Fact Sheet Post-2015

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The UNs Post-2015 Development Agenda

The United Nations Secretary-Generals office has undertaken several processes to inform and help shape
the Post-2015 development agenda to advance the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agenda
beyond 2015. The Secretary-Generals team will be responsible for bringing together perspectives of civil
society, the private sector, global citizens, and other stakeholders, on issues of anti-poverty and
sustainability into a new development framework. The Secretary-General will deliver his report to the
68 th General Assembly, recommending the path for a new framework, which member states will use
as a basis for their negotiations. Below, please find some helpful facts on groups involved in the Post2015 discussion and on ways you can stay engaged.

What is the High-Level Panel on Post-2015?

The High-Level Panel (HLP), co-chaired by Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Indonesian
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and UK Prime Minister David Cameron, is tasked with providing
recommendations for a bold yet practical development agenda, as well as providing guidance on how
the Secretary-General should steward the process to build broad political consensus. The panel plans to
meet three times by mid-2013, and will produce a first draft of its report by the end of March 2013, with a
final version delivered to the Secretary-General by May 31, 2013.
What is the Member State Open Working Group on sustainable development goals?
In June2012, the Rio +20 outcome document created a separate intergovernmental process with a 30
person member state working group to negotiate a set of sustainable development goals and submit a
report to the 68th General Assembly in September 2013. Member states are currently deliberating the
working groups composition, and it has not yet been clarified how this working group, the Major Groups
supporting the Rio process, and the HLPs work will merge leading up to 2015.
What is the Role of the Special Advisor on Post-2015?
The Secretary-General appointed a Special Advisor, Amina Mohammed, to help coordinate the post-2015
process in the following four areas: the UN system, including a series of national and thematic
consultations; the HLP; Jeffrey Sachs Sustainable Development Solutions Network of science and
technology academia (see below); and partnerships with civil society and the private sector.
What is the One Secretariat?
Last year, the Secretary-General appointed a technical Task Team led by the UN Development
Programme and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, which sent their report to the
Secretary-General in early June 2012 suggesting fundamental principles and a process roadmap towards
Post-2015. The One Secretariat, composed of staff from the UN system, was recently created to support
the Task Team, the HLP, Working Group on sustainable development goals, the Secretary-Generals
office, and the UNs thematic and national consultations. The UN will hold 11 global thematic
consultations by Spring 2013, as well as 60 national-level consultations. The One Secretariat will
facilitate outputs from these consultations into the reports of the HLP and Secretary-General.

What is the Sustainable Development Solutions Network?

In August 2012, the Secretary-General launched the Sustainable Development Solutions Network
(SDSN), headed by Jeffrey Sachs, which aims to develop an independent network of research centers and
technical institutions that will identify and share the best ideas and solutions for achieving sustainable
development. This network will also inform the reports of the Secretary-General and HLP. The SDSN
will report directly to the Secretary-General.
How will the private -sector engage in Post-2015?
The UN Global Compact and one of its LEAD companies, Unilever, will develop a process to engage the
private sector on the Post-2015 agenda.
How can I engage in the Global Conversation?
Check www.unausa.org/post2015 for the latest updates from UNA-USA.
Visit the web platform, www.WorldWeWant2015.org, co-hosted by civil society and the UN. This is an
online hub to share information about the Post-2015 process.
Visit www.myworld2015.org. This subsite surveys global citizens priorities for the Post-2015 agenda.
Follow the latest Post-2015 developments from the United Nations Foundation on Twitter

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