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How to create a Domain in ABAP

If you are new to ABAP programming, the concept of Domain may sound a little bit strange to you, but you should keep in mind that you are working with the most basic concept in ABAP
dictionary. A solid foundation of ABAP dictionary will help you a lot in ABAP programming, and Domain is one of the very first basic foundation of the ABAP dictionary, together with Data

This tutorial will show you the most basic but useful nature of Domain usage.

Scenario: You will need to consider to create a Domain in one of these cases:

You have to create a table containing a field (or several fields) which you want to set data type as well as output length for that field.


In your program, you want the input field just to accept some certain data, not everything entered by the users.


In your system, there are no existing customizing Domains to fulfill one of the two requirements above.

Definition of Domain
As it is usually described, Domain defines the technical property of a table, which includes the output type or output length for a table field. E.g you may want to have your field type as CHAR for
character type, or NUMC for Numeric type. The table is normally used with Domains via Data element. If you are not aware of ABAP data types well, you can read this article.

Steps to create a domain:

Step 1: Go to ABAP dictionary: In SE11, choose option Domain, input name YSD_DO_AUART, click button Create or press F5 to create the Domain

Step 2: Enter the short description for the domain, e.g: Customizing domain for sale document type.

Step 3: The most important part is here. In the tab Definition, you have to input the Data type. You can refer to the SAP standard domain of sale document type AUART, which the Data type is
defined as CHAR, and number of characters is 4.

On pressing F4 on the field Data type or choose the input help of this field, you can see a list of data types. Choose type CHAR, and input the Number of Characters as 4.

Step 4: In the block Output Characteristics, there are 2 input fields you may need to know:

Output length: This will control the number of the characters displayed on the screen. The number of characters for this domain YSD_DO_AUART has been set as 4, so the
maximum output characters will be 4. You can input number 4 for this field.

Convers. Routine or Conversion routine: The conversion routine is use to convert the external data to SAP internal data and vice versa. Referring to the standard domain AUART,
you can put the conversion routine as AUART. More discussion about conversion routine can be found here.

Step 5: Thats all you need for the most basic steps to create a domain. Now if you click the Save button or press Ctrl + S, a dialog will popup for you to enter the package name, just input $TMP
as the local package. And we can activate the domain at this point by clicking the Activate button

or press Ctrl + F3.

Create a domain in dictionary

But you may want to go further to enable a field to restrict input data from users. So lets go to the next step.

Step 6: In order to restrict input data from users by some fixed values, choose the tab Value Range which is next to the tab Definition. You can see 3 blocks:

Single Vals: this list contains single values that you want the domain to restrict.
Intervals: This list contains intervals of values which has a lower limit and an upper limit of those values.

Value table: Here you input the table which contains data to be restricted.

For the purpose of this tutorial, you can input sale order type CMRC and CMRP with description as Standard Order.

Adding some fixed values for an ABAP domain

Now activating the domain by clicking Activate button or pressing Ctrl + F3, and youve got it !

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