Inside Out Intermediate

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Student's Book Intermediate 1 Friends Talking about fiends, relatives famous people Fem Pe Using bas question ors in Friendship ‘Game: Noughts & Crosses. page 4 Anecdote: talking about a triend Waiting an email and an informal letter about yours 2 Relax Talking about stress & ways of Sires erconation Cea inions Bons, lms & ect books ins asic ooo 14 Weting 2 ln eview 3 Dating Talking about ‘it’ he Talking about how coupes meet Peering Talking about the qualities of an enonalily, ideal porter page 24 Talking about frightening or ‘exatng experiences Talking about sport Anecdote: telling stories ‘Game: He leno Game: Tre or Dave ‘Talking about the qualities of _good child & a good parent Game: Definition Auction ‘Anecdote: childhood memories page a2 6 News Talking about celebrity gossip & Psporazel privacy Tapsrcz\ Talking about past experiences stories Exchanging personal news page 50 Shona interest empaisng Wining eter oa fiend ving 7 Party Talking about festivals hence Games Call My Bs ies Ii ep making foccmione tSe%, Making arrangements Special lating intentions page 58 Anecdote: talking about partis Planing 9 party ‘Wiig tete f initation ‘ing letter acepting or refusing» eter of nvtation 8 Review 1 page 67 interview with Jade logger (LJ Astice That We Then This Is Newo— do toniversity students stay ends forever EB. Converstion about cles frend 71 Song Mie Gota Find —by the Brand New Heavies {ER People thing abot thei ves The te Bok f ain LJ Anil» busy moshers reaction 0 “Thetite Beok of Cain {Ga People talking about books films & Web: page: i Movies lm information d reviews {1 Article: how two couples began their relationship EE Interview to find out if the relationships survived one yea later Lent couples talking about how they met (1 Article: Ki Astrology — personality types in Chinese astrology EA Conversation about a new boyttiend LL Aticle a boyfriend's worst nightmare LL veh page:snesdeatnicom a shydiver's addiction to is sport 8 Anerview with Jane Couch, 2 female boner 3 People talking about past experiences HE People talking about sports 1g: River Deep Mouotan High by The and Tina Turner ‘L._|"Fext: children’s definitions of a mother HEB Childten’s definitions of everyday things & concepts LL Entraets from Roeld Daht's uobiography, Foy EX Extract from Roald Dahl's autobiography, Foy LJ Web-page: Faporezi— views on press intrasion LI News stories: News in Brief short newspaper articles {EB Radio news broadcasts EB Conversations giving personal news LL | Aetice: Sprin’s Thiet City Sees Winter OF ‘With ong ~the festival in Valencia EE Conversation about dates & boyfriends JE Conversation about the ingredients of 2 00d party (| Questionnaire: Are You a Party Animal (Gra Party Pooper? —how much de you really enjoy partie? 7 Song: i's My Party by Lesley Gore @ Question forms in the main tenses and ‘with modals| Subject v. object questions ‘Questions ending with prepesitions @ Friendship expressions English in pop songs @ stress in questions Long & short vowels @ Adverbs & adverb phrases of equeny Present simple for habits & routines present continuous for temporary. ‘activities: prosent pettct for past with prevent celevance @ Expressions about stress, mannerisms & self control Adjectives ending in-el/ing ‘Vocabulary of bocks flms & ruse @ Past simple for finshed time contrasted ‘with present perfect for timeupto-nom singe & fr @ Love &relaonship expesions ‘Simple & compotind adjectives scribing personality CGaticsras & generalisations: con Be at ‘set to mean become @ The schwa /o/ @ Past experiences: past simple fr entra events; present periet with Hive you ‘ever. past continous for background Comparison: competative and superlative adjectives, oso @ Expressions about risk é excitement Gradable and absolute adjectives ery geod vs absolute increible) Vocabulary of sport Time expressions © Using sees to expres strong feelings @ Defining relative clauses Past time: usa fo & would @ Vocabulary of education & childhood Guessing meaning frorn context @ Syllable timed stone @ Passive voice rose perfect for tecent events Irregular past tense verbs © Common verb collocations @ Showing empathy @ Future forms: will for decisions and coffers; (be) som to for intentions; present ‘continuous for srranggrents @ Phrasal verbs Soxiaising exprosions @ Short vous sf Jes fo! fx) fal fo! In ‘An American soap gers Fay relations page 72 10 Time Tine management ork page 82 1 Journey “ial Hotdoys page 92 12 Basics Restaurants Reed Seep age 100 | 18Communication ‘Teephoning Men & women page 108, 4M Style Fexkion Clthes Apprerance page 16 16 Review 2 page 134 ing abou fmily relationships Talking about the characters in Paci Heights Reporting conversations Making predictions Writing a TV preview Comparing sayings about ie Talking about rules & regulations Talking about werk places Writing a business leter Writing letter of application Talking about reasons for teoveling Describing places Anecdote: talking about a periect weekend Anecdote: journey Writing holiday posteands Writing naratives: making stories more vivid & detailed “Talking about eating habits Using formal & informal register ‘Anecdote: eating out ‘Talking about unusal food Designing a meal iting up the results ofa survey Making phone calls Talking about male/female serotypes Talking about different generations ‘iting a report based on statistics Talking about getting ready to goout Talking about tates in clothes ‘Anecdote: clothes & accessories Describing people “Talking about wishes ‘iting descriptions of people “Talking about regrets Talking about age Hits Game: Unreal: Te Conditional Gane Talking about different ages in ie ‘Asking questions politely LJ Who's whoin Pace Heights EER Score 1 of Pac Hes LL who's eho tn Paci Highs Seenes 24 EB Scenes 2-4 of Pac Heights EB Radio discussion on attitudes to time EX Someone talking about dates that are important to ther [LJ Article: Time-Seving Tips —adview on how to make liste nd manage your time EB People talking about ther work place LJ stact from The Rech by Alex Galan ER Conversation about around the- world tp {EB Interview with people talking about thee prtet weckend 11 Ante: account of a metorbike trip aeons the United States Latico pilots mistoke EE Conversation at a restaurant on a ‘st date {8 Interview about entingtinusuel food LL Report on seep habits ES. Uieful wobsite addresses & telephone numbers [2 Messages on an arswering machine EX Phone conversation: Richard phones his giliriene, the bank & his mur {LJ Questionnaire on what men de women really think EX People talking about their favourite dothes L[Batract from Come Together by Josie Lloyd & Emlyn Rees 7 Song: tsiy by Jom Bon Jovs LJ Interview with Jon Bon Jovi Poem tf. from Harley Davidson slvertnement LJ tice: Agi Trad Her it Lir ‘woman lies about her se EX Conversation between the woman & ber boyfriend in the article 1 Texton uncomfortable situations & dlrs EB reopie taking abou the best age tobe @ Reported spoech & thought ‘Medals: nl (I) simple, continuous perfect forms @ Farly relationships Deseribing people sy, tll & ask Phrasal verbs Everyday expressions (seat yu mean) @ Medals: min: should cnt for ‘obligation, prohibition & permission ~ plas dnt et; @ Sayings about time “Tame prepositions & expressions Business time management expressions @ Sounds: /s/ /2/ /6/ (0) @ Nodal: (1) rms: cond an for deduction; (2) 10ul for urvealstuations Past perfect @ Geographical location Describing places © cueniiens Countable &unecuntabl nouns © Restaurant language Sail rege oeabulry of for tastes ways coking @ Real conditionals ef fist conditional 20 conditional conditional imperative @ Telephone, e-mail and website adérsses “Telgphone langue ake & do 1 wish + past simple Unreal conditional, eg:second conditional @ Verbs & verb phrases clothes (ut on, et uss, sil, fle) ‘Clothes & materials ‘Adjective order ‘Clete idioms © Pure vowels anc dipthongs © 1 wish & Fenty past perfect areal conditional eg third conditional ‘mixed conditionals Indiroct questions @ Vocabulary of age & regrets + Additional material page 139+ Verb structures page 148 » Grammar glossary page 146+ Phonetic symbols page 146 « Iregular verbs pave 147 «+ Tepescripts page 148 ere Friends 11 Write down the names of three people who are important to you: a friend, a relative and 1 Marisol somebody famous dy 2 Andreas 2. Ask other people in the class about their lists. Find out as much as you car 3 Madonna Fame 1 Discuss these questions: a) Who are the five most famous people in your country? b) Who do you think is the most famous man in the world? ©) Who do you think is the most famous woman in the world? 2 Look at photographs 1-6. a) Do you know who thes b)_ What do you know about them? Took ike ns oe coud be Fata it (Bob Marey)s sonftoughterothr Nb (ciel to sy, but Test your questions Pronunciation 3 Each of the famous people in the photographs in 2 is related to one of the people below. Match each of the famous people to their relation and say how they are related, 1. These are the answers from an interview with a celebrity, Write the questions a) [was born in London, but I've got dual nationality because my mother’s from Nicaragua, b) No, I'm living in Ibiza now ©) Not long, I moved from Loncion with my two daughters, Assisi and Amba, about six months ago. ) Yeah, very happy. We love the outdoor life. Also, my mother’s a Spanish speaker and I feel more comfortable in a Latin country, ©) Yeah, I've made lots of new friends here. A few English, but my two best friends are Argentinian and Spanish. 1) ma painter, but I've recently started a jewellery business with a friend, and that takes up most of my time, [also do some modelling when I need the cash! 4) Well, with a business and two young children I don’t have much free time, but [love reading and listening to music. 1h) All sorts: pop music and classical ') No, never, but don’t tell my father. }) Not very often. My mother’s in New York and my father’s often on tour. But we all love big family get-togethe k) That's a difficult question because I’ve been to so many amazing places, but [think Brazil is my favourite. The children love it there too. 1) Tthink my father chose it: my mother wanted me to have a Spanish name. 2 EEO! Listen to the interview. Are your questions the same as the ones on the recording? 1 EE 02 Look at tapescript 02 and listen to the questions. Linderline the strongest stress in each question. For example: Where wore ou born? 2. Work with somcone you don’t know very well. Use questions from the interview and the following, prompts to find out as much as you can about each other Have you...? Whats your favourite ...?- Who ..? Do you enjoy ..? ‘Are you good at ..? Can you ...? How long have you ...? Do you ever ..? ‘Are you interested in ...? Close up Work with a partner and cliscuss the following: a) In each of the following questions, which word is the subject? Which is the auxiliary? Which isthe main vert? 1 Has she been to Paris? 2 Did you have a good flight? 3° IsJohn staying at the George V2 4 Whatdo you do? b)_ Ina question, does the subject usually come before or after the auxiliary? What tenses are used in a)? ) Match the tenses to the auniliaries, continuous tenses | havefhasfhad perfect tenses Aofdoesiaid simple tenses, avnfisfarefonsfucere { tanguape Reference BB) ©) There are nine modal auxilieries. Three of them are can, could and would. What are the i other six? ©) Which, when and how are question words. There are five other important question ‘words, What are they? 8) Where does a question word usually go in a question? Subject 1 Which person is the subject and which is the object in this sentence? questions - | _ Mark Chapman shot John Lennon in December 1980. 2. What are the answers to these two questions? 1 Who did Mark Chapman shoot? 2 Who shot John Lennon? 8) Is zo the subject or the object of each question? bb) Which question uses an auxiliary? 3 The words in these sentences have been mixed up. Put the words in the correct order ‘Add did when necessary. a) who Arantxa Sanchez trains? b) band play Bob Marley which with? ©) Mick Jagger with songs who writes? a) marry Yoko Ono who? ©) appear $1 million advert Claudia Schiffer in who car a paid to? 1) for the World Ronaldo play in Cup who 1998? ‘Match the questions to the answers in the box. | John Lennon Keith Richards The Wailers Citron Brazil_-Her father 4 Use the words in the box to make five true sentences. 5 Write two questions for each ofthe sentences in For example: a) Who performed ... Who performed ‘Candle in the Wind! at Princess Diana's funeral? Which song Which song did Elton John perform at Princess Diana's funeral? b) Who Which part ©) Who... Which famous song... @) When Which American singer ©) When Who Prepositions 1 Sentences in English can end with a preposition, for example: Where do you come from? ‘Which prepositions are missing from these questions? a) Who do you usually have lunch 2 b). What are you leaning English z © What do you spend most money? 4) Who does your teacher remind you i ©) When you go out with your friends what do you talk? f) What kind of music do you like listening? 2 Work witha partner. Ask your partner the questions in 1 Using Many questions are formed using the same few strictures. Match the questions to the questions most appropriate answers Yes, plenty, thank you. Sure. What do you want? Yes, here you are, ‘Yes, three. Yes, I'm sorry. Is he bothering you? We'd better pet a taxi. ‘Yes, it is. I'm sorry, it looks just like mine. ‘Yes. That's the day he joined the army: Iesalways been my dream to do that. Certainly. Is it OK if smoke? (OK. What time would be good for you? Good idea. Where shall we go? BOT2 B2ee eege Language Reference ps) 2 Which of the questions are asking for information? What are the others doing? Imagine the situations Noughts & Crosses 11 Work in two teams. Team A look at page 140. ‘Team B look at page 143. 2 Use the questions to play Noughits and Crosses. The aim of the game is to get a line of noughts or ‘crosses before the other team. a) Draw a Noughts and Crosses grid on a separate piece of paper. by Decide whether your team is noughts (0) or crosses 00. © Take it in turns to ask and answer questions, When a team answers a question correctly, they choose a square on the grid and mark a nought ora cross. Language reference: questions ‘Question forms have many uses. Here are a few ‘examples: ‘Asking for information: Where's the nearest post office? ‘Asking for permission: Is it OK if | leave work early tonight? ‘Making requests: Could you pass me the salt? Making offers: Can I help? invitations Would you like to go out for dinner? Making suggestions: Shall we go to the cinema? Showing friendly interest: How are your children? | Yes/No questions 1 When bes the only ver in the sentence, you put it before the subject in the question, Affirmative: You were in my class last yea. Question: Were you in my cas lst yeor? 2 You usually put the auxiliary before the subject of the sentence. Present continuous You're working for IBM. Are you working for IBM? Past continuous You were thinking about Jack again. Were you thinking about Jack again? Present perfect She's been to Paris recently. Has she been to Paris recently? Post perfect He'd already left when she arrived. Had he already left when she arrived? Present simple He speaks English very well. Does he speak English? Past simple She played football yesterday. Did she play football yesterday? Note: Because there is no auxiliary in the affirmative of simple tenses, you use the auxiliary do to form questions. 3 There are nine modal auxiliary verbs: can, could, val, would, shall, should, ray, might, must. You usually put modal aupiliaries before the subject. ean You can swvirn. an you swim? will She'l be here tomorrow. Will she be here tomorrow? Open questions Open questions use question words: when, where, who, wy, hows which, what and whose. You usually put the question word at the beginning of a question. Do you smoke? How much do you smoke? ‘Are you going? When are you going? Has he gone? Where has he gone? Are you tired? Why are you tired? Subject questions \When the question word is the subject ofthe sentence you do not use do, does or did: Affirmative: ‘Mark Chapman shot John Lennon in 1980. Subject question: Who shot John Lennon? ‘This happens most often with who, but can also happen with which and what. Which company bought Rolls Royce in 1998? What happened next? Questions ending with prepositions Many verbs can be followed by a dependent prepcxition. You usualy put the preposition at the end ‘of a question He spent all his money on whisky and ber. What did he spend al his money on? What are the neighbours like? Friends for life 1 Tina and Will met when they were both studying at the same university. Three years later, a student magazine contacted them and asked them to take part in a survey to find ‘out how many people had stayed f Look at the photographs of Tina and Will, Do you think the following statements are true or false? a) Tina and Will had similar interests when they were at university b)_ They chose similar carvers when they finished their studies, ©) They have similar lifestyles now. Read what they both say about their friendship and find out if you wer EEE rst ret wil wen wes loking for somone to share the house wes ening Iputan advertserantin the focal student newspaper and he vias one ofthe people who ansnered it When we met, we bit ito straightaway ard | tld irn he could move in Living with Wil was fun, We soon found ext that we had alot ia common and quickly s became cose friends. We always had really good discussions about everything that wes important to us atthe time: politics, the envronment, literature another less important things lke cooking. We ao liked the same music ard thats important when you'te sharing a house. We fel out a couple of times about the housework, Wil thinks rm uni but | think lie too short to werry about things tke that 1 When we graduated thrce years ago, we went our separate ways and since then our ives have been very cifferen. went back to myhome town and gota eb as a production assistant fr art hibition. like my job because helping young people to get nvoived in the arts. Fr ivng with my parents because m not e2ming very much, Wil thinks Fr rary because ones ver impetant to hin now, but | gto lot of personal satisfaction 15 from my job. Hes coring a ot of money, but he doesn't have time to sper with his farnly and Fis trends, 1 don't see him very often row. When he cernes down for the weekend we have 2 laugh, But ou fesyes at so diferent now that we dont have very ‘much o tak about Tina and got on very wel together at university, When We first met, we ccked strightaway and we ended up sharing 2 house for nearly three years. We hed the same atitude to the import things in life and the only thing we argued about was the housework. a Vigo som very tidy whereas Tina the opposite don't tink she ever found out where we kept the vacuum ceznes! When tle: university Imeved to London an gota job in 2 finance emmpany,Lhave to 2s work ong hours and do's really enjoy what fm doing but | eam a very goed salary tm very ambitious and I want to get othe top of my profession. I enoy spending money on Ds, cothes, a nice car and going out to good restaurants. Tins working reall hard as wel, but she not earning much. I don't understand why shes doing it. | think she's having a holiday ~ it seems very idealistic to me. Anyway, t rears that our estes axe 2» very diferent now so we've difted apart. We havent fallen out or anything, We stiltak ‘on the phone and winen go down to wsit her, we have a augh, | know she'l always be there for me, Lexis 1 Tina and Will use several expressions to talk about their friendship. Complete as many of these expressions as you can from memory. Compare them with a partner. Then look at the article again to check. a) Two expressions that mean ‘we liked one another immediately’ We cick .. We hit it b) An expression that means ‘we had similar interests’. We had a tt ©) An expression that means ‘we enjoyed one another's company’ We got on 4) An expression that means ‘we got to know one another very well We became close ©) An expression that means ‘we argued’ We ell 1) Two expressions that mean ‘we became more distant from one another’. We went our separate... We drifted. g) An expression that means ‘I know I can count on her when I need a friend’ She WU alaays be 2. The following isa summary of Tina and Will’s friendship. Put the lines of the summary in the correct order, (J met. They became close (2) off immediately when they first (_ ) separate ways and they've drifted (out and they say that they are still (_ ) friends and got on (__) there for one another. (1) Tina and Will hit it (apart. They haven't fallen (in common. Now they have gone their (__) well together. They had a lot Anecdote 1 £58 03 Listen to Balvir telling Tim about a close friend. Which of the following topies do they talk about? How did you first meet? What do they look like? What was your first impression What are they like as a person? cof them? What special talents andl abilities do What do you like about them? they have? What dor't you like about them? What kind of clothes do they wear? ‘What do you have in common? What's their job? How do you differ? What's their family like? Why did you become such What are their hobbies and interests? close friends? What do you do and what do you talk Will you be friends for life? about when you're together? eentin 2 Listen again and note down what they said about the topics. 3 Think abouta close friend. You are going to tell a partner about him or her. Choose from the list in 1 the things you want to talk language you will need. A. Tell your partner about your friend. about. Think about what you will say andl what hy frend. My tro Fiend, Secmetiones, Efi aes ony Ferend Maas Teele for me, never critical, oluays dependdtie You've stuck: 9 we thepe ats Woe NST be est yo / 5a ‘ADDIO ns THE: lcolteuirry By Thenks, Katrine - Theat means o lot to Actually I ovas talking te this / co figut soa 10 You've got a friend Vowel sounds 1 Vowels in English can be long, as in‘ of words. Think about the underlined sow short vowels? Divide them into two groups. (/6e1/, oF short, as in ‘fl’ /1/. Look at the list Which are long vowels and which are a) call ©) good 9) soon b) come 1) got winter © darkest g) hurt }) thank @) friend h) need 2 think 2 EJ 04 Listen to the words, then match the sounds to the phonetic symbols Long: /o:/ fis ae fosf Jol Short: /we/ Jef ff fal [sf fol fof For example: call ~ /2:/ 3 Think of other words for e +h sound. Check them in your dictionary You are going to listen to the song, You've Got a Friend. Tick the words from 1 as you hear them. Which word isn’t in the song? | he Brand T New Heavies entered the London club scene in the 1980s. Their music is influenced by 70s funk, soul music and American rap. They recorded their version of You've Got a Friend in 1997 on their album Shelter. Frien’s EEG u Lexis 5 1 Look at the lyrics. The lines have been cut in half. In Column A the lines are in the correct order but in Column B they are mixed up. Listen and match the two halves of each line. You just call out bbe there, yes I will And you know. ‘sumuer or fall Vl come running, is call Don't you know that winter, spring, wherever Lam_ All you've got to do a friend And I ‘yea, to see you again You've got ‘my name ‘One of the lines is ‘Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend’. What does ain't mean? Is it correct English? Read the following lines from different pop songs. Rewrite the underlined words in more formal English. a) Twanna hold your hand, b)_ The sun’s gonna shine on everything you do. ©) Itain’t me you're looking for, babe. ) The way I'm feeling, yeah, it just don’t feel right. ©) Ican’t get no satisfa: #) You gotta roll with it Try to match the singer or band in the box with the lines of the songs in 2 Oasis the Beatles Bob Dylan AllSaints the Rolling Stones Lighthouse Family Check your answers on page 141. Collect other examples of ‘pop song English’ and bring them to class. You've got mail 1 These e-mail messages were sent to a magazine for English language students, 4) Which ones do you think are the most and least interesting? Why? b)_ Are there any messages that you would be interested in answering? =e ES es es | Hit | like to skateboard, surf, roller-blade, ski, swim and play waterpolo. | LOVE animals, 've got five hamsters anda deg. | had eight fish but they're dead. | also had a turtle, but my neighbour's dog killed her. | also like playing Nintendo 64 and listening to Nirvana and Bush, and | have my own band called Turbulence. Ben, the Netherlands LIFE IS A DARING ADVENTURE. 'm a woman of 44, with two grown-up children, a piano, a dog and a few survival strategies. Interested in everything, but mostly in people and different lifestyles ‘Ana, Spain HEY YOU! READ THIS NOW!! Good, now that I've get your attention lan tell you that I'm a 19-year-old girl who loves to dance, talk, exercise and go horse-riding, I'm interested in everything from {football to ballet. | promise that if you write to me you will get a response. SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Francine, France Hil Fm a 20:year-old male who would like to write to girls from all around the world because girls are easy to talk to and 2 beautiful girl is nature's greatest creation! Hi there. This is Fabio writing! I'm 25 and I'm looking for a serious penpal of about my age. ¢ prefer a gil, but even guys are accepted. live in Italy and I'd like to correspond in English. If you're interested, I've got brown hair, green eyes and I'm one metre 77 tll. love alternative music such as Sonic Youth and some pop 100 like Oasis, and of course rock (U2). But hate techno. | aso love movies, theatre, ars .. well, tell you the rest if you write. Well, hope te hear from you soon then. Fabio, taly 2° Write an e-mail with a message about yourself Jou For your email message and your adre am writting to you to tell you mere about nyse and falso to send you a photograph. That's me on the le The one in the riddle e ry cider brother, clvien and 3. This isa leter written by one of the people in 1. Read it and decide who wrote it with my sister, but my brother ard | have nothing comiich~ hes very serious and boring. He just apende all hie time on the conyputer and ever goes out cng out — especialy to dance because a student. Im studyieg engi ard spanish a university, but Im not sure why. mean, | dot cw What I wart to do when I leave unveraty, ru prec are deed lr dad go horse-ridi the a Tet yu? fe engl had a by fowe ope ip boca he xt to get raed ard have children one day Oc eels 4 Find ten spelling mistakes and ‘Az told you in the e-mal ted in ten missing capital letters and averyth Footbal # Place write the words correctly trite soon and tell me what you ed ‘Appolages for my bad sp 5 Write a letter introducing La yourself to a penpal. Relax Think about some of the things you did yesterday. Note them down under three headings working, studying or relaxing, How much time did you spend working or studying, and how much time relaxing? Was this a typical day? Compare with a partner. The Little Book of Calm 1 Look at the photograph. How do you think the woman is feeling? Look at the book she's reading. What do you think it's about? Relax Adverbs of frequency et ro. D> a) spends time alone b) has a short nap during the day. ©) goes for a walk in the country or in a park. @) does some physical exercise ©) goes running. 1) floats in water. 2) hasa leisurely hot bath. 1h) takes a different route to work or college. i) drinks hot water. )) has a massage. B)_ goes dancing. D drinks milk. 1m) changes their routine. ‘The four people in the photos read The Little Book of Calm. Do you think they liked it? Why/Why not? 3. £2805 Listen to each speaker. Were you right? What activities from 2 did each one mention? Close up Listen again and read tapescript 06. Under ‘you how often people do things. all the words and expressions that tell For example: J never have time for a nap during the day. Ihave a massage from time to time, but U hardly exer have a leisurely bath 2 Work witha partner. Match each of the words and expressions you have underlined in the tapescript with the word or expression below that has the most similar meaning, often regularly sometimes not very often don’t ever 3 Ask your partner questions to find out how often they do any of the things recommended by The Little Book of Calm. Do they do any other relaxing activities? | Doyouever...? Yes. Every day/often /once a week /sometimes Yes, but not very often/hanly ever/No, never oe 15 Relax 4 Where would you put ofter and where would you put every morning in this sentence? ss |), wal to work.) (Language Reference pt6) 5 Do the adverbs below usually go in position (a) or position (b)? frequently from timeto ime always hardly ever never now and again cecasionally once amonth usually once ina blue moon rarely sometimes twicea year normally once every two weeks 6 Put the adverbs in bold into these sentences: a) [eat out in restaurants, b) [go to the hairdresser’s. once in a blue moon once every six weeks ©) Targue with my brothers and sisters. hardly ever a) Icheck my emails. every day ©) [listen to classical music. now and again A) [forget where F've put my keys. sometimes fg) I'mllate for appointments. often b) [go forarun, once or twice a week 7 Do you think these sentences are true for your partner? Rewrite them changing the adverbs as necessary. For example: ‘Mikel eats out in restaurants tivo or three times a 2veek Now ask your partner questions to check if the sentences you have written are true. For example: Hew often do you go to the hairdresser's? Do you ever listen to classical music? 8 Work with a partner. Ask your partner questions to find out how similar or diferent you are. How often do you | Do you ever Adverbs always, often, frequently, usvally, normally, generally, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, not often, hardly ever, ‘The most usual positions are: Before the main verb: | sometimes have time for a nap. I rarely read the paper. After the verb to be: He's always late. ‘She's hardly ever in when 1 call. After the fist auxiliary: 1've often wondered why he hates her so much, He's never been sent a Valentine's card. l | Relax receive letters or e-mails surf the Internet | ook at yourself in the mirror dream in colour _ go to the gym get headaches write letters go to the theatre rent videos Language reference: adverbs of frequency Adverb phrases two or three times a week, every momming, once a ‘month, from time to time, now andl again, once Ina blue moon, ete. ‘The most usual position is at the beginning or end of a dause. Thave a massage from time to time. have an English lesson twice a week, ‘Once a month I go dancing with my friends. Note: always, usually and normally are not used on their own to tell you how often’ something happens. How often do you go out? Almay X Every night. 7 Do you ever play tennis? ¥e5-siaiiy X Yes, once or twice a week. ¥ Do you often get headaches? ¥as-nermall: x Yes, frequently. Sally sees herself as she really is 1. Read the article and find out a) how Sally changes her mine about how she sees herself, b)_ what she thinks of The Little Book of Catm: ‘was under the impression that | was quite a relaxed sort of person until | watched the video of my sister's wedding. As | watched myself, realised that | am not the cool, calm, sophisticated woman | thought | was. In fact I'm the opposite. | fidget. | talk non-stop, fiddle with iy hair, seratch my nose, wave my hands around like a lunatic, bite my nails, and I never sit back ‘and relax on a seat, I sit on the edge of it, ready to jump, up and go somewhere else. So it was no surprise when a friend gave me The Little Book of Calm for my last birthday. {read the blurb on the back cover. ‘Feeling stressed?" itasked, ‘Need some help to regain balance in your life? The Little Book of Calm is full of advice to follow and thoughts to inspire. Open it at any page and you will find a path to inner peace.” So | opened it at any page and read the advice: ‘Wear white." Wear white! I haven’t worn white since my first child was born. This is not good advice for someone who has to deal with young children and their dirty fingers every day. [turned to another page. ‘Take a lesson in calmness from children. Watch how children live every moment for the pleasure of the moment’ Do you know my. children? When one of them is screaming, ‘Aargh! he's pulling my hair!” and the other is screaming, ‘She's taken. imy sweets!’, the feeling | get is not calmness. ‘WVlake an appointment with yourself to deal with. Worries at a specific time in the future.’ Make an appointment! I've already got too many appointments. | don't need another appointment to worry about. "Get up early and watch the sunrise.” Well thats nothing new. | wake up at the crack of dawn every day, thanks to the children. | haven't had a lie-in for years. “For every ninety minutes of work, take a twenty minute break.’ Yes, | like that. But there's a problem. ‘Who's going to teli my children ‘Don’t disturb Mummy row, she's having a break.'? “Use a soft voice." With fighting children? I don't so. In fact, my voice is getting louder every day. I decided to try once more. ‘Rediscover milk.’ No problem. | love milk and I drink it all the time ... with a shot of strong Italian espresso coffee in it, of course. 2 Are these sentences true or false? a) Before seeing the video, Sally thought she was a calm sort of person. b). She wasn’t surprised when she saw herself on video, ©) She discovered that she's the sort of person who never keeps stil. She read The Little Book of Calm from cover to cover. ©) The advice in The Little Book of Calm changed her life 3 Have you ever seen yourself on video? What were the circumstances? Were you surprised at how you looked? How did you feel about it? Ask a partner. coor EE 7 Present tenses 41 Find expressions in the article with a similar meaning to the underlined words. Compare with a partner. Then look back at the article to check a) {never stop: moving. (line 6 by talk constantly. dine 6) ©) ‘touch my hai. ines 6-7) €) Arrange a time to give your attention to your worries. (ines 29-30) ©) Twake up very early in the moming. (line 34) 1) Inever sleep late in the mornings. ine 35) For every ninety minutes of work, rst for twenty minutes ine 36-37) 2. Complete these sentences with words and expressions from 1 above. Sometimes you will need to change the grammar of the expressions. 2). Nobody can ever geta word in because you .. 1b) Don’t phone me before eleven tomorrow morning. I want to Did you remember to ring the dentist and. {2) You look tired. Why don’t you .. ©) Sitstill Stop. . ) Carla, you'll break that if you keep on 8). Inthis job you'll have a lot of new problems to h) Our flight leaves at 8.05 so we need to get up ... 2 Hoste coke SASSER partner? Read the questionnaire on the rightand | &. sist wor tnt ancy o dy oe | ewe beies Ving any rar adhe ‘which you think is true for 2A Timabvays figetrg, your partner. B fd yt han th | A Temes Bixemays 2A. ten tes hae ion i of er the tno here tis meena yo When vi peop hres bck and rb are. Find out who's the mos srastoray relaxed person in the class. — — Ib art nosis ia oeseting ey bas 1 Close up SA Lite my ras i B nee oaos reece my ras 1 The article Sally sees herself as 6 Ab worry all the time, | she rely is uses thre different 1B ire aprblers del wh can do nyig present tense structures: the | dorit worry abou it present simple, the present 7A Were pont i wag continuous and the present porate opt oe coreg ae When [mae 2 ponte | write own ee Wie Gn ees OA Vhs tig gives i too ipa an aa cone in? B accept vite anes bea i 9. exe temper vo or ee tes nek ] 8). Tbite my nails and {never B hardy eer ose my tere sitback and relax on a seat. 1998 “tus area amit 1b) Thaven't worn white since Sa Tieec an. ‘usualy area appotitments on time, | iy first child was born, oo Mtntnretattng mn hist Uy ane you $title nb Yow Cha? | €) ‘She's taken my sweets! © wake up at the crack of és ‘dawn every day. ft 1) Thaven't had a lie-in for CM years. U 8) My voice is getting louder every day. 1h) Don’t disturb Mummy now, she's having a break. i) Love milk and I drink it all the time jetawee pio) 2 Work witha partner, Look at the extracts from 1 ancl match each one tu one ofthe = following uses: + shows that a situation is true all the time shows that an activity isin progress and is temporary ‘+ shows that something which started or happened in the pas is important now 3 Look at the four paragraphs below. Put the verbs in brackets in an appropriate present tense. Who or what are the paragraphs about? |_____ (wake up) three or four times every (give up) smoking and (not/g0) to the pub for two weeks. (not/ want) to go to work and (hurry) home every evening, I'm the 4 Ona piece of paper write three true sentences about yourself. Use a different present tense for each one. Fold the piece of paper and give it to your teacher. Then take another student's piece of paper and guess who it belongs to. Language reference: present tense structures | The present simple 2 changing situations ‘You use the present simple mainly to talk about things ‘My voice is getting louder every day. | scar sie‘ thatthe {Tm starting to understand English much better nom. 1 Habits and routines | bite my nails and | never sit back and relaxona The present perfect | seat You can use the present perfect to talk about a | play football with my friends every Sunday. present situation which fs connected with the past. 2. Facts and situations we see as more or less 1A present situation which started inthe past permanent haven't worn white since my first child was Hove mil born. The sun is 96 million miles from the earth. I"ve worked here for less than a week. The present continuous 2 A past event which caused a present situation | You use the present continuous to tlk about present 4 can't finish the work: My computer has crashed. situations which you see as temporary. Where's my mobile phone? Oh, no, t've left it in the tox. 1 Activities in progress Don't disturb Mummy, she's having a break, rm learning tw foreign languages at the ‘moment. Books, films & music 1. Find out how many people in the elas: are reading a novel at the moment. enjoy reading biographies and autobiographies. still listen to the first records, tapes or CDs they bought have a favourite place to read prefer watching a film to reading a book have been to a concert recently. have seen a film they didn’t enjoy recently 2. EEBO7 Listen to seven dialogues. What are the people talking about in each one: a book, a film ora piece of music? 3 Listen again. Which words ancl expressions helped you? Note them down under three headings: books, films, and music. 4 Find words connected with books, films and music and add them to the three lists. reggaestorylinepaperbackhithiphopbluesnovelopera shortstorypremiereplotdancemusicalsciencefictionhorror lassicalsubtitlesstereosystembancorchestrasoundtrackdirector } 5 £5308 Listen to these extracts from film soundtracks. What type of film do you think they go with? Choose from the list below. romanticcomedy gangster action thriller science fiction horror western lovestory war comedy 6 Workin groups. Think of some more films of each of the Pinan ti sesiy es eae types above. Which types of {eras ncerctngntereted films do people in your group tay the book Sometimes I'm hick and like best? the book is good and sometimes in asked Aisappolncing/csappoineed! 2." alway read book reviews in A good read newspapers and magazines and when | several read about book tat sounds Adjectives 1 Choose the correct form of the interestinglinterested.| write with -ed adjectives in bold in the people own in ry dary! 3A don't rake any rss. | always read books by authors | know. get really ‘excitinglexcited when one of my & -ing article on the right. 2 Look at the replies in 1 and answer these questions: question, frets ahr: bogs sua ro book ; sat y trata 2) Which adjective ening HOW | soccaappainenglieappotrend” mise do you | “smrvtrsrcestsa » RSet. choose | ,Sueniena™—” | people ar ting thet a book | “canines | | ene | | 3 How do you choose a book? inspired rent! 6 ‘Trend to choose books wricn by women. They have a beter feeling for Here characters and the reletionships been them, and tate what | re are their | interestingsinterested in a book Having sid thot, ve just finshed a book bby 2 man and ic was brillant replies: How are you feeling? 1. Tell your partner how you're feeling, today. Explain why. Choose words from the box if appropriate. tired happy exhausted excited worried cheerful relaxed nervous disappointed confused bored 2 Choose three other adjectives and say what makes you feel lke this. 3 Choose three ofthe topics below and tell other students what you think about them. Use some ofthe words from 1 For example: I think the political situation in my country is very confusing. Tm very worried about the political situation in nxy country. * the political situation in your country = the nightlife in your town + winter + karaoke ‘= English grammar + motorracing giving a speech + jogging, + surfing the Internet + finding out about other cultures * travelling by air Anecdote 4 “Think sbouta film you have seen or a book you have read recently. You are going, to tell 2 partner about it. Choose from one of the fists below the things you want to tak about Think about what you will say and what language you will use. 1 Where did you see the film? What was the last book you read? (at the cinema? at home? ..) When did you soe it? When did you read it? Why did you choose this book? Why did you choose this film? ‘dha wont What did you know about it What did you know about it beforehand? ee Who did you see it with? Have you read any other books by the Do you know who directed the film? same author? Who were the actors? Who were the main characters? What type of film was it? What type of hookewas it? What was the main story? What was the main story? Did it have a happy ending? Did it havea happy ending? Did you enjoy the film more or less) Did you enjoy the Book more or less than you expected? than you expected? Would you recommend this im? Would you recommend this book? 5 Tell your partner about the film or the book rex Net reviews 1. Have you ever looked for information about a film on the Internet? 