Skills Recognition Arrangement in The CLMV Countries

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Skills recognition arrangement is the term used to describe a number of
assessment processes which result in the formal recognition of existing
knowledge, skills, and attitude acquired from in and out of school experiences.
This formal recognition can be used as a proof of the holders qualification or a
ticket to enter the labour market. This paper is based on the study conducted by
SEAMEO VOCTECH in collaboration with the researchers from Cambodia, Laos
PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV) in 2005. The data were collected from
Focus group discussion and questionnaire. The findings show that in the CLMV
countries, skills recognition arrangement was still very limited to formal
credentialing acquired from formal schooling and training. The current
assessments were conducted in schools, at the end of training programmes, and
during hiring process in businesses and industries. There was no established
skills recognition system at the national level that certifies those who want their
skills to be assessed and certified.

However, the components of SRA such as

skills assessment taken at the end of training programs and education have been
practiced. In fact, a form of SRA has been implemented in certain occupation,
such as in the case of Tourism in Vietnam, regardless of its limited scope and
use. The awareness on the importance of SRA among government officials and
employers during the focused group discussions was very high. The emerging
manufacture and service industries was also another factor that made them
consider SRA is important in these countries. At the end of the paper, some
recommendations are presented based on the inputs from the representatives of

CLMV countries during data collection and post-research meeting conducted in

RMUTT, Thailand in 6-8 March 2006.

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