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Winter 2015

Abbey News
65 years supporting healthy & cohesive communities in South Westminster

Festive celebrations at the Abbey Centre

Silver Members Christmas Party
On 13th December 2014, over 90 older members enjoyed a
full Christmas lunch, raffle and showing of classic film Its a
Wonderful Life. We extend our thanks to students from
Pimlico Academy & the volunteers who assisted on the day,
helping to spread Christmas cheer to all who attended!

Table Top Sales

Big thanks to Doreen, Mavis, Joan, and Sally for their efforts
organising two successful table top sales and raising over
500 towards the Silver Members Christmas party.

Christmas Singalong
Our annual carol concert was enjoyed by
members & service users who joined with
children from Burdett Coutts primary school
to sing modern & traditional Christmas songs.
Big thanks to Mr.Cardon, soloist Frances and
volunteers Sarah & Charlotte from Land
Securities who helped with the free raffle!

Multicultural Mawlid Celebration

Inside this issue

Silver Members Party . 1
Christmas Singalong ... 1
Mawlid Celebration .... 1
Member Spotlight ...... 2
AGM .......................... 2
Volunteering .............. 2
Staff/Trustee Update .. 2
SW Timebank ............. 2
Parenting Course ........ 3
After School Football .. 3
Wellbeing Arts............ 3
Garden spruce up! ...... 3
Sew Stylish ................. 3
Homeless Welfare ...... 4

Following on from the Eid Celebration in October, we hosted a wonderfully

multicultural family Mawlid event on 10th January 2015 in partnership with the
Westminster Bangladeshi Association, Annajaat, Excel Tuition School and the
Bosnian Supplementary School. A full programme & free delicious lunch was
enjoyed by nearly 200 local people of diverse faiths, nationalities & ages. It was
fantastic to see volunteers & guests come together to share & learn what Islam is
really about at this very sensitive time for our diverse communities.

Diary Dates ................ 4

Winter Festival ........... 4
Not Forgotten ............. 4

34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU 0207 222 0303 email: website:
(If you would prefer to receive this newsletter via email, please contact us using the address above to join our mailing list)

Member Spotlight!
Local resident Barbara has
recently become a member,
after volunteering with us
at the Abbey Centre for
quite a few years via the
SW Time Bank. Barbara has
really enjoyed helping
children at the After School
Club with their Maths and
English work.

The Abbey Community Association AGM

On 22 October our AGM saw a record turnout of over 150 guests! The audience
were delighted by presentations about all thats been happening over the past year
& exciting projects in the future. We were honoured to have the Deputy Lady
Mayor, Councillor Angela Harvey in attendance & were entertained by Abundance
Arts drummers who got everyone up on their feet! We look forward to next year!

Giving from the Heart - Volunteering

It was very rewarding to

help children who were so
friendly and keen to learn,
and I also enjoyed being
called Miss!

We have benefited from the skills & time of over

140 individuals who have generously donated a
total of 4,949 hours! From Oct-Dec 2014 we
welcomed AIFS students Hayley Heschke, Jeffery
Daugherty Lauren La Velle & UCL students Kathy
Zhang & Yihan Dong. A big thank you to Timebank
members Stephanie Cunningham & Willemijn Zandt who helped at the ETAT
Xmas party, and to Zues House students from Pimlico Academy (above) who put
on a concert that raised 303, doubling their target Big Give Pledge!
To ALL our volunteers, Thank you - we couldnt do it without you!

Trustee and Staff Update

We bid a fond farewell to chef Sean
Howells who was with us for 18
months and wish him all the best
in the future.
Natasha Kapadia joins us as Active
Together Project Coordinator. She
will be expanding services for Silver
Members, particularly those who find
it difficult to attend the Abbey Centre.
We also welcome Yazid Kezouh who joins us as chef
for the next 10 weeks. Do say hello to our new staff
members if you see them around the building!
Thank you to Damien Wilson who has completed his
term as Interim Chair of Trustees. We welcome
Vice-Chair Mary Payne who has taken up the role
while we recruit a new permanent Chair.

