Backup and Restore software.

3.1.1 Preparing a Snapshot HDD

This section describes how to prepare an existing Snapshot BR device or a new USD
HDD for use with the Backup and Restore software.
To prepare an existing Snapshot BR device
1. Connect the BR Device, that is, the external USB HDD to the relevant Diversity
hardware component, for example, a PCM, and restore the HDD from the Snapshot reference image.
2. Connect the USB HDD to your PC.
Note: If you connect through a USB hub, use a hub with an external power supply
to ensure that the USB drive has enough power. If the USB HDD has a Y-cable,
connect the USB power lead cable to a different running PC.
3. In Windows Explorer, right-click the BOOT partition of the USB HDD, and click
4. In the "File system" list, click "FAT".

Manual Backup and Restore 01

SwissQual... Diversity

Creating a Backup and Restore Device

Before You Install Backup and Restore

Fig. 3-1: Reformatting the Boot partition

5. Click "Start" and at the end of the process click "Close".

Note: If you clear the "Quick Format" check box, the formatting process takes considerably longer.

3.1.2 Preparing a New USB HDD

This section describes how to prepare a new USB HDD to serve as a BR device in
Windows 7.
To create a new BR device
1. Prepare the external USB HDD.
a) Connect the USB HDD to your PC.
b) On the "Start" menu, right-click "Computer", and then click "Manage".
Note: If you connect through a USB hub, use a hub with an external power supply
to ensure that the USB drive has enough power. If the USB HDD has a Y-cable,
connect the USB power lead cable to a different running PC.
2. In the console tree, expand "Storage", and then click "Disk Management".

Manual Backup and Restore 01

SwissQual... Diversity

Creating a Backup and Restore Device

Before You Install Backup and Restore

Fig. 3-2: Disk Management window

3. Create the BOOT partition.

a) In the list of available volumes, right click the USB disk, and click "New Simple
b) On the first page of the "New Simple Volume Wizard", click "Next".

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Creating a Backup and Restore Device

Before You Install Backup and Restore

c) On the "Specify Volume Size" page, type 700 MB in the Simple volume size in
MB box, and then click "Next".

Fig. 3-3: Specify the size of the boot volume

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Creating a Backup and Restore Device

Before You Install Backup and Restore

d) On the "Assign Drive Letter or Path" page, click "Assign the following drive letter", select a letter in the list, for example, "F", and then click "Next".

Fig. 3-4: Assign drive letter to the boot volume

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Creating a Backup and Restore Device

Before You Install Backup and Restore

e) Format the volume.

In the "File system" list, click "FAT".

In the "Allocation unit size" list, click "Default".
In the "Volume label" box, type BOOT, and then click "Next".

Fig. 3-5: File system specification for BOOT


At the end of the process, click "Finish".

4. Create the DATA volume for the reference images.

a) In the console tree, right-click the USB drive, and then click "New Simple Volume".
b) On the first page of the "New Simple Volume Wizard", click "Next".

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Creating a Backup and Restore Device

Before You Install Backup and Restore

c) On the "Specify Volume Size" page, round down the remaining free space
value, type the new value in the "Simple volume size in MB" box, and then click
For example, if the "Maximum disk space in MB" is 30452, type 30540 in the
"Simple volume size in MB" box.

Fig. 3-6: Volume size for DATA partition

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Creating a Backup and Restore Device

Installing the Backup and Restore tool

d) Format the volume.

In the "File system" list, click "NTFS".

In the "Allocation unit size" list, click "Default".
In the "Volume label" box, type "DATA", and then click "Next".

Fig. 3-7: Volume size and File system specification for DATA

e) Click "Finish".
5. In Windows Explorer go to the DATA volume, create a new folder with the name
Backup, and in the Backup folder, create a folder with the name USER_NAMED.