2. What do you think a film called The Horse Whisperer may be about? Look at this web-page and match the headings to the information 2) cast b) keywords ©) memorable quotes 6) plot summary ©) review 1) type of film 8) user rating 1) ttle and main details SSS. SSS SS oS = | “The Horse Whisperer RomancelAdventureDrama Robert Regford:Tom Booker 7/10 (833 voces) | Directed by Robert Redford Kristin Scott Thomas: Annie | Based on a novel by Nicholas MacLean Evans ‘Sam Neill Robert MacLean | Searlett johansson: Grace Mackean The Horse Whispers is afm horses + Annie: “Tve heard you help A romantic fri fm in teased ona book by an English tragedy people with horse ‘which, apart from the scent weiter Nicholas Eons tearjerker problems with the horse. nothing much Directed by and starring landseapes Booker: Truthis,1help happens. Beautiful Robert Redford itis the story horses with people photography of wide open (of Area New York magazine problems? spaces in Montana makes the editor her young daughter + Annie: “Are you frightened fm pleasant to watch, What | Grace and Grace's horse, of anything Tom Becker” found dificult to swallow was Pilgrim. Grace and Pilgrim are Booker: ‘OF growing ld. Redford’s portrayal of life in involved in an apgaling riding Being of no use! Montana — everybody sriles accident which lenves both of all he time and all those them with horrors smiles made me fee! uneasy ‘Annies enly hope lies in'Ter But f you ae locking for 3 Booker, macho-butsensitive pleasant film this sit rancher from Montana. Booker ‘5 ahhorse whisperez.a man | has 2 special ener for healing horse. 3 Read these comments made by Internet users about The Horse Whisperer. What rating out of ten clo you think each person gave the film? AA ETAVIA WEI from the Montana Tourist Board Jim, New York ed Writing siete by rsa rementic comedy/an ‘don moves thier Isbased on 2 book by (bert Nr) pays the part cl Rocky Mariano) The fm takes place wv 9 feed in ‘eat Hedi tke eu itwas “1 must say | enjoyed this movie, even after the jokes about it being a three-hour advert “Ii fascinating to see how a film of almost three hours without violence, action or sex can still be so very good. Reaford has really succeeded in making @ beautiful film, full of sensitivity and emotions." Anna, Geneva ‘Robert Redford is @ competent director, no doubt about it. The film is well made, but never interesting, | found myself waiting or some sort of climax that never happened. There's no chemistry between the characters and it's simply too long” Angel, Salamanca. “Having read the novel last year on holiday, | was looking forward to seeing the film. To be honest, | doubted if Redford could play Tom Booker convincingly as the character is much younger than he is. Having seen the film t now realise that it really didn't matter ~ all performances are good and the new ending is better than the book ‘Agnes, France “A fow questions came to mind during the film: who in their right mind would travel thousands of miles across the American continent with an injured horse, when the most simple and affordable thing would be to shoot it and simply buy a new one? If you're not 9 fanatic horse lover, don't bother to sce this film.’ D.. Mico, Sweden. A film review THe Horse WHISPERER information: Writea review ofa film you have seen. Include the followin, + the title of the film + the type of film + thename of the director (if you can remember) + any other information such as whether it is based on a book. where it was filmed, ete the main actors and which characters they play a summary of the plot (in the present tense) ‘hat you particularly liked or didn’t like about the film ) Dating Choose three or more of these “firsts”. What do you remember about them? Tell a partner. first home first friend first hero first dance first crush, first date first English lesson, first kiss first holiday first broken heart first regret first trip abroad Twenty-first century dating 1. Read these extracts from an article on how two couples began their relationship. What do you think happened before they first met or spoke to each other? Couple 1 Then ‘Tom and I had our first “date” — we spoke for 11 hours and that phone call changed the course of our relationship. Now we've decided to meet” Couple 2. ‘twas love at first sight for Joel Emerson and Lisa Bunyan, which was lucky because they met for the first time on their wedding day!’ 2. Work witha partner. Find out how the two couples met + Student A look at page 139 and read about couple 1. * Student B look at page 140 and read about couple 2, When you've finished reading, close your books and tell each other about the two ‘dates’ Listening Present perfect & past simple 2 1 Complete the sentences. Refer back to Twenty-first century dating, pages 139 and 140, if you need to. a) don't believe in at first 1b) Somewhere in the world there's a Mr or Miss for everybody. ©) People don’t usually marry the man or woman of their a ‘women enjoy their independence Whereas ____men tend to be keen to get married. ©) Aman should toa woman. It isn’t natural for a woman to ask a man to marry her. £) Amarriage is more likely to succeed ifboth partners have had before getting married. g) Ifthe bride and are in love then it doesn’t really matter what the parents think. h)_ It’s better to save the money than spend it on an expensive in some exotic location. Do you agree with the statements above? Discuss with your partner 2B 09 Listen to the two interviews about the relationships one year later. Have the relationships survived? What problems did each couple have? Listen and find out Listen again. Which of the following sentences belong to Tom and Kathy’s story and which belong to Lisa and Joel's? a) They arranged to meet at the airport. b)_ She felt very nervous. ©). They've been married for a year now. 4) He looked just like his photo. ©) They've just celebrated their first wedding anniversary. ) She went straight back home. 8) His mother hasnt spoken to him since the wedding. h)_ They've moved away from their home town. 4) She hated his shoes. j) They've been in their new home for about six months. Close up 1 Look at these two sentences and answer the questions, 1. Kathy and Tom had an e-mail relationship for six months 2. Jocland Lisa have been together for one year. 2) Do Kathy and Tom still communicate by e-mail? b) Are Joel and Lisa stil together? ©) Which tenses are the two sentences in? Here is some more information about Tom, Kathy, Joel and Lisa. Look atthe fenses of the verbs. Tick (/) the situations which are still going on now: 4). Kathy has been single since she returned from Denver. b) Tom went travelling in Europe for a few months ©) Jocl and Lisa haven't been back to their home town for six months. 4) Jocl has been a marketing consultant since he lett college ©) Kathy has been looking for the man of her dreams for a long time. 8) Tom has had his own business manufacturing shoes since 1997. {g)_ Kathy hasn’t used the Internet since she met Tom, 1) Lisa played the piano for fen years. 26 since & for 1 Complete the table on the right 2. Wiite five sentences about yourself using the time expressions from the table: four that are true and one lie. ‘Then read your sentences to your partner and sce if they know which sentence is alie since for yesterday > one day 1995 > © fiveminaes mmylastbirthday > © yen [was born > __ © two weeks Giaistmas > © nie Language reference: the past simple & the present perfect The past simple The past simple is used to fx events and situations in the past. You can use it to say when the event or situation happened. 1 save John in the supermarket. He fved in aly when he was a chile Christina went to work on the bus until she passed her driving test. The present perfect The present perfect has several uses, but it always shows a connection between the past and now. In this Unit, you use it to talk about situetions which started inthe past and which continue now. We've known each other for 20 years I"ve had this watch since my 18th birthday. ‘Re since & for Since is used to identify the point at wich a period of time began. You normally use it with perfect tenses. They've been married since 1998. haven't seen him since April She's lived in Chester since she was 18. For's used with periods of time. They've been married for five years He was in the army for 18 months Ill be at work for another hour if you want to call me. snber our frst meal together, xen we sat on soap boxes and ate off a tea-chest? How we met 11 Read Karen's account of how she met David and answer the questions, a) When did they meet? ©) Where did she see him again? 1b) When did fate bring them together again?) How long have they been together? KAREN, 18, AND DAVID, 21 | met hin on a tain last summer He was gorgeous We chatted and when | got off he helped me ‘with my Iugsage. Unfortunately | was too shy to ask him for his phone number: But fate brough ‘opether aga. A ew months ago, | saw him again ata party and he recognised me at once, The ‘traction was magnetic and now we've been together for three months, two weeks ard three days 2. Read Emma's account of how she met Paul. Complete the account with appropriate ‘expressions, re - 1 EMMA, 32, AND PAUL, 35 (1) ent tothe pote sion to report a bury. was relly upset and the poicaran who rerweved me vas very nd and urdersancing He cand re down, gave me ac ct cfee_ | ard then rove re hore. (2) he targ me up and asked me xt and now we tepetier | 3 Read about: © smo, 0, ano naw 0 bim bait we Giant reall tk! tokd my father that | hed Him ant he (3) @rowrns | familyThen we (4) ___ (get) engaged. We coulc't get to know one arcther before we were rrarried. s0 the frst time | was alone with my husband was after the marriage. We (5) ee) ‘rarvied for 43 years now and we (6) __(rothave) an argument yet. | ukwinder and Rajvir. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, 4 Read about Elena and Basil and complete the account with appropriate verbs, What do you think happened to Basil's leters? wane i | © saa, no nast.0 |) Basten was 23 at @)__ love tire shee) togehar fore ayen ie (to etre by mse was gra ce Bask isa Cheistan Scientist so I (5) _ ‘Seeing him | (rot) (6) from Baal for a long tre, although he says he (7) lots of eters (8) _ other boyfriends but I never got eure married! (oot) (9) anyone eee. t yas 60 year later when er boyfriends had cle that | (10) 16 wender if Bast was sit alive, So I (|) ___ to Evergreen. a rmagazine for retired people Four days after my letter was pushed | (12) “a leer from Basi. He care to see me and after two days he (13), \We (4) rrarried wher Basl was 85 and | was 84 ard we (15) apply rmared for two years I (rot) (16) at another man since the day Bas came back into my fe, 5) Which of these stories do you think is the most romantic? 6 Think about couples you know: friends or family: What do you know about how they met? Tell your partner. 27 Dream date ‘The schwa The schwa is the commonest sound in English. ts phonetic symbol is /2/. You hear it in words like: dinner /dina/, cinema /sinama/, around /areund/, student /stjudont/. Iis never stressed. 1 EB 10 Listen to the ‘chat-up fines’ below. All the schwas have been marked. a) What'sa nice gil like you doing in 9 place like this? b) You know, I'm not just an interesting persen, have » body too, ©) Fiminadvotising, Would you like to be in our next photo shoot? 4) Do you believe in love at fist sight or do [have ts walk past you again? ©) A:Do ya have a boyfriend? B: Yes. A: Want anotho one? £) Your fatha must bea thief, because he’s stolon th stars from tho sky and put them in your eyes, 8). F’vejust moved next door and [ was ‘wondering if you could recammend » good restorant nearby. Would you like ta join me? 2. Work with a partner. Which chat-up lines do you like best? Which ones do you like least? Choose four chat-up lines and practise them. 3. Do you know any chat-up lines in your own language? Translate them into English and mark the schwas, Lexis 1 What qualities do you look for in your ideal partner? Choose the six most important qualities from the list below. good-looking modest reliable generous broad-minded witty cheerful sincere rich intelligent hardworking outgoing easygoing faithful kind Find someone else in the class who has chosen the same qualities. 2 Read the descriptions of different types of people below: ‘The sort of person who: 8). only thinks of their own needs and never big centred thinks about other people | b) thinks they know everything, | oe feed 0) refuses to consider new ideas or other | two minded people's opinions. ia sensitive 4) is not up-to-date with modem ideas and values, ©) says they believe one thing and then behave ina | absent headed vay that shows they are not since | narrow fashioned 4) forgets things, often because they are thinking, about something else. self minded 8) is easily offended. Match words from the two lists to form compound adjectives which fit the descriptions. 3) Many people believe that the identity of their ideal partner is written in the stars. You are going to read an artile about an ancient Chinese form of astrology which divides peuple into nine personality types. Read the article once and decide which description best describes you! nee Famous sevens: Michelle Pieifir, essnalty and pele Nk ii, isa Tore tien tr to youer | mpl sgn 1.2.8 advice You ie wb he ae 8 (soil) Yn ane rath ot Iachndand d xe i acl nd ya ite do mt | Pa 5 tent Shy int vey me | / Kt ASTROLOGY Se eee td percep nine is e terion and ts iportant for yous tossicced in everyting yeu do But yu dnt alas hk Hote yon act and you det alway’ arn from. are nine Ki perso eee STM | oun Tre cange Yate wo Uitte aecaingard Dewy wean dil pt Canmtedewevsrtxcauseymm dese ta. ou ea song ee 1 (water) } 3 (tree) a onan ionbe Fight and wang and wen you) ‘ounce obo Toute ae talatve, | tae {etd stg nth can Hendyand ecacing | acieand fn Howeve: | Famous fves: Eaten Tyke, | Sepyeu. tery aco he a ery urtecaay baedand” | Berita ‘One ye Sind emcee tea to paseo yerrenaty, | tendiotit fimmethingtonie | Casey signs 67,9 ut ll yet enon ns mali the Berd ike andyoaesiy | tort Some pepk tk ae po Tinto wo ea haveing erernca. You ol | anata urcgaety end 6 (metal) serweal family ard crmmtnent feorkacmetretntitan | pepe (met. amos eights Soe Seng eer eticti | GEtjnicntarmisyes ps i Ly feng ned stent to the cppostesex, You olrestobett | Compatible signs 6 7,9 ivditeskerin rations | want exiting relatnshipe, but you conta You work hard Ioijadebesyardoytake | akoneet indepenerce toachieye your mbites aye 9 (fire) fecrersrccy Yaienttie | Famous threestHater De Nim, | sully ceed Youare active and freon Ope ttycucanbe ery | BatieMphy Socket you hate tobe esis, | | Peapeareanactelto este Compute sign 1.9 Mavesgd paterandvay | Samet Fae neers Dopp, | | Garena ersenalty. Yu pear Gem trea 4 (tree) | SEIT instanton | tron cre bat uceath | Gaopte sens | sears gra ruliketrbethe bss Yeutend to | yeu aml hurt Youcan beer | ate a rd te ea Schepens | eniiveat nes ounce te Go . | aniyuhewea gol Famous sis: Madea, Micha | jour ownatd you ca stand } 2 (soil) derstanding of ther < chal | your on Yule hdpingpeanle | Pople poblens Howeve, youre | Ee Awan t the appt ex Picea oe eve dal aking dc on e | snl win jt nove yout : itetties rebar yes hfe we ya tet fesse nants ging Seu would pe yaurseighbearthe | change your mind easily: You appear 7 (metal) Famotss nines: Jack Nica, Sid yarbarki tho neve |! DECANE bulyouen te "| | Yeuaivaysseem tote | EvaTeson cla amens and youtent © tomate inpubiv at ies happy Youre wity and | Compatible signs: 25,4,5.8 ribet Vale best is he one bard ye an iat fred wth wort bara acrartanaken | pik beting uel aden | ond aw as Neg Yat Ffeteapdie of pre undid | teeter, yeurectinattated | pany ad you nue pepe ee Felayusteetedhanarnan ten Groner qe | see Sate yy Mat | Rurealeaanagest year | Bower er tats, Dole vantoear even 8B ot iperes tre ceo | Fees Ou Yo On Mat | tye Four wor: Ter Cube, Movin | Brad Yi lve te ence of romance. Me Compatible signs 1.9 Hwee yo tend oe bared Compatible signs: 7.9 ge — ——— Now turn to page 141 and follow the instructions to calculate your Ki astrology sign, Did you guess correctly? Gritcisms & 11 How are the following ideas expressed inthe aiticle? generalisations 4) You often scare people. (Personality 1) 1b) You usually choose partners who treat you badly. (Personality 2) ©) You often lose interest in things and give up. (Personality 3) ‘€)_ Sometimes you won't listen to reason. (Person: ©) You sometimes have affairs behind your partners back. (Personality 5) 1) You usually choose partners who do what you tell them to do. (Personality 6) 2) You usually abandon your partners when you lose interest in them, (Personality 7) hh). You don’t usually share your feelings. (Personality 8) ’)_Youare sometimes too sensitive. (Personality 9) 2 _ Rewrite the following sentences using tend(s) fo be or can be. Do you agree with the statements? 2) Women are more sensitive than men, ) People ofthe older generation are narrow-minded mouse nctcenenae’) ©) Very good-looking people are bigcheaded. eee 2) g) Women are more faithful in relationships than men, 9) People from hot countries are more outgoing than people from cooler climates, A boyfriend's worst nightmare 11 Work in groups. What could a boyfriend’s worst nightmare be? Note down as many possible circumstances as you can think of. Now read the article. y gitfriend has had Canadian» together with my girlfriend, he was Jpenpal called Eddie since she passing through London and stopped tvas in her early teens. That's OK. for a visit. When my girlfriend's ako exchanged letters with Monique mother met him, she liked him so from France and Shauna from much that she decided he was the Australia until | went to university. ideal husband for her daughter. But then I got involved in the So, bearing all this in mind, when ‘excitement of university life and lost my girlfriend ran towards me the touch with them, other week with a letter from him in But my girlfriend is more loyal to her hand and seid, ‘Guess what hers. Or maybe her little penpal hasa_« Eddie's got a job in London for three special place in her heart. years,’ I wasn’t exactly over the As they got older, their lives moon. changed but they still continued As the day of his arrival got ‘sweiting to one another. She's a nearer, I got more and more jealous. successful journalist now and he's got + My girlfriend asked me, ‘Why are you 2 very good job at the University of getting so stressed out about him? Vencouver. He is one metre 85, tall, Yes, he's good-looking, interesting, ark and handsome. 1am not one intelligent and sporty. But its you I metre 85, Or dark. And ('m not love and it’s you I'm with. Believe it particularly handsome. | know what =: or not, this didn’t make me feel any he looks like because my girlfriend better. talks about him .. alot. Finally, the day arrived when 1 1 also know that he's 27, hes an was to meet the famous penpal. » academic and he plays ice hockey. So My first thought when I saw him he's both sporty and extremely s was, ‘Tall, yes. Dark, yes. Handsome, intelligent. And tall, dark and yes. Intelligent, definitely. Charming, handsome as said before, Probably. It can't get any worse Several years ago, before | got than this 2 What do you think happened next? Write the last paragraph of the story: 3) Tum to page 143 and read the end of the story. 4 How does the ending compare with your version? When was the last time you had a weight lifted from your mind? Lexis 1 Refer to the text and answer these two questions: 2) Why did the writer stop writing to his penfriends? What happened? b) What happened to his feelings as the day of Eddie's arrival got nearer? 2 Here are some more examples of this use of get. Invent ways to complete the sentences and then compare with another student. For example: got angry because he kept me waiting for half an hour. a) [got depressed because ... 4) I got upset because b) got bored because ... ©) [got involved in crime because got confused because . 3 Read the ends of the expressions - the parts you invented - to other students. See if they ‘can guess which sentences they belong to. a Adrenalin adrenalin jen as epet adenine ‘Adrenalin sa sbetance which your body produces when you are soa reais ‘makes your bea beat faster ad ves you searing) Toe | 1 Which of the following would make you fee!: + angry? * excited? + scared? © nothing? | tatking to someone you are really attracted to / taking an exam / climbing to a high point and then looking down / taking off in an aeroplane / riding on the back of a motorbike at high speed / being stuck in a traffic jam / giving a speech in front of an audience / going on a roller-coaster at the fair / finding out that you have been robbed / galloping on a horse / watching your national football team / bei stopped by the police 2. Tell your partner about any of the situations you have experienced personally. Which experience has given you the biggest ‘adrenalin rush’? My name is Mike & I'm a skydiver 1. Have you ever done a parachute jump? Would you consider doing a jump? y Pe + Yes, for charity: * Yes. forfun. © Yes, formoney. * Noway! 2 Read about Mike and answer these questions: a) Why did he start skydiving? 'b) How did he feel on his first jump? ©) What caused his accident and why has he continued skydiving? Ie just done my first jump since the accident that nearly killed me just over a year ago. As | was lying in hospital, thinking that | would never skydive again, | wasn't feeling glad to be alive, Instead, | was wondering how I could possibly live without it. itall started one evening after another typical nine to five day. I was sitting at home thinking, “There has to be more to life than this’ when an ad came on the television: ‘Try skydiving,’ it sai. The next day, | called my local skydiving centre and booked my first jump. Ispent a day training and then ! was ready for my first jump. Or almost. First, | had to sign a document tosay that | understood that | was taking part in an activity that could end in serious injury. At that moment | realised that | was about to do something voluntarily that would put my life at risk and as | signed, | wondered if | was completely mad. Iwill never forget my first jump. Five of us walked to the runway and got into a plane barely big enough to hold three people. | was beginning to feel nervous, but the others were chatting and joking and | started to feel more relaxed. it was a beautiful, cloudless day and the sun was just going down. it took us about 20 minutes to get to 11,000 feet and then the trainer opened the plane door ~ the view took my breath away. Suddenly, it was time to jump and as | pushed myself away from the plane, | Gon't know what | was thinking, my mind went blank. ‘Words cannot describe the rush of adrenalin | experienced while | was free-falling. ‘At 5,500 feet | pulled the cord and the parachute opened immediately. Suddenly, everything was silent and peaceful. Twice | shouted, ‘This is absolutely incredible,’ though | knew there was nobody to hear me. Itwas the most amazing four minutes of my life From the first jump, | was hooked. | started spending every free moment | had skydiving, At work, | sat in front of my computer and imagined ways of making more money so that I could jump more often. became my reason for fiving and nothing else mattered. | was addicted to skydiving. Things were going really well. was spending every free moment I had skydiving. ‘Then disaster struck on my 7,040th jump. Another skydiver collided with my parachute at 80 feet. | fell and hit the ground at about 30 mph, face down. | broke both legs, my right foot, left elbow, right arm, my nose and my jav | lost 10 pints of blood, 19 teeth and 25 pounds of fat. | was lucky to survive. People who have never experienced skydiving will find it hard to understand that my only motivation to get better was so that | could do it again. Alcan say is that for me, skydiving is life and life is skydiving. 3 The sentences below summarise Mike's story: Correct the details that are wrong, a) Mike was reading a newspaper one evening when he saw an ad for skydiving, ) He phoned the skydiving centre immediately and booked a jump. 0) After a day’s training, he was sure he was doing the right thing, His first jump was unforgettable. It was 2 beautiful morning and he was feeling relaxed. ‘After an hour's fight, he jumped out of the plane and his parachute opened immediately After his first jump, he didn’t think he would do it again, During his free time, he thought about skydiving a lot. (On his 1,040th jump he hed an accident when his parachute didn’t open. He nearly died and thought that his skydiving days were over. ‘The only reason he wanted to get better was so that he could skydive again, Adrenalin: 34 Lexis 1 Complete as many of these questions as you can from memory. Look back atthe text on page 33 to check. a) What couldi't you |_without? b) Why do you think people t P. in dangerous sports? ©) Have you ever p. your life at r voluntarily? 4) When was the last time a view t your br, a ? ©) Do you know anybody who isa t0 a sport like Mike? 2 Work with a partner. Ask each other the questions. Grading 1 Find pairs of adjectives in the box that have similar meanings. adjectives For example: angry furious angry exhausted incredible awful hilarious bad brilliant excited furious tired thrilled good funny _ strange 2 Pat the adjectives in 1 under these two headings: very or absolutely. For example very absolutely angry furious Language reference: gradable & absolute adjectives | Gradable adjectives Absolute adje Ss ‘Adjectives like good, small or pleasant can go with Strong adjectives like incredible can go with adverbs ‘adverbs like very, fairly and rather. like absolutely and totally. For example: very good: fairly small rather pleasant. For example: absolutely perfect: totally unique. You cannot use adverbs like absolutely and totally with When Mike di his frst jump, he shouted, “This i these adjectives absolutely incredible” Intonation 1 El 12 Complete the following dialogues, then listen and check. —__atytiving? 2 Listen again and notice the pronunciation of the words in bold. 3 Practise the dialogues with a partner. 4 Work with a partner. Make up and practise a similar dialogue using, gradable and absolute adjectives. Lexis A sporting life 1. Putthe sports into groups according to ‘what you think they have in common, BCchic medic Cums nics Think of different groupings. baseball basketball’ bungee jumping For example: SIMU foots! swimming, surfing, sailing and ie Festi gamete) ine scuba diving are al watersports. Rc ces i) Rac) QA) ae) eS na 2) What verbs would you use with Surfing Sun RELL Gites each sports: do, play or go? tems) volleyball weightlifting For example: winesueting go swinming play lenis do weightlifting 3. Can you add any sports to the list in 1? 4 _Insmall groups discuss the following questions: a) Which of these sports do you do or watch? 1b) Which of these sports are shown on television a lot? (©) Do you think any of these sports are unsuitable for wom Why? 5 E13 Jane Couch made UK sporting history Huenewentefetoticalindaboane «= CFR EECCOES match in November 1998, Hew di you ge int oang? Listen to the interview. Which of the questions on ere youiterested in sport at echool the right does the interviewer ask? Make notes about Jane's answers to the questions How long di I take you to get ft? (De you bow how mary professional female boners there are? What did your Friend art famly thik toc eety for awoman to bes rofessicral box What do your critics eaye What do you think are the prime sila ta have ae a boxer? do you tein? ow do you prepare For a mat Have ou ever been seriously hu your euccesst Wher’s your nt ig fight? Where wl be? Adrenalin 35 Past experience (anosage Relernen 938) Close up 11 The grammar in the following sentences is correct, but the sentences don’t make sense ‘The endings have been mixed up. Rearrange the sentences so that they make sense. a). Have you ever ridden a snake? b)_ Have you ever been asked to the top of a mountain? Have you ever met a desert? )_ Have you ever driven a television programme? ©) Have you ever been to make a speech? Have you ever crossed a famous person? 8). Have you ever appeared on a Ferrari? h)_ Have you ever caught a horse on the beach? Work with a partner. How do you think your partner would answer each question? a) Yes, Ihave. b) No, never ... but I'd like to. No, never ... and I wouldn't like to. Discuss your answers. How well do you know each other? Ask more Hive you ever? questions, 4 E814 Listen to five people being interviewed about their past experiences and. complete the table below. | Have you ever .. YIN What were you doing? What happened? |) had a sports injury? |b) been in a dangerous situation? | @ broken a bone? 4) been realy frightened? e) thought you were | Being to air | 5 Work with a partner. Compare your notes then ask eech other the questions from 4 Find out as much as you ean, 6 Look at the questions in bold in 4. Three tenses are used: the past simple, the past continuous and the present perfect. Match the names of the tenses to the questions. 7 Look at tapescript 1. Find other examples ofthe three tenses. 1) Which tense is the mest useful for introducing a new topic of conversation? b) Which would you probably use if you wanted to say exactly when something, happened? 9) You want to tell a story, Which of these two beginnings do you prefer? 1 [twas late summer: People were sitting in street cafés, enjoying the sunshine and watching the world go by. 2 It was late summer. People sat in street cafés, enjoyed the sunshine and watched the world go by. ‘The diagram below shows three timelines: one for each of the three tenses you're studying. Which timeline goes with which tense and why? Discuss with a partner THE past x Adrenalin ‘Sra or poms patos Soot ios than Goa ci ss peal (yous read) The Grapes of ‘Steinbeck? (i/read) it last year (Q/travel) around {you/ think) of it? ____Atove) it 10 Ona sheet of paper write six true sentences about yourself. a) haven't. since DD tan foryears ©) Ididrit... yesterday 4) wae. + ing when « 6) We... Several times Twasrit + ing when 11 Fold the paper and give it to your teacher. Then take another paper and guess ‘which student it belongs to. “Good news ~ frst indications from the results of your tests suggest that you haven't gone permanently Blind.” Language reference: talking about past experiences The present perfect & the past simple | English often makes a distinction between finished time and | tomatoe | | TTI s¢evessecs Hom you ever bee fo New ork? ‘| ‘THE PAST. at I went to New York in 1998. ‘The present perfect is used to locate an action in time-up-to- now. The past simple is used to fix an action in finished time. Time expressions | choosing between the present perfect and the past simple is ctor question ofthe time expression you need to use | 1 Some tne expresons desrbetine-upe-now this year Shes faiths wock orth avers a ik | Sawaya veh re epee outa epee pore | 2. Stn time exresions describe has po the pst (Git inch in 3906 we amy satay ber | tte lt ee 602 te rites ae at ters at Css With theze time exprenions you use the past sip Anecdote [1 Where were you? At home? In the car? At a sports event? In town? Did it happen recently? How old were you? I (Who were you with? [! What were you doing? |) What happened? Ll How did you feel? [What were the consequences? |. Would you like to have the same experience 4 again? 2. Tell your partner the story. Give as much detail as possible. 3 vein 1. Think back toa moment when you felt a rush of adrenalin. You are going to tell your partner about it. Choose from the list below the things 1 ‘you want to talk about. Think about what you Will say and what language you will need. The present perfect as a conversation opener You can use Have + ever..?t0 establish the topic ofa conversation or introduce a story. Have you ever been to Tuscany? Have | ever told you about the time J went sking with my brother? You wil find more information about the present perfect in units 2,3 and 6 The past continuous & the past simple “The past continuous is almost always used in contrast with he past simple. You can ute it to describe something which was progress wien the main events in te story happened. Here Mike talks about the first time he thought of tying skyghirg, | was sitting at home when an ad came on the television. THE PAST: ool was sitting at home when an ad came on the television. ‘The past continuous and the past simple are also contrasted in more complex ways. Notice the way they are used togetheria this passage from the same text 1 was beginning to feel nervous, but the others were chatting and joking and | started to feel more relaxed. tt was 8 beautiful, cloudless day and the sun was just going down. It took us about 20 minutes to get to 11,000 feet and then the trainer opened the plane door - the view took my breath anay. Suddenly, it was time to jump and as | pushed myseit aay from the plane, I don’t know what | was thinking, my ‘mind went blank Stories are often toa in five stages Introduction ave | ever told you about the time 1 was attacked by a lon? 2 Background 1a on holiday with Jan We were traveling around Africa on ry Hatley 3 Problem Suddenly | heard a sound in the jungle The next moment | saw... Se there we were, yp the wee... We were begining to feel rather nervous Resolution, Then had an idea. in the ene managed to get the bike staned | rove off at a hundred miles an hour 1 did't top tit got t6 Nair 5 Comment J often wonder what happened to tan od in tars of three or tour. ‘BEFORE THE GAME ach wear propares ten TRUTH ‘ostions and ten ‘DARES'. Here ‘What were you doing when ..? DARE Sing a song in English. Inte a famous person. The Adrenalin Game: truth or dare? Seyi apne bck, sone a iam mabe, th et eet abt Lo tke tee smo'sans ‘wn wanwers esr, _ te sal TUT or DARE Demers cadre. way or abs ae om” Bt een Wil ane Socom iter act HUT er oa DAE. the one 4: arenas row nes sa wes Wea ineatlaliean tretnmr back ages ow rortay Senn” | Feclaratbekeginoy 1 each ian twsihe deo. § tameaatusetesane etm, Theteem we hghet’ TRUM or DANE Tie uness 8 The wer of he ane tbe oo tae Dives ieetadtei fameatradee eft 2 Teams teste ow ne TH ord DANES. ta Alceand move mot enor 6 Aeron the TUT ore foongte bard eerie DARE, th eles ay Genter ey tose "are ang at 3 DAE J ‘Who teamiads ona nea THUTH re lay ‘TRUTH ora DARE square, they versa, Aer saying charge, Adrenalin SEG 39 Close up Comparisons 1 Find the names of twelve spoxts baseballboxingbungeejumpingericketfootballformulaone skydivingrugbyrunningscubadivingskiingsnowboarding, 2 EGH1» Listen and say which sports George, Katrina, Paul ane Eva are talking about Which key words helped you to identify the sports? 3 Listen again. Complete these sentences to summarise what the people say about their experiences. You may need more than one word for each gap. Read tapescript 15 again to check a slightly ____than_ (George b) is just as as__. (George) ©) was one of the _Tveever (Katrina) a) are by farthe____. (Paul) ©) ismuch__ than __.¢£va) ) ____isn’tnearly as__as_. (Eva) 4 Use the same structures to give your own opinions about different sports. Find other people in the class who agree with you. Language Reference pt0) 5 Work with a partner, What rules do you know about comparative and superlative adjectives? | Language reference: comparisons Comparative & superlative Comparative & superlative adjectives structures 1 fast faster — the fastest useful > morelless useful > the mostleast cheap cheaper the cheapest useful 2 nice ricer thenicest exiting > morelless exciting > the | safe safer the safest mostileast exciting | 3 big bigger the biggest —_x isn't as astnicebighlowleesylgood! hot hotter the hottest | usefullexciting as ¥. 4 slow slower —the slowest Snowboarding is similar tole skin few fewer —_the fewest bearing sian ele Sing | 5 funny funnier the funniest ~—- Modifiers easy easier «the easiest. 2 = ee Footbal i mcr fet more pop tan bad worse the worst «= “tyaiving. | Skydiving isn’t nearly as popular as football | The Seikan tunnel in Japan isa litle bit’slightly longer than the Channel tunnel. | Russia is by far the biggest country in Europe. Harrison Ford is one of the most sucessful | film stors of all time River Deep Mountain High Darling 1. Make lists of things which are: When Iwas a litle gi/boy | had a sweet deep Now I love you the way loved my + strong > brig And my lve le stronger than + bigger than you And its deeper than. 2- Work with a partner. Tell your partner about Hove you lke bees lve. | your list. | | Like the sun loves 3 Complete the love letter. Like fish ove .. If leet you Fa. Im going to be as faithful as... We & Tra Turner Ihe an ced River Deep Kids 1. Note down the names of any children you know: Put them in the appropriate category. babies: 0-1 years old toddlers: 1-3 years old young children: 4-7 years old older children: 8-12 years old teenagers: 13+ years old Ne 2. Tell your partner about them. 3 Divide into two groups: parents and children ‘+ Parents: discuss and list the qualities of a good child * Children: discuss and list the qualities of a good parent. ‘Then compare your list with the other group, A child's point of view 1 Read these children’s definitions of a mother and choose the one you like best. ‘A mum is a person who cores for you and tucks | i you nat night. When youve made @ mistake she (| Joys it's all ight Tan, age 13, Motherme pole wo a up worn bast you and ( won you co Ye thay yl ty Gary age 1 eee Amun is women who s0ys'90 te bes ord, | when she says that, you stay very quiet and she \ ——— forgets about you. Aishlirg, oge 9 ‘A mother is a superwoman who ean be in two ) \ places at once. Judy, age 10 ‘A mum is a person who cries when something bad, and cries even harder when you do ‘something good, Robin, age 14 Atiim women amaie tom cittale | ‘nog arg coy eel age 4 | nena aa sobeees re rip megoveenraice ( Vinay, age 12 } 2. Write a similar definition for a father: 3) EB 47 Youare going to listen to these children defining five things from the list below Which things do they talk about and in what order? a) God A) avet f) Autumn b) adinosaur g) apolice officer 1) ajudge ©) aniceberg h) amobile phone my) a desert 4d) the Internet i) a robber n) ajungle ) theozone layer j) a museum ©) Christmas 4 Work with a partner. Imagine you are explaining other things from the list to a four-year-old child. Write down what you would say. Close up Defining 1 Work with a partner. relative ‘clauses ) Underline the relative clauses in the sentences on the right. b) Which word is the relative pronoun in each case? ©) Ineach sentence, change the relative pronouns to either whe or which, 2 Aperson that helps people, in heaven. 3 It’s something that crashes down on people. 2 Here are some typical children’s jokes. Look at the pictures and complete the jokes with an appropriate word. 4A person that steals things at night. 1) Q What do you call an that has a machine gun? A: Sir >) Q What do you call a who's very small? | A: Minimum, ©) Q What happened to the _who stole 2 calendar? A: He got twelve months. @) Q: What do you call a__ who's got no thumbs? A: Mr Justice Fingers. ©) Q What prize did the man who invented the _win? A: The Nobel Prize Can you translate any of the jokes into your own language? Are they funny? Kits ® 3. What do you know about education in the UK? Complete these sentences using who or which a) Aprofessor isa person 1B) Asecondary school isa school ©) Public schools are schools 4) Adegree is a qualification - ©) Undergraduates are people .. 8) Astudent grantis money 4 Write similar sentences about the education system in your country. “You take the children’s bath time too For example seriously, Norman ‘Selectividad! is an examination which you take to get into university in Spain. Omitting The relative pronoun is sometimes optional. For example, both of these sentences are relative correct pronouns — He's the man that Use He's the man Usa. But in this sentence the relative pronoun is necessary r He's the man that lives next dec. eres PM” Read these sentences and cross out the relative pronouns which are optional a) Jill Bennett is the woman who you want to speak to. 1). She's seen the car which she wants ©) It was the qualification in engineering that helped me get the job, 4) He'sa man who likes his food. ©) Isa university which specialises in technical subjects. What was the name of the film which you wanted to see? 2). The teacher that [liked best at school was Mr Stevens. 