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PIB Sep 15 to 21


Launching of National AYUSH Mission

National Livestock Mission (NLM) to Ensure Quantitative and Qualitative Imp

Statement by the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee to the media on



Remarks by President the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee at Inaug

Biodiversity informatics vital for sustainable growth Environmental protect

Environmental norms to be made stringent and practical, stakeholders to be

Transcript of Prime Minister's Interaction with Chinese media organizations

English rendering of the Remarks by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at th

Shri Javadekar meets Mr Cai Fuchao, Chinese Minister IFFI Goa to showcase


All Round Development of the Agro Sector is the Highest Priority of the Gov


Text of the Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh's Address at the Sixth


India, China Sign MOU & Action Plan to Enhance Cooperation in Railway Secto


Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on Post-2015 Framework on Disaster Risk R


Text of the Intervention Made by The Finance Secretary Today in the G20 Dep


Health Ministry to take up anti-noise pollution initiatives Expert group of


Suicide prevention a health priority: Health Minister


Universal He

Notes by vineetpunnoose on


Union Water Resources to Visit Arsenic Affected Districts Uma Bharti Inaug


PM reviews preparations for launch of Mission Swachh Bharat


Finance to 5 Lakh Joint Farming Groups of "Bhoomi Heen Kisan" through Nabar


Scheme on Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian capital goods sector


Notes by vineetpunnoose on


Launching of National AYUSH Mission

Mon, Sep 15, 2014

AYUSH, social, PIB, National AYUSH Mission,

The Mission will help in:

i. the improvement of AYUSH education through enhancement in the number of
upgraded educational institutions;
ii. better access to AYUSH services through increase in number of AYUSH hospitals
and dispensaries, availability of drugs and manpower;
iii. providing sustained availability of quality raw material for AYUSH systems of
medicine; and
iv. improving availability of quality Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy
(ASU&H) drugs through increase in number of pharmacies, drug laboratories and
improved enforcement mechanism of ASU&H drugs.
India possess an unmatched heritage represented by its ancient systems of medicine
like ASU&H which are a treasure house of knowledge for preventive and promotive
healthcare. The positive features of the Indian systems of medicine namely their diversity
and flexibility; accessibility; affordability, a broad acceptance by a large section of the
general public; comparatively lesser cost and growing economic value, have great
potential to make them providers of healthcare that the large sections of our people

National Livestock Mission (NLM) to Ensure Quantitative and Qualitative Imp

Tue, Sep 16, 2014

PIB, economics, National Livestock Mission, livestock,

National Livestock Mission (NLM) launched in FY 2014-15 shall ensure quantitative

and qualitative improvement in livestock production systems and capacity building of
all stakeholders.
The agriculture Minister said that the Sub-Mission under NLM on Fodder and Feed
Development will try to address the problems of scarcity of animal feed resources,
the biggest impediment to growth of dairy and livestock productivity is the large-scale
prevalence of animal diseases like FMD, PPR, Brucellosis, Avian Influenza etc, which
adversely affect the productivity.
The Minister also said that increase in milk production has to be achieved by increasing
productivity of the milch animals rather than increase in the number of animals.
Steps are needed to reduce wastage of milk by expanding the cold chain infrastructure
in the rural areas to collect and preserve milk till such time it is collected for sale or

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Page 1


taken for processing. Systematic planning has to be done for location of bulk milk
coolers so that farmers from neighbouring villages can easily access them.
He informed that Rashtriya Gokul Mission has been initiated by the Department with
the aims to conserve and develop Indigenous Breeds in a focused and scientific manner.
Rashtriya Gokul Mission is a focused project under National Programme for Bovine
Breeding and Dairy Development, with an outlay of Rs.500 crore during the 12th Five
Year Plan.
"Rashtriya Kamdhenu Breeding Centre" for development, conservation and preservation
of Indigenous Breeds as a Centre of Excellence to develop and conserve Indigenous
Breeds (37 Cattle and 13 Buffaloes) in a holistic and scientific manner with the aim of
enhancing their productivity and upgrading genetic merit.
As concerned with fisheries production, the agriculture Minister said that with a
production of 9.58 million tonnes in 2013-14, India has maintained its position as a
second largest producer of fish in the world contributing 5.7 percent of the total fish
production globally.
Blue revolution means an intensive and sustainable growth in fish production providing
for food and nutritional security, employment and improved livelihood.

