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All living things are related

Any argument from analogy is weak as it relies on experience

We have evolved over billions of years from a common ancestor Evolution Nothing in the universe to which a universe could be compared
We have no experience of any other universe so we can't compare ours to anything
No evidence of design
Can't compare human circulatory systems with the way sap circulates in a tree.
DARWINISM not Darwin REMEMBER Darwinsim You can't compare two things like for like A machine is no comparison to a tree this links to Paley's argument - but remember he wrote AFTER Hume
Explains the emergence of complex living organisms without design or purpose Unless there is a perfect similarity between the two objects you can not draw a conclusion about their design
Survival of the fitest Natural Selection
Ship analogy: Many designs, trial and error
Those that develop the skills to survive are the ones that do and manage to reproduce Hume Possible that there could be more than one designer
Ship anaolgy: Not just one person that builds the ship
Criticisms of the Teleological Argument
No comarison between a house and the universe
A house buider has an architecht, does the universe? If the house is faulty, what does that say about the designer?
PALEY rejected this: Not concerned with quality in the design
In this situation the tendancy is for things to go from disorder to order
Random activity can lead to orderliness
Subsequently backed up by natural selection - order coming out of apparent randomness.

Inspired by Darwinism
Nature is apparently cruel
J.S. Mill
If designed, it imples a flawed design and designer
If God is the designer then God is not necessarily good

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