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V S.


The idea that money is an indicator

of success is rapidly being debunked.
If you love what you do, do what you
You could have the highest paying
job in the world, but if you dont love. Take the gamble.


enjoy what youre doing, then its

not worth it. -Aimee Cho, Cornell University

Should you follow your dream or the money? Editor-in-Chief

Neeka Eghbali reports on the stress of choosing a major
and how to make the right decision.


s high school seniors venture off to college

utterly unsure of the right path to take, former Saxon and
each year, they are increasingly torn between
current freshman at Indiana University Sid Chawla offers
two realms: dreams that they hope can besome advice. Dont set out to discover passion. Instead,
come a reality, and reality itself. With an abundance
set out to develop it. That path might be more difficult,
of majors to choose from, and a lack of copious time,
but it will at least lead you to a job that you are
the stress piles on. It is only a matter of opinion
equally passionate about and can be financially
whether passion or pay reigns.
secure with. A current major in Market
Former editor-in-chief of the Saxon
ing and Informatics, Chawla is relieved
You could have the
Scope Aimee Cho weighs in. You could
to have found a happy medium
highest paying job in the
have the highest paying job in the world,
between both passion and pay.
world, but if you dont enjoy
but if you dont enjoy what youre doing,
Although reality eventually
then its not worth it. Ive loved journalism
sets in, there is only one realnot worth it.
my entire life, so making the choice to purity to consider at this point:
~Aimee Cho, Cornell Universue it was a no-brainer for me. Although
what you value. Langleys
the future of print journalism looks grim, its
Career Counselor, Mrs.
expanding presence online has prevented at
Hannah Wolff, encourages
least some deterrence from the major.
students not to worry just

For those still dissuaded by journalism or a
yet. Students should be
similar major based on lucrativeness, there are other
open to exploring a lot of
ways that one may pursue a career path without fear
options and should not feel
of plunging. Senior Aidan Toole aspires to
pressured to decide while in
be a graphic designer despite seemingly unhigh school. Less than 1%
favorable success. Graphic designers dont
of the population follows a
make jack, but its a different story with
straight path to their career,
businessmen, so why not double major? At
she said.
least thats what I plan on doing, he said.
By di
Sure or unsure, passion or pay;
versifying his skills, Toole will have another aptitude
no matter what success looks like to you,
to combine with his major or to fall back on even in
failure occurs for success to ensue.
the worst-case scenario.

Passion can most certainly be found, but it
cannot be taught. In the case that an individual is


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