3.2 Installing the Backup and Restore tool

The following instructions assume that you have prepared a USB HDD according to
the instructions in chapter 3.1, "Before You Install Backup and Restore", on page 8.
To install the Backup and Restore tool on a USB HDD
This procedure assumes that you have a copy of the Backup and Restore tool. You
can download this file from:
1. Extract the contents of the Backup and Restore tool zip file, for example,, to the BOOT partition of the USB HDD.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Creating a Backup and Restore Device

Updating the Backup and Restore tool

Fig. 3-8: Contents of the BOOT partition

2. In the utils\win23 folder on the BOOT partition, right-click the makeboot.bat

file, and click "Run as Administrator".
3. Copy the Diversity references images to the Backup folder on the "DATA" partition
of the USB HDD.

3.3 Updating the Backup and Restore tool

This section describes how to update an existing Backup and Restore installation.
To update the Backup and Restore tool
1. Download the update.
a) Login to your support account at
b) Click "Downloads" and click "SQ Backup and Restore" in the "Tools" area.
c) Replace the contents of the "BOOT" partition of your BR Device with the contents of the of the zip file that you downloaded.
2. In the utils\win23 folder on the BOOT partition, right-click the makeboot.bat
file, and click "Run as Administrator".
3. Copy the Diversity references images to the Backup folder on the "DATA" partition
of the USB HDD.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Using the Backup and Restore Device


4 Using the Backup and Restore Device

The following sections describe how to create and to restore a reference image of a
Diversity system component with the BR device that came with your system or that you
created according to the instructions in the previous chapter.
Depending on the type of Diversity system that you have, the HDD or SSD has one
C:\ partition or a C:\ and a D:\ partition. The BR procedure clones the contents of
the entire drive, including the number of partitions. Similarly, when you restore from a
reference image, the contents of the entire drive, including the partitions, are recreated.

4.1 Requirements
Before you start a BR procedure, ensure that you have a working BR device. For
Diversity CSMs, PCMs, MPMs, and LUs, you also need the following items:

USB keyboard

VGA monitor

USB mouse

USB hub: Only required if the Diversity component does not have two available
USB ports

4.1.1 USB Ports

For a backup or restore operation you usually need to connect more than one USB
devices simultaneously, for example, a keyboard, a mouse, and the BR device.

You must connect the data cable of the BR device directly to the USB port on the
system component that you want to backup or restore.
Do not use a USB hub.
The following equipment usually has available USB ports:

Laptop PC

Tablet PC

Land Units

However, use one of the following combinations to connect the USB devices to a CSM,
PCM, or MPM:

(Recommended) Connect a keyboard and the data cable of the external hard
drive to the two USB ports on the CSM or PCM. Connect the remaining USB-topower cable of the external hard drive to a port on another CSM, PCM, or PC. Use
the mouse to navigate through the software menus.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Using the Backup and Restore Device

Creating a Reference Image

Use a three-port USB hub (not included with the system) to connect a keyboard,
and the two external hard drive cables to the CSM or PCM.

To configure your computer to boot from the BR device

You only need to perform these steps if your computer is not configured to boot from
an external USB HDD. By default, Diversity CSMs, PCMs, and MPMs are configured to
boot from an external USB HDD.
1. Shut down the computer.
2. Connect the BR device, that is, the external USB HDD, to the computer that you
want to backup.
3. Turn on the computer and hold down the key to open the boot device menu, for
example, F9.
Note: Check with your computer manufacturer for the correct key.
4. On the boot device menu, select the BR device, and then press ENTER.

