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WwoLul SC. J Molly complains it’s not fair that they could be cut from Dauntless. INT. TRAINING ROOM - DAY Eric addresses the group. Molly interjects and the two have an exchange. BOY What do we do if we're cut? ERIC You leave the Dauntless compound and live factionless. MOLLY But that's...not fair! Tf we had known: ERIC Are you saying that if you had known this before the choosing ceremony, you wouldn't have chosen Dauntless? Because if that's the case, you should get out now. If you are really one of us, it won’t matter to you that you might fail. And if it does, you are a coward. Po \ Ore WoL So 2 Molly makes fun of Tris’s name. INT. TRUCK STAND - DAY Robert, Molly and Tris talk. ROBERT Beatrice, what happened to you? What happened to your face? TRIS Nothing. Just training. Nothing. MOLLY Beatrice? Is that your real name, Stitt? TRIS What did you think Tris was short for? MOLLY Oh, I don’t know...weakling? Oh wait, that doesn’t start with Tris. My mistake. ROBERT There‘s no need to antagonize her. I’m Robert, and you are? MOLLY Someone who doesn’t care what your name is. Why don’t you get back in your truck? We're not supposed to fraternize with other faction menbers . TRIS Why don’t you get away from us? MOLLY Right. Wouldn't want to get between you and your boyfriend. Molly walks away smiling. Pb goeZ

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