Statement by the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee to the media on

Thu, Sep 18, 2014

PIB, international, Vietnam,

. I visited the Tran Quoc Pagoda where a Bodhi tree planted by our first President
Rajendra Prasad in 1959 is flourishing as a wonderful symbol of the strength and
durability of our friendship with the people of Vietnam.
We concluded seven Agreements/MoUs and released a Joint Communique, which will
provide the institutional framework for mutually beneficial exchanges.
Our Strategic Partnership, established in 2007, is marked by a high degree of trust.
Today our security and defence cooperation is robust and growing. We are helping
them in training and capacity building. We are providing Line of Credit of 100 million
USD for purchase of some critical equipment.
Vietnam's economic growth and development over the last two decades has been
impressive. There is great scope to expand and diversify our trade exchanges. We have
set a new target of USD 15 billion worth of trade by 2020. The Vietnamese side has
promised that they will provide a favourable environment for further investments from
We expect business partnerships and joint ventures to grow in the area of infrastructure,

Notes by vineetpunnoose on

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agro-processing, textiles, agro-chemicals, manufacturing, hydrocarbons, energy

Jet Airways will commence direct flights to Ho Chi Minh City from Mumbai from 5
November 2014 and Vietnam Airlines will fly to India in early 2015.


Mon, Sep 15, 2014
PIB, international, vietnam,

They expressed satisfaction with the ongoing cooperation between the two sides in this
field and noted that the signing of the MoU for the Line of Credit of US$ 100 million
for defence procurement extended by India to Vietnam would open new avenues for
They welcomed the strong growth in bilateral trade in recent years and urged business
to further expand and diversify trade to achieve the bilateral trade target of US$ 15
billion by 2020.They identified tourism, garments and textiles, pharmaceuticals and
agriculture as important areas of potential growth in bilateral trade.
India offered 20 slots under the new scheme "India Connect" for Vietnamese students
to attend a semester in an Indian university.
They agreed that cultural exchanges raised awareness among the people of both countries
about the civilizational linkages between India and Vietnam, promoted people-to-people
links and provided scope for future collaboration in new areas including libraries,
archives and museums. They recognized that exchange of film and television content
was also an important medium for promoting awareness and instructed officials on both
sides to work out modalities for implementation.
They valued the cooperation and coordination between the two countries at regional
and international fora, and agreed to expand cooperation particularly in ASEAN, ARF,
ADMM Plus, EAS, United Nations and Non-Aligned Movement while striving for
peace, stability and prosperity in the region and beyond. Both sides stressed the need
for urgent reform of the United Nations (UN) and expansion of the UN Security Council
(UNSC) in both the permanent and the non-permanent categories of membership.
They further reaffirmed support for each other's candidature for non-permanent
membership of the UNSC, Vietnam for the term 2020-2021 and India for the term
They agreed that freedom of navigation in the East Sea/South China Sea should not be
impeded and called the parties concerned to exercise restraint, avoid threat or use of
force and resolve disputes through peaceful means in accordance with universally
recognized principles of international law, including the UNCLOS-1982.

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Page 3

They also welcomed the collective commitment of the concerned parties to abide by
and implement the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea
and to work towards the adoption of a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea on the
basis of consensus. They called for cooperation in ensuring security of sea-lanes,
maritime security, combating piracy and conducting search and rescue operations.
(i) Dollar Credit Line Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic
of Vietnam and EXIM Bank of India; (ii) Agreement between the Government of the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Republic of India on
co-operation and mutual assistance in customs matters; (iii) MOU between the Ministry
of Agriculture and Rural development of Vietnam and the Ministry of Agriculture of
India on animal health; (iv) MOU between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
development of Vietnam and the Ministry of Agriculture of India on cooperation in the
field of setting up of Pangasius breeding and farming in India; (v) Letter of Intent
between Vietnam Oil and Gas Group and ONGC Videsh Limited; (vi) MOU on operating
and jointly promoting direct air services between Vietnam Airlines (Vietnam) and Jet
Airways (India); (vii) MOU on cooperation in Youth Affairs between the Central
Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Vietnam and the Ministry
of Skill development, Entrerpeneuship, Youth Affairs and Sports of India.

Remarks by President the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee at Inaug

Mon, Sep 15, 2014

PIB, international, Vietnam,

Strong civilisational bonds exist between India and Vietnam since the 2nd century A.D.
These have, today, evolved into a vibrant and multi-dimensional Strategic Partnership
In 2012, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the establishment of our diplomatic
relations. We have no irritants between us. President Ho Chi Minh had likened the
India- Vietnam relationship to a "cloudless sky".
Our shared perceptions are shaped by the teachings of the Lord Buddha. These have
inculcated in us a deep respect for peace and the harmonious co-existence of all living
With the changing dynamics in the Asia-Pacific, there has been a shift of economic
and strategic gravity towards Asia. We see a growing role and relevance for our
partnership in this context.
Vietnam is also one of India's most important economic partners. Our bilateral trade
has increased significantly - by 31% - to USD 8 billion in the year 2013-2014, surpassing
the target that we had jointly set for ourselves.
We can and must encourage joint ventures between our investors - in India and Vietnam

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and also in third countries. These, in turn, will undoubtedly promote growth, employment
and efficiencies in both our economies.

