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A preserved 2,000-year-old loaf of bread from a Herculaneum bakery

Description of the House (Reg I, Ins 7, 1)

The House of Paquius Proculus lies on the south side

of the Via dell'Abbondanza. It was excavated in 1911 a
again between 1923 and 1926. It is a relatively small
building, but it does possess a large peristyle
decorative details.

The house derives its name from one of several election

inscriptions posted on either side of the entrance. The h
is also known as the House of Cuspius Pansa from graf
found on the west side of the fauces.


The house has a reasonably

standard atrium,tablinum, garden plan.
The fauces (a) opens off the south side of the Via
dell'Abbondanza. The wall decoration of
the fauces is fairly plain but its most striking feature
is the fine mosaic paving which depicts a guard dog
chained to a door (pictured lower right).
The fauces opens onto the atrium (b), the floor of
which is literally covered with mosaic panels of
animals framed with decorative borders (pictured
below). Around the central impluvium the mosaic
depicts an arched colonnade with symbolic figures
and designs set between the columns.

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