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Name: ______________________ Due Date: __________

801 Integrated Algebra

Recently we have learned about scientific notation and it’s application in the field of astronomy.
Your task is to design a travel brochure to advertise a planet in space using actual facts that you have
researched. Your brochure should describe at least 5 different facts about the planet you are promoting
(max/min temperature, distance from Earth, surface area, etc.) and your mathematical/scientific facts
should be supported by your explanation and “sales pitch” on why the planet you picked should be

Your grade for this project will be based on the following rubric.

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Outstanding Total

Presentation Project is sloppy and Some effort was shown Student has placed much
(25 points) effort in the in presentation. (i.e. effort into the looks and
presentation has not areas are done in design of their work. Lots of
been shown. pencil.) color and detail is used.
(0-10 points) (11 – 20 points) (21 – 25 points)
Advertisement <2 facts are included 2-4 facts are present At least 5 facts are present.
and Support and/or no support is and/or advertisement is The brochure is well written
(25 points) included in your brief/vague in (proofread!) and detailed
advertising. supporting the facts. information is included.
Scientific terminology is
used and explained. 25
(0 – 10 points) (11 – 20 points) (21 – 25 points)
Scientific Many mistakes are Work is shown but Math is done without error
Notation present and/or facts several errors are made. and all work is shown
(25 points) are not written in completely.
scientific notation
(0 – 10 points) (11 - 20 points) (21 – 25 points) 25
Timeliness Project is turned in 2 Project is turned in 1-2 Project is turned in on time
(25 points) or more weeks late. weeks late. during class with this rubric
attached. All work must be
(0 – 10 points) (11-20 points) printed out before class. 25
(21 – 25 points)
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