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Gurjinder Dhillon


Research Proposal
Topic: Lake Erie

Narrowed Topic: Lake Erie and Pollution caused by farming.

Issues: Effects of farming and consequences on Lake Erie.

Research Questions: Is farming really worth compared to the damaged that it is causing
Lake Erie?


The cause of phosphorus level increases was largely attributed to farmers fertilizers and
the information was presented in a concise manner providing basic information with
expert opinions. The answers are not simple, climate change and urbanization are among
other causes of phosphorus levels increase besides farm fertilizers, and the solutions must
take into account a number of socio-economic factors. The government recognizes the
complexity, and a large amount of money has been dedicated to nutrient waste
management research.

"Harmful Algae Blooms Plague Lake Erie Again." News Watch. 08 Nov. 2013
"Huge toxic algae bloom expected for Lake Erie." CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada. 08
Nov. 2013 <>.
"Great Lakes." Government of Canada, Environment Canada. 08 Nov. 2013
"Stand Up For Lake Erie." Environment Ohio. 08 Nov. 2013
"Northeast Ohio." The Plain Dealer. 08 Nov. 2013

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