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| COMPUTER SCIENCE - 2013 SET-A Let A(1:8, -5:5, -10:5) be a three dimensional array. How many elements are there in the array A? a_| 1200 b_ | 1408 1050 1 ns required to insert a sequence of elements 10 into an empty AVL tree is? Opportunistic reasoning is addressed by which of the following knowledge representation ‘a_| Script b_| Blackboard - | | ¢_| Production Rules | d_| Fuzzy Logic 2255 The following steps in a linked list | = getnode() info (p) = 10 | next (p) = list fist It in which type of operation? [ pop operation in stack removal of a node ¢_| inserting a node d_| modifying an existing node Shift reduce parsing belongs to a class of a_| bottom up parsing b [topdown parsing ¢_| recursive parsing |_| predictive parsing Which of the following productions eliminate left recursion in the productions given below: S— Aalb A= Ac|Sdle . t a_[S>Aajb, ‘A= BAA A=>Ae|AbalAle | | b |S Aalb, ASA |bdA’ A= ch'|adA' |e c [S-Aalb, A>AciAd A= bdA' | cAle d_ [SAalb, A> cA'ladA |bdA A> Ale INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 1 of 15 COMPUTER SCIENCE - 2013 Consider the following psuedocode: procedure add XrExty procedure second (P: procedure) x: integer D PO) | procedure first | y: integer := 3 second(add) first() write_integer (x) What does it print if the language uses dynamic scoping deep | binding? a [2 b [3 [ ce i4 gd (5 Z a _ g _| Which logic gate is used to detect overflow in 2s complement arithmetic? a_| ORgate __ b_| AND gate ¢_| NAND gate d_|XOR gate —_ in an array of 2N elements that is both 2-ordered and 3-ordered, 9 | what is the maximum number of positions that an element can be |__| from its position if the array were 1-ordered? [ a [1 bo i2 ec | N2 d | 2N-1 If the frame buffer has 8 bits per pixel and 8 bits are allocated for 10 | each of the R, G, B components, what would be the size of the lookup table? a_| 24 bytes b 1024 bytes c | 768 bytes [a [256 bytes INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 2 of 15 COMPUTER SCIENCE ~ 2013 SET-A When two BCD numbers 0x14 and 0x08 are added what is the ary |_11_| representation of the resultant number? a 0x22 I b_Oxtc [ | Oxt6 | d_| results in overflow . 32. | Which of the following sorting algorithms has the minimum running | time complexity in the best and average case? i |_a_| Insertion sort, Quick sort b__| Quick sort, Quick sort ¢_| Quick sort, Insertion sort | I d_| Insertion sort, Insertion sort | [4g | The number 1102 in base 3 is equivalent to 123 in which base system? ee i aij4 I [bs c [6 ~ a [8 [ A processor is fetching instructions at the rate of 7 MIPS. ADMA 44. | Module is used to transfer characters to RAM from a device transmitting at 9600 bps. How much time will the processor be I slowed down due to DMA activity? a_|9.6ms { b_[4.8ms = : |e [2.4ms iz d [i2ms A pipeline P operating at 400 MHz has a speedup factor of 6 and 15 | operating at 70% efficiency. How many stages are there in the pipeline? | 46 | How much speed do we gain by using the cache, when cache is I used 80% of the time? Assume cache is faster than main memory. a_[5.27 : [ b [2.00 — . ! ce 14.16 6.09 Page 3 of 15, COMPUTER SCIENCE ~ 2013 SET-A ] Two eight bit bytes 1100 0017 and 0100 1100 are added. What are the 17 | values of the overflow, carry and zero flags respectively, if the | arithmetic unit of the GPU uses 2's complement form? i a_ [01,1 b (1.4.0 | e_(1,0,1 a [01,0 48 | How many check bits are required for 16 bit data word to detect 2 bit errors and single bit correction using hamming code? La [5 | b [6 ce {7 19 fhe maximum number of characters (7 bits + parity) that can | be transmitted in a second on a 19.2 kbps line. This asynchronous transmission requires 1 start bit and 1 stop bit. | a_| 192 b | 240 ¢ | 1920 [a [71966 20 _|1EEE 1394 is related to { [RS-232 _ _ USB Firewi : PCI - What will be the cipher text produced by the following cipher function for the plain text ISRO with key k =7. [Consider ‘A’ = 0, " 2! = 25] C\(M) = (KM + 13) mod 26 [a_[RUCH |b fares ¢_|GQPM | {_@_[XPIN | Any set of boolean operators that is sufficient to represent all 22 | boolean expressions is said to be complete. Which of the following is not complete? : : {NOT, OR} [{NOR} {AND, OR} | {AND, NOT} lalolo|m An | eemaeneesesn | INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 4 of 15 a COMPUTER SCIENCE - 2013 SET-A 23. | Which of the following n level in transaction — management? ae a__| Serializable I b_| Repeated Read i [ Committed Read | C d_| Uncommitted Read __ | Consider the following relational schema: Suppliers (sid:integer, sname:string, saddress:string) Parts (pid:integer, pname:string, pcolor:string) Catalog (sid:integer, pid:integer, pcost:real) 24 | What is the result of the following query? (SELECT from Suppliers, Catalog | WHERE Suppliers. | (SELECT from Suppliers, Catalog WHERE Suppliers.sname <> ‘sachin’ and Suppliers.sid = Catalog sid) a_| pid of Parts supplied by all except sachin b_| pid of Parts supplied only by sachin c_| pid of Parts available in catalog supplied by sachin d_| pid of Parts available in catalogs supplied by all except scahin | Consider the following dependencies and the BOOK table in a relational database design. Determine the normal form of the given relation. ISBN 3 Title ISBN — Publisher Publisher —» Address ‘a_| First Normal Form: b__| Second Normal Form ‘¢_| Third Normal Form | d_ | BCNF oe Calculate the order of leaf(Pisa) and non leaf(p) nodes of a B* tree based on the information given below Search key field = 12 bytes | Record pointe Block pointer Block size = Pieat = 51 & p= 46 | Breer = 47 & p = 52 | Pieat = 46 & p Diest = 52 & p= 47 alo |o|m INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 5 of 15 \ COMPUTER SCIENCE - 2013 SET-A 27 | The physical location of a record determined by a formula that | transforms a file key into a record location is _| { a_|Hashed file | b_| B-Treé file c_| Indexed file {“d__| Sequential file _ 7 The most simplified form of the boolean function | 28 x (A,B,C,D) = E (7,8,9,10,14,12,13,14,15) (expressed in sum of minterms) is? a_JA+ABCD b_|AB+ CD. _ "e_|A+ BCD d_ |ABC+D How many programmable fuses are required in a PLA which takes 29. | 16 inputs and gives 8 outputs? It has to use 8 OR gates and 32 AND gates. ja 1032 |b {776 ce | 1284 ae d | 1536 In a three stage counter, using RS flip flops what will be the value of 30 | the counter after giving 9 pulses to its input? Assume that the value of counter before giving any pulses is 4. {at 7 [=be ous _ e 19 d_ | 10 31 _| Inwhich of the following shading models of polygons, the interpolation of intensity values is done along the scan line? ‘a_| Gourard shading | b_| Phong shading ¢_| Constant shading d_| Flat shading 32_| Which of the following number of nodes can form a full binary tree? 8 15 44 alo |o|p 8 | INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 6 of 15 | | COMPUTER SCIENCE - 2013 SET-A 33 | What is the matrix transformation which takes the independent | vectors | 1 | and| 2 | and transforms them to| 1 ] and} 3 2 5 1 2 respectively? | 3 141 i {l10 >ifoo 05 05 lec 10 | 14 dlpa 4d | 10 | "34 Tin 8086, the jump condition for the instruction JNBE is? | [a [CF=0orzF ___] t b_|ZF=Oand SF i c | CF=0andZF=0 q_{ci | | How many number of times the instruction sequence below will loop | before coming out of the loop? 35 MOV AL, 00H At: INC AL | | JNZ AA | {fa ti a E { b_ [255 _ c_ | 256 ~ [ d_| Will not come out of the loop [gp _| 18.8085 microprocessor, the ISR for handling trap interruptis at | I which location? a_|[3CH (7b [34H | ¢_| 74H : d_ | 24H INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 7 of 15 FO | COMPUTER SCIENCE —2013 SET-A [37 |The voltage ranges for a logic high and a logic low in RS-232 C standard is a a_| Lowis 0.0V'to 1.8V, High is 2.0V to 5.0V b_| Lowis’-15.0V to -3.0V, Highs 3.0V to 15.0V c_|Lowis 3.0V to 15.0V, High is -3.0V to -15.0V. d_[Lowis 2.0V to 5.0V, High is 0.0V to 7.8V 38 | In the Ethernet, which field is actually added