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Unit Calendar Film Review

January 5/6
-Genius project introduction
-Genius project proposal
(short class)
January 12/13
-anticipating Macbeth scenario skits
-overview of Macbeth (characters, plotline,
-note-taking expectations
-words to watch assignment (in notebooks)
HW: reading Shakespeare, take notes in

January 7/8
-Genius project public pitch lesson
-overview of film review project
January 14/15
-review note taking expectations
-film techniques lesson
-Shakespeare vocabulary
-read 1.1
-read 1.3
-Journal entry: create hypothetical film
adaptation choices 1.1 or 1.3, explain your

Jan 9
-Create blog

Jan 16
-Genius Project: blog 1 due
-Spicy: read 1.5
-Journal entry

Expeditions: January 19-30

Expeditions: January 19-30

Expeditions January 19-30

February 2/3

February 4/5

Feb 6

Due: Journal Entry

-2 minute review of 1.1/1.3 (5 min)
-overview of 1.5 (5 min)
-read 1.7 (15 min)
-film adaptations (20 min)
-discussion about power

-2 minute review of 1.7, 2.2

-3.4 (acting in groups) (30 min)
- Film adaptations (30 min)
-discussion: power vs. guilt (15 min)
-conventions mini lesson (15 minutes)
-Journal entry: Which film adaptation did you

-Genius project: comment on blog 1

-Spicy: read 4.1
-Journal entry

-read 2.2 (15 min)

-film adaptations of 2.2 (20 min)
-discussion about power/fear
February 9/10
Due: Journal Entry
Genius project (public pitch)

like better? Why? what techniques were used,

and were they effective? (10 min)
February 11/12
-2 minute review of 3.4
- Overview of 4.1 (15 min)
-read 5.1 (15 min)
-film adaptations 5.1 (20 min)
-discussions: power vs. guilt
-Journal entry: Which film adaptation did you
like better? Why? what techniques were used,
and were they effective? (10 min)

Feb 13
-Genius project blog 2 due
-Journal entry
-Workshop on conventions

February break (16-20)

February break (16-20)

February break (16-20)

February 23/24

February 25/26

Feb 27

Due: Journal Entry

-2 minute review of 4.1, 5.1
-read 5.5 (15 min)
-film adaptations 5.5 (20 min)
-discussion: how has Macbeth changed?
Power vs. Guilt
-conventions mini lesson (20 min)
-Journal entry: Which film adaptation did you
like better? Why? what techniques were used,
and were they effective? (10 min)

Due: Journal Entry

-2 minute review of 5.5
-5.8 (out loud) (15 min)
-cog skills for Socratic seminar (10 min)
-practice Socratic seminar (10 min)
-Pre-writing for seminar (analyzing tracked
word throughout) (15 min)
-practice seminar feedback slips

Study trip-no school

March 2/3
Due: Pre-writing, journals (holistic)
Due: Socratic seminar peer evaluations/
self reflections
-2 minute review of 5.8
-Socratic seminar (35 min)
-Introduction to essay (10 min)
-Introduction to resources
-Choosing scenes and film adaptations for
Critical Essay (40 min)
-Brainstorming project ideas
March 9/10
-mini lesson on integration/explanation of
evidence, citing evidence
-reading feedback/revising
-finding evidence, citing evidence, explaining

March 4/5
Due: scene for Critical Essay
Due 4pm Friday: argumentative claim
(thesis), potential organization structure
-mini lesson on thesis statements/
argumentative claim
-drafting introductions/thesis statements
-mini lesson on introduction/conclusion
-writing introductions

March 6
-Genius project blog 3 due
-Claim/subclaims (step 4)

-Workshop: Thesis statements

March 11/12
-Due: evidence (with citations), explanation
of evidence
-Due by Friday 4pm: rough draft
-introduction/conclusion mini lesson
-peer review/revisions

March 13
-Genius project: comment on blog 3
-evidence, explanation of evidence
-Rough draft (due today)
-Workshop: Evidence (integration,

March 16/17
-genius hour (45 minutes)
-extension requests due
-focus on resources

March 18/19
-genius hour (45 minutes)
-extension requests due
-focus on resources

March 20
-Genius project blog 4 due
-Due: Final Product

-CAHSEE DAY (Tuesday)
Expeditions: March 23-31

-CAHSEE DAY (Wednesday)
Expeditions: March 23-31

Expeditions: March 23-31

Cognitive Skills for this unit

Cognitive Skill

How its Assessed/When its practiced

Assessed: Reading Journals
Practiced: Feb 2-3

Level 6 descriptor
Come to discussions with responses and evidence
generated with peers through studying, research,
or inquiry; explicitly draws on texts and research to
stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of

Feedback: Feb 3-4

(peer feedback)
Norms/Active Listening

Assessed: Socratic Seminar

Practiced: Feb 25-26

Adheres to teacher- and group-enforced collegial

discussion norms. Effectively facilitates progress
toward specific goals & deadlines. Establishes
appropriate individual roles within the group as

Feedback: Feb 25-26

(Ms. H feedback slips)

Assessed: Socratic Seminar

Practiced: Feb 25-26

Expresses original ideas clearly and persuasively.

Builds new pathways of discussion that are clearly
connected to the ideas of others. Propels
conversations by relating to broader themes.

Feedback: Feb 25-26

(Ms. H feedback slips)
Argumentative Claim

Assessed: Critical Essay

Practiced: March 4-5

Claims and subclaims are clear, focused, and

consistent throughout the writing; the sequencing of
the claims and subclaims builds the reader's
understanding throughout the writing. The
significance of the claims is clearly established.

Feedback: March 5-7

(Ms. H comments)
Introduction and Conclusion

Assessed: Critical Essay

Practiced: March 11-12
Feedback: March 13-14
(Ms. H comments)


Assessed: Critical Essay

Practiced: Mar 4-5
Feedback: Mar 6-8
(Ms. H comments)

Integration of Evidence

Assessed: Critical Essay

Practiced: Mar 9-10
Mar 12-13 (Ms. H comments)
Mar 18-19 (peer review)

Explanation of Evidence

Assessed: Critical Essay

Practiced: Mar 9-10

Introduction includes relevant and sufficient

background or context information about the topic,
introduces main idea(s) or claim(s), and establishes
purpose for writing; introduction is engaging.
Conclusion summarizes, pulls ideas together, and
highlights important points of the content
presented; when appropriate, conclusion considers
some implication(s) of the content presented.
Paragraphs and/or sections are connected and
clearly and logically build upon one another to
deepen understanding of complex ideas and to
clarify relationships among those ideas. Transitions
are varied and appropriately and effectively used.
Sequencing of paragraphs and use of transitions
help build cohesion.
Evidence is presented objectively and accurately,
positioned and contextualized appropriately, and
purposefully excerpted, paraphrased, or
summarized to highlight the aspects that are most
relevant or important to the argument, explanation,
or analysis.

Provides insightful and clear analysis that

thoroughly and accurately explains how the
evidence supports claims or statements; where
applicable, analysis acknowledges some
weakness(es) or gaps in the evidence.

Mar 11-12 (peer review)
Mar 12-13 (Ms. H comments)

Assessed: Critical Essay

Practiced: Feb 4-5, Feb 11-12, Feb 23-24

Uses the conventions of the discipline appropriately

with almost no noticeable errors.

Mar 12-13 (Ms. H comments)
Mar 18-19 (peer review)

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