Please select boot device:


and to move selection

ENTER to select boot device
ESC to boot using defaults

Fig. 4-1: Select boot device

4.2 Creating a Reference Image

When you create a reference image, the process overwrites the previous reference
image. If you do not want to lose the existing image, move the image to a different
folder. You can use this reference image to restore the system to the previous working
configuration if you experience a problem with the new configuration.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Using the Backup and Restore Device

Creating a Reference Image

The following procedure describes how to create a reference image for a CSM. This
procedure is similar for all Diversity components with an HDD or SDD.
To create a reference image with Backup and Restore
1. Copy the existing reference image for the Diversity component from the Backup
folder on the BR device to a different location.
2. Prepare the system.
a) Open the Windows Device Manager and write down the port numbers of the
connected devices.
b) Turn off the system and disconnect the phone and data card devices.
c) Connect a monitor, a mouse or a keyboard, and the data cable of the BR
device to the USB ports on the Diversity component.
d) Connect the remaining USB-to-power cable of the BR device to a free USB
port on the component or another component in the system.
e) Turn on the system.
3. On the "Boot" page, select "Backup User Image".

Fig. 4-2: Boot page

Tip: Use the arrow keys to navigate the menus and the ESC key to return to the
previous menu.
Note: CSM, PCM, and MPM images have an option for each slot in the system as
well as a generic slot, for example "Backup User CSM Slot X" (where X = 0 to 7 on
a CSM, 0 to 9 on a PCM, and 0 to 3 on an MPM) and "Backup User CSM Generic
Slot". This option allows you to create reference images for individual PCMs or
MPMs that have different devices and settings. You can also create a generic reference image which you can then install onto any CSM, PCM, or MPM in the system.
4. In the list of Diversity hardware components select the component that you want to
backup, for example, "Diversity Benchmarker II (CSM)".

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Using the Backup and Restore Device

Creating a Reference Image

Fig. 4-3: Diversity system

Note: If required, select the hardware version of the component.

Fig. 4-4: Select PCM type

5. If applicable, select the slot number of the component that you want to create the
image for.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Using the Backup and Restore Device

Reference Image Location

Fig. 4-5: CSM slot number

For more information on slot numbers, see chapter 4.5, "Determining the Slot Number for CSMs, MPMs, and PCMs", on page 25.
6. If the unit reboots into the Backup and Restore tool at the end of the process
instead of Windows, disconnect the BR Device, and then start your system.
7. Disconnect the monitor, keyboard, and the BR device.
8. Re-connect the data cards and phone devices.
Note: Ensure that you re-connect the devices to the same ports that you wrote
down in step 2.

4.3 Reference Image Location

A reference image consists of a series of files that are in a subfolder of the Backup
folder on the DATA partition of the BR device. The name of the subfolder is the same
as the reference image, for example, USER_REF_BM_LAPTOP_E6410.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Using the Backup and Restore Device

Reference Image Location

The name of a factory image folder starts with FACT_, while custom image folders start
with USER_.

Fig. 4-6: Location of the reference image

The Clonezilla menu {Release Number}.xlsx file in the BOOT folder describes
the available menu items and the location of the corresponding image folders.

Fig. 4-7: Contents of the Clonezilla menu {Release Number}.xlsx file

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Using the Backup and Restore Device

Restoring from a Reference Image

Each time that you create a reference image for a component, the Backup and Restore
tool overwrites the existing image for the component in the Backup folder or the
Backup\USER_NAMED folder of the USB HDD. If the image is in in the
Backup\USER_NAMED folder, the tool asks you to type the name of the image.

If you want to keep the previous image, you need to copy the relevant subfolder to
a different location.

If you want to use this image to restore the component to the most recent working
state, copy the image files back into the Backup or the Backup\USER_NAMED

4.4 Restoring from a Reference Image

When you restore the system from a reference image, the current data on your Diversity component is lost. Before you restore your hard drive, copy the important data
from your system to a safe location.
If you restore your Diversity System from a SwissQual factory image, you also need to
reconfigure the system. For more information, see chapter 5, "CSM, PCM, and MPM
Factory Images", on page 28.
The restoration process can take up to 20 minutes.
To restore a reference image with Backup and Restore
1. Prepare the system.
a) Open the Windows Device Manager and write down the port numbers of the
connected devices.
b) Turn off the system and disconnect the phone and data card devices.
c) Connect a monitor, a mouse or keyboard, and the data cable of the BR device
to the USB ports of the Diversity component.
d) Connect the remaining USB-to-power cable of the BR device to a free USB
2. Turn on the system.
3. On the "Boot" page, select a restore option, for example, "Restore Factory Image".

