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ANTHOLOGY MNCS (USIC SAL#9 PTY. MAETED. Tisha ©Cnyite by Wit ‘Arcdirection by Mike Bell Designed by Srylo Range Cover photography by Trevor Rogers Asranged by Roges Day Folio producsion by Andy Rees & Peesr Evans WISE PUBLICATIONS London/New York/Sydney/Calogne Ceo Tb NPs FOOL (IF YOU THINK IT’S OVER) FROM "RATER MEN TORENY SANTIS TENNIS FROM TENNIS Page . EVERY BEAT OF MY HEART ROM :CHRIS REA Yee 1 CAN HEAR YOUR HEARTBEAT FROM WATERSIGN Page? 2 LOVE'S STRANGE WAYS TROM ‘WATERSION Pac MIDNIGHT BLUE FROM WATERSIGN Pe + » ACE OF HEARTS ROM WED TOTHE MOON Dae » [DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS BUTILOVE IT FROM WIRED TOTHE MOON! hea TOUCHE D'AMOUR ROM "WIRED TO THE MOON! bag a WIRED TO THE MOON SNOMED TO THE MON » JOSEPHINE SHAMROCK DXARIES mes SHAMROCK DIARIES THOM MMO DIAKES © STAINSBY GIRLS FROM SHAMANS * STEEL RIVER ROMSHAMROCK DIARIES Paget GIVERNY. FROM‘ONTHEREACHT Pa IT’S ALL GONE FROM ‘ON THEBLACHT Dag LUCKY DAY PRON ON THEREACHE age ON THE BEACH hee FOOL (IF YOU THINK IT’S OVER) WORDS AND MUSIC BY CHRIS REA cma En, Amt > Ht HH zl fe A dy-ing flame you're free a- gain — Moderate Boat oat and do that to All dressed in lack — manip hhe won'tbe com - ing beck, 1 MUSIC LINITED jr ehe WORLD irermton Copyright Sere mayo Save your cry - ing forthe day. en CHORUS > maj? i i FRR ql Fool, if you thin ‘cos you seid good-bye, Eg, amr > Eauot He FAR ie} Fool, if you thinkit’s ov Er ant omayr fl By Heo New bom eyes al-ways ery withpain. at the first look at themom-ing sun— Fool if youthinkit’s ov + cr, ifsjust be-gun.__ Ey Amt > cmay( i HH Ig Miss teen-age dream, — such a. tre-gic scene. Amt Pp may eg Ht . ee z 2S but how you cried — First wound of pride — a — =) — and cried but save your tears Gmalt Fook if youthink it’s ov - er cos yousaid good: bye—, i pee eto Tit telyou why. — By, Ant Pp cs ait! " in Hi Til buy your first—eood wine, ooh, wellhave. a real Ea Ant > Baust —s00d time Newbom eyes- ekways ery with pain. at the first look at the mom-ing sun Fade poco Fool, if youthinkit's ov - er, i'sjust be-gun._ NN’ ‘WORDS AND MUSIC EY CHRIS REA Fmaj7 Inthe mora-ing mad - ness_and stab-bing light, ers ke Se SS a ae = ee she pours the coffee and she says what was wrong with you last night? = Dreams, just dreams, my love we're half a-sleep, but the head-lines on ter-nis, 30 it EP MUSIC LIMITED fr he WORLD wilt Em? seems ev-"rysthing’s all (Well) Do youlike —ten-nis, do youlike —_tet-nis, do you like tennis? (Yes T do.) co Gat do you like ten-nis? Verse 2 “There's a girl from the Midwest with a pretty face, Scratched where it itched, they said it was a disgrace I.don't want to go to work today, Tyanna stay at home and waieh that gitl play Verse 3 “There are people in boats in the middle of the sea, Crying and dying like Jews, do you like tennis? And freedom is a man with a red grenade She ran out of gas, got beat and raped, do you like tennis? EVERY BEAT OF MY HEART WORDS AND MUSIC BY CHRIS REA, = z = ‘The — day-light breaks, @ pic-ture show of end-less_ takes__ take my place, Feductant ly T join the race, = h —_—=—_— * FE E aS a | i Sas Ea oe lane i tials and the mus-ic’scom-ing through. on the rad - i- 0. i's not —my fight,___—_just trying to stay on my fect ‘© copigh« 181 MAGNET MUSICLIMETED forthe WORLD Magee Howe, 22 Yu See, Land ‘ARighs Reserved laced Copy B} Gmc Be Cr Am Dut But oh, gets tome, isthat lit-tle she puts me down so eas-il-y In