1h) He's the teacher who tauight us maths. Where, when You can also make relative clauses with there, wien or whose, &whose 4 Complete these sentences with cher, ten and a relative lause so that they are true for you @) My schooldays were 2 time in my life .. b)_ The town | grew up in is the kind of place ©) The best holiday Lever had with my parents was €) Lonce had a fight with my brother /sister/best friend ©) We used to play ina place Read one sentence to your partner and then tell them more about it. 2. Find out how many people in the class have these things in common with you and write down their names. Find someone whose: + caris the same make as yours. + birthday is in the same month as yours. * taste in music is the same as yours. + mother is the same age as yours. shoe size is the same as yours. + favourite food is the same as yours. «EES «. Rules of the game 1. Work in teams. Each team tries The definitions are for sale in ‘ public auction. Some of them are true and some of them are false. Each team decides which definitions they think are true. ‘to buy the definitions that they think are true by bidding (offering) more money th have a total of auction. an all the other teams. You £10,000 to spend at the The winner of the game is the tear that buys the highest number of true definitions. Khar mS > on (5: Going'** Fot £ 5,000. am \ bide CF oo 500." £5,000: Any advance £6,000° Do | hear £5,500° going Jone ! (ary A Midwife iS 4 Woman whose husband is between So ans6o years ol a “A Mock eX AM Zisthe eram you take {when yerwank te ge Fe } Kuniver sek y Y iS 4 field wvere young bellsare )} Language reference: defining relative clauses Defining relative clauses give information which helps Omitting relative pronouns to define the topic of the sentence. They can be introduced by a relative pronoun: wha, which or that. Seah cause who, which, that He's the man who(m) | saw. ‘You use who to refer to people, and which to referto > He's the man | saw. ‘things or ideas. You can use that for ether. Who and She's the woman who(m) | helped. are sli than that. Which are slightly more formal than that. They are ee oped more common in written English than in speech. That's the company which | worked for. ‘You can omit the relative pronoun when itis the object {An iceberg is an enormous block of ice whichithat een ieee > That's the compeny I worked for. A judge is someone whoithat decides how the jaw: when, where, whose should be interpreted and applied. You can also use when, where and whose in relative whom clauses. Whom is sometimes used as a more formal alternative Autumn is the time of year when leaves fall off the ‘to who in sentences where it is the object. trees, Subject: He old ft > He's the man who did it. An art gallery is @ place where paintings and sculptures Object: 1 saw him. > He's the man whom I sav are displayed to the public. Awidower is a man whose wife has died. Children’s rhymes Stress timing 1 E=B 18 Look at this popular children’s nursery shyme and listen to the secording. The boxes show the stressed syllables. HER 0: ne Eo So a> ~ ~~ a 2. Say the shyme along with the recording. Follow the stress and speed of the recording, ‘Try to finish at exactly the same time as the recording, 3 B19 Listen to another nursery rhyme. Work with a partner. Write the nursery rhyme. Use these words and any others you need. Then put boxes around the stressed syllables. [again in shower there middle stepped Doctor never up Foster puddle "went Gloucester rin 4 Listen to the shyme again and practise saying it atthe same speed 5) Work with a partner: Make up a four-line rhyme with a simple rhythm, using words from the box below or your own words. Rome home comb waiter later alligator deliver river shiver hat fat rat far car wearing sharing staring would could should 46 Cn Kids First memory: The Bicycle 1 You are going to read about one of Roald Dahi’s childhood memories. Look at the picture and discuss the following: ) What year do you think itis? b) How old do you think the boys are? ©) What are they wearing? 4) How do you think th life was different from children’s lives Bs Feld Dah Dat tegen wtirg ater a bssh on te head, er hewas an RAF fghtor dot the Gecon Vl Wa ecane ote cf the best krewm and poets of a cero ves 2 Quickly read First memory: The Bicycle to find out Roald Daht's ‘greatest wish’ at that ‘moment in his life Between the age of seven and nine, only two moments remain clearly in my mind. The first lasted not more than five seconds, but I will never forget it. It was my first term and I was walking home alone across the village green after school when suddenly one of the senior twelve-year-old boys came riding full speed down the road on his bicycle about twenty yards away from me. The road was on a hill and the boy was going down the slope, and as he flashed by he started back-pedalling very quickly so that the free-wheeling mechanism of his bike made a loud whirring sound. At the same time, he took his hands off the handlebars and folded them casually across his chest. I stopped dead and stared after him. How ‘wonderful he was! How swift and brave and graceful in his long trousers with bicycle-clips } around them and his scarlet school cap at a jaunty angle on his head! One day, I told myself, glorious day I will have a bike like that and I will wear long trousers with bicycle-clips and my school cap will sit jaunty on my head and I will go whizzing down the hill pedalling backwards with no hands on the handlebars! I promise you that if somebody had caught me by the shoulder at that moment and said to me, vs ‘What is your greatest wish in life litle boy? What is your absolute ambition? To be a doctor? A fine musician? A painter? A writer? Or the Lord Chancellor?’ I would have answered without hesitation that my only ambition, my hope, my longing was to have a bike like that and to go whizzing down the hill with no hands on the handlebars. It would be fabulous. It made me tremble just to think about it. 3 Read Roald Dahi's frst memory again and find four differences between the picture and the extract. kids (EE Lexis 1 Roald Dahl uses exaggerated language to bring the scene alive, Find the actual words he uses to describe the following a) The senior boy came riding very fast down the road. b) As he passed me he started back-pedalling, ©). Tstopped immediately and watched him 4) Iwill go siding fast down the hill ©) Myawish was to have a bike like that. ) It would be very nice 2 Underline all the words in Roald Dahl's first memory which you think are related to bicycles. Can you guess the meaning from the context? Compase with a partner: Second memory: The Great Mouse Plot 1. £2320 Read and listen to Roald Daht's second memory. What was the tenible problem with the sweet shop? ‘My second and only other memory of Llandaff Cathedral Schoo! is extremely bizarre. It happened a little over a year later, when I was just nine. By then Ihad made some friends and when [ walked to school in the mornings I would start out alone but would pick up four other boys of my own age along the way. After school was over, the same four boys sand I would set out together actoss the village green and through the village itself, heading for home. On the way to school and on the way back we always passed the sweet-shop. No we didn’t, we never passed it. We always stopped. The sweet-shop in Llandaff in the year 1923 was the very centre of our lives. To us, it was what a bar is toa drunk, or a church is to a Bishop. Without it, there would have been little to live for. But .e it had one terrible drawback, this sweet-shop. The woman who owned it was a horror. We hated her and we had good reason for doing so. Close up 41 Complete the sentences below without looking back at the second! memory. a al start out alone but ____pick up four other boys of my own age along the way, D)_After school was over, the same four boys and _ the village... heading for home. set out together across 2 Do the sentences in 1 describe: 1) repeated actions in the past? ) situations in the past? ©) single events in the past? 3. The past simple, would + verb, and use! fo + verb are all possible ways to talk about the past ‘The sentences below are all in the past simple, Read them and discuss these questions: 1 Which sentences could be changed to would + verb? 2. Which sentences could be changed to use fo + verb? 3. What does this tell you about how to use these two structures? When I was a child a) Iwas afraid of the dark. I started learning the piano. b) I believed in ghosts. g) Thad long hair ‘© Lwent on holiday abroad three times. _-h) I didn’t ike vegetables. broke my leg skiing. i) Twent to church every Sunday. ©) Isucked my thumb when {was tired.) lived right in the city centre. ‘Are the sentences true or false for you? Anecdote 4 Think about your life at the age of eight. You are going to tell your partner about it. ‘Choose from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and the language you will need, C2 Dia your life use to be very different to how itis now? (1 Where did you use to go to school? How did you get there? Do you rernember any of your teachers? Were there any you particularly liked or disliked? Why? Who were your friends? || What did you use to do before/after school or during the breaks? | Did you ever do anything naughty? Were you caught and punished? 1] What was your favourite game? | What were your favourite sweets? (El Was there one of the older children you particularly admired? What was your greatest wish? yom, Bric won't be org osha today: he's in drdfl pain” 5 KE¥21 Why do the boys hate Mrs Pratchett, the sweet shop owner? If you would like to know what happens at the end of the story read tapescript 21 and listen to the recording. Language reference: would & used to | would You can use would... to tak about regular or repeated pest actions. t sometimes suggests a feeling of rostalgia so is often used for personal reminiscences. very dey my motes would pley football efter school | would visit my grandmother at weekends We woutd go skiing atthe same resort every year You rarely use would with this meaning in the negative cor question form. used to ‘You can use used to like would for regular or repeated past actions, and also for past states or situations. | used to go to church I would go to church | ‘every Sunday. ‘every Sunday. | used to have long hair. I weuletave long hair X ‘You can use used to in negative forms and in question | forms, Kids didn't use to have mobile phones. Now they do and I don't Did you use to like school? News Discuss these questions: What do you know about the people in these photographs? If you saw one of these photographs in a newspaper of magazine, would you read about it? Why /Why not? Who are the most photographed celebrities in your country? Is there any celebrity scandal in the news at the moment? The hunters & the hunted Read the web-page on page 51 and find the connections between: Paparazzo > scooter a photograph >a million dollars Tom Cruise >a tunnel in Paris, Madonna 130 kph > Alec Baldwin > a black eye George Clooney > a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig The term ‘paparazzi comes from a character called Paparazzo in the Fellini film, La Dolce Vita, who rode around on a scooter taking photographs of the rich and famous. Modern day paparazzi take photographs of famous people, hoping to get them in an unflattering or compromising pose. The photograph is then sold for an enormous sum of money, sometimes close to 2 milion dollars, to the tabloid press. Some people say that celebrities are public property and that this invasion of privacy is to be expected - ‘that's show business, they say. think that this is true up to a point, but celebrities are being followed, harassed, chased, provoked and spied on in their own homes. That's not show business, that's criminal Unnecessary risks ‘Tom Cruise has been pursued at high speed through the tunnel in Paris, where Princess Diana was killed. ‘When Madonna was promoting Evita in Rome, she had to drive away at 130 kph with her baby in the car because she was being chased. The paparazzi didn't even give her time to strap the baby into the car. Invasion of privacy Alec Baldwin gave a paparazzo a black eye when he filmed him and his ‘wife, Kim Basinger, returning to their Hollywood home with their nevr baby. Baldwin was arrested and charged with assault, but he was later acquitted ‘Cindy Crawford has been filmed in her bathroom from over a kilometre away with a huge telephoto lens. ‘When Princess Diana's father died, a paparazzo was waiting outside her hotel - she tearfully begged him to leave her alone, but the pictures ‘were printed in the national newspapers the next day. Provocation ‘The paparaz2i go out of their way to make people angry so that they can get a better picture. The American actor George Clooney was walking down the street with his girlfriend when a paparazzo shouted, ‘Who's the fat iti?" The picture of Clooney's angry face was splashed all over the newspapers the next day. However, the actor got his revenge on the paparazzi when one of the photographers was hiding in his garden to get pictures of him and his gitfiend at home - the photographer was chased ‘away by Clooney's pet Vietnamese pot belied pig. ‘The paparazzi are out of control. Some papers have recognised what is, happening and have refused to buy pictures when is obvious that a person's privacy has been invaded. Other papers must follow their example. Lexis Te irterupt Soy to inter, but To held the focr If you'd just let me fish To return tothe subject Yes but as I vas Saying Irregular verbs Discuss the following: a ») 9 @ ° 9 Close up 1 Match words and phrases from the two columns to make seven expressions from the text on page 51. Do as many as you can from memory. Then look back at the text to check. a) give (someone) a black eye b) charge (someone) alone 9) follow (someone) angry d) go (someone's) example ©) invade cout of your way to do something f) leave (someone's) privacy 2) make (someone) with assault ‘Complete the following sentences with expressions from 1. You will need to change the tenses of the expressions in some cases. a) All did was ask him to smile for the camera and he i b) His aggressive behaviour is unacceptable. He should be ©) Lasked her why she was upset but she told me to d) Itreally ____when people don’t stop at red lights. ©) Are you annoy me? You know I hate it when you smoke in the kitehen. 6) David le Ishould have __. g) regret asking my mother to stay. [feel that my __ lebrity gossip and scandal is boring, Film and rock stars are paid too much, Tabloid-type newspapers and magazines should be banned Information available over the Internet should be controlled ‘The private lives of politicians and royalty should never be discussed by the press. Highly paid film stars are public property. “Test your irregular verbs. The irregular verbs below have been divided into five groups x 2 3 4 5 swim break let grow bring, drink speak set’ fly, fight ring choose cost throw catch Why are they divided in this way? When you now the answer, add these words to the appropriate groups. steal hit know begin teach How many more verbs can you add to each group? Look at the irregular verb table on. page 147. “Test your partner's knowledge of irregular verbs. For example: Student A: Eat ...? Student B: Ate, eaten, Drink ...? Student A: Drank, drunk. Go ...2 2 EEG «- school at sixteen and never went to college and now he's a millionaire The passive voice 1 Sl IA fevision et (2) _ from al ero ple station while officers Imre out fighting crime. [PLANE DRAMA IA gunk who tried to open| Jan eerplane door at 30,000 feet 2) __for the rest of a Denmark to Talana fig. |CAMPER DIES Icaner Jb Barnes, 23, @) ais a 2smetre fall into @ rocky vice with only a broken foot Sely ref) when he fll out ofthe] lanbulane on the way to the hospital inPert Setland. UNLUCKY BURGLAR burglar Prank Gort broke dam and] lated wen be ©) to seven| years in jail, claiesng it was his funky rumber. An understanding [ude in San Antonio, Texas, took pity land gave him eight years instead, WANTED MAN JAILED give James Sanders, who escaped| lcm jal in 1975, 6) __in Texas} later ringing the FEI o check if he} was sfillon its wanted ist. ‘STABBED IN THE BACK Mr Crence Ramsey (2) secously ____ yesterday when a maz came up behind him znd stabbed Ihimin the back. Turing round to face hig attacker, Mr Ramsey was) lsupesed to hear him say, ‘Sorry. I thought you were somebody else” ‘Complete the sentences below with the words and phrases in the box. ajudge acarcrash paparazzi the police his pet Vietnamese potbellied pig a) arrested Baldwin and charged him with assault but acquitted him. b) pursued Tom Cruise at high speed through the tunnel in Paris where. kailled Princess Diana. ©) George Clooney got his revenge on the paparazzi when one of the photographers was hiding in his gerden to get pictures of him and his girlfriend at home — chased away the photographer. Look at these extracts from the text on page 51. What verb structure do all the sentences use? a) Baldwin was arrested and charged with assault, but he was later acquitted. b) Tom Cruise has been pursued at high speed through the tunnel in Paris where Princess Diana was killed. ©) However the actor got his revenge on the paparazzi when one of the photographers was hiding in his garden to get pictures of him and his girlfriend at home — the photographer was chased away by Clooney’s pet Vietnamese pot bellied pig. Discuss these questions. 1a) How is the passive formed? b) Only one of the sentences mentions the agent. Which one? ©) Which preposition is used with the agent? 4d) What are the advantages of using the passive? Match these reasons to the three sentences in 2 ‘The agent is unknown, ‘The agent is obvious. 3 You want to keep the important information at the beginning of the sentence. ‘Complete the short newspaper stories on the left with a suitable verb from the box. steal handcuff rescue sentence arrest injure kill rob damage break shoot kill find guilty destroy ‘What are the experiences of the class? Ask questions to find someone who: has been searched by customs has been stopped for speeding. has been let down by a friend, thas been photographed by 2 local newspaper. hhas been mistaken for somebody else. has been injured playing a sport has been given a present they didn't like has been interviewed on radio oF television. has been questioned by the police. Work in groups of three. You are going to edit some short newspaper stories. Students A and B will each have three stories. The stories are the same, but the language used in them is different, Student C is the editor who will explain what you have to do. Student A look at page 139. Student B look at page 141. Student C look at page 143, News 3 Language reference: passives | “There are various situations in which it isbetier to use 3._Youdo nt need to identify the agent the posive rather than the activ. The demonstrators were charged vith disturbing ‘The agent ofa verb is the person, people or thing the peace which performs the action To include the agent in the You ae not interested inthe agent j sentence, you use by: The acid is then heated to 100 degrees centigrade ‘A meeting was clled by the marketing department which causes it to react withthe oxides. Passive without agent Passive with by + agent 1 The agent is unknown: \When the agent is included you use the pasive to put ‘A bomb was left inthe city centre lat night. the mast important information atthe beginning of Her car has been stolen the sentence 2 You do not want to identify the agent. The President is protected by the CIA The President admitted that mistakes had been Paper was invented by the Chinese made. Headline news 11 Find the newspaper headlines for these four photographs. Which story would you reed first? What are the news items about? Are there any stories like this in the news at the moment? © _ PEACE TALKS END IN ROW © MINISTER QUITS IN |° a ae MISSING CASH PROBE) cQALIA ° FREAK STORM | 0 HITS HARVEST JOB FIGURES SOAR © SCHOOL BARS \© LOTTERY OCTOGENARIAN TO WED | NOSE-RING GIRL | - * er 2 [EB¥.22 Listen to the radio news broadcast from the same day as the headlines. What is the order of the four stories? 3 Listen again and answer these questions. ) Who made an announcement? ) Whatis Pauline Gates’ problem? b) Why was it made? g) What does Pauline have to do? ©) What is Robert Holmes’ job? bh) How old is Max Williams? €) What did the Prime Minister order? i) How much money does he have? ©) Where is Robert Holmes right now? _j) How old is Sally Lister? Kk) How much did the ring cost? 4 Listen again and complete the text of the broadcast. ‘And here are the news headlines. Following severe droughts in Africa, the President of the USA has announced Robert Holmes, Minster for the Environment, __The Prime Minister into che mysterious dsppearance of a large sum of money. A spokesman for the minister told us ‘tat he was and not availabe for comment. Schooigi!Pauline Gates has According to headmistress Jean Bradley, ‘And finally, to end on a happier note, wedding bell are ringing for Max Wiliams, who | won In the lotcery ist month, He's going to marry dave Say User | “The happy couple posed for photographers outside the millionaire’ luxury home in Essex and Sally hheld cut her hand to show offher ____ engagement ring for the cameras. ~~ 5 Wirite a radio news broadcast based on these newspaper headlines and photographs. Invent any extra information you need. © TEACHER QUIT. IN EXAM ROW Me HOLLYWOOD FROM WORLD| SO¥Pur | (CUP FINAL 6 ‘Broadcast’ your news to the rest of the class. ae Personal news Read this dialogue and think about how it could be improved. Ken: Hi, Steve. How are you? Steve: Oh, not too bad. Actually, it’s my wedding anniversary today. Ken: Oh. Steve: But um, I forgot and my wife was really upset. Ken: Oh. Steve: But] just rang Le Petit Blanc and they actually had a table free. so we're going out for dinner. Ken: Oh. Steve: Anyway, I must go. Ken: Es, yeahy me too, See yout 2223 Listen to the dialogue and note the differences, Read the dialogues. In each case, choose an appropriate response from the box. More thas ‘one answer is possible in some cases. | Congratulations! Well done! _Ymsorry to hear that. Oh no! |_Lucky you! That’sterble! Excellent! You iit | B: No... what about them? A: They've split up. B B M: You don’t usually take the bus! IN: No=my car’s broken down again. M: EB 24 Listen to the dialogues and check your answers. [E25 Listen to the responses. Practise the stress and intonation. E526 Listen to these ten sentences. How would you respond to each sentence? Work with a partner. Choose five of the sentences below. Write five dialogues beginning ‘with the sentences you have chosen. Act them out in class. (1 You lock happy! © You look upset - what's the matter? (Why are you limping? (1 Thear you're leaving the company: 1 Are you all right? Where are you going for your holidays? (That's lovely watch. Is it new? Thaver't scen you in English lessons recently. A letter from Berlin 11 Read this letter from Pia to her friend Ian. Complete the letter Beet ch ity with appropriate words. Tf Bear tan, you need help, look at the owas great to (1) from you. fm (2) —_t haven't missing words in the bex written sconer, (8) my mother haent been vry well, 50 below. There is one word for The been looking after her She's a lot better now. cach gap. They are not in the was so (4)__ ta hear abut your promotion. You correct order. deserve youve worked 6o hard at that jb. (6) _ dor — ~~ —) wich you were stil ving in Berlin 60 we could go out ana ‘Anyway news but Well cabs, apparently feel soon ‘Actually Sve got some goad (6) ___ta0~ ve got. new hear what getting Apart) sesyou now was fed up with my cdjpk Wel one day was Bled eo ing) Sceatng og emp on ers sony fom fpr mtngn ined cere foyer By the way looking fora job where | could use my English, So 1(7)____ - for the job and got it really enjoying it ae Tee arcady learnt () (cometimes im English), send cut ntormation about the school of new things. | have Lo answer the phone 2. Work with a partner. Explain ee rationsieps pereen Pia, an deal th ary probe the events hav, Ad the bese: ee (©) vee trout record comes on tt nbd w hope totncbody hs rerenbees. You eels dancing Bo you lat art get lane? 0) wot few ae expe ae crc © a 2 pay rcv every maveronvont row? ©) say wereyov ae. euler cee ‘your favre receud inthe rnacy of your ‘own here! ©) stat dancing on your oon? seers odor knw very wel Bo You D sotothe pay andhape you ment eect new people? D> someboay susgests paying party mes © che ination ston ay? Do you ~ © gototepary tule fiend whyouto 2) sudden reer a pe rengore wrdesireyalibmesoneenetomkict 0) kel emanated tonne? 4 Anecdote Complete as many of these sentences as you can from memory, using one word in each of the gaps. Compare your sentences with a partner. Then look back at the {questionnaire to check your answers. a) My philosophy is “you only once’, 90 sure you _ good time’ b) When I want to _____an invitation, I sometimes say that I've got a engagement, even if it’s not true. 9) Tmnot very good at going up to strangers and myself )_ Even when I'm not looking forward to going out, [ usually end enjoying my own, ©) From time to time, I really enjoy an evening at home Ate the sentences true for you? Discuss with a partner. Let's party! 1 Think of a good party you've been to, or one that was a disaster. You are going to tell your partner about it. Choose from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and what language you will need. (Whose party was it? Did you know most of the people there? (What was the occasion? What sort of food and drink did you have? Did you take a gift for the host? What was the music like? Who did you go with? Did you dance? Where was the party? Did you meet anybody nice there? Were there any decorations? What time did it finish? Were there a lot of people there? Did you stay to the end? Tell your partner about the party Work in groups. You are going to take part in a competition to organise the best party Decide on the following: © budget ‘= formal or informal dress © dateandtime © decorations + whoto invite © entertainment (music, fireworks, etc) + place food and drink Tell the rest of the class about your party. Try to convince them to come. Party oe It's my party ... 11 Look atthe picture. What do you think the song is about? 2. EB 31 Listen to the song and see if you guessed correctly Identify the following three people in the picture + the party hostess Johnny = Judy What is the relationship between them? 3 Listen to the song again and read the lyrics. In each line of the three verses there is an extra word. Find the word and cross it out yey baely 4 and FIG EY BT uatto “ erty Writing ‘Thanks for the Invitation to dinner. (a love to come. | haven't seen Brett and Alison for ages and your friend sounds really interesting, l bring some wine. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Love ‘ear “Thank you for your kind invitation to your ng annersary. Unfortunately, | won't be able to join you a6 I be abroad on holiday. | hope the party goeo wel, Beet uiches for 2 happy anniversary on the 4th PS Ge my eve to Uncle Ken. Dear | nope you're well and that you're ‘enjoying your new job. I'm writing ‘0 you because we would like you 10 join us fora small party 10 ‘celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary on ath September at ‘the Femcourt Hotel. | de hope you can come. Please drop usa line to let us know. Love Special occasions 11 Match the letters of invitation tothe replies, Dear Te wos great to hear from you. Sorry it’s taken me a while to reply, but I’ve been up to my eyes in work recently. I’m Pleased to hear that you're having such a ‘good time at college and that you've made loads of new friends. David sounds nice. ‘Three weeks? That must be @ record for yout! I'm writing to ask you what you're doing for the last weekend in May. T wa wondering if you'd Like to come dovn here land spend a few days by the sea. How about bringing David with you? (can he cook?!) Please try to coe. I'm really looking forward to seeing you. Write soon and let me know. Lote of love x Doss ‘Thank you for inviting me down for the weekend, but I’m afraid 1’ve got exams the folloving week, #0 T won't be able to Hake it. I'd leve to cone another time, though. Maybe after my exams. 1/11 give you a ring and we'll fix a date. Kish me luck for ny exens. Z - a ee Dear This ts 4ust a shart wste to ash you tb you could came to dinner west Sateaday. Te sory t's ouch short netics, but an ld frank of mine phoned me qestorday to say she's cami for the ecckend, and Fé love qate to meet her. 9 thinks Tse talked ts qace about hee, Her name's Justy and she works for a lve esmpany ta Spain, Yom going 03 ash Brett and Alison tos. 9 da hope yas can make tt, Love 2 Complete the following expressions so that they make sense. Then look back at the letters on the previous page to compare. 8) We would like you to join us for @ small pary to b) This is just a short note to ask you if you could Ido hope you ... 6) How about €) Thank you for your kind invitation to your party. Unfortunately ) Fm really looking forward §g). Thanks for the invitation to dinner: I'd love 1) Please try to ’)_Lwas wondering if you'd like .. j) Thank you for inviting me down for the weekend, but 3° Label each sentence in 2 as follows: I. foran invitation A for accepting an invitation R for refusing an invitation Underline the sentences which you consider to be the most formal. Compare your choice with a partner. 4 Work with a partner. Write letter of invitation to another pi Include the date, the time and the place. Of studlents in the class. Exchange your letters and write a reply accepting the invitation if you are free, or refusing it if you are not. 5. Match the greeting cards to the messages below. What is the occasion for each of these greetings? 3 a) Congratulations. I hope you'll be very happy together. b) Congratulations. When’s the big day? ©) We're thinking of you and your family at this sad time. d) Congratulations. Hope she has her mother’s looks and her father’s tale ©) Get well soon. f) Wehad a lovely evening. Don't forget to let me have that recipe, ) Many happy returns! Don’t worry, you're only as old as you feel! hh) Good luck. When’s the housewarming party? i) All the best. We'll miss your smile around the office. j) Well done! Third time lucky. for gol Review 1 Test yourself Here are some questions about units 1-7 of Inside Out. Find the grammar mistakes in the ‘questions and correct them. 2 Who did he write the 3 When takes place Las Fallas in Valencia, Spain? 1 How Jane Couch did make history in November 19987 7 Where first met Australians ‘4 Which song Elton John Joel Emerson and Lisa Bunyan? sang at Diana's funeral? 6 How many words there are 5 Why did burglar Frank Gort got an in The Little Book of Calm? extra year on his prison sentence? Can you answer the questions? Look back over units 1-7. Once in a blue moon 1 Write questions with How after do you ..? hatyear often ey rents casey fone totine cea oth sy neereg crane eon ret ahays ey oer week ends rover again fey generally 2. Askother students the questions in 1. Who in the class does each activity the most and pay the least often? Friends Listening 1 E28 22 Each of the people below is friends with one of the others. Listen and write down any key words, (places, events, times, etc). Decide who is friends with whom, 2. Have you got a friend that you met in an unusual way or in an unusual place? Fancy going out? Future forms 1 Choose the most 2p ropriate form. In some cases there is more than one possibility Tomoko: Hi, Marie. (1) Are you doing/Do you do/Will you do anything tonight? Marie: Yeah, (2) Il see’m going to see/’m seeing a film with Peter and Berta, Do you fancy coming with us? Tomoko: What (3) are you going to see/are you seeing/will you see? Marie: We're not sure yet. We (4) meetf'll meet/'re meeting at six thirty and then maybe we (6) ‘re trying/'re going to try/'l try that new Indian re before we go to the cinema. ‘Tomoke: Yeah, 1 (6)’m coming/'ll come /'m going to come along if you're sure it’s OK. Marie: Of course. We (7) meet/il meet/‘re meeting outside school. Six thirty ‘Tomoko: 1 (8) give/'l givey’'m going to give you a lift if you like. (9) Will { call/Shall 1 call/Do I call for you sometime after six? Marie: Great. 1 (10) ‘m seeing/’m going, to see/'ll see you later ther Tomoko: Bye. 2. Work with a partner and improvise a similar conversation Sound & vision Pronunciation 1 There are twelve pure vowel sounds in English. Think of three more words for each hl Jol tel fef fof fet da: tel Jal Ios) Jo) Ji} see big look blue eee mother word more cat cup start top 2. Look at the picture on page 140. Which vowel sound is not in the picture? For example: key is /i/ Keep in touch review 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the most appropriate tenses. Sydney, 16th May Dear Lena, Just quick note (in English) to sey that | (1) (have) a fantastic time here Australia. | (2) (be) here for over two weeks novi The course Oo (be) really good and my English (4) __(get) better every day. 1) (meet) lots of interesting people and | (6) (become) quite friendly with eome of them. Guess what! (7)__ (youlremember) Miguel who we (B) (meet, in Paris last year? Well, his brother (9) (ctudy) here, in the same clase 29 me actually, ard he (10) (tell) me that Miguel (11) (come) over here ext month. He(12)____(epend) a fa days here in Sydney on hie way to Bal 103) (hope) he (14) (remember) mel 50, hows life for you? (15) (youfmisss) me? 1 (16) (be) 2 bit homesick at first: and I really (17) (want) to see you, but 1 (18) (Fee!) fine nov. (19) (you/sce) Marcella recently? She (20) (work) 0 hard for her exam when | leet (21) (Gee) her. The exam (22) (be) next week, int it? (23) (tell her that | (24) (think) of her Well, (25) (have got) 2 lesson in five minutes, 80 | (26) (irish roe (27) (erite) again soon, Take care and lots of love, Virginia 00 2. Write short letter to a friend telling them your news. Do you know Paris? Sentence 1 E23 33 Which do you think are the mast strongly stressed words in this dialogue? sees ‘Val: Where do you live? ‘Tony: In Paris. Val: Oh, really? Whereabouts? Tony: Do you know Paris? Val: Quite well. I've got a friend there. ‘Tony: Oh, right. Um, 'm right in the centre, Near the Champs-Elysées. Val: Nice! Which street? ‘Tony: Rue Marbeuf Do you know it? Val: [think so. Is it just opposite that big café? ‘Tony: Yeah, that’s right. Val: Yeah, my friend lives in rue Frangois, just round the comer. Listen and check. Then work with a partner and practise the dialogue. 2. Write your own similar dialogue and practise it. ‘ee RT Di Passive Can you rearrange the information to make ten facts? you know . For example: 35,000 million bananas are harvested in Brazil every year People & places Relative 1 Complete these questions with the missing words: who, whose, which, that or tohere Seuss Can you name: 2) the city _which was the birthplace of Marco Polo? b) the pacifist led India to independence? 0 theaty gave us the Beatles? d) the French scientist won the Nobel Prize in 1911? ©) the cosmonaut ‘was the first person in space? 1) the country football legend Pele played for? 8) thesinger first number one was Like a Virgin? h) the city the prophet Mohammed was born? 4) the mountain is home to the Greek gods? i) thecity John F Kennedy was assassinated? 1). the only British monarch ruled for over sixty years? D theesplorer ‘was the first to reach the South Pole? im) the country Alexander the Great was born? 2. Work in small groups. The answers to the questions in 1 can be found in the box. There are more answers than questions. The group that answers the most questions correctly is the winner. Amundsen Argentina Armstrong Brazil Curie Dallas Egypt Elizabeth Gagarin Gandhi Lennon Liverpool London Macedonia Mecca Madonna | NewYork Olympus Pasteur Polo Rome Sting Tukey Venice Victoria 3. Forthe answers that you didn’t use write similar questions using “Can you name ..?” Far, far away India captures th inagination, Colour Adjectives 1 Choose the correct alternative in bold inthe text encitingfencted, at times exasperated! ‘on the right. exasperating, but never, ever dull. To som itis the mest fascinated/ascinating plac 2. Complete Annas postcard to her friend with en earth ad you sre sure tobe captivated, adjectives in an appropriate form. ‘captivating from the mament you arrive. India's amazed/amazing diversity provide ‘something for everyone. From the Himalaya a (= where you are dwarfed by some ofthe mos Tru having an ebsolutety (1) ime in Goa Sepiatent mectrie ls ens i weather is (2) «the hotel is Ebola Rapatan gaara e and the food is realy quite 1 busiest streets imaginable, where siiply . Tve only been here a few days and having a stroll ean leave you absolutely Teel relly (9) It's quite similar tired/exhausted, othe hedonism ef the fowhere we were lost year, but this place is much ‘palm-fringed beaches of Goa, where you'll (6) ‘and not as (7) _ ‘The lecal feel 2 hundred per cent relaxed/relaxing. ‘sights round here ore all pretty (8) ‘and all | Mette Pedersen Trea is mvch mee tan a place you visit inliTd soy the ple is absolutely (9) Upperlendsgatan 118 Indias an assault on thesenses A place yo Tis probeby the (10) place T¥e ever been | Linképing vill never forget ‘to, I've met loads of people - most of them are ‘Sweden cn. but a fewere (12)__.In fact, I met Someone yesterday who's absolutely (13) Wait 'til you see the photos! See ‘you in a couple of weeks. Miss you! Anna xxx 3. Think of a holiday you've had ora place you've visited, Imagine you're there now. Write 4 postcard to. friend. A letter to a friend General Here is Lena’s reply to Virginia's letter which appeared on page 69. Find and correct revision the mistakes. There are at least 20 mistakes. Roskilde, 23rd Hay dear Virginia, Thanks for your letter lest week. Tt’s great to hear that you have e good tine in Australia and I’m glad the school and the course are good. So, when Miguel is coning to Australia? Maybe T visit you at the sane tine! And what is itiguel’s brother like? Ts he looking Like hin? Write soon and toll ne all about it. Life here is fine, although we all miss you lots. We especially have missed you lest weckond, Juliette was having « party for hor birthday. Everybody were there end T spent nost of the evening dancing. ‘onorber the people which last month we met at the Superhead concert? Well, Juliette was invited then to the party and we ll got on really well. We had an absolitely good fine, Stefan snd me reslly hit it off! In fact, T’ll see him again tomorrow. tle rong he the day after the party to esk me out. I'm so exciting! I’ll weite soon and let you now bow it's all going. Marcella she sey hello to you. Her exan has been yesterday. T don't speak to her since then, but I'm sure she did fine. te, Mun,’ Ded and Thomas ere passing next week @ few deys with my grandparents 4p nanburg. 28 you know, we go usually there each year two tines. T generally enjoy it, but I'm glad elvaye when it’s tine to cone hone. And this year it'll be nore harder then ever to be avay!t vrite again soon and have font rove, ene 2800008 tt Soap 1. Combine these words and part-words to form a least ten more family words mother brother nephew second. inlaw ex ‘step- single sister child father son cousin hhalf- parent | | daughter aunt husband niece first uncle grand great wife only 2 Use as many ofthe words as you can to describe yourselt TmWate Lafarge rat 3 Draw a diagram to illustrate some of your own family relationships. eueingia 4. + Put brackets) around the family members you live with. + Underline the relatives that live nearest. + Gromrout the relatives you see least. tm Jean Duras, . the relative you saw most recently. daughter ‘+ Put an asterisk (*) by the oldest relative and sag rae two asterisks (°*) by the youngest. Farmenters rece Dwele iota Tick (V) the relative you get on best with. es 5) Work with a partner. Compare your diagrams. Take it in turns to talk about some of the relatives you have identified. What are they like? What sort of lives do they live? Pacific Heights 1. Read Who's who in Pacific Heights. Match the characters in BOLD to their photos in the family tee on page 73. Write the names ofthe characters above the photos be series is set in Pacific Heights, Max has two daughters by his first runs the French distribution company wi (California. MAX. DALTON and marriage. There's a big age gap between is about to sign an important contract [PHIL TURNER, his son-in-law, run then: PENNY isin ber latethiiesand LOU s DCC. Daniel met the beautiful a large cosmetics corporation, DCC, 2s is just 21. Lou has always wished that she Frenchwoman soon after his ex gil which has been in the family for over 150 was a boy (and looks like one with ber long Katy, had left him for John, Daniels years, Max became managing director of — slim legsand short spiky hair) She's the kaby friend, At the time, Daniel was heartbroke Dalton Cosmetics Corporation five years ago of the family and Penny tends to mother ez. Katy and Annick are beth in their ‘when his father died and soon afterwards Lou has never got over the death of her so twenties, but apart from that they are ve took Phil ons his junior partner. Together, 30 mother and she has a dificult relationship diferent. Annick is classically beeutiful rothey have transformed DCC from a small withSarah, Thetwo gidlsboth takeaftertheir her long thick dark hair and family business into a successful mother with their blonde hair and blue yes. Mediterranean features, while Katy ‘multinational company: They are in the As well as a daughter called Amy, Sarah attractive ina ess conventional way: she's process of negotiating a very important deal has two sos from a previous marriage. Dave, ss kg blonde hair with red and brown with a French distributor: The pressures of 35 28 and his 27-year-old brother, DANIEL, sparkling blue eyes and a firtaious ‘sswork are beginning to affect 60-year-old lock alike with their brown hair and dark Annick works for her father's company; Katy ex's heath. ‘brown eyes, but Daniel is mone outgoing than works as a set manager for afl company. ‘Max's second wife SARAH is a dynamic his elder brother. Dave wotks as a sales EDITH, Max’ elderly mother, holds ‘woman in her early fifties who runs ber own manager for a computer company and is 60 whole family together. Ar the age of 78 choi business. Sho has always been an attractive an married to Clave. Daniel works as 2 sound — stil very activeanel everybody confides in 20 woman and is the only member of the family engineer for a recording company and when they have a problem. with red hair. She insists that itis natural, recently got engaged to Annick, whose father TWészet Lexis Who are Annick, Katy and John? Whatis their relationship to Daniel? Refer to the Dalton family tree and the text and answer each of the following questions with one name: a) Whois Penny's grandmother? ©) Whois Max and Sarah's future b)_ Who is Max’s son-in-law? daughter-in-law? ©) Who is Max's youngest step-son? 1) Who is Edith’s daughter-in-law? Whois Daniel's ex-girlfriend? 8) Whois Edith’s oldest granddaughter? Write some similar questions and ask another student “The mistakes in the following sentences hate been erassed-eut. Rewrite the sentences correctly a) tn the age of 52, Sarah is still an attractive woman. b)_ Lou host veers ©) Katy has biiebig eyes. 4) Both Katy and Annick are in their middle twenties, ©). Sarah's red curly hair makes her look young for her age. 0) Edith is Max's elderly mother; heragets 78. Even though Edith is at her late seventies, she is still very fit for her age. 1h) Daniel is Dave's 27- yeoes -old brother. 