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Thailand Dos and Donts
1) Do dress properly when visiting a temple.
2) Do eat with a spoon. Use the fork to load food on to the spoon.
3) Do enjoy yourself. Thais like life to be sanuk.
4) Do lower your body slightly when passing between or in front of people.
5) Do remove your shoes before entering a temple, somebodys house and even some shops.
6) Do respect all Buddha images.
7) Do smile a lot.
8) Do treat monks with the highest respect.
9) Do try and keep calm no matter what the problem or provocation may be.
1) Dont be offended by questions about age, marital status or what you do for a living.
2) Dont be overly affectionate in public.
3) Dont place your feet on the table while sitting.
4) Dont point to anything with your feet.
5) Dont raise your voice or lose your temper.
6) Dont show disrespect towards the Thai Royal Family.
7) Dont touch a Thai persons head or ruffle their hair.
8) Dont touch anybody with your feet.

Dos and donts, Monks, sanuk, Thai, Thailand Dos and Donts

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