South Westminster Time Bank

The SW Timebank Computer drop-in classes are open
to anyone & now available in 3 venues! Visit the Abbey
Centre (Wednesdays 10am12pm), Victoria Library
(Thursdays 1-3pm) or the Churchill Gardens Open Age
Hub (Fridays 1-3pm) No booking required. To find out
more, or to join, contact Ian Corpuz on 020 7222 0303
or email

34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU 0207 222 0303 email: website:

Parenting Programme - Local parents are gaining

important skills and increased understanding of local
pressures on their children at weekly sessions led by
bilingual facilitators The 10 week course covers a range
of topics such as models of parenting, childhood
characteristics, discipline, relationships ethics & culture.
Parents have the opportunity to make friends and enjoy
a free healthy lunch after each session.

I become aware of support available to report any anti social

behaviour and youth violence - local parent
Wellbeing Arts Workshop We have been running popular art workshops
for BME women, supported by the Westminster Wellbeing Service. The
sessions allow the budding artists to explore their experiences of stigma
regarding mental illness in a safe & creative environment. Prepared artwork
produced will be shared in a special exhibition for friends & family on 2nd
April 2015.

After School Football Club

Our weekly sessions funded by Comic Relief
Sports for Change have allowed local young
children to keep fit & brush up on their football
skills with help from a Chelsea Football Club

Up-cycle your Wardrobe for Spring!

Watch our Garden Blossom

Our courtyard garden is currently undergoing a
huge transformation thanks to some exciting
Squared Root started the revamp by working
with members to plant & paint, adding vibrancy
& colour. CSR partners Laing ORourke will help
make the space accessible with raised beds,
electricity supply & lighting. The garden will
soon be a great place to grow food and relax!

Whether youre a dab hand with a sewing machine or a

complete novice, keen to learn more; Sew Stylish is for you!
These free drop-in sessions are designed to help those

on low incomes to: improve their sewing skills, repair & alter
garments, up-cycle old items of clothing & gain employability
skills. Experienced tailor Bella Dervishi is
on hand to pass on her tips and tricks in a
relaxed & fun environment.
Sew StylishEvery Friday, 2-5pm
at The Abbey Centre.
34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU 0207 222 0303 email: website:

Abbey Homeless Welfare Service

In April 2014 we launched a new welfare service for people vulnerably housed or homeless in the local area.
We aim to support people to find more sustainable ways to live by providing a hot meal, clothing and a friendly
conversation about other options. We receive generous donations of food from Borough Market, Cinnamon
Club, Strutton Ground Bakery and most recently Pret-A-Manger. We would like to thank our volunteers for their
help serving on Sunday and Monday evenings. We work with Westminster Council, the Passage, King Georges
Hostel and Salvation Army to provide a wide range of support.

Dates for your diary

Fresh ingredients transformed into healthy, nutritious meals every week!

17th Feb, 12-4pm

Abbey Centre Winter Festival

18th Feb, 3-4pm

Ullswater Community School Concert

9th March, 10am-3pm

SW Health Fair

2nd April, (times TBC)

Wellbeing Arts Exhibition

To view a full list of our current activities

please visit our website or pick up a
copy of our latest activity leaflet
For more information please contact:

Dont miss our Winter Festival! Tuesday 17th February

Join us for a fun-packed afternoon of activities for all the family including stalls, games, refreshments & more! The
event is being run as part of the SW Connects partnership programme. We are using sports and arts to help
integrate military families into the local community. 12-4pm, Tuesday 17th February 2015 at The Abbey Centre

Never Forgotten!
As part of the wider Not Forgotten project of WW1 commemorative
events, we hosted a performance of The Unknown Soldier by MOD
Productions and in partnership with Westminster Archives. Over 100
children from local primary schools attended alongside members &
service users, as well as Lord Ahmed & the former Deputy Lord
Mayor, Miss Frances Blois. Both poignant & humorous, the interactive
play told short stories of the horrors of war and the devastating effect
it has on both the soldiers and their families left behind.

Membership of the Abbey Centre is FREE!!!

Join us and enjoy being part of your local community.

34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU 0207 222 0303 email: website:
(If you would prefer to receive this newsletter via email, please contact us using the address above to join our mailing list)

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