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Professional Enhancement Program for MBA Students

There would be 3 PEP cycles in total. Cycle I, II and III.

Cycle-I: 22nd May - 7th June, 2014.
It would consist of 2 Sub Cycle (IA and IB) IA would run differently for certain set of students as stated
Cycle IA1
Cycle IA2

Applicable to
For regular MBA (2013-2015)
For MBA Integrated Courses passing-out in 2015

Sub Cycle I-A1: For regular MBA (2013-2015)

Qualifying Criteria
Evaluation Based
Teaching Input + Evaluation based

Qualifying Criteria
Type of Tests and Duration of

15 MCQ based test on English,

Logic, Quantitative aptitude,
Current Affairs & Core
Subjects (Marketing, Finance,
HR) having negative marking
of 25 %. Duration of each test
would be 1 hour preferably.


Status for Placements eligibility

At least 40% in all the tests put

together (e.g. 400 out of 1000)

Eligible for drives held during

Cycle-II (Aug-Dec 2014) on the
basis of test conducted for topics
based on English, Logic,
Quantitative and Core Subjects.

Below 40%

Student has to appear for

Retest, if secures more than
50% in the Retest then eligible
for drives held during Cycle-II,
Else discontinued for the
Placement drives conducted
during Cycle II (Aug-Dec 2014)

Sub Cycle I-A2: For regular MBA (2013-2015)


Qualifying Criteria
Type of Tests and Duration of
a) Inputs : 22-30 Hours
Input of Quantitative
Aptitude + 22-30 Hours
input of Reasoning.
b) Evaluation: Online Test
on English, Logic, Quantitative
aptitude, Current Affairs &
Core Subject (Marketing,
Finance, HR) having negative
marking of 25 %. Duration of
each test would be 1 hour


Status for Placements eligibility

At least 40% in all the tests put

together (e.g. 400 out of 1000)

Eligible for drives held during

Cycle-II (Aug-Dec 2014) on the
basis of test conducted for topics
based on English, Logic,
Quantitative and Core Subjects.

Below 40%

Student has to appear for

Retest, if secures more than
50% in the Retest then eligible
for drives held during Cycle-II,
Else discontinued for the
Placement drives conducted
during Cycle II (Aug-Dec 2014)

An MTE and ETE would be

held with weightage distribution
of 30 & 70% respectively.

Clearing the above mentioned sub-cycle only would not be considered as Clearing the cycle and shall not
confirm participation in drives held between August-December14.
To be able to attend Placement Drives held during Cycle II (August-Dec14) a student must clear both the
Sub Cycles I-A & I-B. Details of I-B are mentioned below.
Student who are Discontinued must keep on attending PEP classes held during Cycle-II (AugDec14) to ensure Non-Debarment
The students who are discontinued from attending drives during Cycle-II will be eligible for attending
drives held during Cycle-III (Jan-May15) if they successfully participate and pass the tests conducted
during Cycle-II.

Sub Cycle I-B:

Soft Skill (Input + Evaluation)

Qualifying Criteria

Type of Test and Duration of Input


30 hour of Input of Soft Skills and At least 70 % in all the

5-6 .Evaluations based on Soft evaluation taken together (e.g.
700 out 1000)
Below 70 %

Status for Placements eligibility

Eligible for Cycle II (Aug-Dec
2014) on basis of Soft Skills

participate in Placement Drives
held during Cycle-II(AugustDec14) with possibility to be
re-eligible with the following
a) Must attend the remedial
classes from 22nd -31st
b) Score more than 70%
during the remedial
If the student manages to do the
above stated, he would be
considered Eligible for Cycle
II on basis of Soft Skills and
can attend Placement Drives
held during Cycle II, provided
cycle I-A is also clear.
For those who still remain under
70% shall attend Winter Sessions
as stated below

To be able to attend Placement Drives held during Cycle II (August-Dec14) a student must clear both
the Sub Cycles I-A & I-B. Student who are Discontinued either on the basis of Cycle1A (ELTC) or
Cycle-1B (Soft Skills) must keep on attending PEP classes held during Cycle-II to ensure NonDebarment
It is once again mentioned that students who are discontinued from attending drives during Cycle-II
will be eligible for attending drives held during Cycle-III (Jan-May15) if they successfully participate
and pass the tests conducted during Cycle-II.

Important Note -If the Combined Attendance of Sub-Cycle I-A and I-B is less than 80 % then the
student will be Debarred Permanently.
Winter Session :A student who is not able to score 70% in remedial classes of Soft Skills, would undergo
similar sessions In December14 and must score more that 70% marks to be eligible for Placements in Cycle
III( January-May15).Students who fail to do so, will be debarred permanently.
Summary of Cycle-I
Cleared Sub-Cycle A

Cleared Sub-Cycle B

Status for Cycle-II Placements













Attendance below 80 % combining the attendance of Sub-


Cycle (IA and IB)

Cycle II Aug-Dec 2014: Input + Evaluation Based (for all students registered for Placements).
Sub Cycle I-B:

Soft Skill (Input + Evaluation)

Qualifying Criteria

Type of Test and Duration of Input

a) Inputs:





Industry trends and Specializations

would be covered.
Duration 2 hours per week.
Attendance Criteria 80 %
b) AMCAT Pre-test + 5 MCQ based on
Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and


Status for Placements eligibility

At least 40 % in all
the tests taken
together (e.g. 400 out
of 1000)

Eligible for Placements drives

conducted during Cycle-III

Below 40%

Student has to appear for

Retest, if secures more than
50% in the Retest then eligible
for Cycle-III placements (JanMay 2015 )
Else debarred permanently

Current Affairs, Core Subject

(Marketing, Finance, HR) having
negative marking of 25 %.

Note: Students whose attendance

falls short of 80% in PEP classes
would be debarred, irrespective
of their score in the tests.

Cycle-III: Jan- May, 2015:

Company specific inputs to be given by School Departments. The onus of conduct of these classes, deployment
of faculty, debarment of the student would be on the respective departments. It is essential for the Departments
to share the information with the central PEP team.
It is advised that the department segregates students on the basis of their weak areas and arrange classes, if
required. The departments are required to share the list of debarred students (based on attendance &
performance criteria, if any) with DCS and PEP team on or before last day of every month. Even if no student is
debarred, a confirmation mail must be sent to &

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