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Tough Minded Management

1. A personal goal - you must crystallize and materialize your own grand
design as an individual
2. A Purpose - you must learn how to blend and relate your personal objectives
3. Direction: to lead you must know who you are, what you are and where you are
4. Force: you must have what it takes to ram through an idea when you know you a
re right
you must also remember to LISTEN FIRST!
5. Creativity: You must set up your life to maximize creativity
6. Zest for Life
7. Personal Responsibility
8. Motivation & Mental Toughness
9. Performance
10. Accountability
What Management Really Is:
Track 02
1.Study the present climate
2.Develop a viable management philosophy: design, goals, beliefs & values
3.Develop & set objectives
4.Organizational Planning, Development & Design
5.Performance Planning & Results Requirements (ROWE & Proper Compensation)
6. Communications & Culture
7.Proper Controls & Associated Rewards Systems
Are you marching IN SYNC FAST & EFFECTIVELY?
>>The Company Philosophy & Beliefs<<

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