4) Daniel is more outgoing that Dave. j) Most men ie his age are not as hardworking as Max Dalton ‘Think of your friends andl family, or famous people, and complete these sentences in an appropriate way. Choose a different person for each sentence. a) has got__ hair. @) ___isinher early ») is in his late/ mid /early ° has a ° ey 9 looks: Soaps Remember a sayftell_ 1 Read The story s0far and complete the gaps with said or told. 2) Whosaid: a) ‘Its all over between John and me.’ b) ‘Tm not sure about me and Annick’ 9. "You should have a rest’ €) “Don't say a word about this! 3 Complete the following rule for say and tel + You somebody. + You something. Pacific Heights: Scene 1 1. E36 Scene 1is divided into four parts. Listen to the scene and wad the script. How does the story develop in each part? Listen for new information about the characters, their situations and their actions. Scone 1 Pare 1 Edith isn the kitchen st the Daltons’. Daniel arives Daniel Hi Grancrra Edith: Hello, dear How's it going? Daniel: Ob, der ask. Edith: Are you stil thinking about Katy? Danie Ys. cait gether off roy rind. don't know what to do, Edith: though youl got ver her ‘Danie: | a ... unl Saw her again Wen she told me she broken Lp with Join al he od feelings came back Edith: But Darel what about Arwick and the wedsing? Danie | ko | thought eved Anrik. When | asked her to marry ‘me | meant it~ bot now Fin nt sure how fed Faith: Look why don't you go ay fr a few days and tink bout How about going to stay with Dave and Cre — theydlxe to see you Daniet But I thougit Dive was in Mexico. Edith: On, yeshe is ant he? Oh, wel ares there — you coud tat theeugh wih her Drie: Yes, thats rot 2 bad idea Ml go ard see her tomorrow Pare Moe Max and Sarah arrive back from work. What a diy The tafe was werse than ever Edith: St down, both of you. Do you wart juice? Sarah Oh, thark you Eth fm worn out, Daniet Vit Fave you hud a busy day? Sarah: Yes, Ive been shopping with Arrick She asked me to help her chocse her wecing cress. Edith: Did you have any hud? ‘Sarahe_ Yes, fall You should see her, Darel She looks gorgeous, Daniet Or... good... Ive got to go out See you late Part 3. Edeh, Max and Sarah inthe kitchen Sarah What dé | sy? Edith: Listen there's something you should know. EEE «: cr ‘Katy phoned Daniel and) that she had split up with John. They arranged to meet and when he saw Katy, Daniel realized that he was stil in lowe: with ther Daniel @) _ ath that he wes having second thoughts about his engagement to Annick, Peony went shopring with Louto buy her a bridesmaids ‘ess for the wedding, On the way back to the Dalton’ house they saw Danie with Katy: Penny @) ‘Lou not to say anything Max went to the doctor with pains in his chest and the doctor 1) him that he was sufering fom ‘overwork and stress He (6) that be shoud take it easy fora while Wexette ‘Whats the matter? Morr are you alight? Yes in fine, dar ts Darel — he says he's having doubts abut Penick ‘Vuhat! What does he mean? He’ seen Katy again, Katy | thought she was married to somebody ase. Aryway ‘oo late to cancel the weding now. ‘Oh tat Masi Dares in eve wath Katy (dort care who he's in love with the wedeing i going ahead shopping to get Lou a briesmids ess ar she says she wor" wear @ cress. Wel | ate dresses ~ its net fie Why can't wear a sit? Because youre a bridesmaid and bridesraits dont ver sis its ony for ore dy. Why derit you mind your own busines? leu! How dare you speak to Serah ie that apologize, young ey Deni cal me young ia! Say youre sorry rit rowor Mh Hix. cakn down, Remeber what the doctor tld you I doesnt ok asf ther’ ging to be a wedi anyway — he {ust sen Daniel wth Kay and he had his arr around her. ‘What! Wat it get my Rares on a boy Mache’ not boy bes a mart his We, Leave him alone Leave hi alone eave im sone if be meses this up for re ever speak to him again Arig’ father fs about to sen the biggest contact wee ever tad ad yo tel me oleme tim are Sarah: Mox wait {thir yout! beter ORR RRRE GFE GF Lexis Why are the following characters particularly worried about the wedding? + Daniel = Lou © Max Work with a partner. Tak about the characters in Scene 1 and explain how they feel about each other Find phrasal verbs in the script with the following, meanings: 2). to recover (from an unpleasant or unhappy experience or an illness) (Part 1) b) to finish a relationship (with someone) Part 1) ‘)_ to discuss (something) thoroughly (Part 1) 4) to continue as planned (Part 3) ©) to happen, to continue (Part 4) 4) to spoil (something), to cause (it) to fail (Part 4) ‘Complete the following with phrasal verbs from 1 a) A: I've gota problem I'd like to discuss, B: Sure, === 1b) A: IsCarmen still going out with John? B: No, , ©). A; Are you still annoyed about losing in the semi-final? B No, €) A: How did your speech go? B: Ymafroid ©) A: What's —_ ? B:_ Ldon't know. Ithink there must have been an accident §) A: Doyou think we'll get a game today? I mean, the pitch must be flooded by now. B: They said Each of the following expressions from the script in Scene 1 has a word missing. Try to add the missing word from memory. Then look back at the script to check, a) Its foie! (Part 4) fe) Lworn out. (Part 2) b) Teare. (Part 3) f) Leave him. (Part 4) ©) How dare! (Part 4) 8) What’s matter? (Part 3) d) What day! (Part 2) h) Mind your business, (Part 4) Work with a partner. Choose at least three expressions from 3 and write a dialogue using them. Work in groups. You are going to act outa part from Scene 1. There are six characters in the scene: ai R Part 1: Daniel, Edith , Part 2: Daniel, Edith, Max, Sarah Ae Part 4: Edith, Max, Sarah, Lou, Penny \ Part 3: Edith, Max, Sarah * Decide which part of the scene and which Pp character you will act out, * Decide what mood your character is in. + Underline the main stressed words. + Practise the part by yourself and with other students, Now act out your part in front of the rest of the lass, oon a ‘It jus didn’t workout. She was a Gemini: ons a Libra, His girlfriend wes a Taurus; my boyfriend wes a Sagittoriu; his wife was a Leo sop (EEMECN 75 Reported speech Close up 1 a) present simple e) can b) present perfect) must/have to ©) past simple 8) (be) going to 4) will 2. These two sentences are in the imperative. What happens to them in reported speech? a) ‘Goaway! 1b) “Don't do that!” 3. How many people have you talked to so far today? Write their names down in the order in which you saw them. Tzy to remember one thing you said to them and one thing they said to you, Now tell your partner. 4 Follow these instructions: a) Write down the names of half the students in the class b) Think of a question you would like to ask each of the students. Write down what you think their answers will be. Ifyou don’t know, write ‘Tye no idea,’ 4) Ask them the questions and note down their answers, 5 Report what you thought the answer would be and what they really said. Present continuous (direct speech) Past continuous (reported speech) He said that he was having second thoughts, He told Edith that he was having second thoughts ‘What happens to these structures? Write some examples of your own to show how they. backshift. ‘Ym having second thoughts For example: thought Hekim toas going to go to the cinema with his girlfriend this evening, but he said/he fold me he was going to stay at home and watch TV. Language reference: reported speech In conversation you often need to report something that someone seid earlier. n its simplest form this isa sentence with two clauses using say, tell or ask. Reporting verbs: say/tell/ask say + something He says he's almost ready. tell + somebody He tells me you're having problems with your car. You can use that to join the two clauses. He says that he’s almost read. He tells me that he's almost ready. ask + somebody Ask is often used in the past form: asked. You usually use a question word (what, when, ete) or ito join ‘the clauses. He asked me what I was doing. She asked me if 'd made my decision. Backshifting Sometimes you use said or told and backshift the verb t "want a juice” She said she wanted a juice. “1'm having second thoughts He told Edith that he was having second thoughts. “Te split up with John" ‘She told him that she had split up with Jobn. ‘Tim going to stay with Clare.’ He said he was going to stay with Clare.” Note: You don't have to backshift the verb tenses if you are reporting something which is still tue. They say Argentina has an excellent teacher training system. The Times says he's going to resign. Thoughts ‘You use the same structures to report a thought. Jack? | think he's gone to pick Ben up from the airport. ‘You backshift the verb tenses to show that the thought you shad was not correct. Bill Hit I thought you weren't coming. sentences. 2) ») 9 4) a b 9 Turner isan ambitious mean in is cert fetes and he is oping to tae wer a8 Managing Director of DOC when Max Dalton retires. Max has @ set working reatonship with Phil, but is sera jealous of his soninlaws youthful tee ad athletic geod eck. aod Fenny have thee children whe toe inherited ther fathers dr hair ae lic mother’ blue ees: 2 stunning tinbinten. Ela and Mara ave identical tris ard only their closest fiends can tell them apart. Although they're cmly 16, they're very dependent. Thee 19yearold brother, ss Gia, isa surf champion whase good looks have made him extremely popular sith semen One of Ella and Maras frends, fag, is his present gilfriend, but what Fey does know is that Charlie is ao hiring an atia with Clare, Daves wife Pacific Heights: Scenes 2-4 1. How much can you remember about the characters in Pacific Heights? Complete these is engaged to ° __is married to relationship with broke _‘sheart.) is__'s 8 business partner. 2 Read the background information about the characters in Pacific Heights Scenes 2-4 and complete the gaps with the names of the characters. There may be more than one and___are with an Animal Rights group. is married to 4) is __'s girlfriend. 6) al twins, 3) Think about your own friends and family: Can you complete any of the sentences in 1 and 2 with people you know personally? Tell your partner about them. (Glare, who is herapist, as yeourger men. Dave i 28 ive than her. As a international company, Dave often travels 2 abroad cm business At the age of 24 Amy is Sarabis youngest chil. She lives with her boyiend, (ld Mark, and they bave a three year-old sem Jack. They areboth parttime studenisnd so De'they share the houschold chores and efildeare. They also bdoog to an Animal Rights group whose latest campaign involves a demeestration against tests cxried out on animals at DOC TW Gazette has recently split up with ‘s wife is older than him. ri Listening 1 B35 Look atthe drawings from the director's sketchbook. Listen to scenes 2-4 and put the pictures in order. ae et a —____—_—— | Now dfeyaiaearte || | ova aoa ) {roan bine na | demonstration. | | parents, Phil and Fenny. Mara. 5 ls — = 2 Answer these questions: a) Where's Charlie's surfboard? b) What's Ella and Mara's problem? : ©) What's Becky’s problem? 4) What's Amy's problem? Lexis 1 Complete these everyday expressions from Scenes 2-4 withthe correct word a) What have you been up tofaround/down? | b) It’s around/beneath/up to you. | ©) Isee what you mean/say/feel. 4) Imust have made/done/said a mistake. @) I've told you once andi Ill tell you instead/again/last. 1) She'll get under/over/up it. 4g) Itserves him wronglleftfright h) Have you any belieffopinion/idea what they do to them? | 2 Match the expressions in 1 to these sentences. You should have listened to me before. It's your decision. It's his own fault, She'll recover. 1 Treatise now that I was wrong. 2 Tunderstand. 3 What have you been doing? | 4 Do you know what happens? i 3 Listen to Scenes 2-4 again and put the expressions in 1 in the order in which you hear them. 4 Complete the summary of Scenes 2-4 Ella and Mara told their parents But Penny and Phil told them. | Meanwhile Charlie arranged to go and spend the weekend with Clare while Dave was away in America, He told his parents, Mara told Ella | Amy said - But Mark told her Soap 78 Listening 1 E5B.35 Look at the drawings from the director's sketchbook. Listen to scenes 2-4 and put the pictures in order, ‘Scene } ‘Scene seems ) (Scene Mark and Amy talk about the | | ets and Mara talk to their {| Comersatin between Eland demonstration. | (parents, Phil and Penny. Mara ea ee ar ep Serene 5 eae, ea ge 2. Answer these questions: a) Where's Charlie's surfboard? b) What's Ella and Mare’s problem? ©. What's Becky's problem? ) What's Amy’s problem? Lexis 1 Complete these everyday expressions from Scenes 2-4 with the correct word. 1) What have you been up tofaround/down? b)_I’saround/beneathfup to you. ©)_ I see what you mean/say/feel. €)_ Lmust have made/done/said a mistake. ©) I've told you once and I'll tell you instead/again/last. 6) She'll ct underfoverfup it g)_ It serves him wrong/left/right. fh) Have you any belieffopinion/idea what they do to them? 2 Match the expressions in 1 to these sentences. | 1. Trcalise now that I was wrong. 5. You should have listened to me before, 2 Tunderstand. 6 It's your decision 3. What have you been doing? 7 Wshis own fault | 4 Do you know what happens? 8 She'll recover. 3 Listen to Scenes 2-4 again and put the expressions in 1 in the order in which you hear them. ’ 4 Complete the summary of Scenes 2-4 Ella and Mara told their parents. But Penny and Phil told them Meanwhile Charlie arranged to go and spend the weekend with Clare while Dave was away in America. He told his parents__. Mara told Ella Amy said __. But Mark told her er | Pacific Heights: The next episode 11 Work in groups. Predict what will happen in the next episode of Pacific Heights based on the following information: and find out what happens when: Max catches up with Daniel ‘The Animal Rights demonstration turns to violence. e Clare and Charlie try to have a secret weekend together and end up entertaining half the family. Will Ella and Mara still want to go travelling when a new guy arrives at school? Will Daniel go ahead with his wedding plans? Will the family find out that Amy is involved with the Animal Rights group? cific Heights ra « eon 2 Write a similar TV preview to the one above for the episode after next. 3 Read what other groups have written and compare your predictions. Which version do you like best? Close up ilfor 1 prediction Languoge Reference pt This tre nex yer 2 The next time you see me 3 Sometime soon By the tine Fm (ory) in ve years time 4 wills 4 continuous will + perfect 9am 10am Foland Hatt tam (a new painter) ar unch with Dani ‘rive back to Oxford 2020 Vision. in a recent report from the Henley Centre, UK, the following predictions ‘were made about British family life: + Inthe year 2020 the divorce rate will be over 50%. * Inthe year 2020 one in three Britons will be living alone. ‘+ By the year 2020 the traditional nuclear family will have become a minority 4) In your opinion, are these predictions negative or positive? b) Are they valid predictions for your own country? ©) If these predictions come true what will the consequences be? What are the names of the underlined structures in the three predictions above? Work with a partner. Match the three symbols on the time line to the three structures Talk to your partner about your own future ‘Tania O'Donnel is an art dealer. She lives in Oxford. This is what she will be doing tomorrow. Look at the times and the things Tania has to do and complete these sentences using till be (doing) or will have (done). a) Atsix o'clock she __ (have) a shower. b)_Atseven o'clock she (have) a shower and she (eat) breakfast ©) Ateight she ____{dtive) to London. 4) Atnine thirty she ___ (visit) the new de Kooning exhibition. ©) Atcleven thirty she (leave) the de Kooning exhibition and she — (alk) Roland Hof. 1) Attwelve thirty she (Ginish) with Roland Hoff and she (have) lunch with Dani ) Attwo she __ (have) lunch and she __ (meet) her accountant (Grive) back to Oxford. At five thirty she 2 Write similar sentences about what you will be doing tomorrow, 3 White three predictions: one about yourself, one about your partner and one about your county. Language reference: will for the future will (‘I)/won't + verb il as a future form has several important uses. 1 Forpredicion : In the year 2020 the divorce rate ———--—! £ ~ aR | il be over 50% SS | 2 Forgromns and offers port wen. hep you. 3. For refusals 1's 00 use asking. | won't tell ‘you anything. 4 For requests Will you marry me? “- _ eu" You will find more information about future forms in unit 7 You be hearing for my layer will + continuous & perfect forms 1 Continuous will + be + ing In the year 2020 one in three Britons willbe living alone. This time next week we'll be lying on the beach at Cancun, You can use this structure for an action around a time in the future, The action starts bbefore and finishes after a specific point. For eanple. imagine toc) & Furor Tuesday. Next Tuesday you're This Ge nekiwede going on holiday: you're ‘going to the beach. It's not = important to know exactly ‘when you'll go to the beach ‘or exactly when you'll return to the hotel ‘weil be fying on the beach at Cancun. 2 Perfect will + have + past participle By the year 2020 the traditional nuclear family will have become a minority. have finished the report by three, so we can meet after that. ‘You can use this structure to describe a future event from the point of view of a later time. froanole inacice you True have to finish a report. You 7 By three o'clock don't know exactly when ¥ “es you'll finish it, but you're sure itll be before three o'clock, — ri have finished the report ‘You can use the prepos! bby, meariing not later than, with this structure. Time 1 Look at these three sayings about time BEA & Bpema — Chili chonse chili je oh nae ayumi apas ndi nthawi How many sayings about time can you think of in your own language? Choose three and translate them into English. 2 What do these English sayings mean to you? Are they similar to any in your own language? Which ones do you like best? © Ne put off till tomorrow what you can do today: + Better late than never. * There's no time like the present. * Tomorrow never comes. * Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday: © Time heals all wounds. me is money Time flies when you're having fun. Punctuality Discuss the following in small groups: a) How punctual are you? Do you usually arrive late, carly oF on time? Think about some of these events: * first date * afilm © an English lesson» a football match + ajob interview + arock concert + awedding * a family dinner 1b) What about your friends and relatives? Are you typical of people in your country? Listening 1 Read the questionnaire below and tick your answers. Then compare with a partner | You have to attend a meeting which is ‘You have to do a job that’s difficult or scheduled to start at nine o'clock. Do you Unpleasant. De you... amtve . {a} accept that you have to do it and do @) exactly on time? It straightaway so that you can ) ten minutes early? forget about it? ©) anything up to ten minutes late? b) putitoff to another day? leave it until the ast minute because You've arranged to meet a friend in the centre {you need to feel the adrenalin rush ‘of town. How long do you wait if your friend produced by stress? ‘sate 2) Five minutes. Inyour opinion, a hard-working person works... ) Fifteen minutes. a) eight hours a day. @) Half an hour or more. ) eight to ten hours a day. ©. twelve oF more hours a day. You're at home working on an important piece ‘of work that has to be finished for tomorrow ‘Now writeone ‘when 2 friend cals by unexpectedly. Do you hundred times: “1 must S\ 2) sve the fiend in and hope they rot waste my time’) worst Me 1) invite the friend in but tll them that you haven't got much time to spare? 9) tell the fiend you're busy and you'll ‘all them when you've got more time? 2 EH 36 Listen to the radio broadcast with Roberta Wilson, time management consultant, and Paul Roesch, the interviewer, discussing the same questions. Note down what they say about each one, Do you agree with them? 3 Work with a partner Write down at least three activities you think area waste of time ae) Pronunciation 1 Work with a partner. Say the words in the box. Then match the underlined sounds tothe phonetic symbols on the left. thirty the month second Thursday Tuesday weather Wednesday Saturday weeks first third hours weekends that these For example: Aa thirty 2 EE? Listen and check. Dates 1 Choose five dates that are important to you. Then dictate them to your partner. Say why you chose then. 2 IEE 5 Listen to Julie talking about dates that are important to her Write down the dates as you hear them and make notes on why they are important to Julie. Compare with a partner Prepositions 1 Test your prepositions. Complete these sentences with on, in or at. a) My mother was bom ___ the 1950 b) I workbest___ night. (0) We always have a big family meal_ New Year's Eve. 4) L spend at least two weeks by the sea___ the surnmer. ©) start work every morning __9 am. always try to get home from work ___ time to read my children a bedtime story Inever have anap ___ the afternoon. T would like to have lived ___ the Midalle Ages. My birthday is__ March. In fact it’s __ 6th March. Istarted learning English 1995. Nothing special happens in my family _ Christmas. My boss never starts meetings ___ time. She's usually at least ten minutes late, Tusually feel depressed ___ Monday mornings. spend a lot of time with my friends __ the weekend. Tm enjoying life the moment. 2 Are the sentences in 1 true or false for you? Turn them into questions and ask your partner. Find out as much as you can. For example: Debra Ben Time —1_Look at the monthly planner and follow the instructions. expressions 5 = = T Z 3 ay, S| | oy | eal 9 to | Ut 2 16 7 te {| 19 23 24 | 25 | 26” | a 28 29 30 31 = = a) Crome Christmas Day New Year's Eve Boxing Day Christinas Eve Imagine today is the 15th Undertine: Put in (brackets) the day before yesterday tomorrow in four days’ time the weekend before last. next Saturday. ina fortnight’s time the day after tomorrow a week today the whole of last week the Monday after next aweck tomorrow two weeks ago Which dates are stil free? 2 Use expressions in 1b to tell your partner about some ofthe things you've done recently and youir Future plans. For example: ‘The weekend before last I went walking in the mountains with some frien 3 Use the words in the box to describe the times shown. | about just before just gone justafter almost around XX-ih 4 Work with a partner. Use the expressions in 3 to tell your partner about at least six you have done so far today, and what time you did them. Tm Ms Things to do ... Look at the ‘things to do’ lists below. + Are you the sort of person who makes lists? '* Are these the sort of lists you make? How many ‘things to do” you have on your list now? 11 Read the article on page 87 and match the four people mentioned to their list. | pay phone bill pick up suit from dry cleaners take library books back APPOINTMENTS 10.00 hairdresser ay 2.30 interview pat is oA Ba os. Nios les? aKe a NoTURGENT — POST LETTERS oi = Lysine PAY Mrs MAGGS borrowowemight bog wpgracte dasabese VICK UP PREDDIEAT 5 pn pron hone Tina or wrontant Peter ences ng tse dictates te shape of the fotur; it calms you down, its oa ist somewhere) and it ‘you feel good when you cross ff (ist-naking is standard in therapy for depression}. It ren help you to get things done “The world divides in two when it to listing: Type A makes orderly rts ar cally sets to work ther. Type B waits until panic sats srabs the nearest envelope and scbles all over it, sighs with relief prom loses it, The mere you have to do, the more jy need a Uist and fw people with Tigh powered jobs gt by without them. ‘Bubara Vani chief executive of a Tange chain of ‘supermarkets, savs, ‘etre goo bed, Ihave to write down, ererything that’s going to stop me seeping [fel | won't forget anything Te writen down, so my lists are a geatomiot” matrix dis a) What do you plan to do in the b) Bit ©) Have you got a/an low-paid Plans whereas women just have lists of ‘Things ‘To Do. Jacqueline Maddocks, head of Maddocks Publishers, says, »5 ‘My male colleagues only make lists foy work, whereas I have to make lists for work and for home too, Its essential t0 write things down. IF you're constantly thinking, “I must remember this? it «© blocks your mind” James Oliver, psychologist, has created his own ‘time management matrix’. He writes a ist of things to do and then organises them into ‘categories: things that have to be done straight away, other things that it ‘would be good to do texay, things that are important but haven't got tobe dane immediately and things that are less so urgent but that he deest’t want to forget. “Using categories to order the world is the way the human mind works’ he says ‘After that, you should put things into hierarchies of ' importance’ But he warns against the danger of Excessive List Syndrome. ‘If categories distant senior personal IME-SAVING TIPS: LISTS | aking lists is relaxing. It ‘Women always think theyre better people get obsessed with making lists makes you feel important oat lists than men, Men tend to have it doest!t work, They have too many all those things to da. It ‘Tasks which they assemble into Action categories and lose their capacity to © prioritise” Itsalla question of what works best for you, whether it's a tidy notebook, a forest of Postit notes or the back of ‘your hand. Having. tried all these, student Kate Rollins relies ona | computerised list, printed out each morning to be scribbled cn during the | day, “My electronic organiser has changed my life? she says. ‘Up to now, ve Tve always relied on my good memory, Dbut now that 'm working and studying, 1 find I've got too mech to keep in my head! | ‘So what are you waiting for? No, > you're not too busy to make today the first day of your upgraded time- managed life. In fact, there's no better time than the present to get an upper hhand on time and begin to take | “increased control of your work and life. So get out your pen and peper and | rmakea list. m (eee Rn Stay Deere 13197) cage ancien 2. ‘Talk about the article from memory using these prompts: good things about making lists type A/type B before bee! women/men ‘excessive list syndrome electronic organiser what are you waiting for? 1. Complete as many of these sentences as you can from memory to make collocations. Then look back at the article to check ature? (Line 5) practice to wear smart clothes in your company or school? (line 8) 9 Do you know many people with jabs? line 21) Gates still ‘exccutive of Microsoft? (line 22) organiser? (ine 68) 2 Work with a partner. Ask each other the questions from 1 3) Which of these words can combine with the underlined nouns from 1 to form new collocations? Check them in your dictionary and write some new sentences. List any more collocations to do with work or time that you know. must & should IMPORTANT Nor IMPORTANT Close up 1. Lookat James Oliver's time management matrix and match the following sentence beginnings to the squates on the matrix a). must do it today 1b) I should do it today ©) [must do it soon d)_ [should do it soon. URGENT NOT URGENT im Vv a 2. Complete the sentences in 1 with an appropriate ending, 1. but fran out of time I can leave i unt first thing tomorsos: 22 sol see if I've got time next week. 3. or there'll he trouble tomorrow. 4 soll do it next week. 3) Write your own ‘things to do’ list according to the matrix above. Use it to talk to your partner about your priorities for today this week/this month. 4 Work with a partner. Match the following headings to the four sets of verbs and phrases in the table below: permission; no obligation; obligation; prohibition. Cc have to 5 Think about the place where you r— > work or study. Are there many fres nol | ("eter | rules and regulations? ) What are they? Office cultures 1 Look at the people in their different work places. 2 Are the clothes the people are wearing formal or casual? How do they compare to work places you know? prrectly? What sort of companies do you think they are? Why? Listen to the people in the photos talking about their companies. Did you guess 3-_Listen again and correct the information below if necessary. OFFICE 1 Working hours are flexible. orrice 2 You can’t smoke in the office unless you're + Wonen aren't allowed to working late. wear trousers. + You have to go to the + You can smoke in the canteen if you're cafeteria. thirsty. You're allowed to have + You aren't supposed to your lunch at your desk. have a break every two hours. 4 You can wear jeans. Would you like to work in any of these offices? orice 3 + You don't have to dress enartly. + You're supposed to start work at eight o'clock. + You can't smoke in the building. + IE you want @ coffee, you have to go to the café next door. | Language reference: obligation, prohi ‘Must, should and can are modal auxiliaries, All modals have certain special characteristics, for example: 1. They are used to modify the meaning of another verb. 2 They take the infinitive without to. That’ a terrible cough. You should see the doctor. 3. They do not add an s in the third person. He's putting on a lot of weight. He should go on a diet 4 You cannot use them with another auniliary ~ even Jn questions and negatives ‘Must you go? You shouldn't do that. Have to is similar to a medal verb in its meaning but rt in its form. 1 Itindudes to. Thave to go to the dentist. 2 It takes 5 in the third person in the present simple. She's a diabetic, so she has to take insulin, 3° Questions and negatives are formed with do in the present simple and did in the past simple. This isa very informal office. You don't have to wear a tie, ‘Modals are used to express @ great range of meanings. ‘The differences between them are sometimes subtle. must & have to ‘The difference between must and have to is not great. ‘Must is often used to talk about personel obligations, I'm gaining weight. | must go on a diet. must phone my mother. | haven't seen her for ages. Have to isa litle more impersonal. Everybody has to pay taxes. have to do an English exam next week When you are not sure, use have to, ion & permission mustn’t & don't have to Mustn’t and don’t have to are very different from each other, Mustn’t is used for prohibition. You mustn't smoke in a petrol station, It a secret. You mustn’t tell anyone. When you use don't have to it means there is no obligation, negative or positive, Teachers in the USA don't have to wear ties, You don’t have to leave yet. There's an all-night bus. can/can't Can'tis often used like mustn't. You can’t smoke in a petrol station. an tells you that an action is possible and/or permitted, You can leave now if you want to. must & should ‘Must is 2 simple, strong obligation. Should is weaker: — | _ less important obligation, or one that is not respected, | should go to see the doctor, but 've got too many ‘other things | have to do. | should revise for the exam, but ™m going out with some friends instead. It can also be used for recommendations. You should stop smoking, You're killing yourself. Other expressions There are many other expressions that are related to permission and obligation, Be allowed to is similar to can You are allowed to go home early on Friday if weve finished all our work Supposed to is sometimes similar to should. It can imply that pecple do not follow the rules all the time ‘rm supposed to wear a suit to work, but ! sometimes come in jeans and a Tshirt. To whom it may concern 1 Choose two correct ways to start a business letter from Column A. A Dear Mr Peter, Dear Mr Peter Mages, Dear Mr Mages, Dear Mr or Mrs, Dear Sir or Madame, Dear Sir or Madam, B Lots of love, Yours, Best wishes, Yours sincerely Your friend, Yours faithfully, Match the ways of starting a business letter with appropriate endings from Column B. Do you know any other ways of starting or ending business letters? Time 2. Here are some examples of phrases often used in business letters. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. apply unfortunately hearing response complain 6th May confirm enclose grateful pleased. @) Thank you for your letter of the which I received this moming, b) Twould be: if you could send me some information about summer courses at your school ot my curriculum vitae for your attention. @) Tam not available on the date you suggest in your letter. ©) Twould be to attend an interview at any time convenient to you. 1) Lam writing to ‘about the damage caused by your company when they delivered a sofa to my home last week 8) We look forward to from you as soon as possible. h) We would be grateful if you could your reservation in writing, i) Lam waiting in to your advertisement in The Guanian. j) would like to for the position of IT assistant in your school. 3. Match each of the phrases in 2 to one of the functions below. There are two phrases for funetion ¢. 2) asking for information ) giving good news ) applying for a job 2) complaining ©) beginning a letter 1h) saying that you are sending something with d)_clesing a letter the letter ©) giving bad news i) asking for confirmation 4. Anthony Clifford is interested in applying for the post of flight attendant. Read his letter and decide whether you think he would be considered a suitable candidate. Why/ Why not? ORLDWIDE AIRLINES 1566b 49th East Street Santa Barbara, CA ICEL OE Worldwide Airlines Inc PO Box 2983 Worlvide Airlines are currently seeking eens rep mead ebruars tale pride in their performance and ue Sth February 2000 Dear Nr or Mrs, Application for the post of flight attendant I saw your advertisement in the Mozning Post and I want to be a flight attendant. I am 21 years old, end I have just graduated from university. I have put my c.v. with this letter so that you can see what I’ve done and I’d love to come for an interview any time you like. How about sending me an application form and sone more information about the job? T can’t wait to hear from you! “appearance. ‘apliants must be over 20 years of age land have at least two years’ post high school education or work experience. + Physical requirements: able to lift, push and pull heavy antcles as required. Minimum height 1m 60, maximum height 1m 85. + Languages: able to read, write, speak and understand English. Other languages an advantage. Interested candidates can write to the following address for an application form and additional i ee 5. Improve Anthony's leter by using some of the phrases in 1 and 2 above. Lets of love, 6 Look at a corrected version of the letter on page 141 and compare it to your own version IEE Journey | 11 Read this excerpt from a book called The Beach by Alex Garland. Why did the author go travelling? A few years ago Iwas going through the process of splitting up = swith my first serious giltiend. She went away to Greece for the eras ‘summer and when she came back she'd hada holiday romance with Pr gored some Belgian guy. Asif that wasn't enough, it seemed that the guy Taira fine one + in question was going to show up in London some time over the ——a next few weeks. After three hellish days and nights, I realised that | ‘aie Erste oer 1 was dangerously close to losing: my head. I biked over to my dacs ‘mportet han flat and emotionally blackmailed him into lending me enough cach — to leave the country. w On that trip [learnt something very important. Escape through travel works, Almost from the moment I boarded my flight, life in England became meaningless. Seatbelt signs lit up, problems switched off. Broken armrests took precedence over broken hearts. By the time the plane was airborne I'd forgotten England even 1s existed. The Beach * ‘The Beach i Alon Galas Yor rove ie has nm been made into a staring Leonard di Capri ———_--"——_———_-— __| 2 Work witha partner. Have you ever travelled for any of these reasons? Tell your partner } + toescape boredom + tolive out your dreams + torun away from a broken heart + totake a break from your carver + to broaden your experience of the world ‘+ to visit historical sites or travel + toleam languages along a historical route + toget a suntan + to raise money for charity Can you think of any other reasons to go travelling? 3 Where have the class been? Ask other students in the lass and make alist of countries, regions and famouis cities. Try to find a place for every letter ofthe alphabet. You can include regions and cities in your own country. 4 Describe where five of the places in your list are using the expressions below: Say where the place you live is. Find as many ways to describe it as you can. | [lsinthe north/south-west of (Poland) | ' \ northern/ south-western part of (Argentina) ee 4 Its on the coast to the north of (Los Angeles) | in the mountains not far from (Grenoble) | ' in (Lombardy) between (Milan) and (Brescia) | Conrad's round-the-world trip = ee Zep 4 eo > < Look at the photos taken by Conrad on his round-the-world trip. Could any of them have been taken in your country? Where? 2 E40 Listen to Conrad showing his travel photos to a friend. He tries to get the friend to guess where the places are. Which two photos do they talk about? Where do you think the remaining four photographs were taken? Discuss with your partner. Note down any places where a photo definitely couldn't have been taken. Check on page 140. Close up Speculating 1 Listen to the conversation between Conrad and his friend again. Complete these & deducing sentences with the guesses the friend makes: First picture Second picture Wemust be Temust be suppose it could be Itcan’t be Ws probably Maybe it’s 2. Put the five expressions in 1 into three categories, a) 'mabsolutely sure b) rmalmost sure 9 Fmnot really sure 3 Add these expressions to the three categories in 2: Temight be... Itmay be... Perhaps it’s 4 Discuss these questions with your partner: a) Which of the expressions in 1 and 3 contain a modal verb? 1b) Look at the example below and complete the sentences using two of the words in the box. Discuss your choice with a partner. | must mustn't can cantt There's someone at the door it ___be Carmen: she’s working late tonight. It ‘be John: he always comes home around this time. {Larquage Reference p94 ) 5 Rearrange the sentences below so that they make sense without changing any of the words, a) They can’t be too short of money. You must be joking. b) You've been driving all day. You must be delighted ©) That hotel must be doing well. It's never got anybody in it. d) I must be getting old. I've heard such a lot about you. ©) Anew car? On my salary! They go skiing every year. £) The new restaurant can’t be very good. It's always got the ‘No Vacancies’ sign up. {g) You must be Sarah’s husband. Iean't remember anything about last night h)_ Great news about your engagement. You must be absolutely exhausted, . Language reference: speculating and deducing ‘There are many ways to say how certain or uncertain Notes: {you are about something. Here are some of ther: In this context, the opposite of must is can‘t si Pace The keys can't be in my coat because I wasn’t wearing Modal auxiliary + infinitive it: They rom be iri your bap. It must be 1 must be means ‘'m sure itis, it can’t be means ‘tm It may be .../ It could be .. [It might be ... sure tise", | femay not be ... It might not be .. in anti. ‘There is no important difference between may, could and might in this context Other phrases | ts definitely. Its probably | I think it’s .. | Perhaps its... Maybe it. | don't think its. It probably isn’t. It definitely isn. Anecdote __ ty, but you cart Dear Faul Wish you were here 1. These are three postcards Conrad wrote from places in the photos on page 93. Complete them with one of the words below. Use each word only once. fascinating sandy peaks jams breathtaking overlooking touristy spicy friendly gorgeous palm clear breaking paradise —ardtte It 2 yu tom my he trac the lake. The view i Te Nascnem | eee tone | P)—__hereoqutes — wseahstren | sry marian ©) and down 28! Contsiner people are Tingalpa } bythe notel pool can see alcvely ari Street Brisbane | muse go Sutherland Gueensiara Conrad New 1499 abate Auctelia | Australia 2. Which places do you think he sent the postcards from? ey | 3 Wirite postcards from woot te ge thea aan Seo ana theaters | other places Conrad visited. (12) __ and warm. The only } ‘sound i he wind n the ohn Fiaigato | 4 EGB4t We asked the three (3) trees ad the waves 440 Ryan Drve people inthe photograph to NonanaraTeaututinravrconing NewS" imagine they could spend a ae . ala dream weekend anywhere in Cones the world. Listen to their answers to the following questions. Each time there is a pause, guess where the person would lke to go. “] Who would your ideal companion be? How would you get around? ] What would you wear? What would you buy? What would you eat and drink? ‘What essential items would you take with you? =] Who would you most like to meet there? | What sights would you want to see? | Who would you send a postcard to? | What would spoil your perfect weekend? 5 Imagine your own dream weekend. You are going to tell a as partner about it. Choose from Sok % the listin4 the things you want gO _ Cege 6 Sl aig to talk about. Think about what . you will say and the language you will need. ~~ 6 Tall your partner about your dream weekend. Would you rake good travelling companions? mo Journey Close up would for 1. Look at these four questions. Underline the auxiliary verbs. ws ee a) What did you do? ©. What will you do? situations) Whatare you doing?) What would you do? 2. Add the following endings to the four questions in 1 when you finish university? ... if you won the lottery? yesterday? at the moment? language eerenee P96) 3 Which sentences refer to cea situations? 