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LATIN AMERICA DAIL Healing Art Used as Aid to Torture “agers, then ordered’ ranging ‘Ray Tis doce was ou on errand of merey war quickly ‘ted Fema’ mind Injection. heat tld as aiven "so the boys can Jo thir em “hs tee Fn ota ae | Sseerele etre aon seerne | see eee Se ees | Ss Saber peed | ped down to a'metal bed. | eer te Sa | ‘ot there 10 use’ their healing “The doctors that Fuenzaide |) met Same to make sure he dd ind t0 ehsure that his wounds ‘tou heal in socket way tht he | banainorkof Chile's secret police "i Tater figured out the fist Romegh nee lS eae on A Meat .knysician Participauus. 0. 2 vue lems t+ proof, Many tor ‘ils it Gnas ‘doin Ger ocd, The hat sure Shen tind at bong orore Sela, of jue hein ove ‘eerie frm pew? Sa tetas at a ees Betta Niantic es wep of uabentd Pople, rere tee Provoke Suicides “Torture and interrogation ‘wed by the miltary ‘of the peychological exanh Tag Sao tala aoe ir edclallr agua Se nce socred st de acres tel pons whih ast reat Y POST, AUGUST 18, 1889 how much torture vos can tae Flea ‘said ian inter, The tet ate to make sr ou dent die. Doctors "who wrk {hs ld nave become seco The participation of doctors in torture ‘and other Sts of gover tmensponsored repression wade {he farrier regimes of Sou America has cone net igereuangscatiayfolloigg nations by. human cates, soup Profesional and. frture wicks themselves. ight zou." 10" put together come Erebnsre,“eprt tata he miltany regime of President ‘Augusto Plaochet" The ‘reper released in May. condemned the ‘Ndespread ws of deci and ther medial personel in the In tiny Uroguy, a recent stody bythe New "York ‘Academy of SCinces ound that Tardug Instances.” psychiatry has bees ttansformed fom sealing art vas finally closed to politcal PAT Caseos there are no patios any en et Nolumes for” days on ‘end hat People could not faik to. cach ‘ther Each cel held one prone “Ther was no wor ‘Bell Sag be is pessimistic chances of calling Ceo eoeceeinte sree Proof (One of the most vexing pro ‘Among the, techa iment tied ere 0 {uctiion, hot and. cold wate ‘STtematlydouved on his eg ano Continuous beatings. prevent Dutt nas bindolded a he time be Sad" Whee being ortred, 1 was. gen ter Shot! hon T wealened’"~ thes (Sused'me to ally and eased pai. Jalen ana corte thts Sod Caw. oe "port added, "Physicians ay be treered fp i ace tht ae indirect violation ofthe most ic tenet ofthe eating ate alee Death Cotiieates fa Ami, te a sae “i ea ees ee Set eee BSc 2 reat 50 doer mente rom serving the *Seatee of services enters. “They also charge: that dectors were nvoted in Signing ine "ath ceria wo heed cs of ilegal government repre sion hidden from the public. ‘in June,” Chile's "Colegio Medica The nations medica ‘sociation, opened "an “aves tation ‘nto charges. bya young bolita" acts Mara” defot Angeles, Sanbuera "aie that a doctor she sald sb could identify hed directed her torture by cle tie hook, aways assumed doctors wer “I was then asked iE nad medial probe, and {tld ther Tha fear condo." hemem ‘Ride hat medicine tok | fold them T org. smd they ost Negun torturing sean "ut when the Hat LATIN AMERICA NEWS Sanhueza's young body could ea ‘Although the case was the fst brought against doctor in 10 years of harsh mitay re here, lomes after years of rumors and Unegatiemed reports We "have beea receiving {information for yes that doctors Ae Participating in torture," Sean Las resent of the association. "But only recent tang we recelved the information tected to made legal invest, fion and take the neceary Stn Gonzalez said eight other octrs are curenty the objects ‘of discreet probes bythe Coleg It he doctor accused in the Sanhueza Rutz case is. found sly he could be thrown out of {he organization” although he ‘sould continue fo practice, ‘Tip ofthe leeberg Some. tke Fuenzalida, believe te Caego' nvestgution nas ‘exposed only the tip ofthe eer” he Chilean a = Eas cre ate Sonsini Arts Hectares Se CP tn sev stag ot Seer sie oo coe oe peleg at om oar PESwe Seite Sein, te aes a Se mistreated.” ips tet i nt oe pr ai at So ee er ical Se Sanya dt St Beak ei ihe acne Le rie Selim ee Bet ce tet cee a aed sir Smemael Boney age at Sree eutt Seg Saree SL See S. Se eo om way sop SS St Shea cetera Fraptrmaer inte pee merase rte ie WN methods should be Siamese ‘Whar “more. d8torsalsy Seepage

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