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Sierra Schultz

1/28/2015 9:32:16 PM
The danger of plagiarism
By definition, plagiarism is when someone takes the words or work of someone else and uses it as their
own. The very idea of taking something from someone (stealing) is wrong. Regardless of the reason why,
stealing is wrong. Taking things from another is a violation of that individual. While there may not be a
monetary amount attached to what is being taken, the effects can feel similar in that loss. Sadly, the one
who was taken from isn't the only one who is hurt in the situation. Individuals who plagiarize hurt themselves
in the long run. Those individuals rob themselves of the ability to be critical thinkers. They also miss out on
the intrinsic motivation that can be achieved in creating their own essays. They teach themselves to take
short cuts that will stifle their own learning. From an early age, students need to be taught how to research
on their own and how to form their own thoughts based on the information they have gathered. While I may
not be able to help my special needs students fully understand this concept, I will work my hardest to help
them identify the difference between right habits and wrong ones.

Texas Technology StandardsStandard

1: All teachers use technology-related

terms, concepts, data input strategies, and ethical practices to make
informed decisions about current technologies and their applications.
What All Teachers Know

The beginning teacher knows and understands

1.3k laws and issues regarding the use of technology in society.
What All Teachers Can Do

The beginning teacher is able to

1.14s discuss copyright laws, violations, and issues including, but not limited to,
computer hacking, computer piracy, intentional virus setting, and invasion of
1.15s model ethical acquisition and use of digital information including citing
sources using established methods;
Sierra Schultz
1/29/2015 11:40:00 AM
RE: Plagiarism
Kayla, I agree with you completely! I like the second part of the code as far as not tolerating the actions as
well. It s hard at times to stand up for what is right, but if we don't then we are settling for what is wrong by
not speaking up. I had a teacher in high school who actually split the grade between the two students who
cheated and I thought that was hilarious! I would never want to tell my parents that I earned half of a grade!
It is nice to know that you hold your students to such a high standard. It will make them better people!

Sierra Schultz
1/29/2015 1:20:05 PM
RE: Plagiarism Discussion Week 2
I like how you compare plagiarism to fraud. I am also glad to know that so many of us think alike on this
issue. I see how easy it is for students to become lazy through this process, and I believe that allowing
students to see the end results like you listed is important. I always like to ask other class mates and friends
what they have learned during a class or in writing a research paper. It lends to interesting conversations. I
am glad that so far none of them has shared that they learned command C and command V!

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