S4-Irb 2400 M94a Product

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Product Manual IRB 2400 ‘SHAB 0009-49 Mg4a eB 1400, | ‘y “IRB 2400 TRB 3400 a TRB 6400 ABB Robotics Products AIDED SHAB 0000-49 Product Manual IRB 2400 10 u 2 B 4 45 16 "7 18 19 20 Introduction (CE-declaration Configuration list System Description Tnstallation and Commissioning Maintenance Troubleshooting Tools Fault tracing guide Error messages Cireuit Diagram Repairs Spare Part Lists Special Equipment for this Robot ‘The nfrmation inthis document i subject to change without rts and shoul nol be constued es a commitment by ABB Robots Products AB. ABB Roboics Products AB assures no esponsclty fot ‘ny ovors that may appear this cosument {no event shall ABB Robotes Products AB be Sable fo incidental or consequential damages arising ‘tom use ofthis document or ofthe eoftware ana hardware descabedin tis coco. This document ang pars threo! must not be reproduced o copie without [ABB Robotics Products AB's writen pamission ane contents fereal mus not be impared to thie ry rorbe uses fr any unauthorized purpose. Corvavenion willbe proseced Aditonal copies otis document maybe obtained from ABB Robots Products AB at is then curent charge, (© ABB Robotics Proucts ABB Ato nuber: SHAB 0006-49 tasue: Masa ‘ABB Robotics Products AB ‘S121 e8 vaste ‘eweden Introduction CONTENTS: Page | How to use this Manual, 3 2 What you must know before you use the Robot 3 3 Identification 4 Product Manual IRB 2400 1 Introduction Introduction 1 How to use this Manual Tis manual provides information on installation, preventive maintenance, trouble- shooting and how to carry out repairs onthe manipulator and controller Its intended ‘audience is rained maintenance personnel with expertise in both mechanical a electrical systems. The manual does not in any way assume to take the place of the ‘maintenance couse offered by ABB Robotics ‘Anyone reading this manual should also have access to the User's Guide, ‘The chapter entitled System Description provides general information onthe robot Stcuctue, such a its compute system, input and ouipat signals, ee, How to assemble the robot and instal al signals, etc, s deseribed inthe chapter on Installation and Commissioning, fan error should occur in the robot system, you can find out why it has happened in the chapter on Troubleshooting. If you eceive an error message, you can also consult ‘the chapter on Error Messages. It is very hepful to have a copy ofthe eituit schedule athand when tying to locate cabling faults Servicing and msintenance routines are described in the chepter on Maintenance, 2 What you must know before you use the Robot A + Normal maintenance and sepair work usually oly require standard tols Some repairs, however, requie specifi tools, These repairs, and the typeof tool required, are described in more detail inthe chaper Repairs +The power supply must always be switched off whenever work is ceri out in the controler cabinet. Note that even though the power is switched off the orange- coloured cables may be lve. The reason for this is that these cables are connected to extemal equipment and are consequently not affected by the mains switch onthe ‘controller, + Cireult boards» printed boards ana components - must never be handled without Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) protection in order not to damage them. Use the carry band located onthe inside ofthe controller dos All personnel working with the robot system must be very familiar withthe safety regulations outlined inthe chapter on Safety in the User’s Guide. Incorrect ‘operation can damage the robot or injure someone. Product Manual IRB 2400 3 Introduction 3 Identification [denttication plates indicating the type of robot and manufacturing number, et. ae Jocated on the ear ofthe manipulators lower arn (see Figure I) and on the font of the ‘controller above the operators pane (ee Figure 2), ‘The installation and system diskettes are also marked withthe robot type and manufacturing number (see Figure 3). ‘ABE Robots Manone ‘Type-Manufacturing no. MB4A (aya TRB 2400-XXXK Nom. oad see instruction ‘Net weight 0350 kg 7 Figure 1 enfetion plate onthe manipulator ABB SAIM9SA program Program No" SHAB XXXX-X Boot Disk Seriat No ABB Robotics Products AB Figure 3 Example fo abel on azytem dete 4 Product Manval IRB 2400 Product Specification IRB 2400 SHAB 0001-42/neu1 M94a, ABB Robotics Products “The intrmation nhs document is subject o change vthout neice arc stould not be construed as a onmimant by ABB Robots Produete AB. ABB Poboics Produce AB assumes repens for ‘sy erors that may appesrin tis document Inno even shal ABB Robotics Products AB be abl or ncicental or consequential damages arsing ‘fom use ofthis docurent or ofthe softmare and haraware dese“badin ths socumert. “This document and pars thereol must not be repreduced or copied without ‘ABB Robotes Products AB's writen parison and contents ereat mst ot be imparted toa hid arty robe used for any unauthoras purpose. onvaverion wil be prosened ‘Aestionl copies otis document maybe btsines tom ABB Robotos Product AB ate then current charge (© ABB Robotics Products ABB ‘tele number: SHAB 0001-4/Reut Teoue: MOAA. ABB Robotics Products AB ‘S721 65 vases ‘Swesen Product Specification IRB 2400 CONTENTS Page: 4 Introduction sn 3 2 Description. s 2. Strctue. os 5 22 Safety'Standards 6 23 Operation 7 2.4 Testalltion vs 8 2.5 Programming : ° 2.6 Automatic Operation 10 2.7 Maintenance and Troubleshooting 2 28 Robot Motion os ennnin 29 External Axes 16 2.10 Inputs and Ourpurs 16 2.11 Serial Communication nes " 2.12 SpotWar. 2.13 ArcWare 3 Technical specification . 3.1 Structure 32 Safety/Standards. 33 Operation n 2 3.4 Installation 2 3.5 Programming os 2 36 Automatic Operstion 0 3.7 Maintenance and Troubleshooting 30 3.8 Robot Motion, os 31 39 External Axes 2 3.10 Inputs and Outputs, os 3 3.11 Serial Communication 36 3.12 SpotWare 2 3.413 ArcWare 4 Specification of Variants and Options. 5 Accessories nnn 6 Index nn Product Specification IRB 2400 M94A 1 Introduction Un Er 1 Introduction ‘Thank you for your interest in IRB 2400. This manual wil give you an overview of the characteristics and performance ofthe robot. [All features are not described inthis document, Fer a more complete and detailed

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