tot-al ab - surd, Withev-'ry beat__of my heart, _ F 07 omc with ev-'ry song, with ev’ ry beat__ of my g Fane 5 fi ia SS ee = Seal ae =| with ev = ‘ry with ev-"ry beat of my, of my Gmc ot he ” He ” ral. a ee heart. — Plead-ing love with ev-'ry beat of my heart. MIDNIGHT BLUE WORDS AND MUSICBY CRIS REA T got my money, T got it herein my hand. aaa et het — v —e e errata aye eee era ae ae + ed so long, but a good thing’s__ne-ver too late A D DE don’t take no chan-ces eave no-thing to. fate 1 wan-na, Step out in mid-night blue, mid-night blue 1 owant mid - D E D im jet zt mm = = = e night blue, pat = ‘oh gim-me, gim-me, gim-me yt mid-night blue Iwalk tall in mid-night blue, — Took good, oh in mid-night blue, A D E A VERSE 2: I watch the razors with their class and their style Dressed to kill, man their lives is just one great big smile And oh T wanna be there when they dish that stuft out Cool and collected, man that’s what it’s all abou So gimme gimme gimme I CAN HEAR YOUR HEARTBEAT we /ORDS AND MUSIC DY CHRIS REA a | In the silence of the side street, Bu-ro- pe-an disc - 0 3 And?'m sailing on your wind song ne the WORLD ‘inti, see - in the whis-per ofthe _ night, and it’s thump-ing out the _—_beat, oh can feel this sum - mer brecze, 9 ay as from the darkness of + the-— emp - ty_ hours there's 2 juke-box in a caf = é you've got me walking on my —tip_-=_—toes to the ear - ly mom - ing where the young-er ones. can you've got me stand-ing on my From the hus-tle down on main street with We got freer-ing Co-ca-Co - la wwe got From the mills way down in Pitts - burg to the g D i if ——s = a all its lights so bright, to the trucker on a high - way, an-y- thing you want, T ean fool the back beat, —— clubs of gay. Par - ee anno matcier where T roum girl pressing ioughthe night Git bat its youthat sings the sng cous you can aways set (0 me ase aa a f i i" oo oe T can hear your heart + beat 1 gandq can hear your heart - beat, 2.3 Leah: girl the sound ___ of __——— Pm in a sweet to me— ca 1 Cota @ 1 can hear your heart- beat yeah 1 6 SSS $ eer hear = your heart’ - beat, girl the sound__ 4 Repeat to fade WIRED TO THE MOON, "WORDS ANT MUSIC BY CHRIS REA Sleep to-night _ air Aas waavinioan. = You're fall-ing, through your dreams, ©cepyeg 84 MACINET MUSC LIMITED fe she WORLD Mase Howes 22 York Sass, Leb WIM MED. AMT Rights Recred ntrmtiool Capri Secred slid-ing down ev-or - y beam, —_ "cause youdon’, ; 2 a i fi don’t know how to hurt, don’t know how to lie you just don’t know how to youcould-n't if you tried, ‘moon. ‘Your in-no- cent light, will be shud-ows too zi == a ——— will be shad-ows all too —) Da coo Gut mjc F ® ae fa i fish sleep lit-tle an-gel, slay wir-ed to the moon, once knew Like the girl 1 ay 3 she was once hap py too Dm c pb io Sleep lit-tle an-gel, | Bic VERSE 2. je CE Dm A He Repeat to fade Wired to the Far away in the night I saw my mother, she was looking at you ‘And she said to me, My son don’t you wake that Title girl, Though T know you're wanting to ‘Cause you're wanting to laugh And you're wanting to play Til eave her in sweet dreams She may lose them one day Keep her wired to the moon, LOVE'S STRANGE WAYS WORDS AND MUSIC BV CHRIS REA & a ca passion shines her blind - ing light on you, you know my friend there's | Drown-ing in her laugh - ter as—you go, — in-tox-ic-at - ing ae Cmaj? Fmai? zi a fee ne no-thing you can reall-y do. laugh-ter spins you high and low. Just fol-low on be-hind_ Danger-ous times_, 