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Problem 2.1 2A steel vod that is 5.5 long scretehes 0.04 im, when a 2-kip tense load is applied tn it. Knowing that Z* 29 * 16° psi, determine (a) the smallest ciaracter rod. that should be used, ¢) the corresponding normal stress caused by the Jad, Pe GH N, 8 = Hao Le SS FE= Goin, $30.04 m., P= 2uc0 te. Be fe ~ BL, (hove yieed . A Y60.04) - O13 793 in @ a-/2- [Sees = 0.381 in = . PB. ave . we AUR 17576 psi 17.56 ksi mat Problem 2.2 2.2 AGid-mong sei wite is subjected to GN toni foee. Knowing hat E= 200 GPa and that the length of the rod increases by 48 mm, determine (a) ihe smallest PL (6x1 ¥au) < a ES ~ Qod%iO*\(4e-10 37S x10 7 5 Fat de fB [OGRE — Gavi Alam diamerer that may be Selected for the wire, (B) the eoxresponding normal st PL Sm, Ee R00x10" Pa S* aE Seg th + OS in, Bi ker = Bato ps o Ack Problem 2.4 E= 73 (0" Pa $2 280.28 - 250.00 = ES (a) O= bes = = @ A=F 2B, GH go xyot &) = 5 Tempere ~ (60x10 Pa 10,0 MPa, ae Problem 2.3 2.3. A conto] zod made of yellow brass taust not stretch mare than in, when the eke a> ff RBH) ~ ona in, ~ ps AES MES Los 280 my 7 RTO%IT* Se Woot Ob) FS * Ge gizenigs 7 EIR ~ tension in the wire is 800 Ib. Knowing that £ = 15 « i¢* psi and tat the maxon allowable nozmal stess ig 3? ksi, determine (a) the smallest diameter thot can setected forthe ra, (A) the corresponding maximum length of the tod. Roo z BRK IOS RE «1S? ea REIT * Wis 1o* Yon 24 Too gage marks are plaved exactly 250 mm apart on a 12-mn-diameter ‘aluminum rod with E= 73 GPa and an ultimate strength of 140 MPs. Knowing that ‘the distance between the goge marks is 250.28 mam afiera load is applied, desermine (9) the stress in the rod, (3) the feetorof safety. 0.22 mm = ORE KIO 73 ¥Ip* aga io* SO ufor> = 81.76 x1o* Pa B18 MPa a2gxi" Mo = 52.8 kM 8, Ly 7 Ske | Spr 72. 7e loom = 0.0728 mmo = Problem 2.39 2.39 ‘Two eylindsloal rods, one of steel an the other of brass, are joined at C and restrained by rigid supports atd and E. For the loading shown and knowing that 2, 200 GPa und &, = 5 GPa, determine (a) the reactions at 4 and 2, (3) the sncasione im nea deflection of point C, AtoG: B= 20010" Pa A= Ete} = ascctxfo® mms (.28c64xi nt EAs 251.327210° N osmen atera, Sb a Ct &: Ee loswlos Pa 4A B 6 o -& A= BG0)* = 706.86 mm" © 706.86 «10% m™ et Ee tte not wv & tow tous Fe AbBI P= & L= (80mm © 0180 me ~ Ph Raloisey L on Smt Eee PES = Tienomio Re Bte: P= Ry coxio* L = 120 mms Q12Om = 60¥10° Yo, 120' :n Sec * g = (Rar onto" Yo. Ds yar uric Ry - 26,848 x10% | Ct Dt Pe R,- Goxlo® L= [00mm = Q.100 m = 6910" Oto. - me su7 BE (Bn s0r10* Yla.toe) = LBH7SSK1C Ry = BO. 84m ID Dh Et P= R, - 100010% L* (00 mm * 0.100 m PL _ (Rn- oxo" Yo.loo) _ 4 a« Bee * ER = Spghorioe TN BYTSSHIO™R, ~ 184. 78500 Ate Et See Seed Sat Seo tie = 3.85887 KO" Ry 2HB.AdHIO® Since point © cannot move velehive 2A, Sue ee @) 3.858375 R-2NZHTY HI =O RAT ELBSIXIOSN — 6R.BKNS = Re = Ryn loorlo® = 62.84(0% fooue’ =-37.2"10°N 37.akve =e @\ Se = Saat Sac = 116367 ¥10" By — 26.848 4107S = U.16369 01 Wer. 831x fo") - 26.898 %10° = 46. S210 Sm YE em > Problem 2.46 26 The rig bar AD is supported by te sts wires of tin. ameter (4 =29 « 10 psi) and a pin and brackst aD. Knowing tht the ines were intl tug, determine (a the ational teanion in each wie when 220-15 lod Pi mpplied at DB) de comesponing detection of point D. het © be the rotation of bar ABCD = Shen = 18.63% |0°O Using Free body ABCD DIM =o fe + 4#Re - BP = Oo (2X 106.7710) ) + (248.63 108 8) -(36)G@a0) = Oo 4. IRB310" B = (BC)Ca20) = NBS © 10% vad @) Pre = (06.77 4103 Wi.ai8gs10% ) = 204.8 Ab ~ Fre = (118.63 x po* CL G8T% (07% Y= R226 Dh “ tel 8p = 36 B= (36 W1MASHIOF = CHI KIO in = O- C691 in —_ EV MATERIAL, ©2086 The MoGins- Congas Ine Ages: Mat of hs Rann be dpa spre sy a by ats, ie pra wre peas che puso Lied the Led ten abe Mev wine cou pita, If oka unio ashe Ws Mama, Yo are ing tibet poe Problem 2.74 2.74 Inanany situations itis Keon that the normal stress it a given feremample =O athe te tana shown, For sca wh ' LM fs plane sires, show that if the stains 4 and 6 have been determined experinienrally, we can express 0, 0, and as follows at 9, : TW Be EUG vSy) ad & 2 $-VG+G) @) MuPbépPying (A by v and adding te (1) aw By + ve = ea on & = Ele. we) = Mobtiplying C1 by v7 anal actoting 402) jw ¢ five, = i's, oo & sil ey+ vey) = 2 EC -vo, - HG S) = —B Eal ee ey +e 8,) - PUY) ~ 2 2 (B+ > ES Ce) = Problem 2.75 2.75 ‘The plastic block shown is bonded to a sigid support and to a vertical plate to ‘hich a 40-EN loud P is applied. Knowing that for the plastic wed G= 1050 MPa, determine the deflection ofthe plate. Ae BOWIE 1Ex/0% mn = 1.6 IO Pr adouo' N te We FH - asst Pe { fe GF OSD 4 8 Pe WY Seti omen he 50mm = 0.050 im a = hT> (.060G8.4le «107 FLO KIO mn LOT amd = PROPRIETARY MATERIAN. #806 he Mi Congr Al igh eee. Neo i aa mbes (edn any far Bay mae, power-on ee, cr sed eed te te das ates lease hy Mine fort infranl couse preperation It yes ea sce ag he Mel, areg ae Fen

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