at the physical layer _ Land is not part of the frame a_| preamble b | CRC. c_| address ‘d_ [location | Ethernet layer-2 switch is a network element type which gives a_| different collision domain and same broadcast domain b_| different collision domain and different broadcast domain ‘¢ | same collision domain and same broadcast domain ‘@_[ same collision domain and different broadcast domain. N if the frame to be transmitted is 1101011011 and the CRC polynomial OY 40 | to be used for generating checksum is x‘ + x + 1, then what is the i transmitted frame? a_[11010110471014 b_ | 11040110111101 [-e | 14010110171110 d_| 1010110111001 _ What will be the efficiency of a Stop and Wait protocol, if the | 41 | transmission time for a frame is 20ns and the propagation time is | 30ns? a_| 20% b_| 25% c | 40% __ d_ | 66% 42 | IPv6 does not support which of the foll ‘a_| unicast addressing b_| multicast addressing i c_| broadcast addressing = d_| anycast addressing What is IP class and number of sub-networks if the subnet mask is \g addressing modes? ae [a |classA 3 __ b_|class A, 8 [class B, 3 d_| class B, 32 i} INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 8 of 15 | COMPUTER SCIENCE ~ 2013 SET-A [Which algorithm is used to shape the bursty traffic into a fixed rate | traffic by averaging the data rate? ‘a_| solid bucket algorithm b_| spanning tree algorithm: ¢_| hocken helm algorithm — [ d_|leaky bucket algorithm 45__| A packet filtering firewall can = a_| deny certain users from accessing a service | block worms and viruses from entering the network ¢__| disallow some files from being accessed through FTP. d__[ block some hosts from accessing the network 4g. | Which of the following encryption algorithms is based on the Fiestal struture? _ a__| Advanced Encryption Standard _ b__| RSA public key cryptographic algorithm c_| Data Encryption Standard d_[RC4 47_| The protocol data unit for the transport layer in the internet stack Is [ a_| segment = Z | b__| message _ { ¢_| datagram |_| frame | 48 |The Guass-Seidal iterative method can be used to solve which of | { the following sets? _ | a_| Linear algebraic equations i b__| Linear and non-linear algebraic equation: ¢_| Linear differential equations d_| Linear and non-linear differential equations | 49_ | What is the least value of the function f(x) = 2x7- 6x - 3 in the interval [0 , 5]? _ = “15 | 7 1 3 INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 9 of 15 | COMPUTER SCIENCE - 2013 SET-A Consider the following set of processes, with arrival times and the required CPU-burst times given in milliseconds. Process. Burst Time Pt 4 50 P2 2 P3 4 | What is the sequence in which the processes are completed? Assume round robin scheduling with a time quantum of 2 _| milliseconds. a_| Pi, P2, PS __ _| b_| 2, P1, PS ~ ¢ | P3,P2,P1_ d_ | P2,P3, Pt 51 |! case of a DVD, the speed of data transfer is mentioned in | multiples of? |_a_| 150 KB/s b_| 74.38 MB/s a | 300 KB/s. 7 d | 2.40 MB/s ‘Suppose we have variable logical records of lengths of 5 bytes, 10 | 52 | bytes, and 25 bytes while the physical block size in disk is 15 bytes. | What is the maximum and minimum fragmentation seen in bytes? ‘A CPU scheduling algorithm determines an order for the execution 53 _| of its scheduled processes. Given 'n' processes to be scheduled on one processor, how many possible different schedules are there? [n 54 _| Which of the following are the likely causes of thrashing? a_| Page size was very small b | There are too many users connected to the system, c_| Least recently used policy is used for page replacement d_| First in First out policy is used for page replacement = O A INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 10 of 15 | =) COMPUTER SCIENCE ~ 2013 SET-A | Consider a logical address space of 8 pages of 1024 words each, 55 | mapped onto a physical memory of 32 frames. How many bits are t there in the physical address and logical address respectively? | a [53° b_|10, 70 : = { c 15, 13 { d [15,15 56 | [n'a 