4 Imagine you opened the door of the classroom and found you were in + Siberia the Kalahari desert © Hawaii + Caio * Scotland + the Amazon rainforest Work with a partner. Choose one place and discuss what it would be like ‘+ What would it look like? What sounds and smells would there be? What would the buildings be like? What would the weather be like? What would the people look like? What would they be wearing? What would you be able to do? What wouldn't you be able to do? ‘+ What would you eat and drink? Would you have a good time? Language reference: would for unreal conditionals would (not) + infinitive The contracted forms are ‘1d and woukd't Tid wearsa het onthe beach | Steet go 0 the Soha ethos boc Would you travel sone 9 Thailand or would you go with fiends? | iat the past er ll tie nei | phobia i | Imaginary or improbable situations (One of its main uses isto show that we are taking or ‘writing about a situation that is imaginary or improbable. For exemple, imagine you opened the | door of the classroom and found yourself in eeland Ie would be cold. Everybody would be wearing warm clothes. You'd be able to visit hot springs. Most people would speak good English. ; Unreal conditionals Would is often found in unreal conditional sentences. If had the money I'd buy a new car. You wil find more about conditional sentences in units 13, 1aand 15, ‘Note: You will find more information on would for past habits in unit 5. ewvGVvrKr Coast to coast 1 Read this account of Nick Campbell’s motorbike trip across the US. What problems did he have? NICK CAMP sat next lie oked at the secondhand Harley Davidson hea bought froma backstreet garage back heme in Miami at the beginning of bis ip sic weeks before the side of the road nel wondered what to 1s was forse ‘Certainly net be epi paid his bill and bit the roe. ‘When be got to Kinsas the old machine ran out of steam gi ‘This time Nick thougtt about sling it and buying scmething mor reliable, bat decided to earry on, When the bike was going well, be er yeas he hal vest by marie mito eosin the United States f 1 he'd finally decided that it as now oF his car ana et off for the jaurney Tacky, se be thought, to fd this oh However in Dever, Colorado the bike eke dawn yt decided to tke it to grag na eit for sae. The him to come back in the morning. neve Hed given up his jo of bis dreams. He'd bee Hey Devdoon and had bought i for very reasonable price it The next dy, to his amazement, the man offered him $2000 hc ot him ust $0, But five kilometres from Atlanta, hehad run Realising the man must be suf inthe bee, but clearly ret short of ute hick, The ntrbike ha broken don. * money, Nick asked for $3000, The man agreed and they signed the He rushed the bike into town and found a garage. The young chance im leave te bike overnight and come back the next day The folowing morning, this surprise, the man asked if the bike fact it was several ;che could speak and wher he col he sid, That's the worst deal youl ever make, boy! He papers. Then the nechinic stated laughing inivutes be 2. Discuss the following in small groups. a) How much did Nick pay for the bike? b) How much did he sell it for? How much money did he make from the sale? d) Guess why the mechanic said, ‘That's the worst deal you'll ever make, boy ° 3 Now read the real ending to the story on page 142. Do you think the mechanic was fair? How do you think Nick felt? Anecdote 4 Think back to a journey you have been on. You are going to tell a partner about it ‘Choose from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and what language you will need. Where was the joumey from and where was it to? What form of transport did you use? Who did you go with? How much time did you spend preparing for it? What did you take with you? What was the weather like? How long did it take you? fow many times did you stop en route? What for? Did anythin, expected happé Would you go on the same journey again? Why /Why not? 5 Tell your partner about the journey. Give as much detail as possible Past perfect Close up 11 Where was Nick Campbell atthe beginning of the story? 2 What happened in Miami, Atlanta, Kansas and Denver? 3 iscuss the following with a partner: @)_ Which events are described using: * the past perfect, + the past simple 1b) How is the past perfect formed? Which of these three explanations best describes how we use the past perfect? * tolook back at a past event * to look back at a past event from another point inthe past * tolook back at a past event from another, more recent, point in the past 4 Complete each of the following sentences using the past perfect. 4) Michael was looking forward to the trip to Moscow because 1b) He was late leaving his house because... © That morning the tratfic was very slow from his house to the airport because )_Atcheckin he had to accept an aisle seat because... ©) He bought three new ties in duty-free because . §) The departure was delayed because... 8) The connecting flight in Copenhagen was cancelled because 5) Work with a partner, Writea similar set of sentences. Make sure each sentence uses a past perfect. For example: Vicky cons looking forzoand toe dirmer with Roy Because ... "Language reference: past perfect ‘You can use the past perfect to show clearly that one. ‘past event happened before another past event. For example: (1) Hent her £5. 2) She forgot about it. “She forgot that I had lent her £5. She forgot oo Whad lent her £5 ‘The contracted forms I'd, he'd, etc and hadn't are used in speech and informal writing. The contraction of had is the same as the contraction of would ('e), but the context always makes it lear which one is intended. Conjunctions CConjunctions ike after, when, by the time and because are often used to combine a past simple clause with a past perfect one. ‘The film had started when I arrived. By the time the plane was airborne I'd forgotten England even existed. He had a puncture because he hadn't checked his tyres. After we'd signed the contract we opened a bottle of champagne. ? , —____-—_ Tell us a story 1 Read this true story and explain the significance of the following words a) microwave —b) anti-terrorist lock) Swiss army knife Photographer called John whispered discussion with his couldn't remember where he had put wes thing fist class from colleague. The two pis had lacked his hard luggage and spent five London to Narobi in Kerya themselves cut of their cockpit and, as ss minutes opering Jwhen one cf the co-plos 1 they told the photographer (who overhead lockers unt scare ut of the codpit to make promised not to tell the other John and the lots attacked the doce sore cfice in the microwave. He passengers) the door was fited with with the knife. the Coulin't make the machine wotk, so an antiteoist leck. This meant that come lose and when they broke into he asked is fefow pilot help him, rot even the pos could open it from the cockpit, the pl ‘As the cer pilot et the cockpit, e = outs the cockpit John ernembered eastwards ower the cian Cceen let the heavy metal door close behird thet he had put his Swiss amy krifein fim, The pilot stated an urgent, his hand luggage. However, he ese Fs ea 35) is and phrases. d) Indian Ocean ‘and closing Wl he found it lock started to ne was cruising | | { | | 2 Workin teams. Add adverbs from the three boxes below to the story. Add as many as you can, FES saverbs of attitude |___ Unbelievably naturally unfortunately sadly fortunately adverbs of manner carelessly unexpectedly TG naveris oFtime immediately a few months ago gradually eventually [___attera while finally several week ater in the en 3 Discuss the following with your partner. a) Do you think pilots often make this kind of mistake? 'b)_ What do you think isthe safest way to travel? ©) Do you prefer to travel by ai, by road, by rail, orby sea? Why? 4 Workin groups and write a story. a) Choose one of the story ‘skeletons’ on the ight or invent one of your own, bb). Discuss each sentence and add as many details as you can think of For example: Who were the people? What were they like? Where did they go on holiday? ©) Write the story and include the following: at least two adverbs of attitude from box A at least one adverb of mamer from box B at least three adverbs of time from box C at least three past perfect sentences from box D below past perfect sentences : ‘They hadn't gone far when the car broke down. She had never met anybody like him before By the time the police arrived everybody had calmed down, twas the most breathtaking view they had ever seen. He had never felt like this before. When they looked behind them they saw the damage they had done. 5 Read each other's stories and vote for the best one. curiously Bris Boy ‘Thuee friends went ‘on holiday in car. ‘They camped. ‘Things went re They got home sel. 1. Work with a partner. Read through the statements below and guess whether they are true or fase for your partner Your partner: + has eaten at a restaurant in the last week + has ahealthy diet drinks a lot of coffee. © always has wine with meals. a good cook eats a big breakfast often eats fast food. usually eats lunch alone 2. Ask your partner questions to find out whether you were correct. How many did you guess right? Did you find out anything surprising? st date 41 Whatsort of things con go wrong on a first date? 2 (EB .42 Listen to the first part of the conversation. How do you think the two people feel? 3 Eat fen to the next part of the conversation and find out what went wrong. 4 Listen to the whole conversation again and complete the sentences with an appropriate quantifier a) Would you like wine? b) Two glasses of red wine, please, and could we have ‘olives with that? ©). Oh, dear, didn’t know you were vegetarian. I don’t think there are vegetarian dishes on the menu. 4) Yes, there are. Look, there are of things. ©) And could we have French bread and a bottle of mineral water, please? 8. Ohdear, did it go on your skirt? Just____. I's OK, 8) Waiter, waiter! Can you bring a cloth? I've spilt wine. fh) IsOK, honestly. Hardly __of it went on my skirt. Just a drop. Quantity Countable & uncountable nouns ‘Gps Reference p02 Close up 1 Put the quantifiers from 4 on page 100 into these three categories: both countable & countable nouns uncountable sees afew alittle some 2 Now add these quantifiers to the categories in 1 alotof not much several very few notmany acouple of lotsof very little 3 Ineach of the following sentences there are two words that are possible and one that isn’t. ‘Crows-out the incorrect word in each sentence. 2) There wasn't much/some/any salt in her omelette. b). There was some/a bit offa few ham in her vegetarian salad. 0) A few/Several/A little of his chips were burnt ¢) There were hardly any/litile/not many desserts they liked on the ment, ©) There were only a couple offa litile/a few flavours of ice-cream to choose from. 1) ‘There were no/very few/any taxis outside when they left the restaurant 8) He had never had some/any/so many problems in this restaurant before. h) They had anything/hardly anything/nothing in common. 1. Test your countables and uncountables, Classify these words: | car mobile phone computer job meat love travel pasta music fridge | Passport washing machine money humour rice nicotine oxygen | 2. Choose words from 1 to complete the sentences below. Compare with a partner. could tive without I couldn't live without 1 could live without a ... 1 couldn't live without a . 3. Complete these grammar rules and give examples. 2) You can use numbers (one, two, three, ete) only with nouns, ») nouns have a singular and a plural form ©) nouns only have one form (usually ~but not always ~ singular). 4. Decide whether the following nouns are countable, uncountable, or both (countable/ uncountable). There are three of each type. bread Coca-Cola food glass sandwich lamb pea oyster salt 5 Complete these sentences with three of the countable/ uncountable nouns from 4. Use each noun twice, once as countable and once as uncountable. a) The___ are inthe cupboard over the sink, b) is sold all over the worl. ©) Inspring there are in all the fields around here. 4) Would you like another slice of 7 ©) 'mthirsty — I think I'l have a - 9 is one of the hardest materials there is, 6 Are the following nouns countable or uncountable? | people news jeans scissors 7 Choose the correct words; plural or singular, in these sentences 2) Ubelieve that most people is/are basically good. bb). The news was/were on when I got home. ©) Those/ That jeans really looklooks good on you. 4d) If you're looking for the scissors, they’reft’s in the kitchen, vescs EEE 101 Nouns are countable (C), uncountable (U) or both (JU) Countable nouns Countable nouns have a singular and a plural form, and you can use numbers with them, ‘one idea > two ideas ‘one table > two tables ‘one man two men You can use definite and indefinite articles with them: the idea, the ideas, an idea. Uncountable nouns Uncountable nouns have only one form. Most of the time, thisis singular Knowledge is power. (Popular sayina) Beauty is Truth. ohn Keats) When hunger knocks at the door, love flies out of the window. (Proverb) Food comes frst - morals later. (Bertolt Brecht) You cannot use uncountable nouns with numbers and you can rarely use them with the indefinite article ‘A few uncountable nouns only have a plural form. These dothes are too small for me. My trousers need diy-cleaning. [My jeans are ripped. ‘Other plural uncountables include shorts, knickers, sunglasses, scissors, et. Nouns which are both countable & uncountable "Many nouns have more than one meaning. They can be countable with one meaning and uncountable with another. Glass is a useful material. (U) (glass as a material) Can [have a clean glass? (C) (an individual object) Eating out 1 Match these waiter/waitress questions with an appropriate response. a) Who's the fish? b) And to drink? d)Iseverything OK? ©) Anything else? 8) Smoking or non-smoking? cating 402 ee Basics ©) Did you have a reservation? 2) Would you like dressing on that? Partitives Parttives are ways of counting uncountable. an item of clothing 2 piece of information 2 carton of milk Sometimes the partitive can be missed out Can Ihave a coffee? (= a cup of coffee) Would you like a Coke? (= a glass, can or bottle of Cok) Oddities ‘There are some oddities. Two of the most important are 1. people (Q ~ singular formigrammatically plural: People are strange. 2 news (U) ~ plural formigrammatically singular: Hurry up: the news is on. Quantifiers Quantitirs are ways of talking about quantity other than Using exact numbers. You can use some with countable some with uncountable nouns and some with both, ‘Quentifiers for countable nouns include a few and mary: 2 few tables How many men? Quantifiers for uncountables include a little and much A litte learning isa dang’rous thing. (Alexander Pope) How much money? You can use a lot and some with both countables and uncountables. ‘a lot offsome ice-cream 2 lot offsome chips Yes, thanks. Over here, "Non/ please. No, that's everything, Just some olive oil, please. A bottle of house red, please. Yes, under ‘Clinton’. ‘What would you say? Choose the appropriate word! a) You're at the bar and you want to buy somebody a drink “What can I drink/get/pay you?" b). The waiter is taking the orders and you don’t want a first course... “Anything/Nothing/No to start with, thanks. ©) Somebody is offering you some more wine and you don’t want very much ‘Just a bit/drop/small, thanks.” 4) The waiter is offering you food and you don’t want any more “’m all right'very well /not interested, thanks. ©) There's a phone call for you just as the food arrives. You want your friends to start “Don't expect/wait for/stop me’ Anecdote 3 Read this conversation in a restaurant. What do you notice about it? Did you phone ust OK Ard you? Man: Man: Dorit ge me us The name is Jones. Usk wa Waiter: Go and sit ver there salmon stea by the window Walter: What Waiter: Haverit you decided Mans A side saad Oh, yet? get us some house red ‘Woman: No, we're not realy. Go and mineral wate away and get us some Water: Allright cies, Waiter: What sort Walter: What it you tink of Woman: Two gin ard tonics the food? Waiter: Right Man: tt vias OK Whiter: Do you want cofie Woman Oy! Come here. row! ‘Waiter: What do you want? Weman: Yes, two. Black And ‘Woman: Give me the tomate bring re the ba salad and then the Walter: Yeah OK, tern. 4 Work in groups of three. Imagine the conversation is taking place restaurant. In groups of three nan expensive 2) Rewrite the conversation with more appropriate language. b) Insert your own section where something terrible/ funny /embarrassing happens. ©). Practise the conversation. «)_ Perform your revised version forthe rest of the class 5 Think back to a restaurant where you have spent an enjoyable (or unenjoyable!) evening You are going to tell a partner about it. Choose from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and what language you will need. Where was the restaurant? Did you have to wait a long time for What was it ike? your food? |, Was it full or empty when you Was the waiter or waitress helpful? walked in? Did you have a dessert? ‘And when you left? Die you enjoy your meal? ! What sort of people were Were there any problems? cating there? How long did you spencl in the res Was itnoisy or quiet? Was the meal expensive? Who were you with? Who paid? What did you have to eat? Did you leave a tip? What did you have to drink? 6 Tell your partner about the restaurant. Give as much detail as possible. What's for dinner? 1 2 Look at the photograph. How many items of food ean you name? Look at the following items of fresh food. Look up any words you don’t know in your dictionary. Explain the use of the colours. aubergines beans cauliflower celery cod courgettes, cucumbers garlic hake — leeks lettuces lobster mushrooms mussels olives. onions peppers prawns salmon sardines spinach tomatoes trout tuna Underline the stressed syllable in each of the words with more than one syllable. Ask questions to find out which type of food your partner prefers. Work in small groups. Choose one of the following situations and design a suitable meal The meal should consist of at least three courses. @) Fora friend of yours and her new boyfriend. The boyfriend is vegetarian. b)_ For a romantic evening, ©) Fora hot summer's day 4) Fora friend who's on a diet. ©) Fora child’s sixth birthday party When you have finished, read out your menu to the rest of the dlass and ask them to guess which situation you chose. Incredible edibles 11 Here are some words to describe the taste or texture of things you eat: crunchy spicy tasty isp salty bland sweet bitter chewy greasy creamy Use your dictionary if necessary and use the words in the box above to describe the tast textures of the different kinels of food below. [raw carrots sated peanuts | plain white rice creme caramel plain chocolate seafood milk chocolate | apples your mothers cooking | English food tinned anchovies | strong cofee fil ose 2 These are some of the more unusual things people eat around the world. What do you imagine they taste like? 3 EB 64 Listen to an interview with somebody who has eaten lots of strange things around the world. Write down the words that are used to describe the taste of each dish 4 Would you consider eating any ofthe dishes mentioned? What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten? Tall the rest of the class Besics OEE] 10: Bedtime 1 Asurvey into people's sleep habits was carried out, based on the questions below; Answer the questions and then compare your answers with a partner. 2. Find expression below. in the sleep survey report on page 107 which match to the figures For example: 33% —one in three 2) 5.15% (line 14) b) 39% (line 21) 60-80% (line 27) 4) 51-60% (line 30) ©) 80-9974 (lines 34 and 52) 1) 40-49% (fine 46) 3 What facts do the figures relate to? ring to recent al esearch/a recent peu siney of uted by .. found the ther hand suggests that a SLEEP SURVEY REPORT ccording to recent leaving millions of people believe that the brain rests medical research, 2s without the energy to work when the body sleeps. in sleeping more than as hard as they should fact, the oppesite is tue. nine hours or less Although a large number of Sleep allows the brain to Go « than six hours a night can people say that they need to to work, filing and storing shorten your life expectancy. be mentally alert in their the day events, “Most “Those who ate likely to live» work, over half of the people people incorrectly think the longest are people who interviewed say that they brain is resting or regularly get between seven sleep just under seven hours» recuperating during sleep, ve and eight hours a night a night during the week ‘Actually, sorne parts of the ‘Anew survey of 1,000 adults On the other hand, most of brain are more active when ‘conducted by the Better 1» the people interviewed say you're asleep,’ confirms Dr Sleep Council (8SC) found that they sleep more than Mark Mahowald, director of that few people understand seven hours a night at thew the Minnesota Regional w the important role sleep weekend. This suggests that Sleep Disorders Center. ‘Your plays in normal daily brain a significant number of brain is like a cluttered functions and mary people» people try to catch up on desktop at the end of the actually reduce their brain their sleep at the weekend day. At night, when you're power by getting too litte instead of getting enough _s asleep and no more sleep during the week, when information can be put on seep. (One in three adults admit, they most need it. the desk, or in your brain, that they do not get enough According to this survey, your brain can then file away sleep, and lack of sleep is nearly half of the population the information * @ Report ‘Work with a partner. Write five questions to ask people about their sleep habits using writing the words and expressions in the box. dream have nightmares talk in your sleep snore sleepwalk sleep on your back, on your side or on your front have anap alarm clock feel sleepy suffer from insomnia yawn fall asleep while travelling, fall asleep in front of the television early bird night owl go without sleep inadoublebed have a lie-in at the weekend. Now ask other students in the class all five questions and write down their answers. Write sentences reporting the results of your survey. Use expressions from the language toolbox to help you. i: Communication Hello... This is the police. If you are being attacked from behind by ‘a mad axe-murderer press “One”, 1 £GW45 Listen and complete these useful numbers and addresses. a) BBC website: www uk b) CNN website: enn ©) BBC World Service radio: 207557 €) MTV website: www ©) Reuters sports results: sports com 6) Yahoo travel: recreation 2) British Tourist Authority website. www h)__ Heathrow flight enquiries: 4321 Practise saying the numbers and addresses as fast as you can 2. How many phone/ fax numbers or e-mail/ website addresses do you know by heart? ‘Take a few moments to note some of them down. Think of yous family, friends, work, ete. Dictate some of these numbers or addresses to your partner. Then ask each other questions to find out as much as you can about them, Whose ..?- Who...? What...?- Where ...?- How often ..2- When ... last 2 After the beep 1. Look at this photo of Richard. Imagine what he’s like. + How old is he? + interests? + Ishe married? + friends? * girlfriend? © job? 2 EG¥46 Listen and note down the six messages on Richard's answering machine ‘What clues do you hear about his work, friends and lifestyle? Telephone 1 Richard made tivo calls after picking up his messages. Read the conversations ane language complete them with the expressions in the box. One of the expressions in each set of three is wrong. Choose the most appropriate expression from the other two. —— ss 2) Hello./Good morning. /Speak! b)_ Is (..) there?/V'd like to speak to (..) please. /Is there (1? ©) Are you (..)?/s that (..)?/Who's calling, please? 4) Hold on, please, I'l try to put you through. /Hang on, I'll go and get her./ ‘One instant ©) Lam (..)./A’s me./This is (..) here, 1) What are you up to later?/What do you do later?/ Are you available later on today? [_8)_Fibektorward to eng you tomato /To tron ey tooo fore crverscton | Frone comerscton 2 fre 2)_ Hel Receptionist: a) Good morirg. South Westem Bark | a Can hep you? je) Ricard: Yes) Richard Yes helo ne, How ore you? Receptionist: c) —_ pre: Fineytharks ¢) Richart My raves Richard Svainste, Receptions. OK. 6) Magpie Helle 7 Ricard’ Mie) ‘Oh Me Swairston Im afraid shes on the gg: You got ry mesage ten thought yuld cer fine. Would you le to hel feign ou Ricard: Yes thankyou aban! Deri esl Of course | hve frgoen ou Ivefit been ait bung thats al Ase Aion Moi Wage: Bay plying computer gare uppose Ridaré Onl.) = Richard: No. not all the time Anyway, how are you? Alison: Oh yes Mr Swainston, Thank you for Megge: Nov to bad Abit ted. Too much work as geting back 10 me 50 prorpth There usual Which ends me, Fave you hear seems to be a problem with your account. any for te te get’ Richard: Oh ear What sort of potter? t Richard: Oh, yes. They've got the tickets ‘Alison: el, youre over your overdraft nt by Mage: Great Ivey ned this hoy more than £200.ou rely ed to come Rar User, | cart chat nowcbut f) to the bark to dscus tf) eal gt to work tis eerng bt thoght we Richard: Tmateaid Tn rather ed up todey Would could go-to the crema trom, tererrow be comerient for? Rand Of, come rund 2 about seven ‘ison: Yuta fre Ten try? Maggie: g) Richard: Yes ten thirty’s fine for me. Risat Be. Alison: Wel thark yu for ring ) — Ridrés Goodbye eee 2. E247 Listen tothe telephone conversations and cick ‘Just hang on a sec, please.” Conmicaion EAMNET 10: Real conditionals Work with a partner: Refer to the answering machine messages on page 108. Weite down and practise the following telephone conversations: + Richard phones his friend Jeff and arranges to meet him this evening. + Richard phones Smiths Insurance and arranges a meeting with lan Watson. EB 45. After his meeting with Alison Moore at the bank, Richard did what any independent young person would do. He phoned his mother. Listen to the conversation once and decide whether the following sentences are true or false a) When Richard phones his mother, she tells him that she’s feeling lonely because het husband's out playing golf )_ Richard has had money problems before ©)Mrs Swainston thinks that Richard is eazeful with his money. €) Richard's sister had an expensive wedding ©). Richard asks his mother to give him some money so that he can get married. {) Mrs Swainston is unhappy with the way Richard manages his 48) Mrs Swainston agrees to lend him £300, but only if he promises to get married h)_ Richard often phones his mother just for a chat. What does this phone call tell us about the relationship between Richard and his mother? Do you ever have similar conversations with your parents? Close up 11 Look at tapescript 48. Listen again and complete these sentences. a) Well, of course it is, What do you expect if ) Look, Mum, if you ean just help me out this tim ©) Vl do it this time, but this really is the last time. Ifyou get yourself into trouble again Think of different ways Mrs Si have completed this sentence: inston might Oh, Richard, have you got yourself into debt again? Because if you have, a) dont... b) I'mnot going to ©) youcan @ Twon't ° Here are some sentences said by a parent. Match ‘lauses from Column A with clauses from Column. B and ada if to make realistic sentences. For example: Take a front door hey if you're gong to stay out Tate. A 1a) take a front door key b) you're going to listen to that avful music ) you don't put your toys away 4) you hurt yourself ) you'll be late for schook 8) you've finished your dinner {g) you haver't finished your homework h) you're going to be silly 4) might buy you an ice-cream {) you're going to phone a friend 10 ‘What age (0-18) do you think the child would be for the parent to say these things? Comment money. “Bye, darling ~ don't forget to write phone us on: 01273 516819, or fx us (01273 510044, or e-mail on: ensycume ways. oF visit our website on: wie ‘ony HL give them all away you can leave the table you can't play computer games you're going to stay out late you're good ‘don’t come crying to me keep it short shut your bedroom door I'm not playing you don't hurry up A Choose five of the sentences from 3 and change if to unless. What other changes do have to make? 5 Are you superstitious? Explain any superstitions that exist in your country: For example: If you touch wood it protects you against bad luck 6 Look at the following English sayings. Work in groups and decide what you think they mean. Write sentences explaining the sayings using if. Do you have an equivalent saying, in your language? 8) Easy come, easy go. A) Many hands make light work b) You snooze, you lose. ) Anapple a day keeps the doctor away. ©) Nopain, no gain. 1) Strike while the iron is hot d)_ It’s no use crying over spilt milk 4) Too many cooks spoil the broth ©) When the cat's away, the mice will play. j) Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Language reference: real conditionals Real conditionals talk about real or possible situations, usually in the present or the future. | They generally ave two dauses an if clause and a main cause 1 you're going tH BUETBER) take o front door key Ifyou don't put your toysaway, give them al away The ‘if’ clause The main clause In most real conditionals, you use the present the main clause, the most commen in theif luse, even when you ae taking structure is the present simple. Some modal bout the future auriliaries (especialy wil, can, must and may) | ate also commen, and so isthe imperative. Present simple ' if you arrive early, wait for me in the fhe finds out the truth, station café. #2 it’s all ever for me and you. Whaat =... welll be in big trouble. =. you can forget about our holiday in Jamaica +. deny everything! If you're going to Greece for your holidays, | ‘an recommend a great hotel, Present perfect jar Roar eine Ht yoirait me it clan ae the main cme con tn spose 1 feel like going out, I'll give you 2 cal You don't always have tose the present il give you a call if feel like going out. simple, continuous or perfect, Look at the Use a comma after the if lause in the first first example in this Language reference type of sentence. section wits going You will find information about unreal You can also use can and can't: conditional in units 14 and 15. If you can’t finish the exercise, ask the teacher for help. ‘Occasionally you can use the past tense, but only when you are talking about something ‘you know or you believe really happened: Ife rained, we went to schoo! by bus. If you didn't call me, who did? i we | you have studied the ‘first conditional” ‘There are altematives to if. Unless is the most | (if + present simple + will) orthe zero. important one means i+ not. | condonal (fs present simple + present | Tere is no important difference between | simple), you alendy Know a at shout Unless you agree. and fyou don agree. this ype of Sentence The fist and zero tondtlonalt tre canon extple of real cendtional. Communication [EI 1 1 A stereotype is a | fp image | 4 SElacus: | Jot of people btieve representa | particular type of person or thing ‘cence reinforce fnegticestewotype. | 2iameneis | seem | something, people forma fed general | assured that they will bhave in a | particular way. You freely to find mary replace enotyped ids tou! women. | ae ol Stereotypes According to an article in the Daily Mail, these are some of the things you'll never hear men say: ‘= Let’s ask that woman for directions, FH, Mum, I just rang for a chat, Where's the toilet cleaner? ‘And these are some of the things you'll never hear women say: + Would you please stop sending me flowers? It's embarrassing. + Do you think I look better if I put on a few kilos? ‘+ [ve just killed that enormous spider in the bath Do you agree? Which category do you think the Daily Mail put the following statements in? 2) Of couse Fd lve tov diner with your sist The only thing on telly tonight is football. 1) Shall checker presures when goto the petal tater? mea ©) Lats the TV want tll about area ssw 8 Thanks so cfr ng ys eau ine om ©) Dont wer TU dean that Fist 4) Dosw think my Dots ks ft in these woe? ater 8) I saw this gorgeous suit in that new shop in town. am ase The achets a ret shape and it ast expensive tessa. 1) You tive, darting yout so much beter than me sens Seq 1) Look Tick of taking about or retin, OK? eneviupuste |) But just don't need another pair of shoes. ‘sramsury a a re cs ‘What kinds of stereotypes of men and women could you make from the comments in| and 2? If you are a woman, complete the sentences in Column A. If you are a man, complete the sentences in Column B, A B Men are Women are Men Tike Woman like Men never Women never Men are good at Women are good at Men aren't very good! at Women aren't very good at ‘The best thing about being a man is ‘The best thing about being a woman is ‘The worst thing about being aman is... The worst thing about being a woman is Compare your sentences. ‘Complete these expressions using one verb for all the expressions in Column A and one verb for all the expressions in Column B. A B the shopping the beds the cooking, dinner when there are guests the washing-up the important decisions the odd jobs around the house... an effort to keep in touch with family and friends most of the driving s+ arrangements for baby-sitters vs the washing family appointments to see doctors, dentists or + the ironing teachers, the family accounts the biggest mess in the kitchen the cleaning, the most noise the vacuuming «their mind up quickest the longest phone calls Think about your own family. Who makes /does the things in 4? For example: ‘My mother does the shopping and cooking, but toe take it im turns to do the washing-up. We make all the important decisions together Discuss the following questions: + Whatthings have changed in - - your Metre forthe faraly27 ASPIRATION AND REALITY — of women who thik they: for women? for men? + Do you think women should have the same rights as men? + Doyou think women have the same rights as men in your country? + Do you think women are ina better position now than women of your ‘grandmother's generation + Do you think women are happier now than women of your grandmother's oe generation were? Compare your answers with the results of the poll carried out by The Economist, based on interviews with more than 3,000 women. Communication JREMIRES 113 What do men & women really think? 1. Work with a partner of the opposite sex if possible. Answer the questionnaire for yourself and then guess the answers for your partner, One thousand JRE eo est dae, how son ould you wantin erro men and women between the ages of 18 and 35 were interviewed for a survey to find out the differences between what British men and women really think. This is the survey. mm telephone you? a) The next day. b). Within three days. Within a fortnight Any time. When you say ‘Il call you,’ do you mean: a) I'l phone you tommorrow? contact you when | fee ike seeing you again? ©) Don't call me? I they didn't arrive on time fora first date, bow long would you wait? a) Five minutes, b). Fifteen minutes. Half an hour @) Nolimit ao you think its OK for men to: 2) use beauty products? sill ve at home when they are over 30? ©) stay at horne and look after the children while their partner goes out to work? How would you fe if your partner forgot your bithday? 2) Upset b) Angry. ©) You don't care ~ its only @ birthday. Which of the following items would you like to receive 28 8 present? a) Flowers. b) Computer games. © Clothes. <) Amobile phone. Which of the following statements do you agree with? 2) Men should hold doors open for women, 1b) Men and women are equal, so it's insulting to women if men hold doors open for ther Men and women are equal, but wornen still like having doors held open for ther. Have you ever done any of the following to attract a member of the ‘opposite sex? 2) Bought new clothes. b) Changed your hai ©) Dieted. ©) Lied about your age. Should the wivesshusbands of public figures stand by their partner? 2) Yes. b) No. Do you think mariage is the ideal romantic relationship? a) Yes. b) No. tne ‘Comat 2 Hereis a summary of some of the more interesting findings to come out of the survey. ‘Complete the gaps with ‘men’ or ‘women’ as you think appropriate. EXEIENIGE The majority of both men and women want to be phoned within three days. However, 3596 of o __ seid they would expect to be phoned the next day. wile only 19% of (2)___ gave this answer. Ons ‘On average, (3)__are prepared to wait for their date longer than (4) _ Eighteen per cent of (5) said that they would only wait for five inutes, whereas 67% of (6) ‘would be prepared to wait half an hour or more, DINER 7a irnoein ier fren seygattene wate te cies tan | | (@ While 65% of ) sad tvs fine, only 30% of (10) agreed. The majority of (1) dot fee that itis appropiate fr the man to stay at | home with the children. STEELE The results of the survey suggest that (12) attach greater importance to birthdays than (13) 29% said they would be angry and upset if their partner forgot their birthdey EXEGESIN three out of four (14)__ have bought new clothes to attract a member of the opposite sex compared with only one in five (15) imilary, while just under half of the (16)__intervewed have changed their hair or cieted, only one in ten (17) admitted to doing the same. However, a significant number of both men and women admitted lying about their age, with the important difference that (18) _ tended to say they were older while (19) _ were more likely to knack 2 few years off their age. EXTIEISE The resuts of the survey show that (20) ‘are more in favour of marriage than co) ‘Sixty-one per cent of (22)____ didn't think much of this institution whereas four out of five (23) _interviewed gave a resounding thumbs-up to marriage as the ideal romantic relationship. —_——- — a 3 Would the results of the survey have been different in your country? Report Work in groups and complete the following tasks: writing 4 Write a multiple choice questionnaire to find out about people's attitudes to one of the following: + mobile phones + computers * housework + marriage 2 Do the questionnaire in class and collate the results, 3. Write a report to summarise your findings. Use expressions from the survey highlights above. us 16 Style Match the verbs below to the noun phrases from the box to describe the sort of things people do before they leave the house in the morning. have get make do read put a shower breakfast the TVon the paper a cup of tea coffee my homework ‘moment you leave the house. PERSON 1 Ms alarm goes of cary and it takes me ten minutes to eat my breakfast, snk two cups of cofce have a ohover pack my bag ard read the post and thirty nutes to () get dressedivear.| start thinking about what I going to (2) got droscediwesr while | have ry beaktact, Attar 8 shower 1(@) pur ondwear ry underwear and then lock my wardrobe ard choose a pair of trousers they sil (4 fitlaok me | pst them on. I they fel abe ght arcund the waiot| (6) try them onftake them off ana spend afew mirutes eal qulty about al thoce cheeoltes | hed lat right. Then | cheose loose pair of trousers and think about @ top ‘that (6) goee with/fite ic | eualy (7) have onfry on two or thee tops tefre | find one that (6) lookeywears right ard (9) felo/tn cemfertabe. Finding a par of socks usualy takes about fe minutes ~ 1 can find to dozen oda pairs, but nore that (10) looklmatch By now fm tate the radio on the mail my make-up on the children ready the washing-up the bed 2. Think about your own moming routine from the moment you get out of bed tothe ‘What do you do? What order do you do things in? ‘+ How long does each activity usually take you? Compare routines with a partner. What are the differences? 3 Read through these two morning routines. Choose the most appropriate verb. | | dressed aeaae eee a PERSON 2 | get up as late as | possibly can ar! pin ‘out of the shower | (1) put on/ft the trove (2) had onlgct dressed yesterday and tee shirt cut ofthe wardrobe ~it dcesn't mstt=r Which one 86 ong 2 I's ironed. | ind the; ‘ast (2) ieelgoes with the trousers, lok daw and check that my socks (4) match/fel sd ‘that’s It, Nesrly all my clothes are elther are brown because fve been told that they are te only colours that (6) suittmatch me. So ner really have to worry about what | (6) look with, The important thieg o to make oure haw encugh tere to enjay my Favourte drink ofthe ay: that frst cup of coffee Do you think these are descriptions of a man ora woman? Do the descriptions fit anybody you know? 4 Ona piece of paper write a short account of how you get ready in the morning. Don’t write your name on it. When you've finished, fold the piece of paper and give it to your teacher. Then take another student's piece of paper and guess who it belongs to. 5. Work with a partner. Describe how you would get ready for some of the following a job interview a first date an evening atthe theatre Saturday night out with your friends awedding along flight ‘day on the beach, ‘a Sunday afternoon stroll around town } | j i Suits you 1 Which of the sentences below describes your style best? Compare with a partner Comfortable. | like baggy trousers, loose-filting tops and trainers. Up-to-date but original Thave to be smart for work, but I wear casual clothes at the weekend. ve been wearing the same clothes for ten years. I have no idea what's in fashion and I don't care. + The only way I could possibly describe my style is scruffy. I wear jeans, sweatshirts and trainers, and I never manage to look neat and tidy. ‘+ My style would be different if |had more money. 'd buy designer labels, especially Gucci and Versace. love dressing up in glamorous outfits © Something else: 2. 