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Using the Backup and Restore Device

Restoring from a Reference Image

Fig. 4-8: Restore a Factory image

4. In the list of Diversity hardware components, select the type of image that you want
to restore, for example, "Diversity Benchmarker II (CSM)".

Fig. 4-9: Select a Diversity System

Note: If required, select the hardware version of the component.

Fig. 4-10: Select PCM type

5. If applicable, select the slot number of the component that you want to restore.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Using the Backup and Restore Device

Determining the Slot Number for CSMs, MPMs, and PCMs

Fig. 4-11: Select slot number

Note: For more information on slot numbers, see chapter 4.5, "Determining the
Slot Number for CSMs, MPMs, and PCMs", on page 25.
6. If the unit reboots into the Backup and Restore tool at the end of the process
instead of Windows, disconnect the BR Device, and then start your system.
7. Disconnect the monitor, keyboard, and the BR device.
8. Re-connect the data cards and the phone devices.
Note: Ensure that you re-connect the devices to the same ports that you wrote
down in step 1.

4.5 Determining the Slot Number for CSMs, MPMs, and

In a Diversity Benchmarker system, the slot number of the PCM that is connected to
the Control Base Module (CBM) is 0. The PCM slot numbers increase by one as you
move away from the CBM. If you change the position of a PCM in your system, the
PCM number also changes.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Using the Backup and Restore Device

Determining the Slot Number for CSMs, MPMs, and PCMs

Slot 0

Slot 1

Slot 2

Slot 3

Slot 4

Slot 5

Slot 6

Slot 7

Fig. 4-12: CSM slot numbers in Diversity Benchmarker II system

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

Using the Backup and Restore Device

Determining the Slot Number for CSMs, MPMs, and PCMs

Slot 0
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3

Fig. 4-13: MPM slot numbers in Diversity Ranger system

In a Diversity Ranger system, the slot numbers of the MPMs start at 0 on the left and
increase by one as you move right.
If you want, you can use the Generic Slot image for all of the CSMs, PCMs, or MPMs
in your system.
If you use the same image on more than one CSM, PCM, or MPM, you need to reconfigure each unit before you use your system.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

CSM, PCM, and MPM Factory Images

Configuring a PCM or MPM after a Factory Image Restoration

5 CSM, PCM, and MPM Factory Images

SwissQual uses a factory image to initially configure the CSMs, PCMs, and MPMs on
each new system. This image contains the base Windows operating system as well as
the latest release of the Diversity software. However, you need to configure some additional settings before you can use the system for the first time.
To obtain a factory image for your system, contact our support center.
Please consult the Customer Support Center.pdf document for the best method
to contact us.

5.1 Configuring a PCM or MPM after a Factory Image

This section describes how to configure a PCM or MPM after you restore the HDD or
SDD from a SwissQual factory image.
To configure a CSM, PCM, or MPM for first time use
1. Prepare the module.

Turn off the module and disconnect the data card and phone devices.
Connect a monitor and a USB keyboard to the front panel of the module.
(Optional) Connect a USB mouse to the front panel of the module.
Connect an Ethernet cable to the Benchmarker II CMR, to the CBM on the
Benchmarker chassis, or the MPR on the Ranger chassis to ensure that the
module has internet connectivity

2. Turn on the Diversity system.

a) At the computer name change prompt, click "OK".

Fig. 5-1: Name change notification

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

CSM, PCM, and MPM Factory Images

Configuring a PCM or MPM after a Factory Image Restoration

b) Type the name of the module in the "Computer Name" box, and then click
The name is on a white sticker on the front panel of the module.

