Minutes Oh 2015-01-29

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Minutes of the meeting of Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council on Thursday 29th January, 2015

150129-1 Present
Steve Capstick (chairman), John Heap, Alison Nelson, Ruth Rigg, John Shorrock, Arthur Robinson (clerk) and one
150129-2 Apologies:
Peter Thornton (SLDC)
150129-3 Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting
The chairman signed the minutes of the parish council meeting held on 17-12-2014 as a true record.
150129-4 Chairmans announcements
a) In 1964 the Bendrigg Estate consisting of ten farms was sold. A map showing their boundaries has been
placed in the new history section of the parish website.
b) The questionnaire asking for residents opinions about developments and improvements they would like to
see was sent to every household on the 16th January. The deadline for replies is Monday 9th February.
c) National Grids replies about the following issues raised at the previous meeting were:
NG will not raise the earth embankments and plant any more trees to screen the sub-station further.
NG will remind its drivers about safety when crossing Eskrigg Lane. It wishes to remind local residents that the
road between the B6254 and the substation is a private access road but has no specific objection to residents
using it, though it requests that they adhere to the 20mph speed limit.
NG will again contact Cumbria County Council and request that it issues the report into the flooding of
Middleshaw Beck. [The Parish Council has also asked CCC Councillor Stan Collins to urge the reports
Work at the sub-station is scheduled for completion by March 2015. The final Community Forum meeting will
be held on Wednesday 25 March 2015, giving the local community a final chance to ask the project team
questions face-to-face.
150129-5 Declaration of interests:


150129-6 Open session

a) The annual Old Hutton litter pick will start at 1pm on Saturday 21 st March; the annual quiz will be on Saturday
28th March
b) Alison Nelson said that CCC has promised to provide new Old Hutton signs by the end of March.
150129-7 Planning applications
a) Applications submitted requiring council comments:
CU/2014/0033 change of use from a barn to a dwelling at Cocklea the Council agreed to support this application.
SL/2015/0049 Installation of a window and three roof lights at The Old Stables Guest House, Eskrigg End the
Council agreed to offer no objection to this application.
b) A decision on the following item was deferred to a later meeting:
SL/2014/0252 outline planning for erection of stable and training area at Cocklea the Parish Council supported this
application at its meeting on 02-04-2014. The applicants have appealed to the Planning Inspectorate against the
failure of SLDC to determine the outline planning application within the specified time limit, and also against an
enforcement notice served by SLDC on 18-08-2014. A public inquiry will be held at 10am on the 9th June 2015 at
Kendal Town Hall.
To decide whether the Parish Council wishes to take part in the appeal and/or the public inquiry (or to defer a
decision again)
150129-8 Payment of accounts
Payment of the following amount was authorised:
77.00 to Old Hutton Public Hall for the hire of the little room from 17-04-2014 to 17-12-2014
150129-9 Financial report
The current account balance is 989.99. By the 31/03/2015, following further payments and the receipt of a VAT
refund, it is projected to be 1917.25. The Business Saver Account balance is 638.24
150129-10 Correspondence
The following item of correspondence was received since the last meeting:
16-01-2015 from CCC request for comments about the proposed addition to the councils definitive map of a right
of way through Old Croft farm yard. [forwarded to parishioners]

150129-11 Maintenance of benches

John Shorrock said that the parish councils benches need to be cleaned and re-oiled. It was decided that this will be
done in summer.
150129-12 Transparency code for smaller authorities
It was reported that by March 2015, all parish councils will be required to publish on a website details of items of
expenditure above 100, end of year accounts, the annual governance statement, the internal audit report, a list of
councillors responsibilities, the location of public land and building assets, and agendas, papers and minutes of formal
meetings. The Parish Council already publishes most of these on its website.
150129-13 Government consultation on parish polls
The Parish Council agreed with the Governments proposed changes to regulations about parish polls.
150129-14 SLDC Litter bin survey
The survey about the cleaning of streets and emptying of public litter bins was completed.
150129-15 Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Thursday 5th March 2015 at the Public Hall.
Arthur Robinson, parish clerk, Telephone 01539-725955 e-mail ohpclerk@gmail.com www.oldhutton.org.uk

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