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PL/I Module test
Duration 1 Hour 30 Min.
Total Mark :30
Part A ( Marks 1 X 10)
1) PL/I stands for -------------------------------------2) PL/I Main Procedure starts with ---------------------------3) A constant in PL/I is declared by using the clause ------------------4) -------------------- Function is used to enter a value to PL/I program
5) While declaring a variable the attributes are ---------- -------- ------- and --------6) Default minimum precision for FIXED BINARY data type is ------------7) A character string can be declared by additional attributes like ---------

or -------

8) In a PL/I program if not declaring the variable A what should be data type ----9) -------------- symbol is used for logical AND operation in PL/I
10) HBOUND() returns -----------------------

Part B( 1 X 10)
11 Write down the statement for declaring an array with negative subscript?
12 Write down the statement for declaring a structure?
13 Write down the statement for declaring a structure with LIKE option?
14 Write down the statement for declared an array with DEFINED option?
15 Write down the difference between STATIC and EXTERNAL storage clause?
16 What you mean by CONTROLLED Variable? Give examples?
17 What you mean by BASED variables? How it differ from CONTROLLED
18 What is POINTER Variable? Where you are using Pointer variables?
19 What is the use of SET function in PL/I?
20 What you mean by GENERATIONS in PL/I? How can you define generations?

Part C (Marks 2 X 5)
21 Write a PL/I program to find the sum of all even numbers between 1 and 100?
22 Write a PL/I program to display the vowels and their occurrence from a string
with out repetition?


23 Write a Pl/I program to define a Structure to store employ details .Enter some
values and display the structure contents?
24 A KSDS cluster having the following structure EMPNO, EMPNAME and
SALARY. Write a PL/I program to update the salary of all employees with 30%
of the existing salary subjected to a maximum of Rs.100000.00
25 A KSDS cluster having the following structure
DEPTNO(Alternate Index Key)
Write a PL/I program to accept a DEPTNO through JCL and find the total salary
For all employs working on that Department?

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