Assesd Coaching Lesson Plan 1

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Moves from the back of a ruck

Warm up:
The warm up should be conducted width ways on the pitch, between the touch
line and midway of the pitch (middle of goal posts).
High knees out jog back
Heel flicks out jog back
Jog to half way 10 press ups sprint to opposite side
Squats out jog back
Lunges out jog back
Jog to half way 10 sit ups sprint to opposite side
Jog around the pitch stop in each corner to carry out a static stretch of the
upper body
(Designate 1 -4 people to lead the stretch in each corner)

Passing through the hands:

Split into groups of 4 (depending on number of groups, 1-2 balls can be used).
Set up 2 lines, extra groups fall in behind, start them passing along their own
group and popping the ball to the opposite group when complete. (Emphasis in
this stage should be the accuracy of the pass, depth/timing of the run and speed
of the pass).
Miss pass, 1st and 2nd man.
1st man loops, while other drift across.
Switch pass the last man.
(Any combination of the above can be used in tandem)

Rucking practice:
Spilt into groups of 4. One group to hold bags, the others to for the rucking team.
Ball carrier tacks the ball into contact, park the ball, clear out the ruck, 4 th man
picks and goes back into contact on the next bag holder.
With the same groups, but this time the bag holders stagger there line on a
diagonal. 1st 4 man pod takes into contact, 4th man picks and passes the ball to
the next pod, who then take into contact and repeat for the remaining pods.
(Emphasis should be in correct body positions, angles of the drive, identifying the
main threats)

Rucking practice continued:

Using the techniques learnt and reviewed in the previous stages of the session,
the advance to this drill consists of implementing the ABC move from the back
a ruck that it in play. This drill requires a pod if 4 to take the ball into contact
while a pod of three hang back opposite the other teams number 10. The ball is
passed from the back the ruck with the call of either A B or C, this determines
who is catching and taking the ball in from the spate pod, the ball I then taken
into contact and then the drill is repeated by the other pods of 4/3.

Cool down:
1 lap of the pitch slow gentle pace.

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