158.29 You are going to listen to some people talking about their favourite clothes Number the pictures below in the order in which you hear about them. Not all of the clothes are mentioned 3° Which of the items do you think is the ugliest? Which ones do you like? "17 Adjective ‘order Language Reference p19 Anecdote Close up 1 4 Put these words in the correct order to describe clothes. For example: a polo-neck sweater white ~a white polo-neck swenter a) ‘Tshirtan short-sleeved old d)_ sweater a v-neck striped b)_ green a cardigan plain €) silk flowery waistcoat a ©) beautiful scarfa cashmere Make five new combinations of adjectives and nouns 4) Put ajetien in Cho int te ve ngs rn pater opinion; style old stripy beautiful wool leather second-hand horrible check shortsleeved new full-length fabulous plain Armani silk b) In most languages, when we use two or three adjectives to deseribe a noun there are rules about the order of the adjectives. Put the categories in the correct order for English. Ist the same in your language? Write down different combinations of clothing under the following headings ve got this in my wardrobe; I wouldn't be seen dead in this. For example: ve got this in my wardrobe I wouldn't be seen dead in this! a second-hand nylon shirt green leather trousers baggy black cord trevsers a check suit: Work with a partner. Take turns to read out one of your items, but don’t say which heading you wrote it under. Your partner has to guess which heading each, item belongs to. Think of a favourite item of clothes or accessory which you have bought. You are going to tell your partner about it. Choose from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what ‘you will say and the language you will need What is it? What does it look Hike? | What does it feel like? |. How long have you had it? [Which shop did you buy itin? LL Who was with you when you bought it? Was it very expensive? Do you think it was worth the money? How often do you wear/use it? | Do you have any special memories associated with it? | Have you ever lent it to someone? |. How would you feel if you lost it? | What do you like best about it? Tell your partner about the item of clothing or accessory. Idioms 1 Write down the names of some clothes that have: a) zips b) buttons hems ) tumups ©) buckles ) sleeves 2) heels For example: ‘cuffs ~ shirt, Jacket, coat, sweater ‘Test your idioms. Choose the correct word in the expressions below and say what you think the ‘expressions mean, a) Don't get shirty withfinto/across me, | was only trying to help. 1b) I'msorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. It was just an up/offfaround the cuff remark. 0) If you want to pass that exam, you'll have to buckle over/down/round to werk very soon. 4) It’s so obvious when Claire's in love - she ‘wears her heart under/by/on her sleeve. ©) We're saving up to go on holiday so we'll have to tighten/loosen/forget our belts for a while. 1) Lhaven’t seen Bill around for a while ~ do you think he's been wearing/given/missing the boot? 2) Sorry I'm late. Mike collared/belted/zipped me after work and I couldn't get away h)_I'mafraid I've run out of ideas —le’s ask Jobn. He's usually got something beside! between/up his sleeve. Match the expressions in 2 to these definitions: to behave in a way that makes your feelings obvious to spend less money to stop somebody and make them listen to you to have an idea ora plan to say something without thinking about to get rid of somebody to start working seriously to behave in a had-tempered and rude way first ‘Think of something that happened to you recently. Use one of the expressions in 2 and tell your partner about it. Language reference: adjective order In most languages, wh en you use two or three adjectives to describe a noun, there are rules about the coder of the adjectives. In English ths is the order: ‘ADJECTIVES Opinion % Age > Pattern & colour > Material > Style > NOUN horrible, second-hand, stripy, cotton, _ short-sleeved, shirt fabulous, old, leopard-print, fake fur, full-length, coat. beautiful, new, blue, silk, Armani, suit. First impressions 11 Match words from Column A and Column B according to the underlined sounds, A B a) overweight 1a pierced nose | 1) road shoulders 2 smart 3 abaal 3 athickneck {i © stubble 4 geeoen @ sear 5 arelgaed style i baggy trousers 6 bald > an 2 ay i) suit 8 a shaved head a wide ingieh 9 high-heeled boots 2. Which of these adjectives can you use with hair, eyes or skin? blue deep-set brown clear fair pale dark tanned 3 Work with a partner. Use the words in 1 and 2 to describe the people below: 4 4 Ifyou met the people in the photo in 3 for the first time, what would be the frst thing. ‘you would notice about each of them? 5 Can you tell anything about a person from a first impression? Are your first impressions usually right? 6 Read the description below and match it to one of the people in 3. { Say you're a girl. Say you're a girl and youre at party, or in a pub, or in a club. Say you're a girl and yuuite at 2 party, or in a pub, or in a club, and I come up toyou s Say you've never set eyes on me before. Some things youl know immediately: Youll see that {im just under six feet tall and of average build. If we shake hands, you'll notice that my geip is strong and my fingernails clean. Youll see that {have brown eyes which sematch my brown hair. And youl see that [have a scar across the centre of my left eyebrow. YouTl guess that Tm somewhere between twenty-five and thirty years old. You'll ask me what I do for living and TM tell you that Eman artist, which is true, and that I make a living rr | from it, which isn't. won't tell you that I work ina small ors art gallery in Mayfair three days a week to make ends 3 meet, Youll look at my clothes, which will probably be } iy friend's clothes, and wrongly assume that I'm rich, { ‘As wor't mention a girlfriend, youl probably assume se correctly that I'm single. [ won't ask you if you have a boyfriend, but I will check your finger to see if you're engaged or married, (come together Come Together wae written by @ couple, Ec of them wrote alten hapters cf the beck. tll the story cof the came relationship from the SS fain of Mew othe ran and the 7 Complete the description below for one of the other people in 3 Say we meet at a party, and we've never met before, you'll sce that I'm. tall and of build. You'll see that I've got__hairand eyes. You'll guess that I'm somewhere between ___ and _years ol You'll look at my clothes and assume that my style is -lfwe speak, I'l tell you that | which is true, and that 1 . which isnt 8 Read your description out to a partner and ask them to guess which person you've described, 9 Write a description of yourself or another student in the class. sie EY: ee Ugly Jon Bon Jos 4 B50 Listen to the song. eet 2) Ista romantic song? ©) What does he think of her? ot Franc Bongo b) Whois the singer talking to? €)- What does she think of herself? Iron 2rd Marc 1962 2 Look at the lyrics of the first two verses of the song. The lines have been cut in half In Column A the lines are in the correct order but in Column B they are mixed up. Listen again and match the two halves of each line. Hie first band wes Atlantic Cty Eipresousy. He made A B ee If you're ugly, ‘you really are to me aay aay In your eyes 2 camera sometimes If jou could see yourself as beautiful as you You'd wish you were for you to see ‘And L wish Iwas rm ugly too! So I could take your picture with my mind Putt in a frame like others do How beautiful the sky's different blue Close up Iwish 1 Look at the lyrics in 2. What tense is used after Toish 2. Make I wish sentences forthe following situations. For example: Tm poor. > I wish I had more money. 2) Llive ina tiny house in the suburbs b) K've gota boring jb. ©) My car's 15 years old. 2). My wife doesn’t understand me ©) My children never listen to a word Lsay 1) Inever have time to do the things Hike 8) hardly ever see my friends. 3 What wishes do you have about your own life? Write down a few and then tell your partner about them. Iwish | was/were wasn't/weren’t so. had .../didn’thave lived could Interview with Jon Bon Jovi 1 What do you know about Jon Bon Jovi? 2. Inthe interview below, he answers some of the following, questions: a) If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you like to be? b) What do you do in your spare time? ©) Who would you most like to have lunch with? d) What makes you angry? ©) What would surprise people most about you? 8) If your best friend was about to marry someone you thought was totally unsuitable, ‘would you give an honest opinion? 8) What scares you? bh) Ifan old flame invited you to dinner, would you go? i) If you could change anything, what would it be? i) What's the best thing about your work? Match a question to each of his answers, — ? ‘My mother. At the peak of Bon Jovis early success, the group went through a period of real extravagance. We hired private planes, chartered the biggest yachts in the world, took all our friends Con holiday to exotic islands, bought each other Ferraris and gave our parents expersive presents But Mum would always much rather | went round, for Sunday lunch instead of buying her another sift a - Being a rock ‘n roll star is not as romantic as - 7 people think acualy a ver sens eb expecaly when you" on the oad 240 dys 2 ou Senguing, ceatg sorting tat you can he frees what ges re the rest 2 Feople ib care tore me ad oy wart to tak about my haste x Te spend ee tire with ry we, Dovetes, ard iy ks, Stephanie and ames take them wth re viene posible, Tey a cae ta ie wth ren london forte months whe was fring the tls The ening Man, but il doit see enough ofthe, a ? used to worry about living up to the success of the last record, especially after Slippery When Wet sold 14 milion copies. But these days, rm much ‘more relaxed and personal artistic satisfaction ‘means more than commercial success a 7 That Ym not out on the town every night. When | ‘was in London filming, | would drive to work at 6 am and see people coming out of the clubs and feel thankful that ¢ had a good night's sleep. 'm all for going out on a bender now and again, but you can't doit every night 3 Work in small groups and discuss your own answers to the questions in 2 above sive EEE as Close up Unreal 1 Look at the interview with Jon Bon Jovi again, Which tense does the interviewer use conditionals after the word i? Why? 2 (EM51 Listen and read the dialogues below. What is the relationship between the people in each dialogue? Ba eras jou'ee ooking tor umerrstict: exe's a sale on at DKNY. Dan:_ Is there? Wellcome on. If we don’t leave nowy; the shops'l be closed chen sve gt there. BOSS HUGO BOSS 3) Underline the conditional sentences. (Gonguage Reference p25) A Work with a partner. Discuss these questions with reference to the examples in the conversations, 2) How many clauses are there in each conditional sentence in the conversations? 1b) Ineach case, is the speaker talking about a situation which they see as real or unre? ©) What verb tenses are used in the if causes? What happens to the verb tense in theif clause in the unreal conditionals? 4) How is this similar to [wish (page 122)? ©) What happens in the main clause in the unreal conditionals? 5 Write at least five sentences about yourself and talk about them with a partner. a) If Thad more money/time .. D) IF could speak English/Chinese.. ©) FL were younger/older ... d) If tcould sing/dance/play a musical instrument/drive oI. “Yf Leas married to you, Ud divorce you!” 124 Style Language reference: | wish & unreal conditionals I wish |Luvish is one of the ways of talking about unreal situations. After ! wish the tense backshits act wisH Ima teacher ‘but | wish | wasn'tweren't a teacher. | wish I was/were a doctor: * | lve in New York but I wish | didn’ live in New York. I wish | lived in Paris. ‘'m studying English but | wish | wasn’t studying English. | wish | was/were studying Chinese. * were is often used instead of was to make the sentence more formal. Unreal conditionals {1f for unreal conditionals follows the same rule as J wish. ML washwere a doctor .. IF Lived in Paris If wasiwere studying Chinese In the second clause of the sentence you generally use would. You can also use might or maybe + would for possible results. if was a doctor 'd be able to help people more, and I'd make more money. 1 Lived in Paris, 'd visit the Louvre every day and I'd have croissants and coffee for breakfast in a pavement café. If | was studying Chinese I'd have fewer problems with grammar. And | might be able to study in China for a year. ‘There is more information about | wish and conditionals in units 13 and 15 and about would in unit 11 I you have studied the ‘second conditional’ (if + past simple + would + verb), you already know a lot about this type of sentence. WF YOU RULED THE WORLD, (LORD ARTHUR, OHAE WOULD BE THE FIRST THING REsian: CALL 0345 883 1340 TODAY. ALTERNATIVELY, YOU COULD WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW prophylactically | {ine 15) very arty sanely ne 15: in normal ceeaconsble wey } bare footed (ine 2+ without shoes fall U5) (ine 23: | play hooky (US) ine 2a say aay | schoo! without permision| daisy (ise 26): small white wid flower Work in groups. Invent an identity for the man in the advertisement. What's his How old is he? Where does he live? = What's his family background? What has he done in his life? Ishe happy? Work with studen s from other groups. Compare descriptions. Read the poem and decide whether it fits the character you have invented How does the man in the poem feel about his life? Why did Harley Da person is the advertisement aimed at? a ‘on choose this poem to advertise their bikes? What kind of I wish & if only 4. The poem you have just read is about an olel man looking back over his life. Think about your future. Make a list of five or more things you'd like to do in the future and why ‘you can’t do them now. For exampl What I'd like Why it’s impossible Vd like to buy a new leather jacket. but Tem find one I like. Yl like to travel round the world... but Fee got to finish my studies. 2 Rewrite your list Jing conditional sentences. For example: If Lcould fnd a jacket Uliked, Vd buy it If didn’t hace to finish my studies, Vd travel round the world 3 Work with a partner. Compare your sentences. 4 Look back at the poem. Complete these sentences for the man. Use the words inthe box sensible seriously adventurous anxious fun risks enjoy 2) Lwish I'd been more .. b)_Twish I'd been less . ©) Lwish I'd taken more .. 4) Ifonly I'd had more fe) I wish I hadn't been so ... )Lwish I hadn’t taken life so ... 2) only I'd done more of the things f Close up 11 Work with a partner. Look at the sentences in 4 above. a) What verb form follows I tish ... and Ifonly .. in these particular sentences? b) Are the sentences about situations in the past, the present or the future? ©) Are they about things that really happened? @)_ Look at the sentences below and find the verbs. Facts Wishes studied maths, literature and | wish I'd studied lalian. If only Fd known, ‘business studies at school. what was going to happen. Nowe I'm studying economies in Oxford. I wish I was studying Italian literature. 1 wish I lived in Rome. Sadly, it's all over with Gina. Ifonly she hadnt finished with me ‘She went back to Rome last week wish I'd gone with her. What happens to the verbs when you change from a fact toa wish? | 2 ‘The people in these pictures regret decisions they have made or things they have dene | What do you think they regret? Write sentences beginning I wish .. or ory. for ech picture. | 3 Write atleast two wishes for the people in these situations. ‘@)_Thave to play tennis with Jack on Saturday. The thing is, not only is he dreadful at tennis, he's also a pain in the neck. And now Nico has asked me if I want to play i with him, I wish 1b) Twwent to see The Texas Chain Saw Massacre with Carmen last week, and she’s had nightmares about it all week. [ wish ©) Ten years ago, when I was 16, Left school and went to work in my dad’s business. Now the business has gone bankrupt and I'm out of work. [fonly 4) [started smoking when I was a teenager. 'm on two packs a day now and I'm desperate to stop, but I just can’t manage it. f only ©) We got married when we were both 18. We were in lave and we thought it would last for ever. But as we've got older we've drifted apart and now we fight all the time. [wish 4 Have you made any bad decisions in your life so far? Tell your partner about them. | Language reference: | wish & if only | wish and if onty are two ways of talking about unreal 2 Past changes to past perfect | ‘tisio You can use thanx opeam tegretsbCUCIC jstuiledacooniee > tush fi suid aie | present or past iterate In unreal tuations the tense usually backshitts went to Scotland for > I wish rd gone to Spain ror example my hlidys 4 Remnishongeednnel {started smoking when -> Honky hade® started Hive in Oxford. > I wish | lived in Rome. (ueasia:teenagen ‘smoking. fimgobg the drema. > ‘wish weeguing the see ako the Language reference setion about ish in | with Pete on Saturday. > cinema with Miguel. unit 14, J ean't stop smoking. > If only | could stop smoking, Act your age getting married having children learning a new language travelling around the world leaving home think have age limits? worrying about how you look 11 Do you think there is an upper or lower age limit for: © starting a new career + dancing to pop music in public * leaming to ski * riding a motorbike + wearing jeans Discuss your answers with a partner. Are there any other activities you Agciom ‘Ageiem ic prejudice esinst elder people for example through refusing thom beginning, he might have left me. 2. Read the article and decide which statements are true for the writer a) Lwish I'd never met him, 'b)_Ishould have been honest about my age. ©) fd told him my age at the @) shouldn't have told him about my disastrous existence. ©) If Twas aman, the age difference wouldn't be a problem. £) Wall his fault: if hadn't met him L wouldn't have turned into an ageist and a liar Ageism turned her into a liar employment. tl 2 new werd, flowing modelo cf raciam and For most of my life, age has seemed unimportant. My friends of both sexes have been younger, older or the same age. When I was in my early thirties | had a very enjoyable and fulfilling relationship with a men I know is in his mid fifties. "HE FIRST time I experience a problem with age was on my ferteth biethday. Much to my sumprise, it was a deeply traumatic event. Forty seemed to be So much older than 89. 1 used to lite when people fold me I oked young for my age shut thenTrealised that they were just tliny’ me how old | was ‘Aayway, 1 slowly got over the shock and tried to convince repel that ie begins at 40 T met him playing badwinton, He was impressed with my exciting lifestyle lots of traveling and some writing. [found whim fun, kind, amusing and very attractive. He 31 and Tooks put 1. He has no idea how old Lam. All ny life ve been totally honest. Iretum extra change to _stoished shopkeepers, Ive never travelled without ticket and inp interviews [ always come out with all the reasons why T v shud not be employed. aly on inthe relationship I tlt him the truth about my satus existence ~ my divonce, my financial ical, the relationship that destroyed my faith ia men. Leven admitted that Ieyeny haz The sky didnot fallin and he dat un screaming fromthe house. I itl hia older than he s, but something stopped me from cming clean about my actual age. ‘And now Fm in trouble ~ serious trouble. Silence has made the problem much greater If had tld him before, it wouldn't ave become such a big issue If I had been brave enough to ‘anit that L was 11 years older than him, I would bei this crazy situation now. ie about obs years abroad and education; he wanders how I've managed tft so much ving into my lie Tonverecly can't remember the music of my tenage years man of 23. One of the most attractive Ml The other day, leven hid my passport under a pile of papers s« Tm worried about organising a get together with my friends in ‘ease me of them says something like, ‘Doesn't she look good for her age’ | ‘The longer I remain silent, the more likely he is to find out | ‘and Tm frightened. For once in a very long time Fve found = someone who makes me happy and I don't want to lose it. | Tknow that if Twas a man, I would never have got into this. | mess. Eleven years’ difference is nothing for a man. But it the ‘other way round and the World judges older women harshiy, and fm afraid he would do the same. « _Jnmebecome anageistanéalinrand have noone to blame | but nyse J 130 Unreal conditionals 3 The following is a summary ofthe atic. Put the Tines ofthe summary inthe correct order. X y ( Joverthe shock and tried (1) She has always had friends ( ) traumatic event. But she got ( ) to convince herself that life begins (_ ) but herself for the situation she’s in, (2) of al ages. In fact, one of the most attractive (J clean about her age. Silence has made the problem (at 40. She met him playing badminton but didn’t come () women so harshly. But she knows that she has no one to blame () much greater and now she thinks that the longer she remains silent i }) men she knows isin his mid fifties. Her fortieth birthday was a deeply ) the more likely he is to find out. She thinks it's unfair that society judges older 4 What would you do if you were the writer? 5 Write the conversation they have when she tells him the teuth. Begin like this Him: You look worried. What's on your mind? Hier: Actually there is something I've been meaning to tell you. 6 E352 Listen tothe conversation, Did you imagine a similar situation? 7 Work in small groups and discuss these questions: a) How old are your youngest and oldest friends? b) Do you know any couples who have a big age difference? ©) What would you do now if you were the writer? ) Have you ever lied about your age? ) Can you think of any situations in which you would lie about your age? £) What ages do you think are turning-points in life? Close up 1. Here are some comments the woman makes about her difficult situation. Match them to the time sequences in the box. 2) [had told him before, it wouldn't have become such a big issue. b) If Lhad been brave enough to admit that I was Il years older than him, I wouldn't bbe in this crazy situation now. ©) Tknow that if] was a man, | would never have got into this mess. time sequences present situation > past re past situation past result past situation present result 2. Write conditional sentences according to the prompts, Think carchlly about the verb tenses. For example: You arrived early. I wasr't ready. > If you hadn't arrived carly, Iwwould have been ready. 2) Late too much last night. I'm not feeling very well. b)_ He went to university. He got a good job. ©). She's gota fast car. She got here in under two hours. 4) You only had a sandwich at lunch time. You're hungry now. ©) Ldidr’t see you. I didn’t say “hello 1) There was a power cut. [lost two vital computer documents. 8) You didn't ask anyone for directions. We're lost. 1h). He loves her a lot, He forgave her. Unreal! The Conditional Game What would you have done? 1. Read these stories and discuss what you would have done. WW weintenpeominepeeneysctioon | Wii tictpeneinaaty atti pete ll this elderly woman shuffling up and down the day. She'd bought this dress for a special ‘do’ and 1 aisles. She didn’t have a trolley, and was putting. don’t know why she had to ask me what I thought oft her shopping straight into her basket. Anyway, | ‘mean, she wouldn't have bought it if she didn’t ike it, thought nothing moce bout i and carl on ‘would she? And she paid a fortune fori Anyway, she ! doing my shopping and when T went to queue pputiton and I immediately thought, “No, orange is net Lup to pay, there she was in front of me. I watched your colour’ Not only that, ut some people just her put One tin of eat food on the counter and haven't got the legs for short skirts. To be honest, she pay fori, then she walked out with her basket looked ridiculous full of unpaid shopping. — Sm tee oxy ta senary cf arcana oe ny egy hn ama cctgentitupeeiionettwata | Loerie epee gegen BF sere ov eres wei we seg cia ee aor now how Fate cooking Anyway, Tope all fpencd the envelope, there was cheque sie ee afternoon preparing the meal and actually 1 was £5000 and a lite note seying Happy Birthday darling, | Guite pleat with Row it turned out Leven Tee booked you a facet guceeednfow tte | _Tortcndea tri’ | See | a - spirigmencr meget, |W isco amgeerine teatrin nm of the oven. [ lifted it out and I don’t know how in London for a meeting and it was lunch time. It was a sire tien arg ten, | nrg ons i ihre ledge icf | es hata afro ard ected, | mgr nay tc ee ns her tongue. him immediately. It was someone I'd been af univenity imi Ho fan ty pale ae noes eaten friends, but I’d lost touch with him when we left | ia 2. EE¥53 Listen and find out what the people did. Do you think they did the right ching? | Language reference: unreal conditionals | The ‘if dause For the past, use would have or might have. If the situation is unreal (imaginary or very ears | improbable) we show this by backshifting the verb. esenee aia oe mas 1rd have chosen the violin as my instrument. real Unreal | might have got a job with the BBC Symphony Iman economist. It wasn't an economist Orchestra eee You can usually swap the two clauses round: Stade ateree es 1rd probably have chosen the violin as my instrument real past Lunceal past if Pd studied music. I studied economics at If hadn't studied Nae Saaeatines opm IA Rae the past and the F eis tan awe si the present or vice vers, | 1 hade’t gone to past + present university Fd become a musician, .. | wuld make less mo | The main clause me ‘The main clause generally uses would or might present + past | I lefidn't make so much money, sence aio. | woul hve been able to buy ny Porsche, thi appr cor ay fat in New York. apron) enon my 1 See akon 1,13, 14 and 15, lot about this type of sentence. | I you have studied the ‘third conditional (if + past perfect + would + perfect infinitive), you already know a 132 Age Sweet sixteen 1 Work in small groups and discuss the following questions: ‘+ Do you think that the age you are is a good age to be? ‘+ What do you think is the best age to be and why? + Have you ever wished you were older or younger? Po} ee) Carmel (mid thirties) 2. EB54 These four people were asked the same questions, Listen to the interviews and note down their answers 3. Match the person to the question they were asked. a) Do you mind if | ask you how old you are? b) How old are you now? ©) You've just had an important birthday, haven't you? 4) How old are you? Which is the mest polite form? Delicate When you want to ask about something delicate, i questions than direct questions. iroct questions are often more polite For example: Direct question Indirect question oo) How old are you? Do you mind if 1 ask (you) how old you are? howe. Iihere is lave you gota girlfriend? Do you mind if I ask (you) whether you've got a gislfriend? thew ibe iss} Have you gota ginftiend? Do you mind i ask (you) whether you've got agiltend teiviyitisaodal | Instead of Do you mind + present you can use Woudd you mind + past as a more formal fatto avoid alternative. faire a stvity or | pig aout thot 11 Make indirect questions from the prompts. Bem | Dosounindittadkyou raraning or a) where/buy/your/shit? ——d)._where/go/after/lesson? lene. The tic of b) why /study /English? ©) enjoy/this/leson? ion rons Q. get/here/on/time? 1) what/do/this/evening? ety of io. > ion adectve serarenicae | 2 Work with a partner In your country which ofthese questions do you not ask somebody Fisted or you don’t know very well? enirasedfotalk | pel aut i Now ask your partner the questions. 2) What perfume are you wearing? _e)_ Who did you vote for in the last elections? b) How much do you earn? f) Are you married? ene ©). Where did you buy your shoes? ——_g)_Is that your natural hair colour? d) How much do you weigh? 1h) How much did your house cost? 3 Can you think of any other ‘taboo’ questions? Add them to thelist. i dort min ho tat at 4 Work with a partner. Change the direct questions in 2 into indirect questions using riaer not 3 Do you mind if Lask you ..? ater not anser that sIdomind, actualy, «5 Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions, giving a true answer or politely refusing to answer, acc EEE) uss 16 Review 2 Who said what? 1. Here are some quotes by well-known people. Match the quote tothe person a) ‘The Beatles are more popular than Jesus Christ’ ») “In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.’ ©) ‘Rock ‘n’ roll has no future’ d) ‘Painting a picture is either easy or impossible’ ©) ‘England is a nation of shopkeepers.” 1) ‘Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind.’ 58) ‘Tlove Mickey Mouse more than any woman I've ever known.’ h) ‘I've never hated a man enough to give diamonds back’ ') “There's no such thing as a bad Picasso.” i). ‘Tdon’t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member k) ‘Inever think about the future’ 1) “There is no sin except stupidity. Walt Disney Salvador Dali Groucho Marx Pablo Picasso. Oscar Wilde ZsaZsaGabor Albert Einstein Rudyard Kipling Napoleon Bonaparte ‘Andy Warhol Frank Sinatra John Lennon Check your answers on page 140. 2 Report the quotes in 1 For example: John Lennon once said the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ 3 Ifyou could be famous for 15 minutes, as the quote in 1 suggests, what would you likeit to be for? Think of three things. For example: like to score the winning geal in a World Cup final. I wish . 1 Read these three wishes. Then add one of your own, Twish I'd gone up Mount Fuji when {was in Japan. ach I wish there were more hours in the day. I wish I could play the piano, 2 2 Wish tre A traction in Japan te write ae 2. Collect your classmates’ wishes and write them down. on a pec o payer and then tet 1 3 Whatare the most common wishes in your class? What are the mest unusual wishes? EE Review 2 In your dreams Conditionals. 1 Work in small groups and discuss these questions. Ifyou 2) could be anywhere in the world for the next 24 hours, where would you go? 'b) were on a five year space mission and could take one of your possessions what ‘would it be? ©) could have the answer to any one question, what would you want to know? 4) could change one thing about your country, what would it be? €) could relive one week of your life, which week would it be? ) could have one day with someone from history, who would it be? 5) won £1 million on the lottery next week, what would you do with the money? h) could change sex for one year, what would you do with the time? 4) could be transported into the future, when and where would you like to go to? }) could be any animal, what would you be? 2 Report three interesting things from your discussions to the class The real you Conditionals 1 Answer the questionnaire below. DISCOVER THE REAL YOU! 7 SECTION? SECTIONS SECTION FBtyousrewih 2 group of [7] woulsyou say you usvaly get [-T] woul youte happier you [1] ¥fyou gosomentere forthe pele do you geeraly on ester wath were known 2 ay, do you tsa 2 keto have the whole 2) reliable, steady peep? 2) 8 person who ahvays 5) plan what you wl do and gap asyour eudence? |) unpredictabe, spontaneous | reasonable? ‘hen you do? tak ith one person ata people? 1) a person whos alas ) just go? tine? compassonste? [i you tend to have [2]ityouverea teaches, woul! [2] What's mereimgontant, — [Z] when you hae a speci job 1) rad frends with alot [you rater tach someone’. {0 do, do you of people? 2) facbesed courses? 2) rights? 2} exganise careful before 2) deep tents with 2 8) courses invchirg theory? |b) feelings? ouster? fe people? by find out whats necessary | 25 you go along? [3]i there is some gossip about Ifyou could choese, would [3] Would you sey you more often [F]Hf you had been asked last Biechyurtenn mys | youpelerote ie Satin ering wt ou tsualy be 2) practcal and good at feng | 2) yournesd rule yeurhear? | were going to do that dy, 2 one of the fist to hear things? 1 your heart ue yourhead? | would youhave shout it?| 1) create and artistic? 2) krown pretty wel? 1) one ofthe ast to find out 1) hed ea? what going on? [i] would you say you Would you say you are [4] Given the choice, would you [a1] Do you generally do things at 2) canbe erthisasic about [~ 2) conventional? rather werk for someone vino [the lst inte? mes tingsitneceson? |b) original? is a) sometimes 1) can only be enthusiastic 2) ahaays fi b) often about things of particular ©) alnays hind? | lmportance to yeu? [3] you coud choose, would Wich ofthese wors do you [SE] which of these wores do you [5] wou you sy the routine yourather thngs around yeu | preter? eter? parts of your day re vere 2) cerainty 1) determined 2 ress? a busy possibly © eevetes 3) ening? | ue? } | J 2. Work with a partner: Exchange questionnaires and turn to page 142to find out what it all means. Is the description an accurate summary of therm? Review? SERET] 135 | predict ... will 1. Here are some predictions about the future made by some of our students. Put the verb in brackets into an appropriate future form. Then write four predictions of your own. In two years, (1) _"l be ling (live) in the same country as now. 1)__ (forget) how to speak English 20 years from now. By the end of the year, 1(6) (travel) to a new country. In five years, 1 3) English every day. 17) __ (be) a millionaire in ten years’ time. By this time next week, 1(@)____ probably (fall) in love yet again Before | die, | (8) ‘the moon! 2 Interview a dassmate to find out whether the statements in 1 are true oF false for him or her. Do a class survey. For example: Eight people in our class think they'll be lioing in the same country as now in to yenrs, The world of languages Questions 1 Work with a partner and discuss the following questions: a) When was language first written down? b)._ When was the first alphabet developed? ©) How many languages are there in the world? 4) Which are the five most spoken languages in the world? ©) How many words are there in English? 4) Which are the most common worts in English? 8) Which languages do the words ketchup and shampoo originally come from? 1h) Which country has got 13 languages on its bank notes? 2 E55 You are going to hear Kim Thomas, a professor of linguistic, being interviewed, Listen and check your answers to the questions in 1. 3 > Listen again. Write five more questions about the interview. Ask some classmates your ‘questions. For example: Who were the first people to write down their language? Doing the right thing Modals 1 Work with a partner and do the following quiz. How would you cope around the world Dare the following statements TRUE or FALSE? ee a ee oe CR en se orcs ec Otis rere Cae MC ee ote ered eee ene Oo Peele cata etc Pace eect ee ets On pene cary Re Cree ty Cr ug Pukey eter SOc Rents In Japan, you can't vote until Se oa Petree) oon ener iy ‘You can drive as fast as you want eens oa crn eo ee noes re rs to cose for about 15 minutes four einen eran s oa over Dene an ree eetcs ee es Bee ineteed Pan cea cheese with you when you are invited to dinner in France, eee ts Poetic omy Ce aa pet ee eee ae ay eee kn ras Oo ero pee te a DG ‘Check your answers on page 142. 2 Canyou think of any rules in your country? What would a visitor need to know? Greetings from Vietnam General eat! the letter to Marcella. Choose the correct alternative. In some cases both alternatives revision are possible. Dear Marcella, Well, at aot here we are in Vietnam and we (1) havelre having an absolutely (2) good/wonderful time. We're now in a (8) beautiful, smalV/emall, beautiful market town in the mountains in the very north of the country. The town ie at:the end of a steep valley and there are the most (4) amazing/amazed terraces as far ao the eye can see. Miguel (5) said meleaid he thought they (6) werefare the most spectacular views he (7) hadhas ever cen. Ive taken 0 (8) much/many photos since we (9) arelve been here, | think (10) 've Fd only taken about: a dozen in total before we (I) arrived/had arrived here in Sapa. We (12) gol've been for a long walk every dey 60 far: In the evenings, we're pretty (15) exhausting/oohausted and we just have a meal ~ Vietnamese food is (14) veryfabeolutely orest — and a beer or two before bed, Yesterday, Stefan had hie hair cut by the woman (15) whichiwho owns the hotel (16) whichiwhere wee staying in. He cays he (17) lkestliked it, but he (18) musta'tdcan't have looked in a mirror It looks awful! We think we right (19) to stay/stay here for a (20) fewfittle more days before heading back south. With a bit of luck, this time next week, wel (21) have leFtbe leaving the mountains behind us ‘and well (22) lielbe lying on a deserted, sendy beach! 'm really looking forward to (23) dofdoing nothing for (24) a fewhfew days! We really wish you (25) would befwere here with uo. you (26) arelwere, you (27) Vl really love it! IF only you (28) didn't break/hadn't broken your arm Never rind, | suppose things (29) might/can have been a lot worsel Anyway, | hope it (80) gets/is getting better G0, how are things back hore? Miguel and Stefan want-to know how (31) are youlyou are coping without (22) them/they! Were all expecting (2) lote off much juicy gossip when we (24) "I getlact back next: month! Ive late, 90 (26) IM finish/am finishing now: (56) SayFTell Juliette we'll write (27) herfto her soon ‘Take care and have furl Lote of lve, Virginia andl Lena »ec0000% Additional material 6 News 3 Dating The passive voice, 6 ‘Twenty-first century dating, 2 Student A Student A Hore are your three stories. Don't Read about couple 1. show them to anyone, When you've finished reading, close your book and tell Student B about the couple. 1) A dramatic chase involved police cars @) after somebedy spotted 2 notice in the hack window of 2 ear (8) saying ‘Help us, wehave been kidnapped! (1) Tt fd been put there by four unlappy chilzen (5) who dit want to go on holiday to Bournemuth with their parents Couple 1 Tve finally found the man of my dreams. We have so much in common, we laugh atthe same things and tal for hours, There's only one problem, We've never met. “Tom lives inthe US. lve in Ireland, We met on the Net {wasn't looking for Mr Right, Iwas just hoping to chat to some interesting people. ‘The American singles dating site didn't change 2 fee $0 filled ina form with my likes and dislikes anda short paragraph about myself By the end of the week [ ‘had about 5 responses Over the next five months, I went on eight dates with men a ae ie ‘met on the Net. One I dated for about two months, others I saw a couple of times 2 (1) An€S-year-old man was asked | before I realised there was no real spark. Then, two months ago, just as I was Giciuicames | caw woteny aired nena ticucra teal mates baie Fopecmcaiac: | | cuiam tonewtaeyonhoraemen ines a wheelchair, (@) His 65-year-old back. ‘son was pushing the wheelchair. | ‘Soon I found myself rushing back home after work to check my e-mails. Tom eerste ee | aa em he age my spon WE ee net eye fener ora tpn en ed honest e O 20) Ater sing ay tors | ene tac Dada thie @) | escharge pctshy esiland welhd wht ea taht els torme: ond, were gone fata by didn’t matter, Then Tor and I had what we consider our first ‘date’. We spoke for Rrench_oenlinlogtet _ Marks, 11 hours and that phone call changed the course of our relationship. We've Gira (to ry them out) a was shot dead by a hunter. bas ae rn 7 Party Phrasal verbs, 4 Call My Bluff Call ny bluff was 2 popular TV game in the UK for many years. The aim ofthe game is for tens to guess the correct meaning of wors. Team A 1 Invent two false definitions for each of the phrasal verbs below: ‘get on. If yu get on with semecre, ox ike ther and ave run out of. 91: rr ont of seething you nr hse 2 fienly relationship with them. faye tN Weve rent of ok Cams as sme a he {90 round with, Youreyulsty meet or goto direst places | Supermartt? with the same gzip of peep | take in If you te semecne in youallow srezone to stay in anes pti your hoaze ce enunty, especialy when they are heres ce —_— — on at 2 Read out your three definitions (one true, two false) for the first phrasal verb. Team B guess which definition is correct. If they guess correctly, they get a point. If they guess incorrectly, you get a point. 3 Now listen to Team B's definitions and guess the cormet one. Take turns. The winning team is the team with the most points. 4 Ifyou want to continue the game, here is an extra set of phrasal verbs: (get away. To ave place ora persen's company: sorry run into. If you nat sito Gomeene, yea) meet sero Tra ate Feo gt exy from the ffir wat oe. | smespectely Fan ito mothe station [UE Up with Gomething ve scmeune). To toleratece acmepe | UM Up. To ative, ofen unexpectedly or after vox have Something cr someone [cn pu up eth is mase exrmore |e iting ang tire. fer wifi fr 0 mes he bs ie ee foals terted vp = 140 8 Review 1 Sound & vision, 2 16 Review 2 Who said what?, 1 Answers a) John Lennon &) Andy Warhol) Frank Sinatra ) Salvador Dali e) Napoleon Bonaparte ) Rudyard Kipling _g) Walt Disney h) Zsa Zsa Gabor 4) Pablo Picasso j) Groucho Marx k) Albert Einstein 1) Oscar Wilde 11 Journey Conrad's round-the-world trip, 3 Answers Photo 1 Patagonia, Argentina Photo 2 The Basque country, Spain Photo 3 Lake Como, Italy Photo 4 New Delhi, Incia Photo 5 Fiji Photo 6 Petra, Jordan 3 Dating ‘Twenty-first century dating, 2 Student B Read about couple 2. When you've finished reading, close your book and tell Stuclent A about the couple. Couple 2 1t vas loveat first sight for Jel Emerson and Lisa Bunyan, which was lucky because they met for the first time en their wedding day! ‘Asa publicity stunt, local Australian radi station ran a seven-weck competition which they called Two Strangers anda Wedding’. The radio station voted Joe! Emerson, 24 and @ marketing consultant, the ‘most eligible bachelor. Lisa Bunyan, 22, who works at @ management training centre, was one of 300 single women who rushed to the phone to fer erslf as his bride. “The only dirct conta they had before their wedding day ‘was when Joel roped over the teephoneon the radio An timated 50,000 Fisteners witnessed the romantic (but not particularly fvimate) marsent when Lis said ye ‘The groom’s mother was not amused and fold loeal newspaper that she was shocked and appalled, As the couple eft for ther honezmoon in Paris they tld the same newspaper, We know that were doing the ight hing” —————— 1 Friends Noughts & Crosses, 1 Team A FACTS FOR QUIZ QUESTIONS (Choose ten facts and write questions for them. A spider has got eight legs. Greenland is the largest island in the world. “The Atlas mountains are in north Africa ‘There are 11 players in a cricket team. The Russian alphabet uses the Cyrillic script The capital of Colombia is Bogota Tutankhamen was a king of Egypt Ringo was the smallest Beatle. minister of England. Margaret Thatcher was the first woman prime | 10 Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. 