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Article One
Democratic Executive Committee
Section 1. Duties and Party
The Parish Executive Committee shall be the governing body for the
Democratic Party of Tangipahoa Parish. It shall have general responsibility for the
affairs of the party. This responsibility shall include; but not limited to:
a) Assisting Democratic candidates in parish and local elections.
b) Conducting orderly delegates selection processes to fill the
Tangipahoa Parish delegation to Louisiana State Conventions and
Party conferences, according to guidelines established by the
Democratic State Central Committee.
c) Formulating and disseminating statements of Party policy.
d) Establishing and maintaining Parish headquarters for Party activities
and maintaining a staff to promote and build the Party.
e) Maintaining relations with local Democratic committees and affiliated
bodies organized to promote Democratic Party activities.
f) Maintaining relations with the State Democratic Executive Committee
following the guidelines established by that body.
g) Promoting and encouraging Party activities at every level, including
but not limited to the following:
i. Promoting and encouraging Party participation;
ii. Raising funds for the operation of Party activities;
iii. Establishment ad support of an adequate system of political
iv. The preparation, distribution, and communication of Party
information to its members and the general public;
v. The development and maintenance of programs of public
vi. Development of programs for the coordination of Party
committees, organizations, groups, public officials and
vii. Devising ways and means of financing activities of the Party;
viii. Taking such action as may e necessary and proper to carry out
the provisions of the Constitution, these By-Laws, the
resolutions and other official actions to achieve the objectives
of the Party.
Section 2. Membership
a) The Parish Democratic Executive Committee shall be comprised of 15
members as provided for in the constitution and in State Law.
b) As provided in state law, members of the Parish Democratic Executive
Committee State shall be elected four years at the same time as the
governor and shall serve until their successors are elected.
c) After each election, the newly-elected members of the Democratic Parish
Committee shall meet at the court house and organize the committee
within fifteen days after each gubernatorial general election.
d) Any registered Democrat may seek membership on the Democratic
Parish Committee. Candidates shall file with the Clerk of Court in the

Parish in which they are seeking election, and shall pay a filing fee of
$75.oo which fee shall be paid by the Clerk of Court to the State Central
Section 3. Resignation of Members
a) Any member of the Democratic Parish Executive Committee wishing to
resign his or her position shall notify, in writing, the Chairman of the
Democratic Parish Executive Committee of his or her desire to resign,
giving reasons for doing so. The Chairman of the Democratic Parish
Executive Committee shall notify the secretary of state.
Section 4. Vacancies
a) Upon notification of a vacancy on the Parish Executive Committee, the
Committee shall elect a person to fill the unexpired term of the vacant
position. The person must be selected in accordance with the guidelines
provided in the Constitution of membership on the Committee.
b) The Chairperson of the Parish Democratic Executive Committee shall
notify the Secretary of State giving the name and address of the person
filling the vacancy.
Section 5. Contests or Challenges
a) Any challenges to the credentials of a member of the Democratic Parish
Executive Committee may be made by any Democrat from the District of
the member challenged or by any Democrat of the Parish in the at-large
position is challenged and shall be filed by registered mail (return receipt
requested) with the Chairperson.
b) In case of a contest or challenge to the credentials, the chairperson of the
Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee shall appoint an Ad Hoc
Credentials Committee of 3 members, to consider and report to the full
Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee their recommendations.
c) The findings and recommendations of the ad-hoc committee may be
considered and acted upon by a majority vote of the Tangipahoa Parish
Executive Committee.
Section 6. Meetings
a) The Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee shall meet upon the call of
the Chairperson or upon petition of at least one-third (1/3) of the elected
membership of the Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee. At least
one meeting per quarter shall be called. Meetings shall be held at the
parish seat call meetings at preceding meeting. During times of parish,
state, and national elections, meetings will be held monthly; all non
election years meetings will be held every other month. All meetings will
be conducted according to the official rules of order of the Democratic
State Central Committee.
b) Members of the Tangipahoa parish executive committee shall be notified
of all meetings no less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
Notification of meetings shall be posted online via website; members will
be notified also through telecommunications, social media networks, or
Section 7. Quorum and Voting by Proxy