64-bit machine, with 2 GB RAM, and 8 KB page size, how many entries will be there in the page table if it is inverted? a Toe C_ b_ | 27 «| _ t dq (2 57_| Which of the following is not a necessary condition for deadlock? a_| Mutual exclusion iz | { b_| Reentrano} | ¢_| Hold and wait d_| No pre-emption Consider the following process and resource requirement of each i process. Type 1 Type 2 | Process |~Used Wax Used | Max 58 Pt | 1 2 | | 3 P2 I 1 3 _ [2 _P3. [2 4 | {4 Predict the state of this system, assuming that there are a total of 5 instances of resource type 1 and 4 instances of resource type 2. ___|-a | Can go to safe or unsafe state based on sequence |b “J Safe state |e _| Unsafe state ae |“d_ [Deadlock state K starvation free job scheduling policy guarantees that no job 7 | 59. | indefinitely waits for a service. Which of the following job scheduling policies is starvation free? Priority queing Shortest Job First Youngest Job First Round robin alolo|a INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 11 of 15 | COMPUTER SCIENCE - 2013 SET-A 60 _| The state of a process after it encounters nm ready_ blocked idle + | [running 64_| Embedded pointer provides [a_[asecondary access path b_| a physical record key ¢__[an inverted index _ { d_|a prime ke j X particular parallel program computation requires 100 seconds when executed on a single CPU. If 20% of this computation is 62_ | strictly sequential, then theoretically the best possible elapsed | times for this program running on 2 CPUs and 4 CPUs respectively | are [a] 55 and 45 seconds’ | |b [80 and 20 seconds _ [~e | 75 and 25 seconds d__[60 and 40 seconds | Consider the following C code. | #include #inchude void main) { double pi = 3.1415926535; inta=1; 63 inti; for(i=0; 1<3; i++) iffa = cos(pi * 2) ) printf("%d",1)s else printf("%d ", 0); p What would the program print? a_[000 b [010 z = = - e [107 _ _ ad iti 7 INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION Page 12 of 15 COMPUTER SCIENCE - 2013 SET-A 64 What is the output of the following Java program? Class Test { . | public static void main (String [J args) } 4 for (int z= 0; 2 <5; z+) (4x >2) | HY>2)) t xt } } System.out.printin( x +" +y); 32 7 a 85. a b c [83 d | I 53 | Consider the list of page references in the time line as below: 6s | 96234444344258685532339627 What is the working set at the penultimate page reference if A is 5? i a_1{8.5.3,2.9.6} _ b [{4.3.6,2,5) © | (3.9,6,2,7) I d_ 1 {3.9,6,2} _ = 66 _ | What is the cyclomatic complexity of a module which has seventeen edges and thirteen nodes? _ a [4 - b [5 7 ce [6 L a_{7 : |_67__| Which of the following types of coupling has the weakest coupling? { a__| Pathological coupling a b_| Control coupling Data coupling Message coupling lela © La INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 13 of 15 COMPUTER SCIENCE - 2013 SET-A 68 Which of the following testing methods uses fault simulation ] | technique? a_| unit testing b | beta testing c_[ stress testing d_| mutation testing 69 Ifa program P calls two subprograms P1 and P2 and P1 can fail 50% of the time and P2 can fail 40% of the time, what is the failure rate of program P. 50% 10% 70 | Which of the following strategy is employed for overcoming the | priority inversion problem? ‘Temporarily raise the priority of lower priority level process Have a fixed priority level scheme “[implement kernel pre-emption scheme Allow lower priority process to complete its job | Let P(E) denote the probability of the occurrence of event E. 74 | If P(A) = 0.5 and P(B) = 4, then the values of P(A/B) and P(B/A) respectively are a [05,025 b [025,05 [ce {05,4 d_ 14,05 | 72 | How many diagonals can be drawn by joining the angular points of \ an octagon? a [44 b_|20 ce [21 id | 28 ee ae | | What are the final states of the DFA generated from the following NFA? Qo, Gr. G2 {qo. 4s), (40. G2}. [1 a b © | do, [a1 Ga} ae dT Ig0. as}, a2 _} INDIAN SPACE REASERCH ORGANISATION | Page 14 of 15

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