Post Observation Document Dych 1

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Intern: Mr. Trey Pippin

School: Apollo High School
Grade Level/Subject: 10th Grade
Observer: Mr. Bob Dych
Date of Conference: 10/23/14

Cycle: Cycle 1

For each of the following, reflect on the lesson that was observed using the following guiding
questions to focus your reflection: Complete the Post-Observation Document no later than two
days after each observed lesson and submit electronically to the appropriate committee

In general, how successful was the lesson? Did the

students achieve the learning targets? How do you
know, and what will you do for those students who
did not?

In addition to the student work witnessed by the

observer, what other student work samples,
evidence or artifacts assisted you in making your
determination for question one?

To what extent did classroom procedures, student

conduct, and physical space contribute to or hinder
student learning?

Overall, the lesson was very successful.

Students were engaged in the content
and participated in class discussions. I
have been impressed with the students'
content retention and their ability to
demonstrate content knowledge.
Students have since completed a writing
assignment that required an
understanding of the concepts covered
in the lesson and they have been
Students began their work on a writing
project that requires content knowledge
from the lesson. In their initial planning
stages, they demonstrated an
understanding of the topics and
concepts discussed in the lesson.
Additionally, they worked on a review
lesson that demonstrated their
preparedness for the upcoming exam.
Classroom procedures, student conduct,
and physical space all contributed to the
success of the lesson. Students are used
to the routine of the classroom and that
helps them know what they can expect.
There was one group of students that
were a little off task but I have since

Did you depart from your plan? If so, how and

If you had an opportunity to teach this lesson again
to the same group of students, what would you do
differently, and why?

What do you see as the next steps(s) in your

professional growth for addressing the needs you
have identified through personal reflection?

personally spoken with them to restate

my expectations for their time in this
I did not depart from the plan that was
outlined in the original lesson plan.
I was honestly very impressed with my
students during this lesson. If I could
have done anything differently, I
would've paused the lesson in order to
remind a certain group of students of my
expectations for them. They were not
speaking out to be disrespectful, but
because they were enjoying the lesson.
However, I needed to reign them in a
little bit.
I will work hard to examine my practices
in order to allow students to have the
opportunity to do the heavy lifting.
I will give students opportunities to
showcase their knowledge of content.
I will adjust learning targets to showcase
more developed actions.
I will find ways to avoid one student
taking over the classroom.
I will find a way to manage students who
are off task while keeping them engaged
and not shutting them down.

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