Biodiversity informatics vital for sustainable growth Environmental protect

Tue, Sep 16, 2014

biodiversity, environment, PIB,

Elaborating further, Shri Javadekar said that while around 6500 natural history museums
throughout the world housed approximately 3 billion specimens of Indian origin, access
to these specimens was both time-consuming and expensive. It was therefore important
to promote and facilitate an informatics mechanism to provide easy and better access.
The momentum in this process had already begun. In the last two decades, many natural
history museums in developed nations had digitized specimen collections that they
were holding. Several ongoing global and regional biodiversity informatics initiatives
for sharing data about these specimens with the countries of origin were gaining impetus.
In the given situation, GBIF and its partners needed to mainstream the process of
institutionalizing the digital exchange of data.
The Minister also said that as a signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity
(CBD), India was committed to developing a national clearing-house mechanism to
facilitate access to biodiversity information both nationally and globally. Highlighting
several initiatives to conserve biodiversity and compliance with international obligations,
the Minister said that one such step taken by India was to join the Global Biodiversity
Information Facility (GBIF) in 2003, an inter-governmental network that aims to
facilitate free and open access to the world's biodiversity data. The GBIF had been
instrumental in developing capacities in various areas and aspects of biodiversity
informatics. The Minister complimented the GBIF leadership for accomplishing this
in a relatively short period.

Environmental norms to be made stringent and practical, stakeholders to be

Tue, Sep 16, 2014

environment, PIB,

environmental norms would be made more stringent and practical keeping in mind the
enormity of the problem and issues involved and industry concerns.
the cooperation of the industry stakeholders was critical in the context of monitoring,
evaluation and implementation of environmental norms. This would enable the
Government to implement "eco friendly and growth friendly" policies.
The Ministry was taking the necessary measures to fast track the process of regulatory
clearances for a faster economic growth, while ensuring that development and conservation
of environment go hand in hand and in a transparent manner.

Notes by vineetpunnoose on

Page 5

Transcript of Prime Minister's Interaction with Chinese media organizations

Tue, Sep 16, 2014

PIB, international, China,

China regards India as a natural co-operative partner. The Chinese government views
China-India relations as one of its diplomatic priorities. Hon'ble Prime Minister, I
would like to hear from you, in the future, what can the two countries do to make the
relationship an even closer one?
I think that the special and unique nature of India-China relations rests in the fact that
India and China are bound by history and connected by culture. India and China both
have rich traditions. India and China today constitute almost 35% of the world's
population. From a purely arithmetic point of view, the betterment of 35% of the world's
population and eradication of poverty; that they decide to work together will open big
gates for progress and development in the world. It will not take long for the rest 65%
to rise as well. Arithmetically, if 35% of the world's population was to work together
and to improve the economic conditions of its people through poverty alleviation
method; then not only will 35% of the world's population grow enormously, but this
will also lift very speedily the rest 65% of the world's population. If you go back 300
years into history, the largest GDP contribution in the world used to come from India
and China, who together contributed more than half of the world's GDP. Not only from
the perspective of arithmetic, India and China also have common chemistry. Whenever
India and China have worked and grown together, this has also led to the development
and economic prosperity of the world. You would have heard that in India, we call
sugar in Hindi as 'cheeni'. It is not known as 'cheeni' for nothing. It is because of the
Chinese technology that we were able to refine the sugar and make it pure and hence
the people of India, started calling sugar as 'cheeni'. There is a history of deep ties
between our people and between our countries. The arithmetic and chemistry of our
relations convinced me that together we can script history and create a better tomorrow
for all of mankind.
China has launched new Silk Route initiative in recent years. Will the New Silk Route
be an opportunity or threat to India in future?
Prime Minister:
The ancient trade routes in Asia included the Silk Route, the Spice Route and many
other such routes. These were the channels of vibrant trade in the region and beyond
and anchor of Asia prosperity. As important, these routes promoted the exchange of
ideas, cultures, art, religion and spiritualism. India, which was at the centre of several