a) In order for any business to be transacted, a quorum of the members must

be present. A quorum will consist of a majority of the committee
b) A member may not cast a vote by proxy for an absent member. A
member may cast a vote by proxy for an absent member for establishing
a quorum only.
Section 8. Attendance
a) All members of the Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee should
attend meetings of the Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee.
b) Any member failing to attend at least three consecutive meetings of the
Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee shall be deemed to have
vacated his or her office, unless he or she submits a doctors certificate
certifying that he or she was unable to attend. The Chairperson of the
Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee shall notify the former member
and the Secretary of State.
Section 9. Officers
a) At the first meeting following the election of new members of the
Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee, the newly elected members
will elect officers for the Party in accordance with State Law and the
Section 10. Executive Committee
a) The Executive Committee shall be the full Committee of the Tangipahoa
Parish Committee.
Section 11. Expenses
a) Staff members and members of the Tangipahoa Parish Executive
Committee who represent the Party on official business shall be
reimbursed for actual traveling expenses, provided funds are available for
such purposes. Said travel expenses are to be paid in accordance with the
guidelines adopted by the Executive Committee, and only after prior
approval by the Executive Committee.
Section 12. Duties of the Chairperson
a) The Chairperson shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Tangipahoa
Parish Executive Committee and the chief party official of the
Committee. The Chairperson shall exercise authority delegated by the
Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee in carrying out the day-to-day
activities of the Committee and the Tangipahoa Parish Democratic Party
Section 13. Committees
a) The Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee may establish committees
deemed necessary for the operation of the Party.
b) The Chairperson shall appoint the members of all committees.
Section 14. Participation in State Party Affairs
a) The Parish Committee shall work to implement and carry-out the objectives
of the Democratic State Committee, when such objectives are not in conflict
with the objectives of the Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee.

b) The Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee shall work in cooperation with

the Democratic State Committee to promote the well being of national, state
and local party affairs.
c) The Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee shall support and actively
work towards the election of the Democratic candidate for President of the
United States.
Section 15. Endorsement and Support of the Candidates for Public Office
a) The Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee may endorse candidates for
local offices by a majority secret vote of the committee.
b) Except on a two-thirds vote of those present and voting, the Tangipahoa
Parish Executive Committee shall not endorse a candidate in a race in which
there is more than one Democrat seeking the same office.
c) No member of the Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee shall use the
name of the Committee in opposing a candidate who has been endorsed by
the Committee.
Section 15.1. Censure
Sub-section 1. Definition
Censure is a public expression of condemnation by the Tangipahoa Parish
Executive Committee.
Sub-section 2. Grounds for Censure
Any member of the Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee shall be
subject to censure for publicly endorsing or publicly supporting any candidate who
is not affiliated with the Democratic Party.
Sub-section 3. Initiation of Proceedings
Censure shall be initiated by filing with the chairman of the Tangipahoa
Parish Executive Committee a petition signed by at least 20 per cent of the
members of the committee setting forth with particularity the grounds for the
Sub-section 4. Committee Hearing
A. Within three days after receipt of a censure petition, the chairperson shall
forward to the person named in the petition and to each member of the
Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee a copy of the petition and
official notice that a meeting of the Committee will be convened for the
purpose of considering the petition not less than seven nor more than
fourteen days thereafter.
B. The person named in the petition and any member of the Tangipahoa
Parish Executive Committee may appear before the meeting of the
Committee to present evidence and arguments with respect to the
proposed censure. The person named in the petition shall have the right
to cross-examine any person who presents evidence against him.
C. At the conclusion of the presentations, the committee may, by a twothirds vote of the total membership present and voting, mandate censure.
If, at the conclusion of the meeting, two-thirds of the total membership
voting has failed to adopt a motion recommending censure, the petition
shall be dismissed and not further action shall be taken.
D. All censure votes shall be voted on by the entire committee present by
secret ballot.
Sub-section 5. Effect of Censure
Any person censured by action of the Tangipahoa Parish Executive
Committee shall, for the duration of the censure, be ineligible to receive
political contributions or any form of political support from the Tangipahoa

Parish Executive Committee. Immediately after the adoption of a censure

petition, the Committee shall publicize the actions of the Committee and
notify the State Central Committee.
Section 16. Affiliation of Parish Organizations
a) Parish organizations that are organized to promote the Tangipahoa Parish
Democratic Party may apply for and obtain affiliation with the Tangipahoa
Parish Executive Committee.
b) Organizations wishing to affiliate with the Tangipahoa Parish Executive
Committee shall submit to the Chairperson:
1) A resolution or motion passed by their organization requesting affiliation,
2) And information concerning membership and objectives of the organization and
3) A constitution and by-laws, if adopted
c) Such organizations may be accepted for affiliation by the Tangipahoa Parish
Executive Committee by a majority vote.
d) All organizations affiliated with the Tangipahoa Parish Executive
Committee may be officially represented by three persons who will be
recognized as non-voting representatives of the organization at meetings of
the Tangipahoa Parish Executive Committee.

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