2copyrgi HS MAGNET MLNIC LIMITED fo the WORLD » Mages Hone, 2 York Set. Leon‘ lips Reserved ttemacial ony Secured ae her veil St decp-est pur - ple haze, fare these, but oh so won-der-ful - ly new, love's strange ways. Laugh - long you fool, can't you see they're Tost in the haze I ed GIA Mt GA Am GIA. Fmaj? Fmt maj? fre = aa pon — : SE ats =f fun ~ ny —_how it turns when it’s all ov + nothing's es =—- = F - - =e ® justa— pas-sion and a me-mo-ry that burns, and that's what you —I— when you play with love's strange ways, TOUCHE D'AMOUR WORDS ANDI MUSIC BY CHRIS REA Fim ae SR estumenst ‘Touch-e d'am -our Touch-é d’am -our yours is a sum = ny day. Of this Pm sure, sail-ing a - round the room, like ne-ver be - fore (© caprighe ks MAGNET MUSICLIMITED fx the WORLD Mags House 22 ek Sucr Londen IH 17D ns AURights Reseed eatin Coprgh Secured S—S————————— —————— E ct i fi fe = 2 = = = = ve Biareice erica se T. just don't know what this could couldne-ver have come Cha ot ai i do to me, T on-lywamt it__to touch-é d’am - “ev - ef, for it to last for-ever I Baier cut fayp el touch - € @'am-our. touch-é d’am-our, tn fae a — SS F wantthisdance tolast for - e-ver, Gin Fa 4 sa Ea Gad Q fee for it to last for-e-ver more. Toucte-é d’am - fiat ia bit BER reneot to fade ACE OF HEARTS WORD ANT MUSIC BY CHRIS REA Could this be true, could this be me, —_ the one who kept = - = = Ea — himself so high and free. Caught up in the high-est game of all__ and ofhearls— can save me now.— Iwake in earl - yhours and [call your ap hn? ote? has it! ff ie a ew re-alise as the tears start to flow like rain — Sud-den-ly 1 wind-ow pane 3 2 To Coda) On-ly theace ofheaf™2_ —camsave_me now. — = - ly theace ofhearts___—canssave_me now Ace of hearts, __ tell me what's this game we're play - ing. Ace ofhearts, ___it's_all down to you I'm lost. lost like a a strange dream, Op-en your door E Cm and pull me, pull me pull me through. ee a AB E hut A AB > E Cm7 fe FR ff Repeat 10 fade theace ofhearts____ can save me now. — VERSE 3): Y'm flying like the wind in the dead of night, T'm flying so high searching for them landing lights. And T’ve never been this way before, Darling all | need is your love more and more, Only the ace of hearts can save me now. I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS BUT | LOVE IT {WORDS ANND MUSIC BY CHRIS REA coos Bb FA x03 FA cms ay Ge Gah gs ae fk as ae Could it be just that I'm eraz - ‘And itseems—— to be— a-round_ FA op Caos pa i - a vould it be the way_ I feel___this time of ye. me ¢-venthough no one.can see they sccm to share, a ee Whena cert - ainsit- u-at - ion seemstobring the best_out of. Deep in-side the wild-est daydreams go. so. far they scare me, frank - Caos FA pb F bh omhe c ene ene ee eee some-thing turns. in-side: the point____ of nore turm._ € And [don’t___know what it_is but Hove it, o Bo c 5 Bm Ht a we aH don’t know what it isbut Iwant__ it to stay. I don't know what it is but Ilove__it, don’t know what it is but Twant__ it to stay, and Tove G Em c OD pr Bh es phic fi nye ec c D> a if HE) ERs. co fade Oh Tdontt — SHAMROCK DIARIES "WORDS AND MUSIC BY CHRIS REA Gc Gc ae af = = Gc cic Ep pe Inwayes of peo-ple youcan lose your fect, you gotta stay hard to the ground, oie G Gc FB« Tp It gots so ca-sy now to ose your way ‘when you're ev-er out-ward bound. 