Fig. 5-2: Name change dialog box

c) Click "OK" again to restart the module.

Fig. 5-3: Rename acknowledgement and restart

d) Log in to Windows.

"Username": Administrator
" Password": swissqual

3. Re-install the licence key for your antivirus software, for example, Norman Security
Note: If you do not have this key, contact our support center.
Please consult the Customer Support Center.pdf document for the best
method to contact us.
4. Re-install the SwissQual license.
a) Copy the SQLicense*.xml key file to the module.
b) In the C:\Program Files\SwissQual\Diversity\Tools folder of the
module, double-click SQLicense2008Loader.exe.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

CSM, PCM, and MPM Factory Images

Adding a New Device

c) Click "Browse for SQLicense.xml", locate the license key, and then click

Fig. 5-4: SwissQual Licence Loader

d) Click "OK", and then click "Exit".

Fig. 5-5: License successfully loaded

5. Run Windows Update and install all high-priority updates.

6. Install the Windows drivers for the devices that you want to use with the module.
7. Configure the drivers to work with your system.
8. Restart Windows and then create a reference image with the BR device.
For a description on how to create this image, see chapter 4, "Using the Backup
and Restore Device", on page 17.

5.2 Adding a New Device

This section describes the restore and back up procedure that you need to follow when
you add a new device to a module. For details on how to create and restore from a
reference image as well as the location of reference images, see chapter 4, "Using the
Backup and Restore Device", on page 17.
To add a new device to a PCM or MPM
1. Restore the module installation from the most recent reference image.
2. Add the new device.
a) Install the Windows driver for the device.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity

CSM, PCM, and MPM Factory Images

Installing Software Updates

b) Configure the device.

3. Ensure that the device and the module work properly.
4. Update Windows and your antivirus software.
5. Create a new reference image.
Tip: Before you create the new reference image, move the existing reference
image to a new folder. If you then experience a problem with your new configuration, you can use this reference image to restore the PCM to the previous working

5.3 Installing Software Updates

This section describes the restore and back up procedure for when you install SwissQual and Windows software updates on a module. For details on how to create and
restore from a reference image as well as the location of reference images, see chapter 4, "Using the Backup and Restore Device", on page 17.
To install software, patches, or updates
1. Restore the module installation from the most recent reference image.
2. Install the software update.
3. Ensure that the module works properly.
4. Update Windows and your antivirus software.
5. Create a new reference image.
Tip: Before you create the new reference image, move the existing reference
image to a new folder. If you then experience a problem with your new configuration, you can use this reference image to restore the PCM to the previous working

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity


Backup drive: Portable USB storage drive where images are backed-up to and
restored from (either provided by SwissQual or utilizing customers own)
BR device: Backup and Restore drive that has the BR (Backup and Restore) utility

Clonezilla: Open Source Software to create and restore reference HDD image files

Diversity Product Categories: SwissQual Diversity family of products including
Benchmarker, Ranger, Optimizer and Explorer

Factory Image: Image that contains Windows and Diversity software that SwissQual
has preconfigured

HDD: Hard Disk Drive

LU: Land Unit

Maintenance Release: An interim software release, usually with minor bug fixes for
specific customer issues. The version number of an interim release ends with two digits, for example, 13.0.1.
MPM: Measurement Processing Module (Diversity Ranger)

New version or Major Release: A major software release from SwissQual that
updates the entire Diversity software platform. The version number of a major release
ends with 0, for example, 13.0.0 or 13.1.

PCM: PC Module (Diversity Benchmarker)

Reference Image: Backup image file that is created by you or a SwissQual CPM that
contains your custom settings and drivers.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


SwissQual... Diversity


SSD: Solid State Drive

Windows Update/Hot Fix: Periodic Microsoft updates to improve Windows system
performance or to repair bugs and security issues.

Manual Backup and Restore 01


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