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of these trade routes, shared its age-old wisdom with societies along these routes. You
are very well aware of the spread of message of peace of Lord Buddha through the
ancient Silk Route. It left a lasting impression on the Chinese civilisation. India also
benefited from Chinese technology such as sugar refining. It is for this reason that sugar
in India is called Cheeni. Successful revival of the ancient trade routes require not only
physical connectivity and requisite infrastructure, but even more important, a climate
of peace, stability, mutual trust and respect, support for mutual prosperity and free flow
of commerce and ideas. I believe that the re-emergence of the natural trading routes
would make a major contribution to building a prosperous Asia in this century.
What do you think China and India can do together to promote peace and development
in Asia and the world as a whole?
Prime Minister:
India and China are two ancient civilisations that have contributed much to this world
through the ages. Today, we are the world's two most populous countries and its two
largest emerging economies. The simultaneous transformation of our two countries, on
a scale and at a speed that probably is unprecedented in history, provides enormous
opportunities for our two countries to reinforce each other's growth and, at the same
time, sustain Asia's economic resurgence and advance prosperity in the region. We can
do this by further strengthening our strategic communication; enhancing mutual trust
and confidence; showing sensitivity to each other's concerns and interests; continuing
to maintain a climate of peace, stability and tranquillity in our relations; and, seizing
the opportunities for bilateral cooperation and international partnership.
Mr. Prime Minister, Now the whole world recognizes you as a strong, practical, and
decisive leader of India. China has high expectations of improvement in relations with
India since you took office in May. Your government also attaches high importance to
dealing with neighbouring countries.
How would you re-define the Indo-China relations in the 21st century, especially in
current world situation? What's your blueprint or road map to develop the bilateral
relations in your 5 years term? In the election campaign, you have blamed the previous
government for lacking the capacity to implement various promises; such as those on
foreign policy. How do you propose to make a difference on upgrading India-China
relations to a higher plane?
Prime Minister:
You have raised several important questions.

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My government also attaches high priority to relations with China. China is our largest
neighbour. Relations between neighbours are always of special importance to each
country, because their destinies are inter-linked. That is why I have also placed special
emphasis on India's neighbourhood. But, I don't see our relations with China only as a
neighbour, with which we have had millennia old contacts. China is important for the
future of this region and the world.
There is a consensus that 21st century is Asia's century. If we look back in history,
India and China had accounted for over 50% of global GDP about 300 years ago. We
were the main sources of technology and ideas in the world. Our two civilisations have
shown tremendous resilience and are now once again important centres of economic
growth and innovation. The centre of economic gravity is shifting towards Asia. As I
said, the transformation of the lives of 2.5 billion people is a phenomenon of great
significance for the region and the world. Besides, in our inter-connected and
inter-dependent world, all countries stand to benefit through enhanced cooperation.
We seek a closer developmental partnership. India can benefit from China's strength
in hardware such as creation of infrastructure and development of our manufacturing
sector. These are the areas where India wants to make rapid progress. On the other
hand, India's strength in software can help Chinese companies to become more efficient
and competitive. It offers opportunity for Indian companies to export services to China.
With joint efforts, we can strengthen our economic partnership. Enhanced tourism
between us would help to increase people-to-people understanding. We can both benefit
from a stronger regional and international partnership between our two countries.
I am also committed to realising India's full potential as also the promise of our
international partnerships through appropriate policies and timely implementation of
our national and international commitments. I want to create an enabling environment
in India that unleashes the enterprise and energy of our people and fully harnesses the
benefits of international partnerships.
For enhancing and further strengthening bilateral relations, we should show mutual
sensitivity to each other's concerns and aspirations, follow the principle of mutual and
equal security, seek closer developmental partnership and enhance people-to-people
exchanges to create better understanding. I am looking forward to deepening our
engagement across the full spectrum of our bilateral relations, but also seeking progress
on issues of concern, because resolution of these issues will transform the atmosphere
in our relations and allow us to realise the full potential of our relations.
In the formal invitation presented to Chinese President Xi Jinping by National Security
Adviser Ajit Doval, you invited Mr. Xi to visit Gujarat. The one reason we know is

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that Gujarat is your home state. Are there other special reasons or meanings for visiting
Prime Minister:
It is my effort that when foreign leaders visit India, they should also have opportunity
to see places other than New Delhi. It will give them a fuller idea of India and its
diversity. Relations between nations, especially large ones like India and China, should
not be placed in the narrow confines of capital cities and major metropolitan centres.
China's connection with Gujarat is very old. In ancient days, there were vibrant trade
relations between Gujarat and China. Chinese Monk Xuan Zang had spent a long time
in Gujarat. In present day, many Chinese businesses have established manufacturing
units in Gujarat and vice-versa. Chinese leaders have expressed interest in visiting
Gujarat as they wish to understand the "Gujarat Model" of economic and social
I just wanted to say one final thing. I would like to give a new terminology to my
tomorrow's meeting with the Chinese President. I call it "Inch towards Miles". INCH
that is "India-China"; towards MILES that is- "Millennium of Exceptional Synergy".
I believe that tomorrow's meeting will mark a happy beginning towards this goal of
"Inch towards Miles".

