Healthy and Not So Healthy Friends: Tom.-Tom.

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Jorge Luis Saavedra Blanco

septiembre 2014
English VI



Healthy and not so healthy friends

A day in the morning at the soccer fields a young man named Jack takes a break and called
on the pone to a friend
Ring... Ring... Ring... Ring... Ring... Ring... Ring...

Tom.- Hello!
Jack.- hi, how are you
Tom.- Fine, and you
Jack.- Fine, Im callin to invite you to
play soccer with us
Tom.- Tanks!, When?
Jack.- Tomorrow morning
Tom.- Oh! I can not because go to gym
Jack.- Whi youre in shape. How often
you go?
Tom.- Three hours every day
Jack.- Exercise that you do?
Tom.- Weight training, you should try
Jack.- Sure, But I also exercise playing soccer
Tom.- Its a sport of much activity
Jack.- Then, you can play with us in the afternoon
Tom.- Sure! I have free time in the afternoon, because not invite also AJ
Jack.- Jajajaja! If, He really need do exercise, hes a couch patato
Tom.- Jajaja!! If just watch TV and eat junk food, and how often do you play?
Jack.- Usually three times a week, you should integrate the team
Tom.- Clear! Sounds fun, call AJ and see you tomorrow afternoon
Jack.- Yes, see you
After hang with Tom, Jack call AJ
AJ.- Hello!!
Jack.- AJ, what you do?
AJ.- Watching a program on
TV, Why?
Jack.- I wanted invite you top
lay soccer tomorrow afternoon
Jack.- Yes, also will com Tom

AJ.- But finish very tired

Jack.- Should do some exercise, and
what better than playing
AJ.- I guess so
Jack.- Then, see you

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