4 oF co cor Church bell ring-ing in the fading light. stops you dead like a cold steel! ©opyeghe 1985 MACNET MUSIC LIMITED fr dae WORLD ‘gee Home 22 York Serves London WIL 1D * Allie Heese. Inrrvonl Copyrgh Scted ee oe Fa Pe ¢ _ So, 22 ——— oe ed ands sure as God. youl fal Gp G 3 GIA FD 6 Gc ap BEB ev sh A ie = SS Efe ot And T see you and I see me, 7 - FD & gic oA RD oe aa HH a on ‘ a AB 1 sce it all like it used to be. like di-ar-y op cD GA FD oF oF cp OF a fi i And all the reasons why you started out hit youhard with ev-'ry Like some-thing lost in-side your 0 - ver-coat youfindit lat = er by mis - Tm gon-na write it in a di-ar-y now I re-memberey-"ry bell the choir prac-tice in the empi-y hall is a sound youknow so stake, youlost it all a thousand years a-g0 and you pray i's not too thing, yeah, T remember how it “used to be with ev'ry note that choir boy ——-. I # - And T sce you and I see me, oie GA FID HB. AED Repeat ad lib to fade T seit all like it used to be like a di-ar-y STEEL RIVER WORDS AND MUSICBY CHRIS REA Gp cD OE op ae Twas born and raised_ on I secit all___ like it was op cB c cp DE fs yes-ter - day. — The ships and bridg-es they were all de-liv - ered (© Copyghe 985 MAGNET MUSICLIMETED or he WORLD “ gece Hoa 22 Yok Sec Lanes Will IED ‘All tgie Heer. Inerantoal Copyright Scared 1h : - T_T =< op G a from Syd-ney bar-bour to the "sis-co bay. — cp DE Gp continue) os esi @rinstr T met my loye down on we served our dreams and spent op DIE child-bood In rainy streets we'd kiss a GB ce cD and hide from fear in-side the lastest craze way the shiv — ers C6 GB D be (instr.) ii mak - inglove witha Car-ole King_ re-cord play-ing. i a i a =e Oh howl loved you, say good-bye, say good-bye ais En e = c " pay! Repeat ad lib. to fade VERSE 2 VERSE 3: ‘Ten thousand bombers hit the Steel River And many died to keep her running free, ‘And she survived but now she’s gone forever Her burning heart is just a memory. And [ran away from life on Steel River Luck or not, I gladly took the break, ‘The odds were low the chances nearly zero But chance it was Thad to take. ‘They say that salmon swim in Steet River ‘They say that it’s good to sec them back again, know it hurts to see what really happened know one salmon ain’t no good to them. ‘They were born and raised to serve their Steel Mother [i was all they taught and all they ever knew. And they believed that she would keep their children Even though aot a single word was true. JOSEPHINE ‘WORDS AND MUSICBY CHRIS REA De Gm? Gmc Dm i ie EE Sel Gm? Gmtic c Dn ‘There's rain on my window, burT'm think-ing of you tears on my pil-low Gn? FE = kf cay bat I willcome through Jo-seph - ine, rit ©cepyrgh 985 MAGNET MUSIC LIMITED fe the WORLD = "Uspoe Hone 2 Yok Sire London Wi IED AbRight Reserved nema Copy Seated TT Gms RE ect send you all__my love, ev-"ry sing - Ie step___. take, Gms we c mC oc Bhnai? Til take_ for you, send you all__ my send you all___ my Jo-seph-ine, Gut le. okies Ei (2) Now there's a Bhnaj7 Dm ead Dm i ee a TIL send you all my love, Jo-seph - ine, __ Bhai? c Dm Gn? : Ga Hi Z + Repeat ad lib, to fade Til send you all___ my Jo-seph- VERSE 2: Now there’s a storm on my radar but I can still ly But you are the reason for the blue in my sky. VERSE 3: Life without meaning, | was walking away In the coldest of winters the night becomes day STAINSBY GIRLS ‘WORDS AND MUSIC BY CHRIS REA : ‘a eo ie i Some girls used to kissand run, they ne-ver knew what they had done. 2 FE es E cfm B A if : e 5 HE ie AEB se. HE ihe ‘Some girls al-ways wasted your time. and keep you hang-ing on the line._ Some loved horses and al-ways stayed