English rendering of the Remarks by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at th

Thu, Sep 18, 2014

PIB, international, China,

China is our largest neighour, and India's neighbourhood occupies a special place in
my national development plans and foreign policy
Therefore, a climate of mutual trust and confidence; respect for each other's sensitivities
and concerns; and, peace and stability in our relations and along our borders are essential
for us to realize the enormous potential in our relations.
I have invited Chinese investments in India's infrastructure and manufacturing sectors
and spoke about our new policies and administrative steps in this area.
am pleased with the agreements on two Chinese industrial parks in India and a commitment
to realize about 20 billion U.S. dollars of Chinese investments in the next five years.
We will begin the process of discussions on civil nuclear energy cooperation that will
bolster our broader cooperation on energy security.
On behalf of the people of India, I thank President Xi for opening a new route through
Nathu-La to Kailash Mansarovar. This will be in addition to the existing route through

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. It makes Kailash Mansarovar accessible by a motorable road, which is especially
beneficial to the older pilgrims. It offers a safer alternative in the rainy season, makes
the pilgrimage shorter in duration, and will enable a much higher number of pilgrims
to go there.
I raised our serious concern over repeated incidents along the border. We agreed that
peace and tranquility in the border region constitutes an essential foundation for mutual
trust and confidence and for realizing the full potential of our relationship. This is an
important understanding, which should be observed diligently. While our border related
agreements and confidence building measures have worked well, I also suggested that
clarification of Line of Actual Control would greatly contribute to our efforts to maintain
peace and tranquility and requested President Xi to resume the stalled process of
clarifying the LAC. We should also seek an early settlement of the boundary question.
. We both understand that India and China have a shared interest in a peaceful and
stable region, including peace, stability and prosperity Afghanistan.
We discussed regional connectivity and the proposal for the Bangladesh, China, India
and Myanmar Economic Corridor. Located at the crossroads of Asia, India believes
that reconnecting Asia is important for its collective prosperity.

Shri Javadekar meets Mr Cai Fuchao, Chinese Minister IFFI Goa to showcase

Thu, Sep 18, 2014

PIB, international, entertainment, china,

India and China have agreed that the Joint Working Group established to promote
facilitation in the film sector would meet on the sidelines of IFFI 2014 at Goa.

All Round Development of the Agro Sector is the Highest Priority of the Gov

Fri, Sep 19, 2014

PIB, agriculture, economics,

We can rise from the present achievement of self-sufficiency in food grains to the much
more ambitious goal of emerging as a world agricultural power.
reduce the gap from lab to land to increase productivity, to use new technologies on a
continuous basis in agriculture and to increase the exports of agricultural commodities
leading to rapid economic growth.
increasing agricultural output of the country despite the impending deficit rainfall.
Advance preparations were made to deal with the situation, by holding discussions with
State Governments to organize seeds and disseminate appropriate farming practices,
prepare district-wise Contingency action plans and bring in flexibility in various
schemes so that States don't face any hurdle in making any desired changes in the