11 The Black Forest isin Germany. 12 Hollywood sin Les Angles, California 1 Alaska's the legest statin the USA | 4 Leonard da Vite painted te Mone Lis (Lt Gino) 15 St Volertine’s ay son 1ith February 16. The capital of Algerie Algiers 17 Schipol Airport is in Amsterdam, —- — —] 3 Dating Dream date. Lexis, 3 Glaoting your Ki Astrology sign. hink of your year of birth. The Chinese year runs from February to February, so anyone bom between Ist January and 3rd February needs to count the previous year as their year of birth. Add up the last two numbers of your year of birth. For example, if you were born in 1971, ‘add seven to zero (7 + 0) to get seven. If you were born in 1985, add eight to five (8+) to get thisteen. Ifthe number you have is 9 or less, subtract it fom 10 to find your Ki sign. For example, for a person bor in 1970, 10-73. Ifthe number you have is 10 or more, add up the two digits. For example, with thirteen add ‘one and three to get four (1+ 3 = 4). Then subtract the new nuraber from 10 to find your Kisign. For example, for a person born in 1985, 0-4-6 13 Communication What do men and women really think?, 2 Answers (1) women (2) men (3) men (4) women (8) women (6) mon) women (3) men (8) women. (10) men (11) men (12) women (13) men (14) women (15) men (16) women (17) men (18) men (19) women (20) men. (21) women (22) women (23) men. 1 Friends You've got a friend. Lexis, 3 Answers a) ‘The Beatles, ! Werna Hold Your Hand b) Lighthouse Family, Ocean Drive )_ Bob Dylan, It Ain't Me Bate a) AlSaints, Never Exer +) The Rolling Stones, Satisfaction 9) Oasis, Rll With It 6 News The passive voice, 6 student B Fore re your thice stories. Don't show them to anyone. 1. (i) Police cars were involved in a dramatic chase (2) after ‘tice was spotted inthe back window of a car @) say. ing ‘Help us, somebody has kidnapped us" (4) Four unhappy children had putt there 6) who did't want to be taken om holiday to Bournemouth by their parents 2) Thepolicezsked an 85 yearcld man ina wheetehairto leave the M4 motorway (2 because a wheelchair was Doing siden in by him. () The wheelchair was being pushed! by his 65 year old son —— 3 (1) After many hours had been spent by him practising bidealls at home, (French ocitholoist Marius Giraud ‘went into some woods (9 for her fo be tried ut () and alunter shot him dead. Ss 10 Time To whom it may concern, 6 1566 49th East Street sth February 2000 spplication tor the post of tLish attendant. would Like te apply for the position light attendant. 1 am 21 years old, and I have just Graduated fron university. I enclose my urriculu vitae for yeur attentien end 1 would be pleased to attend an interview at any tine convenient to you K would be grateful if you could send ne fan application form and some additional information abeut the Jeb. I leok forard te hearing from you Yours faitheully, Antony Clifford Anthony Clifford 16 Review 2 The real you 1 Find out about your classmate. you have scored mostly Bs, you ate emetior. Ifyou have scored mosty Bs, you ate an introvert. It you have scored mest Bs, YOU are irstincvo. ‘SECTION 7 SECTION 2 ‘SECTION 3 ‘SECTION 4 Ifyou have scored mostly As, |W yau have scored mest As, | If you have scored mostly As, | Hf you have scored sty As, you ate an extrovert you are sensi, you ate intellectual you evaluate. If you have seores rest 8, you chsene, 2 Find your classmate in the table. Tikes to take responsibilty end organise Wangs. Order duty bound, systematic, thercuh Hardworking, meticdous, pale, responsible. Gives stably to people and procs Orlooker Quetlycbserving and araysing fe. Independent, look), reaksti Retina sensitive, caring, gentle. Disikes Gsagreement and does not force opinions on others. Inchicualstic, intense, Determined ard committe to thelr ideas, piciples 2nd work Has reat deve for thei own ideas and interests. Sceptcal and critical of others. Stubborn Reserved, curious and reticent until they krow someore wel. Warm, loyal, enthusiast Logical, analytical, recs, kes solving problems. Scientific interests. Does tke smal tak Practical, mechanecaly-mince, versal, tclerart. Good at on-the-spot problem soling ‘Quigeing, sociale, friendly, enjoys everyhing. Sperry and actve. Has 2 lot of common sense kes 10 organise ard crite. Dect, imporsonel, matter-of-fact, business: minded, systematic \Warr-hearted, helpful. co-operative, hard-working, talkative. Needs harmony around them, ‘Able to do almost anything if interested. Hghspirted, imaginative, spontaneous, qick-thinkang Quick, outspoken, resourceful, deve. Lkes to play "dels advocate. Doesnt lke routine ‘Concetned about what others thnk, Corsiderate, sympathetic, diplomat, supportive ‘ABAA| Frank, fax, tough, decsive.ineligent, knowledgeable, confident. Good at easorsng | 16 Review 2 What it means © Ifyou scored between 6 and 10: You ae deitely hee and sou of any party. ‘© Ifyou scored between 11 ad 14 You coud ator to fet your hair covn cccesionally © you scored between 15 nd 18: You cist the the quiet fe — but you dont have to ako everyting s0 seriously! etd Pty See tor oe 11 Journey in mosses Coast to coast, 3 He removed the seat. On the underside was the inscription: "Jo Eluis, lave James Dean." ae rere Wied or ether peer ts con eng ry rr Ec oe mnntory rect might make aie C 5 between Rea ‘wer tert 1 Friends FACTS FOR QUIZ QUESTIONS: “Choose ten facts and write questions for them, 1 JE Kennedy was assassinated in Dalles, 2. An insect has got six legs. 43. The longest river in Furope isthe Volga. 4 Picasso was from Spain. 5. Madonna's first name is ‘Madonna’ 6 Thelast present of the USSR was Mikhail Gortache. 7. Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space. 8 The first modern Olympic Games were in Athens 9. Patagonia isin Angentina. 410. Roger Moore was the third James Bond. 11 Mount Etna isin Sicily. 12. Quito isthe capita of Ecuador. 13 Mickey Mouse has got four fingers 1a. Thelongest river in the world is the Nile. 15. The ancient city of Petra isin Jordan. 16 Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia 417 Uruguay were the frst country to win the World Cup, —_-—- 6 News The passive voice, 6 Student C You are the editor for your group. ‘You will need a pen and a piece of paper. Explain the task to your partners. 1. Ask your partners to read their stories aloud. 2 Discuss the two versions and decide together which are the best parts from each one. Sometimes the passive is betier, sometimes the active is better, and. Sometimes it doesn't mater. 3. Ask your partners to dictate the best parts to you and ‘write the final versions of the three stories. 4 When you have finished, think of a headline for each story, 3 Dating A boyfriend's worst nightmare, 3 “Pleased to meet you I lied. | “Hi Yim Fld’ he sai, ‘and this my'fianese, Sarah. | We got engaged last week Lube something ard hook both theichands. At | that moment, an enormous weight was lifted from | ry mind. Fale sin fact a great guy and we get on | really well together. But best of all he's completely | devoted to hs girlfriend ee 7 Party Phrasal verbs, 4 Call My Bluff al My Buf was @ popular TV game inthe UK for many years, The aim ofthe game is for teams to guess the correct meaning of words. Team B 1 Invent two false definitions for each of the phrasal verbs below: ‘ut down on. If yeu ct dow on somthing ye consume frdokessdt it {get down. If something or semene gets ye dwn it kes Seuurhappy. be eae {et down. If su tsar don yu dsappoitthem. take after. I you tale offer member of yur fay. yea resemble them in yr appesrance, your behavior or eur) haracte, — 2. Read out your three definitions (one true, two fase) for the frst phrasal verb. Team A guess which definition is, correct. If they guess correctly, they get a point. ff they guess incorrectly, you get a point 3 Now listen to Team A's definitions and guess the correct one. Take turns. The winning team isthe team with the ‘most points. 4 Ifyou want to continue the game, here is an extra sel of phrasal verbs: ‘get over. To recover fram an unpleasant experience o am Bes, Dut off. Ifyou fut someting ff you delay ding it The ‘mates was tof fora wcck tease of te he rai eer aetna a take up. To start a hobby or an activity Per taken up soubin turn down. I yo ern dow a person oe tei request or er, ye ese their eas oft —_——=——_ 143 Verb structures Basic structures “rasts opats asrect | voce | Peat Past | wt wot st) simple active He writes letters, | He wrote letters |) He wil write fetters, pases | tones nonce | tem enh em Sate Se | ea ee Fre | at re eg wn erie | Letts wl be beg writen” Fated [active | Hehas write ters | Heh wet eters, | He wil hve wen Kr F pessve | Latetve Been wien. | Ltt ad been wrtien, | Lets wll ave Ben writen Present simple Past continuot 00 nit aed 2. See wits end 4, Atimatve Negative ‘Question Altirmative 17You/We/'They | 1/You/We/They | De L/you/we/they. 1 He/She Ie was write onto not write write? iting HHe/She/it writes | He/She/idoeswt | Does he/she/it You/We/They were (ees no write. write? waiting. Present continuous Seo units 1.2 87 Past perfect | ee units 1 and 1 Atfamative | Newtive | Oveton Yam (am) veriting, ‘Vm not (am not) | Am | writing? eee wating 1 ¥eu/He/She/W/ Veu/e/theyie | You/eTaje | Aw you/wetiy NOT (are) writing | nolaren't (are not) writing? een tog | ote eo of reg iie/Se/iveGs) | He/She/tisnt Gs | Whe seria ng so wring eng? = = - Future forms wit Present perfect eo unite 7 ane 10 Sec wits 1.2.3 and eae, Asfimative | Negative Queaton == 1/Yoo/ Wel They've | UYou WE They | Have you wel rfireegf tee | cmt | frei eae He/Sbe/W aad | He/She /chawrt | Has e/be/it Zoaoar witen | thane writen | sete? \vou/ Heiser ty ot eet of eg verbo page 17 Werth willbe ing Past simple Perfect See its, 30nd Vaults ty ‘ceri: —_—_| ere — erty wtnave 1a! He/She it | Nou Hebe) | Did youlbe/ she! erty wrote. | Vie) They dt | i we/they wie? | id no write Note se ist of ineguar verbs on page 17. us Negative ‘Question 1/He/She/t wasn't | Was Ibe shel (as nol writing writing? You/We/They | Were yeu/we) they werent were ne weiting? weting, Negative | Question You / He/She /te) | Had t/you/be se) Vie/ They had’ /we/they weit? had nod sriten, 1 verbs on page 47 Negative Neu! He/She/I) Will L/you/ he/she! We/They wot wel they waite? You He/She/I4/.| Wil L/ycu/ he/she We/They won't | it/we be writing writing? F F Yeu He/She | Wil L/you/ he/she? We/They wont | it/we/they have have written written? Future (be) going to fo tims | Negative _—_| Question Fate gg | tm et tena] Am gong wa? ee” | ngiewte, | eee ‘You/We/Tiey're | You/We/They te | Are you/we/they Hirrigecen| owen ca | puget fete te TeiSerid | Hele wt | e/a pkg ae |e ee | ee resent contnwoun for future fe Modals eda eb a he ae forms al pros fecal Tae Se/t/ eT tn come eave Neaive el ier us and tac") | onto “ead ets tl, Fenidcone | Leoldrt ould | Could come? San site ate ss taken mutt mut | Mat comet noone | May Leome? Iightcome | might night | Might come? _ | nodeome | ‘Sha sac unit shal come | Tshawt(ehalt | Shall come? nob come 90's. ent used with questions nthe Fst person (2nd we) should: scouts 1 and 10 Ibould come. | Tahouldi’t Ghould | Should L sat come, L come? Wit see wets 1,79, and 13. Git come: | won't il Wi come? nod come. oul sce unis 1,5, 11, Wand 15, Tatenemn | Inmate omald | ont not ome. come? Reported speech with backs! See unit Present ‘Twerite? he wrote ‘Ymwriting’ ——Hesakt/told me. he was writing "Tee written’ Ihe had writen, Past "Thave writen the had writen ‘twas writing? HES Eh nad been writing Modate “Titwould? he would. “Veanveoula Heesai/told me. he could ust he had 0." ‘Must hs no past form. The praia solution soe use hd 0. Questions "Do you work here? 1 worked there, ‘When are you sehen was leaving? Heasked me. leaving lave you been to ft had bento lanl? Ietanb Imperative "Come to my ofice” Hetold me to come this fice Real condi Seeunie 13. Melawse Main cause you have any problems, all ne Fithelp you yeu aren't going tothe theatre, can Thave your ticket? do you want to come cut fora mel? you've finished your work, you can go home foand help Anti. Unreal conditionals See units 14 and 15. Ve dlaune Main lane yeu were better exganised, you would have so many problems you wouldn't have had that problem yesterday would bein this sittin ‘could have done somthing, shout it I wish ... See unis 18 and 15 Fact Wish mnt ich 1 ide study hoe at school {ssh L wasiwore ich I wish (had) studied harder ab seho Grammar Phonetic glossary symbols mae VOWELS AND DIPHTHONGS nb adfecive coviuncton ser avondale pronun ene |) | i ma i ' on [hy penta teh nin hm ones ond yuo reat th awa ova sn, {haa 1 1 1 fief Hwemeon Bc omal dkterminet neu prenoun mai prepotion actin aan, fei tmveggs en ege — ie ee {of aoutmather [asa rat) Ia! leamvwords Jina (short Jaton Agents re people or things that perform an ation in a pssve sentence. fet tea (feria! For enamples He wos gop ly hn grandparents. fa mmmtenme fat ta) adit is when a verb moves ‘ene ens xk’ i a eondinal dats o reported statment. | east’ Asim st) Foresampe: cart cne’=> Hehe cout ce of hotspot Jace Clases ae group of words containing a vet. a Jel Torcsomple He said that bel be late. fe, ai NBsautorinte dues arenes By cnjunclons. {al toy cote Cetlocations fe to ona tha regu cc oe a 2 ie For caomple: Common setae. Get on wel. Merry Chrismas. isl oe ie Complements refractive or oun phrases which give mone information about the fro! toh novel suet of ets Foresample: Ske ery happy 15 my fol. fl complete ot ‘CONSONANTS NB usually ar verte ie he er, In pen a = group of won that ther where (oy ad rein a roe of ode hat og gether where words won enernever | /8/ be ce eanly change. wk Fovesarple Back endo That reminds me, met nyse tpee.Hwdo | [a yout? i as) joer Objects usually come afer the verb ane! show who oF what is affected by the verb |i Gee Foresample Sl css the window. My might es mewn remade cipoftee, | Ie gi [Nivsome vets take a diet ej’ (00) and eet bee (0) fe Forename Ste gave him 10) iss (00) ~ He nt her 0) some loners (DO) tit | [af veace student (10) English (00). fof Peratives used with fean make uncoustabe nouns countable fof Forename a lrecf pela plece fade an ten of tes i Felative dase cane cher defning or nerdining A deting wate dauseis essary | [4] Ween Oy person ohn tng ted about nthe main le ty Forenample The pop who lve nxt dor hee ine ks | iar ‘Anor defining rave cause i not ncesary for Wenifation and just venta fal intrmation nf Forcnampl Te Sits ho have got re children, ice ext ds. in Net lames ee usually iteduced by elt proneuns cho tht rhe by | If rslatie adverts whee whether. Int ‘Subjects usually come before the verb and refer to the main person or thing you are talking. ie abou i Forerample Moncy dost sew en cs. My tailor rds. The biggest rockandroll STRESS the world have set hod fur pone miami In this heck won stress shove by sunderinng the stressed slab For example: water /wot/s result (nul Aisappointng /Apomnn/ LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET etl fe) Jef dail foul Lue) fet An Bb Hh Qo Qy Re Hh Cou vy us J BS Mm Ww Kk Ee Na Ge Pp Won w 146 Gre NETIC SYMB Irregular verbs EEEPU* ES EELS EEECEO EEE OECEEPEREEEDLTOR LET E® & gE i ce FEETESE Past simple ‘as / ere beat Drought built bburmt/burned burt bought ‘ould caught chose cost cut dealt aia drow rownt dreamed drank rove ate fell fed felt fought found few forgot forgave froze got gave went grew ‘hung /hangea had heard hie hie hele ‘ure kept knelt /ncaled knew laid lea leamt/leamed lett lent let Past participle boon besten become begun ont tt bitten Bown broken brought bt borne /burned bunt fought | (bean abtey caught | choven cost cut eat done drawa dreamt deca | | fallen fed fel fought found flown forgotten forgiven frozen get | piven ‘one/been en | hung / hanged had heard hidden bit hela hurt sept knelt /kaeeled known laid led learnt earned tet lent tet Infinitive Tight ust pay pat read ride ing, sy sell | send shake shine shoot show shank shut sing sink sleep slide ‘sell speak spall spill split spoil spread stand steal stick swell take elt think understand wake Past simple lay li i ighted wold sent st shook shone shot showed shrank shut sang, sank slept sid smelt/smelled spoke spelt/spelled spent spilt/spilled split spoilt/speiled sproad stood stole stuck swelled took tought tore told thought threw ‘understood woke wrote Past participle Nid aio lit/ighted Tost made rican had to) pic put read /red/ ridden rung ssid sel sent set shaken, shone shot shown shrunk hut sung, sunk slept slid smolt/smelled spoken spelt/spelled spent spilt spilled split spoilt /spoited spread stood stolen stuck ‘swollen/ swelled taken, taught tom told thought thrown understood woken | | Tapescripts 1 Friends Ietervewer, = Celi) Could you tl a tb about yond Sire Fiat of al where were you born? Teas born in Landon, bu te pot a tational because my maths fm Reap Dojo tive in London? ot ving in Bea now Op relly? Hew lng have ou ben tee? Natlong, moved from Landon with ty two daughters, Aves and Ar, urate ag. fae you happy hee? Seat, very bappy We lve the outdoor Itsy ny ores Spanish speater and keel more comfortable in dain coun Have you made ony sew fends? Neh, Yvemade toto ne fends tere A few Enis bt my wo best tnd are Argentinien art Spanish What do you do fora ving? Tina pic bute seen started a jewelry busines witha end and atta up moat of my tine taka do seme modeling when Ince the cath ‘And wt do you co your foe ie? ‘Wal, wih sbsines and fo young ‘hide dort hve mich fee ie, but Tove sadn a Titi Wht sort of music do you he? ‘Alleort: pop rsa eae Doyou everson tothe Relig Sone envoy done ny father Tew ein do you sce your paren? Netveryoten My mether'sin Nov ‘ork and my father on tou Bat tre al love ig fy getters You've obvi tavlld it Whats $eur favour place in the week? Toten dfielt question boca ve een toso many amzing places, bt Sink Bec ny favour The ‘hilzen love eto Final, can Task one lst question ~ twho chose yeu name? Tink ny lther che. My mathe wanted me tohaven Spar rome cao a » ° o ° 5 8) hy a D h » Where were you born? Do you ail live in London? How kong have you been then? ‘Are you happy there? Have you made any new trends? Whot do you do for living? What do you do in your fee time? What scr of music do you ike? Doyouever listen tothe Rolling Stones? How eften do you sce your parents? What's your favourite pce inthe ‘world? Who chose your name? Ea 03 Balin T= Tia) No, {cent outwith my frien last right Wel actually she's ny best friend, Have you ever met he? Ft Idon't now. Lisa? ‘You told me about ber i She's the Greek gl yeah Really prety and she's got tong, dark hair and she’s uy she's very petite. Ur, yeah wea a gest time Weemet gosh we've krown each ‘other nw about 15 years Con yeu belive that? Oh, wow. Yeah, we met... Iwas working for her dad Hehad w cing, Oh tll you, tose were wild daysbut er, we met working there together and um, sbe’s Sst a younger sister and she docs? fet along with her very wll so Bays ike to say that Fm like he Sister I'm ie the sister she newer had “Hah hal hah Be Weden'thave loti common, but or cause she dees't work, she's ull: ‘Gow mur. She's gota litle boy. Oh, yeah B: Hes about e's about 1 now ilfcult age Hue Ubm, tm, but we Still got taether abou ence or tice a ‘month and i always pond to we hee TN. B Yooh Choo (Seepage 11) Yon’ve Got a Friend by the Beand New Heavies When you're down an troubled ‘And you need some loving eae ‘And nothing, no is ging right Close your eyes and thick of me ‘Oh, and soon I wl be there To brighten up even your darkest night You jst callout ay sure r nd you kn eherever 1am ‘come running, yeah 1osce you again Don't you know tht winter spring summer or fall, All you've got to dois all, And Vil be ther, yes wll You've gota frend (ou'segeta fiend in me) Art it good to knows that you've got tend People can beso col “Thay hurt you and desert you Take your very soul if yu let them. Soden’ let ther ‘You just callout my name And you iow wherever ta, Tileome running, yea sce yeu agin Don't you know tht winter spring, FamcerocGh All you've otto do call ‘And Vitbe ther, yes Fil You've geta fen (ous got a fiend) You've gota end (rouse gota find in me.) 2 Relax Bio Barbara {1 terse B= Barbar) "Do youtank yures mated pense? Yeu thinks. What you think of The ite kf Caine Be Wall thinks intresting but wok from eight hry in he morgen atoutaevenin the evening 0 ert fave much te ax revere time fora nap during the da. havea smos ro et ne, uty cverhave eure bath ke Dayou eer do ay physical ound 1% Nes ipoothe gat bro ce ies week and t sometimes walt work ‘And how do es eb inthe evenings? iteriower: R= Rebert) ‘Do you think you're a relaxed penn? don't ksow "1 tought Uwe il read The Lite Book ef Cal. ‘Wet do think of | Had 1 ink is rubbish tan [ike ware water, but only ifs gt ‘orcas in it-And I've never hat a rmossage ora nap during the dy, bt Sor’ pet strane out very offen ow do you relax wen you're not working? Wael go fora walkin the park nese td again fen read inthe ever. Tike fea, but Tim 30 tite afer ek that fxquenty fal aleep with book Inmy hands and the light on, Inerviower, P= Peter) ‘Do you think you'roa raed person? (Oh, yes, defini ‘What do you think of Tir Lite Bako Caine 1 ihink i ie. Really? Which advice do yu follow’? Tever drink ea or calee dink two sshsses of milk every morning and a Eup of hot water in the even. Ur, | orunning every morring before work fd I sper at least 10 minutes ane 2 quiet room when Ugpt home fo the ‘ctoing, Then | lat in the ath for fbout 20 munutes, ‘What does your wife think about that? (Ob, she thie Fen ra brilliant ’s changed my + = Fae =a) 3 Dating 1 Doyurthink you're areaned ponen? BF og S Natnally T Why no? ‘Tom and Kathy Leer tthnk im very good at relaxing, (= Journalist K = Kathy) Teor tke sting around doing, J: Kathy, we lst heard fom you when Rane. you Were about to meet Ton forthe 1: Sowhat do you do in your fre ime? Frat ime, 5 Well vege thre cldren so Tdon't Kha’ ght. It was cir for me to take favemect fee time. But oncea month, time off werk, 50 Booked a ight to Igetubbyattr and go dancing with Denver. ripfriends Welaughale and that's Wow! Tha'sa long way to go fora ‘st ind retin, date! And eather expensive to. 1 Whotdoyou think of Tar Lite Roobof KO, we shared the cost ofthe igh Cat Tons a very generous aan. Anyway Teen thik it was weiter for people be arcane te met me a the sip wate ede, J. Arad wher was that Ke Iwas almost a yenr ago fl sell pervs, fut ebuldet wai to mie ao torn 1 J. And was he ther? [A Whics isyour favourite eackon the Ks Oh, ye. spotted him immediatly, Fle abun? Jeoket jas like his photograph, 1 Trelest one itsamuzing.Leant wait J: Hah Wasitloveat rst sph? toss ther tive Ke Fmatteid not I couldnt have , Prd wat pp emething put me oth strsightaway. What you think ott? Irene have dhe sree. fe De Ithought te acting was bilan and Lamia votes laste the noe turned sound and cme agit back to the phctgraphy's superb. Apart fom Iisland We have Ben toch is tat twas dad org bar ‘ow ot wast that put you ‘Wel is going sound sly tpi bh ate Hshoce Fave yon finished it ye? Lest miepugwhes tad Eigen mice Se ete Hi eevee ‘ Le Oh yes, very much so. We've been Ge Lexjyed that What did you think of rmaited for s ear ne: Infact we've w jestcelebrated eur frst welding, He Thought it wae rubbih a sentimental ners. lear and tho wading was 0 J: Oh, congtatulotions! flow have your predictable lives changed since your unusual G Wal itmade you ery anyway: nary? Hi Ney itdidnt—Tve gota cel Jes Well my mother hasn't span to me 5 1 I wea B dupes ereeteat Hak Thatsthc poole Arsyareoyng , atte SSNTicatdinsiaiicutwoget Hata ak and tsb sw Ke Bat ning Wer ey pnt sepenmctatim gettin te mn oy fo . Really? Why di you decide to do that? Ke What did you think ofthe special Jee Wel, evorybedy Knew about the eae competition athe wedding ad we Le What special effect? tumed inte tourist attractions. We twas al dene with computers cull’ alle down the stot without TE Obi thought was eal, You've Stangers coming up tous and asking, split now tusall hese personal questions. J. Shere do you live now? 7 Ike In Aeaide we've ben there for Ne Did you have a good time? bout six montis nowt, and we love i NS Negra nda that techno stu The when you om axtully hear the yc, Gio Me Old pry. 48) What's nice gil ike you doing in N What did you say? place ike this? M: Nothing. 1b) Yourke, Im not just an interesting person, Ihave a body too Eos © Fminadvertsing, Would you like tobe Inour nowt photo shoot? [Fl use] 44) Doyeasbeve in love at it sight or ‘do have to walk pat you again? ©) Doyen have st boyfriend? B Yee A: Want ancther one? 10 Your father must bea tiet because t's stolen the stars ews the sky and pt them in your eyes 1) Feejust moved next door and 1 was ‘wondering if you ould recommend 3 {ead restaurant nearby. Would you tke tojoin me? oan (& Rose; M = Mey) Re What do yeu think of Jake? Me He'sall ght. Ke You dow ike him. do you? Mo Well he wasnt exactly friendly Re Oh, he’s just it ay hat’ all Me Shy? You must be joking. Five minutes alter meting ne he asked me to buy Him drink! Has ot what Teall hy! OK, that was bil cheeky, But he's brake Huh fe» not ponticlaty wel ff snyself and I'm tng to ive up For my rola. Re Allright all ght FM poy you back He's ot bod leaking, though, se? Me Neo, Tsuppesenct bute knows Ubink hes wally big headed Re You're jst aus M:_ No, Tm nt. don’t want him. He's ea, bigsbeaded and spi 1: Whatdo you mean stupid? You're net M R M 2 z adly Mise Euston yoursell fe Shut op No, you shut opt Mum! ‘A: Have you ever been skydiving? B Ye Thave A: Want good? 18 Gon? Tt was absolutely incre! » ¢ rs ¢ Have you ever been surfing? Yes have Were you sored? 1. Scated? Iwas absolutely terrified Ba {ntervicw with Jane Couch (0 Interviewer: IC ~ Jane Couch) IE Now this is agueston that everyone asks you, I Kn, but, ho when = bow ci you get interest im bing? JC: Taw a documentary about women bong in America abouts ears ago, ‘twas there just ak ait television programme, it was abeut an bear log nd 1 Tatched the programme and Iejust charged my fe, was just, fescinate rom her oi fo ike allan hour programne, [jest weet “Tm going todo tha. 1 And were you interested in spot at school? JC Ney nosing. I waset even ft or thing: Fused fosmoke used to rink. Unjust did't ok afer meslé al, Dit eat very el, an this st ‘hangs mye. Hah 1 Hew long di it take you to gt JC: Tetook me, say to got othe Level that matt tok me act tm years to wach. to reach the level feeded tbe at 1: And do you know how many female boners there ate in the Brain? C: Inthe UK un thow’s ther about trae hundred women boning as ie se one sate, an theresa ight remeron. proesionaly tn the UK tthe moment but hroughent the Cron thers bout thst thousand fromen, feugiat the word ‘And what do your xis ay? Uy ate atthe he utet it wan Aiical t wa, ike, woren should boxe you know they shouldbe ‘omg thiy ad fy shew be doing thatad cheuld beat home len erthe kids an everything But um nd she's ver bot pos osman, ‘out my ist te fights have ben ive fn LV Pe ot ign afive fo ight ea with Dave Revit Whar do you think ne he prem, Skills ove asa boner ny bie to nt you've gt ta be You've got to fovea pty poe! iain wits good tones, Ayan ca fight but onmke tothe top youre {Snow your sil and youre to have Spey cut brain and and the fie te fines nid of ts very vey report ‘nd ow do you ret? n't reve doe ney a owt seep much jus ond when esters about boring ond when Fm tying to get to slept about ny fights Ean jt Lent wer ly tae jst enctnty wosking. worn iow do you prepare fo atch? Um fora fr terroings, e til gh, obviewndy po to ining ‘mp jst end rst. for eit sree foe each ight and once Tyote traning camp thats Ident Soreytting Peeper ven ped tenes Foe gots ey gd bet od Hireyou wer bom etioy font in ool Ez not ely seriou. Not ating dregs: Thngs thet ake a coupe of treet fo mend ike broken check bone, broken nen, eta fee eth ut as Sour teeth ack pat oe frm whee Frvsting Lan tel you Hab 0, Lonly lot te back ones. Hah bab [Now jut finaly, do you think you've dong since your mice Une cng pan? Ua thie think ve changed {he Hcy that Lie oy ui justconsaaly I traveling Lie oot ‘tases, Buln, ua 8 ypenon, defintely ne, Fe] {eet arc justo fry onthe ound, you wold tliow tt Um ral bebeve Raving mt yx. ta ‘And, jun aly, wien’ your next ig, fight the ne one’s ying tobe the end of February begining of Mah. Fen cig tobe defening n) world my ret wer tiles ‘And where wl tbe? fondo! Ha bah hats a hanks seven Interviewer = Ber) {Have you ever bad a spt injy? Yes have was playing ugk fo the lec eam at es at oer kof resuming up tcc the ball ‘shen player rm the lhe teat Iocked me over andl ena on ay leg Oh, da Here you badly ort? Alyx ted my ale ae czy mgt ore tan he Interviewer; D = Dina) Hiave you ever been in a dangerous Yes L Thave. I vom walking my dog ‘ne day with my sister and we were trong this ik There was hore in itand W auddenly started nuning towards us, loading really mad, Whatdid you do? Wel, Hknow you're net supposed to run away rom animals because they ‘in sens yu fear. Bul we Fam aa as fast as we could, Interviewer; F~ Frank) ive you ever Broken a bone? Yes ee bran my none Wee. The fist time Twas playing football and ove ofthe her players hit me in the fae The second time | was playing tennis. roinued the ballad it it me ght cn iy nose. Interviewer: P = Paula) Have you ever been realy frightened? Yes, have. Last summer I was desing com the motorway m Spain and we were fet close to Barcelona, So got nto righthand lane ready to tim off the motorway when this ap screeched up ‘ext f0 me pulled in foct of me art Slammed ent his brakes. 1 dont know how mana slow down ft ‘ough to avoid fim. F ve never bes so fight in my ie, Interviewer, G Glenn) Hw yo eve ought you we gg Yeah, wax when Twas eight or nine ‘and Twas at the beach with my parents ‘Twas playing in the es but om the edge Feeause Leould't swim. Suddenly reslised tht I could fel the bottom and the sea was pulling me further away fren the beach Fora seconds panicked and I storied Swallowing a oto wate. Then felt really al a if Te ating away. twas drowning Fortunately, sommecne ‘Saw mean pulled me out in tie. aw George q Intervicwer: G = George) George, isin skiing? Actually it’ slighty easier srl I think "lot mone existing cheaper? "Ne, not realy The equipment sus as expensive What do you need? GA beard of course and that ean cot bout £460, Then yeu have tohave Esedingst alta vou fet to the board and you ako need special slates an tots which are ute opersive 1. sits popular as sing? G_ With young people, ye Katrina (Interviewer K Kater) 1: Kairna, where di yeu learn? Ke [did my prekrnnary cet Mat wn no ly 1: suppose you have te leoen In thes, oat you? mar yous den ie at the se do you? Be no but could have ha lms at home ina lake, although t's rrneplessnt to eam n the Mediterrerea becouse Is me aa ‘Bid you have to buy ll the equipment? Ke No, yout can hires bat far ter fo have your ov wetsuit because its impertint fort to Be exact the ight ‘Are lessons very expensive? Ke Quite expensive, tut its worth havin lessons with profesional becuse i much sae 1E__(here vou nervous om your fis ve? Ke Yes butt war one of He nt amazing ‘experiences I've eve had Pat (0 Ingersewer PP {Paul whodo you support? Lame te support Rte Forest, but then [hanged vo Man U why? Pr Because they te by for the moat exciting, team in England, Did you watch the last etek? Yes They ditt play a well as usual and one of their best players was sent Sit in the fit hal Why? Ps Ex the rerce said that hekich player fom the other tea, So did they lose? Ps Novitwarn draw (Interviewer: F= a) [: Eva, waeit your first Sime? Yes and twas amazing What you have do? Ell the ft time you dot they attach the elastic around your els! atid you fast ump. Att, you free fal, and then the elastic pulls you back ad you hhounce up and Gown afew tine How did fet? E: Inceedible. can’t explain the fect, is. Wsmuch batter than anything, he ve ever done. W'sexciting but it isnt nearly frightening as you Imagine. What made you do it? E: Ieyasa Bithday present and its definitely the best birthday present I've ver had. Bie ier Dp Mowatt High by The and Tins Tuner When Esa ite pe had 3 dll Onl all we ever oven Nov Tove you jun the way Clove that rg dal Bot erly ow my love has prone ‘Andi gts trogen every ay oat deeper let mes Doni ps higher doy by day Addo Love you ry ob my {es ver dep mount high Desh yeah, yeah Tet you would Of hw Hove ou Baby, baby baby: baby Wen you were a young boy Dayoutaves poppy Tat evap lle ou around eal pon Beso that poppy Not peer let you down Ganges and on, ike a iver on dndityee Siggy, ar eave hows Adige sect baby, at poms fra you cing Yeh tver dena igh Yeah yah yeah estou wo ery san Howe you bby, baby bby, baby eve yeu bby lkea Dower loves the ring {nx Tlove you baby ikea robin loves to ting, ‘and Tove you baby tke a schoolboy loves ep ‘nl love you baby iver deep mental ah sy, bby, baby oh baby oh Dol lve You aly oh my Ya ve deep mountain high Yeah, yooh yeah ea you woul xy Onhow teve you baby: baby Baby, baby 5 Kids av Un, ifs something that lived a La ‘en long ime ago Zooks very scary ‘Athicg that lived loge 2. Un sa big monster sa man apd, and um. belivesin bre lives upin space, EWesomeone who um made the ‘world ard um he ede the armas FHeesomeone who lives. who's died and he «he, un looks dower on people G Hota man upin heaven, Hi: Apperson that helps people in heaven, 3 E x very cold Woon isa um people ad fs got ie. K:Wea sort of big pier of un ie that crack ofa bigger Pete Le Wsabigie cube ‘ Me A place where. where animale have Been put upto show Ne Somewhere where um they show you things thot are very ol ©: Itsscmewhere here es people wi show things like dinosaurs and eden ays things Pe place. a place that um... you sce loadsand toads of. you see bones or thang an pictures ts in the ceuney and you se dines bone tere 5 Re Its person who takes toys away SWS Someone tht inthe idle of the right and is got un gota Ite got um aba somthing around Tris face with, with ur round holes and he's he's got un 8 ahi thats got black and white ant he robs ings. Es someoce who steals things when you're asleep. Us B person that steals things at right. Ea is (See page 46) is Doctor Faster wont to Gloucester Ina shower of ein He stepped ina puddle right upto his ‘middle ‘And never went there again Ea 20 (See page 48) ea Her name vas ts Pratchett She wana small skinny old fag with a zaustache on her upper lip and a mouth as sour asa sycen penschery. She never see Her apron was grey and reas: ter blouse hd bis of breaktan al veri Lost ‘crumbs and tea stare and splotches of dried fap-yoik. It was her har howweve that nturtod us most. They were distin, “They ser Black ith dit and grit “An do ot Forge that es these hands and fingers tat she would plunge into the sweetjars when we asked fr = penryworh of Teac Talis or Wine Guns ‘be Nat Clusters oe whatever There were precious few health laws in those days, and Poteet all Men Pratchet ever thought of using a ite shovel fr ettng sees outa they de teday “The ether thing we hat! Mis Pratchett for was her means. Uses You spent a ‘whale ispence alli one go. she would five yous bag, Instead you got your sweets {hinted up ina stall pice of newspeper ‘which se tore ef pile of eld Daly Mitrors ying on the courte So You can well understand that we tad tin for Ms Pratchett in a big was, but swe did quite know what todo about it ‘Many schemes weve put forward, but none fofthem was any geod. None of ther, that 4s, unl suddenly ene memorable afterneon, wwe four the dead moune. Mj four friends snd had come aest a losse oorboard atthe back ofthe Claswoor, and when we pried it up sith the blade ofa pocket rife, we discovered 3 big hollow space underrenth Ths, we decided, would be eur secret hiding ploce for sweet an ater sal anus such a8 conkers dre nasa be ‘very atrnon, when te Lt sen sexs over te fe of us ul wet rl the ‘Sacro had ep thn we neu! ie ‘pth lerboard ad examine cr scent ant spe ang oo ig ‘One dy, when we ied op we (ound dead neue bing eer om treasures Is a exci dn “Thies ek out By tl and saved iin fon of ov aes What hl sredo with 1? heed Tain some shut “Trot cut ofthe endow” Hold on ack Usd "Dot how ay "Tories hesitated. They al ook st Wen wrt abot one oe mint stiveto be truth rth more important than meaty rst el yeu therefore, hat itwaet and fate echo ha the des he rota ating Meane Plo. We all ave furmerent of tlle an pry a this as ie "hy dont we, ea ip nto one cf Mes Ponchos sweet? Then when she pts er dirty and to grab ancl Stellpab stinky dead mews etend “The rer fur sted at etn went Then, the sheer ge the plot began ink in they a started grinning Ti sapped neon the bck Tey chard tmeand danced aroun he css. Well fot tdey! hey ered. Well do th tiny home! You hac the ie, they st zheyso you cm be he ant pu the oe inthepoe “ait: hard me the mous 1 pt Into any woe pocket. Ther the feof [nt he school, coed the ile gen ad Fenda forthe sweeesop. We were tremendously ced up We fe he # ang St despernd tng cut tb tno ow apie she atice We wore he victory now andl Mire Pratchett westhe victim She sted Blind the cour and her srl malign pi tyes watched us suspiciously at we ce fora “One Sherbet Sucker, plese, Thais sito hee beng out Hs py Upto the wear ofthe group and schon Ta is atch far he ead Sheny for couple of seconds fo cha Sherbet Suche et ofthe bo. He the ean pls of the Cstopper or and rapped the mow i Ther I replaced the ida a pec: My het was thumping Uke mad a my Hare ad pone ailswest "A om a we were outed we broke toto arin Did yeu doi the shouted ‘0 coun i sid “Wel done ye hey ed What a supershon! Tiel ke her, wa a ero Ws sranellous tobe so popular The fa of wumph ove the dead scum wan cri fora tothe nex framing we et aga Walk tho “lets goin ard see i ln the f sermetey st we appeooced the suet step. "ot Thales sd firmly. soo danger Walk posts thogh nothing as isppened 15 ‘As we came level with the shop we sae cardboard netics hanging on the deat ‘CLOSED. ‘We stopped and stared. We had never ‘known the sect shop to be desed at his time inthe moming, ever en Sundays. “Whats happened” asked each other. What’s going on? ‘We prose out faces against the window aloes side. Mrs Pratchett tras nowhere tobe sen. “ook! Level. "The Gebstopperjar’s ‘gone It's not onthe shelf There a gop Shere it used tbe ‘Ws om the floor” smecone said “t's smashed to bits and there's Gobstoppers cveryerhere “Tes the mouse!” someome ese shouted Vie could see ital, the huge glass jar smashed to smithereens with the dead ‘moun lying in the wreckage and hundreds ff many' coloured Gltoppers tering the oer ‘She got such # shock when she rabbed hold of the mouse that she dropped venting, somebody wos saying. "put why didnt she sweep all up and ‘pen the shop?” Lashed. ‘Nabedy answered me Altera while, Thwaites broke the silence. ’She must have go ene heck of & Shock’ he sbi. He paused. We all looked at hy scderng what wiser the great ‘medial auth 85 Roan come out with next “ll now Thais went on, "when an fd person lke irs Fratehett suddenly gets 2 very big shock, Isuppose you knows What happens next? Peahat we sid, "What happens?” jo ask my thee Thats sa Helltel you “eu tll us we sad In pies her 8 heart atac Thais nnoweeed, "Her heart steps ating and she dee i five necond ‘ror moment or two my own heart stopped beating, halts pointe 3 finger atime and said dark Tm aad you've Tite he ‘Me?’ Ker. "Why just me? “tras your ide, he sid “And whats ‘move, you put the mous in, “All ots sudden, I was nundere, ‘Atcxslly that point, we heard tho school Kell ieging inthe distance and we Tha to gallop the tet of the ay 0 a nto berte for prayers. “Te Headmaster is the oly teacher at andaff Cathedral Sel that Tea reinember, aed fora resee you will soon Aliscovet can remember him very estty Inde. His name was Wt Coote ‘Ms Coombes now proceeded mumble through the sme old prayers we hha everyday, bul this moming, shen the act ame had been spoken he did not turn ‘anu fend his group rapidly ct ofthe Hallas teual He remained standing before ws, an itesas clear he had an announcement to make “The whele school i to go out and ine up around the playground eneneaitely’ Be ‘IK, Leave your books behind. An no talking” ir Coombes wos leoking im. His harneny pink face had taken on that dangerous sow! which only appeared ‘when be sas extamely crs aed sombody {ae forthe high jump. Isat there small and frightened mong the rove and oot ‘ther ojo met emer the Hleadmaty, wth s lack gown doped verbs dhcldes was He fg a tarde ta “Hear the Mil Tales shen ome Tongan shiver {Ac wemade ou way oot inthe pinygrund my whe rach eg oe ES though t we slonty fling up eth tung watec Lam ony git your ol {Sd pele No ebay igh ver ‘hurd anyone. pose Tisiespected tose fo pier come bexnding out of the cc te rob me ty the arn and pt andes my * single orl tern he shoot avi the paygrcticSudderly srg pen andthe ke the og of st, strate Me Coombes ages aly in Hs freed tan Black gum ore tee hi ve oenat righ bode Hi ted the {iy gor of Mes race Feel Mrs Pater wa ale! The lel wes eet dou Stalder sh et ut ghee yl ana pant a diy Hnger straight at Thies That iat the yl" cnc Td Woon “en ale svn, ‘Summy ite bound The entre soa tured to look at Thies "What have done? he teed appetngtoMe Coombe. “Sit ups hoc snd Nin fetches eye fk ovr and sete on my own face tloked down and ‘nid the lack pal surface ef the payout. Ervt anther oft These her Jeling “Tat oe there She potted ate ow ete ute se? Me Coombes sd ‘Of cours Pen suet hee Tevet ae, en of al when tsa yo theese of em all ight Thee wos teat Now wt tts “Te other thre, ew very coos up nxt “Pete hey are ae cra ut saing, the sire ge “ons i Sd in Thats thelie of in al righ We dest eed ee notre tn ‘Enmaset they alee the tye pat Youre gotten ve yon veg tn namen ie Prathat; Mr Coombes tld he Fr ery mach iiged bret 6 News [= Fr) (At = Announcer I; A2~ Announcer 2) [Als Ana hee re the news headlines, Following severe droughts ta Aric, the President ofthe USA hae anounced that he gory to send food aa provisions to the people of Somall, ob have lee their homes ara Hvelihood. ‘AD: Robert Holmes, Minister fr the Exsionmert has sgn The Prine ‘Minister has order an trvestigation intothe mysterious diapperance of @ laege sum of money. A spokesman for theminister told us that he was out of the coury and not available fo Al: Schoolge Pauline Cats hs not been lowed! Back nt sho! aftr te Summer hatidays, because she hs had her ese peer Accor hheadiistrow Joan Bradley Pauline ‘Ke that piercing Was paint the school rules. The gt will Beale Deck intoscheel when she removes the olteraing rig ‘Ax Ara aly (0 er un a happier nt, ‘wedding bells ae ringing ee 8-or {ld Man Wilms who wor £16 millon fe the leary last mort Has pene smarty 22-year-old dancer Sally Lier ‘The happy couple posed for phetographers eatside the ile’. Fuxury home in sex and Sally bd ct er hard toshow of er £10000 engagement ring forthe carreras oa KK Keng ~ Steve) Hi, Steve, Hows ate you? (Oh, not teo bad Actual, ise wedang anniversary tod: Oh, congratsiations! Se But umy {fergot and ey wes ally wpe. Ke Ohy no. thars trae SS But Tjust rang Le Petit Banca they actually had a table fe, 50 eng ‘ut for dine K: Excellent Anyway, I must go. KE yeah, me to. See you! ca ‘A> Have you hen sbout Chis and shiney? Bi Now. what about them? A Theyvesplit up 8 That's teeble » CHllo. You're looking very pos with yourslt. 