Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Al-Mamlaka Al-Arabiya As-Saudiya

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Al-Mamlaka alArabiya as-Saudiya

Flag symbolism

Green - is the official color of Islam.

Arabic writing - it means that "There is no God
but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet".
The sword - which symbolizes the victories and
justice of Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud is underneath the

Saudi Arabia
- the largest country in the Arabian
- is the cradle of Islam and the site of
that religions holiest cities, Mecca
and Medina.
- Capital: Riyadh
- Independence: September 23, 1932
(unification of the kingdom)

Boundaries: - North: Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait

- East: UAE
- South and Southeast: Oman
- South and Southwest: Yemen
- West: Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba


Natural resources - (Petroleum,

natural gas, iron ore, gold, copper)
Agriculture products - (Wheat,
barley, tomatoes, melons, dates,
citrus, mutton, chickens, eggs, milk)
Industries - (Crude oil production,
petroleum refining, basic
petrochemicals, cement,
construction, fertilizer, plastics)

(Monarchy with Council of Ministers and Consultative

- the King - commander in chief of the military,
appoints a Crown Prince to help him with his duties,
governs with the help of the Council of Ministers.
- the Crown Prince is second in line to
the throne.
- Prime Minister - Custodian of the Two Holy

The King and Prime Minister

Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud

Legislative - Consultative Council (Majlis Al-Shura)

- proposes new laws and amends
existing ones.
- It consists of 150 members who are
appointed by the King for four-year terms that can be

Judiciary - Supreme Council of Justice, Islamic Courts

of First Instance and Appeals.

Population: 27 million
Religion: Sunni - 85 - 90%
Shiites - 10 - 15%


Muslim men:
keffiyeh - checkered head cloth.

Muslim women:
hijab - veil
abaya - black long cloak.
niqab - a black headpiece which
covers the entire face and head, leaving only a
slit for eyes.

Holiest places of Islam

Mecca - Mecca is the most holy city in Islam. The city

is revered from being the first place created on earth,
as well as the place where Ibrahim together with his
son Isma'il, built the Ka'ba.
- The Ka'ba, the centre of Islam, is a
rectangular building made of bricks.

Medina - is ranked as the 2nd most holy place in

- the place where Islam first established and
where Muhammad died and was buried. Formerly it
was referred to as either (Madina al-Munawwara), 'The
Luminous City', or (Madina Rasul Allah), 'City of God's
Prophet'. Madina is short for (Madina an-Nabiy),
'Prophet's Town'.

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