Notes by vineetpunnoose on

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approved action plans to tackle the situation arising out of deficit rainfall.
In some rain deficit parts of the country, there is still a possibility of adverse impact on
Rabi crops due to lack of adequate soil moisture.
Ministry of Agriculture has prepared a Mission Mode Scheme to issue Soil Health
Card to all farmers.
* Saffron Park inaugurated in Kashmir with an aim to improve the productivity, quality
and marketing of saffron.
* Under Agri Marketing Infrastructure, the Grameen Bhandaran Yojana has been made
more effective, as a result of which the budget for the entire year has been released in
only 4 months.
* A project titled "Bhartiya Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Pariyojana" has been formulated
to promote Organic Farming. The objective is to promote eco-friendly concept of
cultivation reducing the dependency on agro-chemicals and fertilizers and to optimally
utilize the locally available natural resources for input production.
Crop insurance schemes currently under implementation suffer from several deficiencies
and operational difficulties.
Rashtriya Gokul Mission
India has the largest bovine population in the world and ranks first among the world's
milk producing Nations since 1998. Milk production peaked at about 14 crore tonnes
in 2013-14. 79% of the 30 Crore bovines in India are indigenous represented by 37
well recognized indigenous breeds of cattle and 13 buffalo breeds. Indigenous bovines
are robust and resilient and are particularly suited to the climate and environment of
their respective breeding tracts. Rashtriya Gokul Mission, a project under the National
Program for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development, is being launched with the
objective of conserving and developing indigenous breeds to enhance their productivity
through professional farm management and superior nutrition and upgradation of
indigenous bovine germplasm with an outlay of Rs. 500 Crores.
National Kamdhenu Breeding Centre
"National Kamdhenu Breeding Centre" will be set up for development, conservation
and preservation of Indigenous Breeds, as a Centre of Excellence to develop and conserve
Indigenous Breeds in a holistic and scientific manner. An allocation of Rs 50.00 crore
has been announced in the Budget in July 2014 for conservation and development of
indigenous breeds.

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Page 11

Text of the Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh's Address at the Sixth

Fri, Sep 19, 2014

PIB, international, Nepal,

We then agreed to finalise the text of a Free Trade Agreement by the end of the year
and implement "the vision of a phased and planned process, eventually leading to a
South Asian Economic Union" . This was the cherished dream of our then Prime Minister
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who even spoke of establishing a South Asian Monetary
A major issue that concerns us all is terrorism , which is driven by internal, regional
and international factors, within and across national boundaries. There was sea change
in the strategic environment in our neighbourhood with the emergence of a new
dispensation in Afghanistan following the terrorist strikes in the US of September 11,
2001 We are naturally concerned by new threats of extremism, terrorism and violence
being held out to South Asian countries like India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, which
cannot but raise concerns.
Groups with radical and extremist ideologies do pose threats across national boundaries,
in this volatile security environment. These groups even have no compunction in issuing
threats publicly against neighbouring and regional countries. Linked to this issue, is
the increasing circulation of counterfeit currency in our neighbourhood. I must particularly
thank our hosts in Nepal for the cooperation they have extended to us, in dealing with
the movement of counterfeit currency , across our borders.
I would like to stress that our Government is committed to securing justice for the
families of the victims of deadly terrorist strikes , like the killings during the terrorist
attack on the Metropolitan City of Mumbai, in November 2008.
I might add that we are facing serious problems arising from drug smuggling in States
located on our borders, like Punjab. This menace afflicts both countries where narcotic
substances are produced, and countries beyond their borders. Funds from such smuggling
often finance terrorism. We need to strengthen domestic legislation and cooperate even
more implement the "Regional Convention on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances," while enhancing multilateral cooperation globally, as drug smuggling
inevitably has global dimensions.
This meeting is also providing us opportunities to discuss other issues of common
interest like Cyber Crime, Human Trafficking and illegal movement of arms across
national boundaries. I think we all acknowledge that one evil which we all need to
address individually and collectively is the issue of corruption. We have promised our
people a policy of "Zero Tolerance for Corruption " . India is a signatory to the 2005
"UN Convention on Corruption". We intend to make all our laws to be in conformity
with this Convention. We could discuss and agree on measures on how we can cooperate

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regionally in dealing with this issue.

India, China Sign MOU & Action Plan to Enhance Cooperation in Railway Secto Thu, Sep 18, 2014
railway, PIB, international, infrastructure,

Following specific areas have been mentioned in Action Plan:

(a) Training in heavy haul transportation :
A training programme has been finalised for 100 persons (20 persons per batch for total
5 batches) in the field of heavy haul transportation.
(b) Speed raising on Existing Lines:
Chennai-Bangalore-Mysore section has been identified for speed raising to 160 kmph
with the cooperation of China.

Redevelopment of Railway Stations:

Chinese side will conduct pre-feasibility of two stations with their financing and prepare
a report indicating further course of cooperation.

Cooperation in High Speed rail:

Chinese side will conduct project feasibility study and prepare a detailed project report
with their financing of a section to be advised by Indian Railways.

Setting up of Railway University :

Chinese experience of Rail Universities will be used for developing a Railway University
in India.

Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on Post-2015 Framework on Disaster Risk R Fri, Sep 19, 2014
disaster management, social, PIB,

since India is a disaster prone country, Government of India has started addressing
disaster risk and initiated a series of preparedness programmes way back in 2005 with
an Act of Parliament i.e., the National Disaster Management Act. He further indicated
that since last one and half decade, disasters have become more frequent and intense.
The Uttarakhand flood last year and the recent flood in Jammu & Kashmir have
overwhelmed the coping capacity of our community, government and society.
need to give special attention to vulnerable sections like women, children, old and
disabled people of the society. Recognizing the importance of planned and sustainable

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continuous efforts made by the Government to integrate disaster risk reduction in the
developmental projects

Text of the Intervention Made by The Finance Secretary Today in the G20 Dep

Thu, Sep 18, 2014

g20, PIB, economics,

From 4.7% growth in last fiscal, the Indian economy grew by 5.7% in Q1 of the current
Financial Year 2014-15.
We are confident that by pursuing growth inducing policies, the Government would
contribute fully to going back to a +7% growth within two to three years.
it would be imperative for the Emerging Market Economies including India to continue
the path of structural reforms, the uncertainty and volatility in external environment is
worrisome and needs the attention of the G20. As the US Fed withdraws from
unconventional monetary policy, there will be an overhang on asset prices in the
Emerging Markets and therefore, volatility in the currency markets. The decision on
the exit from the QE programme that came in after the FOMC meeting yesterday had
an impact on the currency markets of many of the emerging market economies. The
strength of G20 lies in taking international collaborative actions and not limiting to the
individual country growth strategies. This concern was also raised by Mexico.
we should also be discussing G20 driven collaborative solutions which would reduce
the impact of the possible near term repricing.
macro prudential policies would be ineffective during downswings and in many of the
countries, the asset repricing would result in pressure on their currencies, leading to a
spiral of tightening and derailing of all well laid growth strategy road maps.

Health Ministry to take up anti-noise pollution initiatives Expert group of

Sat, Sep 20, 2014

social, PIB, noise pollution, pollution,

Globally, noise has emerged as the single biggest cause of disability in the workplace.
"It is a welcome development to see ear-nose-throat (ENT) specialists like myself
ending the "silence" over noise pollution.
I remember in my early years in ENT practice, it was relatively uncommon to have a
patient with hearing adverse impact, but in recent years even youngsters have started
coming with impairment caused by noise hazard."

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The only instrument with law enforcers at present, the Noise Pollution (Regulation &
Control) Rules, 2000, developed by CPCB is supposed to be enforced by local police
units all over India.
WHO has come out with the finding that noise pollution can cause headaches, heart
ailments, stress related disorders, hypertension and psychological disorders, he informed.
Hearing loss is the primary health effect, but the systemic and psychological effects
are long-term and can lead to permanent scars.

Suicide prevention a health priority: Health Minister

Universal He

Sat, Sep 20, 2014

social, PIB, Mental Health, suicide,

Though India's suicide rate is the 12th highest in the world, the country is unfortunately
home to the highest number of suicides among people in the 15-29 age group -35.5 in
100,000 people.
He pointed out that between 1.5 and 2 million people commit suicide in India annually.
For every suicide committed successfully, a minimum of 15-20 people fail. Besides,
not all suicides are reported to the police because of the stigma attached.
It is significant that the highest number of suicides is reported from states with a high
literacy level. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Kerala and Karnataka report
more than 53 percent of the national total.
The government has also decided to bring mental illnesses under the purview of the
Universal Health Assurance Programme (UHAP),
There are a large number of mental illnesses which are easily curable with drugs and
counselling, Dr Harsh Vardhan stated. But their cost is prohibitive and only the elite
classes can afford them.
The Minister pointed out that a Kerala High Court ruling in 2013 made non-inclusion
of the mentally ill under the Rashtriya Swasth Bima Yojana illegal. So, it has been
decided that UHAP will pack in select mental illnesses in its free treatment list.

Union Water Resources to Visit Arsenic Affected Districts Uma Bharti Inaug

Thu, Sep 18, 2014

environment, PIB, arsenic, water pollution,

we have to reinvent the old and traditional systems of water conservation because these
systems have proved their usefulness over the period.
We have to integrate the traditional systems with the new scientific techniques to fulfill
our water conservation needs."

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shrinking of glaciers is a matter of grave concern which has to be addressed appropriately.
She also referred to the traditional water conservation techniques of Chal & Khal
practiced in hilly areas of the country and suggested that such traditional techniques
are still useful. Sushri Bharti also suggested large scale plantation of Kaans vegetation
along the river banks to keep the river clean and pollution free.

