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Religion: This week we are talking about helping

others. We read the story of the Good Samaritan.
We created our own booklet about the story. We
shared it with our fifth grade buddies. Then we
played a game about helping others.

Reading: We are reading and writing contractions

with the word not. Most of the word pairs follow a
pattern to create the contraction, some dont.
These words are called trickers in our reading
text. There are 3 of them. They are: wont, dont,
Math: We are working with related addition and
subtraction facts. We used a set of fact family
posters to see how addition and subtraction
sentences are related. As we were working this
week, it was nice to see the children using math
vocabulary words to describe what we were doing.

Mrs. Harris
January 30, 2015

*The Amazing Reading Race report #4
is due Tuesday, February 3.
*February Art Zone class is on
Thursday, February 5.
*Read every day. Record minutes read
on the Read to Succeed log and earn
a ticket to Six Flags.
The 100th Day of School is
Wednesday, February 4!

Science: We read stories about penguins. We are

collecting facts about some of the different species
of penguins. The smallest penguin in the blue fairy
penguin and the emperor is the largest.
Social Studies: We are learning more about the
places we live. We completed a writing activity
about our homes and wrote our addresses.

We are celebrating!
Happy Birthday, Diego!
January 28

Star of the Week

Diego is our star this week. He
brought some great photos to
share with us. He showed us a
few of his favorite things. His dad
was our guest reader on
Wednesday. He read one of
Diegos favorite books. Diego, you
are a super star!

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