Jan 17 GPS 3-5

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Monday: 1 Kings 18:16-19

Tuesday: 1 Kings 18:20-23
Wednesday: 1 Kings 18:24-26 Pray
Thursday: 1 Kings 18:27-30
Friday: 1 Kings 18:31-34 3rd—5th Study
Saturday: 1 Kings 18:35-39 grade

What did Elijah do to show his God was

January 17, 2010
the real God and not Baal? Question of the Week:
Elijah instructed the people to get two bulls. The Write a question here that you come up with from your reading.
prophets for Baal could choose one bull, cut it up
and place it on wood, but not set fire to it. Elijah
would do the same. The prophets of Baal asked,
begged and injured themselves to get an answer from
Baal, but nothing. Then Elijah built and alter of 12

stones and asked God to set a fire under the bull. Be strong and courageous; do not be

And God lit the fire to show He was the one true God! frightened or dismayed, for the Lord
your God is with you wherever you
may go.
Joshua 1:9
Coming Next Week:
Next week is a great story about Daniel Yes! I’m proud to initial that my child has
in the Lion’s Den. You will love hearing worked on their GPS!
the story again and be learning some-
thing that you didn’t know! See you next

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