PM reviews preparations for launch of Mission Swachh Bharat

Fri, Sep 19, 2014

sanitation, Mission Swachh Bharat, social, PIB,

Mission Swachh Bharat

should become the agenda of the entire country, in the form of a mass movement to be
launched on October 2nd, with the aim of creating a clean India by 2019.
Activities related to cleanliness should be undertaken in each and every village across
the country,
He asked the Ministry of Rural Development to explore the possibility of incentivizing
best performing villages. He also called for standards of cleanliness to be established
for Government offices.

Finance to 5 Lakh Joint Farming Groups of "Bhoomi Heen Kisan" through Nabar Wed, Sep 17, 2014
Dryland Agriculture, social, PIB, land reforms,

proposed to provide finance to 5 lakh joint farming groups of "Bhoomi Heen Kisan"
through NABARD
in order to achieve the targeted growth of agriculture and allied sector at 4%, from the
year 2014-15, various schemes of Ministry of Agriculture have been restructured into
specific Missions/Programmes. The foodgrains production during 2013-14 as per Fourth
Advance Estimates released on 14.8.2014 is estimated at 264.77 million tonnes against
257.13 million tonnes produced during 2012-13. The credit for increased level of
foodgrains production goes to the hard work of our farmers.
Shri Singh said that cotton, jute and sugarcane are amongst the main cash crops in India
and during the year 2014-15
Shri Singh informed that deteriorating soil health has been a cause of concern and leads
to sub-optimal utilization of farming resources. Government has, therefore, formulated
a Mission to provide every farmer with Soil Health Card. Issue of 3 crore Soil Health
Cards in the current year, 5.50 crore Soil Health Cards in year 2015-16 and 5.50 crore
Soil Health Cards in year 2016-17 is targeted. Besides, 100 Mobile Soil Testing

Notes by vineetpunnoose on

Page 16


Laboratories (MSTLs) will also be set up in year 2014-15.

growing concerns about the imbalance in the utilization of different types of fertilizers
resulting in deterioration of the soil.
National Agroforestry Policy, 2014 has been approved and it has been decided to take
up Plantation of trees on farm bunds in all the developmental programmes of Deptt. of
Agriculture & Cooperation, and Government of India to take this Policy forward. He
further said that National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) envisages
Integrated Farming System (IFS) in which activities like horticulture, livestock, fishery,
agroforestry, value addition are to be taken up along with crops/cropping system.
Minister said that for Horticulture Development innovative project CHAMAN envisages
use of remote sensing to assess production and area of horticulture crops. Further, Under
the Indo-Dutch collaborative project,
Shri Singh said that Crop insurance schemes presently under operation suffers from
several deficiencies and operational difficulties.
. It is proposed to roll out new crop insurance scheme for ensuring the production,
productivity and income risk faced by the farmers.
'this year India faced the challenges posed by delayed and aberrant monsoon with
'deficient' rainfall and in the wake of shortfall in sowing of major crops during Kharif
Government took a series of interventions through implementation of Diesel Subsidy
Scheme; enhancement of ceiling on seed subsidy; implementation of drought mitigating
interventions on perennial horticulture crops under Mission for Integrated Development
of Horticulture (MIDH)

Scheme on Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian capital goods sector

Mon, Sep 15, 2014

PIB, economics, Indian Capital Goods,

"Scheme for Enhancement of Competitiveness of the Capital Goods Sector" to boost

the Indian economy.
attempt to make the Indian capital goods sector globally competitive.
The Scheme on Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian Capital Goods Sector
will be implemented in the 12th Plan period and spill over to the 13th Plan period with
an estimated outlay of Rs. 930.96 crore. The Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) from the
government for the scheme would be Rs. 581.22 crore and the balance Rs. 349.74 crore
would be contributed by the stakeholder industries.
The scheme has five components to achieve the desired result in pilot mode -

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(i) Creation of "Advanced Centres of Excellence" for R & D and Technology Development
with National Centres of Excellence in Education and Technology
(ii) Establishment of "Integrated Industrial Infrastructure Facilities" popularly known
as Machine Tool Parks with a basic objective of making the machine tool sector more
competitive by providing an ecosystem for production.
(iii) Common Engineering Facility Centre" for Textile Machinery is to be set up with
active participation of the local industry and the industry association, which in turn
would improve facilitation to the users along with visibility.
(iv) Testing and Certification Centre" for earth moving machineries in view of the fact
that it is soon going to be made a mandatory requirement and at present there is no test
facility to test earthmoving machinery like that in the automobile industry.
(v) The creation of a "Technology Acquisition Fund" under the Technology 'Acquisition
Fund Programme (TAFP) in order to help the Capital Goods Industry to acquire and
assimilate specific technologies, for achieving global standards and competitiveness
within a short period of time.

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