1: Tam! Fve fst posed my diving tet! © Wall done Can have a it? 1 Guess what I've wor a holiday to Florida Lucky yout Is ita holiday for two? EYeu Fm taking ny mam F On G_vejusthad seme bad news. Hi: What's happened? G Tye tact my final exams Oh, rot Whats the mater? Te lefty bg on the bus You ict! What are you going to do? suppose Td beter ing the Es company: Ki Hove a glass ef champagne! “Thank you. What ate you celebrating? My wife's ust hada bay Te Congratulations! Wy’ or a gil? Be ou cen nly take the bust IN. No-myearsbroken down spain Me Oh? » 6; teat oon you ta car 1 Myparees have ought 2 rw a ane they even me her okt one © Beal Bes tarsi Wile! Laety you! Opn acy thew that Yeni Gettin! eet fet Eis 1 West ened at week 2 My bgt been stolen agin. 5 Teederded to ove te Attain 4 My nt’ bee taker ite host My dager st hal baby 6 Ipetethe bus sipped art fl at on 7 sy face Frewer £1000 onthe National Letery! My car would start this meen, ‘When otto the party, tere was semncoe there wearing ext) the sae dress a 6 eying my exam rolls and Pee pose Party Giz 2 Il Roxy ty Je) -festval guest Yo) —heliday- modern fie) bane candle 5 (a) around dierent & fol fll good 7 Ia) fond pie Eazs (> Zot; $= Sandy) a S Oh hl, 2 Yoda look very happy. Whats the SS Davidhast ung. 2: Yensonly sow him yesterday Ye and the at thing he sak wo, 7 fig you tomorrow 2 Waly tomorrow it finshed ye. No, but t's eight ecack What are you Going lorigh!? Do you fancy peg foe dane 2 Um Fa loveto, but John's coming und and wets going fora meal Wal Fmrot poing tot hee waiting forthe plone toring. Hoe shore eck. a2 (B~ Boeky:S ~ Sandy; 2 ~Zo8; D = David) 1b Hell Hi Beek: it's Sandy. & Becky ate you doing anything tonight” Yeu Fim meting Alex and Suzy in bout half an howe S Whew are you going? Tlie. Hl yeu the to ome 5: Yes Ta lovete, Where ate you smecting? 1B: Atthoir house, bu we could meet you in fort of the cinema in George Stet tale past ight SOK thanks Se you later Tm going tothe cinema with Becky. Good idee ‘And next time sce David, going to tell him to get oo. 7. Hann TM Batieve that when Tse it Z Hello De Is Saraly there, please? Yea held ona manent 1 get her loryou. Re David, (Ob, helo, Davi. s De Leok, Fe really sorry tdi call s cates, but Thad ork late, (Ok thas right T. Frorgot you were going ting enyway De Liste Fim aad feat sce you tonight, Pon hev ing dinner parents Fedeeset matter t'm going tothe sineme anyway. (Oh, right OK, well call you, ‘When? Fmean all ight. Bye Bye. my Yeu ditt hi to get ost Well he apologised ~ snd he's having, dinner with his parents. Anyway FE ‘must ga. See You later oN oe i, Alex Hi, Becky: Where's Suzy? ‘Oh, she change her mind atthe last. ‘minute, David phored her and asked her to go fora meal a that rew Jepenese restaurant S$: What2'Now Fm defritely going tote Fun to get eat EB 30 (Hac A= Aon = Gea) ‘What do you think makes a good party then? AAS Um think the place italy Jmnpostant It should be big entigh bt rot too bi. 1G: Yer itreeds to be quite crveded to make an atmosphere and dark Re Oh, Tdon't like it when you eat see ‘who youre talking to G__ Nou, [mean sot lighting. ke it ‘when there are some decorations to You knee fe bales and tings just to make it special fas What lke a clare’ poy? G:_ Yeah suppoee so er candles ana ings. the wal, Re Canales make a nie atmosphar you have tobe careful the house “oes catch fre. GW" well, yourean get those care. holders, But the mnt important thing, inthe food and drink. AS Oh, yes There must belts of dein ee but ah Re What sort of ford do you think x good for partis? AS Un, the sort of thing you can oat with your fingers. Tear, you don't want ty have loads of ashing up at the ea of the po Re Actually think the music she not ienportans thing Loud, but net too loud and the sort of mane you car dances G_Tihink the bet thing sto prepare party taper with ll the best dance tracks thon you don't have wo worry about i, ‘As ‘But what about people? That s quite Important ist Um, yes jou eo ee! people fora part ‘Ac NovT_Tmean the ight people. You ‘eed seme pay animals who get up Sha star the dancing RA! you need a mis of men ard ‘women. Fert a party eerily ‘shere there were five women for every Sends alright to me ‘A: Ohysbut up So what do we think are there mest important things? Feud ard dei tunic aal the ight mix of people Ge Right ca 5 My Party by Lesley Gore lesmmy party an ery i ant, Gay i want to, xy if want You would ery too if happened to you [Nobex knows where my Jobany bas gone, Bot Joy lel the seme tie Why was he holding her hane, When he's supposed 10 ber? samy party Ply all my records keep dancing all night But leave me alone fora while, i Johnny's dansng with me, se got no reason tose Wesmy pany July and Jonny just walked dru” the deer {ikea queen seit her hing (Oh, what bihday surprise, Judy's wearing his rng Wey party 8 Review 1 Ka Sue Vie metat university we both sted ‘music actually and L suppose we hit off Strsightaway. Aterwardy vent away travelling fora year or 50 and we lest touch fora sul, but really ewe ben fiends sine we were sets. We see eachother ‘ay, three or four fimes 3 week I ue ‘ier both very outgoing and energetic hich Esuppene fe why’ we get ons well in tetand Juan was an amazing coincidence rally: Net ‘only to met ke hat butt pt on 30 Wel Spd have so mach in common. We helps tach other with our studying se well Ad ‘here wae ro ti at all fo fel homasick or anything From the moment ye got on the plane we had lot to talk about And ben 153 the fished, we had a bilisnt time secing, place and, wl it wa jst one big party ‘ir itwas time to comeback home ish could see esc her more ote these oye Bliss [wasn Inia just afer university: Fa ben there fora few months athe time. At it, id’ et too well But we hep ‘bumping into each ether, = you do when {youre travelling 40 we um well we ended el raveling together We found we had ‘Silar interests yeu know, we lke the me music and lke gong to gigs and we Thad stllarcutlooks and soon. I suppese se been friends fr about wel tee year oe Tike tae as many bands a8 we can. We tke going outs lo We, ey dest get to travelas much as we used to, but we're pla ing to pr ck Wo Asia teeter for 8 fear wooks nent year That's where we met inthe est place actualy, about four years ono. Sindy Weve known each other for afew yenrs rove and we fl yet on Well mnt ofthe time anywayt We se coch ether a lot. Of hie were toethie twice a week wen. the band rehearas and se often go to pubs to Friends’ houses anal jst, soto hang, fut and chat realy Yeah, webbeth love a good party! Ha ierind met the, ef aiport actualy We jas bumped into each other at the een Teeumed ent we were both going tothe space to study and weended up ving In rooms on the sare corridor ithe hall was prety amazing really We got cn fom the ‘word go. just happened naturally. you now, fro people away frm home ad all thot: We did almest everything together and then when the course was over soe travelled around the county fora rmonth ox se before ‘coming heme. Now gues we oly sce ‘ach eer the o fet times a Yea or 0 E33 (See pape 9) 9 Soap ES aa (See page 74) a 3s Pacific Heights. Scene 2 (P= Ponay E~ Ella Ph ~ Phil: M = Mara) Y E BEF se So, what have you been upto today? Werve bent the travel agents to pet sore brochures. Thought we'd talked about that But Dad. oct, ve tod you once an 1 tll you gain ~ you? rot going traveling fm your own Yeu're to young "ut Boe’ parents let er go traveling, last year Yes, bt she went with her brother ‘Will les ack Char. Where i he, by Bewsy? Pe Ok he’s taking parti a big sting, competition oot of ter he But his surfboards ere Oh, that's strange must have made 8 stake, Me Come on, Ella. ets go oud to Becky PB the late for dinner Pacific Heights Seene3 (= Moras ~ Elo). [Me 1think Faow where Charlie E Where? Me He's gone tose Clare Yn sure there's seething going Oh betweer Chat and Clare? Me Ye E But Clans married to Uncle Dave Me 50? Lots of nmr people have ffir, Well Idorrt thinks ght Anyway. how do you know? (M: Well Thea him talking to hee en the phone yesterday: He oe Per if Dave Fad left for America and then be seid be eouldet wat to be hee arms ain! EOhy what a eeop. Poor Bek: Ni Oh dort worn she'll yet over it. But listen, ve gota idea. [Elf ifs aboot Chane coming travelling with us forget He's aleady sid he Ms Ye But if catch hen with Clare, we con blackmail him to comme traveling wath, E._ Oh, yew tse what you mean But don't {you Think we shoul tll Becky about him an Clare? IM. No, stupid. IF we tell her, we went be abe to blackmail in. Come ony k's make a plan. Pacific Heights. Seene 4 (A= Amy:M = Mas) [Ar Tdor’t know ha to do IF don take pat in the demonstration I have wo Fesve the group Me ist thik shout those poo ite animals. Have you any idea what they oto then? To, bs company. ‘Well i serves him ight for experimenting on annals. ‘Are they going to do any damage? 'No,its.a peaceful demonstration, that's all Anyways up © yeu Um, OK Tike but my mom wil Fall me if she finds out, Ws my step fthoe’s > RP ze 10 Time Ea 36 (PR = Pl Roesch RW = Roberta Wilson) DPR: Tht wes Sonny Best with Mgt Jn Vermont. Now do you make the best ‘of your time? fn the audio today we've {get Roberta Wien, who's a time ‘anagerrent constant Good morning, Roberta RW: Goel morning, Pat PR: Rberta, what exactly do time management consulants do? RW: Will Paul its all about helping poeple Ae onganise their werk in an elective segrmusin roy; masini PR: Hal sounds ike something I need. Be, who ate your cent? Rw: PR. Bw PR: Rw PR: RW: RW: PR RW Pre Rw: Us, mail business people bute Sho worked with poi cll tervans and univeraty leon Uin, quite age, then. A wht sat cf things hp people oexgain Aint Uppers prctsly te lenprtant? Um yen and. cast fish tre on inet atc re. fu ininternational cote you done tobeamarect cara difernnece Forename? ‘Ret Bra bi fora metings uly stron tine, but ex oa retin fen beg a fen mines inte In Genmany eth tbe hon peopl expect all ects toteginon Ein some courte for expe intatin Amesca, heres a more tene atte. So, yo do ave daptto areamotane When in Rae Er some enter ye Ui sounds he event you marge yeu onn tie ery wel yu sil ea onto what ee ppl {Wel you cast hte Ione Inet end who aia) aves Inte you can ay, "Wel Fn gs fo seit for 1S mints they ar the By then, Ft feve Hom Pe got oe end whesavae Ines dost think Fdever we hei iaiha Hak but people who an lays ate are the ores ox ree to ite ih ithe Knows tha yen won wae pete they W make an to Evihatniher hah No, no wally Someone who costa Tarra p ates pling va on ure: Lt tern Low you're ‘her thingsto da And Pett smegtig you do thet with cvryone Joa the pein llecrnens Tog gin, diferent cultures do have aleent ewes on what constr alos kre, ‘What about tterpton fen cme into estado ith something Ipontnt ed odo. Then the phere Beorel kao the day's ove ar have done what planned Um, you need to defer your te. year wortng on sorching Innpstnt and sree dps to sce yt et your dary ot Peel Yl Ther yer bay tn make on sppoitnes frenetic ine tat iprtant anyway they at go away. Iie theyll make an appre’ fd you can dea with pop Tha sounds preci! Un, again, you do have to be ae Imsome cultures parley atin se this technique can pet pple: ‘ether in the Usted Sen cet tone wil be offended Fim So does eveything depend on culture? Novalis to time ae one of the ig ference between cures, But how You orgie your enn work to ou A thet are of echniqhes fee. For example, nage you've po {wo important things to, On of thems plessant, ad the othe Alwaystry todo the onpesant sk fst That ws, the plement tk a ‘ewan you do the 154 ‘ther way round, youl tend to elow owe the pleasané ark beeause you dent want to de the unpleasant ene, PR: Hal ah remember that Finally, ‘wha for you. ie aac-working ? RW: Ch Fm not ver interested in ard PR Andon ‘working people. You can spend twelve Fourea day at the oftce without doing, ory mul. 7m intersted in productive “entopoy pore st note, Ihave to say we've ‘runout of time. Thank you Reberta and (vero Jasmine Dabar with the ews Gy 1 Jj ~ Sunday second Sorrday weeks est {o/-then there ‘weather thot these Ele g WETEUETE™ & OTRTETETETE = erRr moe Me Jie: M= Matin) (OK, what dates dl you got? ve gu 2th ebay 1997 (Ok Twit that doten 97, im, 2ith May 1972, ox “Then ve got ths November, 199, on “Then there's 3st July, 1991 "91. Ok and te last ene? ‘The ast one Fv gt 1th July next gh OK. wal er go for the oldest i 2th May 72 Whats hat? ‘Thatsny bia Usk ba as Hat and Tm a Geni (fy ight OC Es As February 972 ‘Tat teny cats thy Tort ever kw my ct’ Seseaed Spa Hac heh ade et fly 917 ‘Thin ithe late that ei cllege re got my ito in Habitat ‘ore Hal bah Right, OK Fs oversber ‘th Newer ‘et that's tonte night of eure Ob Fight. Neck Auge pty takes pla ‘ray at i Mh ely et jer 18am going on a wold tip. Ch whee ajo ping? Fm ping to Austalin S Lanka 0 Inui, te Far Eat, then to Arete ‘Allover the place Oh, ely vu. curds get E39 ‘We're supposed to start work at nine, but fer cme in ater because Lhave to ake rn children to scheol ist, but ther. tay a [il later OF course. Fve got an early mceting orf ve pot tobe in court ist thing in dhe moe ny wife has abe the Kid to school We're supposed to work 40-hour work but think most Actually work mote than that Were supposed to dree smarty, particularly i we Ihave contact with cents 201 aleay sat and tie to work, Female layers aren't allowed! to wear trousers oF even dark tights. They have to wear kneefengih skirts “no mii The seerctaris can wen aed trousers, but no jeans. A weekly dres-down, day has been intro eecetly irs an fea from America, ehete everybody comes Inte week in cantal dra ot Frida Perse Lhave no deste eome into work wearing jeans and a Thiet 1 ke make a diference between work and home, land Tcan wear easual hes at home. 1 think people should dress smarty for work =itgivee a good impression. ‘rnaking eating and drinking are tit forbidden in the office. There's non ‘snokingcaletria downstairs nd smokers have to ge outside: Personally I think smoking cughtto be banned in all publ places. ‘As you can it's a rally busy office and we have to work lng hours Everybody ‘work diferent hours Because people are coming in a out al the time Wear have ‘rink at cur desks bot we not allowed {obing food ino theotfions Ther's ‘canteen downstairs. We we support to have ‘break every two hours, but when you're ‘working toa deadlng, you can't alfoed to ‘ake time fora break. Somesines Iver fight huouph any hunch hour at's mad tv fat you have tobe mad to work there Hah, We've not supposed to emake in the office but some of the reporters and Journalists do when they're working ate You know they've been sneking bees the place smells horble in the meming, AS {ar as dros x eorccrned st depends. The ‘citors and senior staff ess sary. think fur tenioe editor has to suis and about tovenly identical stped shuts because ve never seen him wating anything se. The youngermen ae abit mere fachion- onacous and they dont have to wear suits ‘Tho wemen can wear rouse or sks but we ant Wear joan, Start-easal dothes are OK, 3 ‘yeu cn nan, pepe who work hse ‘yi wm ‘hea ta dn sary for vosk They're these of people whe enoy Sain Up thu yt ute crperice Nest people Star bck “Wea bile wearing oor teal! Um ack plone puller ack oct user Gack at cht an Sects and hrs the eta The frente bre ightve wth te tru They wear ce gh cured ‘hi and decor tra aed emily goto amore cart lack Stead igh bets Utara fhe yung cde woometo be aguny mae but they're not allows to sioke in the building. face they ean’ smoke aryesbere near the bung, It gives sch a bod Inpresion when you se poplesmekig in “The agency i open from ten coc inthe meng but the staff arrive any ime afer ‘ight They have to werk» nne-hour da, tot the staring and finishing mes are enible (Goth is avaiable whenever you wart, ‘ut foo! nt allwset inthe fice Nekwly herent anyway! 11 Journey Faz (= ie: C= Conrad) F.Iemust be very strange to be back ome alter such along, Se GYesitis 1 Lean i's lovely to see ‘everybedy aif relly appreciate my be F_Letshavea look at these photos then G_ Wal they re all mined up atthe moment gout sort thet cut FU this looks nice Whereis (Ce Where do you thnk its? FF Ahywell it must be somewhere realy hot It looks like paradise 1 ‘ippote it could be Thailand o Bal or ‘could even be Ina. G_ Ne Ml give you auc ICs an sland in the Pactic Crean. F Have No Taide goto Hawaii F Ob tight. thought youd been very! I's probaly Fi then. G_Thatsright. Ch twas levey. This an wanted me to marry his daughice she ‘wae boot F Oba ion wextding been fon G_ Yea thats what 1 thought But dort think my mu seould ve ben very pleased, Hah. Asyway what about this Fh thisieabiteiferent Well ews Be Switzerland or semewere in the French Alpe? Nope Who's dhe piel by the way? Ohyes that ser wha shercame, 2 She's Argentinian ‘Gh, was she taeling around Europe the? GN In thi picture, she wast a fom, home Fl it cant be Argentina, can? Maybe i's Chile? G_Novitsthe souther part of Argentina Patagonia oh ‘They call ithe Switzeriand ofthe southern hemisphere Realy? Thar amacng. wally dows lodk ike Switzerland So anyway, id you meet agi! in every ecurtry you ste? ea Lis (= Interiewers 1 = Lia) IF Sey ho woul your ideal companion te My frond, Anna who's ding a course in Oriental stuties 1: Abahy and how would you get around? ono We'd probably use one of those very fast bullet trans o get tere ad then spoby taxi orn foc. ‘And what would you vor? depends onthe tine of yoar Fd want to go there in spring for the cherry blossoms, so probably just jeans and 2 ‘sweatshirt Pa nake sure | hada cleat par of socks and some slip-on shoce because | think you have bo take then ‘off hen you vst Be erples What would! you buy? Nothing tours) might buy ar lectroic gadget lke a ealealator They’ supposed tobe cheaper there. x and what sould you eat and drink? Vallook for wertern foc! ard probably end up eitieg at MeDonals eat Sand ray fish and | dow Hike he puch ether ie What essential tems would you take with you? [iy camer sot he estentil the temples, the theslvines and the gardens, They're all supposed to be Stunning. ‘Who would you mest like to meet there? like to meet a geisha who speaks English, and atk her lots of questions. ‘Wht sights woul! you wat to sce? Fa visit the Golden Temple ad the “Ryoanf temple Hhink tis where they've got taming Zen sock spade Er who would you send a postcard to? My ex-boyfiend te show bien what ocd time Im having without bi. ah. What woutd spel your peeect, weekend? npg ino somebody from werk. “Although I dort thin ts key the ‘ther se of the word i Kyoto! cristina « Interviewer; C = Cristina) ‘Whe would jour ideal companion be? My mom and her cheque bok, ‘And how would you get arcund? (Gr fot oro the underground Whot would you wear? year all the new thes my man’s _oing to buy foe me there ‘And wht cul you buy? ‘Apart from elthes, maybe pati from ene ofthe artist she sll hele stuff along the ever What would you eat an drink? sit and drink ets of tvely cole and watch the world go 6: Urn, and what escent ters would you take with you? ‘Sunglasses. Nt forthe sun but because they Took cool Who would you meat ke to meet there? Jean Pau! Gaultier ~ Hove him. sights would you want to see? ‘eben foal the abvious places, sod just ke to hang vt nthe atin Quan. ‘an wh wuld you send a postcard My dad. What would spl your perfect, swookend? Ifthe shops were shut. Pais isa beautiful ety, but fer me the main traction ie the shopping Interviewer; R= Rick) ‘Whe would your ideal companion be? Er dofrtly not my’ wife. Sho cart Sand the sun. Un, probably my brother because I don't se him very ‘fen Um, how would you yet around? (Om for. oly be going, ron the hotel to the beach What would you wea? As litle as pombe ‘And what would you buy? Fa probably bay dome soawenis for ‘ny wife and children atthe lego. What would! you eat and drink? Un whats that special dish? um, mous? 1 ight Wh would you moat ie to meet ther? Rh, obey at all Eke peace ane qc. 1 Ara whet essential tens would you take with you? R._Um a couple of good bocks and plenty of sna lotion. what sights would you want 10 The beac inthe daytime and a taverns tight 1: Ex who would you send a posted to? Te Nobedy: Writing a pesteard would be toomuch lke herd work. 1: Him And what would spoil your perfect weckend? Rain. Oy als, ifthe land wos flo ‘other Englich people. Greece isa popular destination for English people, 12 Basics a (04= Matthew D~ Dawe, W — Waits) ME Wall re wear alas Ha Do you thei 1. Yes ie very see. The mac's ot oo Ios hate wen ty fae bud sus laurent. M: Meteo. Hah We Goad evening Ex are you ready to coer M:_Chvro. We have looked a he mera yet Cold we ve someting to dea ine We Coral: Er what would you te? IM: Um wow you ike sre wane? De Chay, that woul be oe, Un, rd 1M: woes ofr wine, please and cou we have fw olives wi that? W. Ofenurse be back to take your ‘order ina ment DM: Right ght we'd better ook at the trope, What sort of thing do you ik? De Ex well um I det rt teat or fil 20 Snying et tra Me On doer. ide know you were ‘etait don’ think thee ar any Yeptaran dab onthe neu De Oh Oh yes thew ae Lok there are Tends Wings an wal hey do w Mt: w Di b M w: M omelette anyway. havea chsse fmedete and sal. te Areyou sure? Yor hatin. Love cme OOK Ur de you mind have mt Noow of eoureret. Tht supe yeu Je you ey to order som? Xie, Um, well have acwe emcee ad sald ander sek and cp, ple | Frew woud you ke your stk dene ‘Medium rte, plese And ould we Fave some Fc bro! ns tect diner! wate pease? Siler sparhig? Ne St Sparking ‘hy thrall Td mit Neo HS OK cr ket shave sil Si, plese Fanybing oko? Noy thal al for no hak you Bas 5 Mathew: D = Davins W = stn ‘Seow eng he yn be Big in London? 2 couple yearn, How abu ye? (Only afew montis Lane dene forthejab a There's no work where Leone Your bread sic moda. Ee water Ex tani get you anything ce? Note, honky How about you? Fim fine to, thanks ‘Ander here do yur ome for snes? ver from ite vlog astute Cond Un there was noting todo. thor 0 I moved to London ‘And do you Me lving Of, m0 teeny omy Oh dear dit goon youre? intitle. 1's OK Wate, walter Be ean you bingo dh swept sere wine {Ws OK homes Hardy any of wet ny ait Just» drop rarely sony Fy forthe dry ‘Ratt sie. ‘Than you Hers, hee let me wipe bts ie, Dette et ‘Who the omelet? ou @ fs leterviewer: M = Michae) ‘Michael you've had the opportunity to taste some ofthe more unusual dishes fom arb the wold. Can yes eos something about them, and it Derlcular what they tate Hk? Yes well ve jst come back foes ‘Thailand and nthe winter sacked of grasshoppers and locusts te brought {avo Banghak from he cunts ‘becuse the Tha love then. They smokes relly esp an tot sack. bn fac red grasshoppers ae tasty to ‘mont people, proved they oat koa swhat hey eating Thay at crickets in ports of North Americ, an Hey teste just the same, Hon, met sure Pal ike to et 156 [Me We yea beter nt go to Indonesia then Last re Ts there Id a fest thins The main course was sted cela Jb Oh dese What cd thot ate? IM How Theyre ther more chewy than fspenthecutsde ae then there's fii on te ide which tastes ptesncet and Fray. 1 What cher insects have you eaten? Wall did yas knows dat Color, imma serve oat ants inten of reper? 1 ea Wht an they ihe? Te Um sect rl rap. deticons Sclly Ta te barb Tanti South Ameri, ul that wae at topping tw att Band net fara) tay On heater hand Iponscgy nove aruch more ‘esi dt Ale ton mits engin ery lly war they mode a very ity ever race Abt on say Teeny tte bu ery god, te Tre ead that they a grubs in Asta eat tne tt Io? ye es veneer eaten thn but Seecaten them ed They te OK 8 chy ernchy onthe eutide beacon onthe msde Timor, det ven wart to think Sut Cane change the je? Tio ant shark fin up? we you cert thal? 1M. Gry one in Chinas very expensive {ruts ag to repr. Bani {hewn The te depends on how thecal propane but when Late te qty ard et patty Fey ayer, ot abot you? Have stem anything strange? tet advert a0, tnd ve reve bon out of Bree bt probably the srangest nd! ea ny ema evoling thing Fe ever eaten ‘ain Street Me Gh you mewn huge? Nets ing iciou No ts dep Ma Bat MWB You mea ike ih and eps Mae Bora chips? 1 Thtsight Greasy and hoy swe Dagesting Me Oh 13 Communication Bs Weame tothe Iiside Out helpline for stents of English Here ae some use rumbers al adress fer yur ‘eration Forncws a curzent events the BBC ‘nts in gee! Mrting pit at went An alternative i CNN at ‘olsen to BAC World Service radio you ‘onfird out about schodules and lal fequencies by ling 43 forthe UK, then 278 a0. {ar can et the atest news and reviews on thems sane at wwvwantvcoen. Oris spor retlts you want thon the Reuters ste aTiowesportseb al cme won. com fulkeep you right up to date Fer tel information ty one ofthe major sehen lke Yaboo at wahoo Tatvallore word .. YA FidoubleO co ecreation eave “The British Tourist Authority has lets ‘of formation. oul find thers 3 esmncvistbrtain alone word fom. Ifyou ae already ithe UK, the ielephone number for fight enquires to ad from Heathrow is 020. af yeu ar outside orden 87594821, Ch 1 Hi, Rich Is Jess thinty Wedrenday right. min Bstt for afew days Give me 2 calif you're around, 7256K8, Speak to you here! This is Sion trom Ts Tavel ‘Company: We've frally got your ticket for ten days scobo-dving in Egypt. Call by ond pick ther up anytime. We we oper from ine to five everyday: Bye. 3 Richard. its Ande ve jst had a conan itn St rere ‘eg prblem wit» program wr itetaled on tha computer network st twos, sof ve tld hn Figet somebody ut these ac son ponuble tose eat {Co yous por his int ang emorrexe srerning al orcange to go out tre ond sok ‘shat you ean do? The the number [1229 atte me eal at theft ete haw whn youve aronged Thanks, ‘ Fx this Alex at Virgin Megastore. The new ‘compres game you cere hes eose in x please cally and pik it up. Thank you s Helo, i's me .. Maggie. You may romember me I'm sppesed tobe your filrend, alchough you wouldn't thnk so. Cetoft your eompuier for five minutes and sive mea ring. By tho way, have you heard fnything about the teket for Eaypt? 6 eto. This is Alison More frm the South: Wiese Bank Can you ring me to dies Your overall 0117515493 extern 300. Thank you. oa 1 {foes R~ chat: M ~ Mogi Fes Fe Gah teMagge then Fett Richa Fe Yow Jane How ane you? JF fire, thanks Hang oc Fi go a get he Mt Hts we darWsme Yen ge ry mosage the. thought yond froten aut me Bowe sy OF eure ave fete you Pe tbo a by teal Bay playing computer acy, care Reval he ie Ary How ae ti not tod Bitte. Too ch ‘ries val Which minds nes fave you beat anything ern he travel opener hy yen hyve pot the ket Geet Oh rely nd th ie: zn Re Listen Lean chat rove, but what ane {you upto iater” Me Tye gt to work dis evening, but thought we could got the ines ROK Til come our at about seven IM: See yeu tment R Be (Re = Receptionist: R= Richards A= Alison) Re Goce morring South-Western Bank Gael belp yeu? Re Yeu fl like to speak to Alison Moone: plese, Re: Wha's calling please? Ro Myrame's Richard Swsirstoo, Re: Ok, held on, please Ft to put you. though... Oh Me Swaiston Tm aid she's on the other fire Would you like to held? Re You thank you ‘As Atsor Moore Oh, hello. This is Richard Swainson hee ‘As Oh, yes. Me Swairston Thank you for etn back to me so promptly. There fem tobe a problent with your Oh, dear What sor of problem? ‘Ac Mell you're aver your wera Hit by mone than £20. You wealy nl to ‘comme to the bark to discuss it. Are you Svalabe ater on today? Tm afraid tm rater ted up today. Fe would temorrow be convenient fr your in yes thas fine. Ten tity? Yes ton tty fine for Wel, thank you fr vinging TH ook Forward to seeing you tomorrow Goodbye, Eis (045 «Mes Swatnstor: R Richard) MS: Hello? Re Many is Richard MS: Of, fever thing all igh? Yes, yes fine. Hove ae You? IMS: Oh, not ton ba Yur father's playing {oll so Fm enjoying the peace ae! ‘uit How's Maggie? She's OK Werking hard. Mun, Ewa wondering. do you think you could lee me some money fill the ed the ‘month? IMS: Oh, Richard, have you got yours int bt again? Because you have R_No, nots just a bit of an cverdat MS: Where dees all your money go. Richard? Tencan, yas pots ood ep But Mum,’ expensive living in Bristol MS: ll of courseitis. What do you ‘expect if you go out everynight and buy expensive computers Re Thavert got a computer ls 3 playstation MS: Oh, well whatever Larean, your sister ever phuses up aking fer moi Re But you spent fortune on her wedding IMS: Yes, aad whan you get marie. se othe same lor you Re Wal Fim not pang te pet married 90 {yournight as well ive ne the money RPE IMG: Richard! What woul Maggie say! Now 157 come on. his silly: How much do your need? R_ E00 MS Ob, honey, Richard, you realy mest losin tobuget. Leck, Mun, you ca ust help me out this time, {promise fry to be more ‘ref in fate IMS. Wall, we'll se about that Listen ilo this ime, but this really fs the last ie. Ifyou get yours nto trouble again youl just have to sce it ‘ot yours. Ob, thanks, Man MS. But Fn deing this on one cendton R Ye? MS: You never say youre nol going ot married agai R__OK I promise. Thanks Mur. Bye IMS: Bye an sex Une, you could phone up est fora chat 14 Style Ga { ihink ny favourite thing at the torent is ity white pelo neck svete Igoe with everything ard eally easy to weae 2 Hove my flowery silk waisteost. only wear iton very spec ooaniens and Lusually wear with a sit Iecheers me wp. 3 [My favourite thing is my black eather ockct which ought in Amecca and is really el Te gets better as it pts eer, 4 My baseball capi my favourte thing. ve get very short hai a Tet wally ot ‘eihout & The celours grea, bright orange and pink 5 spend quite alot ef money’ on elethes, but any lovee things avert the mest ‘expensive. For example, I love my old shost- ‘Sleeved Tshirt witha big banana on the Front get thn ram the market for les than Five pounds My favourite thing is definitely my teopar pant fae fur oat gt it fee a Secor hand shop and it locks fabs with ny igh hetedl boots. 7 ond to ke comfortable clothes best my favourite outitemy boggy trousers and check shirt 5 My gran set me a beausfl tartan cashmere or for Chests are Hove EE so Ugly by Jor Box Jovi you're ugly sal toot Inyour eyes the skys diferent bive you could see yoursel like ethers do Yeu wish you were as beaut ae you ‘And I wish Leas a camera semetines So could take your picture with my iad Pot tina frame fer you ta see How beautiful you realy afe to me Uely only Allo us just el like tat some day ‘Aint no rainbow in the sky ‘When you feel UGLY ‘And that's uty Yeah yeah yeah ‘eal ah yeah ply ly ‘Alef us just et lke that some day At. oui the sky When you feel UGLY, ‘Ana that's up, usly All of otf ike that some day ‘Aisne cure that you can buy When you feel UGLY. ‘And thats ugly Seis reugle: tm yoo Iyoulrea rat wen Tan bea sere Wom could see youre the way Ido You'd wish you were as beaut 3s Ju Tvsh wae os beutiful as you cas (See page 124) 15 Age ws Me M ws Me Mt W— Woman) Yeu look weried. What's on your mind? ‘Actually, there something "ve been ‘meaning tel you Leek, its about as night irealy sown ater: shouldnt have said anything Ne, no, nothing to do with that. OF rather [suppose tin ay. new tly fd kept ny mouth shut Look, 1 agree with you. The Rolling Stones re eld fashomed and I with Fel never put that record on. Ts pota bad roe. t's my fault shouldn't have called them borg le Sinosaurs. Noisy fal should have reacted like Ili Ws jst that hat ‘cord rings back special memarle for Uok, 1 understand, My pants used to play The Rolling Stones too. Na, you dont understand was ney teens chen that ren ist came ct Alynght [see what you mean. Wal, you look very good for your age Oh shut wp. Nene no What mean i that # dent ‘are how oid you are. ard anyway, Fee got something to wll you. Fon et 31,26, Wat 33 Ofcourse diet say anything. ren the cashice should have eke ook inf bag, shoulda’ se? It had been asl, shop. 1 probably would have sid something, bata bg supermorit ike tht canard it ‘Will picked it up, brushed the cit hast and served i Well what you dort ee you Sorrt worry about do yeu? So sald I looks lovely’ and then spent the reat of the day weshing tll he the rath 4 T was so shocked I ook me a ew days decide what o de but once Td made up ry mind, Ives sree was the right thing ‘ished the cheque and wet sigh othe travel agent's chur [Bough ticks Wo Egypt for myeelf ard a couple offends At leptthey love me os Lam. The divorce wi ‘re thwough next month T doa know if he saw ee, bt | ide wert \o-erbarrote him 20 jot carried on walking. often think abet en aed ‘wonder how he ere pan the treet Eas rede (Interviewer, F~ Frode) 1.” How old are you now, Freie? FE Twehe, EIethat a good age to be? F_ Yeah... you'e grown up cnough tole sembandependent but sil young. At schoo fe just gone from being one of the olde i meld schul o bing one ofthe youngest in secondary shoal (Oh, aed wehich do you prefer? ‘ell it was goal Beg the ost because I eld bos people arora but its quite good being. the youngest to because er et cut early for hands and we gt to go home a two o'clock fn Wednesday afternoons. Also having fn older brethcr in the sae soa helps What are the advantages of being 12 F_ You're nat a teenager fet so you ee nat annoyed and uptight about everything, 1 How old's your bate? Fs Sinton, What diferences are there between being 12 and bry 16? Fe Hlesmells anf dor, Hah, Also, bes gotesams and Ihavert Flave you ever wished you were wer cr younger than you ar? Fe Yeats a like be old enough not to tidy my room 1k Hah But yeu have to tidy you oom whatever oe yeu ae 1B Yeah but fT was old enough te ave here and have my own place | swotldet have to tly my ro Jem (Co interiewer J frm) ow ol are you, Jen? J Sixteen TE Whatithe Being 167s that good age tobe? |: Ee well 1 prefer tobe 18 why? 158 Because ofthe things Leo do likegotobas ard dubs... oh yea and vee. ‘re yu lckig forward to voting? Yeh Dogo mind Lenk yeu why uote? LT ely foo, Una ght Ite nye nw year Mata you trk ibe opto — shy reall Fe cay whey realy youre Ietocyor fo oecosl You diet have fam iiewors Jarre a ther whe 2 havent 3 elon Tah nba way are yourtves titeort Fre gts kt one rsp ve posite poate wee and Rrepemon ots wolond ton ‘Seat Br Peso gest ore feo Fate oar 5 ead ‘Do you ming if sk you wheter Jouve pts gin? Ena aly wate reviewer, Y= Wet) TP Youvepst ad an import bitsy, ove yeu? Ch, wel ot relly Those days 18 the ingertant cre Schon dows fel tobe 21? Oh, act the sameas 20 Inthe anh ou cm rene tha you cov de before you were 217 imo, not wally Butt ppone then yourre21, you have mene sponses You're supper tobe trrwindaperent ad eto at een on your preis so much Ex Ihave pay for my boldays mye cony wo thse ae the avrg Art pple pct ovesuptatv ro yo Ei Wht do you eon sth Best age bbe Un ante five years ol. You goto tly school and jeu play all do. Exetel spe yu aad Mee ast fon He youever wished you were older eeyranger? Gk ys hen a about 15, my feather war alowed out snl ast Fes tvee yes older than me and Santa be the sae gai comet eter; C= Carmel Doyen ind if Lak you how old ye ‘eval aber nt soy: Bt pat it thes, tim he weg aio lett agra age tbe? nye prety good: Batif's a ot (chan Dich ish fl What fe ike when youre your thine? We nt very erent for ay twenties cnerp ht en serial {Bnking ot buying ore expert ace tree oid wondering hey really work ‘iat do you think isthe best age to te Think betwen 25 ae 203 good fg, became yeu kindof sorted a that you watt and you knoe Bow to sptit and you've got some experience cipro get At ta peje do thik abut te eonsoquens of what Sard wheren when youre sbi older Jondo end to worry about dhe Soon you wh you were x25? Noam happy othe get ae ‘ean I had god time ny trent, bu ould nono eon to eve them. Tah 16 Review 2 E355 (> lmerviewer: KT = kim Thomas) sy af we could turn te the engin of language? Ui, do we know wher, sshere and hows language originale? KE Abs that's dtfcult question to answer ‘or ithe the answer ro one relly Knows What we do know fs wher language was frst writen down. ‘Alvhaly and that was Jet, That wa about five and halt thousand years age, in about 300 BC. “The Sumerians, whe hived in ‘Mesopotamia, were the ris people 4 verte down thu language. They eed Symbols calle piclographe to represent ‘everyday elec a bit ike Egypian heroglyphies~ond the fist actual alphabet was developed sound 3500 $ears ago by the Phoenicians, who Tied onthe eastern coest of hal ‘now Syria. Ted there are stound alphabets in the world. Interesting, the shortest of them, the ane used in the Solomon Islands; has oa 1 Fetters 1 Hak ha. And the longest? KE Br the Camnbodion I think, Ibeleve its ‘00 74 letters Se, how many languages are therein the world today? IF Somewhere in the rein of 0001 sont think well coer Bind out the exact Figo, 1 _Uny and which of these are the most spoken? KT: Weil, Mandarin Chinese has about 3 bilo speaker. Engi neat wth about half ilion ypenkers ad Hie, Spanish and Russian are not tof ‘china These ive languages acount focal fall the conversations in the world Hah ah bah, And ist true that “Mandarin is the biggest langunge? mean the ene with the ot rumber of words. (er Again i dificult say but the ttt thinking is that English is actualy the biggest largely due to the numberof technical and scientific words t ‘contains Thee ate at east a illion ‘words in English: Most native speakers ‘only axe abe 10,00 swords, thas one per cont of them, Ha, Only 14.0007 KT: Yeah and can you guess hich ae the most common of ths? The most wed ‘words ir English Huh Let me think. Lim, maybe be"? KT Wall according to scent earch, where ters of thousand of hours of “conversation have bee fd into Computers and aly the most ‘cmon word ithe" kr ke cl", we think is thermos sed ‘ea in English. But of course there ere Ailront forms. Ey what do you Sank the most common noun in spoken English in? Min, The most common non? Erm, may something Uke ey oh, Fv no fda, You're going to have to tll us. ah, hah, ha, Wel you fst said sctally: Appareil is thing IM. Hah OK ~. bah, What about the crgin of words? Where does English enee from? Wel, modern English which s about 500 years, & 4 mature of mainly Romance rd Gernanic lange Greek and Arabic have also provided English with many words di you enon ‘sogat conten fo Arabic? Ar ‘surprisingly, so does alcoha™ In face ‘any, many words have Boe "porowed from othe languages For ‘exaerple. did you: new at lee ‘ommes from Turkish and that ‘chess Persian wont? Where do you think ets, a tomato hethup, comes from? Ee Fvenever really thought about it Fe no idea. Ha hah bab. America? kr Toetiove ah How about “shampoc? ‘Mmmm, itsounds 9 bi oriental tome Maybe Japanese? is ptualy a ind word, from Fn, The it sens Ex you mentions tia just the. ft Hats country with hundreds ot language? Well, dont know about hundreds think Papa Neve Gana has got the most with over eight huridsed and ify separate langage But lo has got Alovens of languages. The bank nes there have got thirteen languages ‘written on them. [suppose thee the train languages. Um, rst peuple there ‘Speak leant two oF thevelengges Un talking of which. and ore fa sguetion To speak twe languages ‘endy is dieu enough, but have yout any idea what the hihant purer {tanguages spoken by one person 6? There ie, oF wat, 3 Penman cot remember his name, but he spoke ST eiferent languages. Alle them ‘Query (Oh On that ree, Profestoe Thorns, well say thank you very much ard ee su revoir, auf Wiedenehen, aeivaders fe sayenara adi Macmilan Feation Between Tons Road, Onfordoxt2re ‘eden ot wacilor Pushes mites (Companiesand representatives rougrout he wors ‘sen o333 757588 Tort sue Kay and Vaughan Jones Designandliatation © Macmillan Publishers imited 2000 Fist pubtshe2000 ‘Allights reserve no partof ts publication maybe reproduced stored ina reveal stom torsmitesin ay foe, obj any means ekevon. Imetharcal protecopyirg recorcing, or eerie without he prir written perision the publishers Designed by Keith Shaw, Thefolaesign atrted by Kathon Adam 867, Peter Campbell p85, 66; Tim Dales p82, Sr: Timetherioge p28, 4211, 17,137, ad anes p7Julan Moves ‘p26, 36 A, 5,89 8B 95,10, 103,106, 13, 122127, 10; Andrew Peters pt 47, 8, 93,58 105, 116 128Peterchardson ppd 78. Cover dsign by dre. Over Cover lustratin Howard Hodgkin Author’ ackromledgements ‘Wesseuldlie to thankallourcoleaguesat the Lake Scho, Oxford forthe hep in parca Peter Maggs whose ugh fl comments on workin progres ‘veremech appreciated. Aig thankyou tou werdertulintermeciate ases ‘ho uniting helped shaperruch lhe material Weareespcal grated to len Hd forthe excellent review Units, hip en the teachers book and cthervise tireless suppor Srila, we woukdke to thank Pip Ker Use ‘Out verkboo! elena Gorm sie Out Teachers oa) and everbesy iewolvedin the imide Out Resource Pack reat team _Anafiely the aggest hanks goto our fais without whesesuppertard ‘Underanéing rene of tswould have been posible ‘The athersandpblshers woud tke to thank th fllowing institutions fet theirhelpin pling thematel and maki comments: Alejanare Gonzalez Flocenca Larbeririare Gustavo Seminar, Northside ‘Seco of Enel, Bens Aires ra Belen Mentero, Carmen aval EO! 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