at_home. aoe See See ©ceysighe 85 MAGNET MUSIC LIMITED for Maat Hous, 22 York Set, London WH FD ‘AL igi Masri Cope a em 2 A NE is a eee OE oo Stains - by girls loved the Roll - ing Stones. Eo oe e z eeL> = Zi Now and fell in love, and I fell in love, Stains-by gil. ___ 1 fell in Love with 2 cova ae ey] as Staine-by girl pia VERSE 2: VERSE 3: ‘Now some had games that you had to play ‘Making rules along the way, Strange attractions newly found Pride and passion kicked around. Some girls siole your heart like most girls do, But a Stainsby girl could break it in two. Deepest water, Stainsby blue Running straight and running, true, Names and faces fade away Memory is here to stay. ‘Some girls sieal your heart like most girls do But a Stainsby girl could break it in two, ON THE BEACH WORDS AND MUSIC BY CHRIS REA Fm? Dbnaj? ee x Ped * peg — a Fm? Dhaj7 C710 Fn? = 4 « Be - tween the eyes_ of love, (© copymphe Wee MAGNET MUSICLIMETED fe she WORLD gre Fe, 22 ek see Lond IED all ight Here. nernscal Copynighe Scie a be = hind their guard-ed walls o crn 7-10 Fa HH me iE o ci-10 Fm? Ce cr10 Em? he oe bail sum-mer wind Up on a Lused to go. there’sa cer - tain __me-lod-y, takes me back to the place _ m7 Dbmaj7 ob Fat a that T know. on the beach, = = : — ie —— 2g ee 2 The eee kes ree my heart hang-ing onto this_ hat ay Dhaai? eo on Fm sweet day of - sire she Fx Bie anda nightthat burnedlike fi > re. to the place car pbnay? that 1. know, ssh Ped Dh? D4 Ey i ae ro Repeat to fade ‘on the beach. VERSE 2: The secrets of the summer I will keep ‘The sands of time will blow a mystery, No one but you and I Underneath that moonlit sky, Take me back to the place that [ know On the beach. GIVERNY WORDS AND MUSIC BY CHRIS REA cada addy caso Deep in- side these old dust - y walls there’sa sacred heart — SS SS eae ae ————— wbacay Td know this gard - en an-y-whore. cada = + She was warn she was deep sum-mer-time,—_ she was love it ©cepypi 99 MAGIVET MUSICLINITED fir the WORLD Mique Hove, 22 Yok Set Landon Wid ED. AL igh Retro otrona Capri Sere self andshe was stand - ing there, [galy » c bm Stand-ing close,.so close to___ me. Tclose_ Giverny, bm ig Giver ab fiz | 400 doo do0 doo woo} Giever-ny. Gi-ver-ny, doo doo doo doo i Repeat ad lib. to fade VERSE 2 And in this strange and holy place Tlooked for love and found it everywhere Tr was what you saw She came to see Because of you, she was standing there. VERSE 3: Books may burn and rain may fall But what is here I know will last Forever more Colours change, there are no defines She was love itself, and I thank you for giving me... LUCKY DAY WORDS AND MUSIC BY CHRIS REA. E Fim 5 ey mA Fa 5 a & A lit-tle bit of day = chm? Dmajt shine on my pill - ow, win = dow_ come through my (©ofyrgh 986 MAGNET MUSIC LMFTED fr she WORLD AV iis Receid Inertial Copy Serre Fim D E Fan ca mor -ing,— hope is © - tem =al,— bet-ter to look at it__this way.— — Thiscould be___ my luck - y day this could be — this could be___my Iuck-y day —my luck = y day D AiCh Bm? A D AIG Bm? ay ie] ae) a ae Ge = this could be _my tek - y day. Fin DOF Fin D iz eee _— A glass filled with crys-tals,_. No in hib - Dmaj? D E Cha? ff ae Hg skis ae ay six miktion rain - bows, gift-ed to see with child-ren's eyes. __ na-ive for - ev - er, betier look-ing up than look - ing down. Ere: = got - Had th x cee ae hit 2S See Aleways small chanee,. of shooting that rain - bow, Don’t try 10 beat it, twist and de = feat it, <-{4 fan raf bless this