Freud, "Character and Anal Eroticism"

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CHARAKTER UND ANALEROTIK (2) Gansu Borror 1908. Petit. Wick, 9 (82) [March], 405-7, 1909. S.AS.N., 2, 152-197. (1912, 2nd ed; 1921, Sed 14 GS, §, 261-7, 1881 Strato nd Treumbte, 62-8 19h Gv, 7, 208-9, (6) Brot Traxstaion “Character and Anal Erotsn’ 1924 GP, 2, 45-80. (Tr. R. C. MoWatters) ‘The present wandation is a modified version of the one pablshed in 1924, ‘The theme ofthis paper has now become 40 familiar that itis dificult to realize the astonihment and indignation hich it aroused oni it publication. The three character traits which are here asociated with atl exotism, had a9 we Team from Emest Jones (1955, 381-2), already been ‘mentioned by Freud in a letter to Jung of October 27, 1906, Hee had associated money and miserliness with fects in a letter to Flies of December 22, 1297, (Freud, 1950, Letter 79). The paper was no doubt party stimblated by the analysis of the “Rat Man’ (19004), which had been cone ‘cluded shorly before, vhough the special connection between anal eros and obsesional neurosis was only brovght ox Some years late, in “The Dispoition to Obsesional Neurosis! (19131). Another cae history, that ofthe ‘Wolf Ma? (9106 [91¢)), led toa further expansion of the copie which is dealt, with hete—the paper ‘On Transformations of Instinct? (sire 18 CHARACTER AND ANAL EROTISM Avon tne whom we ty 1 ep y ear SiSeencone aye pnon wins mae "Peal ofa crn st hater ile TB me our attention i drawn to he behaviour i is 2 ee ts boty fscons an he organ oe Seat cmon my tte dev roe mt gan wo ie ean pein that there wat ‘Sine organte connection between hs typeof character and SE ecrePan oun ten aa cer hat a eee cpetan aed any pen hau impresn. "er tad aperence haa 20 mach sengtened = ence of ach conection tha T 0) re cto mak ie met of commaniaon Fre nm aba to dete ae newer 8 segue coinaton othe ns floving nash, ‘ye apni in sas Bo Te Saectunly covet ssl group oes of fee ‘lated eharactertaits. “Ordery covers the notion of bodily seer al a of conelentinancn in eayng 8 see aad waters, Ts ppt would be - a Selecta Panay say appear nthe ar antl vay and obimuy ea go ve Ino fey Oe hic tage and revegctone oe ely Scns tar goles” patimony doin Ser wah ter ve ly hn ey rw se es eres Tey ato, the meena et fthe wide cmp ee senso meno Secale inne way bln topes, "ni naman. The lng of sox “Seay pin So Sects ea eg ca pepe he me Silas Fae bm) CHARACTER AND ANAL DROTISM cis eay to gather from these people's early childhood history cht they took a comparatively lng time to overcome ‘hr infantile incontinent al [faecal incontinence, and that ‘even in later childhood they suffered fioun isolated failures ‘ef this faction infants thoy sccm to have belonged us te ‘lass who refse to empty their bovels when they ar put on the pot because they derive a subsidiary plessare fom Aetaceatng for they tell us that even in somewhat later years chy enjoyed holding back tet stool, and they emem= bber—though more readily about thie brothers and ster: than about thenselves—doing all sort of wnscemly things with the feces that had been passed. From these indications we infr that such people are bora with a sexwal constitution, in which the erotogencity ofthe anal zone is exceptionally strong. But since none ofthese weaknesses sod idiyncracies are to befound in them once their childhood has been passed, ‘we must conelude that the anal zone had lot its erotogenic significance in the course of development; and it i to be suspected that Uh regularity with which this tiad of proper- tis present in their character may be brough< ito relation With the disappearance of their anal eros, ‘know that noone s prepared to believe ina state of things solong sit appear to be unintligible and to offer no angle from which an explanation can be attempted. But we can at least bring the underlying foctore aearer to our understand= ing by the help ofthe postulaces I laid down in my Three Essays on the Theory of Sealy in 1985." There aternped to show thatthe sexual instinct of man ie highly complex and is put together fom contributions made by numerous ‘constituents and component instincts. Important coutibc tions to ‘sexual excitation’ ae furnished by the peripheral ‘excitations of certain specially designated pasts of the body "red, Thre Bsy on he Thy of Sout (19054), Stodird 7188 "he material inthe preent paragraph i derived sly fom Secon ofthe iat siny an Stn the seco (Stns Ed, Wir and 1768) CHARACTER AND ANAL EROTISM TL the genitals, mouth, anus, urethra), whiely therfore de- lerve to be described ss ‘efotogenie zones. But the amounts tfeeitation coming in frm thse parts ofthe body do not ‘HV undergo the same vcisitudes, no isthe fate of all of them thie uae at every pesiod ef fe: Gneally speaking, only 0 part of them is made use of fa veal life: another part i Gefccted from sexual aime and directed towards others—_ process which deserves the name of ‘sublimation’. During the period of ie which may be called the period of ‘sexual Tateney’ Le. om the completion of the fth year to the first manifestations of puberty (round about the eleventh year) teaction-ormadions, or eounter-frees, such as shame, fisgose and morality, are ereted in the mind. They are fsctually formed at the expense ofthe excitations proceeding from the esotogenic zones, and they ss ike dams to oppose the later setvity of the sexnal instincts. Now anal ert is tne ofthe components ofthe [Sexual] instinct whic, in the Course of developmient and in aceotdance withthe education demanded by our prevent

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