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Laila Group Characterization

Physical description: (pg. 98)

Shoulder length blond curls
Thick lashes
Turquoise green eyes
Dimples cheeks
High cheekbones
Pout of lower lip
Reddish color red lips
Pale skin
Name analysis:
Laila: night beauty (pg. 93)
Attitude and appearance:
Confident and daring
Likeable-friends Giti and Hasini (pg. 102)
Takes pride in her appearance
Big heart
Determined and persistent
"I'll come and see you..." (pg. 281)
Answers to police questions show her intelligence for coming up with
believable answers on the spot. Her education early on helped her in
this situation and that is proven. What is Laila's interview like
compared to Mariam's? (pg. 236)
"She didn't what to do it..." (pg. 239)
"Then cut me open..." (pg. 259)
"This isn't some village...women here used to practice law..." (pg. 249)
I want to do something. I want to contribute. (pg. 346)
Almost kills "mini Rasheed" (pg. 253)
Finding out Tariq was "dead" (pgs. 185-188)
Laila tells Aziza that Tariq will never hurt or leave her. Azizas response*
(pg 336)

Reactions of others:
Babi is proud that Laila is an intelligent, capable, and determined
young woman
Rasheed loves Laila at first, but slowly grows to hate her as much as he
does Mariam
Tariq loves Laila through everything
Mariam despises Laila, but grows to love the girl and her children.
Actions or incidents:
Digging hole to put TV in (pg. 261)
Encouraging Mariam to run away with her
Fighting to see Aziza in the orphanage
Running away with Tariq at the end
Putting her children first no matter what
Almost kills "mini Rasheed" (pg. 253)
Physical/emotional Setting:
She gained independence by growing up with Mammy, who was distant
and too consumed by her sons to pay Laila much regard.
Her relationship with Babi allowed her to gain confidence and hope.
With his positive encouragement and equal view of women, Laila
realized that she had worth and could do amazing things with her life.

Tariq brought out Lailas vulnerability. Her love for him was undeniable.

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