dawn with sweet sur-prise this could be___ my luck - y day leave those kind of com - pli-cat-ions, never to be found. in Jete. a eS * fia ie if iif SSS Sa This coulel be—__my luck =y day. — D A E A ; a ee sat. 10 fate this could be my s WORDS AND MUSIC RY CHRIS REA CE F Ce pF CE F Am G CE pF ae FEST IRAE FS Be CE oF GE F sm naj? A care-less heart ain't no ——————— (© coprighe Ns MAGNET MUSIC LIMITED fee WORLD “ "Mgner Hore 22 Yar Ser Landon OH 3H). AU Rights Rexel. nematonal Copyright ceed TT mali what be-came of my child-hood day-dreams, re e Pmaj7 of alll the things that used to Em? Dm? T stood a-lone, Dm? GS T walked 2 river of a waking o Fini? ae To my sur-prise Frit dream My fa-ther say ce~ “Fr Fm? Em es mG 7 i (CHORUS) Know what you're think-ing, — guess this old town’s seo bet-ter days_ it’s all gone, ain't no - thing for—you here ne Its all gone_, AE ain't no - thing for—_you here now, Sail. on, — ain't no - thing for__you here___now. fe A aS paler Fr 3 re fs ain't no - VERSE 2: VERSE 3/8, Ea Repeat to fade thing for__you here sail_on__ ‘You call for change, something better Cutting down that big old tree. Flesh and blood, they're in there somewhere No matter what, you just don’t seem to see, I walk your chambers, your empty halls see you talking behind the doors, My father say “know what you're thinking Guess this old town’s seen better day: T'm sailing on, I'm running faster Than I ever run before My father sey “know what you're thinking ‘Guess this old town’s seen better days.” SINGLES SO MUCH LOVE/BORN TO LOSE . FOOL (IF YOU THINK IT'S OVERY/MIDNIGHT LOVE WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BENNY SANTINI/THREE ANGELS DIAMONDS/CLEVELAND CALLING RAINCOAT AND A ROSE/NO QUALIFICATIONS, ‘TENNIS/IF YOU REALLY LOVE ME DANCING GIRLS/FRIENDS ACROSS THE WATER, LOVING YOUAET ME BE THE ONE EVERY BEAT OF MY HEART/DONT LOOK BACK LET FT LOOSE/URBAN SAMURAL LET IT LOOSE (SPECIAL EXTENDED REMIX)(Gom the motion picture film ‘Cross Count SIERKA SIERIA/URBAN SAMURKAL I CAN HEAR YOUR HEARTBEAT/FROM LOVE TO LOVE I CAN HEAR YOUR HEARTBEAT (SPECIAL EXTENDED MIX)’ FROM LOVE TO LOVE/FRIENDS ACROSS THE WATER LOVE'S STRANGE WAYS/SMILE, I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS BUT | LOVE IT/MYSTERY MAN | DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS BUT | LOVE IT/ DON'T KNOW WHAT ITISBUTI LOVE I (7" wevion)MYSTERY MAN BOMBOLEINI/TRUE LOVE SOMBOLLINI/txcopts from BOMBOLLINU TRUE LOVE, ‘TOUCHE DAMOUR SPECIAL REMIX) TOUCHE D'AMOUR (ineramental ‘TOUCHE DAMOUR §PECIAL EXTENDED REMIX/ TOUCHE DAMOUR (SPECIAL REMIX) -7” version/ TOUCHE DAMOUR fiosteumental) ACE OF HEARTS (SPECIAL REMIX|/Excerpss from I CAN HIPAR YOUR HEARTBEAT recorded live atthe Montreux Jaze Festival ACE OF HEARTS/I CAN HEAR YOUR HEARTBEAT/FROM LOVE TO LOVE STAINSBY GIRLS/AND WHEN SHE SMILES STAINSBY GIRLS (SAX MIX)/AND WHEN SHE SMILES? SUNRISE/DANCING SHOES/SEPTEMBER BLUE JOSEPHINE/DANCING SHOES. {JOSEPHINE/DANCING SHOES/EVERYTIME IT RAINS Hos IT'S ALL GONE/BLESS THEM ALL 28286 ITS ALL GONE/CRACK THAT MOULD/LOOK OUT FOR ME/BLESS THEM ALLALETSDANCE 282.86 ON THE DEACH GPECIAL REMIX)F ANYBODY ASKS YOU, tesa (ON THE BEACH GPECIAL EXTENDED REMIX)1F ANYHODY ASKS YOU/ (ON THE BEACH [SPECIAL REMIX - 7” version) ALBUMS WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BENNY SANTINI DELTICS TENNIS: CHRIS REA WATERSIGN. WIRED TO THE MOON ‘SHAMROCK DIARIES (ON THE BEACH 144.86

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